Technology Stocks

Dell Reports Q2 Results, but faces Supply Chain Challenges

Dell Technologies is a pre-eminent vendor of IT infrastructure products and services. Although Dell Technologies has substantial exposure to commoditized markets and carries considerable financial leverage, it expects a hybrid cloud IT to offer a growth opportunity amid Dell trimming its debt load via cash injections coming from divestitures and spinning off VMware. 

Dell Technologies’ business centers on PCs and peripherals, servers, storage, networking equipment, as well as software, services, and financial services. Its brands include Dell, Dell EMC, VMware, Secure works, and Virtustream. The company returned to the public market in late 2018 through a reverse merger of the VMware tracking stock, DVMT. The company’s largest revenue streams of commercial PCs and servers are in tough pricing environments that can rely on services and support to generate profit.

While Dell is a benefactor of heightened demand for computers and peripherals due to the pandemic, it remains hesitant about the long-term growth and competitive pricing environment of the computing market. On the other side of the business, it is expected that Dell’s hybrid-cloud portfolio can ramp up business as organizations update their infrastructure to modern solutions.

Financial Strengths

Dell is maintaining $80 fair value estimate after its second-quarter results surpassed the expectations for year-over-year revenue growth and earnings. Dell’s last traded price was 101.55 USD, whereas its fair value estimate is 80 USD, which makes it an overvalued stock. As with peers in the computer market, Dell’s rampant growth is being restrained by supply chain challenges that are expected to persist in the near term. Shares slightly dropped after Dell reported results Since returning to the public markets, the company has placed a priority on paying down its debt balance with the goal to become investment-grade. As of the end of fiscal 2021, Dell Technologies had about $48.5 billion in total debt. The Dell sale of Boomi will bring in another $4 billion, and it is expected Dell to use both transactions to pay down debt.

Bulls Say

  • As a supplier with an end-to-end IT infrastructure portfolio, Dell Technologies has significant up selling and cross-selling opportunities.
  • Through its cloud-based products, higher-margin nascent technologies, traditional hardware prowess, and VMware, the company is well-positioned to be a leader in hybrid cloud environments.
  • Dell Technologies’ healthy cash flow is focused on paying down debt and creating a more balanced long-term capital structure that can support future investments.

Company Profile

Dell Technologies, born from Dell’s 2016 acquisition of EMC, is a leading provider of servers and storage products through its ISG segment; PCs, monitors, and peripherals via its CSG division; and virtualization software through VMware. Its brands include Dell, Dell EMC, VMware (expected to be spun off toward the end of 2021), Boomi (expected to be sold by the end of 2021), Secure works, and Virtustream. The company focuses on supplementing its traditional mainstream servers and PCs with hardware and software products for hybrid-cloud environments. The Texas-based company employs around 158,000 people and sells globally.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Avita Benefits From the Incidence of Burns Normalising

currently a skin graft sourced from elsewhere on the patient’s body. It is believed Avita will be successful based on the product’s clinical performance, ease of use and relative price point. RECELL creates Spray-on Skin within 30 minutes from a skin sample, typically less than 5% of the size required in a graft. It has been clinically demonstrated to heal the burn site as effectively as a skin graft without creating a large donor site wound.

Despite the technology in Avita’s RECELL system being in use since the Bali bombings in 2002, the product has had limited commercial success as it entered the market as an investigational device. This limited the reimbursement and take-up of the product. RECELL relaunched in the U.S. following randomized clinical trials and FDA approval in late 2018. Currently, it’s approved for treating second and third degree burns in adults, and Phase 3 pediatrics clinical trials began in first-quarter calendar 2020.

The treatment of severe burns in the U.S. is concentrated across the 136 burn centers, making commercial roll-out of RECELL straightforward. Of the approximately 14,000 adults with second- or third-degree burns treated at these burn centers each year, Avita could ramp-up to 37% share or 5,200 patients per year by fiscal 2026. The cost of RECELL compares favorably with a skin graft in this setting, as RECELL has a list price of USD 7,500 per single-use unit versus the USD 17,000 to USD 20,000 cost of a skin graft. It also has the benefits of shorter length of stay and fewer additional procedures.

