Shares Small Cap

Rocket Remains in Strong Competitive Position, but Higher Rates Will Lead to Lower Earnings in 2022

Business Strategy & Outlook

While Rocket Companies offers a variety of products and services, the firm is best known for its Rocket Mortgage segment, which provides Rocket with most of its revenue. The mortgage industry is fractured and highly competitive, but Rocket has distinguished itself by operating as an entirely digitally lender, originating and servicing its mortgages through its mobile app and website. Rocket has made substantial investments in automating the mortgage process and has been an industry leader in increasing loan processing speed and removing pain points for consumers. These investments along with its control over the appraisal and titling process, through its ownership of Amrock, have allowed the firm to offer an industry-leading mortgage experience to borrowers while also enjoying a cost structure advantage over its competitors. As a digital lender Rocket is able to scale its capacity for mortgage volume up or down quickly since each loan requires less manual attention. This flexibility will be needed as rising mortgage rates push mortgage origination volume well below their 2020 and 2021 highs. Rocket is particularly exposed to this trend as it is strongest in refinance activity and price sensitive first-time homebuyers. As origination activity is curtailed by higher interest rates, the Rocket’s revenue and earnings to fall from 2021, particularly as pricing in the mortgage secondary market has cooled down.

That said, through the full cycle that Rocket will continue to gain market share from other lenders. Consumers have become more comfortable with conducting their finances digitally during the pandemic, and digital lenders, like Rocket, have benefited from this tailwind. Rocket has had strong success in expanding its partner network. New partnerships with firms like Mint and Morgan Stanley, in which these firms offer Rocket’s mortgages to their customers, will help drive growth. While Rocket’s revenue and earnings will likely remain volatile, a symptom of the cyclical nature of the mortgage industry, the company’s strong competitive position and trends in consumer behavior will provide it with long-term secular growth.

Financial Strengths

Rocket operates in a highly cyclical industry, as a result its revenue and earnings have the potential to drop sharply due to economic factors completely out of its control. While Rocket does resell the mortgages it makes within days of origination, the sheer volume of mortgages that Rocket creates means that the company has billions in mortgage debt on its balance sheet at any given point in time. At the end of December, Rocket had more than $19 billion in mortgages, which were financed by equity and less than $13 billion in funding facilities. The combination of volatile revenue and substantial funding needs means that Rocket’s financial strength is an important factor to watch, particularly during slower markets. Despite this, no one can have any significant concerns about Rocket’s financial health at this time. The company has a strong balance sheet and has been able to maintain constant profitability, even during slow periods for mortgage origination. Rocket had over $2.1 billion in cash at the end of December 2021 and only $6 billion in debt not directly tied to its mortgage holdings. With net debt of roughly 1.5 times that projected 2023 EBITDA, Rocket should have more than enough financial resources to see it through a slow mortgage market, should one develop.

Bulls Say

  • Rocket has been steadily gaining market share in both its direct-to-consumer and partner network mortgage origination channels. 
  • Rocket’s digital origination model gives it a cost advantage over its peers and allows it to respond rapidly to market developments. 
  • Rocket has been able to sign major partnerships to expand its partner network. Deals with Morgan Stanley and Intuit’s Mint represent major wins for the company.

Company Description

Rocket Companies is a financial services company that was originally founded as Rock Financial in 1985 and is currently based in Detroit. Rocket Companies offers a wide array of services and products but is best known for its Rocket Mortgage business. The company’s mortgage lending operations are split between its direct-to-consumer lending, which sees borrowers accessing the company’s lending arm directly through either its mobile app or website, and its partner network where mortgage brokers and other firms use Rocket’s origination process to offer loans to their customers. The company has rapidly gained market share in recent years and is now the largest mortgage originator in the U.S. as well as the servicer for more than 2 million loans. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

While Inflation Runs Rampant, Pepsi’s Leading Snack and Beverage Mix Should Serve It Well

Business Strategy & Outlook

For many consumers, the Pepsi trademark elicits images of cola containers and ads extolling the brand’s taste superiority versus Coke. While PepsiCo is still a beverage behemoth, its business now extends beyond this industry, with Frito-Lay and Quaker products accounting for over half of sales and over 65% of profits. A diversified portfolio across snacks and beverages is the source of many of the company’s competitive advantages. Though management missteps have stymied performance in the past, the confluence of better execution and benefits inherent to its integrated business model has allowed Pepsi to reaccelerate profitable growth, and the plenty of room to run.

