Global stocks Shares

Gross margins should continue to benefit as BBN flows more product through its National DC

Investment Thesis

  • Mandatory product safety standards for baby goods in Australia limit supply sources and provide barriers to entry to international competitors.
  • BBN has the largest presence in Australia amongst specialty baby goods retailers. 
  • Low risk that online sales threaten the high service business model of brick-and-mortar stores to showcase goods and in-store advice.
  • Solid growth story via new store openings (targeting 100+ stores network).
  • Strong market shares in a highly fragmented market.
  • NZ’s $450m addressable market represents another opportunity. The Company will have 2 stores by the end of FY23. 
  • Management is looking at ways to expand BBN’s addressable market from the A$2.5bn today to the broader A$5.1bn baby goods market. This will likely include category expansion and other growth opportunities

Key Risks

  • Retail environment and general economic conditions in addressable markets may deteriorate. 
  • Competition may intensify especially from online retailers such as Amazon, specialty retailers, department stores, and discounted department stores.
  • Customer buying habits/trends may change. Rapid changes in customer buying habits and preferences may make it difficult for the Company to keep up with and respond to customer demands. 
  • Higher operating and occupancy costs. Any increase in operating costs, especially labor costs will affect the Company’s profitability.
  • Poor inventory control and product sourcing may be disrupted. 
  • Management performance risks such as poor execution of store rollout especially into ex-metro areas.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Sales of $507.3m were up +8.3%, with same-store comparable sales up +5.0%. Management noted that 2H new store sales revenue fell short of expectations by ~$10m due to handover delays (availability of trades & delays in material imports). Some of these sales (~$3m) will now fall in FY23. During the year, 45.3% of all sales were either private label or exclusive product brands and grew +18.3% YoY. BBN’s Private Labels 4baby, Bilbi and JENGO brands grew +31.5% YoY and make up 8.2% of sales. The Company remains on target to achieve 50% of sales from private sales.
  • Gross profit of $195.8m was up +12.7% on pcp, with GP margin up +151bps to 38.6% and minimal changes to promotional activity. BBN now has ~80% of sales flowing through its National Distribution Centre and aims to get this up to 90%. Whilst managed, international freight costs and currency impacts are being managed. Cost of doing business (CODB) as a percentage of sales increased by +85bps to 28.6% (from 27.8%)
  • Operating earnings (EBITDA pre-AASB 16) were up +16.1% to $50.5m (with EBITDA margin up +70bps to 10.0%) and NPAT (post-AASB 16) was up +13.6% to $29.6m
  • Operating cash flow improved $14m to $36.1m, driven by significantly lower working capital
  • The Company declared a final dividend of 9.0cps, taking the full year dividend to 15.6cps (up 10.6% YoY). The Board continues to target a payout ratio in the range of 70-100% pro forma NPAT.

Company Description

Baby Bunting Group Limited (BBN) is Australia’s largest nursery retailer and one-stop-baby shop with 42 stores across Australia. The company is a specialist retailer catering to parents with children from new-born to 3 years of age. Products include Prams, Car Seats, Carriers, Furniture, Nursery, Safety, Babywear, Manchester, Changing, Toys, Feeding and others.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

TPW is well positioned to benefit from the structural tailwind behind the migration of offline to online sales

Investment Thesis

  • Operates in a large addressable market – B2C furniture and homewares category is approx. $16bn. 
  • Structural tailwinds – ongoing migration to online in Australia in the homewares and furniture segment. At the moment less than 10% of TPW’s core market is sold online versus the U.S. market where the penetration rate is around 25%.  
  • Strong revenue growth suggests TPW can continue to win market share and become the leader in its core markets. 
  • Active customer growth remains strong, with revenue per customer also increasing at a solid rate. 
  • Successful execution in new growth pillars – Trade & Commercial (B2B) and Home Improvement. 
  • Management is very focused on reinvesting in the business to grow top line growth and capture as much market share as possible. Whilst this comes at the expense of margins in the short term, the scale benefits mean rapid margin expansion could be easily achieved. 
  • Strong balance sheet to take advantage of any in-organic (M&A) growth opportunities, however management is likely to be very disciplined. 
  • Ongoing focus on using technology to improve the customer experience – TPW has invested in merging the online with the offline experience through augmented reality (AR). 

