Global stocks Shares

CNH Industrial Posts Solid Second-Quarter Results, Despite Supply Headwinds

Business Strategy & Outlook

CNH Industrial provides customers an extensive product portfolio of off-highway products. The CNH will continue to be a top-two player in the agriculture industry. For generations, the company’s agriculture equipment has garnered intense brand loyalty among farmers. Customers value CNH Industrial’s high-quality and strong performing products, in addition to its robust dealer network. In developed markets, CNH Industrial helps customers reduce the total cost of ownership through improved fuel efficiency, limited machine down-time and consistent parts availability. The company’s off-highway strategy manufactures agriculture and construction equipment. CNH addresses the agriculture market with three brands: Case IH (targets large grain farmers) and New Holland (serves small grain, livestock farmers) make full lines of agriculture equipment, while Steyr is mainly a tractor manufacturer. The agriculture business is well positioned to compete with peers, but the construction business will need to optimize its dealer network, product portfolio and manufacturing operations to be competitive.

 In early 2022, CNH spun off its on-highway business. The commercial vehicles and powertrain businesses will be owned by the Iveco Group. This decision was a prudent move for shareholders. With the demerger, management will now shift its focus to the more profitable, off-highway business. As a strong number-two player in agriculture markets, the CNH maintains its market share over smaller local and regional competitors with its full line of agriculture machinery. In addition, the company’s high exposure to agriculture markets will bode well, as demand for new machinery will remain robust in the near term. CNH Industrial has exposure to end markets that have attractive tailwinds. In agriculture, demand for crops will be strong in the near term, largely due to robust demand from China and tight global supplies. In construction, the increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. will be a benefit in the near term.

Financial Strengths

CNH Industrial maintains a sound balance sheet. Outstanding industrial debt (excluding Iveco Group) at the end of 2021 stood at $9.2 billion. The captive finance arm holds considerably more debt than the industrial business, but this is reasonable, given its status as a lender to both customers and dealers. Total finance arm debt came in at $15.9 billion in 2021, along with $19.4 billion in finance receivables and over $800 million in cash. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. The company’s cash position as of year-end 2021 stood at $4.3 billion on its industrial balance sheet. The comfort in CNH Industrial’s ability to tap into available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs. The company has access to $3.9 billion in credit facilities. CNH Industrial maintains a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects. They think CNH Industrial can generate solid free cash flow throughout the economic cycle. The company can generate over $1 billion in free cash flow in mid cycle year, supporting its ability to return free cash flow to shareholders, mostly through dividends. Additionally, the management is determined to rationalize its product portfolio and manufacturing operations. The company is working to reduce a significant portion of its products in the construction business, refocusing their efforts on higher volume models. This will allow CNH Industrial to run leaner in its manufacturing operations. If successful, this will put CNH Industrial on much better footing from a cost perspective, further supporting its ability to return cash to shareholders.

Bulls Say

  • Higher crop prices increase farmers’ profitability, allowing them to purchase new agriculture equipment, which substantially boosts CNH Industrial’s revenue growth. 
  • CNH Industrial will benefit from strong replacement demand, as uncertainty around trade, weather, and agriculture commodity demand have eased, encouraging farmers to refresh their machine fleet. 
  • CNH improves the construction business by optimizing the product portfolio and dealer network. Additionally, increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. and emerging markets leads to more construction equipment purchases.

Company Description

CNH Industrial is a global manufacturer of heavy machinery, with a range of products including agricultural and construction equipment. One of its most recognizable brands, Case IH, has served farmers for generations. Its products are available through a robust dealer network, which includes over 3,600 dealer and distribution locations globally. CNH Industrial’s finance arm provides retail financing for equipment to its customers, in addition to wholesale financing for dealers; which increases the likelihood of product sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Rio Tinto Limited (RIO) is an international mining company with operations in Australia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia

Investment Thesis

  • One of the largest miners in the world with a competitive cost structure.
  • Tier 1 assets globally, which are difficult to replicate. 
  • Highly cash generative assets with attractive free cash flow profile. 
  • Shareholder return focused – ongoing capital management initiatives.  
  • Commodities price surprises on the upside (potential China stimulus to combat Coronavirus impact). 
  • Strong balance sheet position.
  • Electrification and light-weighting trends in the automobile industry provide long-term growth runway for aluminum demand.

