Technology Stocks

As Shares Fall Amid Fiscal Fourth-Quarter Struggles, Canopy Pushes Back EBITDA Profitability to 2024

Business Strategy & Outlook

Canopy Growth grows and sells cannabis products primarily in Canada, which accounts for roughly 50% of sales. Non-THC product sales account for about 30%. Canadian recreational accounts for roughly 60% of cannabis sales. Although the medical market to shrink as consumers turn to the recreational market, and more than 10% average annual growth for the entire Canadian market through 2030, driven by the conversion of black-market consumers into the legal market and new cannabis consumers.

Canopy also exports medical cannabis globally. The global market looks lucrative, given higher prices and growing acceptance of cannabis’ medical benefits. Exporters must pass strict regulations to enter markets, protecting early entrants like Canopy. Partially offsetting the global markets’ potential for Canadian producers are threats of future production from countries with cheaper labor— the single largest cost. However, many Canadian companies have pulled back expansion plans given ongoing cash burn. As per forecast around 15% average annual growth through 2030.

 Canopy has a standing deal to acquire Acreage Holdings, a U.S. multistate operator, immediately upon federal legalization. The Canopy paid a good price and acquired an attractive option for an accelerated entry into the U.S. Canopy also owns 27% of U.S. multistate operator Terraced on a fully diluted basis. These U.S. assets look far more attractive than the continued challenges in the Canadian market. The U.S. market is murky, with some states legalizing recreational or medical cannabis while it remains illegal federally. The federal law will be changed to recognize states’ choices on legality within their borders, which would trigger Canopy’s deals. Based on state-by-state analysis, the nearly 20% average annual growth for the U.S. recreational market and nearly 10% for the medical market through 2030. Constellation Brands owns 38.6% of Canopy with additional securities that could push ownership to 55.8%. The investment as supportive of developing branded cannabis consumer products while also providing a funding backstop and foothold into the U.S. non-THC market.

Financial Strengths

On one hand, Canopy Growth’s debt remains relatively low. At the end of the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022, the company had about CAD 1.5 billion of debt compared with a market capitalization of roughly CAD 2.5 billion. On the other hand, the company continues to burn cash, which pressures its financial health. However, management has been focused on reducing capital spending and rightsizing its overhead, minimizing the need for further outside capital. The company will generate positive adjusted EBITDA in fiscal 2025 and positive free cash flow in fiscal 2026. The company’s target of positive adjusted EBITDA in fiscal 2024 looks possible in the latter half of the year, but no one had anticipate losses for the sum of the year. In the latter 10-year forecast, we think the company will generate enough positive free cash flow to reduce its debt. Benefiting its financial health, Canopy has generally relied on equity to fund acquisitions and expansion. The company’s first major debt raise occurred as recently as its first quarter of fiscal 2019. The company will continue to rely on equity to fund capital needs, which is typical for growth companies such as Canopy to help alleviate potential pressure on its financial health. Constellation Brands as a major strategic investor also adds a stabilizing presence to Canopy’s financial health.

Bulls Say

  • Canopy Growth’s deal to acquire Acreage Holdings immediately upon U.S. federal legalization provides exposure to the largest potential cannabis market in the world.
  • Canopy Growth’s ownership of 27% of Terrascend gives it further optionality for the U.S. THC market.
  • The investment by Constellation Brands and partnerships with Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg provide potential expansion opportunities into infused products and topicals. If successful, Constellation Brands may increase its ownership or try to acquire Canopy.

Company Description

Canopy Growth, headquartered in Smiths Falls, Canada, cultivates and sells medicinal and recreational cannabis, and hemp, through a portfolio of brands that include Tweed, Spectrum Therapeutics, and Craft Grow. Although it primarily operates in Canada, Canopy has distribution and production licenses in more than a dozen countries to drive expansion in global medical cannabis and also holds an option to acquire Acreage Holdings upon U.S. federal cannabis legalization.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Initiating Coverage of Ballard Power With No Moat and a $7 FVE

