Technology Stocks

BlackBerry Is Seeking Growth From Cybersecurity and Connected Vehicles but Hasn’t Earned a Moat

Business Strategy & Outlook

BlackBerry has positioned itself in rapidly growing markets that benefit from secular trends toward security and connectivity, but it has a long way to go to earn a durable competitive advantage. BlackBerry sells software into enterprise cybersecurity applications and embedded applications like cars. Its flagship enterprise product is the Spark suite, which combines unified endpoint management with endpoint protection. In the automotive market, BlackBerry’s QNX software powers infotainment systems, where it leads the market, as well as electronic control units and advanced driver-assistance systems. BlackBerry performs best in regulated industries such as government, financial services, and healthcare, where security and privacy are more mission-critical. CEO John Chen has helped turn the business around after its handset decline, primarily via software acquisitions like Good Technology and Cylance. The metrics of BlackBerry’s success going forward will be an ability to gain market share against larger incumbents and improve profitability. The core of its technology–both in cybersecurity and automotive software–is strong, but the company’s lackluster ability to use this technology has been disappointing in relation to maintaining solid growth or gaining market share. BlackBerry does not merit an economic moat. 

BlackBerry is expected to focus on its go-to-market approach for its enterprise offerings in order to gain market share. While BlackBerry is well recognized in regulated industries, it will have to improve its ability to sell into a broader base of enterprises to grow. After a slew of acquisitions during Chen’s pivot, BlackBerry is now anticipated to focus on organic investment in operating expenses to spur growth. The firm’s greatest growth opportunities will come from connected and autonomous vehicles. BlackBerry’s QNX software is anticipated to benefit in the short and medium term from increasing levels of autonomy worldwide, and think its partnership with Amazon for its IVY platform gives it a longer-term growth opportunity in connected and autonomous cars.

Financial Strengths

BlackBerry is expected to focus on improving its profitability and free cash flow over the medium term. As of Feb. 28, 2022, the firm carried $507 million in debt compared with $712 million in cash and equivalents. While the firm is not projected to be GAAP profitable for a few years, management’s goal is to be non-GAAP profitable while generating positive free cash flow, which it failed to do in fiscal 2022. The company is forecasted to steadily improve while it works to regain positive free cash flow and GAAP profitability. The current forecast shows that there is enough cash flow generation to enable the firm to fulfill its obligations over the next few years. BlackBerry does not pay a dividend, nor does it regularly conduct share repurchases as a way of providing capital back to shareholders. Management has been focused on the business turnaround from handsets and has prioritized using excess cash for inorganic growth opportunities and divesting from its hardware business. While the firm has paused M&A for now to focus on its go-to-market strategy, a cash buildup is anticipated over the explicit forecast that could allow for future acquisitions. 

Bulls Say

  • The Spark suite provides the widest breadth of endpoint capabilities BlackBerry has offered to date, and should appeal to enterprises looking to consolidate their software vendor lists. 
  • BlackBerry’s focus on security gives it an advantage in regulated industries, like government, healthcare, and financial services. 
  • BlackBerry IVY—the result of a partnership with Amazon Web Services—could create a revolutionary software ecosystem for connected vehicles, allowing OEMs to process, analyze, and monetize massive amounts of vehicle data.

Company Description

BlackBerry, once known for being the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer, is now exclusively a software provider with a stated goal of end-to-end secure communication for enterprises. The firm provides endpoint management and protection to enterprises, specializing in regulated industries like government, as well as embedded software to the automotive, medical, and industrial markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

Sonic will have scale relative to a small dealer and can get better terms from vendors for supplies

Business Strategy & Outlook

Sonic Automotive is undergoing many changes. Rollout of its omnichannel Digital One Stop process and the CarCash app allows consumers to shop digitally or in-store and helps Sonic procure more used-vehicle inventory. Management has also worked to make the car-buying process nearly paperless, place the customer with only one person for the entire transaction, and enable the customer to take delivery of a vehicle in an hour or less after deciding which one to buy. In October 2013, Sonic announced its intention to compete with CarMax in used vehicles with EchoPark used-vehicle stores. 

The U.S. used-vehicle market is highly fragmented at about 40 million units a year, with late-model used vehicles as old as six years often making up at least 15 million units, so there is certainly room for both firms to pursue their strategies. Openings started in late 2014 in the Denver area and as of March 2022, the EchoPark segment has 47 stores with plans to add 25 a year between 2021 and 2025. It will take time for EchoPark to reach the scale to compete with CarMax’s over 220 stores. The stores will not have a big-box retail format and are not capital-intensive due to most eventually being delivery and buy centers that only cost $1 million-$2 million each. These centers will be served by larger hub stores in a region that each cost between $7 million and $25 million. EchoPark will not do home delivery. Sonic does not plan a captive finance arm like CarMax enjoys. In July 2020, management announced a $14 billion 2025 revenue target for EchoPark, up from $2.3 billion in 2021, with 140 nationwide points. This is not impossible because EchoPark intentionally undercuts competitors on price, then recovers a small loss on the vehicle by arranging loans with third-party lenders and selling extended warranties, targeting over $2,000 gross profit per unit. In 2021, Sonic said it is reviewing alternatives for EchoPark. Sonic will have scale relative to a small dealer and can get better terms from vendors for supplies, computer systems, and health insurance compared with a small dealer. It also captures lucrative service workover repair shops through its warranty business.