Key Risks

  • Further deterioration in global macroeconomic conditions.
  • Deterioration in global iron ore/aluminum supply & demand equation.
  • Production delay or unscheduled site shutdown.
  • Natural disasters such as Tropical Cyclone Veronica.
  • Unfavorable movements in AUD/USD.
  • Company not achieving its productivity gain targets. 

Key Highlights 

  • Revenue of $29,775m, down -10%. 
  • Underlying EBITDA of $15,597m, down -26%.  
  • Free cash flow of $7,146m, down -30%.
  • The Board declared a dividend of 276cps, down -29% and no special dividend (relative to 185cps in the pcp). This equated to 50% of underlying earnings, in line with RIO’s shareholder returns policy, and consistent with the Company’s policy of paying out 50% on the ordinary interim dividend.
  • Iron ore: Underlying EBITDA of $10.4bn was 35% lower, due to lower prices ($5.7bn), following the 26% decline in the monthly average Platts index for 62% iron fines adjusted to an FOB basis. Higher cash costs were offset by increased sales portside in China. 
  • Aluminum: Underlying EBITDA of $2.9866bn, was up +49%, due to higher product premiums for primary metal and a stronger pricing environment for primary metal and alumina; however according to management, this was partly offset by higher input costs for key materials such as caustic soda, coke, pitch and anodes, leading to an increase in cash costs for alumina and primary metal.
  • Copper: Underlying EBITDA fell -27% to $1.487m on lower refined copper at Kennecott and by product sales volumes, particularly lower gold in concentrate at Oyu Tolgoi, consequently resulting in associated fixed cost inefficiencies. 
  • Minerals: Underlying EBITDA of $1.259m was -10% lower due to higher cash costs, energy price increases and lower volumes, partially offset by higher EBITDA in relation to the increased ownership in Diavik. 

Company Description

Rio Tinto Limited (RIO) is an international mining company with operations in Australia, Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia. RIO has interests in mining for aluminum, borax, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, silver, tin, uranium, zinc, titanium dioxide feedstock and diamonds.  

(Source: Banyantree)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Dividend Stocks

Aurizon Holdings Ltd operates an integrated heavy haul freight railway in Australia

Investment Thesis

  • Undemanding valuation relative to the market. 
  • Higher (and stabilizing) commodity prices should translate into improving volumes. 
  • Better than expected performance on the cost out. 
  • Attractive dividend yield 
  • Mostly defensive earnings backed by contracts, providing stability in shareholder returns.
  • The Company does have long-term plans to reduce exposure to coal. 
  • Divestment of ECR at an attractive valuation. 

Key Risks

  • Significant decline in commodity prices leading to mine closures or reduced volumes from customers. Any potential declines in iron ore prices.
  • Structural decline in some commodities (e.g., coal). 
  • High costs impacting margins.
  • Contract repricing resulting in longer term revenue loss.
  • Pricing pressure to increase.
  • Potential cuts to dividends given the elevated payout ratio.
  • Weather related impacts. 
  • Divestment of ECR business is not completed at a valuation in line with market expectations. 

