Dividend Stocks

Another Solid Medibank Result Despite Ongoing Noise Around Claim Costs

Business Strategy and Outlook

Medibank is Australia’s largest private health insurer operating under the Medibank and ahm brands. The dual brand strategy has successfully allowed the group to offer differentiated pricing and messaging to grow members and profits. Despite the “free” universal public system in Australia, around 45% of Australia’s population have private hospital cover due to taxation benefits and penalties, shorter wait times, and a choice of doctor and hospital. We expect government policy settings, which promote the take up and retention of private health insurance products, to remain in place. With an ageing population, higher demand for more intense healthcare will further pressure the public health system.

Despite larger players generating respectable return on equity on mid-single-digit profit margins, smaller providers have less capacity to absorb the expected claims inflation. This could eventually lead to industry consolidation, or at the least a pull-back in marketing expenses and policyholder acquisition costs. Medibank’s Other Health Services division provides in-home healthcare services such as nursing, rehabilitation, and health coaching for corporates. Medibank health also includes the sales of travel, life, and pet insurance, where Medibank is not the underwriter but is paid a commission.

Financial Strength

Medibank’s first-half fiscal 2022 profit slipped 2.7% to AUD 220 million but was in line with our broadly unchanged earnings forecasts. In a debt-free position Medibank is in sound financial health. It is forecasted that Medibank can fund for long-term organic growth from cash flows, while maintaining the current 75% to 85% target dividend payout range. As at Dec. 31, 2021, Medibank held AUD 1.95 billion in capital, equating to 13% of annual premiums, the top end of the firm’s 11%-13% target range. Given low claims volatility in health insurance the insurer could carry some debt, but given a large acquisition is not expected, we believe the conservative balance sheet is likely to remain a feature of Medibank. Investment assets of AUD 2.8 billion were allocated 18% to cash, 61% to fixed income, and 21% to equities, property and other assets as at Dec. 31, 2021.

Bulls Say’s

  • Industry growth is tied to a steadily increasing population, ageing demographics and the rise in healthcare spending. Governments will continue to incentivise participation in private health insurance to share the burden of escalating healthcare costs. 
  • Premium growth is generally tied to the increasing cost of healthcare. 
  • The symbiotic relationship with the private hospital operators and buyer power over general practitioners is a key strength of Medibank’s business model. The majority of private hospital income is paid by the insurers.

Company Profile 

Previously owned by the Australian government, Medibank is the largest health insurer in Australia. Its two brands, Medibank Private and ahm, cover over 4.8 million people. Medibank and Australia’s fourth-largest health fund NIB Holdings are the only listed health insurers. In addition to private health insurance, the firm provides life, pet, and travel insurance, as well as health insurance for overseas students and temporary overseas workers. The Medibank Health division provides healthcare services to businesses, governments, and communities across Australia and New Zealand.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Cummins Have An Exposure To End Markets That Have Attractive Tailwinds

Business Strategy and Outlook

It is held Cummins will continue to be the top supplier of truck engines and components, despite increasing emissions regulation from government authorities. For over a century, the company has been the pre-eminent manufacturer of diesel engines, which has led to its place as one of the best heavy- and medium-duty engine brands. Cummins’ strong brand is underpinned by its high-performing and extremely durable engines. Customers also value Cummins’ ability to enhance the value of their trucks, leading to product differentiation. 

The company’s strategy focuses on delivering a comprehensive solution for original equipment manufacturers. It is likely Cummins will continue to gain market share, as it captures a larger share of vehicle content. This is largely due to increasing emissions regulation, which allows Cummins to sell more of its emissions solutions, namely its aftertreatment systems that convert pollutants into harmless emissions. Additionally, Cummins stands to benefit from the electrification of powertrains in the industry. The company has made progress in the school and transit bus markets. Long term, it is alleged the truck market to also increase electrification. The pressure to manufacture more environmentally friendly products is forcing truck OEMs to evaluate whether it’s economically viable to continue producing their own engines and components or to partner with a market leader like Cummins. It is seen this play out recently, through the increase in partnership announcements for medium-duty engines with truck OEMs. It is anticipated some OEMs will opt to shift investment away from engine and component development, leaving it to Cummins. 

