Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Soaring Refiner Margin Launch No-Moat Ampols Q2 2022. FVE Increases to AUD 34.50

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Ampol owns and operates a major refined petroleum product import terminal at Kurnell in Sydney and a refinery at Lytton in Brisbane. Annual refining capacity fell by half to 6.0 billion liters, about one third of company marketed volumes, when Kurnell closed. Kurnell refinery was shut in 2014 because of operational issues and unfavorable demand for the product mix. Refineries and finished product import terminals are integrated with pipelines, distribution, and marketing. The national service station network exceeds 2,000, including 350 jointly branded Ampol/Woolworths (ASX: WOW) sites. Strong growth in transport fuels reflects favorable market attributes. Australia’s relatively sparse rail network and low population density favor trucks for distribution of goods. Pandemics notwithstanding, volumes in the Australian liquid fuels market grow at close to growth rates in gross domestic product, with solid increases in diesel and jet fuel consumption offsetting a slow decline in petrol. 

Ampol’s extensive network and comprehensive product offerings provide some competitive advantage. A very efficient supply chain makes Ampol an effective competitor. Still don’t see this as sufficient to justify a moat rating other than none. The closure of refining sees Ampol’s business rest largely on fuel distribution. In this space, it wrestles with expert competition in BP, Shell, and Mobil. Potential long-term threats include substitution of diesel for alternative fuels such as liquid natural gas, or LNG, and electricity. In the case of LNG in particular, Ampol is likely to participate in any shift via its logistics network and filling stations. Ampol maintains a market-leading 35% share of all transport fuels sold. Ampol substantially rests on its competitive supply chain now that Kurnell has been converted into an import terminal. Competitive pressures in the refining segment meant Ampol could not earn its cost of capital on Kurnell. The highly profitable and fast-growing marketing segment can enjoy increased investment that was previously wasted in laggard refining. Ampol successfully completed an NZD 2.0 billion bid for New Zealand peer Z Energy in first-half 2022.

Financial Strengths:  

Ampol completed a NZD 2.0 billion or NZD 3.78 per share cash offer for Z Energy via scheme of arrangement in first-half 2022. Company viewed this as a sound move on its part given compelling value. Ampol funded the acquisition in accordance with its existing capital allocation framework, including an adjusted net debt/EBITDA target of 2.0-2.5 times. Ampol will have to sell down some New Zealand assets to meet NZ competition guidelines. This includes the Gull network. Z Energy had NZD 608 million net debt at end March 2021, net debt/EBITDA of 2.67 quite high versus Ampol’s AUD 724 million at end December 2021, but this in the context of a low growth company focused on yield. Ampol’s standalone leverage was conservative at 18.6% (ND/(ND+E)) and annualized net debt/EBITDA is just 0.8. Company expected Ampol’s post acquisition gearing to temporarily increase to around 35%, ignoring potential for an equity raise or asset sell down. While this is manageable and within Ampol’s target net debt/EBITDA range of 2.0-2.5, current strong cash flows courtesy of refiner margins will be more than welcome. The balance sheet is in reasonable shape to fund a minimum AUD 100 million investment in new energy and decarbonization projects.

Bulls Say: 

  • Ampol is well placed, with a leading market share in transport fuels. This position is backed by an extensive distribution network. 
  • Australia’s demand for transport fuels is growing at close to GDP rates. 
  • Closing the highest-cost Kurnell refining operations materially improved return on invested capital.