Key Risks

  • Rising competitive pressures.
  • Any issues with the supply chain, especially because of the impact of Covid-19 on logistics, which affects earnings / expenses. 
  • Rising cost pressures eroding margins (e.g., more brand or marketing investment required due to competitive pressures).
  • Disappointing earnings updates or failing to achieve growth rates expected by the market could see the stock price significantly re-rate lower. 
  • Trading on high PE-multiples / valuations means the Company is more prone to share price volatility. 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Group revenue was up +31 to $426m, driven by an increase in active customers (up +21% to 940k) and revenue per active customer (up +6%). 
  • Revenue per active customer growth was a function of both growth in average order   values and the repeat rate.
  • Group EBITDA of $16.2m was down -21% YoY and represented a margin of 3.8% which came in at the high end of management’s guidance range of 2-4%. Adjusting for the investment of $1.7m in TPW’s new home improvements site – – and share based payments, adjusted EBITDA was $19m and EBITDA margin was 4.5%.

Company Description

Temple & Webster Group (TPW) is a leading online retailer in Australia, which offers consumers access to furniture, homewares, home décor, arts, gifts, and lifestyle products. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

Pebblebrook should continue to recover as business and group travel eventually returns to 2019 levels by 2024

Business Strategy & Outlook

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust is the largest U.S. lodging REIT focused on owning independent and boutique hotels. After Pebblebrook merged with LaSalle Hotel Properties in December 2018, the company owns 54 upper-upscale hotels, with more than 13,300 rooms located in urban, gateway markets. Pebblebrook’s combined portfolio has a higher revenue per available room price point and EBITDA margin than its hotel REIT peers. The recent merger with LaSalle provides Pebblebrook some new avenues to create value for shareholders. The company doubled in size while taking on only a portion of the general and administrative costs, making the combined company more efficient. Pebblebrook’s CEO, Jon Bortz, previously ran LaSalle and acquired many of the hotels in that portfolio. His knowledge of those hotels combined with management’s demonstrated ability to maximize margins should allow him to implement cost-saving initiatives that drive up margins. Additionally, management has begun an extensive renovation program across both the LaSalle portfolio and the legacy portfolio that will drive EBITDA gains over time.

In the short term, the coronavirus outbreak significantly affected the operating results for Pebblebrook’s hotels, with high-double-digit revPAR declines and negative hotel EBITDA in 2020. However, the rapid rollout of vaccinations allowed leisure travel to quickly return, driving high growth in both 2021 and 2022. The company should continue to recover as business and group travel eventually returns to 2019 levels by 2024. However, there are several factors that will remain headwinds for hotels over the long term. Supply has been elevated in many of the biggest markets, and that is likely to continue for a few more years. Online travel agencies and online hotel reviews create immediate price discovery for consumers, preventing hotels from pushing rate increases even though it is nearing full occupancy on many nights. Finally, while the shadow supply created by Airbnb doesn’t directly compete on most nights, it does limit Pebblebrook’s ability to push rates on nights when it would have typically generated its highest profits.

Financial Strengths

Pebblebrook is in solid financial shape from a liquidity and a solvency perspective after the merger with LaSalle, but the additional assets sales will put the company in great financial shape. The company seeks to maintain a solid but flexible balance sheet, which will serve stakeholders well. Pebblebrook does not currently have an unsecured debt rating. Instead, it uses secured debt on its high-quality portfolio and takes out unsecured term loans. Debt maturities in the near term should be manageable through a combination of refinancing and the company’s free cash flow. Additionally, the company should be able to access the capital markets when acquisition opportunities arise. In the year 2024, the operations will fully return to normal, net debt/EBITDA and EBITDA/interest will be roughly 5.5 and 5.8 times, respectively, both of which are within the long-term target for the company and should continue to improve over time. As a REIT, Pebblebrook is required to pay out 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders, which limits its ability to retain its cash flow. However, the company’s current run-rate dividend is easily covered by the company’s cash flow from operating activities, providing plenty of flexibility for capital allocation and investment decisions. Pebblebrook will continue to be able to access the capital markets given its current solid balance sheet and its large, higher-quality, unencumbered asset base.

Bulls Say

  • Potentially accelerating economic growth may prolong a robust hotel cycle and benefit Pebblebrook’s portfolio and performance.
  • The acquisition of the LaSalle Hotel Trust portfolio provides management many renovation opportunities to drive revenue and margin growth.
  • After the merger, Pebblebrook’s larger size could increase the company’s negotiating power with online travel agencies.

