Technology Stocks

Jacobs will continue to expand its critical mission solutions business

Business Strategy & Outlook

Since taking the helm in 2015, CEO Steve Demetriou has transformed Jacobs’ portfolio to increase recurring revenue and reduce cyclicality. In 2017, Jacobs acquired CH2M for $3.3 billion to bolster its presence in the transportation, water, nuclear, and environmental services end markets. In April 2019, Jacobs completed the sale of its energy, chemicals, and resources (ECR) business to WorleyParsons for $3.3 billion. Jacobs operates three business segments: critical mission solutions, people & places solutions, and PA Consulting.

Jacobs’ portfolio transformation favorably. As the ECR segment had high exposure to volatile oil and gas prices, and its operating margins have long lagged those of the firm’s other segments, the divestment will lower the risk and boost the margins of Jacobs’ portfolio. Furthermore, the strategic fit of the CH2M acquisition, as the deal has bolstered the firm’s nuclear business, allowing it to become a Tier 1 nuclear services provider, and increased Jacobs’ exposure to end markets that will benefit from favorable long-term trends, including water and transportation.

 Jacobs will continue to expand its critical mission solutions business through strategic M&A, particularly focusing on opportunities that would allow the firm to enhance its capabilities in cybersecurity, IT, and predictive analytics. In the long-run, the company is poised to capitalize on multiple favorable secular drivers, including infrastructure modernization, space exploration, intelligence analytics, energy transition, supply-chain investments (particularly in the semiconductor and life sciences end markets), and the 5G buildout. Jacobs is well-positioned to benefit from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill in the U.S., given the firm’s strong position in areas such as water and transportation infrastructure.

Financial Strengths

Jacobs maintains a sound capital structure. As of December 2021, the firm owed approximately $3.1 billion in long-term debt, while holding roughly $1.2 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company will have a debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 2 times in fiscal 2022. At the recent Investor Day, management indicated that it would be willing to increase the leverage ratio up to around 3 times to fund M&A but would generally reduce leverage following any potential acquisitions. Jacobs’ financial health is satisfactory, considering the firm’s ability to generate cash flows throughout the business cycle.

Bulls Say

  • Management has shifted Jacobs’ portfolio toward sectors with favorable long-term prospects, including transportation and water.
  • The sale of the ECR business to WorleyParsons should reduce the risk of Jacobs’ remaining portfolio by lowering its exposure to volatile oil and commodity prices. Additionally, following the divestment, roughly two thirds of the remaining segments’ revenue is recurring.
  • The operating margins to expand due to synergies from the CH2M acquisition, SG&A cost reductions, and favorable mix shift.

Company Description

Jacobs Engineering is a global provider of engineering, design, procurement, construction, and maintenance services as well as cyber engineering and security solutions. The firm serves industrial, commercial, and government clients in a wide variety of sectors, including water, transportation, healthcare, technology, and chemicals. Jacobs Engineering employs approximately 55,000 workers. The company generated $14.1 billion in revenue and $1.2 billion in adjusted operating income in fiscal 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Apple’s Capital Management – $90bn buyback announced + dividend increased

Investment Thesis:

  • High barriers to entry. Strong strategic position in the rapidly growing global smartphone market especially with high end consumers. Loyal consumer base resulting in lower competitive pressure, and higher pricing power.
  • Recent share price de-rating is likely factoring in near-term headwinds. 
  • Large cash balance and strong free cash flow supporting share buyback and dividend payout.
  • Leading positions in iPhone (~55.0% of revenue); iPads (~7.0%); and Macs (~9.0%)
  • Other products (such as wearables and home products) – APPL seized the leading position off the back of a surge in smartwatch sales in a market expected to grow single digit till 2022 and double digit thereafter.
  • Strong senior executive team reducing (not totally eliminating) key man risk. 