After years of sluggish sales growth and underinvestment, Pepsi has committed to reinvigorating its top line. To that end, it has made significant investments in manufacturing capacity (for example, production lines to meet demand for reformulated packaging), system capacity (route optimization and sales technology), and productivity (harmonization and automation). These investments as prudent and believe they will allow the company to strengthen key trademarks such as Mountain Dew and Gatorade, deepen its presence in growth markets like sub-Saharan Africa, and yield enough cost savings to reinvest and widen profits. Recent strategic pivots in the energy category (such as the Rockstar acquisition and Mountain Dew line extensions) should also underpin growth and margins.

Pepsi’s growth trajectory is not without risk, as the company faces secular headwinds such as shifts in consumer behavior. Additionally, changing go-to-market dynamics, such as online commerce that encourages real-time price comparisons and obviates the extent of Pepsi’s retail distribution advantage, allow for more nimble and aggressive competition. Still, the structural dynamics emanating from Pepsi’s scale, the cachet of its brands, and the breadth of its portfolio, which support its wide moat, should enable the company to maintain and augment its competitive positioning.

Financial Strengths

A Pepsi’s financial health as excellent. While leverage has ticked up due to recent acquisitions, the company still has a strong balance sheet with manageable debt levels and robust free cash flow generation. Strong interest coverage ratios also lend credence to the firm’s health in this regard. One cannot not foresee Pepsi having any issues meeting its contractual obligations for the foreseeable future, given the reliability of its business and its stalwart positioning across its categories. Historically, the company has regularly produced around $7 billion in free cash flow (high-single to low-double digits as a percentage of sales). Management has prioritized strategic investments across the business of late, which as prudent to aid its competitive standing over the long term. While capacity (particularly in snacking growth areas) and digital capability investments will remain elevated in 2022 and beyond, the free cash flow to normalize at or above historical levels, particularly as the company’s revenue management and supply chain digitization initiatives continue to bear fruit. Management’s guiding principle as it relates to debt levels is to maintain access to Tier 1 commercial paper. While the prerequisites for this status vary by rating agency, no one can impediments to Pepsi’s ability to continue relying on this short-duration paper, and the current leverage levels (around 2.5 times net debt/EBITDA) are appropriate for the firm. Moreover, the firm’s commercial paper access as one of the biggest testaments to its financial strength; this cheap financing should facilitate and perpetuate Pepsi’s financial flexibility. As exit the pandemic, liquidity should be of no concern to Pepsi investors–in addition to roughly $6 billion in cash at the end of fiscal 2021, the firm has undrawn credit facilities in excess of $7 billion.

Bulls Say

  • In still beverages—a category facing fewer secular challenges, particularly in the U.S.–Pepsi is a much more formidable competitor to Coca-Cola.
  • Pepsi’s global dominance in salty snacks may be underappreciated; with volume share more than 10 times that of the next-largest competitor, the firm benefits from unparalleled unit economics and go-to market optionality.
  • The firm’s consolidated beverage and snack distribution operations, combined with its direct store delivery capabilities, allow for better execution in merchandising.

Company Description

PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies globally. It makes, markets, and sells a slew of brands across the beverage and snack categories, including Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Doritos, Lays, and Ruffles. The firm uses a largely integrated go-to-market model, though it does leverage third-party bottlers, contract manufacturers, and distributors in certain markets. In addition to company-owned trademarks, Pepsi manufactures and distributes other brands through partnerships and joint ventures with companies such as Starbucks. The firm segments its operations into five primary geographies, with North America (comprising Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America, and North America beverages) constituting around 60% of consolidated revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Aurora Again Punishes Existing Shareholders with Massive Dilution from Latest Equity Raise

Business Strategy & Outlook

Aurora cultivates and sells cannabis predominantly in Canada but also exports it to the global medical market. Aurora considers itself a medical cannabis company first but has benefited from the legalization of recreational cannabis in Canada in 2018. Recreational use now accounts for nearly 40% of gross sales, although this share is slightly lower than peers. The Canadian medical market to grow slowly at roughly 1.5% as recreational legalization takes customers. The robust recreational growth of roughly 15%, driven by the conversion of illicit-market consumers into the legal market and new cannabis consumers.

