Global stocks Shares

Cleanaway’s Asset Acquisition of Suez in F.Y.22

 It is clear about Cleanaway’s growth into materials recovery which features more favorable economics than waste collection. Under its “Footprint 2025” capital allocation strategy, the group will continue to focus investment in materials recovery and waste-to-energy, or WTE. 

Since fiscal 2016, Cleanaway has invested in excess of AUD 100 million in Greenfield materials recovery, waste treatment, and WTE projects. The recent purchase of the materials recovery assets of SKM Recycling represents a further step toward Cleanaway’s goal of moving further into the industry’s midstream.

Further diversifying Cleanaway away from waste collection is the acquisition of Toxfree in late fiscal 2018, skewing Cleanaway’s earnings stream away from collections, the most competitive segment of the waste management value chain.

Financial Strength

Cleanaway has made further progress on its proposed AUD 501 million acquisition of key Australian post-collection assets from Suez, securing new debt facilities which will allow the deal to be fully debt funded. Therefore, balance sheet flexibility post deal completion exists should further acquisition opportunities arise. Cleanaway’s liquidity position is more than ample to secure the business’ operations without external financing through the medium-term. With minimal debt maturities over the fiscal 2021-24 period, Cleanaway’s sources of cash—those being cash at bank, undrawn debt and operating cash flow–are more than sufficient to fund Cleanaway’s ongoing operations. Cleanaway’s earnings exhibit little volatility through the economic cycle. As a result, its conservatively positioned balance sheet provides ample flexibility for further capital allocation to materials recovery and waste disposal assets —whether bolt-on or Greenfield–under Cleanaway’s Footprint 2025 strategy. 

Bull Says

  • Cleanaway is benefiting from industry consolidation.
  • Municipal waste contracts provide relatively stable cash flows through the economic cycle.
  • Capital allocation improved markedly under outgoing CEO Vik Bansal’s guidance.

Company Profile

Cleanaway Waste Management (ASX: CWY) is Australia’s largest waste management business with a national footprint spanning collection, midstream waste processing, treatment and valorization, and downstream waste disposal. Cleanaway is active in municipal and commercial and industrial, or C&I, waste stream segments and in nonhazardous and hazardous liquid waste and medical waste streams following the acquisition of Toxfree in fiscal 2018. While Cleanaway is allocating greater capital to midstream waste processing and treatment, earnings remain skewed toward waste collection. Cleanaway is particularly strong in C&I and municipal waste collection with strong market share in all large Australian metro waste collection markets.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds

A prudent and strong investment strategy that produced absolute returns

Philosophy of the Fund

The Fund’s investment philosophy is based on identifying long-term fundamental value picks that are both listed and unlisted. RARE believes that significant opportunities emerge during economic cycles as markets misprice infrastructure assets in the short term. In the RARE Emerging Markets Strategy, an accumulation index comprised of the FTSE EM Gov Bond Index USD plus 5.0 percent per year is used as a benchmark.

Investment Procedure

The investment team conducts fundamental analysis and valuation in order to identify ‘pure infrastructure’ assets with monopolistic characteristics, long contractual duration, and relatively stable cash flows. In particular, the investments must meet three key requirements:

  • The asset must be a hard-physical asset; 
  • The asset must provide a valuable service to society; and 
  • The asset should have strong foundations in place to ensure equity holders are adequately rewarded.

With these characteristics in mind, RARE uses the ‘RARE EM 150’ as the proprietary investment universe for their Emerging Market Strategy. Included in this list are companies in the MSCI Emerging Markets or Frontier Emerging Markets Index, as well as companies that are listed in other markets but produce a majority of their operating earnings from activities related to emerging markets. Of the 150 securities, 40% of these companies are considered Core and consistently covered, while the remaining 60% are watch listed and updated at least once a year. On a quarterly basis, the composition of the ‘RARE EM 150’ is reviewed by the Investment Leadership Team.

Sector exposure limits are also placed, with a clear preference towards regulated utilities and transport. The Fund notes this is due to their relatively stable performance, and typically lower risk nature in comparison to user-pay assets.

