Technology Stocks

CrowdStrike Remains Attractive Even as We Lower Our Long Term Profitability Assumptions; FVE to $196

Business Strategy & Outlook

CrowdStrike is a leader in endpoint security, a necessity that aids in protecting devices and networks, and its threat hunting and breach remediation services are topnotch. While nefarious threat actors are continually upping their attack methodology to create zero-day attacks and are using the rise in entities using cloud-based resources to their advantage, CrowdStrike developed a methodology to turn any entities’ weak-point into better protection for all of its clients. CrowdStrike’s cloud-delivered endpoint protection platform continuously ingests data from all of its installed agents to enhance its protection solutions while keeping all users up to date against the latest threats. CrowdStrike’s customer base, revenue, and margins will experience profound growth throughout the 2020s as customers update their endpoint and workload security requirements in a hybrid-cloud world. 

CrowdStrike’s endpoint protection platform melded the needs of next-generation antivirus, threat intelligence, endpoint detection and response, and other features like managed threat hunting into a consolidated management plane. The lightweight agents, installed on physical devices like servers and laptops, or in virtual machines and cloud environments, are continually improving through its cloud database algorithms, becoming more capable as more data is received. CrowdStrike’s solutions establish customer switching costs and its network effect makes changing vendors a challenge as clients rely on having the latest threat protection. Alongside a persistent talent shortage in cybersecurity and firms attempting to manage disparate toolsets for various parts of endpoint security, entities are challenged to stay secure in networking environments without distinct security perimeters. CrowdStrike’s experts supplement these overwhelmed or short-staffed teams, and the firm also offers breach remediation and proactive testing services. CrowdStrike is in the early stages of becoming a market mainstay as businesses and governments rapidly adopt cloud-based endpoint protection platforms.

Financial Strengths

CrowdStrike is a financially sound company that will be able to generate solid free cash flow and expand its margin profile throughout the 2020s. CrowdStrike had its initial public offering in June 2019 and has historically operated at a loss on a GAAP basis. CrowdStrike’s capital deployment efforts are true to a land-and-expand strategy, whereby CrowdStrike initially has elevated sales and marketing expenses to gain a customer cohort before expanding its revenue per customer while lowering its operating costs per customer (on a revenue percentage basis). CrowdStrike can benefit from cross-selling and up-selling tangential products to its existing base and new clients, while also converting breach remediation service clients to be product customers. As of the end of fiscal 2022, CrowdStrike had $2.0 billion of cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities and $740 million of debt. With a strong balance sheet and free cash flow generation, CrowdStrike is anticipated to pay its obligations on time.

Bulls Say

  • CrowdStrike’s innovative endpoint security solutions, delivered as a platform, are quickly attracting customers as clients want to consolidate their myriad legacy security tools. Its threat remediation services are a powerful tool in landing new subscription clients. 
  • After landing a client, CrowdStrike can gain significant margin leverage via the cross-selling and up-selling of additional security modules. 
  • CrowdStrike’s products become more capable as new clients are added, and its threat intelligence and hunting can become a core part of customer’s cybercrime defense.

Company Description

CrowdStrike Holdings provides cybersecurity products and services aimed at protecting organizations from cyberthreats. It offers cloud-delivered protection across endpoints, cloud workloads, identity and data, and threat intelligence, managed security services, IT operations management, threat hunting, identity protection, and log management. CrowdStrike went public in 2019 and serves customers worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Guidewire Extends Its Streak of Solid Results; FVE Decreased to $120

Business Strategy & Outlook

Guidewire is reaping the benefits of years of groundwork in the form of convincing property and casualty, or P&C, insurers to upgrade their aging core legacy systems to Guidewire’s solutions. The company has used a modern software platform to disrupt a sleepy industry that has been underserved by legacy software vendors, and there is still a long runway for additional growth for Guidewire. Guidewire as executing a classic land-and-expand strategy. The company started with the most critical piece, ClaimCenter, which is customer facing and handles claims processing, and then organically layered in BillingCenter and PolicyCenter within the next several years. Today, Guidewire has a broad software suite that covers all areas of an insurer’s needs and offers a wide variety of add-on solutions. Importantly, the company acquired ISCS to land a lower- and middle-tier SaaS offering.

By any objective measure, Guidewire has become the leading provider of core software to the P&C insurance industry. The company already covers 25% of direct written premiums, or DWPs, and it wins more deals per year than its largest competitors combined. Just as the company nudged the industry to modernize, it will be at the forefront as it now leads a wide array of the largest insurers into the SaaS age with InsuranceSuite Cloud and other cloud-based solutions. Indeed, results were uneven throughout 2019 because of accelerating SaaS adoption, but Guidewire has turned the corner and results are expected to be more predictable in future. Guidewire is anticipated to win more than its share of new clients, especially at the larger end of the market. From there the company is projected to upsell additional lines of insurance business and add on features. Momentum is on the company’s side after capturing many critical Tier 1 insurer mandates, as the industry can no longer wait or afford to maintain legacy systems built in the 1950s in some instances.

