Technology Stocks

Sims Ltd has strong ESG credentials

Investment Thesis

  • Improvement in scrap volumes. 
  • Improvement in scrap prices across key regions. 
  • Cloud recycling could add significant earnings over the long run. 
  • Investment in improving scrap quality should improve SGM’s competitive position. 
  • Undemanding valuation relative to its own historical average and ASX200 Industrials Index. 
  • Self-help initiatives to support earnings. 
  • Improving Return on Capital (ROC). 
  • Current on-market share buyback. 

Key Risks

  • Significant downturn in global economy. 
  • Trade war between China and the U.S. escalates. 
  • Weaker scrap prices in key regions. 
  • Lower volumes. 
  • Regulatory changes – particularly around China’s anti-pollution policies. 
  • Cost pressures impacting group margins. 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Underlying revenue of $9,264.4m was up +56.6%, driven by higher volumes and selling prices (ferrous and non-ferrous). Sales volumes of 8,106m tonnes, was up +12.2%. 
  • Underlying operating earnings (EBIT) of $756.1m was up +95.6% on pcp, driven predominantly by: strong contribution from SA Recycling, contributing the bulk of the $144.8m improvement in JV contribution; non-acquired growth in volumes contributed over $100m; and $307.8m in margin growth. Earnings growth were partially offset by $170.9m increase in organic metal costs. Underlying NPAT of $578.9m was up +103.8%.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 50cps (50% franked), bringing the full year dividend to 91.0cps, up +116.7% YoY. 
  • Return on productive assets (capital efficiency) improved by 16% to 39.0%. 
  • Capital expenditure forecast for FY23 was increased – at the March Investor Day management estimated FY23 sustaining and environmental capex would be approximately $175m, however this has been increased to $220m due to higher spending on environmental and increased costs from inflation. 

Company Description

Sims Ltd (SGM) collects, sorts and processes scrap metal materials which are recycled for resale. SGM’s segments include ferrous recycling, non-ferrous recycling, secondary processing of non-ferrous metals and plastics, international trading of metal commodities and the merchandising of steel semi-fabricated products.

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Dividend Stocks

WOW saw strong 2H22 sales growth improved for all segments except NZ Food, which was impacted by Covid-related disruptions

Investment Thesis

  • High quality fundamentals but trades on fair value considering trading multiples, valuations and dividend yield. 
  • High quality assets, business model and management team. 
  • Leading market positions with key sites in higher population growth areas. 
  • Positively leveraged to the growth in population over time. 
  • Increasing digitisation to remove more costs and increase the efficiency of the supply chain. 
  • Key leading indicators (such as basket size / items per basket) are improving for the core Australian Food segment. 
  • Transaction growth and customer metrics are showing improving trends. 
  • Capital management post Endeavour transaction. 

Key Risks

  • Further margin pressure in the Food & Petrol business. 
  • Increasing competition in retail and changing consumer preference and consumption trends 
  • Deterioration in balance sheet metrics due to earnings decline. 
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD (international sourcing). 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Group sales of $60,849m, up +9.2% and +10.5% in 2H22. WOW saw strong 2H22 sales growth improved for all segments except NZ Food, which was impacted by Covid-related disruptions to availability and a market slowdown
  • Group gross margin was up +35 bps due to an increase in Australian Food of 74 bps offsetting a BIG W decline of 28 bps.
  • Group CODB increased 89 bps, impacted by supply chain and team availability issues impacting efficiency in stores and DCs and the impact of BIG W’s sales decline in 1H22 due to store closures. 
  • EBIT of $2,690m, declined -2.7%, but made a strong recovery in 2H22, up +8.1%, driven by an +9.7% increase in 2H22 Australian Food EBIT. 
  • NPAT of $1,514m, was up +0.7%.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 53cps, down -3.6% (or excluding Endeavour Group, 53cps, up +3.9%). This brings FY22 dividend per share to 92cps, up +1.1%. 