Business Strategy and Outlook

Ballard has one of the longest histories in the fuel cell industry, with a particular focus on transportation applications. Currently, the company’s focus is on providing fuel cells into heavy-motive applications: bus, truck, rail, and marine. While each of these markets is still nascent, buses are considered the furthest along in adopting zero-emission technology. Truck is likely next in the adoption curve, with rail and marine longer dated. Given the early stage of fuel cell adoption in these respective markets, Ballard’s focus in the near term is on providing fuel cells for pilot/demonstration-type projects to show proof of concept. Given Ballard’s focus on transportation end markets, the company’s strategy faces risks from battery electric technology. This is particularly acute for the bus and light-duty truck end markets, whereas heavy-duty trucking, rail, and marine are likely to have more difficulty adopting battery electric solutions given the reduction in cargo capacity from large batteries. 

The core of Ballard’s strategy is around continuing to invest in its proton-exchange membrane, or PEM, fuel cells. The company plans to invest in research and development to continue to lower the cost of fuel cells to make the technology more economic. Ballard has a goal to reduce the cost of its fuel cell module from roughly $1,000 per kilowatt today to below $300 per kilowatt by 2030. In contrast to peers, Ballard has maintained a narrow focus around its core PEM fuel cell technology. Many peers have diversified into electrolyzers and / or hydrogen production in recent years. While Ballard has not ruled out an entry into the electrolyzer market, it is unlikely it enters the hydrogen production part of the value chain. Ballard’s geographic emphasis is on North America (mainly California), Europe, and China. The company’s China efforts are largely through its Weichai joint venture, a leading diesel engine manufacturer in China. Ballard views the China market as core to its long-term growth ambitions.

Financial Strength

While Ballard lacks the financial strength of more-established companies, the company’s un-leveraged balance sheet. Ballard and the broader green hydrogen industry are still in their infancies. Ballard has largely been in a research and development phase for much of its history and operating income is projected to turn positive until later this decade. This will result in consistent cash outflows over the coming years, but the company has added to its cash balance in recent years. Ballard’s cash balance was just north of $1 billion as of December 2021. Key uses of cash include working capital, organic growth, and select acquisitions. The largest use of cash in the near term to be increasing operating expenses.

Bulls Say’s

  • Ballard boasts one of the longest histories in fuel cell technology. 
  • Ballard fuel cells have among the highest use in real world applications, providing it a first-mover advantage. 
  • The hydrogen fuel cell market is in its infancy, with robust growth projected.

Company Profile 

Ballard is a world leader in proton exchange membrane fuel cell, power system development, and commercialization. The company’s principal business is the design, development, manufacture, sale and service of PEM fuel cell products for a variety of applications, focusing on power product markets of heavy-duty motive (consisting of bus, truck, rail, and marine applications), material handling, and stationary power generation. Sales are concentrated in the U.S., Europe, and China..

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Shoals’ 2022 Not as Bad as Feared, but Medium Term Faces Questions

Business Strategy and Outlook

Shoals has crafted a market-leading position within the solar electrical balance-of-system, or EBOS, market. EBOS is a lesser-known segment of solar and comprises components transferring electrical current from solar modules to an inverter. The main customers of EBOS are engineering, procurement, and construction firms building solar projects. While EBOS is relatively cheap (5% of project’s cost), it is expensive to install. Installation costs can be greater than the cost of the components. Shoals’ strategy against this backdrop is to provide solutions that reduce complexity and installation time, saving customers money. 

Shoals has long been a provider of EBOS components to the utility-scale solar industry, but the introduction of its big lead assembly, or BLA, in 2017 marked an inflection point. The product introduced a new architecture for projects, which reduced the amount of wiring and eliminated the need for licensed electricians, helping lower installation costs. Shoals achieved rapid success by targeting the largest EPCs. Three customers supported approximately 40% of revenue in 2021. The company is looking to expand its market share by continuing to target EPCs but also building inroads with developers, which is expected to increase customer stickiness. Additionally, Shoals should benefit from more projects with solar and storage, which have 55% higher EBOS costs, and new products addressing a broader range of EBOS needs. Longer-term growth ambitions include expanding its international presence and entering the electric vehicle charging market. The company’s international ambitions with a wait-and-see approach. The company has been operating internationally for a few years, but non-U.S. customers accounted for negligible sales in 2021 and the international market is generally more fragmented than the U.S. The EV charging market opportunity that the company entered in 2022 is viewed constructively. The EV market is plagued by similarly high installation costs (50% of total cost is installation versus 30% for solar).