Financial Strengths

Avita is in a solid financial position with no debt, and cash on the balance sheet of USD 111 million as at June 30, 2021, Having raised AUD 120 million in equity funding in November 2019, and a further USD 69 million in February 2021. It is expected that the operations of the company to be a net consumer of cash in fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2024 as it scales up operations, and become free cash flow positive thereafter. Key operational cash requirements include the Salesforce and clinical trials and approvals for new indications. There is little capital investment required as the owned factory where it assembles the RECELL systems in the U.S. is currently running at only 10% capacity. 

Bulls Say

  • Avita’s RECELL system as a sound alternative treatment for large second- and third-degree burns treated in burn centers. It compares favorably on price and ease of use with new products and the existing standard of care being skin grafts.
  • The company requires little invested capital and is expected to generate very high returns once it ramps up its commercial roll-out.
  • RECELL has achieved an estimated 17% market share in its key addressable market since launching in 2019 and shows promising signs to expand its use for other indications.

Company Profile

Avita is a single product company. Its RECELL system is an innovative burn treatment device which creates Spray-on Skin from a small skin sample within 30 minutes, thus avoiding or reducing the need for skin grafts. It’s approved for the treatment of adult patients in the U.S. with pediatric clinical trials and expanded indications in soft-tissue reconstruction and vitiligo underway. It is currently in roll-out across the approximately 136 U.S. burn centers. Despite having product approval in Australia, Europe, Canada, and China, Avita is not actively marketing in those territories and focusing instead on the U.S. region. However, it is expected to gain approval and launch in Japan via distribution partner Cosmotec shortly. Avita is domiciled, and has its primary listing, in the U.S.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Western Digital merger with Kioxia to Become Global NAND Behemoth

Such a deal would be a defensive, but prudent, move by Western to reinforce its competitive position in the swiftly consolidating chip market. In the long term, it is expected the NAND market to follow the dynamics of DRAM and HDDs, and consolidate down to about three leading players for a largely commodity like product. 

Western and rival Micron were interested in a Kioxia tie up. Western would be materially better off by beating Micron to the deal, either deal would create three dominant players in NAND, and Western would avoid being on the outside looking in. Nevertheless, a potential deal wouldn’t alter no-moat or stable moat trend ratings for Western. The company maintains $70 fair value estimate for Western Digital until a deal is officially announced. 

Although they are competitors, Western and Kioxia have a long-standing joint venture for their NAND manufacturing, wherein the firms invest equally, buy chips back, and compete to sell them on the open market. The potential combination would create the largest NAND supplier in the world, barely edging out current leader Samsung. 

Company’s Future Outlook

A deal would further emphasize the strategic differences between Western Digital and HDD rival Seagate. While Seagate has doubled down on mass capacity HDDs for enterprise and cloud customers, Western has diversified into flash with its 2016 SanDisk acquisition and now the potential Kioxia deal. The deal would reportedly be funded entirely through stock. For privately held Kioxia, $20 billion or more would secure a solid return, especially after pursuing a $16 billion valuation in a suspended 2019 IPO. Seagate will able to earn more attractive returns by staying out of the high-investment NAND market. 

Company Profile

Western Digital is a leading vertically-integrated supplier of data storage solutions, spanning both hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid state drives (SSDs). In the HDD market it forms a practical duopoly with Seagate, and it is the largest global producer of NAND flash chips for SSDs in a joint venture with competitor Kioxia.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Afterpay’s Milestones over FY21 Illustrate It Has Much to Offer Square

The fair value estimate of Afterpay is at AUD 113 per share.  The company’s valuation assumes a 75% chance the acquisition will proceed to completion at AUD 126 per share, which is based off Square’s share price at the time of offer. 

Square’s deal to buy Afterpay looks like another move to push Square’s business model closer to that of PayPal and strengthen the bonds between its Cash App and seller businesses to create a more fleshed-out two-sided platform. The firm intends to amass Afterpay’s 16.2 million (and growing) highly-engaged shoppers and 98,200 merchant partners (most of which are large enterprises) as selling points to attract more merchants and customers. Incorporating Afterpay’s features into Square’s own offerings (and vice versa) also further enhances the product proposition to users.