Cummins has exposure to end markets that have attractive tailwinds. In trucking, it is likely new truck orders will be strong in the near term, largely due to strong demand for consumer goods. In good times, truck operators replace aging trucks and opt to expand their fleet to meet strong demand. Longer term, it is projected Cummins will continue to invest in BEVs and fuel cells to power future truck models. It is foreseen a zero-emission world is inevitable, but it is held Cummins can use returns from its diesel business to drive investments.

Financial Strength

Cummins maintains a sound balance sheet. In 2021, total outstanding debt stood at $3.6 billion, but the firm had $2.6 billion of cash on the balance sheet. In 2020, the company issued $2 billion of long-term debt at attractively low rates, some of which was used to pay down its commercial paper obligations. Cummins’ strong balance sheet gives management the financial flexibility to run a balanced capital allocation strategy going forward that mostly favors organic growth and returns cash to shareholders. In terms of liquidity, it is projected the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. It is also found comfort in Cummins’ ability to tap into available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs. Cummins has access to $3.2 billion in credit facilities.Cummins can also generate solid free cash flow throughout the economic cycle. It is held the company can generate over $2 billion in free cash flow in analysts midcycle year, supporting its ability to return nearly all of its free cash flow to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. Additionally, It is alleged management is determined to improve its distribution business following its transformation efforts in recent years. It is foreseen Cummins can improve the profitability of the business through efficiency gains, pushing EBITDA margins higher in the near term. These actions further support its ability to return cash to shareholders. In Analysts’ view, Cummins enjoys a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects.

Bulls Say’s

  • Strong freight demand in the truck market should lead to more new truck orders, substantially boosting Cummins’ revenue growth. 
  • Cummins will benefit from increasing emission regulation, pushing customers to buy emissions solutions, such as aftertreatment systems that turn engine pollutants into harmless emissions. 
  • Increasing emission standards could push peers to rethink whether it’s economically viable to continue manufacturing engines and components, benefiting Cummins.

Company Profile 

Cummins is the top manufacturer of diesel engines used in commercial trucks, off-highway equipment, and railroad locomotives, in addition to standby and prime power generators. The company also sells powertrain components, which include filtration products, transmissions, turbochargers, aftertreatment systems, and fuel systems. Cummins is in the unique position of competing with its primary customers, heavy-duty truck manufacturers, who make and aggressively market their own engines. Despite robust competition across all its segments and increasing government regulation of diesel emissions, Cummins has maintained its leadership position in the industry. 

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Uniti Capitalizing In Its Niche (Fiber)

Business Strategy and Outlook

With its lease renegotiation with Windstream (which makes up about 60% of Uniti revenue and over 80% of EBITDA) now finalized, Uniti is on much more stable financial footing and can continue on the path it was on prior to the Windstream uncertainty, maintaining itself with reliable returns and cash flow from Windstream while diversifying its business and adding more indefeasible rights of use agreements on its fiber, which carry long-term certainty and virtually no operating costs.

Diversification has come primarily via acquisitions and fiber network construction, which spawned the firm’s fiber infrastructure segment, where Uniti leases dark and lit fiber and small cells to wireless carriers and other enterprises. While it is generally skeptical about the economics of such businesses, it is in view Uniti as better positioned than many competitors because it focuses on second- and third-tier cities, where it is not supported competition is quite as intense. For example, Crown Castle explicitly says its footprint covers only the largest U.S. cities. In addition, the major cable providers in the United States are absent over much of Uniti’s footprint. It is alleged fiber use to continue growing substantially given constantly increasing data consumption across wired and wireless networks, and it is likely Uniti can capitalize in its niche.

It is also seen Uniti’s original leasing business, where it has engaged in sale-leaseback transactions to buy other companies’ fiber and immediately lease it back at attractive rates, but it is unconvincing it can materially grow beyond Windstream. It is not foreseen Uniti adds much value beyond providing capital, so it is held virtually any firm with access to cheap financing can compete. As such, it is anticipated suitors will compete on price, and finding sizable deals at attractive rates will be difficult.