Financial Strength

Shoals’ leverage and liquidity are weaker than preferred, but operating cash flow growth is projected to improve metrics in the coming 12-24 months. The company’s leverage stands at approximately 3 times debt/EBITDA, which is the result of borrowings to pay a special dividend to equity holders prior to its IPO. Shoals’ debt profile consists primarily of a term loan due 2026 and borrowings under its revolving credit facility. Shoals is expected to prioritize paying off the amount drawn on its credit facility over the next couple of years. This debt reduction coupled with operating cash flow growth should improve its credit metrics.

Bulls Say’s

  • Shoals offers peer-leading margins and returns on invested capital in the solar industry. 
  • The solar market is growing and the addition of storage further increases the addressable market. 
  • International and EV charging markets have a chance to be sizable contributors to Shoals’ growth.

Company Profile 

Shoals Technologies Group Inc is a provider of electrical balance of system or EBOS solutions for solar energy projects, primarily in the United States. EBOS encompasses components that are necessary to carry electric current produced by solar panels to an inverter. The products are sold principally to engineering, procurement and construction firms that build solar energy projects. In 2022 the company entered the electric vehicle charing market.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

We Maintain Our EUR 17.50 Fair Value Estimate on Possible Takeover Offer From Siemens Energy

Business Strategy & Outlook

Competitive pricing pressure among wind turbine manufacturers and cost inflation have placed a large emphasis on cost-saving programs to increase Siemens Gamesa’s profit margins, which have consistently lagged its closest competitor, Vestas. Following an operating loss in 2020 and 2021, Siemens Gamesa have once again turned to a new CEO (the third in two years) tasked with turning around the onshore equipment business through cost-cutting measures and solving the ramp up challenges of its latest 5.X onshore turbine that have caused project execution delays.

Despite the trend toward decarbonization, profiting from manufacturing turbines has proved difficult due to a combination of both industry and internal challenges. Wind turbines are the largest cost for customers and thus tend to be price sensitive. In the short term, Siemens Gamesa will turn to inflation mechanisms in customer contracts to better manage commodity risk given the significant increase in raw materials such as copper and steel. Longer term, however, an element of product differentiation is required to replicate the returns of other razor/blade models. Cost savings are limited in nature, whereas innovation has largely focused on taller towers and bigger rotors, which competitors subsequently replicate. Shorter innovation cycles can also lead to ramp up challenges as evidenced by Siemens Gamesa’s latest onshore turbine. That said, Siemens Gamesa’s offshore turbine is the most efficient in the market and the challenges in the onshore business have not filtered to their leading position in offshore.

As growth matures for onshore turbines amid regulatory changes, greater reliance is placed on Siemens Gamesa to maintain its leading position in the offshore market, which is expected to double between 2025 and 2030. Rectifying the challenges in the onshore business will be required so that Gamesa can harvest the growth in offshore to invest in product innovation and expanding capacity to satisfy demand. A shift in the product mix toward offshore will improve profitability. Improved operations may pave the way for Siemens Energy to take over the remaining 33% stake in Siemens Gamesa.

Financial Strengths

Siemens Gamesa is in a sound financial position with EUR 207 million of net debt (including lease liabilities) at the end of its 2021 financial year. The company also has access to additional funding of EUR 4.4 billion of which EUR 1.3 billion has been drawn. The Siemens Gamesa’s balance sheet allows the company to navigate the challenges of a new restructuring program and provides a cushion for another year of forecast free cash outflow. Siemens Gamesa’s target net debt/EBITDA ratio is a conservative 1.0 times. Siemens Gamesa has EUR 2.0 billion of cash and equivalents and the option to drawdown on its syndicated loan, which is sufficient to cover short-term debt maturities of EUR 382 million as well a ramp-up in capital expenditures and restructuring-related costs. However, we forecast another year of free cash outflow in fiscal 2022, and with a credit rating only a few notches above investment-grade, this limits the company’s potential to use its balance sheet to perform mergers and acquisitions to help further consolidate the industry and capital return to shareholders.