The quality of Afterpay’s shoppers is well known. Not only is the number of shoppers growing, but spend per customer is rising–in fiscal 2021, more than 93% of underlying sales were made by repeat customers, while its top 10 customers (by sales) now spend 34 times per year, up 21% from a year ago. Quantitatively, the value Afterpay brings to merchants is reflected in rapid signup of merchants to the platform and the margins merchants can afford to (and are willing to) pay–merchant margins were unchanged from the prior year at 3.9% in fiscal 2021.

Company’s Future Outlook

The buy now, pay later, or BNPL, firm expects its acquisition by Square to close in the first quarter of 2022, with a scheme booklet due to be dispatched in September 2021. It is believed Afterpay’s strategy in moving beyond just extending credit to playing a larger role in a customer’s lifecycle (such as via Afterpay Money) should help dissuade customers from switching to an alternate finance provider and subsequently, entrench the durability of its growing network

Company Profile

Afterpay started its buy now, pay later, or BNPL, financing product in calendar 2015, listed on the ASX in May 2016 and merged with Touchcorp (who designed and built Afterpay’s platform software) in June 2017. Its BNPL platform allows consumers to make acquisitions at merchant partners by paying installments every two weeks. If consumers pay on time, they transact on Afterpay for free. Afterpay primarily generates revenue from receiving a margin from the merchant. Afterpay pays the merchant the full purchase price immediately on the sale, less this margin. The margin compensates Afterpay for accepting all non-payment risk, including credit risk and fraud by the consumer, and for encouraging consumers to purchase greater dollar values and transact more frequently.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

South32 Profits Rebound due to Stronger Commodity Prices in FY21

with adjusted net profit after tax up about 150% to USD 489 million. Adjusted EBIT nearly doubled to USD 844 million from USD 446 million, thanks to higher commodity prices, and was in line with the expectations. The company did a creditable job at offsetting inflationary pressures, primarily through cost reductions and efficiencies. 

Dividends surprised on the upside, with South32 declaring a USD 3.5 cent final and USD 2.0 cent special, bringing the full year payout to USD 6.9 cents fully franked, ahead of our USD 6.0 cent forecast. Given South32 possessed about USD 400 million net cash at the end of June, the cash returned to shareholders seems to be worthy use of funds.. In addition, the outlook for commodity prices is probably looking better for the company in fiscal 2022.

Metallurgical coal has been one of the strongest performers of late, the price doubling in less than six months. At the divisional level, Cannington had a much better year, reflecting strong production and higher prices, with EBIT more than tripling to USD 350 million.

Company’s Future Outlook

South32 has increased the size of its ongoing on market share buyback by USD 120 million, with about USD 250 million remaining to be returned.  Along with share repurchases, South32 continues to make incremental portfolio improvements. A more focused and streamlined portfolio should reduce South32’s expenditure requirements and allow capital to be directed to higher returning opportunities. Like many diversified mining peers, South32 is positioning itself for a carbon constrained world and expects the majority of its commodities to do better under that constraint, notably aluminium for light-weighting and nickel for batteries.  The recent rebound in the coking coal price may provide an opportunity, which could be a good option.

Company Profile

South32 was born of the demerger of noncore assets from BHP in 2015. South32 comprises BHP’s former aluminium and manganese businesses and the South African energy coal and New South Wales metallurgical coal businesses. It also owns the Cannington silver/lead/zinc mine in northwest Queensland and the Cerro Matoso nickel mine in Colombia. Cannington silver mine and manganese operations deliver high returns but have relatively short reserve life. The company acquired Arizona Mining, which brings with it the high-grade and likely low-cost Hermosa deposit in the U.S.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks Expert Insights Shares

Woolworths Screens as Overvalued

operating supermarkets and discount department stores. Market capitalization is around AUD 50 billion, with annual sales of over AUD 50 billion. The fair value estimate for narrow-moat Woolworths is AUD 24. The board declared a fully franked dividend of AUD 1.08 for the full fiscal year 2021, equating to a payout ratio of 69%.