Financial Strengths

Sonic’s largest debt maturity at year-end 2021 through 2026 is $118.2 million in 2024, mostly from about $90 million of mortgage line borrowing coming due in November. The credit facility matures in April 2025 and is undrawn at the end of 2021 with $281.4 million available for borrowing. Total liquidity at the end of 2021 is $702.8 million including $299.4 million of cash. Management has told us that the used floorplan line is like a revolver. Net Debt/adjusted EBITDA was about 1.80 times at year-end 2021. Leverage in 2019 declined from about the 3.7 times level thanks to the early redemption of the firm’s $289.3 million 5% notes due in May 2023. Sonic also has $346.2 million of mortgage notes with 62% of the balance at fixed rates ranging between 2.05% to 7% and maturities at various dates through 2033. The company owns about half its real estate, but has not disclosed how much unencumbered real estate it has. In October 2021, Sonic issued $1.15 billion of 2029 ($650 million at 4.625%) and 2031 notes ($500 million at 4.875%) to help fund the $950 million purchase of RFJ Auto Partners in December 2021, but no one is concerned about balance sheet health. The firm’s debt profile is not going to be a challenge for management to maintain.

Bulls Say

  • Auto dealerships are well-diversified businesses that have lucrative parts and servicing operations, which help them be profitable in almost any environment. 
  • EchoPark could prove to be a very lucrative business this decade if it can scale up. 
  • Sonic has the potential to generate significant economies of scale as vehicle demand rebounds and if EchoPark grows.

Company Description

Sonic Automotive is one of the largest auto dealership groups in the United States. The company has 110 franchised stores in 17 states, primarily in metropolitan areas in California, Texas, and the Southeast, plus 47 EchoPark and Northwest Motorsport brand used-vehicle stores. In addition to new and used-vehicle sales, the company derives revenue from parts and collision repair, finance, insurance, and wholesale auctions. Luxury and import dealerships make up about 88% of new-vehicle revenue, while Honda, BMW, Mercedes, and Toyota constitute about 60% of new-vehicle revenue. BMW is the largest brand at over 26%. 2021’s revenue was $12.4 billion, with EchoPark’s portion totaling $2.3 billion. Sonic bought RFJ Auto in December 2021, which added $3.2 billion in sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Itaú Should Benefit from Rising Interest Rates, but Uncertainty in Brazil’s Economy Still a Concern

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

The challenge for Itaú Unibanco will be to navigate an increasingly volatile Brazilian economy and uncertain political environment, which has been hit by the dual shocks of the pandemic and rapidly rising inflation, which exceeded 12% in April 2022. In response, the Brazilian central bank has rapidly increased interest rates, taking the SELIC rate from 2% at the start of 2021 to 13.25% by June 2022. The bank benefits from rising interest rates, as Brazil’s central bank attempts to fight inflation, but there is risk that economic fallout from rapidly increasing rates could lead to lower loan growth and higher credit losses for the bank. As pandemic conditions have eased, Itaú has refocused on individual lending, driving the bank’s impressive loan growth during 2021, with credit cards and mortgages leading the way. With a slew of government guarantee programs for small and midsize enterprises and fiscal stimulus spending, the bank’s credit costs during the pandemic have been surprisingly low. However, these same programs have contributed to Brazil’s growing inflation and budgetary issues. While the company does not expect credit costs to normalize over time, low charge-offs and a surge in deposits have allowed Itaú to expand its loan book significantly from its pre-pandemic size. 

Itaú Unibanco appears to be positioning itself as a regional money center in Latin America, with operations across Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Panama, and Argentina. Though there are difficulties in such an approach, the bank has been able to diversify its asset growth and simultaneously reduce its exposure to the notoriously volatile Brazilian real. With nearly 30% of loans outstanding held abroad, the bank is in a unique position to benefit from Latin American emerging-market growth. However, in the near to medium term Itaú’s results will be impacted by Brazil’s struggles as the country heads into the 2022 election cycle. Itaú faces a more hostile approach from regulators in recent years, with the central bank’s efforts to increase competition through the launch of the successful Pix payment system and support for the open banking movement.