Bulls Say

  • Siemens Gamesa is well positioned to benefit from the structural trend toward decarbonization through its leading position in offshore turbines and global footprint, as renewables contribute more to the global energy mix.
  • The implementation of inflation mechanisms into contracts will improve the management of commodity risk and help turnaround profitability in the onshore business.
  • The hiring of a new CEO tasked within improving operations from Siemens Energy, which owns 66% of Siemens Gamesa, may pave the way for the parent company to acquire the remaining 33% stake.

Company Description

Siemens Gamesa is a leading manufacturer of onshore and offshore wind turbines. The company is the product of the merger between Siemens Wind Power and Gamesa in 2017. The firm operates in two business segments: wind turbines and services. Siemens Gamesa retained its position as the leading installer of offshore turbines in 2020. Siemens Energy (a recent spinoff from Siemens AG) owns 67% of Siemens Gamesa’s shares. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Nexi’s Q1 Lines up With Expectations But We Lower Our Fair Value Estimate

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nexi offers merchant acquiring, card issuing, and digital banking services to its clients. Through the combination and shedding of various payment assets, Nexi has created a compelling suite of offerings that are supported by durable and structural growth drivers. With its latest two large acquisitions, Nets and SIA, Nexi has also gained a wider footprint in Europe as well as stronger processing capabilities. As such, Nexi has moved from an Italian pure-play to a fully vertically integrated European payment services provider at the top of European rank tables.

Nexi still derives most of its revenue from Italy, where it holds a strong competitive position and is deeply integrated in the bank-dominated payment infrastructure. Card payment penetration, although growing, remains low in Italy, with cash transactions being the dominant form of payment. Although no one can see Italy catching up with the European average of card use anytime soon, volume growth should still be a healthy high-single-digit to low-double-digit figure, supporting both acquiring and issuing volumes as well as demand for point-of-sale terminal solutions and cards. Outside of Italy, Nexi has exposure to the Nordics, which have some of the highest card use in Europe, but also more nascent regions such as Germany and countries in Eastern and Southern Europe that offer strong organic growth opportunities. Nexi also benefits from a gradual shift from national debit schemes to international debit and credit schemes supported by Visa and Mastercard. This shift accelerating as card payments take over daily habits, which will disproportionately benefit Nexi. Nexi not only earns higher margins on international card schemes, but also has a better offering in supporting merchants and banks to switch to international schemes. Additionally, international card schemes make greater use of newer payment technologies, increasing demand for more advanced point-of-sale terminals, thereby increasing subscription-based revenue for Nexi and generating further upgrade sale cycles.

Financial Strengths

Nexi will be able to bring its net debt to EBITDA ratio down toward its medium-term target of 2.5 times by 2023. In the future, the potential large deals to be paid in shares, allowing Nexi to refinance the target’s debt at potentially lower rates, while smaller tuck-in acquisitions could be done via debt raising, if the balance sheet allows.

Bulls Say

  • The Italian payment market offers some of the best opportunities for payment service providers in Europe and Nexi is best-positioned to benefit from structural trends.
  • Consolidation of the Italian banking sector could bring further opportunities for Nexi to purchase additional bank-held merchant acquiring books.
  • As international card schemes become more prevalent in Italy, Nexi’s business proposition becomes increasingly valuable.

Company Description

Nexi is a payment services provider offering merchant acquiring, card issuing, and digital banking services across Europe. Nexi’s services cover the entire payment chain excluding the card scheme. It offers its acquiring and issuing services either in partnerships with banks, providing point-of-sale terminals, processing, or issuing services on their behalf or directly to merchants.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Amadeus’ Advantaged Platform Seeing Increased Demand, Boosted by a Return of Business Travel

Business Strategy & Outlook

While Amadeus still stands to see material near-term corporate and European demand headwinds from the coronavirus and geopolitical conflict, its leadership position in global distribution systems, or GDS, to endure during the next several years, driven by its leading network of airline content and travel agency customers as well as its healthy position in software solutions for these carriers and agents. Amadeus is the largest of the three GDS operators (narrow-moat Sabre is number two, followed by privately held Travelport) that control nearly 100% of market volume.