Company Description

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust currently owns upper-upscale and luxury hotels with 13,366 rooms across 54 hotels in the United States. Pebblebrook acquired LaSalle Hotel Properties, which owned 10,451 rooms across 41 U.S. hotels, in December 2018, the company current Pebblebrook CEO founded in 1998, though management has sold many of those hotels over the past few years. Pebblebrook’s portfolio consists mostly of independent hotels with no brand affiliations, though the combined company does own and operate some hotels under Marriott, Starwood, InterContinental, Hilton,

and Hyatt brands.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

CSL was able to grow plasma collections significantly, albeit at a higher cost, with collections up by 24%

Investment Thesis

  • The DCF valuation of CSL is >10% above the current share price. 
  • Strong FY23 earnings guidance momentum as CSL continues to see strong demand. 
  • Seqirus flu business which recorded its first year of positive earnings (EBIT) in FY18 and continues to perform well.
  • Strong demand for their portfolio of products.
  • High barriers to entry in establishing expertise + global channels + operations/facilities/assets.
  • Strong management team and operational capabilities. 
  • Leveraged to a falling dollar. 

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures.
  • Product recall / core Behring business disappoints.
  • Growth disappoints (underperform company guidance).
  • Turnaround in Seqirus flu business stalls or deteriorates.
  • Adverse currency movements (AUD, EUR, USD)

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue was up +3% to $10,242m, driven by strong growth in haemophilia B product IDELVION® and key specialty product KCENTRA®, up +20% and 18% respectively, and strong performance in its influenza vaccines business, CSL Seqirus, which saw revenue up +13%. HPV royalties were up 55% rebounding strongly to now exceed pre-Covid levels following strong demand and increased supply. 
  • NPAT of $2,236m, down -6% was at the top end of guidance, despite a difficult global environment, and immunoglobulin sales limited by constrained plasma collections in FY21, which however, improved 2H22 which saw growth in plasma collected. 
  • Earnings per share of $4.81, was down -8%. 
  •  Acquisition of Vifor Pharma completed on 9 August 2022.
  • By key segments. CSL Behring: Revenue was up +2% to $8,598m driven by Haemophila, up 8% to $1,166m, and Specialty, up +3% to $1,792m, offsetting Immunoglobulins, down -3% to $4,024m and Albumin, down -1% to $1,072m. The segment was driven by IDELVION, up +20%; KCENTRA, up +18%; HAEGARDA, up +5%; HPV royalties, up +55%; whilst Immunoglobulin declined -3%. Plasma collected was up +24%. Gross profit of $4,580m was down -4%, whilst gross profit margin fell to 53.3% from 56.5%. 
  • CSL Seqirus: Revenue of $1,964m was up +13%. Seasonal influenza vaccines sales were up +16% driven by US sales which were greater than $1bn for the first time and FLUAD® was up +41%. The segment saw record volume of ~135 million doses distributed in FY22. On a further positive note, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adopted the Advisory Committee on Immunisation Practices recommendation that FLUAD® be a preferentially recommended seasonal vaccine option for adults aged 65+ years. Gross profit of $1,152m was up +16%, whilst gross profit margin improved to 58.7% from 57.3%.

Company Description

CSL Limited (CSL) develops, manufactures and markets human pharmaceutical and diagnostic products from human plasma. The company’s products include pediatric and adult vaccines, infection, pain medicine, skin disorder remedies, anti-venoms, anticoagulants and immunoglobulins. These products are non-discretionary life-saving products. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

REA Group Ltd (REA) reported strong FY22 results reflecting revenue growth of +26% to $1,170m, an increase in EBITDA

Investment Thesis:

  • Clear 1 market position in online property classifieds, with consumers spending over more time on app than the number two website. 
  • Growth opportunities via expansion into Asia and North America.
  • Recent strategic partnerships with National Australia Bank (property finance) could potentially be positive in the long term. 
  • Upside in key markets – particular in areas where REA is under-penetrated and could potentially win market share from competitors. 
  • New product developments to increase customer experience. 
  • Regular price increases help offset listing pressure. 

