Business Strategy and Outlook
SEI Investments consists of four main segments: private banks, investment advisors, institutional investors, and investment managers. A minority interest in value equity manager LSV Asset Management generates about 20% of its pretax income. The firm’s investment advisors, institutional investors, and investment managers segments have been strong drivers of earnings and have strong operating margins, while private banks has been a thorn in SEI’s side, with disappointing revenue growth and operating margins.
SEI’s private banks business primarily provides investment-processing outsourcing services for banks and trusts. Beginning in 2005, SEI began developing a new feature-rich platform known as Wealth Platform to replace its 30-year-old Trust 3000. It initially focused on the U.K. market then the U.S., mostly on converting Trust 3000 clients to Wealth Platform. SEI has faced some client losses but also some wins, such as Regions Financial and more recently Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce’s U.S. business. It is projected for the company to have, low- to mid-single-digit revenue growth and the eventual retirement of SEI’s legacy platform to improve margins over the long term. In addition, as amortization of its platform rolls off, operating margins should improve faster than EBITDA margins.
The investment advisors segment offers investment management services to registered investment advisors, financial planners, and life insurance agents. SEI has been able to offset lower-fee offerings, such as ETFs, with other products, such as tax-efficient portfolios, but fees have been range-bound. One positive for SEI is that the RIA and broker/dealer channels are generally the faster-growing advisor channels. The institutional investors segment provides outsourcing services for chief investment officers, and it is likely, it will continue to face strong competition. Though outflows due to pension risk transfers may slow, it is alleged pressure on the firm’s endowment client base. The investment managers segment has performed well, and net inflows in the near term are anticipated. LSV continues to be very profitable but has been bleeding assets due to underperformance and value investing falling out favor.
Financial Strength
SEI’s financial health is sound in analysts’ view. As of December 2021, SEI had minimal debt ($40 million on a revolver) and except during the financial crisis, it has had little to no debt over the past 10 years. In addition, SEI has over $800 million in cash. SEI has a long record of increasing its dividend each year, and share repurchases continue to boost EPS growth. SEI’s average diluted share count has decreased at a 3% CAGR from 2016 to 2021. During the financial crisis, SEI weathered the storm reasonably well except for losses from structured investment vehicles related to money market funds. Given the severity of the crisis and the lessons learned, a repeat of these losses is very unlikely, in experts’ opinion. Because of SEI’s historical focus on organic growth, it is likely for SEI to continue to increase its dividend and share repurchases concurrent with free cash flow generation.
Bulls Say’s
- Margin expansion in SEI’s private banks segment is plausible and could significantly increase the firm’s earnings power.
- SEI’s investment advisors segment should benefit from the continued growth of fee-based advisors.
- SEI’s client relationships tend to be sticky and last many years because of contract terms and switching costs from process disruption.
Company Profile
SEI Investments provides investment processing, management, and operations services to financial institutions, asset managers, asset owners, and financial advisors in four material segments: private banks, investment advisors, institutional investors, and investment managers. SEI also has a minority interest in LSV Asset Management, a value equity asset manager with about $99 billion in assets under management. As of Dec. 21, SEI (including LSV) manages, administers, or advises on over $1.3 trillion in assets.
(Source: MorningStar)
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