Global stocks

HCA’s strategies have generally yielded positive results over the long run

Business Strategy and Outlook 

HCA operates the largest network of hospitals in the United States, focusing on attractive geographic locations where it has the potential for leading and increasing market share. While it has locations in nearly 20 states and headquarters in Nashville, its facilities are particularly concentrated in Texas and Florida, which represent over half of its bed count. In those states, urban areas of focus include Dallas, Austin, Tampa, and Miami, and those geographic areas provide a good sense of the positive demographic factors that the firm aims to benefit from across the country.

Within its target markets, HCA aims to expand market share through a variety of strategies to attract patients, physicians, and third-party payers. The company provides wide networks of facilities within its chosen geographic markets with key hospital anchors supported by ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, and physician clinics at convenient access points. HCA aims to be the facility of choice for physicians who are typically free agents with practicing rights to other hospitals in the area. For example, HCA has spent the past decade or so investing in its surgical suites to improve efficiency, nursing, and technology offerings to appeal to surgeons scheduling those procedures and positively influence patient satisfaction, which builds on the reputation of HCA’s facilities. From a payer standpoint, HCA continues to contract with health insurers in three-year cycles, which is typically manageable but is causing some concerns due to spiking labor costs. Overall though, HCA’s strategies have generally yielded positive results over the long run. For example, the company continues to grind out market share gains in its local markets with market share standing at roughly 27% at the end of 2020, up from 23% in 2011, according to HCA management. Once HCA works through current labor challenges, the firm is to grow its top line in the mid single digits and its adjusted earnings per share to grow in the low double digits.

Financial Strength

At the end of 2021, the company owed about $35 billion in debt, or gross leverage of less than 3 times, or below its new leverage target of 3.0 to 4.0 times, which is down from 3.5 and 4.5 times previously. At the end of 2021, HCA held just under $2 billion in cash after returning the government aid that it was originally granted during the COVID-19 health crisis of 2020. With those liquid resources at its disposal and free cash flows expected to range between roughly $5 billion and $7 billion annually during the next five years, HCA should be able to manage its debt maturities during the next five years through internal means. Those maturities include $0.2 billion due in 2022, $2.9 billion due in 2023, $2.4 billion due in 2024, $4.6 billion due in 2025, and $5.3 billion in 2026. However, the company plans to return significant cash to stakeholders going forward. As of February 2022, the company was authorized to repurchase about $9 billion in shares, which the firm expects to use in the next couple of years. Also, HCA just reinstated its dividend ($0.6 billion annual run rate), which was temporarily suspended during the pandemic. The company also distributed about $0.7 billion in cash to noncontrolling interests in 2021, and those outflows might grow mildly going forward. Overall, HCA’s planned distributions to stakeholders may lead to more debt issuance to refinance maturities or even to finance some of these outflows to stakeholders, going forward.

Bulls Say’s

  • Beyond administrative function efficiency, HCA’s large scale gives it an opportunity to test and expand best practices throughout its network of facilities to improve service quality and efficiency. 
  • HCA’s focus on attractive geographic locations gives it a volume tailwind that should positively affect its top line. 
  • The company’s financial leverage should be easily manageable, giving HCA flexibility for U.S. healthcare policy changes or other shocks to the system that could constrain demand for the more elective, and highly profitable, parts of its business.

Company Profile 

HCA Healthcare is a Nashville-based healthcare provider organization operating the largest collection of acute-care hospitals in the U.S. As of December 2021, the firm owned and operated 182 hospitals, 125 freestanding outpatient surgery centers, and a broad network of physician offices, urgent care clinics, and freestanding emergency rooms across nearly 20 states and a small foothold in England.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

ABN Amro cannot pass on negative interest rates to smaller depositors without damaging client goodwill

Business Strategy & Outlook

After emerging from outright government ownership ABN Amro is one of the simpler banks in Europe. It is essentially a retail and commercial bank with limited capital markets activities. Its strong retail deposit base supported above-average profitability until negative interest rates started to bite. Having a lending book dominated by fixed-rate mortgages does not help either. The long-duration lending book forces ABN Amro to use more expensive long-term funding in order to manage liquidity risk, which then compounds margin pressure in a declining interest-rate environment. ABN Amro offers investors exposure to the oligopolistic Dutch banking system where ABN Amro and its two main rivals hold more than 90% of all Dutch current accounts. This is in sharp contrast to the fragmented banking markets that are the norm in much of the eurozone. Historically this concentration supported higher levels of profitability for ABN Amro and its Dutch peers.