Financial Strengths

Guidewire has a standard level of financial strength. Revenue is growing rapidly on an organic basis, and non-GAAP margins are positive and expanding. Continued penetration into Tier 1 and 2 core solutions, with conversions and new bookings of InsuranceSuite Cloud, and the cross-selling of data-driven and digital add-ons will drive consistent midteens annual revenue growth over the next five years. As of July 31, Guidewire had $1.1 billion in cash offset by $344 million in debt, resulting in a net cash position of $776 million. The $344 million in debt represents convertible notes due in 2025, which is not considered as problematic, given the company’s cash balance and expected free cash flow generation leading up to the debt maturity date, and the likelihood it converts into equity rather than is repaid. GAAP Operating margin was negative in fiscal 2021, but is expected to gradually improve over time as a result of easing pressure from accounting treatment for two larger transactions in fiscal 2017 and 2018, and the maturation of the business model transition to subscriptions.

On a non-GAAP basis, margin contraction is modelled in fiscal 2022, followed by several hundred basis points of margin improvement each year over the next five years, driven by scale. Guidewire does not pay a dividend, does not regularly repurchase shares although it did recently begin doing so, and generally makes small acquisitions. The company completed two larger acquisitions in the context of its deal history, with deals of $154 million in fiscal 2017 and $130 million in fiscal 2018. Since its 2012 IPO, Guidewire has completed a handful of acquisitions for approximately $500 million in aggregate. The company is expected to occasionally make small, feature-driven acquisitions.  Management is expected to initiate a dividend in the foreseeable future.

Bulls Say

  • Guidewire is the clear leader seeking to modernize a large and underserved P&C insurance market that is ripe for modernization. 
  • Guidewire is investing in R&D and acquiring companies to add new solutions and features to its existing platform, as there is room to at least quadruple revenue within its existing clients. 
  • Some friction is being removed from the sales process, as insurers are recognizing the need to modernize and the sales conversation is easier with as many live Tier 1 and 2 customers as Guidewire has.

Company Description

Guidewire Software provides software solutions for property and casualty insurers. Flagship product InsuranceSuite is an on-premises system of record and comprises ClaimCenter, a claims management system; PolicyCenter, a policy management system including policy definitions, quotas, issuance, maintenance, and renewal; and BillingCenter, for billing management, payment plans, and agent commissions. The company also offers InsuranceNow, a cloud-based offering, as well as a variety of other add-on applications. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Alibaba’s Adjusted EBITA Could Bottom Out in December Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023; Shares Attractive

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Alibaba BABA is a Big Data-centric conglomerate, with transaction data from its marketplaces and logistics businesses allowing it to move into omnichannel retail, cloud computing, media and entertainment, and online-to-offline services. Company think a strong network effect allows leading e-commerce players to extend into other growth avenues, and nowhere is that more evident than with Alibaba. Alibaba’s internet services had annual active consumers of 953 million as of September 2021, versus the 1.2 billion online population in September 2021 per Questmobile and the 1.4 billion population in China. This provides Alibaba with an unparalleled source of data that it can use to help merchants and consumer brands develop personalized mobile marketing and content strategies to expand their target audiences, increase click-through rates and physical store transactions, and bolster return on investment. Alibaba’s marketplace monetization rates have reduced recently, due to increased compliance of antitrust laws, more competition, and weak consumer sentiment. Monthly gross merchandise volume per annual active user was CNY 770 for the year ended March 2021 for Alibaba, higher than CNY 176 in 2020 for Pinduoduo and CNY 461 in 2020 for JD.

 While the company view the Taobao/Tmall marketplaces as Alibaba’s core cash flow drivers, it also believes AliCloud and globalization offer long-term potential. While AliCloud will remain in investment mode in the medium term, accelerating revenue per user suggests a migration to value-added content delivery and database services that can drive segment margins higher over time. On globalization, third-party merchants are successfully reaching Lazada’s users across Southeast Asia, something that should continue as the company rolls out incremental personalized mobile marketing and content opportunities. While early, company share management’s views about offering incremental monetization opportunities from Alibaba’s user base.