Source: RARE Infrastructure

Fund Positioning 

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Technology Stocks

Tenet Continues to be More Efficient and Profitable

the wake of an acquisition strategy that left it with operating inefficiencies and a debt-heavy balance sheet. Led by initiatives endorsed by its largest shareholder, Glenview Capital Management (15% stake as of March), Tenet has replaced top leadership, refreshed the board, improved governance practices, pruned its portfolio of assets, and undergone a restructuring effort. 

Operationally, Tenet has focused on flattening layers of management, improving operating efficiencies both inside and outside its healthcare facilities, and increasing focus on service quality. All these factors appear to be positively influencing returns on invested capital at Tenet, which began exceeding its weighted average cost of capital in 2017 by our calculations for the first time since the Vanguard Group acquisition in 2013.

Despite all of these positives, the company still operates with substantial debt on its balance sheet and is currently rated in the broad single B category by the major credit rating agencies on an unsecured basis. 

Financial Strength

It is expected Tenet to at least meet its net leverage goal of 5.0 times by the end of 2021, which would be a positive development in the odyssey that has been Tenet’s credit story since the Vanguard acquisition in 2013. At the end of June, the firm held $2.2 billion in cash, which included aid from the government and new borrowings. While Tenet will need to pay back Medicare advances and payroll tax deferrals, it looks to be in good shape to do so, even after paying $1.1 billion for the recent acquisition of the SCD ambulatory surgery center assets in late 2020. Tenet recently agreed to sell five Miami-area hospitals for $1.1 billion. The company also aims to spin off its revenue cycle management business, Conifer, in the near future, which could be a source of funds to meet its debt obligations as well.

Bull Says

  • With a new management team in place since late 2017, Tenet has become a more efficient and more profitable organization, suggesting that the team is making progress operationally.
  • As the top provider of ambulatory care services in the U.S., Tenet should be able to continue benefiting from the ongoing shift of procedures to outpatient facilities from acute-care hospitals, which could boost growth and margins.
  • Tenet continues to focus on improving its balance sheet and could meet its deleveraging goal on a sustainable basis in 2021.

Company Profile

Tenet Healthcare Corporation (NYSE: THC) is a Dallas-based healthcare provider organization operating a collection of hospitals (65 at the end of 2020) and over 550 outpatient facilities, including ambulatory surgery centers, urgent care centers, freestanding imaging centers, freestanding emergency rooms/micro-hospitals, and physician practices across the United States. Tenet enjoys the number-one ambulatory surgical center position nationwide, as well.

 (Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Fixed Income Fixed Income

Good addition for diversification especially for investors looking to gain ESG exposure

taking into account a variety of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. The Fund seeks to provide such a total return approach, offering duration exposure at suitable points in the cycle, as well as defensive positioning in a soaring rate environment, and invests solely in domestic assets, avoiding the importation of global risks (e.g. currency) and offering a different risk profile.

Philosophy of Investing

Bond markets, diverge from fundamental fair value due to a variety of factors such as central bank/government activity, fund flows, and investor positioning. Top down analysis is critical for identifying opportunities to exploit resulting inefficiencies in fixed income markets, while individual stock selection plays a secondary role in adding value for high grade bond markets such as Australia.

Investment Process

The diagram below best summarises Altus’ investment process. The Scenario – based forecasting and building a case for the Best Case, Central Case, and Worst Case is, the most important component of the investment process. By creating a well-thought-out and researched narrative for each case, the investment team is able to answer important questions and describe the macroeconomic landscape. . Generally agree with their current position in each case and the analysis that supports it. Not necessarily agree with their point of view, we do value the analysis and the manner in which the narrative was presented.

Source: Altius Asset Management 

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

Orora Limited (ASX: ORA)

  • Exposure to the growth of both developed and emerging economies.
  • Headwinds in the near term should be factored into the price.
  • Following a recent strategic assessment, the strategy has been revised.
  • Bolt-on acquisitions (and the synergies that come with them) can help complement organic growth.
  • Leveraged against the AUD/USD and is now declining.
  • Corporate activities that could occur.
  • Management of capital (current on-market share buyback plus potential for additional initiatives).

