Global stocks

Despite Demand Tailwinds, Primo Water’s Long-Term Returns Should Be Constrained

Business Strategy & Outlook

Formerly known as Cott, Primo has cycled through multiple iterations over the past decade, going from a private-label manufacturer of ambient beverages, or those that can be stored at room temperature, in 2010 to an all-things-water business in 2020. Nevertheless, the current entity combines the heft of Cott’s former water subsidiaries with the legacy Primo business, and as a pure-play water provider, a more robust top-line trajectory and a structurally improved margin profile. Unsurprisingly, Primo’s strategy has radically evolved over the years —it now uses a conventional razor/blade business model, where it seeks to increase penetration of its water-dispensing appliances to facilitate recurring sales of higher-margin water bottles. Ideally, it wants to deliver these bottles directly to customers to avoid the increased costs and competition that go along with retail intermediation. Pre Pandemic sales skewed to the residential side (roughly 60%), but despite an even greater imbalance currently, its base of small and midsize businesses (where it tends to have higher retention) should be important longer term. 

The right tech and service investments are being made, which together with various secular trends (like wellness and deteriorating trust in municipal water) facilitate a nice runway of growth. Acquisitions are also core to management’s strategy. Given the transformational nature of recent activities, the future deals will be confined to tuck-ins. Due to industry fragmentation, the rationale for efforts to increase scale and route density is sound, but continued management discipline is necessary. Primo does not walk a gilded path. It competes in a largely commoditized market, where no brand equity is evident except at the premium end (where Primo has little presence), so one does not see it as moat worthy. Additionally, the coronavirus pandemic has pressured its commercial business. Nevertheless, the firm will be able to navigate and adapt to the evolving landscape.

Financial Strengths

Primo’s financial health looks fair to us, though it leaves a lot to be desired. A torrid pace of M&A since 2014, when it acquired DS Services, has resulted in debt that has been precariously high at times and a credit rating that remains below investment-grade. Nevertheless, the disposition of its soft drink and juice finished-goods bottling business in 2018 allowed for significant deleverage. The adjusted net leverage (on an internally calculated basis) is below 4 times EBITDA today, and with a solid cash flow profile and potential synergies, the management’s goal to reach 2.0-2.5 times by the end of 2024 is ambitious but not unrealistic. Primo’s free cash flow history is muddied by its perpetual merging and divesting, but the most recent transition to a pure-play water company will improve its cash-generating capabilities. Structurally improved margins and relatively modest working capital requirements should be the primary drivers of this performance, and the model free cash flow to the firm averaging around $150 million annually through 2026 (around 6% of sales). The company’s debt profile includes long-dated senior notes and a revolving credit facility, which replaced a long-standing asset-based lending facility in 2020. The primary covenant that management monitors in relation to these obligations is the interest coverage ratio (calculated as adjusted EBITDA divided by interest), which cannot veer below 3 times. Even amid the coronavirus pandemic, the firm remains in compliance with this covenant, and one does not envision a scenario where this is breached. Additionally, there is ample liquidity, as the firm has over $125 million in cash on hand as of December 2021 and over $100 million in unused revolver capacity.

Bulls Say

  • As a pure-play water solutions provider, Primo will more comprehensively benefit from secular growth in the category and more robust margins. 
  • Unparalleled scale in the home and office water delivery market should yield resources that allow Primo to differentiate its services. 
  • With offerings like water refill and exchange currently nonexistent in Europe, there should be ample room for growth in that region.

Company Description

Primo Water is a pure-play water provider that is the product of the March 2020 acquisition of the legacy Primo business by Cott. The firm’s water solutions ecosystem is anchored by an assortment of water dispensers and its water direct business. In the latter, it receives recurring revenue for delivering large-format (3- and 5-gallon) water bottles to residential and commercial customers for use in the dispensers. Supplementary offerings include water exchange, where consumers can exchange or purchase pre filled containers at retail, and water refill, where consumers have access to the network of self-service refill units that Primo manages. Most sales are generated in North America, with the remainder primarily in Europe and Israel.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Turnaround Displayed in Renault First-Half Results, Guidance Raised; FVE Increased to EUR 81

Business Strategy & Outlook

Renault owns 43.7% of Nissan, while Nissan owns roughly 15% of Renault and 34% of Mitsubishi. The alliance is structured as a partnership, with each company operating as an individual entity. Combined, the alliance stands as one of the largest global automakers. The companies benefit from increased scale, purchasing power, and the ability to share vehicle technology and platforms. The group is governed by the alliance board of Renault-Nissan BV, which is 50% jointly owned by Renault and Nissan. Boardroom and management upheaval from the Carlos Ghosn scandal was a huge distraction for the alliance. Renault installed Jean-Dominique Senard (formerly in charge of Michelin) as chairman. The company hired Luca de Meo as CEO (former head of SEAT), who started on July 1, 2020. Renault also owns 67.7% of the parent of Russian automaker AvtoVAZ, which makes Lada, the country’s best-selling brand. However, on March 23, 2022, the company said it may write down its Russian assets, another turnaround setback. In addition, Renault owns 99.4% of Romanian automaker Dacia, and 80.0% of Samsung Motors. Nissan holds a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors. 

