Global stocks

Bristol/J&J and Bayer Report Solid Safety Data on Cardiac Drugs but Need Phase 3 Efficacy Data

Business Strategy & Outlook

Adept at partnerships and acquisitions, Bristol-Myers Squibb has built a strong portfolio of drugs and a robust pipeline. This strategy is seen with its large acquisition of Celgene, which netted the firm an excellent pipeline and a strong entrenchment in blood cancer. The strong overall pipeline helps support its wide moat. Bristol has created a strong pipeline and brought in partners to share the development costs and diversify the risks of clinical and regulatory failure. The cardiovascular partnership with Pfizer represents one of the most important partnerships, managing the blockbuster potential of Eliquis in atrial fibrillation. While Bristol discovered the drug internally, its strategic partnering decisions, as the moves reduce risks and lower development and marketing costs. Within the pipeline, the astute acquisition of Medarex helps secure Bristol’s strong first-mover advantage in cancer immunotherapy, which should yield several major blockbuster compounds.

 Bristol’s PD-1 cancer drug Opdivo holds the potential to revolutionize cancer treatment and should drive multi-billion-dollar sales annually based on solid efficacy, combination potential with other drugs and strong pricing power. However, competition from Merck’s Keytruda will likely limit Opdivo in some segments of the market, including lung cancer. Bristol is aggressively repositioning itself to expand through challenging patent losses. The company has shed its diabetes business, medical imaging group, wound care division, and nutritional business in an effort to focus on the high-margin specialty drug group. The Celgene acquisition moves Bristol significantly further into the specialty pharmaceutical segment of the market. Celgene’s drugs largely target cancer, which tends to be an area with strong drug pricing power, which should help Bristol maintain its drug pricing ability in a time when both governments and private payers are pushing back on drug prices.

Financial Strengths

Following the Celgene acquisition, Bristol carries a fairly high debt load with close to $30 billion in net debt as of the end of 2021, but the debt/EBITDA to fall close to 1.3 times by 2023 based on the strong cash flows from several well-positioned cancer drugs. Bristol’s cash flows combined with Celgene’s cash flows should put the firm on solid financial footing before the worst of the patent losses, which begin in 2022-23. The firm continues to make small to midsize acquisitions, such as the recent $13 billion purchase of MyoKardia, as it needs to further build out its pipeline to drive long-term growth.

Bulls Say

  • Bristol’s growth prospects are focused on new cancer indications for Opdivo and cardiovascular drug Eliquis, which holds leading efficacy data in the atrial fibrillation class. 
  • Oncology drug Opdivo holds the potential to radically shift the treatment paradigm in several cancer indications, which should result in peak sales of more than $10 billion annually. 
  • The majority of Bristol’s late-stage pipeline focuses on immunology and cancer–indications where the FDA aggressively approves drugs and which typically hold strong pricing power.

Company Description

Bristol-Myers Squibb discovers, develops, and markets drugs for various therapeutic areas, such as cardiovascular, cancer, and immune disorders. A key focus for Bristol is immuno-oncology, where the firm is a leader in drug development. Unlike some of its more diversified peers, Bristol has exited several non pharmaceutical businesses to focus on branded specialty drugs, which tend to support strong pricing power.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Sanofi’s Discontinuation of Cancer Drug Amcenstrant Is Disappointing, but No Major FVE Impact

Business Strategy & Outlook

Sanofi’s wide line up of branded drugs and vaccines and robust pipeline create strong cash flows and a wide economic moat. Growth of existing products and new product launches should help offset upcoming patent losses. Sanofi’s existing product line boasts several top-tier drugs, including immunology drug Dupixent. Dupixent looks well positioned to reach peak sales over EUR 14 billion, with an initial focus on the moderate to severe atopic dermatitis market. The additional indications in areas such as the more recently added severe asthma indication will help the drug serve additional patients. 

