Dividend Stocks

Stockland continues to divest retail property, but faces a choice of selling assets in the near term

Business Strategy & Outlook

Stockland generates about two thirds of funds from operations, or FFO, from its commercial property portfolio, which is roughly two thirds retail property, the rest industrial and some office. Another third of earnings come from residential development. The development business is cyclical and its contribution to earnings swings substantially, while the commercial rental business is relatively stable. The earnings from the residential business will moderate as stimulus measures such as Homebuilder wash out of the pipeline.  In late 2021, Stockland revised its target asset mix, reducing retail assets, and increasing exposure to office, industrial and residential. The new target is about one third in residential (up from 15%), one half in office/industrial (up from 35%) and less than one third in retail (down from 50%). The office and industrial as fully priced in 2019, but the move has sidestepped some of the COVID-19 damage to retail property. Stockland continues to divest retail property but faces a choice of selling assets in the near term while recent coronavirus lockdowns weigh on values for retail assets, or holding out for recovery, but facing the risk of the ongoing structural shift to e-commerce. The group’s strategy of remixing toward food, services and entertainment gave early payback, but since mid-2019 that tactic is saturated.

In residential, tougher market conditions should enable Stockland to gain market share. It is Australia’s largest residential developer, usually selling between 5,000 and 7,000 land lots per year, and some smaller players will exit or slow down. That said, the pressure on the large players, and don’t expect the scorching volume growth of 2014-18 again within the 10-year discrete forecast period. Stockland acquired Halcyon in July 2021, significantly stepping up its exposure to the land-lease communities’ business.

Financial Strengths

Stockland is in good financial health, with gearing (net debt to assets) of circa 18%, as at June 30, 2022 (pro forma adjusted for the sale of Stockland’s retirement living business in July 2022). This is below the group’s targeted range of 20%-30%, but the gearing will rise as the commercial property values are expected to be marked down by valuers. Stockland will redeploy capital raised from recent disposals, into further acquisitions, particularly in industrial, and into office developments at North Sydney and its Piccadilly site in the Sydney CBD, plus the recently closed Halcyon purchase. While debt is lower than many other REITs, that is appropriate, given exposure to development activities. Stockland’s debt metrics could deteriorate if earnings from the cyclical residential division took a major hit, though this is unlikely given the level of precommitments and deposits Stockland typically obtains before commencing major construction works. The group could be exposed to refinancing risk if interest rates or credit spreads rose substantially. However, its average cost of debt was a remarkably low 3.4% for fiscal 2022 and about two thirds of debt is hedged, meaning the impact of higher rates is likely to be felt gradually over a number of years. Given a weighted average debt maturity was 5.3 years as at June 30, 2021 this is not a major threat. Cash and undrawn debt lines totalled about AUD 2.2 billion, providing further financial flexibility.

Bulls Say

  • The eventual resumption of population growth should support the value of Stockland’s assets and eventually underpin the viability of several development projects.
  • There remains demand for quality real estate from the likes of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and other offshore investors, which should drive buying in the direct property market and push valuations upward.
  • Stockland has greater exposure to industrial property than most diversified REITs. Of the major property sectors, the industry is the least impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing measures.

Company Description

Stockland is Australia’s largest housing developer, and this division generates about a third of the group’s funds-from-operations. Nearly two thirds comes from commercial property, mostly retail. It also has a growing land-lease business. The mix is evolving. Earnings from the residential development division are volatile and it is expected growth to moderate there. In commercial property the group is trimming retail and adding office and industrial via acquisitions and developments. Stockland-stapled securities comprise one share in the corporation that largely operates developments and one unit in a trust that holds the property portfolio.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Medibank health also includes the sales of travel, life, and pet insurance, where Medibank is not the underwriter but is paid a commission

Business Strategy & Outlook

Medibank is Australia’s largest private health insurer operating under the Medibank and Ahm brands. The dual-brand strategy has successfully allowed the group to offer differentiated pricing and messaging to grow members and profits. Despite the “free” universal public system in Australia, around 45% of Australia’s population have private hospital cover due to taxation benefits and penalties, shorter waiting times, and a choice of doctors and hospitals. The government policy settings, which promote the take up and retention of private health insurance products, remain in place. With an aging population, higher demand for more intense healthcare will put further pressure on the public health system. Medibank’s current strategy which has seen growth in policyholder numbers and margins, should see the positive trends continue. Initiatives included increasing the number of service providers where individuals pay no-gap, introducing reward programs (such as discounts) for members, investing in the digital offering to make it easier to lodge claims, adding tools and resources such as 24/7 nurse teleservice, and a new focus on in-home care. To help support margins there has also been a renewed focus on claim costs. Medibank secured audit rights with hospitals, which allows the insurer to investigate where rehabilitation referrals of a hospital exceed industry averages and it expanded efforts to identify errors in claims made by hospitals.