Renault has organized these companies into an integrated global alliance, sharing purchasing, information services, research and development, production facilities, vehicle platforms, and powertrains. Through its turnaround plan, dubbed “Renaulution” and initiated in 2020, Renault will focus on its geographic market strength and better utilization of alliance cost efficiencies. In the Western European new-car market, Renault has the third-largest share, trailing Volkswagen and Stellantis. To its detriment, Renault has only had limited exposure to China, the world’s largest auto market, but upon the formation of a joint venture with Chinese automaker Dongfeng, local production began in 2017. Nissan has successfully penetrated the China market, annually selling more than 1.0 million units. Renault also has production facilities in Brazil, India, Russia, and Turkey. Through its own operations and through those of its alliance partners, Renault has a solid presence in Eastern Europe, South America, and South Korea.

Financial Strengths

Renault’s automotive business has significant financial leverage, but as per opinion, this is not overly burdensome relative to the company’s substantial cash position. With financial services on an equity basis, total debt/EBITDA has averaged 1.0 times during the period from 2011 to 2021 but was negative 9.7 times at the end of 2020 due to operating losses from COVID-19. The ratio was 3.4 times at the end of 2021. Adding in the impact of operating leases and netting cash against debt, net adjusted debt/EBITDAR during the same period averaged negative 0.2 times, with 2020 coming in at negative 4.2 times, and year-end 2021 at 0.9 times. Before 2008, with financial services on an equity basis, total debt/EBITDA was around 1.5 times. On lower EBITDA and higher outstanding debt in 2008 and 2009, the leverage ratio jumped to 3.6 and 20.6 times, respectively. In early 2009, the company received a EUR 3 billion loan from the French government to reduce refinancing risks associated with accessing credit markets at extremely high interest rates. In 2012, Renault also sold its entire stake in AB Volvo to reduce indebtedness. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the company announced that it would not pay a dividend in 2020 on 2019’s financial results. Also, the company arranged a EUR 5 billion credit line guaranteed by the French government, on which it drew down EUR 4 billion. At the end of 2020, the undrawn EUR 1 billion was no longer available. Management targets full reimbursement of the French guaranteed loan by the end of 2023. Total liquidity of the automotive group was EUR 17.3 billion at the end of 2021, including a EUR 3.4 billion undrawn credit line and EUR 13.9 billion in cash.

Bulls Say

  • Renault’s alliance with Nissan provides scale and purchasing power that the company would otherwise struggle to achieve on its own. 
  • Renault is the largest manufacturer of light commercial vehicles in Europe, excluding pick-ups, with around a 16% share of the market and a 25% share of the electric LCV market. 
  • The company’s low-cost products, like the Dacia Logan, have benefited from increased demand for value-priced vehicles by cost-conscious consumers.

Company Description

Renault possesses a global alliance of automotive manufacturing, financing, and sales operations. The company’s alliance partners consist of AvtoVAZ (67.7%), Dacia (99.4%), Nissan (43.7%), Renault Samsung Motors (80.0%), and Mitsubishi (Nissan owns 34%). Total 2021 Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance sales volume of 7.9 million vehicles makes the alliance the third-largest vehicle group in the world, behind Toyota at 10.5 million and Volkswagen at 8.6 million vehicles sold.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Williams Has an Attractive Collection of Gas Projects Over the Next Decade