Key Risks:

  • Geo-political tensions. The trade war between the USA and China poses a threat to the company’s future profits. AAPL currently obtains components from single or limited sources (mostly China), the Company is subject to significant supply and pricing risks. Also, Greater China is a major market contributing to approximately 20% (1H22) of total revenue and any retaliatory efforts from Beijing could impact those sales.
  • Whilst there are only a handful of competitors, the competition is Intense from Android manufacturers. The most notable competitors in the smartphone market (which contributes 50% of Apple’s revenues) are the Korean giant Samsung and two rapidly growing Chinese smartphone players in Huawei and Xiaomi. On raw performance specs (i.e., camera, maps, screen size, charge time, etc.), one may assert that AAPL devices are technically inferior to a handful of Android devices.
  • Movements in U.S. dollar (USD). The greenback’s strong gain recently (due to currency’s safe-haven appeal in the light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war), meaning foreign currency earnings of AAPL can be worth less when translated back to USD. The weakness in foreign currencies relative to USD will have an adverse impact on net sales.
  • Adverse regulatory policies. 

Key Highlights:

  • Strong shareholder returns with the Company returning ~$27bn ($3.6bn in dividends + $22.9bn in buybacks) during 2Q22. The Board authorized an additional $90bn for share repurchases and increased 2Q22 dividend by +5% to $0.23 a share with plans for annual increases in the dividend going forward.
  • Ample liquidity with $193bn in cash and marketable securities and $120bn in debt, resulting in a net cash position of $73bn.
  • Revenue increased +9% YoY to $97.3bn, setting new 2Q records in the Americas, Europe and greater China, with Product revenue up +7% YoY to $77.5bn and installed base of active devices reaching an all-time high for all major product categories as well as geographic segments, and Services setting an all-time revenue record of $19.8bn, up +17% YoY with 2Q records in every geographic segment and services category as the Company continued to improve the quality and increased its offerings. AAPL plans to introduce tap-to-pay on iPhone (way for businesses to accept contactless payments) across the U.S. by end of FY22.
  • Gross margin increased +120bps YoY to 43.7%, with favourable mix partially offset by unfavourable FX, with Products margin up +30bps YoY to 36.4% and Services margin up +250bps YoY to 72.6%.
  • Net income of $25bn (up +6% YoY) and diluted EPS of $1.52 (up +9% YoY) were 2Q records. 

Company Description:

Apple Inc. (AAPL) designs and manufactures media devices and personal computers (Macs), and sells a variety of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions and third-party digital content and applications. The company leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, apple watch and Apple tv.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

TechnicFMC Projected To Profit From Increased Operational Efficiency And Differentiated Product Offerings

Business Strategy and Outlook

TechnipFMC has cultivated a reputation as a top provider for subsea equipment and services, a factor that’s crucial in a space where customers seek solutions for some of the most challenging engineering problems in the world. The firm’s recent spinoff of its Technip Energies sector (representing the firm’s onshore E&C business) has transformed TechnipFMC into a pure-play technology and service provider for the offshore market. The firm still holds a 7% share in Technip Energies, but management intends to exit its ownership position by the end of 2022. Moving forward, TechnipFMC intends to focus on its integrated services like its iFEED studies for front-end engineering and design and its iEPCI program, among other specialized offerings. Through these, the firm can work with customers from early phase design through the life of the field. TechnipFMC ultimately aims to simplify subsea field layouts by acting as a one-stop shop for offshore producers, which, if successful, will reduce wellsite costs and production times for operators while creating a stickier, more profitable customer base for the firm. 

So far, the firm appears to be executing well in its integration strategy. It’s dominated competitors in winning contracts over the last few years, posting record order intake in 2019 and winning over half of subsea tree contracts awarded in 2020. As of third quarter 2021, about two thirds of TechnipFMC’s active front-end engineering (FEED) studies were integrated projects. If the firm continues this trajectory, its integration strategy could lead to outperformance compared with its peers in the subsea industry, at least in the near term. Investment in offshore oil and gas production is projected to increase over the next five years, which will provide ample opportunity for TechnipFMC to further cement its positioning as a leading subsea technology and services provider.

Financial Strength

TechnipFMC is in solid financial health. While the firm is no longer in negative net debt due to its spinoff of Technip Energies (which operates with substantial cash balances), at $2 billion, its debt burden still is not large. About 75% of this will come due over the next five years, mostly due to a $600 million note maturing in 2026. At the last reporting period, TechnipFMC had about $1.2 billion of cash on hand, and nearly $1 billion available on its credit facility. Management intends to liquidate its remaining position in Technip Energies (currently around 2%) over the next year and use the proceeds to pay off some of its remaining debt. Net debt to EBITDA is expected to  remain below 1 times over the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • TechnipFMC will derive a first-mover advantage from its Subsea 2.0 solution by delivering cost-saving subsea equipment and services to its customers. 
  • The firm is well positioned to capitalize on the significantly growing demand for integrated services which, beyond expanding its already significant market share will provide downcycle protection, as well. 
  • Increased investment in offshore production will provide ample opportunity for TechnipFMC to secure more long-term contracts that will continue driving value in the event of a future slowdown.

