Business Strategy & Outlook
ANZ Bank is the smallest of Australia’s four major banks by market value and the largest bank in New Zealand and the Pacific, offering a full range of banking and financial services to the consumer, small business and corporate sectors. Like the other major banks, ANZ Bank has a well-recognized and trusted bank brand, large advertising and marketing budget, and customer fulfillment capacity (branches, systems, funding capacity) to capitalize on this brand equity. The firm’s strategy to simplify and focus on its highly profitable core banking operations is logical.
Tight underwriting standards, lender’s mortgage insurance, low average loan/valuation ratios, a high incidence of loan prepayment, full recourse lending, a high proportion of variable rate home loans, and the scope for interest-rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of Australia, or RBA, combine to mitigate potential losses from mortgage lending. The main current influences on earnings growth are modest credit growth, with strong demand for home loans partially offset by high saving rates and businesses still cautious on making large investments given the uncertain economic outlook. As the RBA lifts the cash rate, banks will reprice loans by more than funding costs rise, and margins will gradually recover. Operating expenses are increasing due to regulatory and compliance project spend, as well as investments to make the bank more efficient and competitive on home lending approval times.
Despite high expectations, the “super-regional” strategy has been de-emphasized as returns failed to match expectations. ANZ is now specifically targeting large clients and has walked away from lending to small businesses. Given ANZ would have no competitive advantage against local (and much larger) lenders, they support the revised strategy.
Financial Strengths
ANZ Bank is in good financial health, with a common equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 18% at March 31, 2022, based on internationally harmonized Basel III rules. Based on APRA’s stricter rules, ANZ Bank’s common equity Tier 1 capital ratio at March 31, 2022, was 11.5%, comfortably above the regulator’s 10.5% minimum.
The proportion of customer deposits to total funding is above 60%, reducing exposure to volatile funding markets. Issuance of covered bonds will incrementally diversify the funding base. Total liquid assets exceed total offshore wholesale debt, and ANZ Bank could theoretically afford to retire all its offshore wholesale debt in the event that these debt markets close and the maturing debt cannot be rolled. This would be disruptive, but at least the bank would be solvent.
ANZ has AUD 4.5 billion in excess capital, or AUD 1.60 per share as at Dec. 31, 2021. Assuming a target common equity Tier 1 ratio of 11% the bank has around AUD 2.3 billion in surplus capital after completion of its AUD 1.5 billion share buyback.
Bulls Say
- Good progress overhauling the group by selling noncore businesses and renewing the focus on retail, commercial and institutional banking in Australia and New Zealand. This should improve earnings quality.
- ANZ Bank is still best placed among peers to capitalize on long-term growth in trade and investment flows with Asia.
- Non-bank lenders reliant on wholesale funding and equity markets may cede market share back to the major banks in a rising rate environment.
Company Description
ANZ Bank is one of Australia’s four major banks and provides retail, business, and institutional banking services to customers in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia-Pacific. The super-regional Asian strategy was de-emphasized, with management focusing on the higher-returning businesses in Australia and New Zealand. ANZ Bank still retains a tilt to its Asia-centric strategy, but is now more balanced, better capitalized and a simpler bank.
(Source: Morningstar)
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