Key Highlights

  • Revenue of $3,075m was +2% higher. 
  • Underlying EBITDA of $1,468m, -1% lower. FY22 earnings were driven by: (i) Network business achieved EBITDA of $801m, a -6% decline, due to lower volumes, lower historical or catch-up revenue from the Wiggins Island Rail Project (WIRP) and lower Goonyella to Abbot Point Expansion (GAPE) fees. (ii) Bulk business EBITDA declined -7% to $130m, on lower volumes caused by major flooding events, Covid-19 related disruptions and customer-specific reductions in production. (iii) Coal EBITDA was up +1% to $541m due to the benefits of cost management, higher CPI favorably impacting contract rates and higher revenue yield, despite above rail coal tonnes being down by 4%.
  • Underlying EBIT of $875m, down -3%. 
  • Underlying NPAT was $525m, down -2%, while Statutory NPAT declined -15% to $513m, primarily due to one-off benefits recorded in FY2021 (tax benefit from the sale of interest in Aquila) and transaction costs for the acquisition of One Rail Australia (ORA) incurred in FY2022.
  • Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) of 10.3% down by 0.4ppt. 
  • Free cash flow increased +13% to $664m.
  • The Board declared a fully franked final dividend of 10.9cps, which represents 75% payout ratio of underlying NPAT and brings total dividend for FY22 to 21.4cps, down -26%.

Company Description

Aurizon Holdings Ltd (AZJ) operates an integrated heavy haul freight railway in Australia. It transports various commodities, such as mining, agricultural, industrial and retail products; and retail goods and groceries across small and big towns and cities, as well as coal and iron ore. The Company also operates and manages the Central Queensland Coal Network that consists of approximately 2,670 kilometers of track network; and provides various specialist services in rail design, engineering, construction, management, and maintenance, as well as offers supply chain solutions. In addition, it transports bulk freight for customers in the resources, manufacturing, and primary industries sectors. The Company was formerly known as QR National Limited and changed its name to Aurizon Holdings Limited in December 2012. AZJ is headquartered in Brisbane, Australia.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

UNH delivered earnings beat at both top and bottom line with 2Q22 revenue of $80.332bn

Investment Thesis

  • Well positioned to benefit from positive healthcare trends and demographics. 
  • Optum offers a sustainable cost edge with predictive data and analytics. Management is expecting to achieve a further 20-40bps cost efficiencies through automation and machine learning.
  • Consistent top line growth with revenues growing at CAGR ~14% and operating earnings growing at CAGR ~17%. The Company has a very diversified portfolio which seemingly benefits in every market (with the insurer serving employers, individuals, Medicare, and state and local governments).
  • Excessive expansion of international business giving UNH some protection from increasing regulations in the U.S. The global business is now earning revenue of ~US$10bn.
  • Competent management team.
  • Generating very significant cash flow (growing at a CAGR ~15%) and returning a fair amount of that cash flow back to shareholders via a growing dividend (DPS grew at a CAGR 22% over FY15-18) and share repurchase program.

Key Risks

  • Slowdown in customer acquisition if health insurance tax comes back in 2021. 
  • Headwinds from potential regulatory reforms like Medicare for all. 
  • Value destructive M&A.
  • Key-man risk due to management changes.
  • Increased competition (pricing pressure & innovative products) from new entrants or existing players like Anthem and Humana.
  • Cyber-attacks or other privacy or data security incidents resulting in security breaches.
  • Legal proceedings leading to substantial penalties or damage to reputation.

Key Highlights

  • Group revenues of $317-320bn. 
  • Operating profit margin of 8.5% at the midpoint. 
  • EPS of $20.45-20.95 per share vs prior forecast of $20.2-20.7 per share and adjusted EPS of $21.4-21.9 per share (vs prior guidance of $21.1-21.6 per share), translating to growth of +13.8% y/y at the midpoint, +80bps higher than the lower end of management’s long-term target of 13-16%.
  • Cash flows from operations of ~24bn. 
  • Medicare Advantage customer growth of 800,000 with ~3/4 in individual and group Medicare Advantage and the remainder in Dual Special Needs Plans.