Financial Strength

Uniti is a highly leveraged company, with net debt of 5.8 times adjusted EBITDA at the end of 2021 and a debt/capital ratio of over 100%. The resolution of the Windstream lease renegotiation significantly improves Uniti’s financial position and makes it unlikely to be in near-term danger of bankruptcy, but it still has substantial risk, especially if stress in the financial markets results from a global economic downturn. In addition, effects from the Windstream lease amendment remove flexibility Uniti needed to execute its diversification and expansion strategy. Uniti cut its quarterly dividend from $0.60 to $0.05 in March 2019 and has since raised it to $0.15. It is likely to raise it only marginally, which it needs to do to continue qualifying as a real estate investment trust. With the reduced dividend level, it is held the firm can make the required interest and principal payments on its debt while maintaining a debt/EBITDA ratio of about 6.0. The firm has no significant debt maturities until 2023, when more than $1 billion, or about 20% of its total debt, comes due. Beyond survival, it is likely Uniti’s weak financial position inhibits its ability to operate as it had planned. It was already highly leveraged, and it is anticipated it intended to rely on equity issuance to fund expansion and diversification. If its stock remains depressed relative to prior years, which is justified if it loses a significant portion of Windstream revenue, it is likely it will lack currency needed to buy additional assets.

Bulls Say’s

  • Uniti’s renegotiation of its Windstream lease gives the ability to add new leases to existing fiber, which can be very lucrative, as it requires little new spending.
  • Uniti’s sale-leaseback transactions provide nearly 100% margins, require no spending or upkeep on Uniti’s part, and lock in high-return revenue streams for 15 years or longer.
  • There is less competition to provide fiber exists in the second- and third-tier cities where Uniti operates, and Uniti’s network will be in demand to facilitate evergrowing data transport needs.

Company Profile

Uniti is a REIT with about 130,000 route miles of fiber in the U.S., primarily in the Southeast. Uniti reports its business in two segments: leasing and fiber. Leasing currently makes up about two thirds of total revenue and consists mostly of Uniti’s master lease agreement with Windstream. Uniti was spun out of Windstream in 2015 with a substantial portion of Windstream’s network assets, and it immediately leased the entire portfolio back for Windstream’s exclusive use. Other leasing revenue stems from sale-leaseback transactions with other fiber holders. Uniti generates fiber revenue by leasing dark and lit fiber to wireless carriers and other enterprises. (Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

WiseTech Global Ltd reported strong 1H22 results driven by strong top line revenue growth

Investment Thesis

  • Market leading position (significantly ahead of the nearest competitor).
  • Growing global trade and increasingly globalization of products sold.
  • High degree of revenue visibility and low customer annual attrition rates. 
  • R&D spend will ensure product/services are enhancing WTC products. WTC’s vision is to be the operating system for global logistics. Having completed 39 acquisitions since its IPO in 2016, WTC has assembled significant resources and development capabilities to fuel its CargoWise technology pipeline.
  • Scalability of the business model.  
  • Geopolitical tensions considered by management as “tailwinds” due to higher consolidation of the logistics software industry.

Key Risks

  • Company announces another earnings downgrade.
  • Organic growth could moderate further, which may no longer warrant such a lofty valuation. However, organic growth has improved over FY19.
  • Management noting that revenues from recent acquisitions actually declined and offered little margin. This means the return from these acquisitions could take longer than management’s expectations. 
  • Competitive threat (new product/technological advancements).
  • Disruption to technology (data breach).
  • Adverse currency movements.