Financial Strengths:  

Alibaba is in sound financial health. As of December 2020, the company had CNY 456 billion in cash and unrestricted short-term investments on its balance sheet against CNY 117 billion in short- and long-term bank borrowing and unsecured senior notes. Although Alibaba remains in investment mode, company believes the strong cash flow profile of its e-commerce marketplaces offers it the financial flexibility to continue investing in technology infrastructure and cloud, research, marketing, and user experience initiatives through its current balance sheet and strong cash flow profile. Additionally, it is assumed that the company has the capacity to add leverage to its capital structure, which could allow it to take advantage of low borrowing rates to fund growth initiatives, introduce a cash dividend when it sees limited investment opportunities with good returns on investment, or repurchase shares. It is expected that for the company to pursue acquisitions that could further improve its ecosystem, including online-to-offline, physical retail, and increased logistic capacity or capabilities.

Bulls Say: 

  • Monthly gross merchandise volume per annual active user was CNY 770 for the year ended March 2021 for Alibaba, higher than CNY 176 in 2020 for Pinduoduo and CNY 461 in 2020 for JD. 
  • Core annual active users on Alibaba’s China retail marketplaces had a retention rate of over 90% for the year ended September 2021. 
  • Alibaba’s core commerce (which includes China marketplace-based businesses and other loss-making businesses) adjusted EBITA margin was 26.2%, higher than JD retail’s 2.3% non-GAAP EBIT margin and PDD’s 15.2% non-GAAP EBIT margin for the September quarter of 2021.

Company Description:  

Alibaba is the world’s largest online and mobile commerce company as measured by gross merchandise volume (CNY 7.5 trillion for the fiscal year ended March 2021). It operates China’s online marketplaces, including Taobao (consumer-to-consumer) and Tmall (business-to-consumer). Alibaba’s China commerce retail division accounted for 63% of revenue in the September 2021 quarter. Additional revenue sources include China commerce wholesale (2%), international retail/wholesale marketplaces (5%/2%), cloud computing (10%), digital media and entertainment platforms (4%), Cainiao logistics services (5%), and innovation initiatives/other (1%).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Best Buy’s Long-Term Digital and Services Narrative Remains Intact Despite Near-Term Pressure

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

The company believe Best Buy is taking adequate steps to shore up its competitive position in an intensely competitive consumer electronics space. As the industry emerges from the shadow of COVID-19, it’s become clear that how people shop has permanently changed–with customers demanding seamless omnichannel access to favorite brands, quick fulfillment across channels, and tech solutions to more problems than ever before. As a result, Best Buy’s strategic positioning continues to resonate, with the firm leveraging its physical footprint for fulfillment and post-sale services, emphasizing its differentiated service offering, and experimenting with newer store formats, as the “one size fits all” retail model across trade areas appears antiquated. With more than one third of sales coming through digital channels in calendar 2021 (with management anticipating roughly 35% in perpetuity), the firm’s recent supply chain and e-commerce investments ($2.7 billion over the last five years, some 74% of total capital expenditures) look prescient. Next-day delivery now covers 99% of U.S. zip codes (up from 80% from pre-pandemic), allowing the firm to compete on more level ground against e-commerce competitors, like wide-moat Amazon–as buy-online-pick-up-in-store, or BOPIS) volumes, at 40% of e-commerce sales, remain more challenging for online-only stores to replicate. 

Further, the company takes a positive view of the firm’s Totaltech program, with more than 4.5 million members receiving unlimited home tech support, VIP access to phone and chat teams, free delivery and standard installation, members-only pricing, and free extended warranties on Best Buy purchases. Through the program, Best Buy leverages its network of 20,000 Geek Squad agents, increases touchpoints with customers, and positions itself better to earn the first shot at servicing customer category needs. Finally, Best Buy Health remains intriguing, with lower price elasticity and auspicious tailwinds from an insurer pay model. However, competition in the space remains rife, as a number of moaty firms with extensive healthcare aspirations (Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Facebook) have invested heavily in the segment.

Financial Strengths:  

The company thinks that Best Buy’s financial strength is sound, with the firm maintaining just $545 million in net debt at the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2023 and an investment-grade credit rating. With leverage well under 1 turn (0.3 debt/EBITDA at fiscal 2022 year-end), strong EBIT interest coverage, and no meaningful maturities until 2028, the company sees very little financial risk for the firm in the near to medium term. Access to a $1.25 billion credit facility adds a further degree of insulation. Consistent with historical patterns, it is expected that Best Buy will prioritize growth capital expenditures, strategic acquisitions, dividends, and share repurchases with its free cash flow (with free cash flow averaging 4.5% of sales through fiscal 2027). The firm also maintains an attractive dividend, with a 35%-45% payout target. The company’s annual share repurchases average a mid-single-digit percentage of shares outstanding through 2032, with our model calling for total shareholder returns of $11.3 billion through fiscal 2027.