Aurora has expanded its global medical exports, currently shipping to more than 20 countries. The global market looks lucrative, given higher realized prices and the growing acceptance of cannabis’ medical benefits. Exporters must pass strict regulations to enter markets, protecting early entrants like Aurora. Continued growth in its medical exports has helped Aurora see volume and price growth even as its domestic market has struggled during pandemic lockdowns. The roughly 20% average annual growth through 2031. The U.S. will change federal law to recognize states’ choices on legality within their borders, unlocking the fastest-growing and largest potential cannabis market, which as per the estimate will be more than five times larger than the Canadian market. At present, Aurora would not benefit from a change in U.S. federal law on THC cannabis, as its only exposure is through hemp-derived CBD products through its May 2020 acquisition of Reliva. Aurora is one of the few Canadian producers with no standing deals with a U.S. multistate operator, although it believes it would be able to draw an attractive partner should the law change.

Unlike some of its peers, Aurora doesn’t have the financial backing of a bigger company. This forces it to rely more heavily on equity market access while its peers can rely on the deep pockets of a large partner for capital. This raises the risk of massive equity dilution to avoid running out of cash. Most recently, it issued equity at a 60% discount to the fair value estimates in May 2022.

Financial Strengths

Aurora’s financial health has been a lingering concern but is improving. At the end of its third quarter of fiscal 2022, the company had about CAD 334 million of convertible notes compared with a market capitalization of roughly CAD 700 million. The notes are due in 2024, so the company has some time. The company raised another $150 million in May 2022 by selling shares and warrants. The extra cash boosts financial health at a massive cost to existing shareholders. Aurora continues to generate cash losses. This is particularly concerning because the company has limited capital markets access and no major strategic partner backing it. However, since announcing its restructuring program, the company has significantly reduced its cash burn and positive EBITDA is nearing. Aurora’s access to debt markets is limited. Consequentially, the company has relied on equity offerings to fund its cash needs, leading to significant dilution for existing shareholders. In fact, shares roughly doubled from March 2020 to March 2021. Having sizable leverage while remaining unprofitable creates additional risk for Aurora. This creates a wide range of possible valuation outcomes for shares amid the significant risk of value destruction. With Aurora shares having fallen over the last several months along with the broader cannabis sector, any share issuances would be even more dilutive.

Bulls Say

Aurora has rationalized its production facilities and head count, significantly reducing its cash burn.

Cannabis cultivation is complicated, including challenging operational ramp-ups and optimization. Aurora’s strategic focus on its cultivation operations will help it achieve lower production costs than peers.

Aurora’s international exposure can deliver high margin sales to help its path to profitability.

Company Description

Aurora Cannabis, headquartered in Edmonton, Canada, cultivates and sells medicinal and recreational cannabis through a portfolio of brands that includes Aurora, CanniMed, Daily Special, MedReleaf, and San Rafael ’71. Although the company primarily operates in Canada, it has expanded internationally through medical cannabis exporting agreements or cultivation facilities in more than 20 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Dividend Stocks

SL Green Realty Corp: The Manhattan net absorption rate remains negative as of first-quarter 2022

Business Strategy and Outlook

SL Green Realty is a real estate investment trust engaged in the acquisition, development, repositioning, ownership, and management of commercial real estate properties, principally office properties. Most of the companies’ properties are in the Manhattan area. The company held interests in approximately 35 million SF, which includes ownership interests in 26.7 million SF in Manhattan buildings and 7.2 million SF securing debt and preferred equity investments. The strategy of the company is to maintain a high-quality portfolio of buildings in desirable locations and focus on creating value through new developments, capital recycling, and joint venture investments. As an instance, SL Green’s $3 billion megaproject One Vanderbilt was completed amidst the pandemic and has already achieved high occupancy rates. 

The economic uncertainty emanating from pandemic recovery and the remote work dynamic have created a challenging environment for office owners. Employees are still hesitant in returning to the office as office utilization remains around 45% of the pre-pandemic level. The vacancy rate for office spaces in Manhattan was recorded at 21% in first-quarter 2022, which is roughly 1000 basis points higher than pre-pandemic levels. On the supply side, approximately 17 million SF of office space, which amounts to around 4% of the total inventory is currently under construction in Manhattan and would be added to the market in upcoming years. It is alleged this additional supply to further pressure fundamentals in the market. The Manhattan net absorption rate remains negative as of first-quarter 2022 and rental growth figures are disappointing especially given the highly inflationary environment. 

Having said this, an increasing number of companies requiring their employees to return to the office can be seen. In the long run, it is anticipated that remote work and hybrid remote work solutions will gain increasing acceptance, but offices will continue to be the centrepiece of workplace strategy and will play an essential role in facilitating collaboration, harnessing innovation, and maintaining the company culture.

