Dividend Stocks

Roche’s Innovative Drug Portfolio and Complementary Diagnostics Division Support a Wide Moat

Business Strategy & Outlook

Roche’s drug portfolio and industry-leading diagnostics conspire to create maintainable competitive advantages. As the market leader in both biotech and diagnostics, this Swiss healthcare giant is in a unique position to guide global health care into a safer, more personalized, and more cost-effective endeavor. Strong information sharing continues between Genentech and Roche researchers, boosting research and development productivity and personalized medicine offerings that take advantage of Roche’s diagnostic arm. Roche’s biologics focus and innovative pipeline are key to the firm’s ability to maintain its wide moat and continue to achieve growth as current blockbusters face competition. Blockbuster cancer biologics Avastin, Rituxan, and Herceptin are seeing strong headwinds from biosimilars. 

However, Roche’s biologics focus (more than 80% of pharmaceutical sales) provides some buffer against the traditional intense declines from small molecule generic competition. In addition, with the launch of Perjeta in 2012 and Kadcyla in 2013, Roche has expanded its breast cancer franchise, and Phesgo, a subcutaneous coformulation of Herceptin and Perjeta, is launching in the U.S. Gazyva, approved in CLL and NHL and in testing in lupus, will also extend the longevity of the Rituxan franchise. Avastin’s lung cancer sales are vulnerable to biosimilars and competition from new therapies Opdivo and Keytruda, but Roche’s own immuno-oncology drug Tecentriq launched in 2016, and the peak sales potential is above $10 billion. Roche is also expanding outside of oncology with MS drug Ocrevus ($9 billion peak sales) and hemophilia drug Hemlibra ($6 billion peak sales). Roche’s diagnostics business is also strong. With a 20% share of the global in vitro diagnostics market, Roche holds the number-one rank in this industry over competitors Siemens, Abbott, and Ortho. Pricing pressure has been intense in the diabetes-care market, but new instruments and immunoassays have buoyed the core professional diagnostics segment.

Financial Strengths

Roche’s financial health remains robust. At the end of 2021, Roche’s net debt stood at CHF 18.2 billion, or 20% of total assets. Debt levels increased in late 2021 as Roche repurchased shares held by Novartis, but with debt maturities spread over the next several years, the firm will meet obligations easily. As per the estimate free cash flows north of CHF 15 billion annually over the next five years. Roche to maintain a dividend payout ratio around 50% going forward, implying mid-single-digit annual increases in dividends per share.

Bulls Say

  • Roche and its innovative U.S. arm Genentech have a solid history of generating blockbuster therapies in oncology, and Roche’s pipeline is full of novel candidates, with a particularly large late-stage pipeline. 
  • Hemophilia drug Hemlibra and MS drug Ocrevus have multi-billion-dollar sales and significant growth potential, further diversifying Roche’s revenue. 
  • Collaboration between its diagnostics and drug-development groups gives Roche a unique in-house angle on personalized medicine.

Company Description

Roche is a Swiss bio pharmaceutical and diagnostic company. The firm’s best-selling pharmaceutical products include a variety of oncology therapies from acquired partner Genentech, and its diagnostics group was bolstered by the acquisition of Ventana in 2008. Oncology products account for 50% of pharmaceutical sales, and centralized and point-of-care diagnostics for more than half of diagnostic-related sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Novartis Holds a Wide Portfolio of Drugs That Support Steady Cash Flows

Business Strategy & Outlook

With strong positions in multiple key therapeutic areas, Novartis is well positioned for steady long-term growth. Strong intellectual property supporting multibillion-dollar products, combined with an abundance of late-pipeline products, creates a wide economic moat. While patent losses on anaemia drug Exjade and cancer drug Afinitor will weigh on near-term growth, a strong portfolio of drugs along with a robust pipeline should ensure steady long-term growth. Novartis’ drug segment is poised for long-term growth driven by new pipeline products and existing drugs. Novartis’ strategy to focus largely in areas of unmet medical need should strengthen the firm’s pricing power.