Bulls Say: 

  • With digital sales volumes projected to equilibrate at roughly double pre-COVID-19 levels, Best Buy should better compete for online volumes that it historically ceded to online competitors. 
  • Improving route densities should strengthen the margin profile of small parcel e-commerce sales, with 35% of store “hubs” now accounting for 70% of ship from-store volume. 
  • The Best Buy Totaltech program should increase touchpoints with the firm’s best customers, increasing spending and frequency relative to pre-program behavior.

Company Description:  

With $51.8 billion in fiscal 2022 sales, Best Buy is the largest pure-play consumer electronics retailer in the U.S., with roughly 10.6% share of the aggregate market and north of 40% share of offline sales, per our calculations, CTA industry, and Euromonitor data. The firm generates the bulk of its sales in-store, with mobile phones and tablets, computers, and appliances representing its three largest categories. Recent investments in e-commerce fulfillment, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have seen the U.S. e-commerce channel roughly double from prepandemic levels, with management estimating that it will represent a mid-30% proportion of sales moving forward.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Dividend Stocks

While Inflation Runs Rampant, Pepsi’s Leading Snack and Beverage Mix Should Serve It Well

Business Strategy & Outlook

For many consumers, the Pepsi trademark elicits images of cola containers and ads extolling the brand’s taste superiority versus Coke. While PepsiCo is still a beverage behemoth, its business now extends beyond this industry, with Frito-Lay and Quaker products accounting for over half of sales and over an estimated 65% of profits. A diversified portfolio across snacks and beverages is considered the source of many of the company’s competitive advantages. Though management missteps have stymied performance in the past, the confluence of better execution and benefits inherent to its integrated business model has allowed Pepsi to reaccelerate profitable growth, and there is plenty of room to run.

After years of sluggish sales growth and underinvestment, Pepsi has committed to reinvigorating its top line. To that end, it has made significant investments in manufacturing capacity (for example, production lines to meet demand for reformulated packaging), system capacity (route optimization and sales technology), and productivity (harmonization and automation). These investments are considered prudent and believe they will allow the company to strengthen key trademarks such as Mountain Dew and Gatorade, deepen its presence in growth markets like sub-Saharan Africa, and yield enough cost savings to reinvest and widen profits. Recent strategic pivots in the energy category (such as the Rockstar acquisition and Mountain Dew line extensions) should also underpin growth and margins. 

Pepsi’s growth trajectory is not without risk, as the company faces secular headwinds such as shifts in consumer behavior. Additionally, changing go-to-market dynamics, such as online commerce that encourages real-time price comparisons and obviates the extent of Pepsi’s retail distribution advantage, allow for more nimble and aggressive competition. Still, structural dynamics emanating from Pepsi’s scale, the cachet of its brands, and the breadth of its portfolio, which support its wide moat, should enable the company to maintain and augment its competitive positioning.

Financial Strengths 

Pepsi’s financial health is considered excellent. While leverage has ticked up due to recent acquisitions, the company still has a strong balance sheet with manageable debt levels and robust free cash flow generation. Strong interest coverage ratios also lend credence to the firm’s health in this regard. Pepsi is not forecasted to have any issues meeting its contractual obligations for the foreseeable future, given the reliability of its business and its stalwart positioning across its categories.

Historically, the company has regularly produced around $7 billion in free cash flow (high-single to low-double digits as a percentage of sales). Management has prioritized strategic investments across the business of late, which is considered prudent to aid its competitive standing over the long term. While capacity (particularly in snacking growth areas) and digital capability investments will remain elevated in 2022 and beyond, free cash flow is expected to normalize at or above historical levels, particularly as the company’s revenue management and supply chain digitization initiatives continue to bear fruit. 

Management’s guiding principle as it relates to debt levels is to maintain access to Tier 1 commercial paper. While the prerequisites for this status vary by rating agency, there are no impediments to Pepsi’s ability to continue relying on this short-duration paper, and current leverage levels (around 2.5 times net debt/EBITDA) are considered appropriate for the firm. Moreover, the firm’s commercial paper access is viewed as one of the biggest testaments to its financial strength; this cheap financing should facilitate and perpetuate Pepsi’s financial flexibility. As the pandemic ends, liquidity should be of no concern to Pepsi investors–in addition to roughly $6 billion in cash at the end of fiscal 2021, the firm has undrawn credit facilities in excess of $7 billion.

