Investment Thesis:
- BPT is making progress towards the production target of 28 MMboe in FY24.
- Despite the unknown with the Western Flank issue and the contribution to the group profile the production from this asset, management remain confident in achieving their 5-year target of 37 mmboe in FY25.
- The acquisition of Lattice Energy provides a stable mix of producing assets.
- The Company is currently on a 5-year capital expenditure program. The execution and delivery of this program could see upside risks to consensus estimates.
- Favourable industry conditions on the east coast gas market over the long-term – i.e. tight supply could lead to higher gas prices.
- Strong balance sheet.
- Potential M&A activity.
Key Risks:
- Execution risk – Drilling and exploration risk. Unable to resolve the issue at Western Flank, leading to long-term downgrades to key estimates for the project.
- Commodity price risk – movement in oil & gas price will impact uncontracted / re-contracting volumes.
- Regulatory risk – such as changes in tax regimes which adversely impact profitability.
- M&A risk – value destructive acquisition in order to add growth assets.
- Financial risk – potentially deeply discounted equity raising to fund operating & exploration activities should debt markets tighten up due external macro factors.
- Currency risk .
Key Highlights:
- Guidance + FY23 Guidance + Market Commentary. Production. 20.0 – 22.5 MMboe (versus FY22: 21.8 MMboe).
- Capex. $800 – 1,000m (versus FY22: $872m).
- Unit field operating costs. $12 – 13 per boe (versus FY22: $11.74 per boe).
- FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp: Total revenue up +13% to $1.8bn; underlying EBITDA up +17% to $1.1bn; and underlying NPAT up +39% to $504m. The results were driven by higher demand and pricing for BPT products, offset by lower production.
- Operating cash flow up +61% to $1.2bn with $752m free cash flow pre-growth expenditure.
- BPT retains a solid balance sheet reflecting a net cash position and total liquidity of $765m at FY22-end.
- Reserves and Resources Update- As at 30 June 2022, an independent audit of Beach’s reserves was conducted by Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc (encompassing 62% of 2P reserves, including 79% of developed reserves and 48% of undeveloped reserves). BPT ended FY22 with 283 MMboe of 2P oil and gas reserves (down -17% versus FY21: 339 MMboe), with the decline mainly attributable to production (-22 MMboe) and Bass Basin revisions (-25 MMboe). BPT recorded 2P CO2 storage capacity of 4.4 Mt and 2C contingent storage resources of 11.6 Mt after taking a Final Investment Decision for Moomba CCS.
Company Description:
Beach Energy Ltd (BPT) is an oil & natural gas exploration and production company. BPT has both onshore and offshore operations in five basins (Perth, Cooper, Victoria, Tasmania & NZ) across Australia and New Zealand. The Company is a key supplier of gas into the Australian east coast gas market. The Company also owns strategic oil and gas infrastructure (Moomba processing facility & Otway Gas Plant).
(Source: Banyantree)
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