 Additionally, Novartis differentiates itself by its sheer number of blockbusters, including Entresto for heart failure and Cosentyx for immunology diseases. Also, it has generated a strong late-stage pipeline with recent launches of migraine drug Aimovig and cancer drug Kisqali. Despite the patent losses on Exjade and Afinitor (and potentially multiple sclerosis drug Gilenya), the combination of a strong pipeline of new products and a diverse, well-positioned operating platform should translate into steady growth. Beyond the branded drug segment, Novartis also sells generic drugs through its Sandoz division. While the basic generic drugs typically offer more limited profits, the focus of Novartis’ generic unit on hard-to-make drugs like biologics, which should offer higher growth pathways and stronger margins. Novartis is getting more focused with its recent spin off of its eye care division, Alcon. While the drug division markets eyecare drugs, one can view the overlap with Alcon’s surgical and vision-care products as relatively minor. As a result, one cannot expect many dyssynergia by spinning off the Alcon business. The spinoff is in line with Novartis’ strategy to focus on human prescription drugs, which has been playing out over the past several years with the divestitures of the vaccine, animal health, and consumer healthcare businesses.

Financial Strengths

Novartis carries a solid financial position with debt/2023 projected EBITDA of 1.5 times and free cash flow after capital expenditures/debt of close to 0.5. Further, its diverse platform of drugs should translate into steady cash flows to easily service debt requirements. Novartis primarily uses its cash to fund its dividend, which represents close to 60% of the company’s core earnings. The continued dividend increases but at a slow rate over the next few years. Additionally, the company will continue to pursue acquisitions, which are likely to be funded by cash from operations and occasionally increased debt.

Bulls Say

  • Novartis’ solid late-stage pipeline should propel long-term growth. The company should launch several new drugs during the next several years in critical therapeutic areas such as immunology and oncology. 
  • Novartis recently divested its Roche share, yielding over $20 billion, which provides the firm with increased options to re-deploy capital. 
  • Novartis’ research and development focuses on areas of unmet medical need, which should yield several innovative drugs with strong pricing power.

Company Description

Novartis AG develops and manufactures healthcare products through two segments: Innovative Medicines and Sandoz. It generates the vast majority of its revenue from Innovative Medicines segment consisting of global business franchises in oncology, ophthalmology, neuroscience, immunology, respiratory, cardio-metabolic, and established medicines. The company sells its products globally, with the United States representing close to one third of total revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

OGE Oklahoma Rate Settlement Approved, Supports Growth Plan

Business Strategy & Outlook

The fair value estimate for OGE Energy is $37 after Oklahoma regulators recently approved a $30 million annualized rate increase, in line with a settlement reached in June. One can reaffirm no-moat and stable moat trend ratings. One had assumed Oklahoma regulators would approve a rate increase in line with the settlement, supporting 6% average annual earnings-growth rate during the next four years. This is in line with management’s 5%-7% long-term earnings growth target. The $30 million increase is below OGE’s $163.5 million request primarily because regulators approved OGE’s current 9.5% allowed return on equity instead of OGE’s 10.2% request. The 9.5% allowed ROE is slightly below other utilities’ allowed ROE, but one can think it’s a positive that regulators did not cut it. One has incorporated the first-half earnings boost that OGE received from warmer-than-normal weather. The warm weather to boost third-quarter earnings also, likely resulting in 2022 EPS at the high end of management’s $1.87-$1.97 guidance range.

 The large weather reversal after a cooler-than-normal 2021 summer could lead to a more than 10% jump in earnings this year. However, normal weather in 2023 could lead to mostly flat earnings year over year. On a weather-normalized basis, one can assume earnings growth will depend on OGE’s execution of its $3.8 billion capital investment plan for 2022-25 and continued electricity demand growth.  The OGE has benefited from the recent rally in Energy Transfer’s limited partner units from $10 per unit in early July to $12 now. The OGE sells by the end of the year all of the 22.1 million units it held in late July. OGE’s deal to swap its Enable ownership stake for Energy Transfer units is turning out to be a win for OGE shareholders. Energy Transfer units are up about 40% since OGE closed the transaction in December 2021, resulting in about $300 million of pre tax proceeds, or about $1 per share after tax, above the initial deal value. 

