Investment Thesis
- Significant operations across the globe, which provides diversity in business and geographic mix.
- Changing business mix has seen the company move to a more reliable (annuity style) earnings stream – making it a more quality (less volatile) business.
- Solid management team.
- Strong infrastructure business, which should benefit further government policies to drive economic growth.
- Push into green energy is a positive.
- Solid balance sheet, with surplus capital available for deployment (i.e. growth opportunities).
- Management unable to quantify FY23 earnings guidance due to the ongoing volatile market conditions.
- Potential capital management initiatives in the absence of investment in growth opportunities.
Key Risks
- Weakness / volatility in financial markets.
- Change in regulatory landscape.
- Weakness in asset values (e.g. MQG’s co-investments).
- Increased competition for advisory work.
- Value / EPS destructive acquisitions.
- Company fails to achieve its FY20 guidance.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:
- Net operating income increased +36% YoY to $17.3bn, primarily driven by higher Fee and commission income (up +33% YoY), Net other operating income (up +74% YoY) and Net interest and trading income (up +21% YoY), which combined with +22% YoY increase in operating expenses to $10.8bn, delivered NPAT of $4.7bn, up +56% YoY.
- Net credit and other impairment charges declined -3% YoY, driven by the partial release of Covid-19 overlays in BFS and CGM, partially offset by small number of underperforming equity investments in Macquarie Capital, though credit provisioning levels remained prudent with combined downside macroeconomic scenarios having a higher weighting than the upside scenario.
- ROE improved +440 bps YoY to 18.7%.income (up +33% YoY), Net other operating income (up +74% YoY) and Net interest and trading income (up +21% YoY), which combined with +22% YoY increase in operating expenses to $10.8bn, delivered NPAT of $4.7bn, up +56% YoY.
- Net credit and other impairment charges declined -3% YoY, driven by the partial release of Covid-19 overlays in BFS and CGM, partially offset by small number of underperforming equity investments in Macquarie Capital, though credit provisioning levels remained prudent with combined downside macroeconomic scenarios having a higher weighting than the upside scenario.
- ROE improved +440bps YoY to 18.7%.
- MAM saw NPAT increase +4% YoY to $2.15bn, driven by income related to the disposition of MIC assets and increased base fees (up +40% YoY) amid acquisition of Waddell & Reed, partially offset by gain on sale of Macquarie European Rail in pcp and lower performance fees (down -40% YoY). AUM increased +38% to $773.1bn (31% private markets + 69% public investments), primarily due to acquisition of Waddell & Reed Financial.
- BFS delivered NPAT growth of +30% YoY to $1bn, as strong growth in home loan portfolio (up +33.6% YoY), funds on platform (up +17% YoY) and total BFS deposits (up +21.4% YoY) together with releases in net credit impairments were partially offset by increased technology investment and higher average headcount to support business growth and regulatory requirements.
- CGM saw NPAT increase +50% YoY to $3.9bn, driven by increased revenue across Commodities with strong risk management revenue driven by increased client hedging activity and trading activity as a result of elevated volatility and commodity price movements, and partial sale of the UK Meters portfolio, partially offset by the impact of fair value adjustments across the derivatives portfolio.
- Macquarie Capital delivered NPAT of $2.4bn, up +269% YoY, reflecting +374% YoY growth in net interest and trading income resulting from growth in the private credit portfolio, +131% YoY growth in investment-related income due to material asset realisations in the green energy, technology and business services sectors, and +36% YoY growth in fee and commission income due to M&A and debt capital markets activities, partially offset by lower equity capital markets fee income and brokerage income.
Company Description
Macquarie Group (MQG) is a leading provider of financial, advisory, investment and funds management services. The company has operations around the globe, including world’s major financial centres. The company operates the following key divisions: Macquarie Asset Management; Corporate and Asset Finance; Banking and Financial Services; Commodities and Global Markets; and Macquarie Capital. MQG has over 14,000 employees in over 25 countries across Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia, Americas and Australia).
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Investment Thesis
- On track to achieve FY22 production and operational guidance.
- Commodities price (Gold) surprises on the upside especially due to geopolitical tensions.
- Leveraged to changes in the USD.
- Solid assets with reserve/resource.
- New acquisitions provide upside (resource and operational improvement).
- Strong management team with significant mining expertise.
- Strong balance sheet.
- Company has a good track record of shareholder return.
Key Risks
- Further deterioration in global macroeconomic conditions.
- Deterioration in global gold supply & demand equation.
- Deterioration in gold prices.
- Production issues, delay or unscheduled mine shutdown.
- Adverse movements in AUD/USD.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:
- Revenue of A$1,807m was up +63%, mainly driven by higher gold volumes, with gold sales 289,786 ounces higher. Reported NPAT of A$261m, was up +43% (or Underlying NPAT of A$108m, excluding significant items of A$153m) was driven by higher production.
- Underlying EBITDA of A$699m, was up +47%, on a margin of 39%. Cost of sales were higher than the pcp due to increased activity with the inclusion of the Saracen Minerals Holdings’ merger assets in the current half (107% increase period on period), higher average cash costs per ounce (H1 2022: A$1,256/oz vs H1 2021: A$1,196/oz) and the increase in D&A unit costs (increase of A$291/sold oz), due to the required non-cash uplift to fair value of the merger assets, compared to the historic cash cost of those same assets.