ABN Amro has a solid competitive position in Dutch retail banking with a 20% market share in Dutch personal current accounts and a 25% share of business current accounts. This provides ABN Amro with cheap, sticky funding and forms the base from which ABN Amro can cross-sell other products. In a negative interest-rate environment what should be a major competitive advantage has turned into a major headache. In a negative interest-rate environment banks earn negative interest on their surplus liquidity and with essentially a zero interest-rate floor on some of their deposits this leads to a margin squeeze. The injection of liquidity via monetary and fiscal interventions from central banks and governments following the coronavirus pandemic has just amplified this problem as banks are faced with even more deposits from clients flush with cash. ABN Amro cannot pass on negative interest rates to smaller depositors without damaging client goodwill. It is increasingly passing on higher costs to larger clients. Interest-rate hedges only provide protection against interest-rate volatility, not to a long-term decline in interest rates, especially not when rates go negative.

Financial Strengths

Even after taking into considerations the more onerous capital guidelines under Basel IV ABN Amro is one of the best-capitalized banks in Europe that were covered. At the end of 2020 ABN Amro indicated that on a Basel IV basis it has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of over 15%, compared with its internal target of 13%.

Bulls Say

  • ABN Amro is one of the three leading banks in the oligopolistic Dutch banking sector. 
  • It has an attractive funding mix with low reliance on wholesale funding. 
  • It has a simple, clear, and focused business model and strategy.

Company Description

ABN Amro Bank is a Dutch bank, and the Netherlands accounts for around 90% of its operating profit. Operationally, retail and commercial banking contributes the bulk of its operating profit, while ABN Amro continues to reduce its exposure to corporate and investment banking. It views private banking as one of its key growth areas.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Metcash Ltd: Earnings And Positioning Has Significantly Improved Over Recent Years

Investment Thesis:

  • Trades below the blended valuation. 
  • MFuture benefits to help margins and customer value which in turn will drive sales growth. 
  • Food inflation in core categories (Food, Liquor and Hardware).
  • Acquisition synergies have already been achieved and in line with expectations.
  • Competitive pressures remain however the market to remain more rational at this stage, despite meaningful players such as Coles, Bunnings (Wesfarmers), Woolworths, Aldi, Costco, and potentially in Amazon.
  • Hardware is becoming a much larger part of the overall business, and this may warrant a higher valuation multiple. 
  • MTS has the second largest liquor business in Australia, which exhibits defensive earnings quality. 

Key Risks:

  • Further margin pressure in the core business segments with deflation being unhelpful to topline revenue.
  • Any deterioration in balance sheet metrics due to earnings/cash flow pressure/decline.
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD (international sourcing).

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 group results. Group revenue was up +6.4% YoY to $17.4bn, operating earnings (EBIT) up +17.7% to $472.3m, underlying NPAT up +18.6% to $299.6m and underlying EPS up +23.5% to 30.5cps, driven by earnings growth and the off-market share buy-back of $200m. On the back of strong operating performance, dividends also increased +22.9% YoY to 21.5cps, fully franked. Management continues to target a pay-out ratio of 70% underlying NPAT. Balance sheet is in a healthy position with gearing ratio of 14.8% and underlying EBITDA coverage ratio of 4.8x. 
  • Easing house prices not impacting Hardware yet. MTS’ group earnings now have 39% coming from the attractive Hardware sector (up from 33% in FY21). Management noted that they haven’t seen any impact of easing house prices in Australia appear in the demand so far. According to industry data (HIA), there remains a solid pipeline of renovation in new home builds.
  • Return of the value-driven consumer. Economic conditions are likely to remain subdued and could deteriorate further. the value-driven consumer will become more driven to shop around and cross shop for products to lower family cost pressures. Management believes their ongoing focus on competitive offering on a wider range of products, programs such as price-match and the newer programs around low prices every day (LPED) should assist MTS maintain competitiveness.
  • Group sales up +8.6% across all segments.
  • Food sales up +5.0%, with Supermarkets up +4.5%, driven by demand and higher wholesale inflation.
  • Hardware sales are up +19.8%, with demand remaining strong and persisting global supply chain challenges.
  • Liquor sales are up +8.6%, with recovery in on-premise sales and higher wholesale inflation.

