Business Strategy & Outlook:
BASF is the world’s largest chemical company, competing in almost every major chemical category. Given its German roots, around half of sales are generated in Europe, but investment is largely focused on higher-growth emerging markets, particularly China. End markets are widely diversified between industrial uses, energy, and transportation, but also fewer cyclical areas such as consumer goods and agriculture. The company was built on the production of basic commodities such as petrochemicals. However, its current strategy targets a shift toward speciality chemicals and customized solutions. This is viewed as a wise endeavour, given the increased pricing power and lower cyclicality typically associated with speciality chemicals.
BASF’s traditional chemicals business includes the chemicals (35% of EBIT), materials (29% of EBIT), industrial solutions (12% of EBIT), surface technologies (10% of EBIT), and nutrition and care (6% of EBIT) segments. The chemicals and materials segments produce basic commodities and represents the core of BASF’s Verbund production concept, a key competitive advantage. The company’s massive Verbund production sites integrate several plants together, generating approximately EUR 1 billion in cost savings per year. The latter three segments are weighted toward speciality products with particularly strong competitive positions in catalysts and consumer care chemicals. BASF’s agricultural solutions segment (8% of EBIT) is focused on crop protection such as fungicides and herbicides. However, the company entered the seeds business in 2018 via purchasing the regulatory-mandated divestments in the Bayer-Monsanto acquisition. While no cost synergies are expected, as this was a rare opportunity for BASF to gain critical mass in the attractive seeds market.
Financial Strengths:
BASF’s balance sheet is strong. The model-driven credit risk assessment is low. The company has a conservative financial policy and targets an A credit rating, which shall continue. As of 2021, the company had total net debt of EUR 14 billion, excluding pension liabilities. Net debt/EBITDA declined to 1.2 times in 2021. The company’s debt maturity profile is balanced. The company is strongly committed to the dividend and targets an increase every year. However, the payout ratio is getting high compared with BASF’s cyclicality. The company typically has the balance sheet capacity to support the dividend. However, an extended economic slump would likely lead to a dividend cut.
Bulls Say:
- BASF is shifting its portfolio toward speciality chemicals and customised solutions, which should increase pricing power and reduce cyclicality.
- Development of the battery materials business and the China Verbund should ensure long-term growth is adequate.
- The company’s Verbund production process enables strong returns, despite higher costs for oil-based raw materials compared with peers with better access to low-cost natural gas markets.
Company Description:
Based in Germany, BASF is the world’s largest chemical company, with products spanning the full spectrum of commodities to specialities. In addition, the company is a strong player in agricultural crop protection. Given its sheer size, BASF has a top-three market position in 70% of its businesses.
(Source: Morningstar)
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