
Vanguard focus on increasing dividends while also delivering some capital growth

Investment Objective 

Vanguard Australian Shares High Dividend Yield seeks to replicate the performance of the FTSE Australia high Dividend yield index before taking into account fees, expenses and taxes.

Investment Strategies

  • The Funds seeks low cost exposure to ASX Listed Companies that are expected to deliver higher Dividend as compared to other ASX Listed Companies.
  • Funds Achieves diversification by limiting the amount of securities holds of maximum 10% of portfolio.
  • Fund does not invest more than 40% of its assets in single industry. AREIT Investing does not excludes particular funds.  

Portfolio Objective 

  • Long term returns are competitive in nature.
  • Provides long term returns at low cost. 
  • The fund seeks long-term capital growth and tax-efficient income while being risk-averse in the stock market.


  • Diversification 
  • Low Cost exposure to dividend paying ASX Listed Securities
  • Distributions are made on quarterly basis


  • Dividend-paying stocks underperform the market as a whole.
  • Share market volatility may cause the portfolio value to fluctuate.
  • The fund’s index tracking capability may fail to meet the fund’s objectives.
  • The fund’s fees and costs are subject to change.

Company Profile 

The Vanguard Group has been in Australia since 1996 and currently has $140billion of assets under management. The Group manages some 82 funds with head office in Melbourne, Australia. The Vanguard Group, globally, has been operating since 1975 with $1.6 trillion of asset under management. The global group manages 400 funds with 30 million investors worldwide.

ETF Performance…

Figure 1: Fund performance as at30June 2021

6- months+16.33%+16.34%
1-year +34.89%+34.86%
3-year (p.a.)+10.46%+10.38%
Since Inception (p.a.)+9.50%+9.45%

Source: Vanguard. Inception date: 26 May2011.

ETF Positioning…

Figure 2: Top ten holdings

Source: Vanguard

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.



Investment Objective:
The main goal of Betashares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF is to track the index (before fees and expenses) that involves Australian companies, which have passed through screens so as to eliminate companies with direct or sufficient exposure to fossil fuels or those that are involved in activities which are supposed to be inconsistent when compared to responsible investment requirement.

Investment Strategy:
This fund offers a chance to investors to align their investments with their ethical standards. FAIR’s investment methodology includes strict screening criteria, which provide investors a true to label ethical investment option. FAIR does not consider investing in any of the big 4 banks or large Australian mining companies.

Portfolio Objective:
Diversified exposure is provided to ethical Australian shares
High preference towards companies that are classified as “Sustainability Leaders”
Ethical investment methodology that are true to label

Shares diversification
Australian shares options that are available at low cost
Distributions made semi-annually

Fluctuations in Share market can make the portfolio value go up and down during the holding period.
Concentrated market in relation to others
Exclusion of major market sectors experiencing strong returns
Change in fees and costs of the fund might be possible

Company Profile:
BetaShares is a renowned manager of ETFs and other funds that are traded on the ASX. The inception of the company was in 2009 and it now consists of over 60 products in its portfolio, all of which can be bought and sold on the ASX. The company aims to offer investors simple, liquid, and cost-effective solution to Australian and global shares, cash and fixed income, currencies, commodities, and active and alternative strategies.

ETF Performance:

5-year (p.a.)+9.80%
Since Inception (p.a.)+10.54%+11.07%

(Source: BetaShares)

Fig. 1: Fund performance as at 31 July 2021

ETF Positioning:

(Source: BetaShares)

Fig. 2: Top 10 Exposures

(Source: BetaShares)

Fig. 3: Sector Allocation

General Advice Warning
Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Vanguard MSCI ETF gives exposure to companies to deliver long term growth

Investment Objective

Vanguard MSCI Index International Shares ETF seeks to track the return of the MSCI World ex-Australia (with net dividends reinvested), in Australian dollars Index, before taking into account fees, expenses and tax.

Investment Strategy

The fund provides exposure to many of the world’s largest companies in major developed markets and countries. The fund seeks to deliver this exposure efficiently by keeping the costs low. There fund offers diversification through number of securities, sectors, and markets and gives exposure to companies with the potential to deliver long term capital growth. The fund offers investors exposure to economies other than just Australia’s. The fund is also exposed to various currencies and their fluctuating prices, though the fund will not hedge foreign currency volatility against Australian dollar.  