Financial Strengths

Between 2022 and 2025, as per forecast, OGE will invest nearly $4 billion at its utility. The company should be able to finance these investments with cash flow from utility operations, proceeds from the sale of its Energy Transfer units, and roughly $600 million of additional debt. One cannot foresee any material equity issuances in the next five years. The company has maintained a conservative capital structure, and one doesn’t expect a sizable shift in that strategy based on its quick exit from Energy Transfer units and ability to issue securitized debt to cover its excess fuel costs related to Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. The OGE’s dividend growth slowed after losing the earnings and cash distributions from Enable following the Energy Transfer transaction. Cash distributions from Enable helped OGE average 10% annual dividend growth since forming Enable in 2013. However, a large drop in energy prices and the economic impact of COVID-19 led Enable to cut its distribution by 50% in 2020. Less cash flow from Enable required OGE’s board to slow dividend increases to 6.2% in 2019, 3.9% in 2020, and 2% in 2021. Without the Enable earnings the expected OGE’s payout ratio will climb above 80% for several years. The dividend increases will average 2% annually for the next few years until the payout ratio falls to within management’s 65%-70% target.

Bulls Say

  • OGE is making progress improving Oklahoma regulation so that it can execute its growth investment plan without creating a drag on its earned return on equity.
  • Although the dividend increases too slow to about 2% annually, investors still should benefit from growing earnings and minimal equity needs. 
  • The economy in OG&E’s service territory is healthy and annual customer growth exceeds 2%, higher than most electric utilities.

Company Description

OGE Energy is a holding company for Oklahoma Gas & Electric, a regulated utility offering electricity generation, transmission, and distribution to more than 800,000 customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. In December 2021, OGE closed a merger between Enable Midstream Partners and Energy Transfer. This resulted in OGE acquiring 95.4 million limited partner units of Energy Transfer in return for its 25.5% limited partner interest in Enable, a midstream services company it created in 2013.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Sanofi’s Discontinuation of Cancer Drug Amcenstrant Is Disappointing, but No Major FVE Impact

Business Strategy & Outlook

Sanofi’s discontinuation of cancer drug amcenstrant does not have a major impact on the firm’s fair value estimate as projected peak annual sales for the drug at well below EUR 1 billion annually. However, the string of bad news (including the recent clinical hold on multiple sclerosis drug tolebrutinib) in the late-stage development is concerning. Nevertheless, drug development is risky, and failures are common. These pipeline setbacks aren’t overly concerning, and one continues to believe Sanofi will be able to develop the next generation of drugs to offset eventual patent losses, which is a key factor supporting its wide moat. 

Also, the limited patent losses over the next several years also provide time for Sanofi to refill its late-stage pipeline with several early-stage drugs that look encouraging. On amcenstrant, poor clinical data led to the discontinuation of the drug. A fairly high threshold of efficacy and safety was needed to keep the clinical studies going since there are many very competitive drugs already approved and many more in development for breast cancer. The previous failure of the drug in later-lines of breast cancer treatment did not bode well for the drug. Despite the setbacks, Sanofi’s drug development success improved. One is most bullish on late stage drugs efanesocotocog for hemophilia (strong phase 3 data), multiple sclerosis drug tolebrutinib (despite the clinical hold), and several mid-stage drugs targeting cancer and rare diseases.

Financial Strengths

Sanofi remains on solid financial footing, closing 2021 with a debt/EBITDA ratio of 2 times. Further, the company generates stable cash flows that should enable the firm to meet its dividend payments and still accumulate significant cash reserves. The company redeployed its cash through bolt-on acquisitions in the neighborhood of $2 billion-$5 billion each year to augment its internal research and development. The recent sale of Regeneron stock of close to $12 billion may open up the possibility of a larger acquisition.

Bulls Say

  • Sanofi is launching immunology drug Dupixent, which holds strong pricing power and major blockbuster potential across several indications.
  • Sanofi’s strong entrenchment in rare-disease drugs should translate into steady pricing power as payers tend not to push back on pricing in this area.
  • With a wide product offering in vaccines, consumer health and insulins, Sanofi is well positioned for the fast-growing emerging markets.

