Business Strategy & Outlook
Dassault Systemes has a hold on the computer-assisted design software market for autos, aerospace and defense, and manufacturing. With 90% of all aircraft and 80% of all autos globally made via Dassault Systemes software, the company will stay well entrenched in engineering teams with help from its significant switching costs and network effect found in its midmarket CAD software, SolidWorks. The wide-moat company has adapted well to new trends in its market exposures, such as electric vehicle design software, which has made us more confident in the longevity of its moat and ability to achieve excess returns on invested capital. Outside of CAD offerings like Catia and SolidWorks, Dassault Systemes has a hefty portfolio of information intelligence, collaboration, content sharing, and simulation software, which all work to serve a part of product production, whether it’s drug research and development, mining planning, or clothing line organization. The most popular of these disparate offerings is Enovia, its product lifecycle management software, which is used in a variety of industries to connect engineers, marketing, and supply chain teams to better orchestrate the lifecycle of a product.
Dassault Systemes has the greatest share of the PLM market, and this exposure is responsible for nearly half of the company’s $100 billion addressable market. While there are new entrants in the PLM and midmarket CAD spaces, Dassault Systemes will be able to work to minimize any additional share that new players would take in its markets by increasing its adoption of its 3DExperience platform. The platform seeks to connect much of Dassault Systemes’ offerings in one place. Over the next two years, Dassault Systemes will be able to significantly increase its platform revenue. With a greater portion of customers on the platform, one should not be surprised to see customer churn come down and switching costs increase as the platform helps to lock in the benefits of using all Dassault Systemes’ software, which used to be more disparate.
Financial Strengths
Dassault Systemes to be financially healthy, given its asset-light model. As of 2021, Dassault Systemes had EUR 3 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company had EUR 3 billion in long-term debt, much of which is a result of debt financing required to purchase Medidata for $5.7 billion in 2019. The debt/EBITDA will decrease to 1 by 2024, from 2.5 in 2021. Even with significant debt to pay down, Dassault Systemes should be well equipped to generate healthy free cash flow. The firm will continue paying out an annual dividend (with a roughly 30% payout ratio) and continue decent share repurchases.
Bulls Say
- Dassault Systemes should see strong adoption of its 3DExperience platform, enabling margin expansion due to increasing switching costs.
- Dassault Systemes’ foray into precision medicine by simulating individuals’ responses to medicine or medical devices should prove profitable over the next 10 years.
- The integration of Biovia with newly acquired Medidata should provide significant operating leverage and competitive positioning to threaten Veeva’s trial management competitor.
Company Description
Dassault Systemes is a leading provider of computer-assisted design and product lifecycle management software, serving customers like Boeing and Tesla throughout the production process. The company’s top line largely depends on the transportation and mobility, industrial equipment, and aerospace and defense industries.
(Source: Morningstar)
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