Company Description:

Metcash Ltd (MTS) is an ASX listed consumer staple company which operates three internal divisions (“business pillars”) covering food, liquor and hardware: Metcash Food & Grocery (MF&G): MF&G is comprised of Supermarket and Convenience divisions supplying to independent stores across Australia including ~1,434 IGA branded stores and ~250 Friendly Grocer / Eziway stores. Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM): Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM), has two divisions, ALM and Independent Brands Australia (IBA). ALM serves as a broad range liquor wholesaler supplying over 12,000 hotels, liquor stores, restaurants and other licensed premises throughout Australia. IBA’s 4 national independent retail brands are Collaborations, IGA Liquor (formerly IGA Plus Liquor), Bottle-O and Bottle-O Neighborhood. Independent Hardware Group (IHG): Independent Hardware Group (IHG), is the combined entity of Mitre 10 and Home Timber & Hardware Group networks. Mitre 10 is an independent, national retail network of over ~370 bannered Mitre 10 and True Value Hardware stores. Home Timber & Hardware has a network of ~380 bannered stores including the Home Timber & Hardware, Thrifty-Link Hardware, Harding, Hardware and Hudson Building Supplies brands.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

JHX – Segment Revenue Up +22% To A$777.7m, Driven by Volume Growth of +17% and Price/Mix Up +10%

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading on attractive multiples and below the blended valuation. 
  • Largest producer of non-asbestos fibre cement
  • Opportunity to hit and exceed management’s financial targets for the European business. 
  • Fibre cement taking market share from vinyl and other siding products.
  • Strong R&D program to stay ahead of competition and product innovation. 
  • Leveraged to a falling AUD/USD.
  • New CEO may bring a fresh perspective on existing strategy. 
  • Productivity gains.
  • Investment plans over the next 4 years should deliver solid earnings growth. 

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures leading to margin decline.
  • Input cost pressures which the company is unable to pass on to customers.
  • Deterioration in housing starts (U.S., Australia), significant decline in house prices or deep recession.
  • Unable to achieve its growth and market share target, which likely see a de-rating of the stock. 
  • Adverse movements in asbestos claims.
  • Disappointing primary demand growth (PDG) relative to market expectations. 
  • Manufacturing / operational issues impacting earnings. 

Key Highlights:

  • Net sales increased +24% over pcp to US$3,614.7m, driven by volume growth of +14% and price/mix growth of +10% (increasing penetration of high value product mix).
  • Group adjusted operating earnings (EBIT) were up +30% to US$815.6m, delivering an adjusted EBIT margin of 22.6%. Earnings were driven by top line growth (product mix shift to high value product) and ongoing operational improvement (e.g., LEAN which allowed the Company to absorb higher input costs and increase investment in marketing to drive top line growth).
  • North America Fibre Cement. Segment revenue was up +25% to US$2,551.3m, driven by exterior volume growth of +17% and price/mix up +10%. Adjusted EBIT of US$741.2m was up +27% on pcp, with margin improving +30bps at 29.1% due to higher average net sales price and lower restructuring expenses.
  • Asia Pacific Fibre Cement (Aus. / NZ / Philippines). Segment revenue was up +22% to A$777.7m, driven by volume growth of +17% and Price/Mix growth of +5%. All regions saw strong growth over the period, although Price/Mix growth was much higher in Australia / New Zealand (up +10%). Adjusted EBIT was up +23% to A$217.4m, with margin unchanged at 28%.
  • Europe Building Products. Segment revenue was up +19% to US$488.5m, driven by fibre cement and fibre gypsum net sales growth of +38% and +16%, respectively. Adjusted EBIT of US$62.9m was up +47% on pcp with EBIT margin up +250bps to 12.9% driven by higher gross profit, lower SG&A expenses (as % of sales) and lower restructuring costs. 
  • Balance sheet. Leverage as of 31 Mar-22 was at 0.8x versus target of maintaining leverage ratio of less than 2x.
  • Management has committed to investing between US$1.6 – 1.8 bn over the next 4 years in capacity expansion (brownfield and greenfield in all regions).      
  • The Company noted that the search for the new CEO remains ongoing and that they have held meetings with “some excellent candidates”. As previously guided, the Company believes a new CEO will be in place by later this year. This is likely to be an overhang on the Company, however a new CEO might significantly alter the strategy already on foot at JHX.