Amadeus’ GDS enjoys a network effect (source of its narrow moat). As more supplier content (mostly airline content) is added, more travel agents use the platform; as more travel agents use the platform, suppliers offer more content. This network advantage is solidified by technology that integrates GDS content with back-office operations of agents and IT solutions of suppliers, leading to more accurate information that is also easier to book and service the end customer with. The 2016 acquisition of airline IT company Navitaire and 2018 acquisition of hotel IT company TravelClick expanded Amadeus’ GDS network advantage through new customer integration, as Navitaire focuses on low-cost carriers while the company’s existing Altea division focuses on full-service carriers, and TravelClick has a midscale lodging presence versus Amadeus’ legacy hotel offering, which focuses on enterprises. Replicating a GDS platform entails aggregating and connecting content from hundreds of airlines to a platform that is also connected to travel agents, requiring significant costs and time. Still, although the GDS advantages as substantial, technology architechtures like that of eTraveli (set to be acquired by narrow-moat Booking Holdings in early 2022), enable end users to access not only GDS content but supply from competing platforms, which could take some volume from GDS operators. Also, GDS faces some risk of larger carriers and agencies direct connecting, although these relationships to be the exception rather than the rule.

Financial Strengths

While near-term industry travel demand remains below prepandemic marks, Amadeus’ balance sheet is clearer. Amadeus entered 2020 with just 1.4 times net debt/EBITDA, and it has enough liquidity for four years even at near zero demand levels. Amadeus has taken aggressive actions to shore up its liquidity profile. In March 2020, Amadeus began to cut costs and secured an additional EUR 1 billion one-year bridge loan, in addition to the undrawn EUR 1 billion revolver it already had. In April 2020, the company raised EUR 1.5 billion with a EUR 750 million equity offering (at a 5% discount to closing stock prices) and a EUR 750 million convertible note (at a strike price 40% above closing stock prices). In May 2020, Amadeus raised EUR 1 billion in debt at interest rates of 2.5%-2.9%. The banking partners to provide any additional needed funding, given Amadeus’ sizable network, switching costs, and efficient scale advantages that underpin its narrow moat. Net debt/EBITDA increased to 5.5 times in 2021, due to lower demand resulting from COVID-19, but a return to within management’s 1-1.5 times target range by 2023. Although about EUR 2.7 billion of the company’s EUR 4.3 billion in long-term debt matures over the next four years, its low leverage and stable transaction-based model in normal demand environments should not present any financial health concerns. The Amadeus will generate EUR 7 billion in free cash flow (operating cash flow minus capital expenditures) during 2022-26.

Bulls Say

  • The company’s GDS network hosts content from most airlines and is used by many travel agents, resulting in significant industry share. Replicating this network would involve meaningful time and costs. 
  • The network advantage is supported by new products and technology that further integrate airlines and agents into its GDS platform. The company’s Navitaire, AirIT, and TravelClick acquisitions aid this expanding technology and integration reach. 
  • The business model is driven by transaction volume and not pricing, leading to lower cyclical volatility.

Company Description

Among the top three operators, Amadeus’ 40%-plus market share in air global distribution system bookings is the largest in the industry. The GDS segment represents 56% of total prepandemic revenue (2019). The company has a growing IT solutions division (44% of 2019 revenue) that addresses the airline, airport, rail, hotel, and business intelligence markets. Transaction fees, which are tied to volume and not price, account for the bulk of revenue and profits.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer

Business Strategy and Outlook

Link Administration has created a narrow economic moat in the Australian and U.K. financial services administration sectors via its leading positions in fund administration and share registry services. Client retention rates exceed 90% in both markets, underpinned by inflation-linked contracts of between two and five years. The capital-light nature of the business model should enable good cash conversion, regular dividends, and relatively low gearing. Earnings growth prospects are supported by organic growth in member numbers, industry fund consolidation, and continued outsourcing trends. The company was formed via numerous acquisitions made since 2005 under the ownership of private equity firm Pacific Equity Partners, which sold its remaining holding in the company in 2016. 