Company Description

Sanofi develops and markets drugs with a concentration in oncology, immunology, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vaccines. However, the company’s decision in late 2019 to pull back from the cardiometabolic area will likely reduce the firm’s footprint in this large therapeutic area. The company offers a diverse array of drugs with its highest revenue generator, Dupixent, representing just over 10% of total sales, but profits are shared with Regeneron. About 30% of total revenue comes from the United States and 25% from Europe. Emerging markets represent the majority of the remainder of revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Mirvac is gradually reweighting its business in several ways

Business Strategy & Outlook

Mirvac trades as a stapled security, comprising one share in the corporation and one unit in Mirvac Property Trust. About 80% of earnings come from a passive commercial property portfolio housed within Mirvac Property Trust. Earnings from the rent-collecting business are usually stable and predictable, while most of the remainder comes from a residential development business that can be lucrative but more cyclical. Mirvac’s REIT status results in low company tax because trusts pass income and tax liabilities through to the end investor. Mirvac pays slightly more tax than some passive real estate investment trusts, because of the development business within the Mirvac corporation. Mirvac is gradually reweighting its business in several ways. It is allocating most of its capital toward passive rent collecting. Within that, it is allocating more to industrial and mixed-use commercial, trimming retail exposure, and refocusing its retail portfolio on urban areas. The residential development side has been weighted to houses and land lots recently, but a recovery is expected in apartment demand in coming years.

Mirvac is rolling out build-to-rent residential projects, though this is only a small portion of the portfolio at present. Initial projects have seen strong take-up from residents, however, it remains to be seen whether the sector can move beyond a niche offering. Mirvac’s current crop of projects completed or in development look well placed because of an acute shortage of housing and rising rents in inner urban areas. Mirvac’s first project, LIV Indigo in Sydney, was 98% leased by June 2022. LIV Munro in Melbourne is due for completion in November 2022 and other projects in Melbourne and Brisbane are scheduled to complete in 2024. The concept looks viable with low interest rates and low yields on commercial property, and few build-to-rent rivals, but should those conditions reverse, other business lines may look more attractive.

Financial Strengths

Mirvac is in reasonable financial health, with gearing (net debt/assets) of 21%, based on its June 30, 2022, accounts. This is at the low end of the group’s targeted range of 20%-30%. The group’s average cost of debt was 3.4% over fiscal 2022, and it is expected to grind higher in the wake of interest-rate rises. Even so, the group’s weighted average debt maturity is about six years, debt maturities are modest until fiscal 2025 and more than half of debt is hedged. This gives it flexibility, which could come in handy in acquiring new sites for the residential land bank or office portfolio during any downturn. Gearing will rise based on further acquisitions and development, and asset devaluations in its commercial property portfolio. However, Mirvac will remain prudent on committing to new developments, which should prevent gearing rising excessively until the economic outlook is clearer. Caution is appropriate, given that the extended boom in property has pushed up asset prices, which could make gearing appear to be lower than it really is. Moreover, pressure on earnings is likely, and dividend cuts remain a risk if the group decides it needs to preserve cash.

Bulls Say

  • Vicinity is arguably the REIT most exposed to an economic and health recovery. Vicinity’s operating performance will likely outperform other REITs as conditions normalise.
  • Vicinity has the strongest balance sheet of the large and high-end mall operators listed in Australia, so the risk of another dilutive equity raising is low.
  • Vicinity has substantial development opportunities, including the Bankstown and Box Hill town centres, Chatswood Chase upgrade, and several development opportunities at its flagship Chadstone asset.

Company Description

Mirvac is one of Australia’s largest residential developers, particularly apartments. Residential development earnings are volatile, generating about a fifth of EBIT in fiscal 2022, despite 88% of the group’s invested capital being allocated to passive property ownership. Over the 10-year discrete forecast period it is not expected that the residential development will exceed the lofty peaks seen in 2017, when Mirvac settled 3,400 residential lots, however, a modest growth over time as Mirvac gains market share. About 80% of Mirvac’s earnings come from a predictable commercial property portfolio, more than half of which is office and another fourth in retail, a small industrial portfolio, and a fledgling build-to-rent residential portfolio.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Vicinity is now looking to gradually reactivate the development pipeline