1H22 Results: Relative to the pcp:

  • 1H22 Total Revenue of $281.0m, up +18% (+22% ex FX) on 1H21. 
  • CargoWise revenue was up +29% (+33% ex FX) to $193.0m, driven by Large Global Freight Forwarder rollouts, new customer wins, price and increased existing customer usage. 
  •  Acquisition (non-CargoWise) revenue of $87.9m, down -1% (up +2% ex FX). 
  •  Market penetration momentum continuing – two new global rollouts secured in 1H22 – FedEx and Access World – and Brink’s Global Services (Brink’s) signed post 31 December 2021. 
  •  Ongoing product development delivered 589 CargoWise new product features and enhancements and continued expansion of the CargoWise ecosystem. 
  •  Organization-wide efficiency and acquisition synergy program well-progressed – $20.2m of gross cost reductions in 1H22 (net benefit $19.7m). 
  •  EBITDA of $137.7m up +54% driven by revenue growth and cost reductions. Margin of 49%, up 12bps. CargoWise’s 1H22 EBITDA margin of 58% represents an increase of 4pp on 1H21. 
  •  Underlying NPAT of $77.3m, up +77%. 
  •  WTC generated strong free cash flow of $90.3m, up +85%. 
  •  WTC retained a strong balance sheet, with cash as at 31 December 2021 of $380.3m and no outstanding debt excluding lease liabilities. WTC has an undrawn, unsecured, four-year, $225m, bi-lateral debt facility, to fund future growth. 
  •  WTC’s Board declared a fully franked interim ordinary dividend of 4.75cps, which equates to payout ratio of 20% of Underlying NPAT.

Company Profile

WiseTech Global (WTC), founded in October 1994, is a leading provider of software to the logistics services industry globally. WTC develops, sells and implement software solutions that enable logistics service providers to facilitate the movement and storage of goods, domestically and internationally. WTC’s software assists their customers to better address and adapt to the complexities of the logistics industry while increasing their productivity, reducing costs and mitigating risks. WTC services over 6,000 customers across more than 115 countries with offices in Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States. 

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

The a2 Milk Co. Ltd progressing well in 1H22

Investment Thesis

  • Inventory issue remains a downside risk but can also provide upside surprise should management work through the excess inventory in its distribution channels. It appears the inventory is at target levels for some of the key channels. 
  • Wining market share in Australia and China. 
  • Growing consumer demand for health and well-being globally. 
  • Demand growth in China for premium infant formula product.
  • Expansion into new priority markets, aided by the capabilities of Fonterra.
  • US expansion provides new markets + opportunities. 
  • Key patents provide barrier to entry.
  • Takeover target – the Company was the subject of a takeover bid in 2015.

Key Risks

  • Management fails to meet its revised FY21 guidance. 
  • Chinese demand underperforming market expectations.
  • Disruption to A2 milk supply.
  • Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
  • Expiration of A2M’s intellectual property rights may weaken or be infringed by competitors.
  • Withdrawal of A2M product from international markets due to market share loss or lack of market penetration. 

1H22 Results Highlights

  • Revenue was marginally lower, down -2.5% to $661m but in line with guidance, and up +24.8% on 2H21, due to (i) China label IMF sales were constrained in 1Q22 to rebalance distributor inventory levels with sales falling -11.4% for 1H22 vs pcp; (ii) English and other label IMF sales fell -9.8% in 1H22 vs pcp with lower market share; (iii) ANZ liquid milk sales were up with higher market share, while U.S. liquid milk sales were down.
  • EBITDA fell -45.3% to $97.6m due to lower revenue and gross margin as well as a +37.3% increase in marketing investment vs pcp. EBITDA margin of 14.8% in 1H22 (17.3% ex-MVM) was weaker versus 26.4% in 1H21. Gross margin percentage fell to 46.2% (with underlying gross margin of 50.7% excluding MVM), due to inclusion of MVM, adverse product mix and cost headwinds (especially raw milk and freight costs), partially offset by price increases.
  • NPAT including non-controlling interest was down -53.3% to $56.1m.
  • Balance sheet remains strong with closing net cash of $667.2m due to high operational cash conversion during 1H22. Inventory at the end of the period was $127.9m, higher than at the end of FY21, due to the inclusion of MVM.
  • A2M noted the Mataura Valley Milk (‘MVM’) acquisition and strategic partnership with China Animal Husbandry Group (‘CAHG’) was completed in July 2021 and fully consolidated into the results.