Business Strategy & Outlook

Williams Companies has shifted its strategy in recent years to focus on organic growth investments that improve the returns and competitive position of its legacy assets. This is a positive for investors, creating a more stable financial profile and more high-return growth opportunities than most of its midstream peers. Clean energy investments could become a material growth area in the next few years, with the recent Orsted partnership a particularly attractive growth engine for its Northwest portfolio. With nearly half of its earnings and cash flow coming from rate-regulated gas pipelines, Williams increasingly looks more like a utility than an energy company. Williams delivered steady performance through turbulent energy markets the last two years, relying on its largely fee-based, long-term contracted revenue and strategically well-positioned assets. The recent acquisition of Sequent looks well timed, as marketing profits have well exceeded expectations in 2022. Most of Williams’ growth will continue to be directed toward its Transco gas pipeline, which runs from the Gulf Coast to the Northeast. Transco links low-cost gas supply in the Gulf Coast and Marcellus shale to high demand for retail use, LNG exports, gas power generation, and increasing industrial gas demand. Specifically, Williams is developing seven bcf/d of projects related to LNG and five bcf/d for power generation and industrial gas opportunities. The Transco capacity will reach 21 bcf/d by 2023 from 10 bcf/d in 2014 and continue to grow as natural gas demand in the eastern U.S. grows. With more than 100 bcf/d in interconnects and regulatory hurdles for competing projects, Transco faces no major competitive threats. Williams’ other businesses are demonstrating their favorable competitive positions with steady results through volatile energy markets. The Northeast gathering and processing business has a captive customer base in low-cost producing regions. The Northwest pipeline benefits from steady demand from utilities and supply from producers in the Western U.S. Williams is growing and improving the competitive position of its other assets through upstream partnerships.

Financial Strengths

Williams has strengthened its balance sheet and dividend coverage in recent years. Leverage has fallen to 3.9 times at the end of 2021 from over 5 times in 2016, and to continued declines over the next few years. Its improved credit profile and long-term, fixed-fee contract structures gives Williams financial flexibility to pursue growth investment opportunities, grow the dividend, keep the balance sheet strong, and execute its $1.5 billion share repurchase plan initiated in September 2021. The Trace Midstream deal for $933 million has consumed Williams’ excess cash and then some in 2022, but buybacks could exceed $400 million annually in 2023 and 2024. Williams can maintain steady dividend growth even through short-term energy market volatility. Williams has raised its dividend to $1.64 in 2021 from $1.20 in 2017 while strengthening its balance sheet. One can expect 3%-4% dividend increases going forward. The 2018 consolidation of Williams Partners and elimination of incentive distribution rights resulted in a shadow dividend cut of about 17% for former Williams Partners unitholders. The flip side was an improved credit profile, higher dividend coverage, and the ability to invest in growth without issuing equity. The long-running legal dispute between Williams and Energy Transfer over Energy Transfer’s alleged breach of its merger agreement appears to be close to an end. After repeated arguments since 2016, Williams won a $410 million settlement plus fees and interest in December 2021. However, the settlement can still be appealed to the Delaware Supreme Court.

Bulls Say

  • A large, well-positioned network allows Williams to invest in high-return growth projects with minimal regulatory hurdles. 
  • After several years of structural and financial moves, Williams is positioned to maintain steady dividend growth for the foreseeable future. 
  • Williams is leveraged to U.S. LNG exports via agreements with LNG terminals as a key supplier of gas.

Company Description

Williams is a midstream energy company that owns and operates the large Transco and Northwest pipeline systems and associated natural gas gathering, processing, and storage assets. In August 2018, the firm acquired the remaining 26% ownership of its limited partner, Williams Partners.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper midteens

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Idex owns a collection of moaty businesses that tend to be leaders in their respective niche end markets, typically holding the number-one or -two market share. It manufactures a wide array of products, ranging from equipment used in DNA sequencing to wastewater pumps to Jaws of Life hydraulic rescue tools. Idex’s lean manufacturing process allows it to effectively operate in a high-mix and low-volume environment, offering customers a wide variety of highly engineered products that are configurable or customizable. Furthermore, a common theme across its businesses is that they specialize in making mission-critical equipment that performs a vital function but typically constitute a small part of the customer’s total bill of materials. This aspect of the business contributes to Idex’s narrow moat through customer switching costs and allows the firm to command premium pricing. In the long run, Idex can be viewed as a GDP-plus business. Organic sales growth will continue to outpace industrial production by around 1%-2% annually as the firm’s commitment to innovation and investments in research and development continue to bear fruit and generate additional revenue through introductions of new or refreshed products. It can be projected organic sales to grow at a roughly low-single-digit clip in fluid and metering technologies as well as the fire and safety segment and the diversified products segment, and at a mid-single-digit rate in the health and science technologies segment.

Additionally, the firm will continue to supplement its organic sales growth with acquisitions. Historically, management has avoided overpaying for acquisitions. As such, despite regular mergers and acquisitions, which add goodwill and assets to the firm’s capital base, Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper midteens. Management has remained disciplined in the current elevated valuation environment, and it will continue to manage acquisition risk appropriately and focus on maximizing returns on invested capital.

