Business Strategy & Outlook
The emergence of cloud-based software in the early 2000s, along with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets and the emergence of software-as-a-service, or SaaS, business models, revolutionized the global software market. Established software providers, such as Sage Group, which historically sold on-premises software via perpetual software licenses, experienced an increase in competition and disruption of established business models. The small and medium enterprise, or SME, accounting software market experienced numerous new cloud-native SaaS providers, such as Xero, which have rapidly grown and won market share from incumbent providers.
Although Sage entered the 2000s as the largest global provider of SME accounting software, the company had grown via acquisition to become a disparate group with numerous products stretched over a large global footprint. This enabled companies, such as Xero, to enter Sage’s domestic U.K. market and rapidly grow, thanks to its modern product, simple and clear value proposition, and a nimble business model.
Sage initially struggled to transition into a cloud-based SaaS provider but finally seems to be making progress. Its acquisition of cloud native accounting software provider Intacct in 2017 was a key step on this journey, which quickly added a strong product and cloud native mindset to the group. The rationalization of the group, both from a geographical and product perspective, is also an ongoing important transition, which will strengthen the group for the new market environment. Sage is likely to experience profit margin compression in the short term as it reinvests into product development and sales and marketing to keep pace with cloud native SaaS providers. However, this should secure the company’s long-term future and eventual profit margin expansion. Despite strong competition, the company is protected by a switching cost based economic moat, and the transition of its customers to cloud based SaaS will protect the business in the long term. Sage’s asset-light business model should enable strong cash generation in the long term, which to underpin dividends and a strong balance sheet.
Financial Strengths
Sage is in good financial shape. As at March 31, 2021, Sage had net debt of GBP 650 million. This implied a net debt/EBITDA ratio of just 1.6 and an EBIT/interest coverage ratio of 14. Generally speaking, Sage’s asset-light business model and economic moat should enable strong cash flow generation, which should support dividend payments and maintain a strong balance sheet.
Bulls Say
- Sage has a renewed focus toward its core cloud accounting software offering and intends to exit businesses and products that do not align to this strategy, optimizing its research and development as well as its sales and marketing strategies in the process.
- Sage’s software-as-a-service business model has low capital investment requirements and predictable recurring earnings leading to strong free cash flow generation.
- The acquisition and integration of Intacct into the Sage group is driving an innovative software culture.
Company Description
Sage Group Plc is a U.K. based provider of accounting and enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software, predominantly to customers in the U.S., Europe, and South Africa. The company was founded in 1981 and historically sold on-premises software products with perpetual software licenses. However, the company is transitioning toward fewer cloud connected and cloud native products, sold via software-as-a-service, or SaaS, contracts. Sage’s main cloud native products include Sage Business Cloud Accounting, for small businesses, and Sage Intacct, which Sage acquired in 2017, for medium-size businesses.
(Source: Morningstar)
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