Despite larger players generating a respectable return on equity on mid-single-digit profit margins, smaller providers have less capacity to absorb the expected claims inflation. This could eventually lead to industry consolidation, or at the least a pullback in marketing expenses and policyholder acquisition costs. Medibank’s Other Health Services division provides in-home healthcare services such as nursing, rehabilitation, and health coaching for corporates. Medibank health also includes the sales of travel, life, and pet insurance, where Medibank is not the underwriter but is paid a commission.

Financial Strengths

In a debt-free position Medibank is in sound financial health. Medibank can fund long-term organic growth from cash flows, while maintaining the current 75% to 85% target dividend payout range.  As at June 30, 2022, Medibank held AUD 1.95 billion in capital, equating to 13% of annual premiums, the top end of the firm’s 11%-13% target range. Given low claims volatility in health insurance the insurer could carry some debt, but given a large acquisition is not expected, the conservative balance sheet is likely to remain a feature of Medibank. Investment assets of AUD 3.4 billion were allocated 22% to cash, 59% to fixed income, and 19% to equities, property, and other assets as at June 30, 2022.

Bulls Say

  • Industry growth is tied to a steadily increasing population, aging demographics and the rise in healthcare spending. Governments will continue to incentivise participation in private health insurance to share the burden of escalating healthcare costs.
  • Premium growth is generally tied to the increasing cost of healthcare.
  • The symbiotic relationship with the private hospital operators and buyer power over general practitioners is a key strength of Medibank’s business model. The majority of private hospital income is paid by the insurers.

Company Description

Previously owned by the Australian government, Medibank is the largest health insurer in Australia. Its two brands, Medibank Private and ahm, cover around 5 million people. Medibank and Australia’s fourth-largest health fund NIB Holdings are the only listed health insurers. In addition to private health insurance, the firm provides life, pet, and travel insurance, as well as health insurance for overseas students and temporary overseas workers. The Medibank Health division provides healthcare services to businesses, governments, and communities across Australia and New Zealand.

(Source: Morningstar)

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SCA Property Group (SCP) reported solid and in line FY22 results

Investment Thesis

  • Lackluster FY23 distribution guidance.
  • SCP’s share price is trading on par to its NTA.
  • Sustainable distribution yield.
  • Strong and experienced management team.
  • Retail properties continue to be a softening broader market in Australia.
  • Current low interest rate environment fosters growth and demand in the retail industry.
  • Improving trends in supermarket sales growth, with strong performance from Woolworths.
  • Robust development outlook and potential upside from development pipeline and new acquisitions. 
  • Increasing exposure to anchor and non-discretionary customers, providing sustainable and longer-term cashflows and rental income.
  • SCP’s portfolio occupancy rate is 98.3%; it has in excess of 1,300 tenants. The bulk of gross rent comes from Woolworths and Wesfarmers, and of the remaining portion, there is a heavy weighting towards non-discretionary categories.

Key Risks

  • Potential further Covid-19 impacts may result in rental earnings and valuation declines.
  • Likely increases in interest rates or deterioration in credit/capital markets in coming years. This narrows the interest rate-dividend yield differential.
  • Digital trend of online shopping reduces demand for retail spaces especially with the entrance of Amazon in the Australian market. Hence, this may also affect valuations of assets.  
  • Any deterioration in property fundamentals especially delays with developments, declining asset values, retailer bankruptcies and rising vacancies.  
  • Lower sales growth for WES/Coles and WOW because of Costco and Aldi taking market share.

Key Highlights: 

Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:  Net Profit After Tax of $487.1m, up +5.2%. Funds from Operations (FFO) of $192.7m, up +21.2%, or FFO per unit of 17.40cpu, up +17.9%. Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO) of $169.5m, up +24.8%, or AFFO per unit of 15.30 cpu, up +21.3%.