Financial Strengths:  

Itaú Unibanco has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 11.1% as of March 2022. The bank’s Tier 1 ratio is 12.5%, as it holds 1.4% of additional Tier 1 capital in hybrid debt and equity securities. While management has said at times that the bank has been overcapitalized, that Itaú has done well to avoid increasing leverage at a time when Brazil’s economic prospects were challenged. The strong capitalization entering the recent crisis permitted the bank to expand its aggregate loan book by more than 15% during 2021 after growing nearly 22% in 2020. Net charge-offs for the bank have been low, a result of government guarantees and fiscal stimulus, which is  expected to normalize as the impact of the central bank’s interest rate hikes is felt in the Brazilian economy. That said, Itaú is in a decent position to withstand higher credit costs as its balance sheet is in good shape.

Bulls Say: 

  • Rising interest rates in Brazil create an opportunity for Itaú to expand its net interest margin. 
  • Itaú has been able to significantly expand its foreign lending operations, diversifying the bank and reducing its exposure to the volatile Brazilian market. 
  • Credit losses in Brazil remain well below historical norms, allowing Itaú to generate good returns on its lending operations.

Company Description:  

Itaú Unibanco is the largest privately held bank in Brazil, the result of the 2008 merger between Banco Itaú and Unibanco. In addition to Brazil, the bank has significant operations in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Its commercial and consumer loans account for 36% of the bank’s total loans each, while foreign loans now account for 28% of the bank’s portfolio. Itaú also operates the fifth-largest insurer in Brazil and is the second-largest asset manager in the country, giving it broad reach over the Brazilian financial system. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Ring the Alarm, RingCentral Poised for Success as UCaaS Becomes the Business Communication Standard

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

RingCentral is a leading unified communication as a service, or UCaaS, provider that enables omnichannel business communication and collaboration on a single cloud-native platform, creating a holistic user experience. As an increasingly mobile workforce requires greater flexibility in business communications, the company believes the firm’s offerings become more critical, and narrow-moat RingCentral should exhibit healthy long-term growth. The company believes the market opportunity for UCaaS providers is significant as 450 million-plus on-premises private branch exchange, or PBX, seats migrate to the cloud. At this point, although cloud penetration of hosted PBX seats is accelerating, less than 5% of seats have moved to the cloud. In a go-to-market model that focuses on leveraging channel partners such as Avaya and Mitel, RingCentral has gained first access to an on-premises PBX install base of over 210 million of these seats. These partnerships provide RingCentral a powerful advantage over competitors in winning a significant portion of the legacy install base. Company foresees healthy long-term growth as the firm increases seat penetration, expands enterprise adoption, and develops its international presence. 

RingCentral’s core product, RingCentral Office, deploys a global unified communications platform that integrates messaging, video, phone, and other cloud-based communication solutions. Users are assigned a single business phone number and profile that allows for connection to the business network from any device and location. Company viewed the platform’s 5,000-plus integration offerings as being particularly important in defining the value and competitiveness of the Office product. RingCentral’s moat is supported by strong user metrics, with a subscription model and net dollar retention rates in excess of 100%. They expect enterprise penetration, which has been the fastest growing business segment, to expand further in coming years, and benefit both deal size and retention. This should lead to lower churn and higher seat penetration, further cementing RingCentral’s position as a leader in the UCaaS space.

Financial Strengths:  

RingCentral’s financial position is reasonably sound but skews toward risky. As of December 2021, RingCentral has $267 million in cash and cash equivalents versus $1.4 billion in debt. In March 2020 and September 2020, RingCentral issued $1.0 billion of convertible senior notes, due 2025 and convertible at $360 per share, and $650 million of convertible senior notes, due 2026 and convertible at $424 per share, respectively. RingCentral has yet to achieve GAAP profitability, as it remains focused on reinvesting excess returns back into the company. RingCentral does not pay a dividend and has only repurchased stock sporadically. In December 2021, the company announced a $100 million share repurchase authorization, which is expected to occur opportunistically. The firm has historically demonstrated descent cash flows, with free cash flow margins averaging 5% over the last five years, including a downward skew from 2020 where free cash flow was pressured as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 has shown a rebound to strong free cash flows, and the company expects healthy free cash flow expansion in the coming years. RingCentral has delivered positive non-GAAP operating margins in each year since 2016, which is expected to continue over the next five years, as well. The firm’s non-GAAP operating margin has averaged 10% over the last three years. Over the next 10 years,  margins expand significantly as the company scales, which should translate to GAAP profitability as well.

Bulls Say: 

  • Partnerships with legacy PBX vendors give RingCentral access to a significant portion of the 450 million on-premises users, providing a powerful advantage over competitors in winning a large portion of the legacy installed base. 
  • RingCentral is the first in its space to offer a CCaaS solution in addition to UCaaS, an offering to prove influential in winning enterprise deals again. 
  • As an increasingly mobile workforce requires greater flexibility in business communications, RingCentral should face robust demand and have success in expanding enterprise adoption.