Company Profile 

TechnipFMC is the largest provider of integrated deep-water offshore oil and gas development solutions, offering the full spectrum of subsea equipment and subsea engineering and construction services. The company also provides various surface equipment used with onshore oil and gas wells. TechnipFMC originated with the 2017 merger of predecessor companies Technip and FMC Technologies.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Global stocks Shares

Inflated Raw Material Costs In Conjunction With Significant Market Competition To Impede Growth For Catalent Inc.

Business Strategy and Outlook

Catalent is a leading contract development and manufacturing organization, or CDMO. The company has an extensive network of partnerships with pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms that leverage its expertise and scale to optimize drug production and avoid the risks of in-house drug manufacturing. The challenges and compliance risks associated with changing a drug’s manufacturing process create a sticky relationship for Catalent’s customers. Drug companies tend to stick with trusted suppliers with good track records of regulatory compliance, which makes them unlikely to switch to a different CDMO. Catalent provides a range of development and manufacturing solutions for drugs, protein-based biologics, cell and gene therapies, and consumer health products throughout the entire life cycle of a product from the drug development process to commercial supply. Outsourcing penetration is anticipated to continue incrementally increasing, driven by the complexities of biologics manufacturing. 

Biologics are large, complex molecules such as antibodies, recombinant proteins, vaccines, and cell and gene therapies. Catalent’s biologics segment accounted for 48% of its fiscal year 2021 revenue. The biologics manufacturing process requires around-the-clock maintenance, with an emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the cell and its DNA as well as keeping the cells free of contaminants. The same cell line reproduces to continue making the product until the end of the drug’s life. Therefore, for clients to switch manufacturers would require establishing a new cell line that would result in variations, or transferring the technology, which makes it vulnerable to changes as well. Biopharma customers are likely to continue outsourcing to CDMOs in order to benefit from access to flexible capacity and manufacturing improvements. According to Industry Standard Research, only one third of pharmaceutical manufacturing is currently conducted in-house while two thirds are outsourced.

Financial Strength

Catalent is in fair financial health, and the business is expected to continue providing a steady stream of cash. The company has historically utilized debt, particularly for acquisitions. Catalent ended 2021 with $3.2 billion in total debt after completing several acquisitions over the last few years of biologics-focused businesses, cell and gene therapy companies, and a gummies manufacturer. Catalent is focused on expanding its biologics capabilities to meet increased demand for complex biologics manufacturing and diversify its offerings to customers. The company is expected to be able to meet its financial obligations thanks to continued strong growth. At the end of 2021, Catalent had nearly $900 million in cash and equivalents, which is considered a healthy amount to support additional growth.

Bulls Say’s

  • Contract development and manufacturing organizations like Catalent have sticky businesses with long-term contracts and high switching costs for its customers. 
  • As drug portfolios are increasingly made up of complex drugs like biologics and emerging therapies, Catalent’s biopharma customers will be more reliant on outsourced manufacturing. 
  • With its global scale, Catalent is less dependent on any one customer or drug, which allows it to better absorb unexpected late-stage trial failures or drops in demand.

Company Profile 

Catalent is a contract development and manufacturing organization, or CDMO. It operates under four segments: biologics, softgel and oral technologies, oral and specialty delivery, and clinical supply services. Catalent derives its revenues primarily from long-term supply agreements with pharmaceutical customers. The company provides a range of development and manufacturing solutions for drugs, protein-based biologics, cell and gene therapies, and consumer health products throughout the entire life cycle of a product from the drug development process to commercial supply. Catalent has over 50 facilities across four continents.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Link’s First-Half Result a Formality as Acquisition inches Closer (Corrected)

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

Link Administration has created a narrow economic moat in the Australian and U.K. financial services administration sectors via its leading positions in fund administration and share registry services. Client retention rates exceed 90% in both markets, underpinned by inflation-linked contracts of between two and five years. The capital-light nature of the business model should enable good cash conversion, regular dividends, and relatively low gearing. Earnings growth prospects are supported by organic growth in member numbers, industry fund consolidation, and continued outsourcing trends. The company was formed via numerous acquisitions made since 2005 under the ownership of private equity firm Pacific Equity Partners, which sold its remaining holding in the company in 2016. The Australian fund administration business, which constitutes around a third of group revenue, to be the strongest of Link’s businesses. 