Business Strategy & Outlook

Vicinity Centres’ portfolio includes a wide variety of Australian retail property assets. Its largest asset is Chadstone, which makes about AUD 3 billion of the AUD 14 billion portfolio. CBD assets make up about 15% of the portfolio, including Sydney’s QVB, Strand Arcade, The Galleries, Brisbane’s Queen’s Plaza and Myer Centre, Melbourne’s Myer Bourke St and Emporium. Vicinity also owns factory outlet centres, and suburban and country shopping centres, such as Carlingford and Warriewood in Sydney, Buranda and Gympie in Queensland, Mornington Central and Broadmeadows Central in Melbourne, and WA centres in Karratha, Mandurah, and Rockingham. Most of Vicinity Centres’ revenue is rent from malls. The balance is mostly property management, development and leasing fees for third-party investors who hold assets jointly with Vicinity Centres. It also has ancillary income from car parking, advertising, and one-off assets such as hotels. The group’s mixed-use strategy has added value, developing apartments, offices, and hotels above or neighbouring its centres. However, the strategy to be less lucrative in the near to medium term due to pressure on house prices, office values, and tourism.

Vicinity has a number of development opportunities, many of them mixed use, involving offices, hotels and apartments. Many developments that hadn’t commenced construction were delayed by the pandemic, but Vicinity is now looking to gradually reactivate the development pipeline. Projects include an office tower on the footprint of the Chadstone mall, fully leased to Officeworks, office towers at Bankstown Central, and a redevelopment at Victoria Gardens. It also has major town centre development plans at Box Hill, and redevelopment opportunities at Chatswood Chase. The long-dated and modular pipeline gives Vicinity Centres flexibility to allocate development capital depending on demand for retail, office, apartment, hotel and other.

Financial Strengths

Vicinity Centres is in better financial health than most of its rivals after it raised more than AUD 1 billion in additional equity capital in June 2020. Gearing (net debt/assets) as of June. 30, 2022 was 25.1%, at the low end of its stated 25%-35% target. The gearing to rise gradually, and with that given Vicinity’s high-quality portfolio and income underpinned by leases. While physical asset values record their first significant increase in a while, at the December 2020 half-year results, interest rate rises could halt that momentum. There’s no anticipation that asset value declines as large as the negative 11.4% decline in fiscal 2020. However, further devaluations could push up gearing modestly. Development projects will likely push gearing up higher. Vicinity is yet to commit to decisions on several large projects though it is progressing with planning approval and some large decisions are close. It’s hard to imagine many worse scenarios for a mall operator than a pandemic, but Vicinity maintained a consistently high occupancy rate at its malls through 2020 and 2021. Operating earnings before interest are usually relatively secure and predictable over the medium term, with only 3%-4% of rental income related to tenant sales turnover. As the economy recovers the occupancy is to remain high, with the swing factor being rents.

Bulls Say

  • Vicinity is arguably the REIT most exposed to an economic and health recovery. Vicinity’s operating performance will likely outperform other REITs as conditions normalise.
  • Vicinity has the strongest balance sheet of the large and high-end mall operators listed in Australia, so the risk of another dilutive equity raising is low.
  • Vicinity has substantial development opportunities, including the Bankstown and Box Hill town centres, Chatswood Chase upgrade, and several development opportunities at its flagship Chadstone asset.

Company Description

Vicinity was created after the merger of Federation Centres and Novion in June 2015, creating one of Australia’s largest retail REITs. Its directly and indirectly owned assets have a book value of about AUD 14 billion. The assets are skewed to large, high-end shopping centres, with about half in major regional malls, a fifth in subregional, 15% in CBD locations, 13% in outlet centres, and 1% in neighbourhood malls.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

ALS’ global network of more than 350 laboratories provides a geographically diverse revenue base

Business Strategy & Outlook

ALS is a global provider of analytical testing and inspection services; it also has a small Australian-focused distribution business. While dominating the fragmented Australian market, and being a large global player in commodity and environmental testing, it is trumped by the majors, Bureau Veritas, SGS, and Intertek in non-destructive testing and inspection. Services include laboratory testing for the mineral, coal, environmental, food, and pharmaceutical segments. Excellent reputation, technical capabilities, a global network, and established relationships with global clients are key advantages over often fragmented competitors. While laboratory equipment is readily available, it is the service and ability to meet customer requirements in a cost-effective way that helps ALS retain clients and expand the existing business. Earnings volatility stems from significant exposure to cyclical commodity markets, particularly exploration. ALS’ global network of more than 350 laboratories provides a geographically diverse revenue base: 37% Asia-Pacific, 36% Americas, 24% EMENA, and the balance Africa. This global network reduces region reliance and gives it the capability to leverage experience across borders and serve an international client base.