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures lead to a further de-rating of the PE-multiple.
  • Volume (listings) outlook remains subdued in the near term. 
  • Execution risk with Asia/North America strategy.
  • Failing to get an adequate return on the recent acquisition of iProperty.
  • Value/EPS destructive acquisitions. 
  • Decline in Australian property market.
  • Given REA trades on a very high PE-multiple, underperforming to market estimates can exacerbate a share price de-rating.
  • Recent tightening of lending practices by banks would affect the Financial services business.

FY22 Results Highlights: Relative to the pcp: Revenue of $1,170m, up +26%. 

  • EBITDA (including associates) of $674m, up +19%. Core operating costs jumped +34%, mainly due to Mortgage Choice and REA India acquisitions. Excluding acquisitions, core operating costs increased +11%, reflecting a tight labour market driving higher remuneration costs, an increase in revenue-related variable costs, and investment in brand and marketing. 
  • Net profit of $408m, up +25%. EPS of 308 cents, up 25%. 
  • The Board declared a fully franked final dividend of 89cps which brings the full year dividend to 164cps, up 25%. 
  • REA retains a solid balance sheet. As at 30 June 2022, REA’s total drawn debt was $414m, with a cash balance of $248m. Free cash flow generation remains strong at $394m in FY22, up +55%.
  • Performance by segments. Relative to the pcp: Australia. In Australia, REA operates and, data and insights business, PropTrack, and mortgage broking business, Mortgage Choice. Core revenue of $1,116m was up 23%, or 18% excluding the impact of the Mortgage Choice acquisition, driven by Residential revenue up +24% to $776m, Commercial and Developer revenue up +3% to $134m, Media, Data and Other revenue up +9% to $97m, and Financial Services core operating revenue jumping +12%, on a pro forma basis to $79m (assuming REA owned Mortgage Choice in the prior period). India. REA India achieved strong results with revenue growth of 92% to $54m on a pro forma basis (assuming it was owned for the full prior period), largely driven by’s property advertising business, which saw strong customer growth. 
  • Equity accounted investments. REA has a 20% investment in Move, Inc. (Move) which operates®, a property portal in North America. Move revenue increased 11% on traditional lead generation and referral model growth. However, Move also saw higher employee and marketing costs as the business continues to reinvest. This resulted in a $2m decline in Move’s equity accounted contribution to $14m. REA also holds a 17.5% stake in PropertyGuru Group Ltd, which contributed an equity accounted loss of $6m in FY22 to core EBITDA. 
  • FY22 Results 

Company Description:

REA Group (REA) provides online property listings, web management, financial services and data analytics to the real estate industry via advertising services. For consumers, REA offers the largest online real estate search engine in Australia. The Company also has operations and a growing presence in Asia and other parts of the world.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

IAG has reported weak but expected FY22 results

Investment Thesis

  • Trading on fair value and trading multiples (based on the numbers).
  • Strong FY23 guidance and outlook, but signs of management execution can be seen before upgrading recommendation.
  • Strong capital position with CET1 ratio of 0.97 (within benchmark range of 0.9-1.1).
  • Prospect of an uplift in margins from cost-out programmes.
  • Portfolio rationalisation potentially yields better business performance. 
  • Potentially higher returns from investment portfolio should market conditions move in favour of current positioning. 

 Key Risks

  • Any adverse catastrophe claims without warning with inadequate reinsurance results in lower          combined operating ratios.Benefits and targets from cost-out initiatives not achieved. 
  • Adverse regulatory changes impacting capital positions or dividend payout ratios. 
  • Lower return from investment portfolios. 

Key Highlights

  • Strong FY23 guidance and outlook. Management guided “strong underlying business performance expected in FY23. IAG is forecasting mid-to-high single digit GWP growth and a reported Insurance margin of 14% to 16%. The FY23 guidance aligns to the aspirational goals to achieve a 15% to 17% insurance margin and a reported ROE of 12 to 13% over the medium term.
  • These goals encompass the ambitions around increasing customer base by 1m to 9.5m by FY26, an insurance profit of at least $250m by FY24 in the Intermediated Australia business, further simplification and efficiencies to maintain the Group’s cost base at $2.5bn, $400m in value from DIA claims and supply chain cost reductions on a run rate basis from FY26, and higher customer interactions through the company’s digital channels”.
  • Gross Written Premiums (GWP) of $13,317m was up +5.7%, driven by rate increases to offset inflationary pressures in the supply chain and natural perils, and improvement in retention rates across FY22. GWP growth in the Direct Insurance Australia business was +4.6%, accelerating in 2H22 to +5.8%, while its underlying margin remained strong at 20.5%. Management noted solid performance from Intermediated Insurance Australia business with GWP growth at +6.0% (versus +5.6% in FY21) while underlying insurance margin of +5.0% was better than the +3.9% in FY21. IAG’s NZ business saw +7.0% NZ currency GWP growth, up from +2.8% in FY21 on growth across its commercial insurance and direct brands with a volume increase in commercial motor. 
  • Net Earned Premiums of $7,909m was up +5.8%.