  • SCP declared distributions of 15.20 cpu, up +22.6% and represents a payout ratio of 99.8% of AFFO.
  • Gearing of 28.3% at 30 June 2022, is down from 31.3% at 30 June 2021 mainly due to valuation uplift. Gearing remains below the lower end of target range of 30-40% (with management highlighting they prefer to remain below 35% at this point in the cycle).
  • SCP’s average cost of debt is 2.5% (versus 2.4% in FY21), with 69.6% of debt fixed or hedged at FY22-end (versus 50.8% at FY21-end). Subsequently, management noted the percentage of debt fixed or hedged was increased to 81%. SCP has no debt maturities until June 2024.
  • Property portfolio value of $4,460.9m, up $460.9m since FY21-end driven by $421.0m valuation uplift and acquisitions of $347.5m, offset by divestments of $307.6m. SCP’s net tangible assets of $2.81 per unit at FY22-end, is up +11.5% from $2.52 at FY21-end due to the investment property valuation increase.
  • Property Portfolio Highlights. Relative to the pcp:  The value of investment properties increased to $4,460.9m during FY22 (from $4,000.0m at FY21-end), due to acquisitions of $347.5m and valuation increase of $421.0m, offset divestments of $307.6m. Total portfolio weighted average capitalisation rate is now 5.43% (versus 5.90% at FY21-end), with sub-regional centres compressing to 5.87% (from 6.35% at FY21-end), neighbourhood centres compressing to 5.28% (from 5.77% at FY21-end) and freestanding centre compressing to 4.63% (5.50% at FY21-end). 
  •  Total comparable store MAT sales are 10.0% higher than pre-Covid. 
  •  Portfolio occupancy of 98.1% by GLA was slightly up from 97.4%, with specialty vacancy of 5.0% of GLA (compared to 5.1% at FY21-end), driven by re-leasing of former Gateway Target vacancy (with a new grocer/deli) and acquisitions with higher occupancy levels. SCP saw leasing spreads increase to 2.0% in FY22, versus (0.4%) in FY21, including 3.3% in 2H22. (4) SCP completed seven acquisitions totalling $347.5m (excluding transaction costs) in FY22. In July 2022, SCP acquired five convenience-based shopping centres from Primewest for $180.0m (excluding transaction costs). (5) SCP’s “SURF 3” fund was wound up in FY22, seeing an internal rate of return of 11% per annum for unitholders. SCP launched a new fund with GIC (‘SCA Metro Fund’) in April 2022; 80% GIC owned, and 20% SCP owned, who will also be the Property Manager and Investment Manager. The Fund has an initial target fund size of $750m. SCP divested seven seed assets to the fund for $284.5m, and post reporting date, the Fund acquired a neighbourhood shopping centre at Beecroft in metropolitan Sydney (NSW) for $65.0m, which brings gross asset value to $349.5m.

Company Description

SCA Property Group (SCP) owns a diversified shopping centres portfolio located throughout Australia. The portfolio is currently valued at $4,426.4 million. SCA Property Group predominantly focuses on convenience retailing through its ownership and management of a quality portfolio of neighborhood and sub-regional shopping centres and freestanding retail assets. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Goodman Group GMG remains well positioned to capture market rental growth driven by its high-quality portfolio of industrial assets

Investment Thesis

  • GMG’s high-quality investment portfolio which is globally diversified and gives exposure to developed and emerging markets.
  • Strong property fundamentals which should see valuation uplifts. 
  • With more than 50% of earnings derived offshore it is expected GMG to benefit from FX translation and a prolonged period of lower rates.
  • Transitioning to longer and larger projects in development
  • Strong performances in Partnerships such as Cornerstone.
  • GMG’s solid balance sheet providing firepower and access to expertise to move on opportunities in key gateway cities with demand for logistics space (and supply constraints) and diversify risk by partnering (i.e. growth in funding its development pipeline) or co-investment in its funds and or make accretive acquisition opportunities. 
  • Expectations of continual and prolonged lower interest rate environment globally (albeit potential rate hikes in the US) should benefit GMG’s three key segments in Investments, Development and Management.

Key Risks

  • Any negative changes to cap rates, net property income.
  • Any changes to interest rates/credit markets.
  • Any development issues such as delays.
  • Adverse movements in multiple currencies for GMG such as BRL, USD, EUR, JPY, NZD, HKD and GBP.
  • Any downward revaluations.
  • Poor execution of M&A or development pipeline.
  • Key man risk in CEO Greg Goodman.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Property Investment saw underlying property fundamentals remain strong leading to like-for-like net property income growth of +3.9%, occupancy increasing +60bps YoY to 98.7% with WALE improving +0.4 years to 5.2 years and continued strong leasing activity with 4.5 million sqm leased, equating to $551.9m of annual rental property income
  • Development saw work in progress increase +28% YoY to $13.6bn, with 62% pre-committed (at completion projects were 99% leased on average) and a forecast yield on cost of 6.6%.
  • Management saw external AUM grow +27% YoY to $68.7bn driven by $6bn in development completions and revaluations. Partnerships continued to perform well with total returns averaging 21.4% and retained significant financial flexibility with $18.1bn available in equity commitments, cash and debt.