Woolworths has a narrow economic moat, characterized by an extensive supermarket store network, serviced by an efficient supply chain operation coupled with significant buying power. It operates in the very competitive supermarket and discount department store segments of the retail sector. Intense competition has taken its toll on margins. Management has reset prices lower to drive foot traffic and increase basket sizes. Volume growth is vital for maximizing supply chain efficiencies.

Australian food sales of over AUD 40 billion represented about 15% of total Australian retail sales in fiscal 2021. The percentage increases substantially if sales are strictly comparable. 

Financial Strength

Woolworths is in a strong financial position with solid gearing metrics. At the end of fiscal 2021, the balance sheet was conservatively geared and EBITDA covered interest expenses 7 times. After the AUD 2 billion share buyback, Woolworth’s investment-grade credit rating is expected to be the same. Woolworths generates large cash flow with significant negative working capital. Cash flow comfortably finances capital expenditure. The balance sheet is robust, and acquisitions are generally bolt-on and funded with cash or existing debt facilities.

Woolworths is well positioned to withstand cyclically weak consumer spending. Woolworths is a defensive stock, with food retailing generating most of group revenue and profit, a solid balance sheet, and a narrow moat surrounding its economic profits. Woolworths last traded price was 40.99 AUD, whereas its fair value is 24 AUD, which makes it an overvalued stock. As per the analysts, the group’s operating earnings will shrink by about a quarter in fiscal 2022 with the demerger of Endeavour.

Bull Says

  • Woolworths’ dominant position in the supermarket sector is entrenched and, coupled with first-class management, suggests that it can maintain leadership in the sector.
  • Woolworths’ operating leverage could lead to a rebound in operating margins, driving cash generation that funds expansion and acquisitions while allowing capital-management initiatives.
  • The refurbishing of the existing supermarket fleet and rollout of revised store formats, with significantly improved service, convenience and product offerings could increase store productivity and lead to higher sales growth.

Company Profile

Woolworths is Australia’s largest retailer. Operations include supermarkets in Australia and New Zealand, and the Big W discount department stores. The Australian food division constitutes the majority of group EBIT, followed by New Zealand supermarkets, while Big W is a minor contributor.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Global stocks Shares

Coty’s Turnaround Is Progressing Faster than Expected

besting $1.0 billion estimate, as sales in the long-troubled mass beauty segment rebounded from the pandemic faster than expected. The strength was driven by Cover Girl, the cornerstone of the segment, which experienced its first full quarter of market share gains in five years, on the heels of the brand’s relaunch, supported by a new lineup of clean ingredient products and a robust marketing campaign. 

While Coty’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA remains quite high at 5.3 times at the end of June, the firm closed its fiscal year with $2.3 billion in liquidity, which should be sufficient to meet its needs over the next year ($240 million in capital expenditures, $100 million in preferred dividends, and $25 million in debt maturities).

CEO Sue Nabi laid out her turnaround strategy last year, which calls for Coty to increase its exposure to high growth markets where it had been historically underexposed. But the firm has been able to improve quickly the trends, in the face of a global pandemic, nonetheless. 

Company’s Future Outlook

For fiscal 2021, Coty’s adjusted operating margin was 8.8% compared with 6.9% in fiscal 2019, given positive mix shifts to more profitable channels (e-commerce and prestige) and categories (skincare), lower obsolescence charges, temporarily reduced marketing expenses, and over $330 million in permanent fixed cost reductions. Coty’s fiscal 2022 guidance also exceeds forecast, calling for low-teen organic sales growth, and $900 million in adjusted EBITDA, compared with estimates of 9% growth and $800 million in adjusted EBITDA. Although material increase in Coty’s intrinsic value is anticipated, its fair value is still under review, in order to revisit the long term forecast and the implications of its planned IPO of a stake in its Brazilian beauty business.