Company Description:  

Ampol (nee Caltex) is the largest and only Australian-listed petroleum refiner and distributor, with operations in all states and territories. It was a major international brand of Chevron’s until that 50% owner sold out in 2015. Caltex transitioned to Ampol branding due to Chevron terminating its license to use the Caltex brand in Australia. Ampol has operated for more than 100 years. It owns and operates a refinery at Lytton in Brisbane, but closed Sydney’s Kurnell refinery to focus on the more profitable distribution/retail segment. It successfully completed a NZD 2.0 billion bid for New Zealand peer Z Energy in first-half 2022. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Munich Re is the largest reinsurer in the world by gross premiums written

Business Strategy & Outlook

Munich Re is the largest reinsurer in the world by gross premiums written. A business of this size in an industry that is geared toward diversification rarely has an opportunity to improve returns on equity beyond efficiency. By that, they carve out a superior competitive position by utilizing information technology and scale in order to drive down expenses. However, in the case of Munich Re, while the occurrence of this dynamic, the implementation of innovative technology was key to the ongoing strategic positioning and development of the business. What is witnessed is institutional knowledge that is being transferred from one specialist area within the business to a division that is more commonly associated as a commodity. In the years that this transfer has taken place, one can see an improvement in divisional operating metrics. For the business unit in question, to calculate this as operating profit over gross premiums written. 

More broadly, over the past two decades, only one of Munich Re’s divisions has earned its cost of capital: nonlife reinsurance. Here, the division has earned an implied 12.3% return on equity versus the 9.0% that at the group level. Returns to shareholders in the life reinsurance division have been anemic at around 4.7% over this same period. However, it is work in the primary insurance division that is creating a competitive tailwind, combined with a growing contribution from risk solutions that houses the Hartford Steam Boiler business and sits within nonlife reinsurance.

Financial Strengths

The Munich Re is generally in good financial health and one can assess this through the solvency position. Munich Re reported a 231% solvency ratio at the end of first-quarter 2022, above its targeted 175% to 220% range.

Bulls Say

  • Munich Re has one of the strongest management teams in European insurance coverage. 
  • There is a strong focus on innovation in the business that is unusual for a company of this size and leadership. 
  • The turnaround to date of Ergo has been strong. This division is now earning over its cost of capital and there continues to be scope for improvement.

Company Description

Munich Re is one of the largest reinsurance firms in the world. It also serves clients with primary insurance.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Dividend Stocks

Australian Household Debt Levels Are a Risk, But Westpac Is Not as Risky as Share Price Implies

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Westpac Bank is the second-largest of Australia’s four major banks. The bank provides a range of banking and financial services to retail and business customers, including mortgages, consumer finance, credit cards, business loans, and term deposits. Following the divestment of its financial planning and advice business, even its wealth arm–BT Financial Group–is likely to go. Under new leadership, most non banking units are being divested, including general, life, and mortgage insurance. Westpac’s strategy is anchored in its commitment to conservatively manage risk across all business areas, following its near-death experience in the early 1990s. The multi-brand, customer-focused strategy aims to capture an increasing share of business from its Australian and New Zealand banking and wealth management customer base. 

Westpac established itself as an integrated financial services group in the early 2000s with its expansion into wealth management, acquiring Rothschild, BT Financial Services, and Hastings. The company diversified domestically by acquiring St. George Bank in 2008, providing access to a broader customer base and adding scale. Westpac has a 22% share of home lending. While risks directly related to coronavirus have abated, wage pressures, labor, and supply chain challenges, and high inflation pose challenges as the cash rate increases. The main current influences on earnings growth are modest credit growth and widening margins as the banks reprice lending rates in a rising cash-rate environment. Operating expenses should continue to fall as the bank resets its cost base after completing a number of remediation and technology projects. The bank has suffered from slow approval times in home lending, but expects increased resources and digital investments to improve service levels. After enjoying super-low impairment charges pre-2020, large loan losses expected due to COVID-19 resulted in large provisions in fiscal 2020.The expected return to midcycle levels around 0.18% in fiscal 2025.

Financial Strengths:  

Westpac comfortably meets APRA’s common equity Tier 1 ratio benchmark of 10.5%. The bank’s common equity Tier 1 ratio was 11.3% as at March. 31, 2022, with the bank’s target range of 11% to 11.5%. This is based on APRA’s globally conservative methodology and a top-quartile internationally comparable 17.4%. The risk of higher loan losses is viewed and credit stress inflating risk-weighted assets as the greatest threat to the bank’s capital position in the near term. In the past three years, the proportion of customer deposits to total funding is about 60% to 65%, reducing exposure to volatile funding markets. After completing an AUD 3.5 billion share buyback in February 2022 Westpac has AUD 3.8 billion in excess capital as at March 31, 2022.