Company Description

Goodman Group Ltd (GMG) own, manage, develop industrial, warehouse and business park property in Australia, Europe, Asia and Americas. GMG actively seeks to recycle capital with development properties providing stock for ownership by either the trust or third-party managed funds, with fees generated at each stage of the process.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks

Inghams has a strong long-term outlook and the fundamentals of the poultry market, and the business overall remain intact

Investment Thesis

  • Trading on undemanding multiples and below the valuation. 
  • Potential for an improvement in the pricing environment. 
  • Quality management team who has managed disruptions for the Covid-19 pandemic well. 
  • Quality assets and operates as Australia and New Zealand’s largest integrated poultry producer.
  • Project Accelerate has proven successful in driving automation and labor productivity, which supports earnings uplift despite decrease in revenue.  
  • Procurement initiatives implemented with benefits in line with expectation.
  • Investing to increase capacity and capability across the business in Australia and New Zealand plants.
  • The capital management initiatives are possible with a strong balance sheet.

Key Risks

  • Re-negotiation of key contracts with large customers on unfavorable terms. 
  • Increase in feed and electricity costs, which may be pushed to customers through market price increases, reducing competitiveness. 
  • No news on the appointment of a new CEO creates uncertainty. 
  • Customer concentration risk in QSR (Quick Service Restaurants) and Supermarkets 
  • Susceptible to exotic disease breakouts, impacting ING’s ability to supply poultry products. 
  • Significant reduction in volume and quality from parent stock supplier.
  • Material interruptions to ING’s complex and interlinked supply chain.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Statutory EBITDA of $370.4m, down 16.6% and Underlying EBITDA pre AASB 16 of $135.2m, down 35.5%. Management stated due to “major operational challenges in the third quarter due to Omicron, it has not been possible to recover the financial results shortfall for that quarter, hence the full year results were significantly lower than pcp.
  • Statutory NPAT of $35.1m, declined -57.9% and Underlying NPAT pre AASB 16 of $57.1m, fell -43.6%.
  • Cash flow from operations of $372.5m was -17.5% lower due to significantly lower trading results. 
  • Net Debt of $267.3m, up +11.3%, and leverage of 2.0x, was at the top end of the Company’s target range of 1.0x – 2.0x. 
  • Total capex of $61.9m was -6.6% lower, due to disciplined expense management, ongoing project disruptions caused by Covid‐19 lockdowns and delays in equipment being shipped. Management expects capex to normalize as conditions ease, with a focus on enhancing network capability and capacity. 
  • The Board declared a lower dividend, “due to the significantly reduced profitability in the 2H period, a final dividend of 0.5 cents per share has been declared for FY22”. This brings total dividend to 7.0cps which equates to a FY22 payout ratio of 61.6%, and within the Company’s policy range. 

Company Description

Inghams Group Ltd (ING) is Australia and New Zealand’s largest integrated poultry producer. The Company produces and sells chicken, turkey and stock feed that is used by the poultry, pig, dairy and equine industries. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Not Much to Dislike About Pro Medicus’ Business Model, but Shares Screen Expensive

Business Strategy & Outlook

Pro Medicus’ strategy revolves around renewing existing contracts and winning new clients for its main product, Visage 7, while increasing its price point. The company won six out of six major public tenders it competed for in fiscal 2021, which often involved on-site pilot tests. While this likely highlights Visage 7’s current superior speed, scalability, and resilience, continued investment in R&D is imperative for the firm to remain at the forefront of innovation and consistently win contracts. Most of the firm’s expenses are allocated to over 40 software engineers with the main R&D center located in Berlin. The company also recently extended its R&D capability in New York in collaboration with NYU Langone Health in 2021. Its R&D efforts mostly revolve around software enhancements, program extensions, and research in artificial intelligence to assist in diagnosis. Many of Pro Medicus’ competitors already utilize server-side rendering and cloud-native architecture. Legacy systems are also mostly owned by larger competitors such as GE Healthcare, Fujifilm, and Phillips that will be incentivised by the high returns in the industry. In Australia, Sectra won a AUD 85 million 13-year deal over Pro Medicus with NSW Health for both its Radiology Information System, or RIS, and Picture Archiving Communications System, or PACS, in 2020. 