- NST saw cash earnings of A$430m.
- NST retained a strong balance sheet with cash and bullion of A$588m; net cash of A$288m.
- The Board declared fully franked interim dividend of 10cps, up +5%.
- NST remains on track with its key growth projects progressing as expected to become a 2Mozpa producer by FY26, including KCGM open pit development (Kalgoorlie) and Thunderbox mill expansion (Yandal).
- In 1H22, NST made net repayment of A$361m of corporate bank debt, completed its acquisition of Newmont’s power business for A$130m and made a A$170m investment in a Convertible Debenture with Osisko Mining Inc. NST also sold Kundana Assets realising A$402m (and contributing a pre-tax gain of A$242m).
- Relative valuation. Relative to Australian peer group (NCM, RRL, SBM, EVN) average, NST is currently trading on a 2-yr forward EV / EBITDA multiple of 5.1x (vs peer avg 5.0x) and yield of 3.2% (vs peer avg 2.6%). On 2-yr forward PE-multiple, NST is currently trading on a multiple of 19.8x vs peer group average 14.8x.
Company Description
Northern Star Resources Limited (Northern Star) is a gold production and exploration company with a Mineral Resource base of 10.2 million ounces and Ore Reserves of 3.5 million ounces, located in highly prospective regions of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. NST is the third largest gold producer in Australia. The Company also recently acquired a gold mine in Alaska.
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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.
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Investment Thesis
- Stable and sustainable distribution yield.
- Trades on a ~6.4% premium to NTA.
- Strong and experienced management team.
- WES stake in BWP (24.75%) provides security against risk of non-renewal of leases by Bunnings.
- High quality property portfolio with long weighted average lease expiry, strong lease covenants, and high occupancy.
- Low interest rate environment is encouraging for the housing industry and hardware sales however any sudden increase in interest rates provides risk to both revenue and debt financing costs.
- Solid balance sheet with low gearing levels.
- Risk of poor execution in redevelopment of assets vacated by Bunnings to other uses.
Key Risks
- Any slowdown in demand and net absorption for hardware space.
- Persistent lower inflation (and deflation) affecting retailers.
- Economic conditions affect property fundamentals such as values (cap rates and rental growth), vacancies, retail activity (and hence demand for space at big-box retail sites).
- Risk of non-renewal of leases by Bunnings Group.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:
- NPAT of $348.3m, which included $291.8m of unrealised gains in the fair value of investment properties.
- Distributable amount of $57.9m was in line with the pcp. This equated to interim distribution of 9.02 cps, in line with the pcp.
- BWP’s portfolio achieved like-for-like rental growth of 2.2%, weighted average lease expiry of 4.3 years and is 97.6% leased. BWP’s portfolio is valued at $2.9bn portfolio valuation as at 31 December 2021. This resulted in net tangible assets of $3.75 per unit, up 46 cents per unit, mainly due to net unrealised gains on revaluation of investment properties.
- BWP maintained strong gearing (debt/total assets) of 15.5% and weighted average cost of debt of 3.2% per annum.
- Property portfolio update. BWP’s property portfolio continues to retain solid operating metrics.
- During 1H22, BWP’s entire investment property portfolio was revalued (10 by independent valuers and remaining 63 properties subject to directors’ valuations). BWP’s weighted average capitalisation rate was 5.11% (versus 30 June 2021: 5.65%; 31 December 2020: 5.84%). BWP’s portfolio value increased by $280.6m to $2,916.7m (which captures capital expenditure of $2.3m and revaluation gains of $291.8m, after adjusting for the straight-lining of rent of $1.0m and less net proceeds from divestments of $14.5m (In July 2021, BWP finalised its sale for its Mindarie, Western Australia property for $14.5m and did not acquire any assets during 1H22).
- Occupancy and average lease expiry of 97.6% and 4.3 years (flat versus December 2021) respectively.
- 47 leases were subject to annual fixed or CPI reviews during 1H22 with a weighted average increase in annual rent for 23 CPI reviews of 3.3% and the 24 fixed reviews was 3.4%.
- Excluding rental income from properties acquired, upgraded or vacated and re-leased since the pcp, rental income increased by ~2.2% over the pcp, which betters 1.8% for the 12 months to 31 December 2020.
Company Description
BWP Trust (BWP) is a real estate investment trust focused on operating, owning, and divestments and acquisitions of large format retailing properties, in particular, Bunnings Warehouses, leased to Bunnings Group Ltd (‘Bunnings’). Bunnings is the leading retailer of home improvement products in Australia and New Zealand and is a major supplier to builders and trades people in the housing industry. BWP is managed by an external responsible entity, BWP Management Ltd who is paid an annual fee based on the gross assets of BWP. Both Bunnings and BWP Management Ltd are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Wesfarmers (WES), one of Australia’s largest listed companies. WES owns ~24.75% of BWP. Currently, BWP is the largest owner of Bunnings Warehouse sites, with a portfolio of ~80 stores. Eight properties have adjacent retail showrooms leases to other retailers. BWP also owns one stand-alone showroom property. The assets have a current value of ~$2.9bn, WALE of ~4 to 5 years, 97.5% occupancy rate.
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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.
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