While Sanofi shares profits on the drug with Regeneron, the very high sales expected for the drug should provide a strong tailwind to overall growth for the company. Additionally, Sanofi holds a strong position with several vaccines and rare disease drugs that should hold up well as pricing pressures and competition tend to be less severe in these areas. The company also harnesses its research and development group to bring new drugs to emerging markets. While pricing in emerging markets is not usually as strong as in developed markets, the company can still leverage its investment in developing new drugs for developed markets by bringing the drugs to emerging markets. The rapid economic growth in emerging markets has created new geographic markets for Sanofi’s drugs. A history of acquisitions and robust cash flow from operations means Sanofi could take advantage of further growth opportunities through external collaborations. Sanofi’s acquisition focus on immunology drugs and rare disease drugs will continue following several deals in this area.

Financial Strengths

Sanofi is to remain on solid financial footing, closing 2021 with a debt/EBITDA ratio of 2 times. Further, the company generates stable cash flows that should enable the firm to meet its dividend payments and still accumulate significant cash reserves. The company redeployed its cash through bolt-on acquisitions in the neighborhood of $2 billion-$5 billion each year to augment its internal research and development. The recent sale of Regeneron stock of close to $12 billion may open up the possibility of a larger acquisition.

Bulls Say

  • Sanofi is launching immunology drug Dupixent, which holds strong pricing power and major blockbuster potential across several indications.
  • Sanofi’s strong entrenchment in rare-disease drugs should translate into steady pricing power as payers tend not to push back on pricing in this area. 
  • With a wide product offering in vaccines, consumer health and insulins, Sanofi is well positioned for the fast-growing emerging markets.

Company Description

Sanofi develops and markets drugs with a concentration in oncology, immunology, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vaccines. However, the company’s decision in late 2019 to pull back from the cardiometabolic area will likely reduce the firm’s footprint in this large therapeutic area. The company offers a diverse array of drugs with its highest revenue generator, Dupixent, representing just over 10% of total sales, but profits are shared with Regeneron. About 30% of total revenue comes from the United States and 25% from Europe. Emerging markets represent the majority of the remainder of revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Chubb Is Potentially the Most Attractive Long-Term Core Holding in Insurance

Business Strategy & Outlook

In January 2016, ACE acquired Chubb in a deal valued at about $28 billion and assumed its name. The deal looked fairly valued and there were meaningful cost benefits involved, with management eventually exceeding its initial targets. However, from a long-term perspective, the enthusiastic about the fact that the combination created a moaty international insurer with exposure across most insurance lines for the first time, marking Chubb as potentially the most attractive long-term core holding in the space from a fundamental point of view. In 2020, the coronavirus affected the industry’s and Chubb’s results, and the company’s COVID-19 losses were roughly in line with peers’ as a percentage of premiums. 

However, the impact at Chubb and peers was manageable and well within the range of events that the industry has successfully absorbed in the past. The future looks relatively bright. While the pricing environment had not been particularly favorable in recent years, pricing momentum picked up in primary lines in 2019, and this positive trend only accelerated in 2020. More recently, pricing has started to level off, but the industry has enjoyed the highest increases it has seen since 2003. While higher pricing is necessary to some extent to offset lower interest rates and a rise in social inflation, pricing increases appear to be more than sufficient to offset these factors.

Financial Strengths

One can remain comfortable with Chubb’s financial health. Equity/assets was 30% at the end of 2021, and while the company has a large amount of goodwill on its balance sheet, its balance sheet structure is reasonable and roughly in line with peers on a tangible basis. Like all property and casualty insurers, the company’s earnings and capital in any particular year could take a material hit due to catastrophes or securities market movements that affect its investment portfolio. However, the company’s insurance operations are well diversified, and it has a history of superior underwriting profits, so one wouldn’t expect a large catastrophe year to significantly degrade its capital position. The firm also retains a fairly conservative investment portfolio, which is concentrated in government debt, municipal bonds, and highly rated corporate securities.

Bulls Say

  • Chubb is one of the few companies with the global footprint that large corporate insurance customers demand. Its network has created a barrier to entry for potential competitors. 
  • Chubb is a large insurer with leading positions in the most moaty areas of the P&C insurance industry. 
  • Chubb’s international operations benefit from significant growth opportunities.