Visage 7 has found most success with U.S. academic hospitals and in fiscal 2022 was in nine out of the top 20 ranked U.S. hospitals, more than double its nearest competitor. While Pro Medicus has secured a few contracts with mid market U.S. hospitals such as Alleghany and Wellspan, wider uptake has been slow with Visage 7’s features likely superfluous for their normal operations. However, Pro Medicus is still targeting smaller radiology groups that seek to consolidate IT infrastructure and become more efficient. Currently, Visage 7 is limited to radiology departments, but Pro Medicus is aiming to extend the product set to other specialty departments including cardiology and ophthalmology. In addition, when winning contracts, the firm has other product offerings such as Open Archive or Visage RIS that it can cross-sell to clients.

Financial Strengths

Pro Medicus is in a strong financial position. As of June 2022, Pro Medicus had AUD 91 million in net cash, and the company is forecasted to continue holding net cash over the explicit 10-year forecast period. Despite having low capital intensity, net cash provides the firm with additional flexibility to pursue organic or acquisitive growth opportunities. Pro Medicus’ free cash flow generation is strong, with free cash flow prior to acquisitions and dividends averaging 93% of net income over the last five years. Free cash flow conversion is anticipated to remain relatively constant at 93% on average over the next 10 years. On this basis the company is expected to comfortably maintain a 50% dividend payout ratio, which is broadly consistent with the historical average.

Bulls Say

  • Pro Medicus is well positioned to benefit from industry tailwinds such as cloud adoption, larger datasets, and remote access. 
  • Earnings are extremely defensive due to contracted revenue being largely guaranteed over five to eight years from customers. 
  • The long-term growth opportunity is significant as most of the U.S. market still uses legacy systems and other geographies are largely untapped.

Company Description

Pro Medicus is a healthcare IT company specializing in radiology imaging software. Its main product, Visage 7, is a clinical desktop application that radiologists use to view, enhance, and manipulate images from any device and make a diagnosis. Its main customers are U.S. private academic hospitals. In fiscal 2022, Pro Medicus earned 79% of revenue in North America, 16% from Australia, and the remaining 6% in Europe.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Synopsys Enjoys Being in Demand As Technical Complexity Persists; FVE Up to $343

Business Strategy & Outlook

Synopsys provides electronic design automation, or EDA, software, intellectual property, and software integrity products that are critical to the semiconductor chip design process. As secular trends toward artificial intelligence, 5G communications, autonomous vehicles, and cloud computing, among others, accelerate, Synopsys will benefit from both the rising complexity of chip designs and the advancing digitization of various end markets. The narrow-moat Synopsys has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic organic and inorganic investments to expand its platform amid a growing semiconductor landscape. The Synopsys’ products are transformational in enabling increasingly complex integrated circuit (IC) and system-on-chip (SoC) design. Advancing technologies require these more powerful, precise, and efficient chips, for which EDA software informs the end-to-end process. Synopsys is the largest player in the EDA space, and specifically in digital design as well. With a larger digital exposure, the Synopsys privy to higher growth vectors and as a result expected growth greater than that of top competitor Cadence. Outside of core EDA, Synopsys’ IP and SI businesses are benefiting from industry trends. As systems companies increasingly design their own differentiated silicon in-house, the Synopsys to benefit as its customer base expands beyond traditional semiconductor designers. This trend in achieving technological differentiation through chip customization to support IP adoption, as leveraging IP blocks for standardized components allows for significant time and resource savings and reallocation to differentiating components. Further, given the rising complexity of chip design, rising cost of failure, and increasing importance of software security, Synopsys’ growing SI business presents an important point of differentiation for the company. Reflecting the mission criticality of EDA tools, Synopsys exhibits negligible churn, with customer retention consistently at approximately 100%, and has relationships with all major chip design companies in the United States.

Financial Strengths

Synopsys is in a healthy financial position. As of January 2022, Synopsys had $1.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents versus $24 million in debt. The firm repaid its $75 million outstanding term loan balance in 2021 and is now solely liable for a 12-year credit agreement of approximately $33 million in aggregate, of which about $24 million is outstanding as of January 2022. One does not have any material concerns about Synopsys’ ability to finance this debt. Approximately 90% of Synopsys’ revenue is of a recurring nature, given that the firm primarily sells time-based licenses. Synopsys’ average license length is approximately three years, with periodic software updates delivered throughout the license’s term ensuring continued access to Synopsys’ evolving technology. The ratable revenue of time-based licenses tends to smooth returns compared with utilizing a perpetual license model, allowing for better visibility into the future of the business. Synopsys is profitable on both a GAAP and non-GAAP basis and demonstrates strong cash flows. Free cash flow margin has grown from 21% in fiscal 2017 to 33% in fiscal 2021, and return on invested capital is increasingly widening its spread above cost of capital. The margins continue to expand and believe management will deliver on its target of 100 basis points of annual non-GAAP operating margin expansion. The healthy growth in free cash flow as industry tailwinds lead to long-term growth for Synopsys.