It is considered that the Australian fund administration business, which constitutes around a third of group revenue, to be the strongest of Link’s businesses. Link usually comprises around three fourths of fund administration customer costs, which creates material operational and reputational risks to switching providers. Contract lengths of between three and five years, along with six to nine months of lead time to change provider, also create barriers to switching. Switching costs are evidenced by Link’s recurring revenue rate of around 90% and client retention rate of over 95%. Six of Link’s 10 largest clients have been with the company for over 20 years.

Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer, which has a 10% market share following its acquisition of Pillar, previously the third-largest provider, in 2016. It is projected both companies to compete aggressively for future outsourcing contracts, which may come from the 60% of the market that is currently serviced in-house. However, around 30% of the in-house segment comprises the four major Australian banks and AMP, which have a reasonably low probability of outsourcing. The remaining 30% comprises a combination of government-owned entities and relatively small superannuation funds, which are likely to have outsourcing lead times of months or years.

Financial Strength

Link’s balance sheet is in good shape with a net debt/EBITDA ratio of around 2.6 as at Dec. 31, 2021, which is within the company’s target range of 2 to 3. From an interest coverage ratio perspective, Link has a manageable interest coverage ratio of around 14.

Bulls Say’s

  • It is held for, Link’s EPS to grow at a CAGR of 9% over the next decade, driven by a revenue CAGR of 6% per year, in addition to cost-cutting and operating leverage. 
  • Experts’ base case assumes Link’s Australian fund administration market share grows by 2.5 percentage points to 32.5% over the next five years. 
  • The capital-light nature of the business model should enable regular dividends, and low financial leverage creates the opportunity for debt-funded acquisitions.

Company Profile 

Link provides administration services to the financial services sector in Australia and the U.K., predominantly in the share registry and investment fund sectors. The company is the largest provider of superannuation administration services and the second-largest provider of share registry services in Australia. Link acquired U.K.-based Capita Asset Services in 2017; this provides a range of administration services to financial services firms and comprises around 40% of group revenue. Link’s clients are usually contracted for between two and five years but are relatively sticky, which results in a high proportion of recurring revenue. The business model’s capital-light nature means cash conversion is relatively strong. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Caterpillar Reiterates its Margin, Free Cash Flow and Services Targets at its 2022 Investor Day

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Caterpillar will continue to be the leader in the global heavy machinery market, providing customers an extensive product portfolio consisting of construction, mining, energy, and transportation products. For nearly a century, the company has been a trusted manufacturer of mission-critical heavy machinery, which has led to its position as one of the world’s most valuable brands. Caterpillar’s strong brand is underpinned by its high-quality, extremely reliable, and efficient products. Customers also value Caterpillar’s ability to lower the total cost of ownership. The company’s strategy focuses on employing operational excellence in its production process, expanding customer offerings, and providing value-added services to customers. Since 2014, Caterpillar has taken steps to reduce structural costs and its fixed asset base by implementing cost management initiatives and by either closing or consolidating numerous facilities, reducing its manufacturing floorspace considerably. Over the past decade, the company has continually released new products and upgraded existing product models to drive greater machine efficiency. Customers also rely on the services that Caterpillar provides, for example, machine maintenance and access to its proprietary aftermarket parts. Furthermore, its digital applications help customers interact with dealers, manage their fleet, and track machine performance to determine when maintenance is needed.

Caterpillar has exposure to end markets that have attractive tailwinds. On the construction side, the company will benefit from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal in the U.S. The country’s road conditions are in poor condition, which has led to pent-up road construction demand. In energy, the improvement in the price of oil since COVID-19 lows will encourage exploration and production companies to increase oil and gas capital expenditures, leading to increased sales of Caterpillar’s oil-well-servicing products. That said, mining markets will have limited upside, as fixed-asset investment growth in China starts to slow, likely capping commodity price upside.