Company Description

Insurance Australia Group (IAG) is one of the two largest general insurance underwriters in Australia   and New Zealand. IAG core insurance product categories are in Consumer (Motor, Home, Compulsory Third Party (CTP)) and Business (predominantly SME, Specialty Lines, Workers’ Compensation) across Australia, NZ, and Asia. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

Nib holdings Ltd (NHF) reported a solid set of FY22 results despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic

Investment Thesis:

  • Given Australia’s growing and ageing population, there will be increased demand for health care services. This will add additional pressure on Australia’s public health care system and the Federal budget and an increased dependence on private health care insurers. NHF offers exposure to the business model of providing a funding mechanism for the high-growth health care sector. Healthcare spending is expected to grow at 5-10% per annum, so without significant tax hikes, the government cannot afford for people to shift back to the public healthcare system.
  • Given underlying increases in average premium rates of around 5 – 6% p.a., some policyholder growth (especially at the 30-34-year-old segment), and exposure to upstart investments, the NHF offers close to double-digit underlying growth in the medium term.
  • Solid management team.
  • Cost-out strategy which improves the company’s expense ratio. 
  • Incentives and benefits encourage PHI take-up. They include 1. Tax benefits and penalties for Australian residents (via Lifetime Health Cover, Medicare Levy Surcharge and means tested rebate); and 2. Shorter wait times, a choice of specialist doctor/hospital and coverage of ancillary health services support.
  • Growth runways through the JV with Tasly Holdings Group, and also international expansion, through product offerings like NISS.

Key Risks:

  • Intensifying competition between top 6 players, putting policy growth targets at risk and any Increases in expected marketing spend going forward will no doubt add further strain on earnings growth.
  • Policyholders decline unexpectedly despite the encouraging incentives and the Australian Government struggling with the rapid increase in healthcare spending and health services demand.
  • Registered health insurers cannot increase premium rates without approval from the Government/Minister for Health/PHIAC/APRA. This leaves NHF’s ROE and margins exposed to a political process and pressures if the company is deemed too profitable.
  • Regulatory changes especially relating to any changes to tax incentives and benefits which encourage take up of PHI. 
  • Higher than expected lapse rates and claims inflation as a result of poor insurance policy design, aging population, and costs of new medical equipment, procedures and treatments.
  • Poor negotiations with healthcare providers such as private hospital operators leading to unfavourable contractual terms.
  • Lower than expected investment returns.

Key Highlights:

  • Outlook. On the conference call with analysts, management did not provide specific quantitative earnings guidance. However, the Company did provide the following commentary: Australian Residents Health Insurance (arhi). “Net policyholder growth 3-4%; Claims experience expected to remain subdued for 1H23; Gradual movement towards net margin target of 6-7% over time”.
  •  International Inbound Health Insurance (iihi). “Worker’s outlook positive with continued demand for skilled migration; Strong return of student market expected, although margins will take time to recover; Continued improving profitability outlook”. 
  •  nib Travel. “Continuing improvement in profitability in FY23; Return to pre COVID conditions by FY24, but on recent demand trends this may occur in FY23”. 
  •  NZ. “Net policyholder growth 34% for core health book; Return to net margin target 8-10% over time, although unlikely in FY23 due to systems investment”.
  • FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp: Group underlying revenue $2.8bn, up +7.2%, driven by arhi membership which grew +3.2% with over 20,000 additional members, and International inbound health insurance and nib travel which both returned to profitability in 2H22. Group claims expense of $2.1bn, was up +4.0%. Group underlying operating profit of $235.3m, was up +14.8%. 
  • NPAT of $133.8m, down -16.6%, mainly due to investment losses.
  •  Statutory earnings per share 29.6 cents, down 15.9%.
  •  The Board declared a final dividend of 11.0 cents per share fully franked, which came in below FY21 final of 14.0 cps. The total dividend of 22.0cps for FY22 was down -8.3% YoY.
  • Performance Highlights by Segments. Relative to the pcp: arhi. Premium revenue of $2,286.2m, was up +5.2% despite premium deferrals. Risk equalisation payments of $206.1m, fell -7.1% due to reduced industry claiming. Claims fell -3.1% to $1,525.8m as NHF observed that Covid-19 lockdowns affected both members’ willingness and ability to access surgery and healthcare, and clinical providers’ capacity to accommodate treatment.
  •  iihi. Premium revenue was up +7.1% to $123.7m, on growth in international worker members and premium increases. Despite reporting a full year loss (UOP) of $1.1m, it was an improvement on a loss of $5.9m in FY21. The Company noted that 2H22 results were solid, posting a UOP of $6.3m against a loss of -$7.4m in 1H22.
  •  NZ. The segment saw strong premium growth of +12.8% to $291.8m. Policyholder numbers grew strongly to 156,275 from 120,148 in FY21, including life and living insurance.
  •  Nib Travel. Management noted a strong recovery in 4Q22, reducing the full year underlying operating loss to $7.4m compared to a loss of -$13.6m in FY21. 

Company Description:

Nib Holdings Limited (NHF) is the Australian private health insurer. NHF operates in four divisions which are private health insurance, life insurance, travel insurance and related health care activities.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

Management Is Optimistic About GM’s Future, as shown by the dividend resumption

Business Strategy & Outlook

The General Motors with a competitive lineup in all segments, combined with a reduced cost base, finally enabled it to have the scale to match its size. The head of Consumer Reports automotive testing even said Toyota and Honda could learn from the Chevrolet Malibu. The GM’s earnings potential is excellent because the company has a healthy North American unit and a nearly mature finance arm with GM Financial. Moving hourly workers’ retiree healthcare to a separate fund and closing plants drastically lowered GM North America’s breakeven point to U.S. industry sales of about 10 million-11 million vehicles, assuming 18%-19% share. The more scale to come from GM moving its production to more global platforms and eventually onto vehicle sets over the next few years for even more flexibility and scale. GM makes products that consumers are willing to pay more for than in the past. It no longer has to overproduce trying to cover high labor costs and then dump cars into rental fleets (which hurts residual values). GM now operates in a demand-pull model where it can produce only to meet demand and is structured to do no worse than break even at the bottom of an economic cycle when plants can be open. The result is higher profits than under old GM despite lower U.S. share. It now seeks roughly $300 billion in total revenue by 2030 with about $80 billion from many new high-margin businesses such as insurance, subscriptions, and selling data, while targeting 2030 total company adjusted EBIT margin of 12%-14%, up from 11.3% in 2021 and 7.9% in 2020. The actions such as buying Cruise, along with GM’s connectivity and data-gathering via OnStar, position GM well for this new era. Cruise is offering autonomous ride-hailing with its Origin vehicle, and GM targets $50 billion of Cruise revenue in 2030. GM is investing over $35 billion in battery electric and autonomous vehicles for 2020-25 and is launching 30 BEVs through 2025 with two thirds of them available in North America. Management also targets over 2 million annual BEV sales by mid decade and in early 2021 announced the ambition to only sell zero-emission vehicles globally by 2035.

Financial Strengths

GM’s balance sheet and liquidity were strong at the end of 2021, apart from $11.2 billion in underfunded pension and other postemployment benefit obligations, an improvement from $30.8 billion at year-end 2014. Management targets automotive cash and securities of $18 billion and liquidity of $30 billion-$35 billion. As per the calculation that at June 30, GM had automotive net cash and securities, excluding legacy obligations but including Cruise, of $4.6 billion, about $3.15 per diluted share. Global pension contributions in 2022 are expected at about $570 million, with about $500 million of that amount for non-U.S. plans. Auto and Cruise debt at June 30 is $16.9 billion, mostly from senior unsecured notes and capital leases. Credit line availability is about $17.5 billion across three lines with one of those lines being a 364-day $2 billion line allocated exclusively to GM Financial. The other two automotive lines are a $4.3 billion line expiring in April 2024 and an $11.2 billion line. The $11.2 billion line has $9.9 billion available until April 2026 while the remaining portion is available until April 2023. GM fulfilled its UAW VEBA funding obligations in 2010. As per calculation 2021 automotive and Cruise debt/adjusted EBITDA at 1.3, excluding legacy obligations and equity income. Automotive debt maturities including capital leases are about $463 million in 2022.