Bulls Say

  • In still beverages—a category facing fewer secular challenges, particularly in the U.S.–Pepsi is a much more formidable competitor to Coca-Cola. 
  • Pepsi’s global dominance in salty snacks may be underappreciated; with volume share more than 10 times that of the next-largest competitor, the firm benefits from unparalleled unit economics and go-to market optionality. 
  • The firm’s consolidated beverage and snack distribution operations, combined with its direct store delivery capabilities, allow for better execution in merchandising.

Company Description

PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies globally. It makes, markets, and sells a slew of brands across the beverage and snack categories, including Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Doritos, Lays, and Ruffles. The firm uses a largely integrated go-to-market model, though it does leverage third-party bottlers, contract manufacturers, and distributors in certain markets. In addition to company-owned trademarks, Pepsi manufactures and distributes other brands through partnerships and joint ventures with companies such as Starbucks. The firm segments its operations into five primary geographies, with North America (comprising Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America, and North America beverages) constituting around 60% of consolidated revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

Since fiscal 2016, Cleanaway has invested in excess of AUD 100 million in greenfield materials recovery, waste treatment, and EfW projects

Business Strategy and Outlook

It is a favourable Cleanaway’s strategy, which seeks to maintain its leading position in commercial and industrial, or C&I, and municipal waste collections and to continue to improve its moat profile by investing in midstream materials recovery assets and, where possible, in downstream disposal assets. Cleanaway’s is the leading player in C&I and municipal waste with around 140,000 C&I customers and some 90 municipal council waste collection contracts. The economics of the waste management industry are overwhelmingly local in nature. Cleanaway’s strong presence in all of Australia’s state capital cities is aimed at local market dominance. This local market dominance in turn delivers route density that better spreads fixed costs–an imperative for profit generation in waste collection. 

Cleanaway is a relative latecomer to disposal, biological treatment, and midstream materials recovery with global players waste management competitors Veolia and Suez possessing high-quality disposal assets Cleanaway cannot replicate. An exit from the Australian market by either player would be the only route to materially increasing disposal earnings. As such, the sale of the Lucas Heights Landfill by Suez to Cleanaway–the result of the Veolia-Suez merger–is a rare windfall. It is hopeful about Cleanaway’s growth into materials recovery which feature more favourable economics than waste collection. Under its “BluePrint 2030” capital allocation strategy, the group will continue to focus investment in materials recovery and energy from waste, or EfW. Since fiscal 2016, Cleanaway has invested in excess of AUD 100 million in greenfield materials recovery, waste treatment, and EfW projects. The recent purchase of the materials recovery assets of SKM Recycling represents a further step toward Cleanaway’s goal of moving further into the industries midstream. 

Further diversifying Cleanaway away from waste collection is the acquisition of Toxfree in late fiscal 2018, skewing Cleanaway’s earnings stream away from collections, the most competitive segment of the waste management value chain.

Financial Strength

Cleanaway debt-funded its acquisition of key Australian post-collection assets from Suez. Leverage–defined as net debt/EBITDA excluding IFRS-16 lease liabilities–sits at 2.24 times at the end of the first half of fiscal 2022, up from 1.0 times at fiscal 2021 year-end. Nonetheless, significant headroom to Cleanaway’s leverage covenant on existing debt facilities–calibrated at 3.0 times–exists. Therefore, balance sheet flexibility exists should further acquisition opportunities arise. It is comforting with Cleanaway’s balance sheet amid COVID-19 induced turbulence. Specifically, Cleanaway’s liquidity position is more than ample to secure the business’ operations without external financing through the medium-term. With minimal debt maturities over the fiscal 2021–fiscal 2024 period, Cleanaway’s sources of cash— those being cash at bank, undrawn debt and operating cash flow–are more than sufficient to fund Cleanaway’s ongoing operations over said period. Cleanaway’s earnings exhibit little volatility through the economic cycle. As a result, its conservatively positioned balance sheet provides ample flexibility for further capital allocation to materials recovery and waste disposal assets —whether bolt-on or greenfield–under Cleanaway’s BluePrint 2030 strategy. Return of capital to shareholders could be considered in the absence of suitable mid- or downstream waste asset investment opportunities.

Bulls Say’s

  • Cleanaway is benefiting from industry consolidation. 
  • Municipal waste contracts provide relatively stable cash flows through the economic cycle. 
  • Capital allocation improved markedly under outgoing CEO Vik Bansal’s guidance.