Company Description

Woolworths Limited (WOW) operates supermarkets, specialty and discount department stores, liquor and electronics stores throughout Australia. Woolworths also manufactures processed foods, exports and wholesales foods and offers petrol retailing. The company also operates hotels which includes pubs, food, accommodation, and gaming operations.

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Technology Stocks

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm

Business Strategy & Outlook

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high-end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm. It now has a marine segment with Chris-Craft and Barletta. Towables is an area the company had long wanted to grow in but had remained very small since acquiring Sunnybrook in 2011. Winnebago’s North American towables share is in the teens, up from under 2% before Grand Design, so there’s a long growth runway if it can keep chipping into Thor’s and Forest River’s roughly 80% combined share. In fiscal 2022, towables were about 52% of total revenue compared with just 9% in fiscal 2016. Marine was about 9% of fiscal 2022 sales and Barletta is a top five pontoon brand. Management wants non-RV revenue of 15% by fiscal 2025. High brand equity enabling scale and barriers to entry provide Winnebago with a narrow economic moat.

Leadership sees opportunities to grow with products in new segments such as off-roading and lower price points (but not the cheapest in a segment). Models are no longer cloned, which should help dealer profitability, and products will be positioned around a good, better, best framework. A unit is now not manufactured until it has an order, which should mean little discounting. Acquisitions in the $860 billion-plus outdoor activity market also play a role, but only for high-end brands such as Grand Design, Chris-Craft, Newmar, and Barletta. Industry data shows that 11.2 million U.S. households owned a RV in 2020, up from 6.9 million in 2001. 60% of first-time campers are under age 40 and have a household income of $100,000 or more versus 29% for all campers. 82% of new campers since the pandemic have children and Hispanic and Black consumers were 25% of all campers in 2020, up from 8% in 2012, so Winnebago has plenty of runway with a wide consumer base if it executes right. Winnebago’s brand equity gives it a good shot at capitalizing on these trends. The pandemic-induced outdoor lifestyle boom has also given the company a $2.3 billion RV backlog at year-end fiscal 2022, up from about $400 million at the end of fiscal 2019.

Financial Strengths

The balance sheet lacks the massive legacy costs that burden some other manufacturers because Winnebago’s workforce is not unionized. Winnebago’s untapped $350 million credit line, good through July 15, 2027, coupled with about $282 million of cash should get the firm through nearly any challenge. A 9% increase in the dividend in summer 2020, despite the pandemic at the time, is a good sign of financial health, as is a 50% increase announced in August 2021 and another 50% increase in August 2022. Winnebago’s balance sheet had been free of long-term debt since the mid-1990s.  Having no debt limits the downside to equity investors, but new leadership was exploring whether to add debt and did so in fiscal 2017 with $353 million to fund part of the consideration to buy Grand Design. Debt as of Aug. 27 totaled $600 million, before a $45.3 million convertible note discount and $8.9 million of debt issuance costs, and consists of $300 million of 1.5% April 2025 unsecured senior convertible notes issued to buy Newmar (along with the company issuing 2 million shares of stock to the seller at $46.29) and $300 million of 2028 6.25% senior secured bonds. The convertible notes are not callable, can be converted any time starting Oct. 1, 2024, and have a conversion price of $63.73 per share. The target range for net debt/adjusted EBITDA is 0.9-1.5 times, but management is willing to leverage up to 3.0 times to make an acquisition. Net debt/adjusted EBITDA was 0.5 times at the end of fiscal 2022. Winnebago has no significant pension obligations and stopped paying retiree healthcare in 2017.  Winnebago is to be comfortably free cash flow positive in the long term. It is to repurchase its shares only when they’re cheap and buybacks be done at a minimum to offset dilution from stock option issuance. Acquisitions and other growth investments are a priority over buybacks but buyback spending was $214.3 million in fiscal 2022.

Bulls Say

  • The Grand Design acquisition materially raised Winnebago’s operating margin, and Newmar could do the same. 
  • The company’s strong balance sheet provides financial strength and flexibility to withstand cyclical downturns. 
  • Because RV consumers are relatively affluent, rising gas prices would probably not hinder a consumer’s ability to purchase a motorhome. A 2016 study by travel consulting firm PKF Consulting found that for a family of four, gas prices would have to exceed $12 a gallon to make RV travel more expensive than other forms of travel.