Link usually comprises around three fourths of fund administration customer costs, which creates material operational and reputational risks to switching providers. Contract lengths of between three and five years, along with six to nine months of lead time to change provider, also create barriers to switching. Switching costs are evidenced by Link’s recurring revenue rate of around 90% and client retention rate of over 95%. Six of Link’s 10 largest clients have been with the company for over 20 years. Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer, which has a 10% market share following its acquisition of Pillar, previously the third-largest provider, in 2016. Both the companies to compete aggressively for future outsourcing contracts, which may come from the 60% of the market that is currently serviced in-house. However, around 30% of the in-house segment comprises the four major Australian banks and AMP, which have a reasonably low probability of outsourcing. The remaining 30% comprises a combination of government-owned entities and relatively small superannuation funds, which are likely to have outsourcing lead times of months or years.

Financial Strengths:

Link’s balance sheet is in good shape with a net debt/EBITDA ratio of around 2.6 as at Dec. 31, 2021, which is within the company’s target range of 2 to 3. From an interest coverage ratio perspective, Link has a manageable interest coverage ratio of around 14.

Bulls Say:  

  • Link’s EPS to grow at a CAGR of 9% over the next decade, driven by a revenue CAGR of 6% per year, in addition to cost-cutting and operating leverage.
  • Link’s Australian fund administration market share grows by 2.5 percentage points to 32.5% over the next five years.
  • The capital-light nature of the business model should enable regular dividends, and low financial leverage creates the opportunity for debt-funded acquisitions.

Company Description:

Link provides administration services to the financial services sector in Australia and the U.K., predominantly in the share registry and investment fund sectors. The company is the largest provider of superannuation administration services and the second-largest provider of share registry services in Australia. Link acquired U.K.-based Capita Asset Services in 2017; this provides a range of administration services to financial services firms and comprises around 40% of group revenue. Link’s clients are usually contracted for between two and five years but are relatively sticky, which results in a high proportion of recurring revenue. The business model’s capital-light nature means cash conversion is relatively strong.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

ITT’s Projected Aftermarket Revenue To Underpin Growth Prospects Following Strong First-Quarter Earnings Release

Business Strategy and Outlook

The positive outlook for ITT is predicated on its best-performing segment, motion technologies, or MT. MT traditionally outpaces market growth by 700 to 1,000 basis points, a trend which is projected to continue. And while industrial process, or IP, remains a price-competitive business, management should be commended for improving its adjusted segment operating margins to the midteens, despite a very difficult operating environment. Both IP and ITT’s connect and control technologies segment, or CCT, should increasingly create shareholder value as management furthers lean improvements. 

Within MT, brake pads are most bullish, as they still present a robust growth opportunity in the medium-term. Their potentially positive impact on intrinsic value is favourable, given MT’s sales exposure. Positive MT growth drivers are expected to underpin a strong secular trend away from copper and other metal brakes, market preference for smoother, noise-damping brakes, as well as  demand for increased safety leading to additional adoption of ceramics. These dynamics play to ITT’s strength in material science development. Rising installations of disc brakes, which demonstrate superior braking efficiency, are another tailwind. These forces are expected to drive aftermarket growth, particularly as vehicle production rates increase throughout the current forecast. Innovations like the smart pad have the potential to directly interface with a vehicle’s control unit and provide drivers a wealth of data, including enhanced diagnostics of noise and vibration, real-time braking torque and pressure data, and sensor readings during adverse weather patterns. And MT’s wealth of competitive advantages position it strongly in the transition toward electric vehicles on the original equipment side, even as the aftermarket will be a slow, but long-term headwind on the aftermarket side. 