Company Description

ACE acquired Chubb in the first quarter of 2016 and assumed the Chubb name. The combination makes the new Chubb one of the largest domestic property and casualty insurers, with operations in 54 countries spanning commercial and personal P&C insurance, reinsurance, and life insurance.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

BioMarin formed a 50/50 joint venture to market BioMarin’s first drug, Aldurazyme for mucopolysaccharidosis

Business Strategy & Outlook

BioMarin is amassing a portfolio of genetic-disease therapeutics, making historical comparisons with Genzyme (acquired by Sanofi) difficult to avoid. Commercialization and research and development expenses have kept BioMarin in the red, but in the profit-generating power of its rare-disease treatments, and BioMarin’s turn to profitability looks maintainable. With a deep in-house pipeline and the ability to supplement growth with strategic acquisitions, BioMarin is in a strong position.

BioMarin’s life-saving therapies may serve only a few thousand patients globally, but with six-figure price tags on most products and high barriers to entry, one can see this as a very attractive marketplace. Genzyme (now Sanofi) and BioMarin formed a 50/50 joint venture to market BioMarin’s first drug, Aldurazyme, for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis I, or MPS I. BioMarin’s MPS VI drug, Naglazyme, is maturing, but still seeing solid growth due to use in emerging markets like Brazil and higher (more expensive) dosing as young patients mature; the peak sales will surpass $400 million. BioMarin is also well positioned to treat the entire spectrum of patients with phenylketonuria, or PKU, one of the world’s most common metabolic disorders. While generic versions of Kuvan (mild to moderate PKU) launched in the U.S. in 2020, more potent drug Palynziq launched in 2018 in the U.S. to serve adult patients with PKU, including patients with more severe disease. PKU is well diagnosed thanks to state-mandated newborn screening programs, and no alternative drug therapies exist.

Financial Strengths

BioMarin ended 2021 with roughly $1.4 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and investments and $1.1 billion convertible debt. Given its recent turn to profitability, the firm will have plenty of cash on hand to pay down its convertible debt coming due in 2024 ($495 million) and 2027 ($600 million). The current free cash flow estimates suggest that BioMarin will not need external financing to fund its operations going forward.

Bulls Say

  • BioMarin’s approved drugs have been granted orphan-drug status in the U.S. and European Union, providing them with at least 7 and 10 years of market exclusivity, respectively.
  • BioMarin’s drugs target rare chronic conditions that often require treatment from a very young age, and while locating eligible patients on a global level is challenging, the firm has high patient retention rates. 
  • With a growing portfolio in an attractive rare-disease niche—and acceleration of profit growth beginning in 2022—BioMarin could be an acquisition target for pharmaceutical firms with pipelines to fill.

Company Description

BioMarin’s focus is on rare-disease therapies. Genzyme (now part of Sanofi) markets Aldurazyme through its joint venture with BioMarin, and BioMarin markets Naglazyme, Vimizim, and Brineura independently. BioMarin also markets Kuvan and Palynziq to treat the rare metabolic disorder PKU (in addition to long-standing U.S. rights, BioMarin has reacquired international rights for Kuvan and Palynziq from Merck KGaA). Voxzogo (vosoritide) was approved in achondroplasia in 2021. BioMarin’s Roctavian (hemophilia A gene therapy) is poised to potentially launch in the 2022-23 timeframe.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Change Healthcare’s revenue is generated by payers and providers with a split of roughly 40% and 60%, respectively

Business Strategy & Outlook

Change Healthcare offers variations of over a dozen financial and administrative services to support healthcare payers and providers improve administrative efficiency related to submitting and reimbursing medical and dental claims. The company’s revenue is generated by payers and providers with a split of roughly 40% and 60%, respectively. These processing services are focused on administrative accuracy with relatively low fee rates. As a result, there are no material customer concentration issues and no one customer represents more than 4% of revenue. As these various outsourced services address niche needs, there are no direct comparable peers. These services generally fit into three segments; Network Solutions, Software Analytics, and Technology-enabled Services. 