Bulls Say

  • Secular tailwinds in chip design such as 5G, Internet of Things, AI, and others should increase demand for EDA tools and support growth for Synopsys. 
  • The growing Software Integrity business enables a larger TAM for Synopsys and addresses expanding demand for real-time identification of security vulnerabilities across the entire software development lifecycle. 
  • Synopsys provides mission-critical EDA software, having relationships with all major domestic chip designers and retention rates of approximately 100%.

Company Description

Synopsys is a provider of electronic design automation software, intellectual property, and software integrity products. EDA software automates the chip design process, enhancing design accuracy, productivity, and complexity in a full-flow end-to-end solution. The firm’s growing SI business allows customers to continuously manage and test the code base for security and quality. Synopsys’ comprehensive portfolio is benefiting from a mutual convergence of semiconductor companies moving up-stack toward systems-like companies, and systems companies moving down-stack toward in-house chip design. The resulting expansion in EDA customers alongside secular digitalization of various end markets benefits EDA vendors like Synopsys.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Even Against a Souring Backdrop, Wide-Moat Mondelez Continues to Bake Up Sweet Gains

Business Strategy & Outlook

Since taking the helm at Mondelez more than four years ago, CEO Dirk Van de Put has orchestrated a plan to drive balanced sales and profit growth by extending the distribution of its fare, fueling investments behind its local and global brands, empowering its local leaders, and increasing its innovation agility (aims that are hitting the mark). Against this backdrop, Mondelez targets 3%-5% sales growth long term as it works to sell its wares in more channels and reinvests in new products aligned with consumer trends at home and abroad. Further, it has looked to acquire niche brands to build out its category and geographic exposure, which has been prudent. But despite opportunities to bolster sales, one can never expect the pendulum to shift entirely to top-line gains under Van de Put’s watch; rather, based on his tenure at privately held McCain Foods and past rhetoric, one can suspect ensuring such growth was profitable would prove to be the priority.

As such, the suggestion that Mondelez is poised to realize additional efficiency gains favorably. While management has refrained from quantifying its cost-saving aims, an additional $750 million in costs (a low- to mid-single-digit percentage of cost of goods sold and operating expenses, excluding depreciation and amortization) it could remove (on top of the $1.5 billion realized before the pandemic). This can be achieved by extracting further complexity from its operations, including rationalizing its supplier base, parting ways with unprofitable brands, and continuing to upgrade its manufacturing facilities. One doesn’t expect these savings to merely boost profits, though. In this vein, management has stressed a portion of any savings realized would be spent in support of its brands in the form of research, development, and marketing, buttressing the brand intangible asset underpinning Mondelez’s wide moat. This aligns with the forecast for research, development, and marketing to edge up to nearly 7% of sales on average over the next 10 years (or about $2.4 billion annually), above historical levels of 6% ($1.7 billion).

Financial Strengths

In assessing Mondelez’s balance sheet strength, one doesn’t foresee any material impediments to its financial flexibility. In this vein, Mondelez maintained $3.5 billion of cash on its balance sheet against $19.5 billion of total debt as of the end of fiscal 2021. As per forecast free cash flow will average around 15% of sales annually over 10-year explicit forecast (about $5.4 billion on average each year). And returning excess cash to shareholders will remain a priority. Mondelez will increase its shareholder dividend (which currently yields around 2%) in the high-single-digit range on average annually through fiscal 2031 (implying a payout ratio between just north of 40%), while also repurchasing around 2%-3% of shares outstanding annually. Beyond prudently bolstering shareholder returns, Mondelez will continue scouring the landscape to expand its reach by adding brands and businesses in untapped categories and/or geographies from time to time–although one doesn’t believe it has much of an appetite for a transformational deal. The opportunity to expand its footprint into untapped markets–such as Indonesia and Germany–or into other adjacent snacking categories (like health and wellness) could be in the cards. Recent deals have included adding Tate’s Bake Shop for $500 million in 2018, Perfect Snacks (in 2019, refrigerated snack bars), Give & Go (2020, an in-store bakery operator), Chipita (2021, Central and Eastern European croissants and baked goods), Ricolino (2022, a leader in the Mexican confectionery space), and Clif Bar (2022, U.S. manufacturer of energy bars) to its fold. But at just a low-single-digit percentage of sales, none of these deals are material enough to move the needle on its overall results.