Financial Strength

It is likely, SL Green has relatively more debt compared with other office REITs especially after considering its share of debt in unconsolidated joint ventures. The firm owns a majority of its properties through unconsolidated JVs and these properties are significantly more leveraged than the firm’s balance sheet. However, it is bought to light that the unconsolidated JV debt is secured by the portfolio assets and have limited recourse to the parent company. The company’s share of debt which also includes its share of unconsolidated JV debt was $9.9 billion as of the end of first-quarter 2022, resulting in a debt/EBITDA ratio of 13.1 times. The current debt/EBITDA ratio is also high because of a lower base in the current challenging environment. It is held that, the figure should come down slightly over the next few years as fundamentals recover and EBITDA sees healthy growth. Having said this, it is absorbed that SL Green’s higher leverage implies a higher financial risk for the firm. The weighted average interest rate on the company’s debt was 3.11% and the debt maturity schedule shows that the maturities are adequately spread. Approximately 77% of the total debt is fixed-rate debt with the other 23% being floating rate debt. The debt service coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA divided by interest and principal payments was 2.2 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The fixed-charge coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA are divided by all fixed expenses (including interest) was 1.9 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The debt and fixed-charge coverage ratios are 3.8 times and 2.9 times, respectively, if only consolidated figures are considered. As a REIT, SL Green is required to pay out at least 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders. The FAD pay-out ratio which is a ratio of dividends to funds available for distribution was reported at 70% for the year 2021. This shows the firm is generating sufficient cash to cover its fixed expenses and pay out dividend.

Bulls Say’s

  • SL Green’s midtown focus allows it to access one of the most vibrant business districts in the world. In addition to this, the company’s high-quality office buildings with good amenities should benefit from the flight to quality trend. 
  • The development pipeline of the company is poised to drive significant net operating income growth for SL Green. 
  • SL Green attracts the highest-quality tenants with the deepest pockets, greatly reducing risk across its portfolio.

Company Profile 

SL Green is one of the largest Manhattan property owner and landlord, with interest in around 35 million square feet of wholly owned and joint venture office space. The company has additional property exposure through its limited portfolio of well-located retail space. It operates as a real estate investment trust 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

With most fixed income trading still primarily voice based, MarketAxess has a long runway for growth ahead of it

Business Strategy and Outlook

MarketAxess operates the leading platform for the electronic trading of corporate bonds. While the company is primarily focused on U.S. securities, 30%-40% of its corporate bond trading volume comes from emerging market debt and Eurobonds giving the company a strong international presence. MarketAxess also offers trading in U.S. Treasuries and municipal bonds, bolstering its efforts in these sectors through the acquisitions of LiquidityEdge and MuniBrokers in 2019 and 2021, respectively. That said, corporate bonds are the core of MarketAxess’ business which is likely to remain true, a consequence of the more competitive nature of the treasury trading market and the smaller amount of municipal debt outstanding. 

Fixed-income markets globally are increasingly moving away from voice negotiated trading toward electronic trading platforms as the liquidity and workflow enhancement of these electronic networks promises to lower implicit and explicit trading costs for increasingly expense conscious firms. As MarketAxess rolls out such new features as automated trade execution and expands its Open Trading all-to-all network, the cost and liquidity advantages of electronic trading networks over traditional methods continues to increase. With most fixed income trading still primarily voice based, MarketAxess has a long runway for growth ahead of it. 

While revenue only grew in the low single digits during 2021, results were affected by a normalization from a cyclical high in corporate bond trading volume market wide in 2020. That said, it must be noted that MarketAxess’ competitor, Tradeweb, found a great deal of success in U.S. corporate bond trading in 2021 as its net hedging and portfolio trading protocols resonated with traders. The rival firm gained market share from voice trading while MarketAxess’ position was largely stagnant. MarketAxess has worked to replicate these features but the company’s competitive positioning in the U.S will bear monitoring in 2022, particularly as the smaller Trumid has gained momentum and support recently.

Financial Strength

MarketAxess is in a strong financial position, even after the series of acquisitions it has made in recent years. At the end of December 2021, the company had over $500 million in cash and investment securities, more than double its total cash outlay on acquisitions over the last two and a half years, and no long-term debt outstanding. MarketAxess enjoys wide margins and strong cash flow, given the countercyclical behaviour of its revenue is in an excellent financial position from a cash flow perspective. MarketAxess’ operating model has high upfront costs but lower incremental capital requirements to support growth once the trading platform and its network have been established. The company’s decision to switch to a self-clearing model for its U.S. operations has materially increased the amount of capital required to maintain its business, but with a strong balance sheet and good operating cash flow the company still has plenty of room to finance investment spending and shareholder returns as it sees fit.

