Investment Thesis:
- Trading below the updated valuation and the risk reward looking more attractive post the recent share price correction.
- Strong brands in Smiggle and Peter Alexander.
- Expectations of significant growth of Smiggle and Peter Alexander in UK, Asia and Eurozone.
- PMV controls its own brands (design, sourcing and distribution) rather than distributing other brands.
- Strong online sales presence, which allows the company to compete with the likes of Amazon and eBay, as these online platforms cannot sell PMV brands.
- Significant exposure to the consumer overseas (UK, Europe & Asia), as opposed to be 100% leveraged to Australian sales.
- Strong management team, including Chairman Solomon Lew and incoming CEO Richard Murray (ex CEO JB Hi Fi).
- Strong balance sheet with net cash position provide buffer in hard time and flexibility in times of growth.
Key Risks:
- Increase in competitive pressures (reported entry of Amazon into the Australian market).
- Increase in cost of doing business.
- Loss in brand equity for the key brands – Smiggle and Peter Alexander.
- Store roll-out strategy stalls or new stores cannibalise existing stores.
- The Company unable to arrest the sales decline in its more mature brands.
- Adverse currency movements.
Key Highlights:
- Retail sales of $769.9m, up +0.6% YoY or up +5.2% over 1H20, or on a like-for-like basis, global sales were up +8.9%. This was driven by record online sales of $195.4m up +27.3% relative to the pcp or up +101.1% over 1H20, and record Peter Alexander sales of $227.4m, up +11.4% on 1H21 and up +57% on 1H20, whilst Smiggle continues to show positive sales momentum, up +5.6%.
- Premier Retail Gross Profit of $507.2m was up +1.4% relative to the pcp or up +10.8% over 1H20. Gross Margin were up 54bps on 1H21 and up 334bps on 1H20. Total cost of doing business declined 67bps on 1H21 and by 430bps on 1H20.
- PMV retains a strong capital position with all operating debt repaid during 1H22 and now has cash on hand of $468.6m at 1H22-end. PMV retains a 26.2% stake in Breville Group (BRG), with investment at a market value of over $1bn at 29 January 2022 (balance sheet value of $289.3m). PMV retains a 19.9% in Myer worth $69m.
- The Board declared a record interim dividend of 46cps fully franked, up +35.3% on 1H21.
- In Europe, Smiggle’s sales performance in 1H22 exceeded expectations, particularly around the key “back to school” periods, however, in Asia, numerous Covid related disruptions were experienced in 1H22, including school closures and lack of tourists due to international border closures.
- The Board declared a 1”.
Company Description:
Premier Investments Ltd (PMV) wholly owns retail conglomerate the Just Group and also holds a 27.5% stake in listed electrical consumer products manufacturer Breville Group Ltd (BRG) and 10.8% stake in listed department store, Myer Holdings (MYR). The Company has the following brands in its portfolio: Smiggle, Portmans, Just Jeans, dotti, Jacqui-E, Jay Jays and Peter Alexander. The Company operates in Asia, Europe, the UK and Australia.
(Source: Banyantree)
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