Company Profile 

The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M) sells a2 brand milk and related products. The company owns intellectual property that enables the identification of cattle for the production of A1 protein free milk products. It also sources and supplies a2 brand milk in Australia, the UK and the US, exports a2 brand milk to China, and distributes and markets a2 brand milk and a2 Platinum brand infant nutrition products in Australia, New Zealand, and China

(Source: BanayanTree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

SUL reported strong 1H22 results reflecting sales of $1,705.1m

Investment Thesis 

  • Trading below our valuation and on attractive trading multiples and dividend yield. 
  • Strong tailwinds/fundamentals in SUL’s four core segments. For instance, sales for vehicle aftermarket continue to remain strong (with increase in second hand vehicle sales (Supercheap); travellers seeking social distancing and hence moving away from public transport (Supercheap); with Covid lockdown measures in forced, more people are spending their holidays domestically (BCF; macpac), utilising their vehicles (Supercheap); growing awareness of fit and healthy lifestyles (rebel).
  • Solid capital position.
  • Strong brands in BCF, macppac, rebel and Supercheap with solid industry positions in largely oligopolies and solid store network.
  • Transitioning to an omni-channel business. Whilst previously the business has been modelled on like-to-like store numbers, management now thinks of business metrics based on club members and has been able to grow the active club membership much faster than store numbers (store numbers in last 5 years have grown +2% CAGR vs active club members at +10% CAGR), providing it with an opportunity to expand customer base and therefore revenue base without significant capex for investment in stores (most of the customers are omni channel). Management continues to push towards expanding its online sales (Covid-19 added to this tailwind), with online sales penetration of ~13-15% of total sales currently and expected to reach 20-25% over the next 5 years.
  • Attractive loyalty members program, with over 8 million members. 

Key Risks

  • Rising competitive pressures.
  • Any issues with supply chain, especially as a result of the impact of Covid-19 on logistics, which affects earnings.
  • Rising cost pressures eroding margins (e.g., more brand or marketing investment required due to competitive pressures).
  • Disappointing earnings update or failing to achieve growth rates expected by the market could see the stock price significantly re-rate lower.

1H22 Results Highlights

Relative to the pcp: 

  • Sales of $1,705.1m was down -4.0% vs 1H21 but up +18.1% vs 1H20. 
  • Segment EBITDA of $329.4m was down -21.2% vs 1H21 but up +27.0% vs 1H20. 
  •  As a result of supply chain disruption, SUL’s gross margin of 46.7% was 100 bps below pcp but 170 bps above 1H20, driven by improved sourcing, pricing and tailoring the range of inventory, offset by higher freight and transport costs, growth in home delivery sales and some normalisation of promotional activity in 2Q22. 
  •  Normalised NPAT of $112.8m was down -35.8% vs 1H21 but up +60.9% vs 1H20 (Normalised EPS of 49.9 cents). 
  •  SUL was able to expand its store network, completing 15 new store openings and 28 refurbishments and relocations. 
  •  SUL maintains a conservative balance sheet with no bank debt and $94m cash balance. 
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 27.0cps and reaffirmed its dividend policy to pay out total annual dividends of between 55% and 65% of underlying NPAT.

Company Profile

Super Retail Group (SUL) is one of Australasia’s Top 10 retailers. SUL comprises four core segments. (1) BCF: Australia’s largest outdoor retailer focused on selling Boating, Camping and Fishing products. (2) macpac:retailer of apparel and equipment with their own designs focused on outdoor adventurers. (3) rebel:retailer of branded sporting and leisure goods and equipment for casual and serious fitness enthusiast. (4) Supercheap Auto: specialty retail business which specialises in automotive parts and accessories.