Bulls Say

  • Mondelez’s decision to empower in-market leaders and fuel investments behind its local jewels (which historically had been starved in favor of its global brands) stands to incite growth in emerging markets for some time. 
  • The posit the firm is committed to maintaining a stringent focus on extracting inefficiencies from its business, including the target to shed more than 25% of its non core stock-keeping units to reduce complexity. 
  • Management has suggested it won’t sacrifice profit improvement merely to inflate its near-term sales profile.

Company Description

Mondelez has operated as an independent organization since its split from the former Kraft Foods North American grocery business in October 2012. The firm is a leading player in the global snack arena with a presence in the biscuit (47% of sales), chocolate (32%), gum/candy (10%), beverage (4%), and cheese and grocery (7%) aisles. Mondelez’s portfolio includes well-known brands like Oreo, Chips Ahoy, Halls, Trident, and Cadbury, among others. The firm derives around one third of revenue from developing markets, nearly 40% from Europe, and the remainder from North America.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Pebblebrook should continue to recover as business and group travel eventually returns to 2019 levels by 2024

Business Strategy & Outlook

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust is the largest U.S. lodging REIT focused on owning independent and boutique hotels. After Pebblebrook merged with LaSalle Hotel Properties in December 2018, the company owns 54 upper-upscale hotels, with more than 13,300 rooms located in urban, gateway markets. Pebblebrook’s combined portfolio has a higher revenue per available room price point and EBITDA margin than its hotel REIT peers. The recent merger with LaSalle provides Pebblebrook some new avenues to create value for shareholders. The company doubled in size while taking on only a portion of the general and administrative costs, making the combined company more efficient. Pebblebrook’s CEO, Jon Bortz, previously ran LaSalle and acquired many of the hotels in that portfolio. His knowledge of those hotels combined with management’s demonstrated ability to maximize margins should allow him to implement cost-saving initiatives that drive up margins. Additionally, management has begun an extensive renovation program across both the LaSalle portfolio and the legacy portfolio that will drive EBITDA gains over time.

In the short term, the coronavirus outbreak significantly affected the operating results for Pebblebrook’s hotels, with high-double-digit revPAR declines and negative hotel EBITDA in 2020. However, the rapid rollout of vaccinations allowed leisure travel to quickly return, driving high growth in both 2021 and 2022. The company should continue to recover as business and group travel eventually returns to 2019 levels by 2024. However, there are several factors that will remain headwinds for hotels over the long term. Supply has been elevated in many of the biggest markets, and that is likely to continue for a few more years. Online travel agencies and online hotel reviews create immediate price discovery for consumers, preventing hotels from pushing rate increases even though it is nearing full occupancy on many nights. Finally, while the shadow supply created by Airbnb doesn’t directly compete on most nights, it does limit Pebblebrook’s ability to push rates on nights when it would have typically generated its highest profits.

Financial Strengths

Pebblebrook is in solid financial shape from a liquidity and a solvency perspective after the merger with LaSalle, but the additional assets sales will put the company in great financial shape. The company seeks to maintain a solid but flexible balance sheet, which will serve stakeholders well. Pebblebrook does not currently have an unsecured debt rating. Instead, it uses secured debt on its high-quality portfolio and takes out unsecured term loans. Debt maturities in the near term should be manageable through a combination of refinancing and the company’s free cash flow. Additionally, the company should be able to access the capital markets when acquisition opportunities arise. In the year 2024, the operations will fully return to normal, net debt/EBITDA and EBITDA/interest will be roughly 5.5 and 5.8 times, respectively, both of which are within the long-term target for the company and should continue to improve over time. As a REIT, Pebblebrook is required to pay out 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders, which limits its ability to retain its cash flow. However, the company’s current run-rate dividend is easily covered by the company’s cash flow from operating activities, providing plenty of flexibility for capital allocation and investment decisions. Pebblebrook will continue to be able to access the capital markets given its current solid balance sheet and its large, higher-quality, unencumbered asset base.

Bulls Say

  • Potentially accelerating economic growth may prolong a robust hotel cycle and benefit Pebblebrook’s portfolio and performance.
  • The acquisition of the LaSalle Hotel Trust portfolio provides management many renovation opportunities to drive revenue and margin growth.
  • After the merger, Pebblebrook’s larger size could increase the company’s negotiating power with online travel agencies.