Financial Strength

Idex maintains a sound capital structure, which will help the firm navigate the uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the firm owed roughly $1.2 billion in short- and long-term debt while holding approximately $0.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company can also tap into its $800 million revolving credit facility. Idex will generate average annual operating cash flows of roughly $800 million over the next five years. Given its healthy balance sheet and solid cash flow generation, Idex is adequately capitalized to meet its upcoming debt obligations. Idex will have a debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.5 times in 2022. Management will continue to prioritize investing in organic growth and executing M&A, growing the dividend, and allocating excess capital to opportunistic share repurchases. The firm has raised its quarterly dividend by an average annual rate of roughly 10% over the last five years, and the dividend will keep growing roughly in line with earnings. The payout ratio will remain around 30% over the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • Idex has a portfolio of moaty businesses that have leading shares in niche end markets. 
  • Idex generates strong free cash flows, which have averaged around 16.5% of sales during the last 10 years. 
  • Recent acquisitions of Akron Brass and AWG, as well as new product introductions (including eDraulic and SAM), have reinforced Idex’s already strong competitive position in the fire and safety business

Company Profile 

Idex manufactures pumps, flow meters, valves, and fluidic systems for customers in a variety of end markets, including industrial, fire and safety, life science, and water. The firm’s business is organized into three segments: fluid and metering technologies, health and science technologies, and fire and safety and diversified products. Based in Lake Forest, Illinois, Idex has manufacturing operations in over 20 countries and has over 7,000 employees. The company generated $2.8 billion in revenue and $661 million in adjusted operating income in 2021.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Global stocks Shares

Humana appears focused primarily on organic growth, it remains open to partnerships and acquisitions, too

Business Strategy and Outlook 

In the U.S. healthcare system, Humana pays caregivers to provide services through an integrated and value-based approach while also making the insurance experience easy to navigate for end users. Perhaps not surprisingly, given its founding as a nursing home in the 1960s, the firm has a special focus on serving the elderly population, especially in its top-tier position in administering Medicare Advantage plans. Given U.S. demographic trends and the increasing penetration of Medicare Advantage plans in the eligible population, Humana remains at the forefront of one of the fastest-growing areas in U.S. health insurance.

Within Medicare Advantage, insurers like Humana are paid the same amount that the traditional Medicare program pays to provide benefits for its consumers; then the insurer aims to lower the costs associated with caring for users by making them healthier while also providing them additional benefits and generating a profit. Given that dynamic, incentive alignment with care providers remains more important in this product than in other health insurance products and Humana sees this alignment as its key differentiator from other health insurance players. For example, about two thirds of its Medicare Advantage members have primary-care physicians that operate in value-based arrangements, which encourage those caregivers to improve quality and costs. Humana owns some of these caregivers, including primary-care practices and the planned acquisition of the largest home healthcare provider in the United States, Kindred at Home. Also, the firm provides pharmacy benefit management functions, managing that key health input in an integrated fashion primarily for internal members. While especially powerful in the Medicare Advantage market, this integrated approach benefits Humana in its other target markets too, including Medicaid, military, and small-employer plans. With large opportunities in its target markets, management aims to continue growing at a fast pace with a long-term annual earnings per share growth goal of 11%-15%. While Humana appears focused primarily on organic growth, it remains open to partnerships and acquisitions, too.

Financial Strength

Humana maintains a healthy balance sheet. Most of its cash ($3.4 billion at the end of 2021) is held at its subsidiaries, though, and the company aims to hold about $500 million of cash at the parent company typically ($0.9 billion at the end of 2021), which constrains its liquidity a bit. Humana owed $12.5 billion in debt, or 44% debt/capital by the calculations at the end of 2021, which is above management’s typical leverage after the Kindred at Home transaction in 2021. With the divestiture of some non core businesses from that transaction expected in 2022, the leverage to start falling toward the company’s target of 35% in 2022, although share repurchases may constrain that transition a bit. With limited capital expenditure requirements, free cash flows to typically range between about $4 billion-$5 billion annually through 2026. Those cash flows should help the company meet its maturity schedule during the next five years, which cumulatively totals $7.2 billion, and also deleverage after the Kindred at Home transaction.

Bulls Say’s

  • With its prowess in Medicare Advantage plans, Humana looks likely to benefit from strong demographic trends and increasing popularity of that program. 
  • Humana enjoys industry-leading customer satisfaction metrics that positively influence its brand and reputation in the consumer-driven Medicare Advantage and Medicaid insurance sectors. 
  • Humana’s growth trajectory looks strong, with management aiming for 11%-15% EPS growth in the long run.