Company Profile 

Cleanaway Waste Management is Australia’s largest waste management business with a national footprint spanning collection, midstream waste processing, treatment, and valorisation, and downstream waste disposal. Cleanaway is active in municipal and commercial and industrial, or C&I, waste stream segments and in nonhazardous and hazardous liquid waste and medical waste streams following the acquisition of Toxfree in fiscal 2018. While Cleanaway is allocating greater capital to midstream waste processing and treatment, earnings remain skewed toward waste collection. Cleanaway is particularly strong in C&I and municipal waste collection with strong market share in all large Australian metro waste collection markets. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

SL Green’s $3 billion megaproject One Vanderbilt was completed amidst the pandemic and has already achieved high occupancy rates

Business Strategy & Outlook:

SL Green Realty is a real estate investment trust engaged in the acquisition, development, repositioning, ownership, and management of commercial real estate properties, principally office properties. Most of the companies’ properties are in the Manhattan area. The company held interests in approximately 35 million SF, which includes ownership interests in 26.7 million SF in Manhattan buildings and 7.2 million SF securing debt and preferred equity investments. The strategy of the company is to maintain a high-quality portfolio of buildings in desirable locations and focus on creating value through new developments, capital recycling, and joint venture investments. As an instance, SL Green’s $3 billion megaproject One Vanderbilt was completed amidst the pandemic and has already achieved high occupancy rates. The economic uncertainty emanating from pandemic recovery and the remote work dynamic have created a challenging environment for office owners. Employees are still hesitant in returning to the office as office utilization remains around 45% of the pre-pandemic level. The vacancy rate for office spaces in Manhattan was recorded at 21% in first-quarter 2022, which is roughly 1000 basis points higher than pre-pandemic levels. On the supply side, approximately 17 million SF of office space, which amounts to around 4% of the total inventory is currently under construction in Manhattan and would be added to the market in upcoming years. It is expected this additional supply to further pressure fundamentals in the market. The Manhattan net absorption rate remains negative as of first-quarter 2022 and rental growth figures are disappointing especially given the highly inflationary environment.

Having said this, it is seen that an increasing number of companies requiring their employees to return to the office. In the long run, it is believed that remote work and hybrid remote work solutions will gain increasing acceptance, but offices will continue to be the centerpiece of workplace strategy and will play an essential role in facilitating collaboration, harnessing innovation, and maintaining the company culture

Financial Strengths:
SL Green has relatively more debt compared with other office REITs especially after considering its share of debt in unconsolidated joint ventures. The firm owns a majority of its properties through unconsolidated JVs and these properties are significantly more leveraged than the firm’s balance sheet. However, the unconsolidated JV debt is secured by the portfolio assets and have limited recourse to the parent company. The company’s share of debt which also includes its share of unconsolidated JV debt was $9.9 billion as of the end of first-quarter 2022, resulting in a debt/EBITDA ratio of 13.1 times. The current debt/EBITDA ratio is also high because of a lower base in the current challenging environment. The figure should come down slightly over the next few years as fundamentals recover and EBITDA sees healthy growth. Having said this, it is believed that SL Green’s higher leverage implies a higher financial risk for the firm. The weighted average interest rate on the company’s debt was 3.11% and the debt maturity schedule shows that the maturities are adequately spread. Approximately 77% of the total debt is fixed-rate debt with the other 23% being floating rate debt. The debt service coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA divided by interest and principal payments was 2.2 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The fixed-charge coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA are divided by all fixed expenses (including interest) was 1.9 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The debt and fixed-charge coverage ratios are 3.8 times and 2.9 times, respectively, if considering only the consolidated figures. As a REIT, SL Green is required to pay out at least 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders. The FAD payout ratio which is a ratio of dividends to funds available for distribution was reported at 70% for the year 2021. This shows the firm is generating sufficient cash to cover its fixed expenses and payout dividend.

Bulls Say:

SL Green’s midtown focus allows it to access one of the most vibrant business districts in the world. In addition to this, the company’s high-quality office buildings with good amenities should benefit from the flight to quality trend.
The development pipeline of the company is poised to drive significant net operating income growth for SL Green
SL Green attracts the highest-quality tenants with the deepest pockets, greatly reducing risk across its portfolio.

Company Description:
SL Green is one of the largest Manhattan property owner and landlord, with interest in around 35 million square feet of wholly owned and joint venture office space. The company has additional property exposure through its limited portfolio of well-located retail space. It operates as a real estate investment trust.

(Source: Morning Star)

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Dividend Stocks

WBC is on track towards its target of an $8bn cost base by FY24

Investment Thesis:

  • WBC is trading on an undemanding valuation, with 1.2x Price to Book (P/B) and dividend yield of 5.1%. 
  • All else being equal, WBC is offering an attractive dividend yield on a 2-yr (5.6%) and 3-Yr (6.2%) view. 
  • Strong oligopoly position in Australia (along with three other major banks in CBA, ANZ, NAB).
  • Strong management team and Board.
  • Macro environment to be both a tailwind and headwind – We expect a rising interest rates environment to be both positive and negative in that while it will enable banks to charge more for loans, it also could result in deterioration in asset quality, slower loan growth, as well as higher inflation and wage growth to be detrimental to costs expense.
  • Strong franchise model with management pushing towards lowering the bank’s cost to income ratio.
  • Improving loan growth profile and potential to grow above system growth. 
  • Better than expected outcome on net interest margin (NIM). 
  • Excess capital presents the potential for additional capital management (buybacks). 
  • Strong provisioning coverage.
  • A well-diversified loan book.