Company Description:

James Hardie Industries Plc (JHX) manufactures building products for new home construction and remodeling. JHX’s products include fibre cement siding, backer board, and pipe. The company operates in the US, Australia, Europe and New Zealand.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Coupa Is Performing a Coup d’Etat of More ERP Real Estate

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Coupa Software is a cloud-based business spend management, or BMS, platform that allows firms to control and analyze expenditures to lower costs and improve operational efficiency. Coupa’s solutions are designed to manage all spend, and inform each step of a transaction’s process, from idea inception, supplier evaluation, and procurement, to invoicing, and finally to payment collection. With a platform of over 2,500 businesses and over 7 million suppliers, Coupa has built a robust self-reinforcing ecosystem of AI-informed spend management. The company believes narrow-moat Coupa has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic investments to expand its platform and spend management use-cases. In a go-to-market model that focuses on co-selling deals with system integrators, Coupa has been able to expand its market reach significantly. As back-office digital transformations are accelerating and Coupa remains the market-leading cloud BSM vendor, it is expected that the partners will increasingly advance Coupa’s adoption throughout businesses as they guide their clients through digital transformation initiatives. 

As Coupa has long focused on a broader source-to-pay strategy, offering solutions that far exceed the functionality of its original transactional core, the company has made a high level of investments to build out its platform into a more holistic spend management tool. As the firm introduces new modules, the company believes Coupa will benefit from alignment with a larger number of spend use-cases, greater suite synergies, and more cross-selling opportunities. Further, it is believed that a growing community will reinforce Coupa’s AI-based community intelligence offering, providing higher value prescriptive insights to optimize spend decisions. Coupa’s moat is supported by strong user metrics, with gross retention above 93% and net retention between 110% and 112%. While adoption of Coupa’s BSM platform has grown rapidly, cumulative spend under management has far outpaced sequential customers and recently surpassed $3 trillion. Company views Coupa’s market opportunity to be significant as it is pioneering a largely untapped market opportunity in cloud-based unified spend management.

Financial Strengths:  

Coupa is in a decent financial position. As of January 2022, Coupa had $729.5 million in cash and marketable securities versus $1.6 billion in convertible debt. In June 2019 and June 2020, Coupa issued $805 million of convertible senior notes, due 2025 and convertible at $159.60 per share, and $1.38 billion of convertible senior notes, due 2026 and convertible at $296.45 per share, respectively. Coupa has yet to achieve GAAP profitability, as the company remains focused on reinvesting excess returns back into the company, both on an organic and inorganic basis, to build out the platform and enhance future growth prospects. While Coupa has invested heavily in acquisitions over the past five fiscal years, allocating well over $1.0 billion to inorganic investments, it is expected that acquisition activity will slow down as the platform is virtually complete. Coupa does not pay a dividend, nor repurchase stock, and for a young company pioneering a novel offspring under the ERP umbrella, the company finds it appropriate that the company focuses capital allocation on reinvestments for growth. Even so, the firm has historically demonstrated strong cash flows, with free cash flow margins averaging 16% over the last three fiscal years. While cash flows were pressured in fiscal 2021 and 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company expects healthy free cash flows in later years. Coupa reached non-GAAP profitability in 2019, posting both a positive non-GAAP operating margin and positive non-GAAP earnings from then on. The company has averaged a non-GAAP operating margin of 9.9% since 2019, and as the company scales, it expects non-GAAP operating margins to reach into the high-20% range at the end of 10-year forecast period. These positive results should translate to profitability on a GAAP basis in the future as well.