Company Description

Winnebago Industries manufactures Class A, B, and C motor homes along with towables, customized specialty vehicles, boats, and parts. Headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Winnebago has been producing recreational vehicles since 1958. Revenue was about $5 billion in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into towables in 2011 with the acquisition of SunnyBrook and acquired Grand Design in November 2016. Towables made up 83% of the firm’s RV unit volume, up from 31% in fiscal 2016. The company’s total RV unit volume was 71,922 in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into boating in 2018 with the purchase of ChrisCraft, bought premium motor home maker Newmar in November 2019, and bought Barletta pontoon boats in August 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Gilden has approximately 80% market share in printwear basics and acquisitions have made it a stronger player in fashion basics

Business Strategy & Outlook

Gildan Activewear lacks a moat, which has put it in a difficult position as it navigates disruption from the coronavirus pandemic and inflation. While Gildan began a private-label men’s underwear contract with wide-moat Walmart in 2019, this product has largely replaced Gildan-branded underwear and only partially offsets losses in other areas. Narrow-moat Hanesbrands and Fruit of the Loom have stronger innerwear brands, allowing them to hold significant shelf space at Walmart, no-moat Target, and other critical retailers. Mass retailers reportedly account for more than 60% of total underwear sales in the United States. Gildan has purchased a few notable brands, including Gold Toe (socks) and American Apparel (inexpensive fashion/printwear), having invested about $500 million in acquisitions since 2014. The company, though, no longer reports branded apparel as a separate business segment and recorded an impairment to goodwill related to its hosiery in 2020. It acknowledges market share losses to private-label brands, especially in socks, and its total yearly hosiery and underwear sales declined 21% between 2017 and 2021. 

There is a possibility that Gildan may end some of its hosiery programs to concentrate on its private-label business. Gildan’s success in printwear to its investments in the category and its cost-efficient production model. The firm has approximately 80% market share in printwear basics and acquisitions have made it a stronger player in fashion basics. Gildan’s printwear benefits from its strong supply chain as most of its clothing is manufactured in company-owned factories in low-wage, developing countries. Moreover, Gildan, unlike rivals, owns yarn-spinning factories in the U.S. that may improve its efficiency. In 2021, it bolstered its U.S. production with the acquisition of Frontier Yarns for about $170 million. Gildan’s investments have lowered its production costs, a permanent cost advantage hasn’t been created as its processes can be replicated by competitors and cost savings may be lost to lower prices.

Financial Strengths

In a move, Gildan cut spending to conserve cash during the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. Specifically, the firm lowered selling, general, and administrative expenses by 20%, suspended its dividends and share repurchases, and reduced its capital expenditures. However, as its results and finances improved in 2021, it stepped up cash usage, with capital expenditures of $127 million (4.4% of sales), about $250 million in share repurchases, and $90 million in dividend payments. Capital expenditures will rise to 6%-7% of sales over the next three years due to building projects and efficiency investments. Over the next decade, annual average repurchases of about $330 million and an annual average dividend payout ratio of 23%. Gildan’s total liquidity is solid. As of the end of September 2022, the firm had $920 million in debt, but also $69 million in cash and $680 million available on its revolving credit facility. Gildan will generate about $227 million in free cash flow to equity in 2022, more than enough to cover its obligations. Gildan renegotiated its debt covenants in June 2020 to avoid a possible violation. The firm closed 2019 with net debt/adjusted EBITDA of about 1.4 times, but this increased to 3.0 times at the end of 2020 because of the increased debt and a 70% drop in adjusted EBITDA for the year. However, its net debt/adjusted EBITDA fell to 0.6 times at the end of 2021 on debt reduction and higher EBITDA.