Bulls Say

  • GMNA’s break even point of about 10 million-11 million units is drastically lower than it was under old GM. Earnings should grow rapidly as GM becomes more cost-efficient. 
  • GM’s U.S. hourly labor cost is about $5 billion compared with about $16 billion in 2005 under old GM. 
  • GM can charge thousands of dollars more per vehicle in light-truck segments. Higher prices with fewer incentive dollars allow GM to get more margin per vehicle, which helps mitigate a severe decline in light vehicle sales and falling market share.

Company Description

General Motors Co. emerged from the bankruptcy of General Motors Corp. (old GM) in July 2009. GM has eight brands and operates under four segments: GM North America, GM International, Cruise, and GM Financial. The United States now has four brands instead of eight under old GM. The company lost its U.S. market share leader crown in 2021 with share down 280 basis points to 14.6%, but the GM to reclaim the top spot in 2022 as 2021 suffered from the chip shortage. GM Financial became the company’s captive finance arm in October 2010 via the purchase of AmeriCredit.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

ARB retained a strong balance sheet with cash reserves of $52.7m and no debt at FY22-end

Investment Thesis:

  • Current trading multiples adequately price in the near-term growth opportunities, in our view. 
  • Experienced management team and senior staff with a track record of delivering earnings growth.  
  • Strong balance sheet with no debt at FY22-end.
  • Strong presence and brands in the Australian aftermarket segment.
  • Growing presence in Europe and Middle East and potential to grow Exports.
  • Growth via acquisitions

Key Risks:

  • Higher than expected sales growth rates. 
  • Any delays or interruptions in production, especially in Thailand which happens on an annual basis.
  • Increased competition in the Australian Aftermarket especially with competitors’ tendency to replicate ARB products.
  • Slowing down of demand from OEMs. 
  • Poor execution of R&D.
  • Currency exposure

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp: Sales of $694.5m, was up $71.5m or +11.5% over the previous year sales of $623.1m. Continuing sales growth was strong, driven by Australian Aftermarket and Export categories, whilst sales to Original Equipment Manufacturers were in line with last year as previously communicated, and considering the significant +33.9% sales growth achieved in the prior year, despite management highlighting “continuing constraints in new vehicle availability and ongoing personnel and supply chain challenges”. Management noted “sales to the Australian Aftermarket and Export markets were significantly impacted in the second half by the emergence of the Omicron Covid-19 variant in January and February 2022, resulting in abnormally high staff absenteeism, and by ongoing limited new vehicle availability. Sales into Export markets were also impacted in the second half by the outbreak of war in Ukraine”. 
  • Profit before tax of $165.7m, up +10.4% was broadly in line with sales revenue growth of +11.5%.
  • Earnings (NPAT) of $122.0m, up +8.1% on the reported NPAT of $112.9m in the previous year.
  • Cash flows generated from operations of $84.6m declined by $18.6m compared with the previous year due to an increase in inventories of $50.7m as ARB looked to mitigate increased supply chain lead times and ongoing disruptions. 
  • ARB currently has a larger than normal capex programme due to the anticipated completion of the new 30,000 square metre factory in Thailand in December 2022, ongoing construction of the corporate head office in Melbourne, Australia, and development of ARB New Zealand site in Hamilton, New Zealand, to consolidate the Beaut Utes and Proform businesses. 
  • The Board declared a final fully franked dividend of 32.0cps, which brings total dividends to 71.0cps fully franked, up +4.4% compared with last year. 
  • ARB retained a strong balance sheet with cash reserves of $52.7m and no debt at FY22-end. 
  • Performance Highlights by Segment. ARB saw strong sales growth of 25.6% in 1H22, which contrasts to a small decline of -1.1% in sales in 2H22, compared with the pcp. Comparing 2H22 versus 1H22: Australian Aftermarket. Sales of $183m in 2H22 versus $191m in 1H22 represent a -4.0% decline. Australian Aftermarket sales remained relatively consistent at 53.8% of ARB’s sales. According to management, “new vehicle sales in Australia declined by 2.1% over the last financial year, however new vehicle sales of ARB’s target vehicles, being four-wheel drive utilities and SUVs, grew by 0.3%. Demand for second hand 4WD vehicles globally continues to be strong and product sales for used 4WD vehicles remains an important part of ARB’s business”. ARB opened four new stores in Melton and Sale, Victoria, in Rutherford, New South Wales, and in Karratha, Western Australia. This brings the total number of ARB stores to 74, of which 30 are Company owned. 
  • Export. Sales grew +17.4% over FY22 and represented 38.7% of ARB’s sales, up slightly on FY21. Sales of $131m in 2H22 versus $138m in 1H22 represent a -5.1% decline.  Over FY22, sales growth was achieved in all regions: the Americas, Asia/Pacific and the Rest of the World, despite constraints in new vehicle availability especially in the UK where ARB’s operations are heavily reliant on product fitment to new vehicles rather than fitment to used vehicles”. 
  • Original Equipment Manufacturers. Segment sales equate to 7.5% of ARB’s total sales. Despite sales of $21m in 2H22 versus $30m in 1H22 representing a -29.8% decline, ARB saw overall FY22 OEM sales growth of +0.2% after a record +73.9% sales increase last year. According to management, the decline in 2H22 OEM sales “was expected and reflects the timing of new contracts and OEMs stocking up during calendar 2021 for new model releases”.