Key Risks

  • Margin loss due to competitive forces.
  • Cost pressures in the supply chain that the company is unable to pass on to customers.
  • Economic conditions in the United States, emerging markets, and Australia are deteriorating.
  • Risk associated with emerging markets.
  • Adverse Movements in AUD/USD exchange rates 
  • OCC prices are decreasing.

FY21 group result highlights

Group revenue was slightly down (-0.8 percent) to $3.5 billion (up +7.8% in constant currency), operating earnings (EBIT) were up +11.6 percent to $249.1 million (up +17.3 percent in CC), underlying NPAT was up +23.7 percent to $156.7 million, EPS was up +29 percent to 16.9 cents (also driven by the on-market share buyback), and the full year dividend of 14cps up +16.7% on pcp. 2) Balance sheet. The impact of the on-market share buyback boosted leverage from 0.9x to 1.5x. Leverage, on the other hand, is still far below management’s goal range of 2 – 2.5x.

Company Description 

Orora Limited (ORA) provides packaging products and services. Orora is a global packaging manufacturer, distributor and visual communication solutions company The Company offers fibres, and glass and beverage can be packaged materials in Australia and Asia and packaging distribution services in North America and Australia.   

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Shares Small Cap

HT&E Limited (ASX: HT1)

  • Additional cost savings, notably a large reduction in corporate overhead expenditures.
  • The ATO and HT1 are anticipated to reach an agreement in the near future.
  • Changes in media ownership rules could lead to more corporate activity. Upside to the valuation of Soprano (25% interest) 
  • Initiatives for capital management that are still in progress.
  • A solid financial statement.

Key Risks

  • Decline in advertising dollars (radio and outdoor), particularly if Australia’s retail industry is under stress.
  • The structure of radio is being disrupted.
  • Increased tender competition from large players.
  • With worldwide expansion, there is a danger of poor execution.
  • The tax liabilities of the Australian Taxation Office materialize at a higher level than expected by the market.
  • Hong Kong could detract from the group’s performance (Corona virus or protests escalate).
  • Lockdowns relating to Covid-19 are being reintroduced around the country.

1H CY21 group results 

HT1 had a great first half of the year, owing to a solid market recovery. Core revenue increased by 18.2 percent to $109.9 million, underlying EBITDA increased by 55.9% to $30.4 million, underlying EBIT increased by 139.5 percent to $23.7 million, and NPAT increased by 352.8 percent to $16.3 million. On a like-for-like basis, group sales increased by 21%, owing to higher consumer confidence and advertising spend in Australia and Hong Kong. Higher cost of sales (ongoing investment in digital audio capability) and the resumption of marketing and certain discretionary spending that were deferred to the pandemic in the pcp drove up operating costs (up +9% vs pcp, or up +12% on a similar basis). The Board reinstated the dividend and announced a fully franked interim dividend of 3.5cps vs. zero in the PCP due to strengthening market circumstances.

Company Description  

HT&E Limited (HT1) is a media and entertainment company with operations in Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. The Company operates the following key segments: (1) Australian Radio Network (ARN) – metropolitan radio networks including KIIS Network, The Edge96.One and Mix106.3 Canberra; (2) Hong KongOutdoor (Cody) – Billboard, transit and other outdoor advertising in Hong Kong, with over 300 outdoor advertising panels and in-bus multimedia advertising across 1,200 buses; and (3) Digital Investments – digital assets including iHeartRadio, Emotive and Conversant Media.   

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Continued Spending on the Home Improves Profitability at Wide-Moat Home Depot

 to deliver more than $140 billion in revenue in 2021. It continues to benefit from a healthy level of housing turnover along with improvements in its merchandising and distribution network. The firm earns a wide economic moat rating because of its economies of scale and brand equity. While Home Depot has produced strong historical returns as a result of its scale, operational excellence and concise merchandising remain key tenets underlying our margin expansion forecast. Its flexible distribution network will help elevate the firm’s brand intangible asset, with faster time to delivery improving the do-it-yourself experience and market delivery centers catering to the pro business. 

