Business Strategy & Outlook:
Ferguson primarily serves three major end markets: repair and remodel (Ferguson refers to this market as repair, maintenance, and improvement), new construction, and civil infrastructure. Between 2008 and 2020, Ferguson’s exposure to the U.S. RMI market (as a percentage of sales) increased from 31% to 60%, while U.S. new construction revenue exposure decreased from 58% to 32%. U.S. R&R spending is forecasted to grow at a 4%-5% compound annual rate this decade (using 2020 as the base year). While R&R spending surged during the pandemic, a dramatic downturn in home improvement projects.
Instead, the pandemic stepped R&R sales up to a structurally higher base for more normalized growth going forward. In terms of U.S. residential construction, housing starts to decline about 10% to 1.45 million units in 2023. There’s still plenty of pent-up demand for new homes, and less buyer competition and more entry-level construction should usher in price relief. The projected housing starts will average about 1.5 million units annually this decade. Ferguson has built leading positions across most of its end markets through its roll-up acquisition strategy. The company typically acquires local competitors, gaining access to new brands, suppliers, regions, and customers. Ferguson to continue this strategy, which should augment its scale-driven competitive advantage. Ferguson sold its Wolseley U.K. business for approximately $420 million in February 2021. This business struggled to generate shareholder value despite being one of the largest distributors in the United Kingdom. There were very few synergies between geographies and little overlap in suppliers. Ferguson’s strategic shift to the United States will be a tailwind for the firm’s prospects, and Ferguson’s primary listing on the New York Stock Exchange could increase interest from U.S. investors.
Financial Strengths:
Ferguson set out to clean up its balance sheet following the great financial crisis, and it improved net debt/EBITDA from 3.5 times before the 2008 crisis to 0.8 times as of April 30, 2022. Net debt at the end of the third quarter of fiscal 2022 (April 2022) was $2.4 billion. Ferguson’s strong balance sheet gives management the financial flexibility to run a balanced capital allocation strategy that augments growth with acquisitions but also returns cash to shareholders. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations, given its strong cash balance. Its cash position at the end of the third quarter of fiscal 2022 stood at $1.2 billion. There’s comfort in Ferguson’s ability to tap available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs. The encouragement is by the countercyclical nature of industrial distributors’ free cash flow generation, which results from the ability to drawdown inventory during times of economic malaise. Ferguson generated over $1 billion of free cash flow during the great financial crisis, and current economic weakness to push free cash flow levels materially higher as working capital requirements ease. Ferguson enjoys a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects.
Bulls Say:
- Ferguson’s roll-up strategy in the U.S. should lead to market share gains, boosting revenue growth in excess of the market average.
- Ferguson’s strategic shift to the U.S. away from international markets has strengthened group operating margins.
- Ferguson generates strong free cash flow throughout the economic cycle despite serving cyclical end markets.
Company Description:
Ferguson distributes plumbing and HVAC products primarily to repair, maintenance, and improvement, new construction, and civil infrastructure markets. It serves over 1 million customers and sources products from 34,000 suppliers. Ferguson engages customers through approximately 1,600 North American branches, over the phone, online, and in residential showrooms. In fiscal 2021, Ferguson derived 94% of its nearly $23 billion of sales in the U.S. According to Modern Distribution Management, Ferguson is the largest industrial and construction distributor in North America. The firm sold its U.K. business in 2021 and is now solely focused on the North American market.
(Source: Morningstar)
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