During the mining boom, the minerals division was the growth engine. EBIT almost doubled within two years, and minerals still accounts for just under half of group EBIT. It provides services across the exploration, expansion, and production stages. These include sample preparation, quantity and quality analysis, grading and process plant control/optimisation, and reshipment inspection across a vast range of minerals and commodities such as gold, silver, platinum, iron ore, nickel, bauxite, and uranium. Earnings are heavily tied to exploration-type projects. ALS charges market-leading prices for superior service, reputation, and timeliness. ALS life sciences undertakes environmental, pharmaceutical, and food testing. The flow-on impacts of population growth, and developing world urbanisation driving public and private infrastructure expansion, are expected to increase demand in these areas.

Financial Strengths

ALS is in reasonable financial health. At the end of fiscal 2015, acquisitions and capital expenditure had pushed net debt to AUD 776 million and gearing to 37%. A subsequent AUD 325 million capital raising meant gearing fell to near 28% and net debt/EBITDA from 2.6 times to a manageable 2.0 times.

Incremental acquisitions in the life sciences segment have again been accompanied by increasing group net debt. Despite strong net operating cash flow in fiscal 2022, net debt increased nearly 50% on the previous corresponding period to AUD 902 million, reflecting AUD 410 million in capital and acquisition expenditure and AUD 131 million on dividends. Gearing rose to 44% from 36% and net debt/EBITDA to 1.8 from 1.6. While not low, this remains a comfortable level of gearing, particularly given the reliability of life sciences revenue and the fact that this segment has grown to 53% of group total revenue. Gearing remains within the limits of ALS’ sub-45% target ratio. Excluding acquisitions, projected sub-1.0 net debt/EBITDA by fiscal 2027, though ALS’ acquisitiveness makes a sub-1.0 target unlikely.

Management has continued to seek additional bolt-on acquisitions, particularly in the life sciences area, but given cyclical earnings and a weaker environment for mineral and coal testing, the focus remains on balance sheet conservatism. Many companies servicing the mining sector were crippled during the global financial crisis, when a dangerous combination of high debt levels and volatile earnings required large capital raisings to keep them afloat. ALS avoided this by increasing earnings diversity, keeping debt levels manageable, and turning to shareholders when it needed to fund acquisitions. The capital base has increased significantly since fiscal 2005, funding acquisitions of The Reservoir Group in the U.S., Enviro-Test Lab Group in Canada, Ecochem in the Czech Republic, and Pearl street, Ecowise, and Ammtec in Australia.

Bulls Say

  • ALS has diversified the earnings base to mitigate exposure to highly cyclical commodity markets. Expansion into food and pharma testing, as well as inspection and certification markets, should provide growth despite a significant slowdown in minerals testing.
  • Large clients are unlikely to move away on price alone, with quality and skills essential requirements.
  • Exposure to mineral and coal testing could once again provide earnings growth if the global economy’s appetite for commodities increases.

Company Description

Founded in the 1880s and listed on the ASX in 1952, ALS operates three divisions: commodities, life sciences, and industrial. ALS commodities traditionally generated the majority of underlying earnings, providing geochemistry, metallurgy, inspection and mine site services for the global mining industry. Expansion into environmental, pharmaceutical and food testing areas and commodity price weakness have lessened earnings exposure to commodities.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Bank of Queensland has branches owned by branch managers and corporate branches

Business Strategy & Outlook

Bank of Queensland is one of Australia’s top-10 largest banks, but is considerably smaller than the four major Australian banks. Preceding the global financial crisis, the bank grew aggressively via acquisitions and the rollout of its distinctive owner-manager branch franchise model. However, expanding the branch network and diversifying from traditional residential lending came at a cost, with additional equity required to fund growth, significantly increased bad debts, and multiple banking systems, which resulted in deteriorating cost/income and returns on equity. The successful integration of ME Bank is expected to materially lift earnings per share in the medium term. Other influences on earnings growth are modest credit growth, provisions for loan losses, and pressure on funding costs and intense lending competition constraining interest margins. Operating expenses are increasing on investment in the banking system and increased regulatory and compliance spending.