Bulls Say

  • Gildan has dominant market share in printwear basics and has invested in a low-cost production and distribution process to maintain its position. This business is recovering from the severe impact of the pandemic.
  • In 2019, Gildan won a contract with Walmart to supply men’s underwear for its in-house brand called George. While a blow to its branded business, the deal increased Gildan’s shelf space in the category.
  • Gildan’s Back to Basics efficiency strategy should allow it to hold operating margins around 18%, an improvement from prepandemic levels of about 15%.

Company Description

Gildan is a vertically-integrated designer and manufacturer of basic apparel, including T-shirts, underwear, socks, and hosiery. Its primary market is the sale of blank T-shirts and other apparel to wholesalers, major clothing brands, and printers (printwear). Gildan also sells branded clothing through retail and direct-to-consumer channels. Brands include Gildan, American Apparel, Comfort Colors, and Gold Toe. Gildan produces most of its clothing at factories in Latin America. The Montreal-based company generates most of its sales in the U.S. and was incorporated in 1984.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and marketing skills

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nufarm is a major producer of crop-protection products including herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, selling into all major world markets. The company is leveraged to growing demand for crops for biofuels, and food from rapidly industrializing markets such as China and India. Growth should come from astute brand and offshore business investments and from a customer service-focused strategy. However, the global crop-protection markets are competitive and earnings are cyclical, given a reliance on seasonal conditions. Sumitomo Chemical’s investment in Nufarm endorses the quality of its global distribution. Collaboration broadens product portfolios and adds distribution in Asia. Continued growth in food demand in industrializing nations should underwrite long-term earnings growth. Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and skills in marketing post-patent crop-protection products. Global expansion in recent years reduced dependency on the domestic market. The company’s dominance in Australia has become less certain, with glyphosate pricing coming under considerable pressure. Due to the competitive nature of its markets, lack of pricing power and exposure to cyclical agricultural demand, Nufarm doesn’t possess an economic moat. Returns on invested capital have historically failed to meet the cost of capital.

In addition to its crop-protection business, Nufarm has a seed technologies business. With this, it aims to broaden its portfolio of products, all of which are targeted to improve agricultural yields. Nufarm has a growing presence in North America and Europe. Sound sales momentum has been evident in North America and Europe. Several Chinese companies have previously expressed interest in acquiring Nufarm, but withdrew either because of too high a price demanded by the board, or because of reduced availability of debt. In 2010, Japanese company Sumitomo Chemical bought 20% of Nufarm, subsequently increasing its stake to 23% before diluting to 16% and then selling out completely in 2022.

Financial Strengths

Nufarm’s balance sheet is in great shape. In early April 2020, the company received AUD 1.2 billion net sale proceeds from major shareholder Sumitomo, for the sale of its South American crop protection and seed treatment operations in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile. This significantly bolstered the finances at a very fortuitous time, coming mid coronavirus. Prior to this in January 2020, group net debt had stood at a whopping AUD 1.6 billion. Nufarm’s under-leveraged balance sheet remains a strength. At Sept. 30, 2022, net debt stood at a modest AUD 204 million excluding leases, leverage of just 9% and annualized net debt/EBITDA of 0.5 is very comfortable. Leverage is well below management’s net debt/EBITDA target range of 1.5 to 2.0. Nufarm is to be unleveraged within a year all else being equal. It would be wise for the company to remain modestly leveraged at most, given vagaries of the weather, earnings seasonality, and new product ramp-up requirements.

Bulls Say

  • Nufarm benefits from potential strength in soft commodities markets.
  • Nufarm has well-established distribution platforms in most major global agricultural markets.
  • Product and geographic diversification helps reduce earnings volatility.