Bulls Say: 

  • Coupa has strong user retention metrics, with gross retention above 95% and net dollar retention north of 110%. 
  • As Coupa expands its platform both organically and inorganically, it is expected to increase suite synergies to accelerate cross-selling activity, further entrenching customers within Coupa and creating greater monetization opportunities. 
  • Continual annual subscription price point increases reflect the stickiness of Coupa’s modules and suggest significant competitive differentiation in winning new deals over less expensive alternatives.

Company Description:  

Coupa Software is a cloud-based provider of business spend management, or BSM, solutions. Coupa’s BSM platform provides visibility into all spend, allowing companies to gain control over their spending, optimize their supplier network and supply chains, and manage liquidity. The platform’s transactional core consists of procurement, invoicing, expense management, and payment solutions, while supporting modules ranging from strategic sourcing solutions to supply chain design and planning solutions round out the comprehensive spend management ecosystem.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Vanguard Information Technology ETF: Fund Remains Fully Invested

Investment Approach

  • Seeks to track the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology 25/50 Index. 
  • Multi Capitalization equity in the information technology sector. 
  • The fund employs a passively managed, full-replication strategy when possible. 
  • If regulatory constraints prevent full replication, the fund uses a sampling strategy to approximate the index’s key characteristics. 
  • The fund remains fully invested. 
  • Low expenses minimize net tracking error.

Fund Management

Vanguard Information Technology ETF seeks to track the investment performance of the  MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology 25/50 Index, an index of stocks of large, medium-size, and small U.S. companies in the information technology sector, as classified under the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). This GICS sector is made up of companies in the following three general areas: internet services and infrastructure companies, including data centers and cloud networking and storage infrastructure; companies that provide information technology consulting and services, data processing, and outsourced services; technology hardware and equipment, including manufacturers and distributors of communications equipment, computers and peripherals, electronic equipment, and related instruments; and semiconductors and semiconductor equipment manufacturers. The fund attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index. The fund may also sample its target index by holding stocks that, in the aggregate, are intended to approximate the index in terms of key characteristics, such as price/earnings ratio, earnings growth, and dividend yield. Typically, the fund will use a sampling strategy only if regulatory constraints or other considerations prevent it from replicating the index. Vanguard’s Equity Index Group uses proprietary software to implement trading decisions that accommodate cash flows and maintain close correlation with index characteristics. Vanguard’s refined indexing process, combined with low management fees and efficient trading, has provided tight tracking net of expenses. 



All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit website at Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

About Fund:

Vanguard Information Technology ETF is an exchange-traded fund incorporated in the USA. The ETF tracks the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology Index holding technology stocks of all cap sizes. Its investments are focused in the U.S. and on computer, software, and internet companies.

(Source: vanguard, Bloomberg)

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Dividend Stocks

FVEs for Anglo American, BHP, and Glencore Modestly Reduced as Queensland Hikes Coal Royalty Rates

Business Strategy and Outlook 

BHP Group is the world’s largest publicly traded mining conglomerate and positioned at the centre of the China boom. The company correctly values a strong balance sheet to provide some stability through the inevitable cycles and derives some modest benefit from commodity and geographic diversification, relative to its mining peers. BHP produces a range of commodities and is a major producer of iron ore, copper, and metallurgical coal. Exposure to conventional oil and gas ended with the spinoff and subsequent merger with Woodside in 2022. The onshore U.S. shale assets were divested in 2018. Much of the company’s operations are in Australia, particularly the low cost iron ore business. Many of BHP’s assets are located close to key Asian markets, particularly iron ore and metallurgical coal, which provides a modest freight cost advantage relative to peers. 