Most of the company’s services were likely born from its Network Solutions segment as it is a medical and dental claim clearinghouse that services both payers and providers. This highly commoditized service drives scale and reach within healthcare claims processing and enables the company to identify incremental tools and evolving needs across its broad customer base. The company’s clinical and healthcare network manages roughly one third of U.S. healthcare claims from 2,200 government and commercial payers, 900,000 physicians, 118,000 dentists, 33,000 pharmacies, 5,500 hospitals, and 600 laboratories. Having connectivity to all these payers and providers will be critical in creating value with incremental software tools bundled from the other two segments. There is some crossover of the provider and payer services within the two segments, Software & Analytics and Technology-Enabled Services. The Software & Analytics segment supports plans covering 100 million lives, provides payment accuracy solutions to 19 of the top 20 U.S. payers, 4,600 hospitals, and nine of the top 10 Medicare advantage plans. The Technology-Enabled Services segment is focused on providing outsourced revenue cycle support and covers $34 billion in annual charges and $9.2 billion in annual collections across 207 million annual cases/procedures.

Financial Strengths

As a spinoff from a larger entity, Change Healthcare was burdened with a significant debt balance of $5.8 billion, or 6 times fiscal 2020 adjusted EBITDA. The company was largely leveraged to fund the integration and investment in its more targeted strategy. The company has a strong revenue base of $3 billion and gross margins and operating margins in excess of 60% and 15%, respectively. Even with the necessary strategic investments, the company would try to pay down some of its debt with free cash flow, which is forecast to be in excess of $250 million annually. The subscription nature of the company’s business will provide stability in revenue and cash flows to expand its leading position in the niche medical claims market. The management may make small tuck-in acquisitions through available cash and cash flows. Even in this scenario, there’ll be an increasing liquidity, as the firm’s reserve of cash should continue to increase.

Bulls Say

  • Its medical claims data and IT focus should enable the company to become a meaningful contributor with the increased focused toward value-added reimbursement and interoperability policies.
  • The company’s focus on developing new tools and analytics should further entrench it into mission critical operations of customers, making it increasingly challenging for competitors to gain a foothold.
  • Change Healthcare’s broad claims network provides broad connectivity and significant amounts of data to captive customer audiences.

Company Description

Change Healthcare is a spin-off of various healthcare processing and consulting services acquired by McKesson over numerous years. Recently, these processing assets were contributed to a joint venture and in June 2019 public shares were issued with McKesson retaining the majority interest. As of the end of the March 2020 quarter, McKesson distributed all its interest in the public processor. Core services consist of insurance (healthcare) claim clearinghouse for healthcare payers in addition to administrative and consulting services to assist healthcare providers improve reimbursement coding, billing, and collections.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Despite Recent Litigation Headwinds on Zantac, GSK Remains Well Positioned for Earnings Growth

Business Strategy & Outlook

As one of the largest pharmaceutical and vaccine companies, GSK has used its vast resources to create the next generation of healthcare treatments. The company’s innovative new product lineup and expansive list of patents protected drugs create a wide economic moat. The magnitude of GSK’s reach is evidenced by a product portfolio that spans several therapeutic classes. The diverse platform insulates the company from problems with any single product. Additionally, the company has developed next-generation drugs in respiratory and HIV areas that should help mitigate both branded and generic competition. 

The GSK to be a major competitor in respiratory, HIV, and vaccines over the next decade. On the pipeline front, GSK has shifted from its historical strategy of targeting slight enhancements toward true innovation. Also, it is focusing more on oncology and the immune system, with genetic data to help develop the next generation of drugs. The benefits of these strategies are showing up in GSK’s early-stage drugs. This focus will improve approval rates and pricing power. In contrast to respiratory drugs, treatments for cancer indications carry much strong pricing power with payers. From a geographic standpoint, GSK is strategically branching out from developed markets into emerging markets. Its vaccine segment positions the firm well in these price-sensitive markets. While this strategy is likely to create some challenges, like the potential legal violations that arose in early 2013 in China, the fast-growing emerging markets will help support long-term growth and diversify cash flows beyond developed markets. GSK’s decision to divest its consumer business will likely unlock value over the long run. GSK divested its consumer group (called Haleon) in July 2022. Given the strong valuations of consumer healthcare companies, this unit will yield a stronger valuation than what is implied within the GSK structure before the divestment.