Home Depot should continue to capture top-line growth beyond 2021, bolstered by aging housing stock and rising home prices, even when lapping robust COVID-19 demand. Other internal catalysts for top-line growth could come from the firm’s efficient supply chain, improved merchandising technology, and penetration of adjacent customer product segments (most recently bolstered by the acquisition of HD Supply). Expansion of newer (like textiles from the Company Store acquisition) and existing (such as appliances) categories could also drive demand.

The commitment to better merchandising and an efficient supply chain has led the firm to achieve operating margins and adjusted returns on invested capital, including goodwill, of 13.8% and 30%, respectively, in 2020. Additionally, Home Depot’s focus on cross-selling products in both its DIY and its maintenance, repair, and operations channel should support stable pricing and volatility in the sales base, helping achieve further operating margin lift, with the metric reaching above 15% sustainably over the next decade.

Bulls Say

  • Home Depot’s focus on distribution and merchandising should improve productivity and increase domestic share in a stable housing market, increasing sales and margins.
  • The company has returned $56 billion to its shareholders through dividends and share buybacks over the past five years–more than 15% of its market cap. It has consistently increased its dividend and used excess cash to repurchase shares.
  • The addressable pro market is around $55 billion, and Interline and HD Supply make up around 10% share, leaving meaningful upside up for grabs.

Financial Strength

Home Depot raised $5 billion in long-term debt in March 2020 to ensure it could weather COVID-19 without disruption, and raised another roughly $3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2020 to help facilitate the acquisition of HD Supply. This led Home Depot to end 2020 with a total long-term debt load of more than $35 billion and a debt/capital ratio of 0.92.Strong free cash flow to equity that has averaged about 10% of sales over the past five years supports higher leverage, and we expect the company will stay within its targeted adjusted debt/EBITDAR metric of 2 times over the long term. The balance sheet’s $25 billion in net property, plant, and equipment provides an asset base to secure more debt if necessary. 

Company Profile

Home Depot is the world’s largest home improvement specialty retailer, operating nearly 2,300 warehouse-format stores offering more than 30,000 products in store and 1 million products online in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Its stores offer numerous building materials, home improvement products, lawn and garden products, and decor products and provide various services, including home improvement installation services and tool and equipment rentals. The acquisition of distributor Interline Brands in 2015 allowed Home Depot to enter the maintenance, repair, and operations business, which has been expanded through the tie-up with HD Supply. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks

Morrisons’ Strong Balance Sheet and Store Estate Attracts Private Equity Interest

Although operating margins in the grocery industry are similar among the Big Four, we reckon Morrisons has a more efficient operating cost structure than Tesco and Sainsbury’s. It also has a stronger balance sheet than its Big Four peers.Morison It has large-store exposure, with no convenience-store presence and an online channel growing through third-party partnerships (Ocado and Amazon). Its strategy is centred on driving traffic in stores through the provision of additional services such as hand car washes, tyre change concessions, and parcel pickup services on top of a stronger core food offering. The company targets higher exposure in growth channels through capital-light partnerships in wholesale (Amazon, McColl’s, LuLu), online (Ocado), and convenience (Rontec forecourts). Although we believe management’s plan makes sense in the current market environment, it highlights the company’s limited channel exposure in an increasingly multichannel world. We view the company’s channel positioning as problematic despite the new initiatives, especially in a period of balance sheet deleveraging and tighter capital expenditure budgets (making it hard for the firm to develop its own convenience-store network)

On Aug. 19 Morrisons reached an agreement for a recommended cash offer of GBX 285.00 per share by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Funds, or CD&R, a private equity fund, which implies a premium of about 60% to the closing price on June 18 (last business day before possible offer by CD&R) and an enterprise value multiple of 9 times the grocer’s underlying EBITDA or about 20.7 times Morrisons’ underlying EPS. The offer is equivalent to a cash consideration of approximately GBP 7.00 billion on a fully diluted basis. Morrisons’ board intends to recommend unanimously that shareholders vote in favour of the takeover, to be proposed at the general meeting in the week commencing Oct. 4.We intend to increase our GBX 252.00 fair value estimate to reflect the most recent offer. 