Portfolio Objective

  • Provide diversified exposure to internationally diversified global shares.
  • Capital growth over the long term.
  • Currency exposures and diversification away from Australia.


  • Diversification by sectors, securities, regions, and currencies.
  • Low cost exposure to globally diversified portfolio.
  • Quarterly distributions. 


  • Share market and currency volatility could cause the portfolio value to go up and down during the holding period.  
  • The index tracking capability of the fund may fail to meet the objectives of the fund.
  • The fees and costs of the fund may change.

About the Company

The Vanguard Group has been in Australia since 1996 and currently has $140billion of assets under management.  The Group manages some 82 funds with head office in Melbourne, Australia. The Vanguard Group, globally, has been operating since 1975 with $1.6 trillion of asset under management. The global group manages 400 funds with 30 million investors worldwide.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

oOh! Media Ltd reported solid first half year results in 2021

Investment Thesis:

  • Out of Home advertising has a strong market share .(47 % in Australia and New Zealand) 
  •  Due to the current uncertainty around lockdown restrictions, the share price are traded at a meaningful discount in comparison to its valuation in terms of DCF / PE-multiple; EV/EBITDA multiple.
  • Dividends have been temporarily suspended, with the Board expecting to reconsider when market conditions improve and the Company’s lenders agree.
  • OML operates in a highly concentrated market which makes it difficult for new players to enter in.
  • The top line of the company is still well-diversified, with no single contract having a large impact on revenue.
  • Management did not disclose an earnings guidance for FY22, but did say that “revenue for Q3 is now pacing 38 percent higher than the corresponding period in 2020,” and also stated that audiences and associated revenues will see a strong recovery when the current lockdowns end.
  • Unproven Cathy O’Connor having vast media experience and a track record of leading profitable media firms joined as OML CEO in January 2021.

Key Risk:

  • Threats from competitors lead to loss in market share.
  • Unsatisfactory growth (company and industry specific).
  • The pandemic has lasted longer than anticipated.
  • Market cyclicity in advertising.
  • Updates on contract renewals have been disappointing.

 Highlights of key FY21 results:

  • OML reported solid 1H21(first half of year 2021) results, reflecting improvement in earnings. During the underlying period OML reported revenue of $251.6m which is 23% up  compared to 1H20(first half of year2020).
  • The increase in revenue was driven by revenue recovery across its key products namely commute, road ,retail , fly , locate and other junkee media and Cactus Imaging .
  • During the underlying period, the gross margin was 42.5% which is 8.8 points up in comparisons to 1H20, indicating a return to pre covid levels.
  • EBIDTA for the underlying period was $33.3 million, which is 209% above from 1H20, ton account of margin improvement leveraging revenue growth.
  • With the help of its property partners, OML was able to secure $19 million in net rent abatements.
  • Underlying NPATA was $2.4m versus a loss of $16.9m in 1H20.
  • The balance sheet of OML improved, with the gearing ratio (Net Debt / Underlying EBITDA) falling to 1.1x (from 1.8x) and net debt falling to $94 million, down by 16 percent from the previous first half year result.
  • The total capital investment for the year will be about $25 million, with the focus remaining on revenue growth and concession renewals.
  • The Board has put a stop to dividends for the time being, with the purpose of reviewing the decision if market conditions improve and the Company’s lenders agree.

Company Profile:

oOh!media Ltd (OML) is one of Australia’s largest operators of out-of-home advertising products, including all major advertising formats such as billboards, shops, street furniture, airports, and office towers (largest scale with footprint in all major regions in Australia and New Zealand). The company employs 800 individuals, with 150 working in sales, 250 in operations (cleaning, maintaining street furniture, and so on), and the remainder in shared services, technology, and so on.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Expert Insights Shares

Woolworths Screens as Overvalued

operating supermarkets and discount department stores. Market capitalization is around AUD 50 billion, with annual sales of over AUD 50 billion. The fair value estimate for narrow-moat Woolworths is AUD 24. The board declared a fully franked dividend of AUD 1.08 for the full fiscal year 2021, equating to a payout ratio of 69%.