Key Risks:

  • Intense competition for loan growth.
  • Margin pressure.
  • Ongoing remediation expenses. 
  • Housing market stress. 
  • Increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning.
  • Funding pressure for deposits and wholesale funding (increased funding costs).
  • Any legal fees, settlements, loss or penalties.

Key Highlights:

  • Statutory net profit of $3,280m, down -5%.
  • Cash earnings of $3,095m, down -12%. Cash EPS of 85.4cps, down -12%. According to management, the decline in cash earnings over the year was mostly due to competitive pressures on net interest margins and returning to an impairment charge after having benefits last year. Further, WBC noted asset quality has improved, and most credit quality metrics are back to pre-COVID levels, however increased overlays in provisions for supply chain issues, inflation, expectations of higher interest rates and recent floods.
  • Revenue down 8% to $10,230m.
  • Costs (excluding notable items) were down 10% to $5,373m, driven by a reduction in headcount of more than 4000. WBC is on track towards its target of an $8bn cost base by FY24.
  • Net interest margin down 15 basis points to 1.91%.
  • WBC’s balance sheet remains sound and allowed WBC to complete its off-market share buy-back, reset capital range and increase dividend per share.
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 61cps.
  • Cash earnings of $132m was up +13, however excluding notable items cash earnings were -41% lower. This decline was due to businesses sold, lower life insurance income and a lower impairment benefit. Costs declined -6% excluding sold businesses. 
  • Cash earnings of $1,646m was down -15% due to lower net interest margin (25bps lower due to competition and portfolio mix change), and reduced credit impairment benefits. Operating expenses were lower due to higher use of digital and a reduction in network costs.
  • The Board declared a 1”.

Company Description:

Westpac Banking Corp (WBC) is one of the major Australian Banks. The bank services individuals and businesses such as SMEs, corporations, and institutional clients. The bank’s core segments include Retail Banking, Business Banking, Institutional Banking, Consumer Banking and its wealth management business, BT Financial Group (Australia).  

(Source: Banyantree)

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Small Cap

As Shares Fall Amid Fiscal Fourth-Quarter Struggles, Canopy Pushes back EBITDA Profitability to 2024

Business Strategy & Outlook:
Canopy Growth grows and sells cannabis products primarily in Canada, which accounts for roughly 50% of sales. Non-THC product sales account for about 30%. Canadian recreational accounts for roughly 60% of cannabis sales. Although the medical market to shrink as consumers turn to the recreational market, it is forecasted more than 10% average annual growth for the entire Canadian market through 2030, driven by the conversion of black-market consumers into the legal market and new cannabis consumers. Canopy also exports medical cannabis globally. The global market looks lucrative, given higher prices and growing acceptance of cannabis’ medical benefits. Exporters must pass strict regulations to enter markets, protecting early entrants like Canopy. Partially offsetting the global markets’ potential for Canadian producers are threats of future production from countries with cheaper labor— the single largest cost. However, many Canadian companies have pulled back expansion plans given ongoing cash burn. It is forecasted around 15% average annual growth through 2030.

Canopy has a standing deal to acquire Acreage Holdings, a U.S. multistate operator, immediately upon federal legalization. Canopy might paid a good price and acquired an attractive option for an accelerated entry into the U.S. Canopy also owns 27% of U.S. multistate operator Terrascend on a fully diluted basis. These U.S. assets look far more attractive than the continued challenges in the Canadian market. The U.S. market is murky, with some states legalizing recreational or medical cannabis while it remains illegal federally. The federal law shall be changed to recognize states’ choices on legality within their borders, which would trigger Canopy’s deals. Constellation Brands owns 38.6% of Canopy with additional securities that could push ownership to 55.8%. The investment is viewed as supportive of developing branded cannabis consumer products while also providing a funding backstop and foothold into the U.S. non-THC market.