Financial Strengths

Caterpillar maintains a sound balance sheet. On the industrial side, the net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio was relatively low at the end of 2021, coming in at 0.2. Total outstanding debt, including both short- and long-term debt was $9.8 billion. Caterpillar’s strong balance sheet gives management the financial flexibility to run a balanced capital allocation strategy going forward that mostly favors organic growth and also returns cash to shareholders. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. The company’s cash position as of year-end 2021 stood at $8.4 billion on its industrial balance sheet. One can also find comfort in Caterpillar’s ability to tap into available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs. Caterpillar has access to $10.5 billion in credit facilities for the consolidated business (including financial services), of which, $2.8 billion is available to the industrial business. Caterpillar’s focus on operational excellence in its industrial operations and improved cost base has put the company on better footing when it comes to free cash flow generation throughout the economic cycle. The company can generate $6 billion in free cash flow in midcycle year, supporting its ability to return nearly all of its free cash flow to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. The captive finance arm holds considerably more debt than the industrial business, but this is reasonable, given its status as a lender to both customers and dealers. Total debt stood at $28 billion in 2021, along with $27 billion in finance receivables and $826 million in cash. As per view view, Caterpillar enjoys a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects.

Bulls Say

  • Increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. and emerging markets will lead to more construction equipment purchases, substantially boosting Caterpillar’s sales growth.
  • Higher fixed-asset investment growth in China strengthens support for increased investment in mining capital expenditures, benefiting Caterpillar
  • A continued recovery from the temporary demand shock in oil prices will lead to increased oil and gas capital expenditures, leading to more engine, transmission, and pump sales for Caterpillar.

Company Description

Caterpillar is an iconic manufacturer of heavy equipment, power solutions, and locomotives. It is currently the world’s largest manufacturer of heavy equipment with over 13% market share in 2021. The company is divided into four reportable segments: construction industries, resource industries, energy and transportation, and Caterpillar Financial Services. Its products are available through a dealer network that covers the globe with about 2,700 branches maintained by 160 dealers. Caterpillar Financial Services provides retail financing for machinery and engines to its customers, in addition to wholesale financing for dealers, which increases the likelihood of Caterpillar product sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Tencent Music’s Long-Term Growth is Underpinned by Continuing Increase in Subscribers

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

With over 600 million monthly active users, or MAU, Tencent Music Entertainment, or TME, is the largest music streaming platform in China. The firm monetizes through live streaming, a high margin business generating over 60% of revenue and over 100% of operating profit, while subscription-based music streaming remains loss-making. A low subscriber-to-user ratio in the mid-teen percentages offers a long runway for paying user growth in music streaming. With platforms putting more content, such as popular songs, behind the paywall, more users would subscribe, and fuel top-line growth. Potential revenue growth also comes from advertising, where the firm’s investments into long-form audio are likely to open up more ad inventory. Even though social entertainment (mainly video live streaming) contributes most of the firm’s revenue, still there will be minimal growth ahead given competition from Douyin and Kuaishou. 

With China’s antitrust laws putting an end to TME’s exclusive music copyright agreements, more competition is anticipated for users. Its peer Cloud Music is aiming to bridge the content gap by signing with previously inaccessible labels. Despite competitive headwinds, TME will remain the largest platform for music streaming, benefiting primarily from network effect and intangible assets that maintain user engagement and stickiness. The subscription prices are unlikely to go lower because: 1) competitors are making losses and have little incentive for price competition; and 2) Chinese streaming platforms offer almost the lowest prices worldwide, so more discounts will be less effective in attracting users. Some margin upside is expected for Tencent Music as growing subscription revenue brings more cost leverage. Unlike developed markets, the supply side of music in China is more fragmented, with just 30% of licensing from top five labels. As licensors sell their content on a mostly fixed cost basis, TME is well-positioned to see margin expansion as revenue grows.

Financial Strengths:  

TME is financially sound. As of the end of 2021, the firm was sitting on a net cash position of CNY 22 billion, more than three times that of peer Cloud Music. Despite some near-term industry challenges, the firm is expected to generate positive free cash flows over the next years. Taking advantage of the low interest environment, the company issued a total of USD 800 million (CNY 5 billion) senior unsecured notes at below 2% interest in 2020. The debt/equity ratio is running at a manageable 30%, and debt/EBITDA is maintained below 1.5 times as at the end of 2021. The firm shall maintain this capital structure. Given positive free cash flow assumptions, the firm can easily fulfill its debt obligations while simultaneously funding future investment initiatives. The business has been generating positive free cash flows since 2016. In 2021, it generated a free cash flow of CNY 3.5 billion. This is significantly better than peer Cloud Music, who will be burning through cash for the next couple of years. TME is expected to remain cash flow positive over the next five years.