We think the current offer is very generous for Morrisons’ shareholders. In our estimates, the value the new owner can successfully extract from a potential monetization of the grocer’s vast store estate could be about GBX 70.00 per share. We believe, at these levels, the new owner could still achieve good returns on invested capital but only by realizing significant structural cost savings and leveraging up the balance sheet (Morrisons exhibits high capacity to leverage: net debt/EBITDAR ratio of about 2.4 times versus 3.4 times for Tesco and Sainsbury’s, excluding the banks).

Bulls Say

  • Morrisons is a well-managed company with one of the most efficient operating cost structures relative to peers.
  • The firm has good balance sheet and cash flow management. Working capital has been squeezed, selective store property sold off, and capital spending held in check.
  • Morrisons has a large freehold store estate.

Financial Strength

Morrisons is in reasonably good financial health, with low levels of net debt, a pension surplus, and modest levels of free cash generation. At the beginning of February 2020, net debt had been reduced to around GBP 1 billion which implies a net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of 2.4.Financial leverage has also been reduced through sales of freehold stores and disposals, which have generated close to GBP 1,000 million in proceeds in recent years..Capital spending remains moderate, and like other U.K. grocers, Morrisons is no longer in strong store-expansion mode. 

Company Profile

Founded by William Morrison in 1899, Wm Morrison Supermarkets is the U.K.’s fourth-largest grocery chain, with a market share of around 10%. The 2004 takeover of rival Safeway transformed the firm in terms of scale and gave it a significant presence outside its base in Northern England. The company operates about 500 stores, entirely in the United Kingdom. Morrisons has an online presence via a partnership with Ocado and Amazon and has lately been trying to expand its wholesale channel with new agreements (McColl’s).

(Source: Morning Star)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Streamlined Portfolio Should Continue to See Solid Demand as Apartments Recover

The company invests in metropolitan markets with solid demographic trends that allow the company to maintain high occupancies and pass along consistent rent increases. Demand for apartments depends on economic conditions in their markets like job growth, income growth, decreasing homeownership rates, high relative cost of single-family housing, and attractive urban centers. Apartment Income has significantly simplified and streamlined its portfolio and strategy over the past decade. 

While the company has decreased its portfolio from over 300 properties at the end of 2008 to 96 properties in the current portfolio, the company owns approximately the same number of assets over that time frame in the 8 markets it currently considers to be its core markets. The company’s exit from markets with lower growth prospects has increased the portfolio’s expected average growth. In 2020, Apartment Income spun off its development pipeline and lease-up portfolio into its own company so that the remaining company could focus on the highest-quality assets.

Financial Strength 

Apartment Income is in decent financial shape from a liquidity and a solvency perspective. Debt maturities in the near term should be manageable through a combination of refinancing, asset sale proceeds, and free cash flow. The company should be able to access the capital markets when acquisition and development opportunities arise. As a REIT, Apartment Income is required to pay out 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders, which limits its ability to retain its cash flow. However, the company’s current run-rate dividend is easily covered by the company’s cash flow from operating activities, providing Apartment Income plenty of flexibility to make capital allocation and investment decisions. 

Fair value estimate to $47.50 per share from $44 after incorporating second-quarter results and adjusting our near-term forecasts to account for a better-than-anticipated recovery from the pandemic. Our fair value estimate implies a 4.3% cap rate on our forward four-quarter net operating income forecast, 23 times multiple on our forward four-quarter funds from operations estimate, and 3.5% dividend yield based on a $1.64 annualized payout. Currently project $200 million of dispositions a year at an average cap rate of 5.75% and $100 million-$200 million of acquisitions at 5.25% cap rates as the company looks to recycle lower-quality assets to fund the acquisition of higher-quality assets. Apartment Income’s net asset value to be approximately $39 per share.