Bulls Say: 

  • Improving economic conditions underpin profit growth from fiscal 2021. Productivity improvements are likely from fiscal 2023.
  • Cost and capital advantages over regional banks and neo-banks provide a strong platform to drive credit growth.
  • Consumer banking provides earnings diversity to complement the more volatile returns generated from business and wholesale banking activities.

Company Description: 

Westpac is Australia’s oldest bank and financial services group, with a significant franchise in Australia and New Zealand in the consumer, small business, corporate, and institutional sectors, in addition to its major presence in wealth management. Westpac is among a handful of banks around the globe currently retaining very high credit ratings. The bank benefits from a large national branch network and significant market share, particularly in home loans and retail deposits.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Wide-Moat Nike Faces Challenges, but Its Powerful Brand and Digital Strategy Position It Well

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Company views Nike as the leader of the athletic apparel market and believes it will overcome the challenge of COVID-19 despite near-term supply issues. The wide moat rating on the company is based on its intangible brand asset, it will maintain premium pricing and generate economic profits for at least 20 years. Nike, the largest athletic footwear brand in all major categories and in all major markets, dominates categories like running and basketball with popular shoe styles. While it does face significant competition, the company believes it has proven over a long period that it can maintain share and pricing. Company thinks Nike’s strategies allow it to maintain its leadership position. Over the last few years, Nike has invested in its direct-to-consumer network while cutting wholesale accounts like Belk and Dillard’s. In North America and elsewhere, the firm has reduced its exposure to undifferentiated retailers while increasing its connections with a small number of retailers that bring the Nike brand closer to consumers, carry a full range of products, and allow it to control the brand message. Nike’s consumer plan is led by its Triple Double strategy to double innovation, speed, and direct connections to consumers. Triple Double includes cutting product creation times in half, increasing membership in Nike’s mobile apps, and improving the selection of key franchises while reducing its styles by 25%. It is considered that these strategies will allow Nike to hold shares and pricing.

 Although its recent results in China have been inconsistent due to supply issues and a political controversy, I still believe Nike has a great opportunity for growth there and in other emerging markets. The firm experienced double-digit annual sales growth in six of the past eight years in greater China and, fueled by high government investment in athletics, it will do so again after the current difficulties have passed. Moreover, with worldwide distribution and huge e-commerce that exceeded $10 billion in fiscal 2022, Nike should benefit as more people in China, Latin America, and other developing regions move into the middle class and gain broadband access.

Financial Strengths:  

Company believes Nike is in excellent financial shape to weather the COVID-19 crisis. At the end of fiscal 2021, Nike had $9.4 billion in debt but $13 billion in cash and short-term investments. Its debt/adjusted EBITDA and debt/equity were 1.3 and 0.6, respectively. Nike does not have any long-term debt maturities until May 1, 2023, when its $500 million in 2.25% senior unsecured debt matures, but it does have significant endorsement commitments of more than $1 billion per year. Nike has an unused credit facility of $1 billion and a separate $3 billion commercial paper facility for short-term borrowing, so it has significant unused borrowing capacity. The firm, with its investment-grade credit ratings, could easily increase debt for stock repurchases or other uses. Nike may also make acquisitions, although these are likely to be technology-focused and fiscally immaterial. It is anticipated Nike will continue to return significant cash to shareholders. The firm produced $20.6 billion in free cash flow to equity over the past five years, and estimates it will generate more than $40 billion in free cash flow to equity over the next five. It completed a $12 billion stock-repurchase program authorized in 2015 and has begun to repurchase stock under a four-year, $15 billion stock-repurchase program authorized in 2018. Moreover, Nike issued $1.8 billion in dividends in fiscal 2022, and forecast an average annual dividend payout ratio of 28% over the next decade. Over the next five fiscal years, the company forecasts that Nike will repurchase about $24 billion in stock and issue $11 billion in dividends.