Woolworths has a narrow economic moat, characterized by an extensive supermarket store network, serviced by an efficient supply chain operation coupled with significant buying power. It operates in the very competitive supermarket and discount department store segments of the retail sector. Intense competition has taken its toll on margins. Management has reset prices lower to drive foot traffic and increase basket sizes. Volume growth is vital for maximizing supply chain efficiencies.

Australian food sales of over AUD 40 billion represented about 15% of total Australian retail sales in fiscal 2021. The percentage increases substantially if sales are strictly comparable. 

Financial Strength

Woolworths is in a strong financial position with solid gearing metrics. At the end of fiscal 2021, the balance sheet was conservatively geared and EBITDA covered interest expenses 7 times. After the AUD 2 billion share buyback, Woolworth’s investment-grade credit rating is expected to be the same. Woolworths generates large cash flow with significant negative working capital. Cash flow comfortably finances capital expenditure. The balance sheet is robust, and acquisitions are generally bolt-on and funded with cash or existing debt facilities.

Woolworths is well positioned to withstand cyclically weak consumer spending. Woolworths is a defensive stock, with food retailing generating most of group revenue and profit, a solid balance sheet, and a narrow moat surrounding its economic profits. Woolworths last traded price was 40.99 AUD, whereas its fair value is 24 AUD, which makes it an overvalued stock. As per the analysts, the group’s operating earnings will shrink by about a quarter in fiscal 2022 with the demerger of Endeavour.

Bull Says

  • Woolworths’ dominant position in the supermarket sector is entrenched and, coupled with first-class management, suggests that it can maintain leadership in the sector.
  • Woolworths’ operating leverage could lead to a rebound in operating margins, driving cash generation that funds expansion and acquisitions while allowing capital-management initiatives.
  • The refurbishing of the existing supermarket fleet and rollout of revised store formats, with significantly improved service, convenience and product offerings could increase store productivity and lead to higher sales growth.

Company Profile

Woolworths is Australia’s largest retailer. Operations include supermarkets in Australia and New Zealand, and the Big W discount department stores. The Australian food division constitutes the majority of group EBIT, followed by New Zealand supermarkets, while Big W is a minor contributor.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Sectors

Perpetual Ltd. Asset under Management increases by 246% over pcp to $98.3 bn

Investment Thesis:

  • PPT is a business having vast diversification, with earnings obtained from trustee services, financial advice and funds management.
  • PPT has a chance to increase FUM (Funds Under Management) through its Global Share Fund, which has a strong performance track record over 1, 3 and 5-years and significant capacity. 
  • PPT maintains FUM in Australian equities, which is of maximum amount. This equates to levelled earnings growth unless PPT can attract FUM into international equities, credit and multi-asset strategies (and other incubated funds).
  • Inflow of funds from retail and institutional investors are expected to be high especially from positive compulsory superannuation trend and Perpetual Private. 
  • Perpetual Private’s high potential to ramp up growth in funds under management and funds under advice.
  • Process of cost improvements in Perpetual Private and Corporate Trust.

Key Risks:

  • Probability of any significant underperformance across funds.
  • Key man risk surrounding key management or investment management personnel.
  • Probability of change in regulation (superannuation) with major interest on retirement income (annuities) than creation of wealth.
  • The average base management fee (bps) annually (excluding performance fee) continues to be stable at ~70bps but there are risks caused due to drawbacks from pressures on fees.
  • The provision of financial advice and Perpetual Private adjoins more regulation and compliance costs.
  • Industry funds, which are building in-house capabilities (~15-20% of total PPT funds under management), have good exposure.