The strategic plan outlined by CEO George Frazis in 2020 centers on a digital transformation of the bank’s core banking systems, which should lead to better customer outcomes and operational efficiencies. The aim is to ensure the bank is more competitive, particularly in the home loan market, but this investment is not giving the bank any competitive edge. At best, it can narrow the gap to peers, but with the big investment budgets of the majors, those innovations are likely to be hard to keep up with. BOQ, Virgin Money, ME Bank, BOQ Business, BOQ Specialist, and BOQ Finance—are key differentiators or a source of competitive advantage. Bank of Queensland has branches owned by branch managers and corporate branches. The model has the potential for the bank to outperform its peers on customer service, with owner branch managers building relationships with local customers, and niche business lending specialists with an understanding of borrower needs and industry. Despite its strengths, a narrower business mix, smaller customer base, and higher funding costs see the bank struggle to generate margins comparable to those of the majors.

Financial Strengths

The capital structure and balance sheet provide comfort the bank can manage a large increase in loan losses. Common equity Tier 1 capital was 9.7% as at Feb. 28, 2022, or close to 9.8% post a securitisation in March 2022. This is well above APRA’s 8.5% minimum capital benchmark for standardized banks, and above the bank’s own 9.5% target. The bank is to pay out around 60% to 65% of earnings given the credit growth outlook, elevated investment in the banking platform, and integration of ME Bank. A 70% pay-out ratio from fiscal 2024 is expected. With the elevated savings rate in 2020 and 2021, the bank has been able to increase its share of funding from customer deposits. In March 2020 the RBA announced the Term Funding Facility, or TFF, which provided three-year funding at 0.25%. From Nov. 4, 2020, new drawdowns would pay 0.1%. The initial funding available via the TFF was set at 3% of the bank’s outstanding loan balance, with an additional 2% of balances announced in November.

Bulls Say

  • Management extract greater cost and revenue synergies from the acquisition of ME Bank.
  • Substantial capital raisings bolstered the balance sheet, ensuring that the bank satisfies capital rules and can still fund investments in technology and expand loan balances.
  • Productivity improvements not only lead to improved operating margins, but a more streamlined loan approval process lifts mortgage growth rates.

Company Description

Bank of Queensland, or BOQ, is an Australia-based bank offering home loans, personal finance, and commercial loans. BOQ operates both owner-managed and corporate branches, and is the owner of Virgin Money Australia and Me Bank. Its BOQ business includes the BOQ branded commercial lending activity, BOQ Finance and BOQ Specialist businesses. The division provides tailored business banking solutions including commercial lending, equipment finance and leasing, cash flow finance, foreign exchange, interest rate hedging, transaction banking, and deposit solutions for commercial customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

APM needs to maintain is navigating and executing bid processes within the government sector

Business Strategy & Outlook

APM Human Services International’s strategy revolves around maintaining its superior service levels to renew existing contracts and gain market share at key government retenders. Over a government contract, which is typically longer than five years, slight market share gains and losses can arise if certain employment service areas, or ESAs, experience faster growth or from relocation due to contract underperformances. However, inorganic growth has been a key strategy for APM to expand more effectively and service new ESAs outside of government retenders. Industry players may expand their footprint of physical offices into new ESAs but would still need a license to operate in a new region. Greater scale allows APM to better leverage its personnel, locations, and brand awareness, and allows it to apply learnings and replicate service offerings more easily across its global operations. A core competency APM needs to maintain is navigating and executing bid processes within the government sector. This involves responding to governments’ requests for proposals, or RFPs, where APM would estimate cost structures and submit proposals with respect to both price and client outcomes. A common focus of governments is a strong track record of contract performance, capability, and the ability to deliver positive outcomes, but price is also a consideration.

Employment services contributed more than 75% of fiscal 2022 revenue but a key strategy of APM is to grow into the National Disability Insurance Scheme, or NDIS, sector. APM’s current exposure to the fast-growing NDIS sector is limited, with less than 5% of group revenue being sourced from NDIS. The market is currently very fragmented with limited national providers, but APM aims to consolidate the market and provide efficiency. Self-managed NDIS participants would need little assistance from APM but the share of participants choosing to work with plan managers, to assist with budgeting for example, has increased to over 50% in June 2022 from 30% in June 2019.