Finally, aerospace and defense constitutes about 47% of CCT’s sales mix. While defense is tied to elevated defense budgets in the near term, ITT is well positioned in the commercial aerospace recovery. Even with near-term challenges, both IP and CCT can raise its adjusted operating margins to between 19% and 20% over the long term

Financial Strength

ITT is on solid financial footing and the firm has a moderate credit risk rating. It is noted that following a transaction on June 30, 2021, ITT no longer has any obligation with respect to pending and future asbestos claims. Ringfencing this liability was an excellent move on the part of management, since it removed both uncertainty and headline risk. Using a punitive methodology (incorporating all interest-bearing obligations and calls on capital), ITT consistently runs a net cash positive position. Therefore, the company’s ability to service its current obligations is not of major concern. 

Bulls Say’s

  • Solutions like copper-free and smart brake pads will help ITT win content on additional and existing platforms, and its material science expertise should help with wins in the electrical vehicle original equipment segment. 
  • CEO Luca Savi will bring the same focus and drive operational efficiency to both IP and CCT as he did in MT; long-term, both IP and CCT can deliver 20% segment operating margins. 
  • An unleveraged balance sheet gives the company room to make value-accretive acquisitions.

Company Profile 

ITT is a diversified industrial conglomerate with nearly $3 billion in sales. After the spinoffs of Xylem and Exelis in 2011, the company’s products primarily include brake pads, shock absorbers, pumps, valves, connectors, and switches. Its customers include original-equipment and Tier 1 manufacturers as well as aftermarket customers. ITT uses a network of approximately 700 independent distributors, which accounts for about one third of overall revenue. Nearly three fourths of the company’s sales are made in North America and Europe. ITT’s primary end markets include automotive, rail, oil and gas, aerospace and defense, chemical, mining, and general industrial.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

CMS Expands Its Investment In Renewable Energy And Carbon Emissions Reductions Based On State Policy Support

Business Strategy and Outlook

CMS Energy’s decade-long transformation into a high-quality regulated utility positions it for a long runway of growth. CMS’ work with Michigan regulators and politicians has turned the state into one of the most constructive areas for utility investment. These constructive relationships will be critical as CMS pursues an aggressive clean energy growth plan. 

With regulatory and political backing, CMS plans more than $14 billion of investment the next five years and could add to that as it receives regulatory backing for new projects. Its goal to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 is a key part of its growth plan, supporting 6%-8% annual earnings growth for many years. Michigan’s 2008 energy legislation and additional reforms in the state’s 2016 Energy Law transformed the state’s utility regulation. As a result of those changes, CMS Energy has achieved a series of constructive regulatory decisions. CMS has secured regulatory approval for almost all of its near-term capital investment as part of the state’s 10-year integrated resource plan framework. Regulators are expected to approve CMS’ 10-year integrated resource plan settlement. If CMS can keep rate increases modest by controlling operating costs, continued regulatory support is anticipated and could even add as much as $5 billion of investment on top of its current plan. 

CMS’ growth strategy focuses on investment in electric and gas distribution and renewable energy, which aligns with Michigan’s clean energy policies and is likely to earn regulatory support. CMS plans to retire the Palisades nuclear plant and all of its coal fleet by 2025, keeping it on track to cut carbon emissions 60% by 2025 and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Proceeds from its EnerBank sale in 2021 will help finance growth investment. CMS carries an unusually large amount of parent debt, which has helped boost consolidated returns on equity, but investors should consider the refinancing risk if credit markets tighten.

Financial Strength

Although CMS has trimmed its balance sheet substantially, its 65% consolidated debt/capital ratio remains high primarily because of $4 billion of parent debt. Accordingly, the company’s EBITDA/interest coverage ratio is lower than peers, near 5 times. CMS has reduced its near-term financing risk with opportunistic refinancings. CMS is expected to maintain its current level of parent debt and take advantage of lower interest rates as it refinances. This should enhance returns for shareholders. Management appears committed to maintaining the current balance sheet and improving its credit metrics through earnings growth. 

CMS’ consolidated returns on equity are projected to top 13% for the foreseeable future, among the best in the industry due to this extra leverage. CMS has taken advantage of favorable bond markets to extend its debt maturities, including issuing three series of 60-year notes in 2018 and 2019. CMS now has $1.1 billion of parent notes due in 2078-79 at a weighted-average interest rate near 5.8%. CMS also has been able to issue 40- and 50-year debt at the utility subsidiary. Regulators thus far have not imputed CMS’ parent debt to the utilities, but that’s a risk that ultimately could end up reducing CMS’ allowed returns, customer rates and earnings.