Company Description

Nufarm Limited is a global crop-protection company that develops, manufactures, and sells a range of crop-protection products, including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Nufarm sells its products in most of the world’s major agricultural regions, and operates primarily in the off-patent segment of the crop-protection market. Nufarm operates along two business lines: crop protection and seed technologies.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Rayonier’s New Zealand business is the firm’s largest timber segment by revenue

Business Strategy & Outlook

Rayonier is the second largest timberland real estate investment trust, or REIT, in North America, managing roughly 1.8 million acres in the southern U.S., 500,000 acres in the Pacific Northwest, and over 400,000 acres in New Zealand. As a REIT, Rayonier distributes its REIT income to shareholders without having to pay corporate level incomes taxes. Cash flow is generated through timber harvesting and the sale of land that it determines has higher value than if it remained in its portfolio. Unlike some of its competitors, Rayonier is a pure-play REIT. The firm generates most of its revenue from the sale of timber and does not produce wood or paper products. While some of its operations are subject to U.S. federal and state income taxes (New Zealand business and log trading), a majority of Rayonier’s income is tax-exempt under its REIT status.

A significant majority of Rayonier’s timberland acreage (70%) is located in the southern region of the U.S., but the firm derives a comparable amount of revenue in each of its regions. In its southern region, roughly two thirds of sales volume are from pulpwood timber, which is used in a variety of pulp and paper products. The remaining one third of volume is higher value sawtimber and serves general construction and homebuilding end markets. Rayonier’s Pacific Northwest timber business sells sawtimber to domestic customers and exports timber to Pacific Rim markets. Homebuilding and general construction are the main end markets for Rayonier’s Pacific Northwest operation. Rayonier’s New Zealand business is the firm’s largest timber segment by revenue. It operates as a joint venture, with Rayonier owning a 77% controlling interest in the subsidiary. The majority of its timberland portfolio in New Zealand is composed of sawtimber that serves the construction end market. Rayonier’s New Zealand operations reduce the firm’s reliance on North American construction as much of its production is exported to China, South Korea, and India.

Financial Strengths

Rayonier has a sound capital structure, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital allocation decisions. The firm has historically operated with moderate amounts of leverage. Net debt/adjusted EBITDA dropped below 3.0 times in 2021, but it will return to historical levels as lumber prices retreat from all-time highs and the firm’s EBITDA normalizes. The firm has roughly $1.3 billion in outstanding debt with staggered maturities through 2031, but its next maturity isn’t until 2025 when roughly $24 million is due. Rayonier’s outstanding debt is dwarfed by its substantial timberland portfolio. Its strong asset base should provide the firm with ample access to capital markets should it need to raise additional capital for future acquisitions or capital allocation decisions. Going forward, the firm to continue evaluating timberland acquisitions in the United States and New Zealand that it believes will add value to its timberland portfolio.

Bulls Say

  • The vast majority of Rayonier’s timberland is located in the southeastern region of the U.S. It is the most popular region for sawmill capacity increases and will provide a strong avenue for timber volume and price growth.
  • Rayonier’s New Zealand business reduces the firm’s reliance on North American construction markets and will enable the firm to capitalize on rising wood demand in Asia.
  • Rayonier’s timberland is set to become increasingly valuable as alternative uses for its land in the U.S. become more popular.

Company Description

Rayonier Inc is a real estate investment trust. The company owns and manages timberland. It derives revenue from the following core business segments: Southern Timber, Pacific Northwest Timber, New Zealand Timber, Real Estate, and Trading. The majority of revenue is earned from the New Zealand timber segment. It owns land in the United States and New Zealand.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

GrainCorp has historically handled up to 60% of the east-coast grain crop and 30% of the country’s total grain exports

Business Strategy & Outlook

GrainCorp enjoys significant market shares in grain storage, handling, and port elevation services along the eastern seaboard of Australia. Earnings are heavily affected by seasonal conditions, but the diversification into oilseed crushing and refining reduces earnings volatility and provides growth opportunities. However, the firm hasn’t carved an economic moat, and forecast returns on invested capital to trail the firm’s cost of capital over the long term. GrainCorp’s core Australian grain storage and logistics business is heavily reliant on favorable weather patterns. Accordingly, it has had some strong years during bumper grain harvests, but with a high fixed-cost base, even after substantial asset reduction, earnings can quickly evaporate in poor seasons. While the company’s upcountry storage network would be difficult to replicate from scratch, on-farm storage is a competitive threat, particularly in drought years when a larger share of the crop moves direct from farm to customer, bypassing GrainCorp’s storage network. Port competition has also increased in recent years, and regulation remains high. In a bumper harvest year, GrainCorp has historically handled up to 60% of the east-coast grain crop and 30% of the country’s total grain exports, but in a poor year, these market shares can trend closer to 30% and below 5%, respectively. GrainCorp’s market share of the eastern grain crop stabilized at levels near 40% over time, and export share above 20%, representing an average crop year.