Company Description

UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) is a diversified health care company offering a broad spectrum of products and services through two distinct platforms: UnitedHealthcare, which provides health care coverage and benefits services and includes UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement, UnitedHealthcare Community & State, and UnitedHealthcare Global businesses; and Optum, which provides information and technology-enabled health services through its OptumHealth, OptumInsight and OptumRx businesses.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Arista is well positioned as a pioneer in the new age of software-defined networking and will continue to be a leader in next-generation switches and routers

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Arista Networks has solidified its market presence through data center switching and software-based networking innovation, and customers will remain loyal to the firm’s Extensible Operating System software and peripheral products. Arista’s initial growth came from high-frequency trading firms that found value in its low-latency switches and EOS. By remaining at the forefront of switching and routing speeds, Arista became a key networking supplier to giant cloud operators, service providers, and enterprises. EOS’ novelty lies in its single software image that provides a consolidated view of device activity from end to end and its ability to centrally upgrade the entire network. EOS contains leading software-defined networking features while remaining intuitive and fully programmable. Additional software offerings like CloudVision expand functionality and interoperability across networks. Arista uses merchant silicon for its hardware, which allows the company to focus on its core competencies.

Arista works closely with its core customers to optimize their networking ecosystems, which can strengthen its customer switching costs. To expand its customer base beyond the data centers of hyperscale cloud providers, enterprises, service providers, and financial institutions, Arista entered into the campus market. The adjacent move is due to requests from existing customers desiring one software platform across networking locations, and Arista has bolstered its clout with wireless and security capabilities. Even with current customer concentration risk, hence Arista is growing alongside key customers and that new ventures have expanded from core competencies. Arista is well positioned as a pioneer in the new age of software-defined networking and will continue to be a leader in next-generation switches and routers.

Financial Strength

Arista is in a financially healthy position; its zero debt balance and $3.4 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of the end of 2021 provide flexibility for the future. With no stated plans to return capital to shareholders, the company’s investment plan is fixated on developing products and expanding sales. The company’s financial health will remain stable and that cash could be deployed for growth via bolt-on products or technologies.

Bulls Say’s

  • Demand for EOS continuity across networks should proliferate Arista’s installation base. Installation base growth causes new customers to consider Arista during upgrades. 
  • Arista has been a first mover on its path to rapid profitable growth. Upcoming industry disruptions that Arista may lead include 400 Gb Ethernet switching and campus market splines. 
  • Instead of relying on partnerships to plug portfolio gaps, Arista might be able to make accretive acquisitions in adjacent markets that could catalyse growth in areas such as analytics, access points, and security.

Company Profile 

Arista Networks is a software and hardware provider for the networking solutions sector. Operating as one business unit, software, switching, and router products are targeted for high-performance networking applications, while service revenue comes from technical support. Customer markets include data centers, enterprises, service providers, and campuses. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, and generates most of its revenue in the Americas. It also sells into Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

Verisign will continue to meet its contractual obligations and for the registry agreements to renew into perpetuity

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Verisign provides registry services for several top-level domains, or TLDs, and infrastructure essential to the functioning of the Internet. Verisign plays a vital role in supporting the Domain Name System, or DNS, which is akin to a massive address book that matches human friendly domain names to the accompanying numbers-based Internet Protocol, or IP, address. This allows an end user to browse the Internet and access requested content via a network of interconnected servers. The company operates software and infrastructure globally to support the translation of domain names to IP addresses for its assigned domains, including managing zone files and registration and policies for the specified domain. Verisign also provides root zone maintenance services, operates two of the world’s 13 roots servers that are foundational to the DNS, and manages a shared registration system that allows registrars to query the availability of and manage second level domains. Verisign has exclusive registry rights for two of the world’s most popular TLDs, .com and .net, under renewable contracts with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. The lucrative contracts run for six years and have a presumptive right of renewal provided Verisign meets its contractual obligations. The .com and .net contracts are up for renewal in 2024 and 2023, respectively. 