Apart from financing the large Covert power plant acquisition in 2023, CMS is not expected to issue large amounts of equity after pricing a $250 million forward sale at an average $51 per share in 2019 and issuing $230 million of preferred stock in 2021 at a 4.2% yield. The $930 million aftertax cash proceeds from the EnerBank sale are anticipated to offset new equity needs through 2024. With constructive regulation, CMS will be able to use its operating cash flow to fund most of its investment plan during the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • Regulation in Michigan has improved since landmark reforms in 2008 and 2016. Support from policymakers and regulators is critical to realizing earnings and dividend growth. 
  • CMS’ back-to-basics strategy has focused on investment in regulated businesses, leading to a healthier balance sheet and more reliable cash flow. 
  • CMS’ board has more than doubled the dividend since 2011. 7% annual dividend increases are anticipated going forward even if the payout ratio remains above management’s 60% target.

Company Profile 

CMS Energy is an energy holding company with three principal businesses. Its regulated utility, Consumers Energy, provides regulated natural gas service to 1.8 million customers and electric service to 1.9 million customers in Michigan. CMS Enterprises is engaged in wholesale power generation, including contracted renewable energy. CMS sold EnerBank in October 2021.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

No Meaningful Surprises in ITT’s First-Quarter Print as We Maintain FVE; Shares Cheap

Business Strategy & Outlook

As per the predication the positive outlook for ITT on its best-performing segment, motion technologies, or MT. MT traditionally outpaces market growth by 700 to 1,000 basis points, a trend expect to continue. And while industrial process, or IP, remains a price-competitive business, management should be commended for improving its adjusted segment operating margins to the midteens, despite a very difficult operating environment. Both IP and ITT’s connect and control technologies segment, or CCT, should increasingly create shareholder value as management furthers lean improvements.

Within MT, the most bullish on brake pads, which still present a robust growth opportunity in the medium-term. Their potentially positive impact on intrinsic value, given MT’s sales exposure. The positive MT growth drivers include a strong secular trend away from copper and other metal brakes, market preference for smoother, noise-damping brakes, and demand for increased safety leading to additional adoption of ceramics. These dynamics play to ITT’s strength in material science development. Rising installations of disc brakes, which demonstrate superior braking efficiency, are another tailwind. These forces will drive aftermarket growth, particularly as vehicle production rates increase throughout the explicit forecast. Innovations like the smart pad have the potential to directly interface with a vehicle’s control unit and provide drivers a wealth of data, including enhanced diagnostics of noise and vibration, real-time braking torque and pressure data, and sensor readings during adverse weather patterns. And MT’s wealth of competitive advantages positions it strongly in the transition toward electric vehicles on the original equipment side, even as the aftermarket will be a slow, but long-term headwind on the aftermarket side.

Finally, aerospace and defense constitute about 47% of CCT’s sales mix. While defense is tied to elevated defense budgets in the near term, ITT is well positioned in the commercial aerospace
recovery. Even with near-term challenges, the both IP and CCT can raise its adjusted operating margins to between 19% and 20% over the long term.

Financial Strengths

ITT is on solid financial footing and the firm a moderate credit risk rating. The following a transaction on June 30, 2021, ITT no longer has any obligation with respect to pending and future asbestos claims. The ringfencing this liability was an excellent move on the part of management, since it removed both uncertainty and headline risk.

Using a punitive methodology (incorporating all interest-bearing obligations and calls on capital), ITT
consistently runs a net cash positive position. Therefore, no one is overly concerned about whether ITT can service its current obligations.

Bulls Say

Solutions like copper-free and smart brake pads will help ITT win content on additional and existing platforms, and its material science expertise should help with wins in the electrical vehicle original equipment segment.

CEO Luca Savi will bring the same focus and drive operational efficiency to both IP and CCT as he did in MT; long-term, both IP and CCT can deliver 20% segment operating margins.

An unleveraged balance sheet gives the company room to make value-accretive acquisitions.