Key Highlights:

  • The operating revenue increased +31% and underlying profit after tax was up +26% post the acquisition of Trillium and Barrow Hanley.
  • Statutory NPAT decreased -9% because of the significant one-off costs.
  • PPT’s assets under management increased by +246% over pcp (previous corresponding period) to $98.3bn, wherein significant amount of funds outperformed their respective benchmarks over the year.
  • Fully franked final ordinary dividend of A$0.96 per share was declared, thereby amounting the total FY21 dividend to A$1.80 per share, which is up +16% over pcp.
  • Perpetual Asset Management Australia delivered total revenue of A$165.7m, which was down -5% over pcp.
  • Perpetual Asset Management International (new international division comprising the Trillium and Barrow Hanley businesses), had total revenue of A$139.2m and underlying profit before tax was A$40.7m.
  • Perpetual Private delivered total revenue of $183.8m, relatively unchanged over pcp and underlying profit before tax of A$35m.
  • Perpetual Corporate Trust delivered total revenue of $134.9m, up +7% over pcp and underlying profit before tax of A$63.8m, which was +9% higher over pcp.

Company Profile:

Perpetual Ltd (PPT) is an ASX-listed independent wealth manager with three core divisions in Perpetual Investments (one of Australia’s largest investment managers); Perpetual Private (one of Australia’s premier high net worth advice business); and Perpetual Corporate Trust (which provides trustee services). PPT looks after ~$98.3 billion in funds under management, ~$17.0 billion in funds under advice and ~$922.8 billion in funds under administration (as on 30 June 2021).

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

Perpetual Ltd. Asset under Management increases by 246% over pcp to $98.3 bn

Investment Thesis:

  • PPT is a business having vast diversification, with earnings obtained from trustee services, financial advice and funds management.
  • PPT has a chance to increase FUM (Funds Under Management) through its Global Share Fund, which has a strong performance track record over 1, 3 and 5-years and significant capacity. 
  • PPT maintains FUM in Australian equities, which is of maximum amount. This equates to levelled earnings growth unless PPT can attract FUM into international equities, credit and multi-asset strategies (and other incubated funds).
  • Inflow of funds from retail and institutional investors are expected to be high especially from positive compulsory superannuation trend and Perpetual Private. 
  • Perpetual Private’s high potential to ramp up growth in funds under management and funds under advice.
  • Process of cost improvements in Perpetual Private and Corporate Trust.

Key Risks:

  • Probability of any significant underperformance across funds.
  • Key man risk surrounding key management or investment management personnel.
  • Probability of change in regulation (superannuation) with major interest on retirement income (annuities) than creation of wealth.
  • The average base management fee (bps) annually (excluding performance fee) continues to be stable at ~70bps but there are risks caused due to drawbacks from pressures on fees.
  • The provision of financial advice and Perpetual Private adjoins more regulation and compliance costs.
  • Industry funds, which are building in-house capabilities (~15-20% of total PPT funds under management), have good exposure.

Key Highlights:

  • The operating revenue increased +31% and underlying profit after tax was up +26% post the acquisition of Trillium and Barrow Hanley.
  • Statutory NPAT decreased -9% because of the significant one-off costs.
  • PPT’s assets under management increased by +246% over pcp (previous corresponding period) to $98.3bn, wherein significant amount of funds outperformed their respective benchmarks over the year.
  • Fully franked final ordinary dividend of A$0.96 per share was declared, thereby amounting the total FY21 dividend to A$1.80 per share, which is up +16% over pcp.
  • Perpetual Asset Management Australia delivered total revenue of A$165.7m, which was down -5% over pcp.
  • Perpetual Asset Management International (new international division comprising the Trillium and Barrow Hanley businesses), had total revenue of A$139.2m and underlying profit before tax was A$40.7m.
  • Perpetual Private delivered total revenue of $183.8m, relatively unchanged over pcp and underlying profit before tax of A$35m.
  • Perpetual Corporate Trust delivered total revenue of $134.9m, up +7% over pcp and underlying profit before tax of A$63.8m, which was +9% higher over pcp.

Company Profile:

Perpetual Ltd (PPT) is an ASX-listed independent wealth manager with three core divisions in Perpetual Investments (one of Australia’s largest investment managers); Perpetual Private (one of Australia’s premier high net worth advice business); and Perpetual Corporate Trust (which provides trustee services). PPT looks after ~$98.3 billion in funds under management, ~$17.0 billion in funds under advice and ~$922.8 billion in funds under administration (as on 30 June 2021).

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.