Company Profile 

Humana is one of the largest private health insurers in the U.S. with a focus on administering Medicare Advantage plans. The firm has built a niche specializing in government-sponsored programs, with nearly all its medical membership stemming from individual and group Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and the military’s Tricare program. The firm is also a leader in stand-alone prescription drug plans for seniors enrolled in traditional fee-for-service Medicare. Humana offers employer-based plans primarily for small businesses along with specialty insurance offerings such as dental, vision, and life. Beyond medical insurance, the company provides other healthcare services, including primary-care services, at-home services, and pharmacy benefit management.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

ServiceNow’s Differentiated Software Drives Multiple Organic Growth Vectors in Expanding TAM

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

ServiceNow has been successful thus far in executing on a classic land and expand strategy. First, it built a best-of-breed SaaS solution for IT Service Management (ITSM) based on being modular and flexible, having a superior familiar user interface, offering a way to automate a wide variety of workflow processes, and becoming a platform to serve as a single system of record for the IT function within the enterprise. Having established itself in ITSM and then the much larger IT operations management, or ITOM, market, the firm moved beyond the IT function. The same set of product design features and technologies has allowed ServiceNow to bring its process automation approach to HR service delivery, customer service, and finance. More recently, ServiceNow has been offering higher pricing tiers with an increasing array of features, along with industry specific solutions, which have higher ASPs and help drive revenue growth. 

ServiceNow’s success has been rapid and notably organic. The company already offers high-end enterprise-grade solutions and boasts elite level customer retention of 97% to 98%. ServiceNow focuses on the largest 2,000 (G2K) enterprises in the world and these customers continue to renew for larger contracts, with the average annual contract value doubling in the last three years. Further, the company has no small business exposure. Additionally, customers overall are re-upping for more than one solution, as more than 75% of customers are multi-product purchasers, which is driving deal sizes higher. Having the IT function within an enterprise as the initial landing pad is fortunate, as it provides a built-in advocate for software (an IT responsibility) for other functional areas of the enterprise. ServiceNow will continue to use its position to land new IT-driven customers and upsell ITOM features on the platform, but the company will increasingly cross-sell emerging products in HR and customer service, along with the platform as a service (PaaS) offering. The product strength, market presence, and a strong sales push into areas outside of IT, will continue to drive robust growth.

Financial Strengths:  

ServiceNow is a financially sound company. Revenue is growing rapidly, while non-GAAP margins are positive and expanding. The continued traction in ITSM and ITOM, along with adoption of new use cases in customer service and HR service delivery, and the PaaS solution will continue to drive revenue growth in excess of 20% for at least the next five years. As of Dec. 31, 2021, ServiceNow had $3.3 billion in cash, offset by approximately $1.6 billion in debt, resulting in a net cash position of $1.6 billion. Gross leverage sits at 2.1 times trailing EBITDA, which allows for flexibility should the environment worsen. Operating margins are increasing as ServiceNow continues to scale, with 2019 the first year of profitability on a GAAP basis. ServiceNow should be able to drive in excess of 100 basis points of margin expansion annually. Free cash flow margin was 31% in 2021, providing a preview of what will be strengthening margins over the next decade. In terms of capital deployment, ServiceNow does not pay a dividend, does not regularly repurchase shares, and makes only small acquisitions. In fact, ServiceNow has spent only a few hundred million dollars on acquisitions in aggregate since 2011. The company made a variety of tuck-in acquisitions in 2019 and 2020–all for undisclosed amounts. Small, feature-driven acquisitions are expected to continue but have not explicitly modeled any such deals. The company might not initiate a dividend in the foreseeable future, nor regular share repurchases.

Bulls Say: 

  • ServiceNow’s superior product has led to rapid share gains and exceptional retention within the ITSM market. Now the company is using this strength to expand into other areas of ITOM.
  • The company has added additional growth drivers, including customer service and HR service delivery, which should help propel robust growth over the next five years.
  • GAAP operating margin was break-even for the first time in 2019 and see a decade-long runway for expansion.