Beyond storage and logistics, the grain marketing segment competes domestically and internationally against other major commodities trading houses such as Cargill and Glencore. This is a competitive market, and GrainCorp isn’t having any advantage relative to these large global players. The firm will likely remain at the mercy of Australian grain competitiveness relative to global pricing. Similarly, GrainCorp’s oil crushing and refining business remains competitive. Profitability is expected in this segment to improve due to cost-savings measures and ongoing growth, the segment doesn’t enjoys durable competitive advantages.

Financial Strengths

GrainCorp’s capital structure is reasonable. It comprises debt and equity, with noncore debt associated with the funding of grain marketing inventory. As a result of swings in crop prices, GrainCorp’s cash flow and working capital requirements can be volatile, so the company will need to draw down on debt on demand. As at Sept. 30, 2022, core debt (net debt less commodity inventory) was cash-positive and total net debt was AUD 540 million. There’s a risk that earnings pressure in drought-affected years could test debt covenants with its bank lenders. The primary metrics are its net debt/capital gearing ratio and EBITDA/interest ratio. Gearing ratios can be volatile, given the swings in inventory levels. The net debt gearing ratio (net debt/net debt plus equity) sat at over 27% as at Sept. 30, 2022 due to high inventory levels. Accordingly, core debt gearing (core debt/core debt plus equity) was negligible. Management doesn’t disclose the minimum EBITDA/interest ratio. In fiscal 2020, this ratio was about 4 times on an adjusted basis, but improved to 13 times and 20 times in fiscal 2021 and 2022, respectively.

Bulls Say

  • With strategic processing, storage, and transportation assets, GrainCorp’s size gives the company scale advantages over regional competitors.
  • Global thematic, such as increased food demand, particularly in Asia, should benefit agribusinesses such as GrainCorp.
  • Despite divesting the malt business, GrainCorp has entered into a new grains derivative contract which assists with smoothing out earnings through the cycle.

Company Description

GrainCorp is an agribusiness with an integrated business model operating across three divisions. The company operates the largest grain storage and logistics network in eastern Australia. GrainCorp

provides grain marketing services to all major grain-producing regions in Australia, as well as to

Canadian and U.K. growers. The company has also diversified into edible oil refining and supply, and bulk liquid storage.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and marketing skills

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nufarm is a major producer of crop-protection products including herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, selling into all major world markets. The company is leveraged to growing demand for crops for biofuels, and food from rapidly industrializing markets such as China and India. Growth should come from astute brand and offshore business investments and from a customer service-focused strategy. However, the global crop-protection markets are competitive and earnings are cyclical, given a reliance on seasonal conditions. Sumitomo Chemical’s investment in Nufarm endorses the quality of its global distribution. Collaboration broadens product portfolios and adds distribution in Asia. Continued growth in food demand in industrializing nations should underwrite long-term earnings growth. Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and skills in marketing post-patent crop-protection products. Global expansion in recent years reduced dependency on the domestic market. The company’s dominance in Australia has become less certain, with glyphosate pricing coming under considerable pressure. Due to the competitive nature of its markets, lack of pricing power and exposure to cyclical agricultural demand, Nufarm doesn’t possess an economic moat. Returns on invested capital have historically failed to meet the cost of capital.

In addition to its crop-protection business, Nufarm has a seed technologies business. With this, it aims to broaden its portfolio of products, all of which are targeted to improve agricultural yields. Nufarm has a growing presence in North America and Europe. Sound sales momentum has been evident in North America and Europe. Several Chinese companies have previously expressed interest in acquiring Nufarm, but withdrew either because of too high a price demanded by the board, or because of reduced availability of debt. In 2010, Japanese company Sumitomo Chemical bought 20% of Nufarm, subsequently increasing its stake to 23% before diluting to 16% and then selling out completely in 2022.