Commodity demand is tied to global economic growth, China in particular. China is BHP’s largest customer, accounting for more than 65% of total sales in fiscal 2021. With demand for most products likely to soften with the end of the China boom, and BHP’s fiscal 2021-22 earnings back near the fiscal 2011-12 peak, the outlook is for earnings to materially decline, with iron ore the likely key driver. The good times saw significant capital expenditure, notably on iron ore and onshore U.S. shale gas and oil. Overinvestment in the boom diluted returns to the point where long-term excess returns are unlikely. Structurally lower earnings with the demise of the China boom peaks means mid cycle returns on adjusted invested capital, after adding back the impairments and write-downs, are expected to be close to the cost of capital. Ignoring the cumulative impairments and write-downs, returns are forecasted to modestly excess the cost of capital by mid cycle.

Financial Strength

BHP is in a strong financial position. With ongoing debt repayment, modest near-term capital requirements and the fortuitous bounce in commodity prices since 2016, BHP’s financial position is strong. For the five years ended fiscal 2026, net debt/EBITDA is anticipated to remain below 0.5 and EBIT/net interest to average more than 30. Net debt at end-June 2021 was about USD 4 billion, below BHP’s net debt target range of USD 12 billion to USD 17 billion. Given the limited capital expenditure requirements, with only modest commitments to new expenditure in the lower demand growth environment, BHP’s balance sheet is expected to remain strong with excess cash flow to be returned to shareholders. Share buybacks and special dividends are possible, depending on the level of commodity prices, given the relatively modest outlook for capital expenditure. The likelihood of special dividends and buybacks would decline if BHP chose to pursue acquisitions.

Bulls Say’s

  • BHP is a beneficiary of continued global economic growth and demand for the commodities it produces. 
  • The company’s cash flow base is diversified and is less susceptible to the vagaries of the market than single-commodity producers. 
  • BHP’s iron ore assets are industry-leading. The company remains well placed to continue low-cost production and increase output with minimal expenditure and an efficiency focus.

Company Profile 

BHP is a leading global diversified miner supplying iron ore, copper, oil, gas, and metallurgical. The merger of BHP Limited (now BHP Ltd.) and Billiton PLC (now BHP PLC) created the present-day BHP. Shareholders in each company have equivalent economic and voting rights in BHP as a whole and in 2022 voted to reunify the dual listed structure. Major assets include Pilbara iron ore, Queensland coking coal, Escondida copper and conventional petroleum assets, principally in Australia and the Gulf of Mexico. Onshore U.S. oil and gas assets were sold in 2018 and the remaining Petroleum assets are likely to be spun off and merged with Woodside.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Visa Is a Longtime, Established Market Leader That Still Enjoys Strong Growth Prospects

Business Strategy & Outlook

Visa is a somewhat unique company in that it is a longtime, established market leader that still enjoys strong growth prospects. Despite the ongoing evolution of the payments industry, a wide moat surrounds the business and Visa’s position in the global electronic payment infrastructure is essentially unassailable. The shift toward electronic payments has driven Visa’s growth historically, and that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Digital payments, on a global basis, surpassed cash payments just a few years ago, suggesting this trend still has a lot of room to run. Emerging markets could offer a further spurt of growth even if growth in developed markets slows. Visa’s position as the leading network makes it something of a tollbooth business, and the company is relatively agnostic to the smaller shifts within electronic payments, since it earns fees regardless of whether payment is credit, debit, or mobile. 

Visa is not without its issues in the near term, and its smaller peer, Mastercard, has been performing better over the past few years. Cross-border transactions, which are particularly lucrative for the networks, saw dramatic declines due to the coronavirus outbreak and a reduction in global travel. This headwind will endure for some time, but history suggests travel ultimately makes a full recovery following disruptive events and that is expected to be the case again, although the process could take a few years. Visa obviously has sensitivity to the volume of consumer transactions, and the U.S. remains its largest market. A downturn in the economy would slow growth, and the fallout from the coronavirus has had a material impact, with both card networks seeing major declines in transaction volumes, although that pressure has started to reverse. However, there are no perceivable long-term industry trends that will impede Visa’s ability to maintain its growth in the coming years, and the scalability of the business should still allow the company to modestly expand its already ample margins over time.