Per the current contract terms, Verisign may raise .com pricing by up to 7% per year for the last four years of the contract and .net by up to 10% per year. Verisign currently charges $8.39 per year for a new or renewed .com domain and $9.02 for .net domain. Verisign will maximise price increases for .com within the limits of the contract, the company can still generate attractive returns in the event of tighter pricing controls. Verisign will continue to meet its contractual obligations and for the registry agreements to renew into perpetuity, underpinning the wide moat rating. The company has provided uninterrupted DNS services for over 25 years and continues to invest in infrastructure and cybersecurity measures to mitigate the risk of service disruptions.

Financial Strength

Verisign is in a sound financial position. As of year-end fiscal 2021, the company had a net debt position of about $580 million and reported $1.79 billion of long-term debt from senior unsecured notes. The company also has access to at least $200 million of liquidity under an unsecured revolving credit facility. Under these agreements, Verisign is subject to certain operating and financial covenants and must not exceed certain gearing ratios. Verisign will remain compliant with these covenants and meet interest and maturity payments on outstanding debt over the forecasted period. Verisign does not pay dividends but instead returns capital to shareholders through a substantial share repurchase program. The company has returned about $3.5 billion of capital to shareholders over the five years to fiscal 2021, which was funded through the company’s strong free cash generation and debt. As of February 2022, Verisign’s board has authorized an additional $1 billion of share repurchase, with no expiration.

Bulls Say’s

  • Verisign is to maximise price increases for the .com domain within the contractual limits, supporting further margin expansion. 
  • Verisign’s relationship with ICANN continues to strengthen as the company’s powerful track record of performance extends. 
  • While Verisign faces competitive pressure from competing TLDs, it is expected that .com is to remain the world’s most popular TLD.

Company Profile 

Verisign is the sole authorized registry for several generic top-level domains, including the widely utilized .com and .net top-level domains. The company operates critical Internet infrastructure to support the domain name system, including operating two of the world’s 13 root servers that are used to route Internet traffic. In 2018, the firm sold off its Security Services business, signalling a renewed focus on the core registry business.

(Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

CNH to maintain its market share over smaller local and regional competitors with its full line of agriculture machinery

Business Strategy and Outlook 

CNH Industrial provides customers an extensive product portfolio of off-highway products. CNH will continue to be a top-two player in the agriculture industry. For generations, the company’s agriculture equipment has garnered intense brand loyalty among farmers. Customers value CNH Industrial’s high-quality and strong performing products, in addition to its robust dealer network. In developed markets, CNH Industrial helps customers reduce the total cost of ownership through improved fuel efficiency, limited machine down-time and consistent parts availability. The company’s off-highway strategy manufactures agriculture and construction equipment. CNH addresses the agriculture market with three brands: Case IH (targets large grain farmers) and New Holland (serves small grain, livestock farmers) make full lines of agriculture equipment, while Steyr is mainly a tractor manufacturer. The agriculture business is well positioned to compete with peers, but the construction business will need to optimize its dealer network, product portfolio and manufacturing operations to be competitive.

In early 2022, CNH spun off its on-highway business. The commercial vehicles and powertrain businesses will be owned by the Iveco Group. This decision was a prudent move for shareholders. With the demerger, management will now shift its focus to the more profitable, off-highway business. As a strong number-two player in agriculture markets, CNH is to maintain its market share over smaller local and regional competitors with its full line of agriculture machinery. In addition, the company’s high exposure to agriculture markets (over 90% of off-highway profits from the estimation) will bode well, as demand for new machinery will remain robust in the near term. CNH Industrial has exposure to end markets that have attractive tailwinds. In agriculture, demand for crops will be strong in the near term, largely due to robust demand from China and tight global supplies. In construction, increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. will be a benefit in the near term.