Bulls Say: 

  • Nike has a great opportunity in fast-growing markets like China. More than 70% of Nike’s growth over the next five years may come from outside North America. 
  • Nike’s Triple Double strategy of increased innovation, direct-to-consumer sales, and speed may improve margins and share. Membership growth in its digital channel has exceeded expectations.  
  • Nike’s gross margins may expand by a couple dozen basis points per year through automation, ecommerce, and higher prices. Nike is actively shifting sales to differentiated retail in North America to increase full-priced sales.

Company Description:  

Nike is the largest athletic footwear and apparel brand in the world. It designs, develops, and markets athletic apparel, footwear, equipment, and accessories in six major categories: running, basketball, football (soccer), training, sportswear, and Jordan. Footwear generates about two thirds of its sales. Nike’s brands include Nike, Jordan, and Converse (casual footwear). Nike sells products worldwide and outsources its production to more than 300 factories in more than 30 countries. Nike was founded in 1964 and is based in Beaverton, Oregon. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps

Business Strategy & Outlook

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps. These two product areas contribute around three fourths of revenue and four fifths of profit for the company. Its two smaller divisions, industrial technique and power technique, make up the remaining revenue. The company’s equipment is highly engineered, often with customization and application-specific variations. To that point, equipment sales are done by engineers. End markets for the company’s compressors are diverse, from automotive assembly to food processing. However, for vacuum pumps, semiconductor chip demand is the key driver. The electronics industry contributes two thirds of vacuum pump division revenue and, as a result, nearly one fifth of revenue for Atlas Copco at the group level.

 The economic cycle can cause short-term demand volatility, but the company’s flexible cost structure and large portion of service revenue underpin double-digit margin and returns throughout the cycle. Around 75% of its equipment components are outsourced. Maintenance services and spare parts contribute more than one third of group revenue. The company leverages its large service operations and trains its technicians to service competitors’ equipment as well as its own. The compressor division brings in the largest portion of service revenue at more than 40% of division revenue. The Atlas Copco’s compressor division is around twice as large as its closest competitor, Ingersoll Rand. Atlas Copco uses this near ubiquity to its advantage by acquiring other equipment and tool portfolios that it can sell to its air compressor base. Higher-volume production capabilities and an installed distribution channel allow the company to globalize the products of its acquired businesses at a lower cost than those operations could achieve by themselves.

Financial Strengths

Atlas Copco has a strong balance sheet, with around SEK 29 billion in gross debt and a net debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 1 times at the end of March 2022. Included in its debt is around SEK 11 billion in debt maturities through to 2026. However, one cannot see this as a risk as a forecast roughly SEK 22 billion in annual free cash flow for the medium term, which in theory would enable the company to pay down its total gross debt within three years.

Bulls Say

  • Atlas Copco’s tools are used in automation, including robotic applications, and offer some structural growth to an otherwise cyclical revenue stream. 
  • The expansion into vacuum technologies gives Atlas Copco exposure to long-term semiconductor growth. 
  • The company’s large, experienced service organization should help it to continue to gain share of service revenue across its own products and potentially competitors’ equipment, particularly for compressors.

Company Description

Atlas Copco is a 140-year-old Swedish company and a pioneer in air compression technology. Today, the company is still the world’s leading air compressor manufacturer, with around 25% market share. The company’s product portfolio includes power tools and vacuum pumps. For vacuum pumps, the semiconductor chip cycle is a key demand driver. The company generates revenue from three sources: initial equipment sales, spare parts, and maintenance. Its operations span 180 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Fastenal Reports Solid Sales and Margin Growth in its Second Quarter 2022 Results