Bulls Say’s

  • MarketAxess enjoys a commanding position in the market for electronic trading of credit bonds, particularly in U.S. high yield securities. 
  • MarketAxess is benefiting from a secular transition away from voice negotiated trading toward electronic platforms, creating strong tailwinds for continued revenue growth. 
  • U.S. corporate bond markets are seeing higher turnover rates as automated trading algorithms, like MarketAxess’ AiEX, see more adoption and trading costs decrease. This increases transaction volume industrywide, creating another tailwind for MarketAxess.

Company Profile 

Founded in 2000, MarketAxess is a leading electronic fixed-income trading platform that connects broker/dealers and institutional investors. The company is primarily focused on credit based fixed income securities with its main trading products being U.S. investment-grade and high-yield bonds, Eurobonds, and Emerging Market corporate debt. Recently the company has expanded more aggressively into Treasuries and municipal bonds with the acquisitions of LiquidityEdge and MuniBrokers in 2019 and 2021, respectively. The company also provides pre- and post-trade services with its acquisition of Regulatory Reporting Hub from Deutsche Börse Group in 2020 adding to its product offerings. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Cloud becoming a Material Long- term Driver for Baidu As Q1 2022 Revenue Beat

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Baidu’s online advertising business accounted for 79% of Core revenue in 2020 and will be the main source of revenue in the medium term given its dominant market share for search engines, but unless it can develop another industry-leading business, it could face long-term challenges for advertising dollars from growing competitors such as Tencent and Bytedance. In recent years, the firm developed its own ecosystem by creating its own Baidu app that incorporates smart mini-programs like Tencent’s WeChat to attract organic user growth but the flagship app has reached 580 million monthly active users in second-quarter 2021, increasing 9% year on year and 4% sequentially, signaling deceleration. Therefore, the signs of a plateau emphasize the importance of being able to commercialize other businesses, but success is far from certain. 

Baidu is transforming its identity by investing in AI firms, mainly AI cloud and autonomous driving, but whether these are commercialized successfully remains to be seen. There are encouraging signs of its AI cloud monetization having seen a 75% CAGR from 2018-20, now accounting for 14% of Core revenue in second-quarter 2021. However, despite sharp growth, Baidu has to face competition in the cloud from industry leaders Alibaba, Huawei and Tencent, which all have greater market share than Baidu. Baidu has invested in other emerging technologies, including speech recognition, AI chips, and autonomous driving. Despite a potential total addressable market for autonomous driving that is 9 times its online advertising per management, commercial success is highly uncertain as revenue remains immaterial, and mass scale adoption or time-to-market are unclear. Its streaming video service, iQiyi, continues to be a margin drag on Baidu’s business due to a high content cost. The business constantly needs to develop or acquire new content to prevent customer churn. We’re less confident of its outlook than the Core product due to a low barrier to entry and numerous competitors. Membership has remained stagnant at 105 million to 106 million subscribers for the last five quarters and therefore, long-term growth is limited.

Financial Strengths:  

Baidu’s balance sheet remains very well capitalized, with around CNY 163 billion in cash and short-term investments to support CNY 76 billion in total debt as of December 2020. Its free cash flow was CNY 3.9 billion in 2020, which is sufficient to fund operations and maintain its moat through investments in new products. As of fiscal 2020, Baidu had an EBITDA/interest coverage ratio of over 50 times. Given the cash-rich nature of the search business, Baidu might initiate repaying interest expense and debts when they are due. As of January 2021, Moody’s maintained Baidu’s A3 rating and changed the outlook from positive to stable.

Bulls Say:  

  • Baidu is strengthening its mobile ecosystem with search, livestreaming, and mini programs, helping to create a closed-loop experience for users to acquire information and make transaction.
  • Baidu is a leader in AI with autonomous driving in terms of number of miles tested and the number of driving licenses in China. Baidu’s AI cloud has also grown significantly in 2020 at 44% year over year, with signs of momentum.
  • Sitting on a cash pile of over CNY 100 billion, Baidu has ample dry powder to invest in technology, particularly in AI, as well as merger and acquisition opportunities.