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

Tech-Led Reimagination Starting to Bear Fruit, but eBay’s Near-Term Road Looks Turbulent

Business Strategy and Outlook:

With divestitures of Stubhub, eBay Classifieds, and Gmart largely in the rearview mirror, eBay’s business looks remarkably similar to its genesis: a customer-to-customer e-commerce platform connecting hundreds of millions of buyers and sellers worldwide, with an emphasis on non-new, seasoned goods. The core eBay Marketplace business should have plenty of room to run, considering management’s estimated $500 billion total addressable market for non-new, seasoned goods, and could benefit from swelling interest in resale markets and a strong pull-forward in e-commerce demand in 2020 and 2021.

eBay’s Marketplace generated the sixth-highest gross merchandise volume, or GMV, among global players in 2021, and renewed attention by management in core verticals like collectibles, used and refurbished goods, liquidation inventory, premium shoes, and luxury jewelry–often products without a benchmark average sales price, or ASP, index (limiting price comparison pressure and leaning into the marketplace’s edge in price discovery)-appears clever. The eBay’s, 147 million active buyer base, and recent platform improvements (including managed payments, promoted listings, and inventory management services) should prove sufficient to solidify advantages in many targeted verticals.

Financial Strength:

eBay’s financial health is sound. The company has access to a $1.5 billion commercial paper facility and a $2 billion line of credit represent attractive backstops, particularly when considering that the firm maintained only $4.2 billion in net debt at the end of 2021, with a further $5.8 billion available in short-term investments. eBay’s highly free-cash-flow generative business model, comfortable coverage of interest payments (7.8 times over the same period), and investment-grade credit rating suggest that the firm should have no trouble meeting its fixed obligations.

Management again raised its buyback facility again in the fourth quarter of 2021, to $6 billion from $2 billion prior. With $1.6 billion in cash and equivalents on the balance sheet at the end of 2021, eBay maintains a bulletproof balance sheet, with substantial flexibility to meet fixed interest and principal payments, invest in attractive internal investment opportunities, and return a generous amount of capital to shareholders through share repurchases and dividends.

Bulls Say:

  • The firm’s managed payments rollout executed seamlessly, and offers optionality for auxiliary financial services down the line.
  • Recent successes in higher-touch luxury resale and collectibles categories offer a blueprint for sustained growth in the C2C marketplace.
  • The addition of auction-based items and offsite advertising could catalyze better sell-through rates and monetization in the promoted listings business.

Company Profile:

eBay operates one of the largest e-commerce marketplaces in the world, with $87 billion in 2021 gross merchandise volume, or GMV, rendering the firm the sixth-largest global e-commerce company. eBay generates revenue from listing fees, advertising, revenue-sharing arrangements with service providers, and managed payments, with its platform connecting more than 147 million buyers and roughly 20 million sellers across almost 190 global markets. eBay generates just north of 50% of its GMV in international markets, with a large presence in the U.K., Germany, and Australia.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

VMware’s VSphere and ESXi Hypervisor Being Virtualization Gold Standards

Business Strategy and Outlook

VMware, a pioneer of virtual machines, dominates the maturing data center server virtualization market. With organizations prioritizing cloud over on-premises computing infrastructure, it is seen VMware’s robust cloud provider partnerships, including the hyperscalers, should help the firm handle the changing market landscape. It is anticipated VMware’s growth to come from being the glue between computing infrastructures, networking locations, and burgeoning security and developer offerings being bolstered from its strong end user compute portfolio. 

Analysts’ view of cloud networking, akin to VMware’s assessment, is that most enterprises will utilize hybrid cloud solutions. Public clouds can precipitously augment network growth but enterprises face integration complexities among on-premises networks and private and public clouds. Beyond hyperscale cloud provider partnerships, VMware’s Cloud Provider Program offers thousands of cloud partners collaborating with VMware software. In Analysts’ view, this allows VMware to remain ingrained in networks while becoming the commonality between private and public clouds. It is held the November 2021 spin-off from Dell Technologies put an end to an uncertain future around VMware, and that growth can accelerate through VMware’s integration with cloud vendors and cadence of product releases outside of Dell’s umbrella. With solid free cash flow and growth opportunities, it is foreseen its $11.5 billion special dividend, to all shareholders, as part of the spin-off was worth the price of becoming a stand-alone entity. 