Company Profile

Coty is a global beauty company that sells fragrances (56% of fiscal 2020 revenue), color cosmetics (31%), and skin/body care (13%). The firm licenses brands such as Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Gucci, Burberry, and Davidoff for its prestige portfolio. Coty’s most popular color cosmetic brands are Cover Girl, Max Factor, Rimmel, Sally Hansen, and Kylie. Coty also holds a 40% stake in a salon and retail hair care business, including brands Wella, Clairol, OPI, and ghd. Francois Coty founded the firm in 1904 and it remained private until its 2013 IPO. It had focused on prestige fragrances and nail salon brands until the 2016 acquisition of Procter & Gamble’s beauty care business. This nearly doubled the firm’s revenue base, and launched it into mass channel cosmetics and professional hair care.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

SkyCity’s Business to Sit on the Sidelines Amid Travel Restrictions

buoyed by the recovery from current coronavirus-induced lows and solid performance from its core assets in Auckland and Adelaide. SkyCity’s Auckland and Adelaide properties underpin the firm’s narrow economic moat. SkyCity is the monopoly operator in both jurisdictions, with long-dated licences (exclusive licence for Auckland expires in 2048, and Adelaide licence expires in 2085 with exclusivity guaranteed until 2035). The quality of these assets, particularly SkyCity Auckland, has helped build the firm’s VIP gaming business.

SkyCity’s exposure to the volatile VIP gaming market is smaller than that of Australian rivals Crown Resorts and Star Entertainment. VIP revenue typically represents over 20% of Crown’s and Star’s sales, compared with SkyCity’s typical 10%-15%. While high rollers have no alternatives when in Auckland or Adelaide, SkyCity effectively competes as a destination casino on a global scale against locations such as The Star in Sydney and Crown Melbourne. This includes a NZD 750 million upgrade to SkyCity Auckland to be completed by the end of calendar 2024 and a AUD 330 million expansion for SkyCity Adelaide, a transformational project completed in fiscal 2021.

Financial Strength 

Despite near-term earnings weakness, SkyCity’s balance sheet remains robust, bolstered by a NZD 230 million capital raise completed at the end of fiscal 2020 and extensions to new and existing debt facilities. As expected, SkyCity declared a final dividend in the second half of fiscal 2021, following the June 30, 2021 covenant testing date. We expect SkyCity’s balance sheet to continue to improve over coming years as earnings recover, with net debt/EBITDA dropping below 1.0 in fiscal 2024 as expansionary projects roll off and earnings recover. 

Our fair value for SkyCity to NZD 3.80, from NZD 3.50, following the release of fiscal 2021 results. The raise on our fair value estimate is principally due to a more positive outlook on capital expenditure as SkyCity’s major expansion projects roll off and insurance payments are set to cover the majority of growth expenditure earmarked for the next three years. Despite New Zealand recently shifting back into stage 4 lockdown, SkyCity’s longdated and exclusive licences in Auckland and Adelaide create a regulatory barrier to entry, underpinning the firm’s narrow moat, and position the business well to participate in the recovery as restrictions ease. 

The payout ratio is well-supported by SkyCity’s balance sheet. The completion of the NZD 330 million Adelaide expansion in fiscal 2021 takes some pressure off cash flows, and of the further NZD 500 million in capital expenditure flagged for the NZICC project, around NZD 380 million will be funded by insurance payments to be received following the NZICC fire. The NZD 750 million NZICC/Horizon Hotel project (which helped secure licensed exclusivity at the core Auckland casino) has been delayed by a fire, with completion now expected in late calendar 2024.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Long-dated exclusive licences to operate the only casino in Auckland and Adelaide allow SkyCity to enjoy economic returns in a regulated environment.
  • We expect transformative capital expenditure at SkyCity’s Auckland and Adelaide casinos will lead to a sizable step-up in earnings.
  • SkyCity is well positioned to benefit from the emerging middle and upper class in China.

Company Profile 

SkyCity Entertainment operates a number of casino-hotel complexes across Australia and New Zealand. The flagship property is SkyCity Auckland, the holder and operator of an exclusive casino licence (expiring in 2048) in New Zealand’s most populous city. The company also owns smaller casinos in Hamilton and Queenstown. In Australia, the company operates SkyCity Adelaide (exclusive licence expiring in 2035).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Oil Search Delivers Robust First-Half Cash Flows

The PNG oil and gas producer reported first-half 2021 underlying net profit after tax, up 460% to USD 139 million. Lower-than-expected operating costs were the driver of outperformance. 

