Business Strategy and Outlook
As a good middle-of-the-road insurer Aviva has had its fair share of problems over the years. As with many previously poorly run companies, these issues have stretched across leverage, controls, turnover and likely relatedly, its sprawling business portfolio. While prior leadership teams tried to get a handle on this business, up until now none have really done so. This is mainly attributed to a focus on growth and innovation, without a focus on strong capital management and discipline. Mark Wilson’s tenure was characterized by the Friends Life acquisition, the digital garage and his appointment at BlackRock. It felt like Maurice Tulloch would tilt the business more toward general insurance but we think it is likely that the business’ problems became too much for him. Present CEO Amanda Blanc is now set on making things right and has divested noncore assets, promising now to focus on the U.K., Ireland, and Canada.
Aviva is not a highly differentiated business and does not have a strong strategy. As a middle of the road business, reinvestment is critical. Two of its three objectives have been achieved and those are focus and financial strength. However, what is yet to be seen is how Blanc will transform the remaining assets into a collection of units that are better than they are and perhaps approaching market-leading. From what has been seen, this is about investing in exceptional customer service and it’s hard to imagine anyone disputing that need. All too often that falls by the wayside in this segment of financial services. However, there is no disputing that excellent customer service has tangible and financial benefits. It leads to lower customer turnover and lower acquisition costs both in terms of volume and margin. Lastly, this is largely a long-term savings business so accretive investment in Aviva Investors will be crucial.
Financial Strength
Aviva has a weak balance sheet. Aviva’s debt is a little over half of its shareholders’ equity. Most of this is core structural borrowings that are held by the center. Pleasingly, management has decided to appease investors with a near GBP 2.0 billion debt reduction in 2021 and a further GBP 1.0 billion debt reduction program over the coming years. This debt reduction plan has been assisted by the GBP 7.5 billion raised from the eight business sales. This has provided management with plenty of room to commence a GBP 1.0 billion buyback on top of the deleveraging. The net of these actions is anticipated to substantially improve the business’ leveraged position. The interim dividend for 2021 was increased to GBX 7.35 per share and the total dividend for the year will be GBX 22.0. This means a final of GBX 14.7 per share for full-year 2021. Guidance is for a dividend of GBX 31.5 for full results of 2022.
Bulls Say’s
Aviva’s new CEO is still making good strides to focus, transform, and simplify the business.
Leverage has been an issue, and this is a primary focus of the new management team.
Targeted capital remittance plans provide a nice buffer for further buybacks or business reinvestment.
Company Profile
Aviva is a multiline insurer headquartered in the United Kingdom. It traces its roots back to the late 1700s with the establishment of the Hand-in-Hand Fire Office, a mutual insurer of loss from fire. This mutual, along with many other entities acquired and established over the years, was purchased by Commercial Union in 1905. In the late 1990s, Commercial Union and General Accident merged to form Commercial General Union, or CGU. A few years later CGU and Norwich Union merged and later rebranded as Aviva. Aviva acquired Friends Life in 2015. Aviva has been through quick successions of leadership in recent years. Mark Wilson served as CEO in the five years between 2013 and 2018. Then Maurice Tulloch took over and led up to July 2020. Amanda Blanc has led since then.
(Source: MorningStar)
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