Bulls Say: 

  • Compared with Spotify, TME has plenty of room for subscriber growth that should come about as it moves more music content behind the paywall.
  • TME piggybacks off Tencent’s billion-plus user network. This relationship allows for better retention of users while attracting new ones.
  • By investing in independent artists and long-form audio, TME could better manage content cost over the long term.

Company Description:  

TME is the largest online music service provider in China. It was founded in 2016 with the business combination of QQ Music (founded in 2005), Kuwo Music (founded in 2005) and Kugou Music (founded in 2004) streaming platforms. Tencent is the largest shareholder of TME with over 50% shares and over 90% voting rights held. TME also provides social entertainment services, including music live audio/video broadcasts and online concert services through the three platforms mentioned above, and online karaoke through an independent platform WeSing.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Envestnet’s Wealth Solutions Had Secular Growth but Margin Expansion Has Been Lackluster

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Envestnet was founded in 1999 to offer independent advisors access to a comprehensive wealth-management platform. The firm’s founder, the late Jud Bergman, recognized two major trends in the industry. The first was the move away from the wirehouse firms. The second was the move from a commission-based toward a fee-based model. Wealth solutions represents about 75% of the firm’s net revenue.About half of this consists of asset-based fees with the fee rate dependent on the level of services provided. The factors such as product mix, new client onboardings, and switches from an asset-based to subscription model can affect the fee rate. The other half of wealth solutions include the Tamarac platform geared toward registered investment advisors, subscription software to enterprises, recently acquired financial planning software MoneyGuidePro, and professional services.

Tamarac’s popularity with RIAs has been a strong driver of growth. In 2015, Envestnet acquired Yodlee, which makes up the firm’s data and analytics segment. Yodlee’s revenue consists of its core data aggregation, alternative data to asset managers, and analytics to advisory firms. This segment is less moaty, as Yodlee faces competition from Plaid and MX Technologies as well as many alternative data providers. Following Visa’s announced (but ultimately nixed) acquisition of Plaid at a high, media reports have indicated that Envestnet is looking to sell Yodlee. For now, Envestnet is comfortable keeping Yodlee in its product portfolio. Envestnet believes marketplace exchanges can add to growth. In 2019, the company launched an insurance exchange with six national carriers to connect an advisor’s clients with annuity products. In addition to the insurance exchange, Envestnet launched Advisor Credit Exchange to help advisors address the lending needs of their clients. Envestnet is also focusing on growing asset-based revenue by providing value-added services such as impact portfolios, direct indexing, and tax overlays

Financial Strengths:  

Envestnet’s financial strength is sound. The company has used leverage for acquisitions. As of Dec. 31, 2021, Envestnet has approximately $429 million of cash and $849 million in convertible debt. This equates to a net leverage ratio of about 1.6 times EBITDA. While it’s true that the firm’s wealth solutions segment contains asset-based revenue, net of direct asset-based cost of revenue, these fees are less than 40% of the firm’s revenue. In addition, it is estimated that 40% of Envestnet’s AUM/A are not in equities. And given the fact that most of Envestnet’s remaining revenue is essentially recurring, with the company’s debt levels.

Bulls Say:

  • Envestnet has leading market share, and its product suite offers greater breadth than competitors.
  • Envestnet could pursue strategic alternatives with Yodlee.
  • Envestnet should continue to benefit from the trend of advisors leaving wire house firms to start their own practices and the shift from commission-based to fee- based advice.

Company Description:

Envestnet provides wealth-management technology and solutions to registered investment advisors, banks, broker/dealers, and other firms. Its Tamarac platform provides trading, rebalancing, portfolio accounting, performance reporting, and client relationship management software to high-end RIAs. Envestnet’s portfolio management consultants provide research services and consulting services to assist advisors, including vetted third-party managed account products. In November 2015, Envestnet acquired Yodlee, a provider of data aggregation.

(Source: Morningstar)

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