Company Description:  

RingCentral is a unified communication as a service, or UCaaS, provider. RingCentral’s unified communications platform replaces on-premises private branch exchange (PBX) phone systems, which support voice-only desktop phones, with its cloud phone system. Beyond its flagship voice product, the company’s platform enables cloud-based integrated omnichannel communications, including voice, messaging, SMS, video meetings, conferencing, and contact center software solutions, among others. The software allows businesses to communicate and collaborate all on one platform across various device-types.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Synopsys Boasts Compelling Growth Outlook With its EDA Portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Synopsys provides electronic design automation, or EDA, software, intellectual property, and software integrity products that are critical to the semiconductor chip design process. It is  expected that as secular trends toward artificial intelligence, 5G communications, autonomous vehicles, and cloud computing, among others, accelerate, Synopsys will benefit from both the rising complexity of chip designs and the advancing digitization of various end markets. The company believes narrow-moat Synopsys has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic organic and inorganic investments to expand its platform amid a growing semiconductor landscape. Synopsys’ products are transformational in enabling increasingly complex integrated circuit (IC) and system-on-chip (SoC) design. Advancing technologies require these more powerful, precise, and efficient chips, for which EDA software informs the end-to-end process. Synopsys is the largest player in the EDA space, and specifically in digital design as well. With a larger digital exposure, Synopsys privy to higher growth vectors and as a result expected growth greater than that of top competitor Cadence. 

Outside of core EDA, the company views Synopsys’ IP and SI businesses as benefiting from industry trends. As systems companies increasingly design their own differentiated silicon in-house, Synopsys will benefit as its customer base expands beyond traditional semiconductor designers. The company expects this trend in achieving technological differentiation through chip customization to support IP adoption, as leveraging IP blocks for standardized components allows for significant time and resource savings and reallocation to differentiating components. Further, given the rising complexity of chip design, rising cost of failure, and increasing importance of software security, Synopsys’ growing SI business presents an important point of differentiation for the company. Reflecting the mission criticality of EDA tools, Synopsys exhibits negligible churn, with customer retention consistently at approximately 100%, and has relationships with all major chip design companies in the United States.

Financial Strengths:  

Synopsys is in a healthy financial position. As of January 2022, Synopsys had $1.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents versus $24 million in debt. The firm repaid its $75 million outstanding term loan balance in 2021 and is now solely liable for a 12-year credit agreement of approximately $33 million in aggregate, of which about $24 million is outstanding as of January 2022. Company do not have any material concerns about Synopsys’ ability to finance this debt. Approximately 90% of Synopsys’ revenue is of a recurring nature, given that the firm primarily sells time-based licenses. Synopsys’ average license length is approximately three years, with periodic software updates delivered throughout the license’s term ensuring continued access to Synopsys’ evolving technology. The ratable revenue of time-based licenses tends to smooth returns compared with utilizing a perpetual license model, allowing for better visibility into the future of the business. Synopsys is profitable on both a GAAP and non-GAAP basis and demonstrates strong cash flows. Free cash flow margin has grown from 21% in fiscal 2017 to 33% in fiscal 2021, and return on invested capital is increasingly widening its spread above cost of capital. The company expects margins to continue to expand and believes management will deliver on its target of 100 basis points of annual non-GAAP operating margin expansion. The company expects healthy growth in free cash flow as industry tailwinds lead to long-term growth for Synopsys.

Bulls Say: 

  • Secular tailwinds in chip design such as 5G, Internet of Things, AI, and others should increase demand for EDA tools and support growth for Synopsys. 
  • The growing Software Integrity business enables a larger TAM for Synopsys and addresses expanding demand for real-time identification of security vulnerabilities across the entire software development lifecycle. 
  • Synopsys provides mission-critical EDA software, having relationships with all major domestic chip designers and retention rates of approximately 100%

Company Description:  

Synopsys is a provider of electronic design automation software, intellectual property, and software integrity products. EDA software automates the chip design process, enhancing design accuracy, productivity, and complexity in a full-flow end-to-end solution. The firm’s growing SI business allows customers to continuously manage and test the code base for security and quality. Synopsys’ comprehensive portfolio is benefiting from a mutual convergence of semiconductor companies moving up-stack toward systems-like companies, and systems companies moving down-stack toward in-house chip design. The resulting expansion in EDA customers alongside secular digitalization of various end markets benefits EDA vendors like Synopsys.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

Sprout’s Turnaround is Unlikely to Result in Much Profitability Improvement Due to Competition

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Sprouts has capitalized on a natural, health-oriented positioning aligned with culinary trends, but the company believes it faces a competitive onslaught as conventional grocers, mass merchandisers, hard discounters, and online sellers target the same themes. Without the cost leverage of the largest grocers, Sprouts will face continued intense price pressure. Amazon’s 2017 purchase of Whole Foods remains a threat, as the digital juggernaut’s procurement strength and distribution efficiency can fuel price cuts that upend Sprouts’ value proposition (a produce-oriented store featuring fresh, affordable items). Sprouts has room for store growth, but the company believes the ensuing cost leverage will need to be used to keep pace with price cuts in an industry favoring larger firms that can spread fixed costs and omnichannel investments over the broadest possible sales base. 