VMware’s vSphere and ESXi hypervisor are virtualization gold standards, and its hybrid cloud platform creates a consolidated view across multicloud environments. It is projected the company’s strong franchises within end user compute, security, and virtualized networking and storage can be overlooked, and support growth ventures such as VMware’s integration of Kubernetes-based container management within vSphere. It is likely, software cohesion across on-premises and clouds along with nascent networking products should give VMware sustainable growth.

Financial Strength

It is held VMware a financially stable company that should continue generating strong free cash flow. The company’s main expenditures are in the forms of developing product innovations and marketing efforts. VMware’s R&D expenditures are in the low 20s as a percentage of revenue while sales and marketing expenditures are in the low 30s. In the past, VMware has bolted on firms to bolster its presence in focus growth areas, and it is projected organic developments to be supplemented with future acquisitions. As of the end of fiscal 2022, VMware had $3.6 billion in cash and equivalents, and it is anticipated the company will pay its debts on time.VMware completed its first special dividend of $11 billion in December 2018, which helped Dell Technologies facilitate an exchange of Dell Class V tracking stock (DVMT) for a new class of Dell Technologies Class C common stock or a cash buyout option for shareholders. As part of becoming an independent company and spinning off from Dell, VMware paid special dividends worth $11.5 billion and retained an investment-grade credit rating. Although VMware raised capital to help pay the special dividend, it is likely to quickly lower its obligations through cash on hand and its robust free cash flow generation.

Bulls Say’s

  • VMware’s hybrid cloud program could yield tremendous growth if VMware is cemented as the dominant software supplier between private and public clouds. Its presence in hyperscale public cloud networks could make it the de facto virtualization choice. 
  • Product leadership in application management, enduser computing, cybersecurity, and software-defined networking provides robust growth opportunities beyond core virtualization. 
  • VMware can more tightly integrate itself with Dell peers as a stand-alone company, while also benefiting from its Dell commercial contract and their salesforce.

Company Profile 

VMware is an industry leader in virtualizing IT infrastructure and became a stand-alone entity after spinning off from Dell Technologies in November 2021. The software provider operates in the three segments: licenses; subscriptions and software as a service; and services. VMware’s solutions are used across IT infrastructure, application development, and cybersecurity teams, and the company takes a neutral approach to being the cohesion between cloud environments. The Palo Alto, California, firm operates and sells on a global scale, with about half its revenue from the United States, through direct sales, distributors, and partnerships. 

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Challenger Ltd fully franked interim dividend of 11.5cps up by 21%

Investment Thesis

  • CGF is trading on fair valuation, with a 2-yr forward PE-multiple of 14.3x and price-to-book value of 1.0x. 
  • Exposure to an attractive retirement income market, with strong long-term growth tailwinds.
  • Near-term challenges are likely to be priced in at current valuations, in our view, with investor expectations reset lower. 
  • Solid capital position.
  • Further cost initiatives leading to reduction in the already low cost-to-income ratio.
  • Two complementary businesses both with leading market positions.

Key Risks 

  • Weaker than expected annuity sales growth within its Life (annuity) segment.
  • Structural and reputational detriments from the Royal Commission lasting longer than anticipated. 
  • Any increase in competition from major Australian banks in annuities.
  • Weaker than expected net inflows for the Funds Management segment (possibly from lower interest levels from financial planners/advisers/investors).
  • Weaker than expected performance of boutique funds within its Funds Management segment.
  • Lower investment yields.
  • Uncertainty over capital requirements of deferred lifetime annuities.

Fund Management

  • EBIT increased +28% to $45m driven by +26.4% increase in FUM-based fee income with average FUM up +26% and a steady FUM-based margin of 16.7bps, partially offset by -50% decline in performance fees and +15% increase in expenses. Funds Management ROE increased +600bps to 33.8%.
  • FUM increased by +20% to $109bn, with net flows reaching $900m, reflecting a strong contribution from retail clients, with momentum continuing into the start of 2H22 with the business securing a GBP1bn UK fixed income mandate.
  • Investment performance remained strong with 92%, 96% and 94% of FUM outperforming the benchmark over 3 years, 5 years and since inception, respectively.