Financial Strength

CNH Industrial maintains a sound balance sheet. Outstanding industrial debt (excluding Iveco Group) at the end of 2021 stood at $9.2 billion. The captive finance arm holds considerably more debt than the industrial business, but this is reasonable, given its status as a lender to both customers and dealers. Total finance arm debt came in at $15.9 billion in 2021, along with $19.4 billion in finance receivables and over $800 million in cash. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. The company’s cash position as of year-end 2021 stood at $4.3 billion on its industrial balance sheet. The comfort is in CNH Industrial’s ability to tap into available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs. The company has access to $3.9 billion in credit facilities. CNH Industrial maintains a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects. CNH Industrial can generate solid free cash flow throughout the economic cycle. The company can generate over $1 billion in free cash flow In the midcycle year, supporting its ability to return free cash flow to shareholders, mostly through dividends. Additionally, management is determined to rationalize its product portfolio and manufacturing operations. The company is working to reduce a significant portion of its products in the construction business, refocusing their efforts on higher volume models. This will allow CNH Industrial to run leaner in its manufacturing operations. If successful, this will put CNH Industrial on much better footing from a cost perspective, further supporting its ability to return cash to shareholders.

Bulls Say’s

  • Higher crop prices increase farmers’ profitability, allowing them to purchase new agriculture equipment, which substantially boosts CNH Industrial’s revenue growth. 
  • CNH Industrial will benefit from strong replacement demand, as uncertainty around trade, weather, and agriculture commodity demand have eased, encouraging farmers to refresh their machine fleet. 
  • CNH improves the construction business by optimizing the product portfolio and dealer network. Additionally, increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. and emerging markets leads to more construction equipment purchases.

Company Profile 

CNH Industrial is a global manufacturer of heavy machinery, with a range of products including agricultural and construction equipment. One of its most recognizable brands, Case IH, has served farmers for generations. Its products are available through a robust dealer network, which includes over 3,600 dealer and distribution locations globally. CNH Industrial’s finance arm provides retail financing for equipment to its customers, in addition to wholesale financing for dealers; which increases the likelihood of product sales.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

JBT should benefit from consumer preference for environmentally friendly packaging options

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Both of JBT’s segments will benefit from growth in the global middle class. The middle class will approximately double by 2030, and the Asia-Pacific region will be a significant contributor to that growth. This helps JBT FoodTech because per capita meat consumption in APAC has traditionally and significantly lagged that of Europe and North America. North America’s per capital meat consumption is about three and a half times that of APAC, but the gap narrows during the five-year explicit forecast. Overall global meat consumption is also on the rise, as people have become more conscious of protein intake in their diet. The ready-to-eat market will safely grow in the high single digits over the medium term. Young consumers prize this type of food for convenience and as an easy alternative to everyday and conventional three-meal dining. Offsets to protein technology forecast include a rising prevalence of livestock disease. Furthermore, not all APAC countries, like India, will converge toward Western dietary trends. Nevertheless, China will remain the single-biggest market and should account for nearly 30% of incremental demand.

Liquid foods packaging trends should benefit from advancements in packaging standards, escalating demand for packaged foods generally, increased e-commerce, as well as high demand for eco-friendly and lightweight packaging. JBT should benefit from consumer preference for environmentally friendly packaging options since its solutions can cut down on waste, among other interventions. Additionally, the air cargo growth will be a strong driver for JBT’s airport equipment, along with general infrastructure spending for aging equipment. Also, the ecommerce market’s size will greatly increase over the medium term and that will boost air cargo demand. Finally, getting passengers on board safely has garnered increased attention among airport authorities in recent years. This trend will resume as global air travel continues to recover

Financial Strength

 JBT is on decent financial footing and once again assigned the firm a moderate credit risk rating. As of the end of 2021, net debt/EBITDA was nearly 2.5 times, in line with multi-industry peers, but elevated relative to historical levels. That said, the firm has relatively low capital expenditures requirements (nearly 3% of sales), and free cash flow conversion sits at about 150% after a paltry mid-60s in 2019. It is not expected a repeat of 2020 levels, strong free cash flow conversion over the long term, with greater linearity in the conversion rate. The conversion will dip below 100% in 2022. As of the end of 2021, the interest coverage ratio (EBIT/interest expense) remains over 18 times, and JBT can service its financial obligations over the long run. As of the end of 2021, the firm’s pension fund was underfunded by $56 million, which reduces the fair value estimate by $2 per share. Long-term debt was nearly $675 million as of the end of 2021 (the firm has no short-term debt), versus cash on hand of nearly $80 million, of which about 75% is unrestricted and not needed to operate the business.