Sprouts relies on Instacart for its delivery and click-and-collect efforts. While the partnership is prudent given Sprouts’ size, it imposes costs that larger firms can mitigate by fulfilling digital orders internally. Delivery can extend Sprouts’ appeal to customers that do not regularly drive past a store, but the channel is margin-dilutive even for firms that are able to scale costs over a much larger sales base. Although the COVID-19 outbreak has lifted near-term demand as shoppers spend more time at home, increased digital transactions could linger, shifting sales into a less lucrative channel long term. New leadership began revitalization work in earnest in early 2020, attempting to stabilize declining operating margins (6.8% in 2014 versus 3.9% in 2019) and optimize an inefficient expansion strategy. While it is expected that the management will hit its long-term low-single-digit comparable sales growth goal, its low-double-digit adjusted EPS expansion target will be harder to achieve, even after considering share buybacks (forecast is in the mid- to high single digits). Nonetheless, the efforts should provide ammunition to fight unending price battles against intensifying competition as large retailers encroach on Sprouts’ natural and health-oriented turf.

Financial Strengths:  

Sprouts’ financial health strikes us as sound. Net debt was around 1.4 times adjusted EBITDA at the end of fiscal 2019, before the pandemic-related sales spike nearly erased Sprouts’ net debt by the end of fiscal 2020 (with a similar outcome at the end of fiscal 2021) Sprouts will continue to open stores, although management slowed growth in fiscal 2020 as it optimized new unit size and layout. Company foresees mid- to high-single-digit percentage unit count expansion annually over the next decade, with Sprouts exceeding 700 stores (from 374 at the end of fiscal 2021). Store opening costs are modest (roughly $3.6 million net cash investment for the average new unit; the number should dip to around $3.2 million as new management favors smaller, simpler locations), and Sprouts to fund its growth internally. Company expects capital expenditures to average 3% of sales long term. Despite the growth, free cash flow to the firm should average 2%-3% of sales long term (similar to fiscal 2019’s 3.2%; 2020-21’s 5% average mark was inflated on account of the pandemic) amid intense competition. Sprouts enjoys flexibility as it can adjust store growth plans to suit market conditions; while it spent $81 million in fiscal 2021 on capital expenditures (net of landlord reimbursements), it is suspected that about half was for new stores, leaving roughly $40 million for sales initiatives, remodels, infrastructure, and maintenance (which is sufficient as its stores are fairly new). It is anticipated that management will direct excess cash to share repurchases. The model assumes 45% of operating cash flow is dedicated to buybacks long term. Sprouts could also consider bolt-on acquisitions to accelerate its store growth; the forecast does not incorporate such transactions due to their uncertain timing and nature.

Bulls Say: 

  • Sprouts’ health and value-oriented concept is on trend, consistent with customers’ desire to eat foods that are less processed and contain more naturally derived ingredients. 
  • As a fairly new chain, Sprouts’ relatively small stores feature layouts that are consistent with newer consumer demand trends, such as centrally located fresh produce and robust prepared food and grab-and-go offerings. 
  • Sprouts has ample room for growth as it boosts its penetration in existing markets and extends its footprint elsewhere in the United States.

Company Description:  

Sprouts Farmers Market is an American specialty grocer offering an assortment highlighting fresh and naturally derived products. Its offerings are especially focused on produce, which constituted around 21% of sales in fiscal 2021. Founded in 2002, the chain is most heavily concentrated in California, which accounted for over one third of its 374 stores as of the end of fiscal 2021. All of the company’s operations are in the United States, with its stores largely located in the southern half of the country. The firm sells roughly 20,000 products (of which around 70% are attribute driven, such as organic, plant-based, or catering to the keto or paleo diet), with private-label products accounting for about 16% of sales in fiscal 2021. Perishable items accounted for 58% of fiscal 2021 sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Honda’s brand and reputation for quality drive demand for its vehicles