Company Description: 

Baidu is the largest internet search engine in China with 84% share of the search engine market in September 2021 per web analytics firm, Statcounter. The firm generated 62% of revenue from online marketing services from its search engine in 2020. Outside its search engine, Baidu is a technology-driven company and its other major growth initiatives are artificial intelligence cloud, video streaming services, voice recognition technology, and autonomous driving.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

Nanosonics’ Third Quarter Largely Consistent With its Second; Shares appear Modestly Overvalued

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Nanosonics’ trophon solution for high-level disinfection, or HLD, of ultrasound probes has garnered substantial market share, as evidenced by penetration of over 75% in Australia and New Zealand and 40% in North America. The elevated growth over the next three years as Trophon continues to gain share in North America and launch in Japan, but high market penetration may be more challenging to achieve in developing economies, which may not be able to prioritise nuanced disinfection standards. Moreover, the device patent expires in 2025, leading to slower volume growth in the medium term. Nonetheless, Nanosonics has a razor-and-blade business model and the installed trophon base supports an ongoing revenue stream from high margin consumables. In 2021 consumables contributed 63% of group revenue. The consumables revenue stream as more secure as its protected from generic substitution until fiscal 2029, and forecast these sales climbing to over 70% of Trophon revenue over the next 10 years. 

Nanosonics primarily distributes via GE Healthcare, its partner across multiple geographies. Recently Nanosonics established a direct sales team in North America, adding to the operating cost base, however, it is expected to see expanding gross margins from this and increasing revenue contribution from consumables. The estimated consumables to roughly earn a gross margin of 85% and devices 65% by fiscal 2026. Outside of trophon, the company expects to launch a new product in flexible endoscope cleaning in 2023. Previously, management intimated the addressable market to be equivalent to trophon and there is greater awareness of the infection issue this product addresses. The broad assumptions of a similar roll-out pattern to trophon from fiscal 2024 onwards and equivalent margins. This supports the views that consolidated companys EBITDA margins will climb to 35% by fiscal 2031 versus 14% in fiscal 2021. The pipeline product contributes roughly 16% of the fair value.

Financial Strengths:  

Nanosonics is in a net cash position and free cash flow positive. The operating model does not require significant capital investment, with the key investments for growth stemming from ongoing R&D spending, building out a salesforce and working capital. Despite having 60-day terms from distribution partners, the current net investment in working capital runs at approximately 28% of revenue due to high inventory holding levels which average roughly 200 days in stock. The forecasted net investment in working capital to remain in line with historical figures, but note it is possible to elevate in the near term as inventory is built up prior to the new product launch and in the early roll-out phase. The company first posted a profit in fiscal 2016 and is yet to pay a dividend, nor it is expected in the future as it invests in underpenetrated markets and its pipeline product. However, the company has free cash flow positive and they forecast it to convert roughly 72% of net income into free cash flow in a typical year.

Bulls Say: 

  • Nanosonics is the market leader in automated HLD of ultrasound probes with significant further market penetration potential in most regions.
  • Establishing its direct distribution model should increase the gross margins achieved by Nanosonics once it reaches critical mass.
  • The company has reached a pivotal point where higher margin consumables dominate the revenue stream. This revenue stream is also protected by patents and the installed trophon device base.

Company Description:  

Nanosonics is a single-product company and its trophon device provides high-level disinfection, or HLD, of ultrasound probes used in semi-critical procedures. The patented technology uses low temperature sonically activated hydrogen peroxide mist that is suitable for probes sensitive to damage. Automated HLD is increasingly being adopted as the standard of care globally as it is superior in preventing cross-infection across patients. Nanosonics’ revenue is made up of capital sales of trophon units, ongoing consumables sales, and service revenue. At June 2021, there were 26,750 trophon units installed globally. Market penetration rates range from over 75% in Australia and New Zealand, roughly 40% in the United States to low-single-digit penetration in EMEA and elsewhere in Asia-Pacific.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Buy One Get One Free; Mirvac Securities Are Cheap. Fair Value Uncertainty to Medium.

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Mirvac securities take the form of a stapled security, comprising one share in the corporation and one unit in Mirvac Property Trust. About 80% of the group’s earnings come from a passive commercial property portfolio housed within Mirvac Property Trust. Earnings from the rent-collecting business are usually stable and predictable, while most of the remainder comes from a residential development business that can be lucrative but is also more cyclical. Mirvac’s REIT status results in low company tax because trusts pass income and tax liabilities through to the end investor. 