Bulls Say’s

  • JBT will benefit from the consumer preference for value- added foods, including clean labels and organics. 
  • The market fails to appreciate the positive impact from the commercial aerospace recovery and the ensuing operating leverage JBT will enjoy from a return of volume. 
  • After taking a pause during the uncertainty of the pandemic, JBT will likely look to deploy capital in M&A once again.

Company Profile 

JBT is a mid-cap diversified industrial conglomerate that spun out of FMC Technologies in August 2008. Over half of JBT’s sales are made in the United States. The firm operates through two segments: JBT Foodtech and JBT Aerotech. Foodtech provides both customized and turnkey industrial solutions for the food and beverage industry, including a large variety of protein processing and packaging solutions, as well as fruit and juice extraction and ready-to-eat solutions. Aerotech sells solutions to airport authorities, passenger airlines, airfreight firms, and defence contractors, among others. These solutions include gate equipment, as well as commercial and military cargo loading, aircraft dicing, and aircraft ground power and cooling system products

 (Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Dividend Stocks

Smiths has a record of supplying equipment to the Transportation Security Administration and has secured previous CT orders from the agency

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Smiths Group is a collection of industry-leading niche businesses, each producing admirable margins and returns; however, growth across the group is inconsistent, with different divisions enjoying periods of strong demand but at disparate times. Research and development spending as a portion of sales has increased by 50 basis points over the past few years. However, to accelerate group-level revenue growth, several innovations winners–not a single one–are likely necessary, given the breadth of products across the businesses. The innovation cycle for each business is also likely several years, and the fruits of the recent ramp-up in spending have yet to be seen. That said, a few of these product categories, particularly in security and safety, have emerging technology potential that could lead to new market opportunities. Management sees a potential GBP 200 million-250 million in gross new revenue opportunities in the medium term. The net number will be likely lower after considering cannibalization of existing products by new product rollouts. Smiths Detection is the division with the greatest potential to propel the group, as it offers security screening equipment with a potential addressable market beyond its current focus. The division currently specializes in screening equipment for airports and ports, mainly supplying to governments. The United States is an important medium-term end market for this equipment, and it is likely to go through a multiyear upgrade program, swapping out X-ray equipment for CT scanners. Smiths has a record of supplying equipment to the Transportation Security Administration and has secured previous CT orders from the agency.

Of the other divisions, John Crane is the most important cash flow driver, with a high portion of recurring revenue and an entrenched competitive position as the number-one supplier globally of mechanical seals. It faces a challenge over the coming years of managing likely declining revenue from its oil and gas customers with new products and end-market growth. Its deep expertise in improving seal performance suggests it should be able to offer compelling value to new end markets.

Financial Strength

Smiths Group exited fiscal 2021 (ended July) with net debt/EBITDA at 1.6 times, in line with management’s target of below 2 times. This brings debt to a level that could be paid down through operating cash flow in about four years, if refinancing options are not available. The company expects to obtain net $1.85 billion in proceeds from the sale of its medical division to ICU. Management plans to use 55% of the proceeds for share buybacks. The remainder will be reinvested in the business, including acquisitions, and offer balance sheet support. Smiths is well balanced, given the reasonable leverage levels and business needs to fill in technology white spots to support top-line growth. The annual operating cash flow of around GBP 300 million per year through the 2026 explicit forecast period. This leaves enough room to cover annual capital expenditures of about 3% to sales and a dividend payout ratio of 50%-plus.