Financial Strengths

Visa’s financial condition is solid. Historically, it’s been debt-free, but it issued $16 billion in debt before the Visa Europe acquisition in 2016, and has increased its debt level modestly since. Debt/EBITDA was 1.3 times at the end of fiscal 2021, a level that is considered very reasonable. Given the company’s relatively limited appetite for mergers or acquisitions and the asset-light nature of the business, there is no compelling need for extensive debt financing. Further, given the integral nature of Visa to the global payment infrastructure, management is not expected to get too aggressive with its capital structure. On the other hand, an overly conservative balance sheet structure could impede long-term shareholder returns. The current amount of leverage strikes a good balance.

Bulls Say

  • Visa has commanding market share in a scalable industry. 
  • There is still plenty of runway for growth in electronic payments, which surpassed cash payments on a global basis only a few years ago. 
  • The scalable nature of the business should allow Visa to improve its already impressive margins.

Company Description

Visa is the largest payment processor in the world. In fiscal 2021, it processed over $10 trillion in purchase transactions. Visa operates in over 200 countries and processes transactions in over 160 currencies. Its systems are capable of processing over 65,000 transactions per second.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Fortinet at the Forefront of Networking and Security Converging

Business Strategy & Outlook

Fortinet is a leading cybersecurity company that has amassed an extensive customer base because of its solutions’ high performance relative to price as well as its broad product offerings covering various security concerns. The company developed a centralized cybersecurity management plan and is at the forefront of networking and security converging with its secure software-defined wide-area networking offerings. Fortinet sells security appliances and subscriptions as well as technical and professional services. It has established customer switching costs alongside its network effect and has a nice runway for growth through its holistic approach to network and cloud cybersecurity. As organizations expand their networking footprint beyond on-premises data centers, Fortinet keeps customers locked into its ecosystem via holistic security management across any location. 

The vast creation of data and the dispersed nature of network traffic due to hybrid environments, software-as-a-service applications, and remote access needs create a larger threat surface. Attacks are becoming more masqueraded and serpentine, which drives up the complications associated with cybersecurity management and threat prevention. Fortinet gleans threat insights from its massive customer base, which keeps it at the forefront of security requirements. Compounded by a dearth of cybersecurity talent, consolidated security platforms, like Fortinet’s Security Fabric, will remain in high demand, as customers prefer to add capabilities via subscriptions over managing disparate software and hardware vendors. The company has a build-versus-buy mentality, with a penchant for making custom processors. While this strategy has helped establish its name within the perimeters of localized networks, Fortinet is expected to supplement its engineering prowess with inorganic growth in areas like cloud-based security, machine learning, and automated threat responses. These high-growth areas can help drive new product growth on top of a considerable base of durable services and support income.

Financial Strengths

Fortinet is a financially sound company that will continue to generate strong cash flow. At the end of 2021, Fortinet’s deferred revenue of $3.5 billion is a strong indication of predictable revenue streams and should help insulate the company from any IT spending downturns. Fortinet had $3.0 billion in cash and equivalents and $1 billion of debt at the end of 2021. The company has never paid a dividend, but used over $2 billion to repurchase shares between 2017 and 2021, and Fortinet is anticipated to continue repurchasing shares. Beyond returning capital, cash outflows are expected to be focused on research and development alongside sales and marketing efforts and with some smaller tuck-in acquisitions to be completed for areas such as cloud-based security and analytics.

Bulls Say

  • A growing enterprise customer base and nascent technologies like software-defined networking and 5G create sizable revenue growth potential for Fortinet. 
  • The firm’s consolidated cybersecurity platform could be enticing for customers attempting to decrease the quantity of vendors, which would drive more revenue per customer for Fortinet. 
  • With no end to cybersecurity threats, Fortinet’s products should remain in high demand from SMBs, government entities, service providers, and enterprises.