Business Strategy & Outlook

Honda’s products and strong financial position should keep it on solid ground, but the competition is fierce and the U.S. market’s move to light trucks, where Honda’s lineup is not as complete as competitors, may be permanent. Ongoing risks include foreign-exchange volatility, a highly competitive U.S. market, and rising steel prices. Honda’s brand and reputation for quality drive demand for its vehicles, but its longtime niche in fuel-efficient cars historically positioned the company well to take advantage of consumers seeking more fuel-efficient vehicles. Over 2003-09, the U.S. car/light-truck mix moved to 55%/45% from 46%/54%, but as gas prices fell and light-truck fuel economy improved, cars have lost share to just 22% in 2021. In 2021, cars made up 37% of Honda’s U.S. sales mix, compared with 31% for Toyota, 7% for General Motors, and 4% for Ford. Honda’s car focus gives it an advantage whenever the critical U.S. market has high gas prices, but with cheap oil, the Honda leaves share on the table in segments such as full-size pickups and large SUVs, as it does not have product in these segments. One had liked to see Honda attain a more complete vehicle lineup. The company instead seems to be focusing on efficiency by targeting a two thirds reduction of vehicle trim and option choices across its five global models, such as Civic and Accord, by 2025 versus 2018 levels. As of April 2022, it has achieved an over 50% reduction.

Despite a strong car and crossover lineup, formidable threats remain, such as rising commodity prices and inflation making input costs expensive while hurting consumers’ purchasing power. Honda can mitigate this problem by using more common-size vehicle platforms to reduce costs, but even that is no guarantee. A weak dollar relative to the yen can also hurt profits. Honda does a good job producing where it sells to mitigate exchange risk. In 2020, Honda announced it will buy EV batteries from GM’s Ultium battery line, and in April 2021 new CEO Mibe said Honda targets a 100% global zero emission (electric and hydrogen fuel cell) vehicle lineup by 2040. Honda is planning to move beyond hybrids.

Financial Strengths

Honda’s financial position is excellent, as the company has a small debt load. The Honda’s cash and available credit lines at March 31, 2022, to be about JPY 7.5 trillion. This flexibility is important because it gives the company plenty of room to acquire more capital in the debt markets if needed. Excluding the captive finance company, Honda held about JPY 3.3 trillion in cash at the end of fiscal 2022. They calculate a net cash position at year-end fiscal 2022, excluding the captive finance arm, of nearly JPY 2.5 trillion. As of year-end fiscal 2022, the consolidated company has JPY 3.8 trillion of unused credit lines. Its debt/EBITDA ratio excluding the financing arm is generally well below 1 but was 1.3 in fiscal 2012 due to the Japan earthquake and Thai flooding. One can not see Honda having any problems meeting debt maturities, and they expect the company even before financial services results to be free cash flow positive over most of the forecast period.

Bulls Say

  • Honda’s popular vehicles usually allow it to use fewer incentives than the Detroit Three, boosting the firm’s profits and improving the resale value of its vehicles. 
  • Honda enjoys a reputation for quality, especially in America’s large coastal markets, but management is concerned about quality problems in recent years and Honda has slipped in U.S. J.D. Power quality rankings. 
  • In 2021, Honda produced about 95% of its vehicles sold in the U.S. in North America. This means Honda is better positioned than Toyota (71%) to withstand the yen when it is very strong against the dollar.

Company Description

Incorporated in 1948, Honda Motor was originally a motorcycle manufacturer. Today, the firm makes automobiles, motorcycles, and power products such as boat engines, generators, and lawnmowers. Honda sold 21.1 million cars and motorcycles in fiscal 2022 (4.1 million of which were autos), and consolidated sales were JPY 14.6 trillion. Automobiles constitute 63% of revenue and motorcycles 15%, with the rest split between power products and financial services. Honda also makes robots and private jets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Polaris is one of the longest-operating brands in powersports.

Business Strategy & Outlook

Polaris is one of the longest-operating brands in powersports. Its brands, innovative products, and lean manufacturing yield the firm a wide economic moat and that it stands to capitalize on its research and development, solid quality, operational excellence, and acquisition strategy. However, Polaris’ brands do not benefit from switching costs, and with peers innovating more quickly than in the past, it could jeopardize the firm’s ability to take price and share consistently, particularly in periods of inflated recalls or aggressive industry discounting.

Polaris had sacrificed some financial flexibility after its transformational acquisitions of TAP (2016) and Boat Holdings (2018), but debt-service metrics have been rapidly worked down via EBITDA expansion and cost-saving scale benefits (with debt/adjusted EBITDA set to average around 1.0 times over the forecast). This unlocks Polaris ability to continue to serially acquire strategic businesses (with opportunities likely in the marine and parts and accessories segments), which could help stimulate incremental demand. For now, a 8% top-line lift in 2022 (after accounting for the expected sale of TAP), as Polaris attempts to fill advance orders and backfill dealer inventory, a rate one can think will return to a low-single-digit rate in 2024 (if scarce dealer inventory levels are remedied). International (low-double-digit percentage of sales) expansion over the long term also remains promising and could drive demand upside, particularly as Polaris increases its global operating footprint with a wider physical presence abroad. As evidenced by solid ROICs (at 26%, including goodwill, in 2021), Polaris still has top notch brand goodwill in its segments, supporting consumer interest and indicating the firm’s brand intangible asset is intact. However, with constraints in the supply chain, 2022 could see some volatility in market share gains, depending on the availability of certain products at retail (the snow segment suffered this plight in the most recent quarter). The modest market share gains to ensue ahead, signaling the firm’s competitive edge is intact.