Bulls Say’s

  • More than half of group revenue comes from recurring revenue sources, enabling Smiths to maintain operating profit margins well above 10%, even during troughs in the cycle. 
  • Spending on more significant repairs of John Crane’s mechanical seals by refiners at oil majors should rebound in the next couple of years due to more favourable oil prices and ageing of the seals. 
  • As an incumbent supplier, Smiths Detection is excellently positioned to gain orders from U.S. airport operators to install updated baggage screening equipment over the medium term.

Company Profile 

With its start as a London jeweler in the 19th century, Smiths Group has for most of its history operated as a company operating disparate but economically attractive businesses. Thematically, it runs businesses that manufacture niche products in security- or safety-sensitive industries. Today, Smiths Group is split across four divisions: mechanical seals, weapons detection, electrical connectors, and specialized hoses. The end customers for these products include airports, NASA, government security or defense departments, and hospitals.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Lennox entered the variable refrigerant flow market and introduced an emergency replacement product line to go head-to-head with Carrier

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Over the last decade, Lennox has capitalized on its efforts to gain market share and cut costs against a backdrop of improving end-market demand. Its margin expansion story has been remarkable, with adjusted operating margins rising from about 8% during the last sales peak in 2007 to about 15% in 2019 before the pandemic (excluding an insurance recovery benefit and adjusting for divestitures of lower-margin refrigeration businesses). Its expanding distribution network and product portfolio have helped Lennox gain market share, while low-cost manufacturing and product sourcing and more cost-efficient product designs helped reduce its cost base. Lennox-branded products are distributed through a company-owned distribution network, which is advantageous because Lennox has more control over sales strategy, marketing, and dealer support. Its store strategy has expanded its distribution network and improved product availability and fulfilment rates. In terms of new products, Lennox entered the variable refrigerant flow market and introduced an emergency replacement product line to go head-to-head with Carrier. Overall, a growing store footprint and product portfolio will help the firm better penetrate dealers and gain market share.

Strong residential HVAC demand was a bright spot in pandemic-stricken 2020-21. The outlook for residential construction remains constructive, but a more cautious residential replacement market outlook. While regulation changes (for example, energy efficiency standards) should be a tailwind, the replacement cycle is maturing. A favourable demand can be a backdrop for the commercial HVAC business, which can support at least mid-single-digit growth over the next few years. Over the short term, the business should benefit from spending tied to planned replacement projects that were deferred during the pandemic. There’s a heightened focus on air quality and energy efficiency as a longer-term secular opportunity for the commercial business.

Financial Strength

Lennox has a sound capital structure, and its free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation strategy. Lennox has approximately $1.7 billion of outstanding debt and $60 million of cash and short-term investments. The debt load equates to a net debt/2022 EBITDA ratio of about 2.2, which is modestly above management’s target ratio of 1-2. Lennox has a proven ability to generate free cash flow throughout the cycle. The company has generated positive free cash flow (defined as operating cash flow less capital expenditures) every year since its first full year as a public company in 2000. Given the firm’s reasonable use of leverage and consistent free cash flow generation, Lennox’s financial health is satisfactory.

Bulls Say’s

  • Lennox is well positioned to benefit from steady new residential construction and heightened demand for more energy-efficient commercial HVAC systems that improve air quality. 
  • Reinvestment in new product development and its distribution network should help the firm take share from competitors in residential and commercial markets. 
  • Lennox employs a shareholder-friendly capital allocation strategy. Since 2010, it has returned approximately $4.2 billion to shareholders via dividends and share repurchases, and its dividend has risen at an 18% CAGR.

Company Profile 

Lennox International manufactures and distributes heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration products to replacement (75% of sales) and new construction (25% of sales) markets. In fiscal 2021, residential HVAC was 64% of sales, commercial HVAC was 21%, and refrigeration accounted for the remaining 15% of sales. The company goes to market with multiple brands, but Lennox is the company’s flagship HVAC brand. The Texas-based company generates most of its sales in North America.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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