Financial Strengths

GSK remains on fairly stable financial footing, with debt/EBITDA at 2.8 as of the end of 2021 and with Haleon taking on close to GBP 10 billion of GSK’s debt, the remaining GSK balance sheet is improved. With the improving balance sheet and steady projections of cash flows, the GSK will increasingly make more acquisitions to augment its internal research and development pipeline. Additionally, with the divestment of the consumer division in July 2022, the new dividend of GSK to be secure and likely grow at a pace similar to earnings over the next five years.

Bulls Say

  • GSK’s next-generation respiratory drugs and HIV drugs look poised for strong growth over the next five years. 
  • GSK faces relatively minor near-term patent losses, setting up steady long-term growth.
  • The firm’s well-positioned Shingrix vaccine should support strong long-term growth based on excellent efficacy and limited competition.

Company Description

In the pharmaceutical industry, GSK ranks as one of the largest firms by total sales. The company wields its might across several therapeutic classes, including respiratory, cancer, and antiviral, as well as vaccines. GSK uses joint ventures to gain additional scale in certain markets like HIV.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Merck’s Current Portfolio Looks Well Positioned for Growth in the Near Term

Business Strategy & Outlook

Merck’s combination of a wide line-up of high-margin drugs and a pipeline of new drugs should ensure strong returns on invested capital over the long term. Further, following the divestment of the Organon business in June 2021, the remaining portfolio at Merck holds a higher percentage of drugs with strong patent protection. On the pipeline front, after several years of only moderate research and development productivity, Merck’s drug development strategy is yielding important new drugs. Merck’s new products have mitigated the generic competition, offsetting the recent major patent losses. In particular, Keytruda for cancer represents a key blockbuster with multi-billion-dollar potential: It holds a first mover advantage in one of the largest cancer indications of non-small cell lung cancer with excellent clinical data. Also, the new cancer drug combinations will further propel Merck’s overall drug sales. However, the intense competition in the cancer market with several competitive drugs likely to report important clinical data over the next couple years in earlier stage cancer settings. Other headwinds include generic competition, notably to diabetes drug Januvia, likely to intensify in 2023. After several years of mixed results, Merck’s R&D productivity is improving as the company shifts more toward areas of unmet medical need. Owing to side effects or lack of compelling efficacy, Merck experienced major setbacks with cardiovascular disease drugs anacetrapib, Tredaptive, Rolofylline, and TRA along with Telcagepant for migraines. Safety questions ended the development of osteoporosis drug odanacatib. Despite these setbacks, Merck has some solid successes, including a successful launch for its PD-1 drug Keytruda in oncology. Following this success, Merck is shifting its focus toward areas of unmet medical need in specialty-care areas, and Keytruda is leading this new direction. Keytruda’s leadership in non-small cell lung cancer will be a key driver of growth for the company over the next several years.

Financial Strengths

Merck remains on solid financial footing. The company closed 2021 with debt/capital of 46%, and strong cash flows expected over the next several years should further strengthen the balance sheet. Also, with the spinoff of Organon, Merck received a one-time payment from Organon of $9 billion. Merck redeployed this capital through the acquisition of Acceleron to help fortify its late-stage pipeline. Merck has signalled a strong willingness to make acquisitions, and historically it has tended to make several bolt-on acquisitions each year. Given that Merck hasn’t made any major acquisitions since the Schering-Plough deal in 2009, it will make a larger acquisition over the next two to three years. Beyond acquisitions, the steady future dividends, supported by a payout ratio of close to 50% relative to adjusted earnings per share.

Bulls Say

  • Keytruda looks best positioned in the immuno-oncology landscape, buoyed by a first-mover advantage in the important indication of first-line non-small cell lung cancer.
  • The growth in Merck’s high margin cancer drugs should help expand the company’s overall operating margin.
  • Merck supports a strong dividend yield that looks secure based on a wide diversified portfolio of drugs.

Company Description

Merck makes pharmaceutical products to treat several conditions in a number of therapeutic areas, including cardiometabolic disease, cancer, and infections. Within cancer, the firm’s immuno-oncology platform is growing as a major contributor to overall sales. The company also has a substantial vaccine business, with treatments to prevent hepatitis B and pediatric diseases as well as HPV and shingles. Additionally, Merck sells animal health-related drugs. From a geographical perspective, just under half of the firm’s sales are generated in the United States.

(Source: Morningstar)

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