Company Profile 

Challenger Ltd (CGF) is an Australian-based investment management firm managing $78.4 billion in assets as of December 2018. CGF operates two core segments: (1) a fiduciary Funds Management division; and (2) APRA-regulated Life division. Challenger Life Company Ltd (Challenger Life) is Australia’s largest provider of annuities.

(Source: BanyanTree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Megaport Ltd – Company achieved 2,455 customers across 768 Enabled Data Centres

Investment Thesis:

  • MP1 is a global Software Defined Network provider, focusing on cloud connectivity. As such, the Company is leveraged to the rapid growth of global cloud and data centres and is in a strong position to benefit from the rollout to new cloud and data centre regions. Key macro tailwinds behind MP1’s sector: (1) adoption of cloud by new enterprises; (2) increased level of investment and expenditure by existing customers; and (3) more and more enterprises looking to use multiple cloud products/providers, which works well with MP1’s business model.  
  • MP1 has a scale advantage over competitors. MP1 has over 600 locations around the globe. MP1 has significant scale advantage over competitors and whilst replicating this scale is not necessarily the difficult task, it will take several years to do so during which time MP1 will continue to add locations and customers using the scale advantage.
  • Strong R&D program ensuring MP1 remains ahead of competitors.
  • Strong cash balance of $104.6m. 
  • Strong relationship with data centres (DC). MP1 has equipment installed in 400 data centres, so MP1 is a customer of data centres. MP1 also drives DCs interconnection revenue. Whilst several data centres like NEXTDC, Equinix provide SDN (Software Defined Network) services, it is unlikely data centres will look to change their relationship with (or restrict) MP1 given they are designed to be neutral providers to network operators. Further, given MP1’s existing customer base and connections with cloud service providers, it would be very difficult for data centres (without significant disruption to customers/cloud service providers) to change the rules for MP1.

Key Risks:

  • High level of execution risk (especially with respect to development). 
  • Revenue, cost and product synergies fail to eventuate from the InnovoEdge acquisition. 
  • Heavy reliance on third party partners (especially data centre providers and cloud service providers). 
  • Data centres like NEXTDC, Equinix provide SDN services and decide to restrict MP1 in providing their services. 
  • Disappointing growth (in terms of expanding data centre footprint, customers, ports, Megaport Cloud Router).

Key highlights:

(1) Revenue increased +42% over pcp to $51.2m, driven by increased usage of services across all regions, with North America delivering strongest growth across all regions, increasing +55% over pcp, followed by Europe (+35% over pcp) and Asia Pacific (+28% over pcp). Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) increased +46% over pcp to $9.2m, driven by strong customer growth compounded with a 5% increase over pcp in services per customer. 

(2) Profit after direct costs improved +69.4% over pcp to $30.9m, driven by revenue growth and a controlled network cost. 

(3) Opex increased +42% over pcp with employee costs increasing +40% over pcp amid investment in headcount to support business growth (employee costs as a percentage of revenue declined -100bps over pcp to 55%), marketing (+126% over pcp) and travel (+1481% over pcp) costs increasing amid a gradual return of travel and conference activities following global easing of Covid-19 restrictions, and IT costs increasing +106% over pcp due to expensing of Software as a Service (SaaS) costs, previously capitalised, following a change in accounting policy. 

(4) The Company achieved 2,455 customers (up +7.4% over 2H21) across 768 Enabled Data Centres (420 located in North America, 208 in EMEA and 140 in Asia Pacific). 

(5) The Company ended the half with cash and equivalents position of $104.6m, down -23.2% over 2H21.

Company Description: 

Megaport Ltd (MP1) is a software-based elastic connectivity provider – that is, it is a global Network as a Service (NaaS) provider. MP1 develops an elastic connectivity platform providing customers interconnectivity and flexibility between other networks and cloud providers connected to the platform. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.