Financial Strengths

Nufarm’s balance sheet is in great shape. In early April 2020, the company received AUD 1.2 billion net sale proceeds from major shareholder Sumitomo, for the sale of its South American crop protection and seed treatment operations in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile. This significantly bolstered the finances at a very fortuitous time, coming mid coronavirus. Prior to this in January 2020, group net debt had stood at a whopping AUD 1.6 billion. Nufarm’s under-leveraged balance sheet remains a strength. At Sept. 30, 2022, net debt stood at a modest AUD 204 million excluding leases, leverage of just 9% and annualized net debt/EBITDA of 0.5 is very comfortable. Leverage is well below management’s net debt/EBITDA target range of 1.5 to 2.0. Nufarm is to be unleveraged within a year all else being equal. It would be wise for the company to remain modestly leveraged at most, given vagaries of the weather, earnings seasonality, and new product ramp-up requirements.

Bulls Say

  • Nufarm benefits from potential strength in soft commodities markets.
  • Nufarm has well-established distribution platforms in most major global agricultural markets.
  • Product and geographic diversification helps reduce earnings volatility.

Company Description

Nufarm Limited is a global crop-protection company that develops, manufactures, and sells a range of crop-protection products, including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Nufarm sells its products in most of the world’s major agricultural regions, and operates primarily in the off-patent segment of the crop-protection market. Nufarm operates along two business lines: crop protection and seed technologies.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Vitesco has been winning large amounts of new business due to the industry’s transition to electrified powertrains

Business Strategy & Outlook

Vitesco will capitalize on vehicle electrification arising from global clean air regulation. Vitesco’s products are used in internal combustion engines, hybrid electric, battery electric, and fuel cell electric vehicles. The company’s electrified vehicle powertrain product lines should support revenue growth in the mid-single-digit range, despite non core ICE product lines which are declining. The company benefits from its ability to continuously innovate, a global manufacturing footprint, highly integrated long-term customer ties, high customer switching costs, and moderate pricing power from new technologies. Vitesco has been winning large amounts of new business due to the industry’s transition to electrified powertrains. While 2021 electrification sales amounted to EUR 888 million (from more than one operating segment) out of the consolidated total of EUR 8.3 billion, 2021 electrification order intake was EUR 5.1 billion. Vitesco has a cumulative EUR 16.8 billion electrification order intake backlog (EUR 51 billion total order intake backlog). Once an order is taken, development for a vehicle powertrain takes two to four years, during which Vitesco incurs development costs without any associated revenues. The production phase, when revenue is generated, lasts between five-10 years.

Vitesco’s large number of new contracts in development phase, relative to the low number in production, leads to net losses through 2024 and break even in 2025 for the electrification technology operating segment. The segment’s 2025 revenue is EUR 1.95 billion, up from EUR 587 million in 2021. Vitesco to wind down contract manufacturing for its former parent, Continental AG, with revenue dropping from EUR 1.05 billion in 2021 to zero in 2028. Noncore ICE revenue to decline from about EUR 2.0 billion in 2020 to EUR 665 million in 2031. Because of high growth electrified powertrain business, from a 2019 base, 4% average annual consolidated revenue growth during the 10-year, roughly 1-3 percentage points higher than expectations for 1%-3% long-term growth in global light vehicle demand.

Financial Strengths

Vitesco maintains a solid balance sheet and liquidity that, relative to other parts suppliers, makes for strong financial health. Vitesco has ample liquidity and can generate sufficient free cash flow to meet its current financial obligations and weather cyclical downturns. The firm maintains a low level of debt as its net debt / total capital was negative 7.6% (indicating a net cash position) at the end of 2021. The firm has two multicurrency revolving credit facilities including a EUR 750 million core credit facility and an incremental EUR 250 million credit facility. At the end of 2021, Vitesco had EUR 1,614 million in liquidity, including available credit facilities and a EUR 614 million cash balance. Short-term debt was EUR 69.8 million and long-term debt was EUR 199.1 million for a total debt balance of EUR 268.9 million. Vitesco ended 2021 with a 0.3 net adjusted debt/ EBITDAR ratio which takes into consideration cash, operating leases, and rent expense