Company Description

Fortinet is a cybersecurity vendor that sells products, support, and services to small and midsize businesses, enterprises, and government entities. Its products include unified threat management appliances, firewalls, network security, and its security platform, Security Fabric. Services revenue is primarily from FortiGuard security subscriptions and FortiCare technical support. At the end of 2021, products were 38% of revenue and services were 62% of sales. The California-based company sells products worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Despite Challenges, a Narrow Moat Still Surrounds Illumina in Sequencing and Grail Remains Promising

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Illumina aims to transform human health practices through its leadership of genomic sequencing and related applications. The firm provides a broad range of instruments and related consumables to help researchers and clinicians identify and understand genetic variations. The scale of these projects can be wide, such as population genomic initiatives being pursued in many countries, or narrow, such as noninvasive prenatal screening. Illumina will continue to benefit from the rapidly expanding applications of genomic sequencing tools through its own innovation and select acquisitions. Over the past decade or so, technological advancements in the sequencing industry have largely been led by Illumina and brought down the cost of assembling one genome from nearly $3 billion in the 13-year Human Genome Project completed in 2003 to $1,000 after Illumina introduced HiSeq X in early 2014. 

Further innovation, like the NovaSeq, continue to push down these costs, and Illumina expects its new Chemistry X, to eventually enable the $100 genome, which could greatly increase the accessibility of genomic sequencing. At a lower cost, genome sequencing could have wide appeal in clinical applications beyond current strongholds in oncology and reproductive health. Threats from disruptive technologies may never fully disappear, though. For example, new or cheaper sequencing tools may eventually displace Illumina’s stronghold in genomic sequencing. Overall, emerging systems shall dethrone Illumina’s sequencing technologies, especially given the switching costs associated with its large installed system base and its own development initiatives. Additionally, the company’s recent bet on Grail’s liquid biopsy technology exposes the company to a new risk of disruptive technologies in the very large but nascent preventative care testing market for cancer. So while Grail’s technology looks like it will have a first-mover advantage and should have a decent runway to expand before competitive forces materially alter that target market, future entrants may eat into its liquid biopsy potential, eventually.

Financial Strengths:  

Illumina’s financial flexibility has declined a bit to purchase Grail. Of the $10 billion cumulative purchase price, the company issued about $5 billion of equity, and cash for the remainder, including $1 billion in recently issued debt ($500 million due in 2023 and $500 million due in 2031). Illumina should be able to handle this mild increase in financial leverage. At the end of March 2022, the company held about $1.4 billion of cash and investments and owed $1.7 billion in debt, which the company should be able to easily manage. Additionally, a Delaware jury recently awarded BGI’s Complete Genomics $334 million in past damages related to a patent dispute. While Illumina plans to appeal that decision, the company should be able to easily manage that potential outflow and potential royalty streams, along with a potential fine from the EU antitrust regulator for jumping the gun on the Grail transaction. 

Bulls Say: 

  • Genome sequencing remains a relatively early-stage market, and expanding sequencing indications, including the nascent liquid biopsy applications, create large growth opportunities for Illumina’s legacy and recently acquired operations.
  • Illumina’s very large and growing installed base of sequencing instruments should translate into significant ongoing sales of high-margin consumables and maintenance services.
  • The Grail assets hold substantial promise, so even if antitrust regulators force Illumina to unwind the transaction, it should get a decent return on its investment.

Company Description: 

Illumina provides tools and services to analyze genetic material with life science and clinical lab applications. The company generates over 90% of its revenue from sequencing instruments, consumables, and services. Illumina’s high-throughput technology enables whole genome sequencing in humans and other large organisms. Its lower throughput tools enable applications that require smaller data outputs, such as viral and cancer tumor screening. Illumina also sells microarrays (less than 10% of sales) that enable lower-cost, focused genetic screening with primarily consumer and agricultural applications.

(Source: Morningstar)

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