Company Description: 

ServiceNow Inc provides software solutions to structure and automate various business processes via a SaaS delivery model. The company primarily focuses on the IT function for enterprise customers. ServiceNow began with IT service management (ITSM), expanded within the IT function, and more recently directed its workflow automation logic to functional areas beyond IT, notably customer service, HR service delivery, and security operations. ServiceNow also offers an application development platform as a service (PaaS).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

ADP Delivers Robust FY 2022 Result as Labor Markets Prove Resilient Despite Economic Headwinds

Business Strategy & Outlook

ADP has invested heavily over the past decade to develop public cloud native solutions and consolidate its portfolio of disparate platforms. As of fiscal 2021, ADP has successfully migrated most of its small and midsize clients to its strategic platforms and will be migrating enterprise clients to its new HCM platform over the coming decade, as well as rolling out its new underlying payroll and tax engines. While the platform migrations ultimately result in higher retention and profitability, the forced migrations will likely create a catalyst for enterprise clients to reassess providers, temporarily hindering both metrics. ADP faces fierce competitive pressure from nimble upstarts, legacy peers, accounting software, and ERP providers. The new solutions will allow ADP to compete more aggressively on functionality, reduce software maintenance costs, and provide scope for greater operating leverage, supporting margin uplift. However, the increasing competitive pressure will result in greater pricing pressure and force ADP to maintain high levels of investment to ensure the functionality of its product offering remains competitive. 

This investment is in addition to the continued investment in sales and implementation required to roll out new solutions and migrate clients. As such, the ADP’s price increases will be limited to about 0.5% a year on average, in line with recent growth but below long-term averages, limiting margin expansion potential. The increased regulatory complexity, tight labor markets, and growing adoption of hybrid work will underpin strong demand for ADP’s solutions, supporting greater share of wallet and market share gains in the small and midsize market. This includes greater penetration of the outsourced payroll and HR model. However, the expected forced platform migrations to hamper ADP’s enterprise market share growth over the next decade before gradually recovering as the new platform is adopted in the market. In aggregate, the ADP’s overall market share to grow modestly for the five years to fiscal 2027, followed by higher growth as platform migrations complete.

Financial Strengths

ADP is in a strong financial position. At the end of fiscal 2022, ADP’s balance sheet was modestly geared with net debt/EBITDA of 0.3. During fiscal 2021, ADP almost tripled long-term debt to $3 billion to fund share repurchases and optimize its capital structure with low cost debt. The expected ADP’s annual operating income can comfortably cover annual interest expense on its debt at least 60 times over the forecasted period. ADP also has access to short-term funding facilities to meet client’s obligations rather than liquidating available for sale securities. ADP has returned over $20 billion of capital to shareholders during the eight years to fiscal 2022 through dividends and share repurchases. The expected ADP’s strong free cash flow generation will support a dividend payout ratio of about 60% over the period. The balance sheet is robust, and ADP has ample scope to increase leverage to execute on bolt-on acquisitions.

Bulls Say

  • ADP benefits from high client switching costs, a scale based cost advantage, intangible brand assets, and a powerful referral network. 
  • Despite facing fierce competitive pressures and undergoing forced platform migrations, ADP has retained high revenue retention and improved operating margins over the past decade. 
  • ADP has a strong record of returning capital to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases.

Company Description

ADP is a provider of payroll and human capital management solutions servicing the full scope of businesses from micro to global enterprises. ADP was established in 1949 and serves over 990,000 clients primarily in the United States. ADP’s employer services segment offers payroll, HCM solutions, HR outsourcing, insurance and retirement services. The smaller but faster-growing PEO segment provides HR outsourcing solutions to small and midsize businesses through a co-employment model.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Circling Back to U.S. Bancorp After Q2 Earnings; Decreasing The Fair Value Estimate to $59 From $60

Business Strategy & Outlook

U.S. Bancorp is one of the strongest and best-run regional banks. Few domestic competitors can match its operating efficiency, and for the past 15 years the bank has consistently posted returns on equity well above peers and its own cost of equity. U.S. Bancorp’s exposure to moaty nonbank businesses and its consistently excellent core banking operations make us like the company’s positioning for the future. If one was to have a complaint, it would be that the bank was already on top of its game years ago, making it difficult for the firm to further optimize efficiency and returns, while peers seem to be gradually “catching up” over time. U.S. Bancorp has an attractive mix of fee-generating businesses, including payments, corporate trust, investment management, and mortgage banking. The payments and trust businesses tend to be highly efficient and scalable due to relatively fixed cost structures. Barriers to entry tend to be high as the initial investment and scale necessary to compete are prohibitive, although competition within payments has heated up in the last several years as software and technology offerings are increasingly important. 

The USB has generally made the necessary investments in technology, leading to more integrated back-end systems, a competitive payments platform, and a leading presence in the push toward omnichannel banking. The continued secular trend of the increasing digitization of payments should provide further growth opportunities, and the importance of scale and technology should favor the largest banks, including U.S. Bancorp, over time. Payment’s volumes are coming back for the bank as its merchant acquiring and commercial payments businesses are set to turn a corner in 2022 as economic activity improves. The upcoming acquisition of Union Bank favorably and I think the cost savings alone should add some value for shareholders. U.S. Bancorp has one of the best deposit market share concentrations under the coverage, which strengthens the efficiency and profitability of its traditional banking segments. Managers in the bank are also required to have 5% cost-cutting plans ready at any time if needed.