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Since opening its first fasteners store in 1967, Fastenal has built one of the largest industrial distribution businesses in the United States. For many years, Fastenal’s growth story was driven by its branch count, which now stands just under 1,800. While this expansive footprint is still an important component of Fastenal’s business model, other strategies–including expanding its product portfolio, its vending and inventory management services, and, most recently, its on-site program–have become increasingly important growth drivers. The benefits of Fastenal’s vending, inventory management, and on-site services are twofold: Not only do these services drive incremental revenue, they also embed Fastenal in its customers’ procurement processes, which supports higher retention rates and pricing power. Company believes Fastenal has a first-mover advantage in both vending and on-site services, introducing the former in 2008 and the latter in 1992 (although the on-site strategy did not become a focused strategy until the past few years), and sees long growth runways for both offerings. In addition to growth through its vending and on-site initiatives, Fastenal is well positioned to benefit from customer consolidation trends. In recent years, customers have been consolidating their maintenance, repair, and operations, or MRO, spending with large distributors to leverage their purchasing power and increase operational efficiency. With its national scale, broad product portfolio, and inventory management services, the company believes Fastenal can capitalize on this trend and take market share from smaller and less capable distributors. 

Because Fastenal’s sales mix is increasingly skewing more toward large national accounts, on-site programs, and more price-competitive MRO products, the company’s gross margins are likely to come under pressure. However, the combination of higher sales volume and containment of selling, general, and administrative costs provide Fastenal the opportunity to realize strong operating leverage and expand operating margins. It is forecasted that Fastenal’s operating margin will reach 21% by midcycle year.

Financial Strengths:  

Fastenal has an outstanding debt balance of approximately $390 million. It is leveraged at only 0.1 times 2021 EBITDA, which is very conservative relative to the other industrial distributors company covers. Fastenal’s earnings provide substantial headroom to service debt obligations. During fiscal 2021, Fastenal incurred only about $10 million of interest expense and generated about $1.4 billion of EBITDA, which equates to an extremely comfortable interest coverage ratio. Even with its expansive store footprint and cyclical end markets, Fastenal has a proven ability to generate free cash flow (defined as operating cash flow with fewer capital expenditures) throughout the cycle. Indeed, it has generated positive free cash flow every year since 2003. Given its conservative balance sheet and consistent free cash flow generation, the company believes Fastenal’s financial health is satisfactory.

Bulls Say: 

  • Vending and on-site programs should provide a long growth runway for Fastenal.
  • Fastenal can capitalize on its national scale, broad product portfolio, and inventory-management services to take market share from smaller and less capable distributors.
  • Despite serving cyclical end markets, Fastenal’s business model generates strong free cash flow throughout the cycle. Fastenal is likely to continue to use its cash flow to fund a shareholder-friendly capital allocation strategy.

Company Description:  

Fastenal opened its first fastener store in 1967 in Winona, Minnesota. Since then, Fastenal has greatly expanded its footprint as well as its products and services. Today, Fastenal serves its 400,000 active customers through approximately 1,760 branches, over 1,400 on-site locations, and 14 distribution centers. Since 1993, the company has added other product categories, but fasteners remain its largest category at about 30%-35% of sales. Fastenal also offers customers supply-chain solutions, such as vending and vendor-managed inventory. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Fortune Brands has historically generated consistent free cash flow

Business Strategy & Outlook

Since spinning off from its holding company Fortune Brands, Inc., in 2011, Fortune Brands Homes and Security has achieved admirable top-line growth and improved profitability. Its improved financial performance has been the result of a successful operating strategy overlaying a backdrop of strengthening new-home construction and repair and remodel, or R&R, spending. Residential construction was a bright spot during pandemic-affected 2020-21, and housing starts should remain elevated at about 1.6 million units in 2022. However, deteriorating affordability has slowed housing demand, and the project starts to decrease 10% in 2023 to 1.435 million units and decline roughly 10% in 2024 to 1.3 million units, which is about in line with new home production in 2018-19. One can expect affordability will improve over the next two years as mortgage rates subside and home price appreciation returns to its 4% long-term trendline. The project will rebound to 1.55 million units by 2026 and average around 1.45 million units toward the end of the decade.