Company Description

ITT is a diversified industrial conglomerate with nearly $3 billion in sales. After the spinoffs of Xylem and Exelis in 2011, the company’s products primarily include brake pads, shock absorbers, pumps, valves, connectors, and switches. Its customers include original-equipment and Tier 1 manufacturers as well as aftermarket customers. ITT uses a network of approximately 700 independent distributors, which accounts for about one third of overall revenue. Nearly three fourths of the company’s sales are made in North America and Europe. ITT’s primary end markets include automotive, rail, oil and gas, aerospace and defense, chemical, mining, and general industrial.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Small Cap

BLD on a pro forma basis is expected to have net debt of less than $400m

Investment Thesis

  • Near-term outlook remains uncertain in Australia with higher costs and supply chain constraints.
  • BLD is a much cleaner business operations following several divestments, which increased focus. 
  • Boral is expected to benefit from proposed infrastructure projects.   
  • Better realization of price increases, whilst volumes remain solid. 
  • Focused on the Australian market. 
  • Proceeds from divestments could be returned to shareholders. 
  • Large cornerstone shareholder – Seven Group Holdings (owns approx. 70%) – may provide shareholder turnover stability

Key Risks

  • Increase Concentrated earnings, focused on just the Australian Construction market. 
  • Indirect and direct effect of coronavirus on operations.
  • Potential delays to infrastructure assets leading to a volume gap in the market. 
  • Cost pressures continue to exceed price increases. 
  • Unfavorable weather impacts. 
  • BLD is now majority owned by Seven Group Holdings (approximately 70% of outstanding shares) which means minority shareholders’ interest may not always be a priority when making key strategic decisions around capital structure, shareholder returns and strategic initiatives

Key Highlights

BLD’s 1H22 results were impacted by Covid-19 related construction shutdowns and adverse wet weather. 1H22 revenue from continuing operations of $1.5bn was up +1% YoY driven by activity in detached house, A&A and RHS&B. However, operating earnings of $78m declined -23% YoY, with EBIT margin declining -100bps to 5.8%, due to $33m impact from Covid-19 lockdowns and expenses (energy + other costs). $22m from the cost out program (Transformation program) provided some offset. Maintain Neutral recommendation given the stock trades on a healthy forward PE-multiple of 24x, which we believe adequately reflects BLD’s leverage to the Australian infrastructure spend, further capital returns potential and cost outs supporting earnings (Transformation program). Further, BLD is now majority owned by Seven Group Holdings (approximately 70% of outstanding shares) which means minority shareholders’ interest may not always be a priority when making key strategic decisions around capital structure, shareholder returns and strategic initiatives.  

  • 1H22 results summary – continuing operations. (1) Revenue of $1.5bn was up +1% (or up +3% on a comparable basis), driven by activity in detached house, A&A (alterations & additions) and RHS&B (roads, highways, subdivisions & bridges) and despite there being disruptions from lockdowns. The Company did see solid volumes in concrete (up +1%) and quarries (up +4%). Further, management noted that concrete like-for-like prices were steady and up +2% in quarries. (2) Operating earnings (EBIT) of $78m were down -23% (with EBIT margin declining to 5.8% from 6.8%), which was largely driven by the impact from Covid-19 related construction shutdowns (which adversely impacted earnings by $33m) and expenses (energy + other costs). Partially providing some buffer to EBIT was higher volume (up $22m) and $22m from the cost out program (Transformation program), which includes the $24m of cost inflation. (3) Operating cash flow from operations of $86m was down -22%, reflecting lower EBITDA performance due to construction shutdowns
  • Capital return of $2.72 per share. Given the completion of disposal of BLD’s North American Building Products and Fly Ash, and Australian Building Products businesses (Timber and Roofing & Masonry) for more than $4bn, the Company will return $3bn surplus capital to shareholders via a $2.65 capital reduction and 7cps unfranked dividend.
  • Capital structure. Following the divestments of its non-core assets and expected capital return to shareholders, BLD on a pro forma basis is expected to have net debt of less than $400m. Management is targeting net debt of $900m to $1.1bn (including leases) and leverage (net debt / EBITDA) of 2 – 2.5x.
  • FY22 outlook comments. Management did not provide overly specific guidance but noted the following: (1) 2H22 revenue is expected to be above 1H22, driven by out-of-cycle national price increases effective Jan/Feb 2022. However, this is expected to offset the impact of higher energy costs, which will remain a headwind in 2H22. (2) No construction shutdowns in 2H22 ($33m impact in 1H22) are expected to be offset by typical 2H seasonality due to 6 fewer trading days.   