Financial Strengths

The U.S. Bancorp is in good financial health. The bank weathered the 2016 energy downturn well, and energy loans currently make up only 1% of the loan book. The bank also performed admirably through the pandemic driven downturn. Most measures of credit strain remain quite manageable, and the bank’s history of prudent lending–and the fact that the makeup of its loan book has not changed that much over time–gives us comfort with the risks here. One does not have significant concerns about capital. U.S. Bancorp had a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 9.7% as of June 2022. This is well within a reasonable range. The capital-allocation plan remains standard for the bank, with roughly 40% of earnings devoted to dividends, internal investments prioritized, and then the remainder devoted to buybacks.

Bulls Say

  • Strong fee revenue in moaty businesses, such as payments, helps insulate U.S. Bancorp from a flatter yield curve environment and drive higher returns on equity. 
  • The bank’s upcoming acquisition of MUFG Union Bank should provide additional revenue growth, expense synergies, and value for shareholders. 
  • As payments-related balances and fees come back in 2022, it should provide another earnings growth lever for U.S. Bancorp.

Company Description

As a diversified financial-services provider, U.S. Bancorp is one of the nation’s largest regional banks, with branches in well over 20 states, primarily in the Western and Midwestern United States. The bank offers many services, including retail banking, commercial banking, trust and wealth services, credit cards, mortgages, and other payments capabilities.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Spotify Reports Strong Q2 User Growth; Likely to Continue in Q3; FVE $187; Shares are Attractive

Business Strategy & Outlook

Swedish-based Spotify is the world’s leading music streaming service provider. The fast-growing digital streaming space has become the primary distribution platform of choice within the ever-changing music industry. Spotify can benefit from various network effects that will help the firm increase its users and amass valuable intangible assets associated with user data and listening preferences. However, it faces intense competition and has a (mostly) variable cost structure that may limit Spotify’s future operating leverage and profitability. Thus, one does not have sufficient confidence that it will generate excess returns on capital over the next 10 years. Spotify may be at the mercy of the record labels in the music industry, as it will need access to content to continue attracting more listeners. While the distribution side of the industry (Spotify, YouTube, Apple, terrestrial and digital radio, and so on) is fragmented, over 80% of licensing is controlled by the big three major record labels: Universal Music Group, Sony, and Warner Music Group. 

As these licensors gather royalties from Spotify and its peers, they maintain pricing leverage as content remains king. The firm’s entry into the podcast space. However, while the firm has become the market leader via content acquisition, which further diversifies its revenue, one does not expect its dependency on labels to be lessened much. Spotify is ahead of the pack in the growing music streaming and podcast markets, but it faces stiff competition from behemoths such as Amazon, Apple, and Google. Unlike Spotify, these firms don’t rely solely on streaming music or podcasts to drive profitability and can potentially run at break-even, or even as loss leaders, while monetizing users via other products and services. It might also be harder for Spotify to steal share from these competitors over time, as Apple Music and Apple Podcasts listeners are probably entrenched with other Apple products, Amazon Music with Echo, and so on. Thus, they might be relatively more loyal to these music and podcast platforms than the users an operating-system-agnostic platform like Spotify can capture.

Financial Strengths

As of the end of 2020, Spotify did not hold any debt on its balance sheet. Spotify’s cash balance at the end of 2020 was $1.7 billion. Spotify has continued to generate cash from operations since 2016; although the firm has incurred hefty operating losses in recent years, cash flow has been better as a good portion of these costs, which are accrued fees to rights holders, have not yet been paid out in cash. While Spotify remains an asset-light business since it uses Google’s cloud platform for data storage and computing, one does expect the firm’s annual capital expenditure to be EUR 75 million-EUR 100 million, likely necessary to provide additional services and tools on the creation side especially for new, up-and-coming, or independent artists. The firm is also likely to take the M&A route with similar objectives, as displayed by its various podcast acquisitions. The free cash flow to equity/sales, to average around 6% the next 5 years.

Bulls Say

  • Spotify’s listener growth may help it negotiate much better terms with record labels over time. 
  • By investing in more services and tools for artists, Spotify may attract artists away from record labels and toward independent distribution, which may allow the company to pay lower royalties over time. 
  • Revenue growth during the next 10 years should accelerate as Spotify keeps investing in different content such as podcasts and video, attracting more users and advertisers.