R&R spending surged during the pandemic, but one cannot expect a dramatic downturn in home improvement projects, although the amount spent per project could moderate over the near term, resulting in flattening growth over the next couple years. Historically, project incidence has been relatively stable, but average project expenditure is more sensitive to macroeconomic conditions. Nevertheless, continue to see a 4%-5% long-term growth trajectory for R&R spending bolstered by several secular tailwinds related to aging housing stock, favorable demographics, and increased acceptance of smart home and energy-efficient products and solutions. Fortune Brands has historically generated consistent free cash flow. Since stand-alone cash flow data has been available, the company has posted 16 straight years of positive free cash flow, and that trend continues, supporting future acquisitions and shareholder distributions.

Financial Strengths

The Fortune Brands has a sound balance sheet, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation decisions. As of first-quarter 2022, Fortune Brands had approximately $3.4 billion of outstanding debt and $378 million of cash, which equates to a net debt/2022 estimated EBITDA ratio of about 2.1. Fortune Brands’ debt balance consists of outstanding debt on its $1.25 billion revolving credit facilities, $600 million of 4% five-year senior notes due in September 2023, $500 million of 4% 10-year senior notes due in June 2025, $700 million of 3.25% 10-year senior notes due in September 2029, $450 million of 4.00% 10-year senior notes due in March 2032, and $450 million of 4.50% 30-year senior notes due in March 2052. Fiscal 2006 is the first-year stand-alone cash flow statement data available for Fortune Brands Home & Security, and 2021 marked the 16th consecutive year the company has generated positive free cash flow. Since 2006, the company has posted an average free cash flow conversion rate of over 100% and a 7% average free cash flow/sales ratio. The company’s ability to generate consistent free cash flow, even in a downturn, demonstrates the durability of Fortune Brands’ business model.

Bulls Say

  • The R&R market is poised for long-term growth, driven by several secular tailwinds, including the aging housing stock and favorable demographics. 
  • Fortune Brands has a robust acquisition pipeline, and future acquisitions could help the company achieve stronger sales growth. 
  • Fortune Brands’ consolidated profitability and ROIC will improve after it spins off its less competitively advantaged cabinets business.

Company Description

Fortune Brands Home & Security is a leading home and security products company that operates three segments. The company’s $2.9 billion (fiscal 2021) cabinets segment, which will be spun off in early 2023, sells cabinets and vanities under the MasterBrand family of brands. The $2.8 billion plumbing segment, led by the Moen brand, sells faucets, showers, and other plumbing fixtures. The $2.0 billion outdoors and security segment sell entry doors under the Therma-Tru brand name, Fiberon-branded patio decking, and locks and other security devices under the Master Lock and SentrySafe brand names.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Align has invested heavily to develop and market its offerings to juveniles and win over parents.

Business Strategy & Outlook

In the 25 years since Align was granted U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its clear dental aligners, the Invisalign brand has become synonymous with effective and discreet orthodontic treatment. The serviced addressable market comprises 15 million new orthodontic case starts each year, three fourths of which represent the teen market and the remainder adults. The Invisalign has achieved low-teens market penetration, largely due to its success at appealing to the adult market. Through two decades of research and development and an unrivaled database from roughly 10 million treated patients, Invisalign estimates that the system can treat over 90% of malocclusion cases (misaligned teeth), a substantially wider array of patients than seen with most other clear aligner firms.

Align is focused on disrupting the traditional metal braces market, which represents the lion’s share of the 21 million orthodontic cases today (over 80%), through innovation in customized 3D-printed clear aligners and industry-leading scanners and design software. The dental industry is still in the early stages in the shift to digital technologies, largely stuck to old workflows. Intraoral scanners, such as Align’s iTero device, combined with computer-aided design software (CAD/CAM) are typically seen as the gateway for dental providers to shift new case volumes over to clear aligners (nearly 90% of all Invisalign cases are submitted via digital scan). On the demand side, Align’s largest obstacle has been capturing a more meaningful share of the teen market (currently mid-single-digit penetration). In recent years, Align has invested heavily to develop and market its offerings to juveniles and win over parents, adding solutions for younger patients with mixed dentition, free replacement trays, and physical indicator “dots” that monitor treatment compliance. Additionally, Align has been focused on driving growth through treatments initiated by general practitioner dentists. While traditional metal braces are under the domain of orthodontists, clear aligner treatments offer a separate, incremental stream of revenue to the general dentist.