Financial Strengths

Exiting the recession, rising profits led to increases in company equity, which helped reduce debt/capital from 49% in December 2009 to 31% in December 2015. With the addition of leverage from the acquisition of TAP (which is set to be sold in 2022), and the financing of Boat Holdings in 2018, Polaris ended 2018 with debt/adjusted EBITDA above 2 times and debt/capital of 69%. However, they expect robust demand and successful execution through COVID-19 to restore the metrics to 47% and to 1.1 times, respectively, at the end of 2022, a very manageable level that the company should be able to maintain. Additionally, Polaris is poised to produce strong cumulative free cash flow to equity over the next five years’ worth around $3.4 billion; thus, there should be no concern repaying debt as it comes due. The current revolver ($1 billion) and corresponding term loan ($900 million) are set to mature in 2026. And in December 2021, Polaris secured an incremental 364-day term loan for $500 million, which can be refinanced if needed. There is no meaningful debt coming due until 2026, confirming the opinion that Polaris has plenty of financial flexibility. The company maintains flexibility in its capital structure through stock repurchases and dividends. Polaris has restored share repurchases in 2021 as demand has proved consistent through COVID-19, and it will continue to fund (and grow) its annual dividend, which is currently set at $0.64 per share quarterly (2.5% yield).

Bulls Say

  • Polaris has historically had a strong reputation for innovation, and new product lines and acquisitions have supported solid performance in both strong and difficult environments. 
  • Profit margins could tick up faster than with faster than enterprise average volume growth from the sizable off-road and low operating expense marine business segments. 
  • Management remains focused on operating as a best-in-class manufacturer. With continuous improvement at existing facilities, the pursuit of excellence should support stable operating margin performance.

Company Description

Polaris designs and manufactures off-road vehicles, including all-terrain vehicles and side-by-side vehicles for recreational and utility purposes, snowmobiles, and on-road vehicles, including motorcycles, along with the related replacement parts, garments, and accessories. The firm entered the boat market after acquiring Boat Holdings in 2018, offering exposure to new segments of the outdoor lifestyle market. Polaris products retailed through more than 2,500 dealers in North America and through 1,500 international dealers as well as more than 30 subsidiaries and 90 distributors in more than 120 countries outside North America at the end of 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Halma Plc – The Board increased the final Dividend by +7%, equating to +7% y/y increase in total Dividend

Investment Thesis:

  • High quality company with a history of earnings and dividend growth.
  • Management is looking to double EPS every five years. HLMA’s group earnings growth model is driven by organic and acquired growth. 
  • HLMA earnings are defensive as HLMA is exposed to attractive end markets which are niche and regulated in some shape or form – such as safety, medical and infrastructure.
  • HLMA consists of a strong diversified portfolio of companies (currently 45 companies). 
  • Strong management team with strong corporate culture. 
  • “Private Equity firm with a purpose” – the Company is not limited by a timeframe to exit positions. 
  • HLMA operates a decentralized operating structure with operating companies and management teams left to run their businesses. 
  • Scores well on ESG metrics – targeting a science-based emission target (1.5 degree-aligned 2030 target for Scope 1 & 2 emissions), a net zero target (scope 1 & 2 by 2040) and transitioning towards a circular economy.

Key Risks:

  • Execution risk – specifically around acquired growth or the inability to source enough deals as the group grows larger.
  • Deterioration in global growth or consumption.
  • New CEO represents opportunity and risk (strategic misstep).

Key Highlights:

  • The Board increased the final dividend by +7% to 11.53p, which combined with interim dividend of 7.35p per share, resulted in a total dividend of 18.88p, up 7% y/y. This was the 43rd consecutive year of dividend per share growth of +5% or more. Net debt (on an IFRS 16 basis which includes lease commitments) increased +7% y/y to £274.8m and represents gearing (net debt to EBITDA) of 0.74x times, within operating range of <2x. HLMA has ample liquidity – refinancing GBP 550m syndicated revolving credit facility (matures in May 2027), completion of a new Private Placement issuance of GBP 330m, with a seven-year average life and additional funding capacity of GBP 260m on maturing of January 2023 tranche of existing Private Placement.
  • Organic revenue growth (in CC) in single digit percentage. 
  • Return on Sales similar to 2H22 of 20.5%.
  • Capex to increase +26% y/y to ~GBP 34m, reflecting a more normal level of spend relative to the increased size of the group, with investment largely focused on the expansion and automation of manufacturing facilities to support future growth, with investment of GBP 20m in Group-wide technology (vs GBP 11m in pcp) primarily focused on delivering enhanced security, improved data and analytics capabilities, and support for companies in upgrading their operating technology and creating new digital models. 
  • Central costs to increase +29% y/y to GBP 40m. 
  • Net financing cost (assuming no further acquisitions are made) to increase +67% y/y to GBP 14m, reflecting a higher weighted average interest rate in the year.
  • Strong FX tailwinds (assuming currency rates for FY23 of USD 1.260/ Euro 1.190 relative to GBP) of GBP 59m on revenue and GBP 13m on profit, with the majority of impact in 1H23. 