Company Description

Spotify, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the world’s largest music streaming service providers, with over 150 million total listeners. The firm monetizes its users through both a paid subscription model, referred to as its premium service, and an ad-based model, referred to as its ad-supported service. Revenue from premium and ad-supported services represented 90% and 10% of Spotify’s 2017 total revenue, respectively.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Enthusiasm for Rogers’ Stellar Q2 Dampened by Yet Another Side Issue—July’s Network Outage

Business Strategy & Outlook

Rogers has alleviated the concern one has long had that its wireless network is falling behind rivals Telus and BCE and that BCE’s fiber-to-the-home build-out would dent Rogers’ cable dominance. It has invested to improve its wireless network, and it has skirted Shaw’s fate of cable customer losses in the face of its competitor’s network improvement, mitigating market share losses. Its proposed acquisition of Shaw will be value neutral, but the purchase price and integration uncertainty bring greater risk. Rogers is investing heavily in its wireless network. It was the biggest spender in 2019’s 600-megahertz spectrum auction and 2021’s 3500-megahertz spectrum auction. The firm is also rolling out its 5G network, which one doesn’t expect to be consequential in the near term but should ensure that Rogers doesn’t lag competitors. 

While Rogers’ network has clearly been behind Telus and BCE in network speed ratings, one doesn’t think it has a practical effect on service customers receive. Nonetheless, Rogers to close the gap as it rolls out its newly acquired spectrum and transitions to a 5G network. The enhanced network in conjunction with the industry consolidation will result in churn declining, pricing power increasing, and margins expanding. Rogers will face tougher cable competition, but with BCE’s network revamp more than 50% complete, Rogers has been holding its own. Rogers has averaged better than 4% annual broadband subscriber growth since 2016. TV and phone subscribers continue to decline, which will continue, but phone service will make up only 6% of cable revenue in 2019, and the smaller TV subscriber base will be somewhat offset by the premium Ignite TV offering. The Rogers’ media unit, or at least parts of it, has more value in a sale than it does as an operating business. According to Forbes magazine estimates, the Blue Jays are worth USD 1.8 billion, but the team generates no operating profit. The move away from linear TV viewership and the shift to digital media content has impaired print publication and television and radio station holdings.

Financial Strengths

Rogers’ leverage has been significantly higher than usual in recent years, as the firm has been upgrading its networks, participating in spectrum auctions, and deploying capital to enhance its television offerings. The leverage will remain somewhat elevated in coming years as the firm’s elevated network spending continues. However, one doesn’t foresee any difficulty in Rogers’ ability to meet its obligations as the economy turns down. Though Rogers targets a net debt to EBITDA ratio under 2.5, it was 3.2 as of June 30, 2022 (excluding debt the firm has taken on and reserved for the Shaw purchase), and to remain above 3.0 through 2023, as spectrum auctions and the Shaw merger will keep debt levels heightened. However, interest coverage remains strong, with an adjusted EBITDA to interest expense ratio of nearly 7.0 at the end of 2021. The current dividend is well covered, with free cash flow still covering the dividend by nearly two times. One doesn’t think the dividend is ironclad in a prolonged period of weakness, but the firm did not cut it amid the COVID-19 outbreak, and one doesn’t anticipate it will even need to consider it unless a major recession coincides with the near-term merger and spectrum obligations. However, one doesn’t expect regular dividend increases while leverage is elevated and spectrum outlays continue.

Bulls Say

  • With the Canadian wireless market less penetration than the U.S. and Europe and the country receptive to immigrants and foreign workers, wireless subscriber growth should remain high. As the industry leader, Rogers is well positioned. 
  • Rogers’ media unit is worth far more than the market is giving it credit for. If that continues, Rogers can sell some assets to create significant value. 
  • A gradual return of roaming traffic gives a long runway for heightened wireless average revenue per customer growth.

Company Description

Rogers is the largest wireless service provider in Canada, with its more than 10 million subscribers equating to one third of the total Canadian market. Rogers’ wireless business accounted for 60% of the company’s total sales in 2021 and has increasingly provided a bigger portion of total company sales over the last several years. Rogers’ cable segment, which provides about one fourth of total sales, offers home Internet, television, and landline phone service to consumers and businesses. Remaining sales come from Rogers’ media unit, which owns and operates various television and radio stations and the Toronto Blue Jays. Rogers’ significant exposure to sports also includes ownership stakes in the Toronto Maple Leafs, Raptors, FC, and Argonauts.

(Source: Morningstar)

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