Mirvac pays slightly more tax than some pure passive real estate investment trusts, though, because of the development business within the Mirvac corporation Mirvac is gradually reweighting its business in several ways. It is allocating most of its capital toward passive rent collecting and is currently within its target of 85%-90% of capital invested there. Within that, it is allocating more to office and industrial, trimming retail exposure, and refocusing its retail portfolio on urban areas. On the development side, more houses are expected (via master-planned communities) and fewer apartments in Mirvac’s residential earnings in the coming years. It also has a higher weight to commercial property development, mainly in office. Within residential, it is rolling out some build-to-rent projects, though this business is only a small portion of the portfolio at present. The shift toward master-planned communities will diversify earnings. However, the build-to-rent business as a yet-to-be proven concept. It remains to be seen whether renters will accept institutions as landlords in Australia. Mirvac’s first project, LIV Indigo in Sydney, was 93% leased by December 2021. The concept looks viable with low interest rates and low yields on commercial property, and few build-to-rent rivals, but should those conditions reverse, other business lines may look more attractive.

Financial Strengths: 

Mirvac is in reasonable financial health, with gearing (net debt/assets) of 22%, based on its Dec. 31, 2021, accounts. This is at the low end of the group’s targeted range of 20%-30%. The group’s average cost of debt was 3.3% at its December 2021 results, and it might grind higher in the wake of interest-rate rises. Even so, the group’s weighted average debt maturity is about six years and the group has no major debt maturities until fiscal 2023. This gives it flexibility, which could come in handy in acquiring new sites for the residential land bank or office portfolio during any downturn. Gearing will rise based on further acquisitions and development, and asset devaluations in its commercial property portfolio (with retail under particular threat). However, Mirvac’s development pipeline is expected to be lower-risk, with projects at or near completion, and with mostly high levels of tenant commitments. This should prevent gearing rising excessively until the outlook for recovery from coronavirus is clearer. Caution is appropriate, given that the extended boom in property has pushed up asset prices, which could make gearing appear to be lower than it really is. Moreover, pressure on earnings is likely, and dividend cuts remain a risk if the group decides it needs to preserve cash.

Bulls Say: 

  • A resumption of inbound immigration should support the value of Mirvac’s assets and underpin the viability of major development projects that the group has in its pipeline.
  • Mirvac has been shifting toward industrial exposure, a sector that was less affected by the coronavirus, and could benefit as businesses seek to invest in local supply chains and e-commerce capabilities.
  • Demand could continue for quality real estate from the likes of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and other offshore investors, especially as the Australian economy has dealt with the coronavirus health crisis better than some, which could allow a faster resumption of business activity.

Company Description: 

Mirvac is one of Australia’s largest residential developers, particularly apartments. Residential development earnings are volatile, generating about a fifth of EBIT in fiscal 2019, despite only about 13% of the group’s invested capital being allocated there. There was a cyclical high and don’t expect development settlements to substantially exceed the 2019-20 high point in the next decade. About 80% of Mirvac’s earnings come from a predictable commercial property portfolio, more than half of which is office and another fourth in retail, a small industrial portfolio, and a fledgling build-to-rent residential portfolio. The company is allocating more capital to passive property ownership, and within that, trimming retail exposure and adding office, industrial, and residential.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

No Change To Our Fair Value Estimate For Royal Bank Of Canada After Second-Quarter Earnings

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

It is expected that Royal Bank of Canada will remain a steady player in its retail and commercial Canadian banking operations. It also remains a major player in global capital markets. It is expected that this segment will continue to be a strong contributor to net income, and if anything, capital markets have been countercyclical for the bank during the pandemic as earnings have soared for the unit. The wealth-management segment also earns strong returns on equity, and large inflows have led to a top market position. RBC remains a top asset manager and gatherer in Canada, and is also experiencing outsize growth from City National, where cross-selling and client integration efforts have gone well. The banks’ distribution networks are arguably the most dominant in Canada, and the bank has the largest amount of assets under management among the Canadian banks. 

 RBC’s growth strategy in the U.S. through City National, focusing on wealth and commercial clients. The company believes this is a much more focused strategy than its previous attempts at growth in the U.S., and it is paying dividends. We think the bank has additional room for outsize growth as CNB grows and as the bank invests in additional wealth and investment banking staff. With the initial COVID-19-driven downturn in the past, 2021 turned into a year of recovery in profitability and lower-than-expected credit costs. So far, 2022 is showing a continuation of the positive credit environment and rate hikes are going to help net interest income, but fee growth is starting to slow.

Financial Strengths:  

 Royal Bank of Canada is seen as being in a strong overall financial health and do not believe any potential future issues will be an existential risk to the bank. The Canadian housing market is worth monitoring, but from company’s point of view this is more of a risk to the future growth rather than a major credit risk. According to the company RBC’s reported common equity Tier 1 ratio of 13.2% as of April 2022 remains satisfactory, arguably even representing overcapitalization. The bank also maintains one of the highest credit ratings (along with Toronto Dominion) of the big six banks. With its dividend payout ratio generally at a manageable levels in the mid-40s in a normal year, it is expected that the capital generation will continue to provide growth in its capital position, leaving room for future acquisitions or increased capital return to shareholders.