Financial Strengths

As of fiscal year-end 2021, cash and cash equivalents were $1.2 billion, and the company held no outstanding debt. One cannot have any concerns about Align’s ability to meet minimum purchase agreements with suppliers and do not foresee any liquidity issues facing the company. The free cash flow of $933 billion in 2022 and do not anticipate the firm initiating a dividend in the near term, as Align prefers to return capital to shareholders via share repurchases. The company has $650 million remaining under its existing share-repurchase plan, and recently announced it would use $200 million for accelerated repurchases.

Bulls Say

  • Align’s first-mover advantage has allowed the company to build a dominant market share and a brand synonymous with clear aligners. 
  • Align’s 10 million-plus treated patient data set is unrivaled by competitors and grants the company an edge in developing new indications of treatment. 
  • Invisalign starts saw a tailwind in 2021 as a result of the so-called Zoom effect, with a sharp uptick across cosmetic procedure categories.

Company Description

Align is the leading manufacturer of clear dental aligners globally, having pioneered the technology with the introduction of its Invisalign branded aligners in 1998. Since then, Invisalign has become a household name, having treated over 10 million patients with malocclusion (misaligned teeth) through orthodontist and dentist-guided treatment plans. The company maintains dominant market share of clear aligners, despite the introduction of direct-to-consumer competitors upon the expiration of key patents that began in 2017. Align also manufactures intraoral scanners (iTero), used for orthodontic treatment and restorative dental procedures (digital models for crowns, veneers, and implants).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Tate & Lyle, is focused on the increasing use of alternative ingredients in food and beverage to remove unhealthy components

Business Strategy & Outlook

Tate & Lyle, or T&L, is focused on the increasing use of alternative ingredients in food and beverage to remove unhealthy components (sugar, fat, salt), improve nutritional credentials through added fiber, and increase the shelf life of products. The company has a narrow moat, as the efforts over the last few years to optimize the portfolio, culminating with the sale in 2022 of a controlling stake in the commoditized primary products business unit, have improved the company’s pricing power and competitive position. The company is a market leader in sweeteners, with ingredients that range from high intensity to natural sweeteners, supported by the need to cut calories in food and beverages. The opportunity is substantial as sugar still accounts for 80% of all sweeteners. As the replacement of sugar with more concentrated alternatives comes with significant challenges regarding the product’s mass, stability, and texture, the company’s complementary offering in mouthfeel and fortification is perfectly placed to provide comprehensive solutions for customers. 

T&L plans to continue building its expertise in these somewhat niche and interconnected segments of the specialty ingredients market, since other segments such as flavors are already dominated by large players such as Givaudan and IFF, with T&L unlikely to garner any competitive advantage. The above-average revenue growth as T&L steps up its research and development investment and expands the share of revenue coming from integrated solutions—its service-led platform where the company works closely with customers throughout the product development process, combining multiple ingredients to derive a customized solution that best addresses the customer’s needs. The company’s sucralose segment—with business-to-business sales of the Splenda brand—has seen pricing pressures following the entrance of Chinese players, which has led the company to reduce its capacity. The segment’s top-line growth prospects are likely inferior to the remaining business, but given its brand-related intangible assets, the segment can maintain its operating margin above 30%.

Financial Strengths

Tate & Lyle is in strong financial health. The company has low financial gearing, with net debt to adjusted EBITDA expected to be maintained below 1 time following the disposal of the primary products (commodity ingredients) business unit and a USD 800 million undrawn credit facility. Tate & Lyle will continue to generate healthy free cash flows, similar to other ingredient companies and the consumer staples sector as a whole. Acquisitions form an important part of T&L’s strategy as it looks to expand its portfolio and capabilities within its key areas of expertise of sweetening, mouthfeel, and fortification, with the company aiming to provide an even broader portfolio of solutions to customers as well as gain exposure to fast-growing natural ingredients. These acquisitions are primarily financed from free cash flow, which will enable T&L to maintain its solid financial position. Maintaining a relatively conservative balance sheet is wise as it enables the company to weather potentially volatile earnings and affords capacity for future acquisitions should the right opportunities arise.