Company Description

Pebblebrook Hotel Trust currently owns upper-upscale and luxury hotels with 13,366 rooms across 54 hotels in the United States. Pebblebrook acquired LaSalle Hotel Properties, which owned 10,451 rooms across 41 U.S. hotels, in December 2018, the company current Pebblebrook CEO founded in 1998, though management has sold many of those hotels over the past few years. Pebblebrook’s portfolio consists mostly of independent hotels with no brand affiliations, though the combined company does own and operate some hotels under Marriott, Starwood, InterContinental, Hilton,

and Hyatt brands.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice.The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Dividend Stocks

Edison faces regulatory scrutiny to prove its investments are producing customer benefits

Business Strategy & Outlook

California’s aggressive clean energy goals, including the state’s quest to eliminate carbon emissions from the economy by 2045, offer Edison International more growth opportunities than most utilities. Edison will invest at least $6 billion annually, resulting in 7% annual earnings growth at least through 2025. It already has regulatory and policy support for investments to support grid safety, renewable energy, electric vehicles, distributed generation, and energy storage. Wildfire safety investments alone could reach $4 billion during the next four years. California will always present political, regulatory, and operating challenges for utilities. But state utility regulators are in a bind because implementing the state’s public policy mandates will require healthy utilities that are incentivized to invest in infrastructure. In August 2021, regulators approved nearly all of Edison’s 2021-23 investment plan. Regulatory proceedings in 2022 will address wildfire-specific investments and Edison’s $6 billion investment plan for 2024. In 2023, Edison will begin work with regulators to set an investment budget through 2028. Operating cost discipline will be critical to avoid large customer bill increases related to its investment plan. Edison faces regulatory scrutiny to prove its investments are producing customer benefits. It also must resolve and seek to recover what could end up being $7.9 billion of liabilities related to 2017-18 fires and mudslides.

Large equity issuances in 2019 and 2020—in part to fund the company’s $2.4 billion contribution to the state wildfire insurance fund and a higher equity allowance for ratemaking—weighed on earnings the last two years. Edison now has most of its financing in place to execute its growth plan. It is expected to continue its streak of 18 consecutive annual dividend increases. Edison’s management team seems committed to retaining a small share of unregulated earnings likely tied to low-risk energy management businesses wrapped into Edison Energy. It is not expected that the business is to have a material impact on shareholder returns in the near term.

Financial Strengths

Edison’s credit metrics are well within investment-grade range. California wildfire legislation and regulatory rulings in 2021 removed the overhang that threatened Edison’s investment-grade ratings in early 2019. Edison has kept its balance sheet strong with substantial equity issuances since 2019. Edison won’t have any liquidity issues as it resolves 2017-18 fire and mudslide liabilities while funding its growth investments. Edison issued $2.4 billion of new equity in 2019 at prices in line with the fair value estimate. This financing supported both its growth investments and half of its $2.4 billion contribution to the California wildfire insurance fund. The new equity also allowed Southern California Edison to adjust its allowed capital structure to 52% equity from 48% equity for ratemaking purposes, leading to higher revenue and partially offsetting the earnings dilution. Edison’s $800 million equity raise in May 2020 at $56 per share was well below the fair value estimate but was necessary to support its growth plan in 2020 and early 2021. Edison also raised nearly $2 billion of preferred stock in 2021 and might issue more preferred stock to limit equity dilution as it finances its growth program. In particular, Edison will have to raise equity to finance its $1 billion energy storage project in 2022. Dividends are to grow in line with SCE’s earnings.  The board approved a $0.15 per share annualized increase, or 6%, for 2022, its 18th consecutive annual dividend increase. Management has long targeted a 45%-55% payout based on SCE’s earnings, but the board appears to be comfortable going above that range based on the 2021 and 2022 dividends that implied near-60% payout ratios. As long as Edison continues to receive regulatory support, the board will keep the dividend at the high end of its target payout range.

Bulls Say

  • With Edison’s nearly $6 billion of planned annual investment during the next four years, it can project 7% average annual average earnings growth in 2022-25.
  • Edison has raised its dividend for 18 consecutive years to $2.80 in 2022, a 6% increase from 2021. Management appears comfortable maintaining a payout ratio above its 45%-55% target.
  • California’s focus on renewable energy, energy storage, and distributed generation should bolster Edison’s investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure for many years.

Company Description

Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison, an electric utility that supplies power to 5 million customers in a 50,000-square-mile area of Southern California, excluding Los Angeles. Edison Energy owns interests in nonutility businesses that deal in energy-related products and services. In 2014, Edison International sold its wholesale generation subsidiary Edison Mission Energy out of bankruptcy to NRG Energy.

(Source: Morningstar)

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