Net operating cash flow increased 52% to USD 308 million. This allowed group net debt to fall USD 254 million in the first half to USD 2.10 billion, excluding operating leases. Leverage (ND/(ND+E)) was 27% with annualized first-half net debt/EBITDA still somewhat elevated at 2.3, though likely to improve given stronger second-half LNG prices.

Oil Search declared an interim USD 3.30 cent dividend, up from zero in the previous corresponding period and ahead Oil Search maintained all 2021 guidance including production of 25.5-28.5 mmboe, unit production costs of USD 10.50-11.50 per boe, and investment expenditure of USD 250 million-350 million. The current AUD 6.10 Santos share price implies an Oil Search value of AUD 3.83 and Oil Search shares trade close to that mark. 

Company’s Future Outlook

Oil Search shareholders will hope to achieve the ultimate value potential through Santos shares. It is forecasted a 70% increase in group production to 46 mmboe by late this decade, capturing PNG LNG expansion and the Papua LNG projects, but not yet inclusive of Alaska North Slope’s oil, pending Pikka front-end engineering and design, or FEED, outcome. This, regardless, drives an 11.8% 10-year group EBITDA CAGR to USD 1.85 billion by 2030, from a coronavirus-affected 2020 launch year.

Company Profile

Oil Search was founded in 1929 and operates all of Papua New Guinea’s oilfields. The PNG government holds a 10% interest. Oil Search had successfully run PNG oil fields since assuming operatorship from ExxonMobil in 2003. However, the tyranny of distance saw the large and high-quality gas fields largely stranded until 2014. The PNG LNG project is the first step to monetize those vast gas resources, again under the direction of ExxonMobil. First-stage construction is complete, with potential for expansion from two trains to five.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Technology Stocks

Salesforce Margin Performance Bodes Well Long-Term; FVE up to $292

Even as revenue growth is likely to dip below 20% for the first time at some point in the next several years, ongoing margin expansion should continue to compound earnings growth of more than 20% annually for much longer. Sales force’s fair value estimate increased to $292.

Sales Cloud represents the original sales force automation product, which streamlined process management for sales leads and opportunities, contact and account data, process tracking, approvals, and territory tracking. Service Cloud brought in customer service applications, and Marketing Cloud delivers marketing automation solutions.  Sales force Platform also offers customers a platform-as-a-service solution, complete with the App Exchange, as a way to rapidly create and distribute apps. 

Sales force is widely considered a leader in each of its served markets, which is attractive on its own, but the tight integration among the solutions and the natural fit they have with one another makes for a powerful value proposition. To that end, more than half of enterprise customers use multiple clouds. Further, customer retention has gradually improved over time and is better than 90.

Financial strength is a financially sound company. The last traded price of Salesforce was 260.85 USD while its FVE (Fair value Estimate) is 292.00 USD, which shows that Salesforce has potential to grow.

Revenue is growing rapidly, while margins are expanding. As of Jan. 31, had $12.0 billion in cash and investments, offset by $2.7 billion in debt, resulting in a net cash position of $9.3 billion.  Further, Salesforce generated free cash flow margins in excess of 17% in each of the last four years, including 18% in fiscal 2021, which was negatively impacted by COVID-19. In terms of capital deployment, Salesforce makes acquisitions rather than pay a dividend or repurchase shares. 

Bull Says

  • dominates the SFA space but still only controls 30% in a highly fragmented market that continues to grow double digits each year, suggesting there is still room to run.
  • The company has added legs to the overall growth story, including customer service, marketing automation, e-commerce, analytics, and artificial intelligence.
  •’s margins are subscale, with a runway to more than 100 basis points of operating expansion annually for the next decade. Indeed, management has put more emphasis on expanding margins in recent quarters.

Company Profile provides enterprise cloud computing solutions, including Sales Cloud, the company’s main customer relationship management software-as-a-service product. also offers Service Cloud for customer support, Marketing Cloud for digital marketing campaigns, Commerce Cloud as an e-commerce engine, the Sales force Platform, which allows enterprises to build applications, and other solutions, such as Mule Soft for data integration.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.