Bulls Say

  • Tate & Lyle’s portfolio is well positioned to benefit from secular trends that see consumers demanding healthier, safer, cleaner-label products. 
  • The company has undergone extensive reorganization in order to improve profitability and returns on capital, such as withdrawal from the sugar business and commodity ingredients, allowing management to focus on high-value-added specialty ingredients. 
  • The company’s focus on niche, complementary areas of the food ingredients market could make it the supplier of choice for certain highly specified applications in food reformulation.

Company Description

Tate & Lyle is a global provider of food and beverage ingredients and solutions. Following the sale in 2022 of a controlling stake in its commodity ingredients business, as well as its exit from the sugar business a decade earlier, Tate & Lyle is now focused on specialty ingredients—sweeteners, starches, and soluble fiber. It has 2,700 employees and operates in over 140 countries, with most of its revenue generated in North America.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Kone is increasing investments to connect most of its installed base to the cloud

Business Strategy & Outlook

As the market dynamics in China and Europe shift, the established relationships with developers and end users will protect Kone’s position as a top global elevator player. The company’s success in winning contracts for new elevator and escalator installations stems from a record of delivering tailor-made solutions that can save costs by shortening a building’s construction time, lowering energy use, or improving people traffic flow. In China, now the world’s largest elevator market, Kone has the number-one share in new installations, and in Europe the company is the second-largest competitor for new equipment. 

Winning new installations puts the company at a competitive advantage in securing maintenance contracts, which are more lucrative and important to long-term returns than new installations. In China, where it has now been present for 20-plus years, Kone shares the number-one position for maintenance contracts, and in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, it is number three. As the original equipment manufacturer, the company is in a good position to win the associated maintenance contract on a new installation because it can offer lower downtime through the quickest access to spare parts, knowledge of its own equipment, and its long record of reliability. This last point is especially important in developing markets, where Kone’s European brand, associated with quality and safety, carries weight. Elevators have become more software-driven, enabling better usage management to lower energy costs or control access for security purposes. As with cars, increasing the sophistication of tools and skills needed to maintain software-enabled elevators has limited some third-party repair providers to servicing older models. Kone is increasing investments to connect most of its installed base to the cloud over the next few years, helping customers dynamically manage elevator and escalator flow as well as providing ongoing online diagnostics to minimize downtime. Once a customer signs on to cloud management, it will be even more unlikely to switch to a new service provider.

Financial Strengths

The company possesses a strong balance sheet, benefiting from a net cash position built by an asset-light business model and only modest acquisitions. Kone’s model of outsourcing most of its components lowers both the capital intensity of its business and the pressure on the balance sheet to finance future revenue with debt. Double-digit EBIT growth, combined with improvements in working capital, has doubled the company’s annual free cash flow generation over the past several years. The free cash flow to remain more than EUR 1 billion per year for the next several years.

Bulls Say

  • Kone’s well-known brand, combined with the market’s sensitivity to safety issues, should put it in a good position to retain a majority of its maintenance contracts in China. 
  • As the revenue mix in China moves away from new installations toward higher-margin maintenance contracts, Kone’s EBIT margin should expand. 
  • Replacement and modernization of aging elevators in Europe and North America should offset slowing revenue growth in the China business.

Company Description

Kone, whose name means “machine” in Finnish, is the world’s fourth-largest supplier of elevators and escalators. Kone began producing elevators in Finland in 1918 and today generates revenue in three ways: selling new elevators and escalators, overhauling or modernizing old equipment, and servicing its installed base. Most of the company’s profit comes from the last activity, where contracts are rolled over annually with built-in price increases. The bulk of the company’s business is in elevators, which are more numerous globally than escalators.

(Source: Morningstar)

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