Bulls Say’s

  • Apartment Income’s diversified portfolio of mainly suburban and infill assets should see less impact from supply, which is more concentrated in urban, luxury markets.
  • Positive demographic and economic trends will fuel strong demand for apartment rentals, including the millennial generation, which is beginning to move to the suburbs but still lack the necessary capital to purchase a home.
  • While supply growth may be near a peak now, rising construction prices and higher lending standards will reduce construction starts and reduce supply growth in the future.

Company Profile 

Apartment Investment and Management Co. owns a portfolio of 96 apartment communities with over 26,000 units. The company focuses on owning large, high-quality properties in the urban and suburban submarkets of Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

Cochlear’s FVE Up 9% Driven by a Stronger U.S. Dollar and Lower Expenses

Cochlear implants became the standard of care many years ago for children in developed markets with profound hearing loss or deafness. Large price differentials in the lower range of products result in 80% of revenue being earned in developed markets and 20% in tender-oriented emerging markets. Currently, penetration is still estimated to be under 5%, and Cochlear is at a pivot point as it invests to be adopted more widely by seniors with profound hearing loss. Prevalence of profound hearing loss increases over 65 years and has a steep increase from over 80 years of age. However, hearing aids, not cochlear implants, are the standard of care. Cochlear is investing significantly to grow awareness as well as funding research to support pay or reimbursement.

Financial Strength

The company has typically enjoyed low capital intensity and high cash conversion, affording it to pay out 70% of earnings as a dividend. However, with the confluence of operational weakness due to deferred elective surgeries as a result of the coronavirus, a peak in the capital cycle, and a patent infringement penalty becoming payable, the company faced a liquidity crunch. Consequently, it completed an AUD 850 million equity raise in fiscal 2020, adding an additional 10% to shares on issue and we forecast the company to carry no net debt for the foreseeable future. The company is not acquisitive and organic growth is driven by R&D spending of roughly 12% of revenue per year.

Wide-moat Cochlear’s fiscal 2021 underlying NPAT rebounded 54% to AUD 237 million following the resumption of elective surgeries. As vaccination rates increase, the firm anticipates a continued recovery and provided fiscal 2022 NPAT guidance of AUD 265 million-285 million. The guidance is based on a USD/AUD exchange rate of 0.74 and doesn’t factor in material disruption from COVID-19. Our fair value increases by 9% to AUD 175, driven by our forecast 0.72 USD/AUD exchange rate from 0.77 prior. We also decreased our long-term assumptions for the tax rate and R&D investment as a percentage of sales to 25% and 12%, respectively, from 27% and 13% prior. 

Fiscal 2021 implant sales grew 19% constant-currency on 15% growth in unit sales. Despite a much stronger USD, our revised fiscal 2022 revenue forecast of AUD 1,627 million implies just 9% growth on fiscal 2021. Shares still screen as overvalued with our forecast five-year revenue growth of 9% unchanged. Cochlear declared a final dividend of AUD 1.40 per share with full-year dividends representing a 71% dividend payout on underlying NPAT but unfranked as a result of fiscal 2020 losses.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Continued strong top-line growth is likely to be more challenging and dependent on growing penetration in emerging markets and adults in developed markets.
  • The more reliable annuitylike revenue stream from sound processor upgrades is forecast to contribute an increasingly larger proportion of group earnings as it is driven by a growing installed base.
  • The company enjoys low capital intensity and high gross margins and cash conversion, enabling Cochlear to afford a 70% dividend payout ratio in a typical year.

Company Profile 

Cochlear is the leading cochlear implant device manufacturer with around 60% global market share. Developed markets contribute 80% of group revenue where cochlear implants are the standard of care for children with severe to profound hearing loss. The company also actively targets the growing cohort of seniors in developed markets. Tender-oriented emerging markets contribute the remaining 20% of group revenue. Main products include cochlear implants, bone-anchored hearing aids, or BAHA, and associated sound processors. In fiscal 2020, 49% of revenue came from the Americas, 35% from EMEA, and 16% from the Asia-Pacific segment.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.