Company Description:

ARB Corporation Ltd (ARB) designs, manufactures, distributes, and sells 4-wheel drive vehicle accessories and light metal engineering works. It is predominantly based in Australia but also has presence in the US, Thailand, Middle East, and Europe. There are currently 61 ARB stores across Australia for aftermarket sales.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

Blackmores has seen strong growth in its international segment

Business Strategy & Outlook

Blackmores’ customer profiles are very different in its two key markets, Australia and China. Vitamin-taking Australians tend to be older or females either before or during pregnancy, while in China the market is dominated by young, online shoppers who view international vitamin and dietary supplements as luxury purchases. Nonetheless, the importance of perceived product quality—largely

an extension of brand positioning—is common to both customer groups. Blackmores’ brand intangible assets support its narrow economic moat. Blackmores’ position within the core Australian market as stable and the market as well penetrated. Actual performance in Australia is clouded by informal exports of products purchased for the daigou channel and sent to China. In fiscal 2021, roughly 9% of ANZ sales were ultimately sent to China. While this contribution remaining below 10% due to coronavirus and regulatory changes requiring daigous to register as businesses and pay taxes, this will be offset by growth in the direct China segment.

China presents a large opportunity for Blackmores as it is the second-largest global VDS market after the U.S, and it will contribute roughly 30% of group revenue at mid-cycle. Other than the informal daigou trade, Blackmores primarily distributes into China via cross-border e-commerce where the product is sold on online platforms. Further opportunity lies in establishing a sizable offline retail business, but this hinges on the company obtaining regulatory approval. Blackmores has seen strong growth in its international segment, which now contributes more to earnings than the China segment

and is forecast to remain larger. The segment is largely composed of regions in Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Blackmores aims to continue the momentum after entering India in 2021 and gaining halal accreditation to serve Muslim consumers, particularly in Indonesia.

Financial Strengths

Blackmores is in a solid financial position with net cash of AUD 92 million as at June 2022. It should maintain its net cash position over the forecast period and afford a 45% dividend payout ratio. Free cash flow conversion of net income has averaged 102% over the preceding five years (before acquisitions), above the average 54% dividend payout ratio. Free cash conversion of net income to average 93% over the next five years.

Bulls Say

  • A reputation for quality is fundamental in the VDS market and Blackmores’ reputation is untarnished.
  • Bar fiscal 2020, the company has earned returns on invested capital well above its single-digit cost of capital, demonstrating its brand strength and associated pricing power.
  • Blackmores’ new CEO brings experience in navigating international brand sales and distribution in Asian markets which should allow the company to progress its business outside of Australia.

Company Description

Blackmores is a leading Australian vitamin and health supplement manufacturer and is the larger of two major vitamin brands by market share in Australia. Overseas sales also contribute a significant amount to earnings, particularly from Southeast Asia and the Chinese market via both formal (cross-border e-commerce) and informal (daigou) sales channels.

(Source: Morningstar)

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