Bulls Say: 

  • Royal Bank of Canada’s worldwide scope in capital markets and wealth management provides a powerful and diversified stream of revenue. The ETF partnership with BlackRock further solidifies RBC’s overall dominance in financial services. This should lead to outsize fee income versus peers. 
  • The strength in its Canadian banking business, where returns on equity exceed 30%, should continue for some time. 
  • RBC’s latest expansion into the U.S. high-net-worth and commercial banking space should provide additional high-margin growth for the bank.

Company Description:  

Royal Bank of Canada is one of the two largest banks in Canada by assets and one of six that collectively hold roughly 90% of the nation’s banking deposits. The bank derives two thirds of its revenue from Canada, with the rest primarily coming from the United States. It has done an admirable job of expanding its nonbank lines of business, running efficient banking operations, and generating some of the best returns for shareholders in the industry. The company believes RBC should remain one of the dominant Canadian banks for years to come, even as a more difficult macro backdrop pressures earnings growth in the medium term.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Remote Work Continues To Weigh On Office Recovery

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

The company’s strategy is to develop and own premier properties that maintain high occupancy rates and achieve premium rental rates through economic cycles in supply-constrained markets that have the strongest economic growth and investment characteristics for office real estate. Management has also outlined its policies on capital recycling to ensure continuous portfolio refreshment and value creation while maintaining a strong balance sheet and having adequate access to capital to take advantage of opportunistic situations. The company also welcomes management’s focus on ESG as it aligns its office portfolio to meet the sustainability requirements of its clients. 

The economic uncertainty emanating from pandemic recovery and the remote work dynamic has created a challenging environment for owners of office real estate. Employees are still hesitant in returning to the office as office utilization remains at approximately 45% of the pre-pandemic level. The national vacancy rate for office spaces was recorded at 17.5% in Q1 2022, which is roughly 500 basis points higher than pre-pandemic levels. The net absorption rate was marginally negative as of Q1 2022 and rental growth figures remain disappointing given the highly inflationary environment. Having said this, the company has seen an increasing number of companies requiring their employees to return to the office. In the long run, company believes that remote work and hybrid remote work solutions will gain increasing acceptance, but offices will continue to be the centerpiece of workplace strategy and will play an essential role in facilitating collaboration, harnessing innovation, and maintaining the company culture.

Financial Strengths:  

Boston Properties is in sound financial health. The company’s share of debt which also includes its share of unconsolidated joint venture debt was $12.9 billion as of the end of the fourth quarter in 2021, resulting in a debt/EBITDAre ratio of 7.7 times. The current debt/EBITDAre ratio is probably on the higher side and is slightly above the company’s long-term average. However, company thinks that the figure should return to the industry average over the next few years as fundamentals recover and EBITDA sees healthy growth. The weighted average interest rate on the company’s debt was 3.40% and the weighted average maturity period was 6.6 years. The maturity schedule of the company’s debt shows that the maturities are adequately spread. Company believes

 that the leverage used by the company to fund its capital structure is appropriate given the high-quality office portfolio. The fixed charge coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDAre divided by all fixed expenses (including interest expenses) was 2.8 times as of the end of 2021. As a real estate investment trust, Boston Properties is required to pay out at least 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders. The FAD payout ratio which is a ratio of dividends to funds available for distribution was reported at 92.1% for the year 2021. This shows that the company is generating sufficient cash to cover its fixed expenses and payout dividends

Bulls Say: 

  • Boston Properties owns premier properties in supply constrained cities which have favorable regional dynamics and strong growth prospects. Additionally, the life sciences portfolio of the company should benefit from the strong demand in the burgeoning sector.
  • The company’s high-quality office buildings with good amenities should benefit from the flight to quality trend. 
  • Boston Properties’ balance sheet strength, its access to low-cost capital, and its development expertise allow it to pursue lucrative large-scale development projects that generate value for shareholders.

Company Description:  

Boston Properties develops, owns, and manages Class A office properties that are mainly concentrated in six markets–Boston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, D.C. It owns over 200 properties consisting of approximately 53 million rentable square feet of space. The company has positioned itself to benefit from the burgeoning life sciences sector as it owns approximately 4.6 million square feet of life sciences space and has an additional 5 million square feet of future development potential.

(Source: Morningstar)

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