Financial Strengths:
On one hand, Canopy Growth’s debt remains relatively low. At the end of the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022, the company had about CAD 1.5 billion of debt compared with a market capitalization of roughly CAD 2.5 billion. On the other hand, the company continues to burn cash, which pressures its financial health. However, management has been focused on reducing capital spending and rightsizing its overhead, minimizing the need for further outside capital. The company shall generate positive adjusted EBITDA in fiscal 2025 and positive free cash flow in fiscal 2026. The company’s target of positive adjusted EBITDA in fiscal 2024 looks possible in the latter half of the year, but the anticipated losses for the sum of the year. In the latter years of the 10-year forecast, the company will generate enough positive free cash flow to reduce its debt. Benefiting its financial health, Canopy has generally relied on equity to fund acquisitions and expansion. The company’s first major debt raise occurred as recently as its first quarter of fiscal 2019. The company will continue to rely on equity to fund capital needs, which is typical for growth companies such as Canopy to help alleviate potential pressure on its financial health. Constellation Brands as a major strategic investor also adds a stabilizing presence to Canopy’s financial health.

Bulls Say:
Canopy Growth’s deal to acquire Acreage Holdings immediately upon U.S. federal legalization provides exposure to the largest potential cannabis market in the world.
Canopy Growth’s ownership of 27% of Terrascend gives it further optionality for the U.S. THC market.
The investment by Constellation Brands and partnerships with Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg provide potential expansion opportunities into infused products and topicals. If successful, Constellation Brands may increase its ownership or try to acquire Canopy.

Company Description:
Canopy Growth, headquartered in Smiths Falls, Canada, cultivates and sells medicinal and recreational cannabis, and hemp, through a portfolio of brands that include Tweed, Spectrum Therapeutics, and CraftGrow. Although it primarily operates in Canada, Canopy has distribution and production licenses in more than a dozen countries to drive expansion in global medical cannabis and also holds an option to acquire Acreage Holdings upon U.S. federal cannabis legalization.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Dividend Stocks

PPG’s products usually on the lower end of the value chain

Business Strategy and Outlook

PPG Industries is a globally diversified producer of paints and coatings. The company is the world’s largest producer of coatings after the purchase of selected Akzo Nobel assets. PPG’s products are sold to a wide variety of end users, including the automotive, aerospace, construction, and industrial markets. The company has a footprint in many regions around the globe, with less than half of sales coming from North America in recent years. PPG is focused on growing its coatings and specialty product offerings and expanding into emerging regions, as exemplified by the Comex acquisition. 

PPG is organized into two segments, performance coatings and industrial coatings. Performance coatings (60% of sales) supplies architectural, aerospace, and protective coatings that are generally sold after the manufacturing of the underlying good. Architectural coatings make up roughly half of the segment, with PPG’s products usually on the lower end of the value chain. Recently, PPG announced it has expanded its partnership with Home Depot. This expansion should increase the firm’s exposure to the architectural market in North America. The industrial coatings segment (40% of sales) supplies coatings used in auto, packaging, metals, and industrial equipment manufacturing. The company generates more than $15 billion in sales each year, growing at GDP-like rates. 

To supplement growth, the company has been a serial acquirer of relatively small bolt-on businesses. It typically looks for coatings technologies that it doesn’t currently have, with the intent to scale the production of that new offering across its facilities worldwide. The global coatings industry is highly fragmented, which should keep this strategy viable for the foreseeable future. That said, normally acquisition-dependent strategies due to the heightened risk of shareholder value destruction are disliked.

Financial Strength

It is held PPG has a sound capital structure, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation decisions. Given PPG’s acquisitive strategy, liquidity is an important metric to monitor. PPG has managed its leverage well, keeping net debt/EBITDA below 2.5 over the last 10 years. While management has no explicit long-term leverage targets, it is alleged the firm will maintain an investment-grade rating on its debt. PPG has roughly $6 billion of outstanding debt with staggered maturities through 2044. PPG has ample liquidity, with over $1 billion of cash on hand and no outstanding borrowings on a $2.2 billion credit facility. PPG has a history of strong free cash flow generation, and it is held, the firm will maintain its sound capital structure.

Bulls Say’s

  • The company operates in a diverse range of end markets, leading to stable earnings even during industry-specific slowdowns. 
  • Consolidation has characterized the coating industry during the past decade, and PPG can capture additional share as consolidation continues. 
  • PPG’s expanded partnership with Home Depot increases its professional paint line at the retailer. This strategy could increase PPG’s market share in the professional paint market.

Company Profile 

PPG is a global producer of coatings. The company is the world’s largest producer of coatings after the purchase of selected Akzo Nobel assets. PPG’s products are sold to a wide variety of end users, including the automotive, aerospace, construction, and industrial markets. The company has a footprint in many regions around the globe, with less than half of sales coming from North America in recent years. PPG is focused on its coatings and specialty products and expansion into emerging regions, as exemplified by the Comex acquisition. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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