Financial Strengths

APM is in a comfortable financial position. As of June 2022, APM had AUD 431 million in net debt with net debt/EBITDA at 1.7 pre-AASB 16, that is, including all rental expenses. APM’s net debt/EBITDA is to remain under 1.0 over the explicit 10-year forecast period while also funding a 50% dividend payout ratio and flexibility to pursue organic or acquisitive growth opportunities. APM’s free cash flow generation is also strong. Free cash flow prior to acquisitions and dividends averaging 113% of net income over the next 10 years.

Bulls Say

  • APM has industry leading star ratings across its key Australian contracts which underpins its market share.
  • Earnings are defensive due to lengthy government contracts that are typically over five years.
  • APM is actively targeting the fast-growing NDIS sector and aims to bring efficiencies to the highly fragmented market.

Company Description

APM Human Services International Pty is engaged in providing services to job seekers and employers on behalf of the Australian Government. It is also involved in helping individuals in the prevention and proactive management of injuries. The company operates in Australia, Apac, Europe/UK and North America.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Amgen’s own large biosimilar portfolio and low manufacturing costs make it a viable biosimilar player, as well

Business Strategy & Outlook

Amgen has its roots in providing supportive-care products to kidney disease and cancer patients, but the firm has expanded its portfolio to include additional innovative drugs in therapeutic areas ranging from cardiology to immunology. Despite headwinds from biosimilar and branded competition, Amgen’s newer blockbusters like cholesterol-lowering drug Repatha defend its wide moat and keep free cash flow above 30% of sales. Amgen’s first generation of biologics is coming under pressure, but newer drugs are keeping overall sales steady. Tougher labels and reimbursement had been affecting anemia drugs Epogen and Aranesp since safety concerns emerged in 2007, and the 2019 launch of Pfizer’s biosimilar, Retacrit, is weighing on sales. 

Neutropenia drug Neupogen has had biosimilar competition for years, but longer-acting drug Neulasta began seeing declines in the key U.S. market in 2019 due to biosimilar launches. More effective branded competitors are poised to continue to erode Enbrel’s share, and while Enbrel patents run to 2028, biosimilar Humira (expected in 2023 in the United States) could pull down sales of the TNF class. To address these headwinds, Amgen has invested heavily in more-efficient manufacturing and has undertaken a massive cost-cutting program to defend margins and reinvest in research and development and promotion in new areas, like cardiology. Amgen also purchased oral immunology drug Otezla, which fits well with the Enbrel franchise. Amgen’s own large biosimilar portfolio and low manufacturing costs make it a viable biosimilar player, as well.

Financial Strengths

At the end of 2021, Amgen held $8 billion in cash and $33 billion in debt. The company is to generate roughly $9 billion in free cash flow annually over the next several years; this will be sufficient to handle debt coming due as well as continued strong prioritization of the share-repurchase and dividend programs, which is modeled at roughly $4 billion each on an annual basis.

Bulls Say

  • Amgen’s pipeline had been stale since the launch of Prolia/Xgeva, but cholesterol drug Repatha and migraine drug Aimovig revived the enthusiasm for the firm’s research engine, and Lumakras and Tezspire also look differentiated.
  • The acquisition of Decode gave Amgen the ability to identify potential new drug targets, validated by human genetics, and the firm continues to build on this database
  • Amgen’s improved manufacturing efficiency not only will benefit gross margins but also could give the firm a cost advantage in the biosimilar market.

Company Description

Amgen is a leader in biotechnology-based human therapeutics, with historical expertise in renal disease and cancer supportive-care products. Flagship drugs include red blood cell boosters Epogen and Aranesp, immune system boosters Neupogen and Neulasta, and Enbrel and Otezla for inflammatory diseases. Amgen introduced its first cancer therapeutic, Vectibix, in 2006 and markets bone-strengthening drug Prolia/Xgeva (approved 2010) and Evenity (2019). The acquisition of Onyx bolstered the firm’s therapeutic oncology portfolio with Kyprolis. Recent launches include Repatha (cholesterol-lowering), Aimovig (migraine), Lumakras (lung cancer), and Tezspire (asthma). Amgen’s biosimilar portfolio includes Mvasi (biosimilar Avastin), Kanjinti (biosimilar Herceptin), and Amgevita (biosimilar Humira).

(Source: Morningstar)

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