Company Profile 

Boral Ltd (BLD) is the largest integrated construction materials company in Australia, producing and selling a broad range of construction materials including quarry products, cement, concrete, asphalt and recycled materials. The Company has a portfolio of assets consisting of upstream and downstream assets. BLD employs approximately 10,300 employees and contractors and has 367 construction materials sites across Australia.

 (Source: BanyanTree)

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Small Cap

The company’s platform reach should grow as Sabre continues to revitalize its technology

Business Strategy and Outlook

Despite material near-term travel demand headwinds driven by the coronavirus, it is anticipated Sabre to maintain its position in global distribution systems over the next several years, driven by a leading network of airline content and travel agency customers as well as its solid position in technology solutions for these carriers and agents. Sabre’s roughly 40% GDS transaction share is the second-largest of the three companies (behind narrow-moat Amadeus and ahead of privately held Travelport) that together control nearly 100% of market volume. Sabre is also a leader in providing technology solutions to travel suppliers. 

Sabre’s GDS enjoys a network advantage, which is the source of its narrow-moat rating. As more supplier content (predominantly airline content) is added, more travel agents use the platform, and as more travel agents use the platform, suppliers offer more content. This network advantage is solidified by technology that integrates GDS content with back-office operations of agents and IT solutions of suppliers, leading to more accurate information that is also easier to book. Also, the company’s platform reach should grow as Sabre continues to revitalize its technology and looks to expand with low-cost carriers and in countries where it previously had only minimal penetration, which are also markets with higher yields than the consolidated North American region. 

Replicating the company’s GDS platform would entail aggregating and connecting content from several hundred airlines to a platform that is also connected to travel agents, which requires significant costs and time. Although it is seen for GDS aggregation, processing, and back-office advantages as substantial, technology architectures like that of eTraveli (set to be acquired by narrow-moat Booking Holdings in early 2022), enable end users to access not only GDS content but supply from competing platforms, which could take some volume from companies like Sabre. Also, GDS faces some risk of larger carriers making direct connections with larger agencies, although it is likely for these relationships to be the exception rather than the rule and for Sabre to still be the aggregating platform in either case.

Financial Strength

Although Sabre’s balance sheet is leveraged, it has shored up its liquidity profile and has enough runway to operate at zero revenue into 2023. Sabre has achieved this profile by eliminating $275 million in costs, tapping its $400 million revolver, raising debt and equity, and selling its AirCentre business for $393 million (closed in the first quarter of 2022) Sabre’s financial health was tested in 2020, as lower demand from COVID-19 and higher incremental investment into new markets and the cloud, caused its near-term net debt/adjusted EBITDA to breach covenants (which are currently suspended given the material impact of COVID-19). While Sabre’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA ended 2019 at 3.1 times, it turned negative in 2020 and 2021, it is anticipated the ratio will improve to 6.7 times in 2023. Sabre is seen reaching this leverage ratio despite temporarily halting dividends and repurchases in 2020 and through 2023, cutting costs, and extending near-term debt maturities out three years, resulting in no material debt due until 2024, when $1.8 billion is scheduled to mature. Also, it is held Sabre’s strong competitive positioning and free cash flow generation during more normal environments will afford it flexibility to work with banking partners in the near term. It is alleged Sabre to payout 45%-50% of its earnings in dividends in 2024-31, after temporarily suspending dividends in early 2020. EBIT/interest coverage was 2.3 times in 2019 and is expected to surpass that level by 2024. It is forecasted free cash flow generation of $1.5 billion during 2022-26.

Bulls Say’s

  • The company’s GDS network hosts content from all airlines and is used by many travel agents, resulting in a large industry share. Replicating the GDS network involves meaningful time and costs. 
  • The network advantage is supported by Sabre’s platform revitalization to next-generation cloud technology, which drives innovation, reliability, and cost efficiencies. 
  • The business model is predominantly driven by transaction volume and not pricing, leading to less cyclical volatility.

Company Profile 

Sabre holds the number-two share of global distribution system air bookings (40.9% as of the end of 2020 versus 38.8% in 2019; 2021 booking share was not provided). The travel solutions segment represented 89% of total 2021 revenue, split between distribution (two thirds of segment sales) and airline IT solutions (one third) revenue. The company also has a growing hotel IT solutions division (11% of revenue). Transaction fees, which are mostly tied to volume and not price, account for the bulk of sales and profits 

(Source: MorningStar)

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