Company Description:

Halma Plc (HLMA), listed on the London Stock Exchange, looks to acquire, and grow businesses in niche markets with a global reach. The Company focuses on markets such as medical, safety and environment. Management believes the earnings profile of these markets have a high degree of defensibility and long-term growth drivers. The Company is not like a Private Equity firm which looks to acquire businesses, reduce costs (to improve earnings profile) and then sell within a 5-year timeframe. HLMA looks to buy and hold companies over the long-term. They manage the mix of businesses in a group portfolio to drive sustainable growth and returns over the long term. HLMA looks to acquire businesses to accelerate penetration of more markets, merge businesses where it markets sense, and exit markets if they become less attractive from a long-term growth and returns perspective.  

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks

Swatch-owned brands account for around 35% of Swiss watch exports

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Swatch Group is the biggest vertically integrated Swiss watch manufacturer with 18 brands covering all price ranges, from entry to ultra luxury. Swatch-owned brands account for around 35% of Swiss watch exports, and the company supplies competitors with watch movements. Swatch Group’s luxury brands boast 100- to 200-year histories, iconic collections, and deep cultural heritage. Most of Swatch’s brands (at price points below $10,000) benefit from a cost advantage through scale and a higher degree of production automation.

Swatch’s diversification in terms of brands and price points helps it to avoid the pitfalls that come with extending brands into categories where they don’t strategically belong, and to potentially capture positive mix as consumers trade up. However, a lack of control over distribution (around 70% of sales are wholesale) as a weak spot for the company. Distributors are more likely to engage in discounting to maintain cash flows when demand sours, which can be damaging for brands with long shelf-life products. The recent strong supply response from Swatch and its competitors to Chinese demand points to a lack of supply discipline. The supply discipline is one of the important moat-supporting factors for luxury brands, as it helps to preserve the brand exclusivity perception and ensure high returns on capital. The Swatch Group’s sales to grow at a 4.3% pace over the long term (versus low -single-digit growth over the prior decade) with mid-single-digit growth for its higher-priced watch brands such as Omega, Longines, Breguet and Blancpain, high-single-digit growth for jewelry brand Harry Winston and flat revenue for low-end watches (Tissot, Swatch, Mido, Hamilton and so on).

Financial Strengths

Swatch is in a strong financial position with CHF 2.5 billion in net cash at the end of 2020, with minimal financial debt and around CHF 2.6 billion in cash and marketable securities on the balance sheet. Further, over one third of inventories of Swatch Group, or over CHF 2.1 billion by value, are in precious metals and stones, recorded both in raw materials and as part of finished and semi finished goods. It is well-positioned to weather the COVID-19 crisis. Given the industry’s cyclicality, the financial prudence is appropriate. Cash flow improvement in future through operating leverage on fixed costs, cost discipline in the company—and especially within underperforming brands—and lower investment levels as productive and retail capacity has been built out in the past upcycle years. The free cash flow margin at around 10%, approximately in line with 2020-21 levels, as the investment cycle rolls over. The Swatch to remain mostly equity financed with low financial leverage.

Bulls Say

  • Around three quarters of Swatch’s revenue and higher share of profits are from higher-end watch and jewelry brands, not directly affected by smartwatch competition.
  • Harry Winston, among the few global brands in luxury jewelry, a niche with especially high entry barriers, offers growth and margin expansion potential. 
  • Swatch is increasingly taking action to tackle costs in low-end brands and limit gray market channels for high-end brands.

Company Description

Swatch Group’s biggest brands are Omega (number-two Swiss watch brand by sales after Rolex), Longines (the largest premium watch brand and number four by sales globally), Breguet, Tissot (the leader in mid range Swiss watches), and Swatch. Swatch group employs over 31,000 people, half of them in Switzerland. The Swatch Group makes about 28% of its sales from Omega, 18% from ultra luxury brands, 20% from Longines, 12% from Tissot, and 4% from Swatch. The Omega and Longines to be the group’s most profitable brands.

(Source: Morningstar)

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