Bulls Say

  • Global clean air legislation enables Vitesco’s top-line growth to exceed worldwide growth in demand for light vehicles. 
  • The firm’s global manufacturing footprint enables the firm to participate in global vehicle programs and capitalize on global demand. 
  • As automakers consolidate purchases with fewer suppliers, large firms such as Vitesco are in the best position to gain share because they can offer a wide range of products at attractive prices.

Company Description

Vitesco is a global Tier I automotive supplier of internal combustion engine (ICE), hybrid electric (HEV), battery electric (BEV), and fuel cell electric (FCEV) vehicle powertrain components and systems, operating through four segments including electronic controls, sensing & actuation, electrification technology, and contract manufacturing. The company was spun off from Continental AG on Sept. 16, 2021. ICE powertrain products include electronic controls, sensors, actuators, turbochargers, hydraulic components, pumps, and emissions technologies. HEV, BEV, and FCEV products include battery management systems, onboard chargers, battery junction boxes, emotors, inverters, converters, thermal control, electronic control units, pumps, flow control valves, sensors, and actuators.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

With the bank’s acquisition of MB Financial, Fifth Third’s share has improved substantially in the Chicago area

Business Strategy & Outlook

Fifth Third’s reputation as a solidly profitable bank took a hit during the financial crisis. The bank regularly reported returns on equity that exceeded 17% before 2007, largely because of a strong line of fee-income businesses. In 2007, primarily because of weakness in some of the bank’s most significant markets–Ohio, Michigan, and Florida–loan losses began to pile up. Although management could not avoid the impact of operating in hard-hit economies, a generally increasing appetite for risk compounded the bank’s problems. Over the course of 2008-09, loan-loss provisions ate up more than 100% of net interest income. Since the crisis, much has changed, and management has made improvements to the underwriting process and generally improved the bank’s risk management. Fifth Third has emerged from the crisis as one of the Midwest’s more stable banking franchises, with strong deposit share across several large cities in Ohio and Michigan. With the bank’s acquisition of MB Financial, Fifth Third’s share has improved substantially in the Chicago area. 

The bank is also entering a new stage of better cost controls, which when combined with coming rate hikes, should set up the bank for solid operating leverage for years to come and a consistent sub-60% efficiency ratio. These are all necessary moves as the bank figures out how to buoy returns in a post-Worldpay existence. Better card analytics, increased capital markets and M&A offerings, and bolt-on acquisitions should continue to help drive growth in revenues. Fifth Third has experimented with partnerships with financial technology firms, such as GreenSky, the bank has bolstered its investment banking franchise with bolt-on acquisitions, and the bank’s latest acquisition of Dividend Finance should produce steady loan growth for years. The bank has performed from a credit perspective this time around, much better than during the financial crisis. Overall, Fifth Third is a dependable Midwest operator with improved risk management, decent market share in key geographies, and particular strength among its core middle-market clients.

Financial Strengths

Since the financial crisis, Fifth Third had steadily built its capital base to what is considered a healthy level. The bank reported a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 9.1% as of September 2022, in line with management’s target of roughly 9%. Fifth Third is adequately capitalized to withstand future losses while also funding growth.

Bulls Say

  • A strong economy and higher rates are all positives for the banking sector and should propel revenue and profitability even higher for Fifth Third. 
  • Fifth Third’s latest acquisition of Dividend Finance should drive outsized and profitable loan growth for years to come. 
  • Fifth Third may still have additional cost savings waiting in the background, potentially allowing the bank to outperform peers in an otherwise inflationary expense environment.

Company Description

Fifth Third Bancorp is a diversified financial services company headquartered in Cincinnati. The company has over $200 billion in assets and operates numerous full-service banking centers and ATMs throughout Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, and North Carolina.

(Source: Morningstar)

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