Shares Small Cap

Sonic will have scale relative to a small dealer and can get better terms from vendors for supplies

Business Strategy & Outlook

Sonic Automotive is undergoing many changes. Rollout of its omnichannel Digital One Stop process and the CarCash app allows consumers to shop digitally or in-store and helps Sonic procure more used-vehicle inventory. Management has also worked to make the car-buying process nearly paperless, place the customer with only one person for the entire transaction, and enable the customer to take delivery of a vehicle in an hour or less after deciding which one to buy. In October 2013, Sonic announced its intention to compete with CarMax in used vehicles with EchoPark used-vehicle stores. 

The U.S. used-vehicle market is highly fragmented at about 40 million units a year, with late-model used vehicles as old as six years often making up at least 15 million units, so there is certainly room for both firms to pursue their strategies. Openings started in late 2014 in the Denver area and as of March 2022, the EchoPark segment has 47 stores with plans to add 25 a year between 2021 and 2025. It will take time for EchoPark to reach the scale to compete with CarMax’s over 220 stores. The stores will not have a big-box retail format and are not capital-intensive due to most eventually being delivery and buy centers that only cost $1 million-$2 million each. These centers will be served by larger hub stores in a region that each cost between $7 million and $25 million. EchoPark will not do home delivery. Sonic does not plan a captive finance arm like CarMax enjoys. In July 2020, management announced a $14 billion 2025 revenue target for EchoPark, up from $2.3 billion in 2021, with 140 nationwide points. This is not impossible because EchoPark intentionally undercuts competitors on price, then recovers a small loss on the vehicle by arranging loans with third-party lenders and selling extended warranties, targeting over $2,000 gross profit per unit. In 2021, Sonic said it is reviewing alternatives for EchoPark. Sonic will have scale relative to a small dealer and can get better terms from vendors for supplies, computer systems, and health insurance compared with a small dealer. It also captures lucrative service workover repair shops through its warranty business.

Financial Strengths

Sonic’s largest debt maturity at year-end 2021 through 2026 is $118.2 million in 2024, mostly from about $90 million of mortgage line borrowing coming due in November. The credit facility matures in April 2025 and is undrawn at the end of 2021 with $281.4 million available for borrowing. Total liquidity at the end of 2021 is $702.8 million including $299.4 million of cash. Management has told us that the used floorplan line is like a revolver. Net Debt/adjusted EBITDA was about 1.80 times at year-end 2021. Leverage in 2019 declined from about the 3.7 times level thanks to the early redemption of the firm’s $289.3 million 5% notes due in May 2023. Sonic also has $346.2 million of mortgage notes with 62% of the balance at fixed rates ranging between 2.05% to 7% and maturities at various dates through 2033. The company owns about half its real estate, but has not disclosed how much unencumbered real estate it has. In October 2021, Sonic issued $1.15 billion of 2029 ($650 million at 4.625%) and 2031 notes ($500 million at 4.875%) to help fund the $950 million purchase of RFJ Auto Partners in December 2021, but no one is concerned about balance sheet health. The firm’s debt profile is not going to be a challenge for management to maintain.

Bulls Say

  • Auto dealerships are well-diversified businesses that have lucrative parts and servicing operations, which help them be profitable in almost any environment. 
  • EchoPark could prove to be a very lucrative business this decade if it can scale up. 
  • Sonic has the potential to generate significant economies of scale as vehicle demand rebounds and if EchoPark grows.

Company Description

Sonic Automotive is one of the largest auto dealership groups in the United States. The company has 110 franchised stores in 17 states, primarily in metropolitan areas in California, Texas, and the Southeast, plus 47 EchoPark and Northwest Motorsport brand used-vehicle stores. In addition to new and used-vehicle sales, the company derives revenue from parts and collision repair, finance, insurance, and wholesale auctions. Luxury and import dealerships make up about 88% of new-vehicle revenue, while Honda, BMW, Mercedes, and Toyota constitute about 60% of new-vehicle revenue. BMW is the largest brand at over 26%. 2021’s revenue was $12.4 billion, with EchoPark’s portion totaling $2.3 billion. Sonic bought RFJ Auto in December 2021, which added $3.2 billion in sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Synopsys Boasts Compelling Growth Outlook With its EDA Portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Synopsys provides electronic design automation, or EDA, software, intellectual property, and software integrity products that are critical to the semiconductor chip design process. It is  expected that as secular trends toward artificial intelligence, 5G communications, autonomous vehicles, and cloud computing, among others, accelerate, Synopsys will benefit from both the rising complexity of chip designs and the advancing digitization of various end markets. The company believes narrow-moat Synopsys has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic organic and inorganic investments to expand its platform amid a growing semiconductor landscape. Synopsys’ products are transformational in enabling increasingly complex integrated circuit (IC) and system-on-chip (SoC) design. Advancing technologies require these more powerful, precise, and efficient chips, for which EDA software informs the end-to-end process. Synopsys is the largest player in the EDA space, and specifically in digital design as well. With a larger digital exposure, Synopsys privy to higher growth vectors and as a result expected growth greater than that of top competitor Cadence. 

Outside of core EDA, the company views Synopsys’ IP and SI businesses as benefiting from industry trends. As systems companies increasingly design their own differentiated silicon in-house, Synopsys will benefit as its customer base expands beyond traditional semiconductor designers. The company expects this trend in achieving technological differentiation through chip customization to support IP adoption, as leveraging IP blocks for standardized components allows for significant time and resource savings and reallocation to differentiating components. Further, given the rising complexity of chip design, rising cost of failure, and increasing importance of software security, Synopsys’ growing SI business presents an important point of differentiation for the company. Reflecting the mission criticality of EDA tools, Synopsys exhibits negligible churn, with customer retention consistently at approximately 100%, and has relationships with all major chip design companies in the United States.

Financial Strengths:  

Synopsys is in a healthy financial position. As of January 2022, Synopsys had $1.1 billion in cash and cash equivalents versus $24 million in debt. The firm repaid its $75 million outstanding term loan balance in 2021 and is now solely liable for a 12-year credit agreement of approximately $33 million in aggregate, of which about $24 million is outstanding as of January 2022. Company do not have any material concerns about Synopsys’ ability to finance this debt. Approximately 90% of Synopsys’ revenue is of a recurring nature, given that the firm primarily sells time-based licenses. Synopsys’ average license length is approximately three years, with periodic software updates delivered throughout the license’s term ensuring continued access to Synopsys’ evolving technology. The ratable revenue of time-based licenses tends to smooth returns compared with utilizing a perpetual license model, allowing for better visibility into the future of the business. Synopsys is profitable on both a GAAP and non-GAAP basis and demonstrates strong cash flows. Free cash flow margin has grown from 21% in fiscal 2017 to 33% in fiscal 2021, and return on invested capital is increasingly widening its spread above cost of capital. The company expects margins to continue to expand and believes management will deliver on its target of 100 basis points of annual non-GAAP operating margin expansion. The company expects healthy growth in free cash flow as industry tailwinds lead to long-term growth for Synopsys.

Bulls Say: 

  • Secular tailwinds in chip design such as 5G, Internet of Things, AI, and others should increase demand for EDA tools and support growth for Synopsys. 
  • The growing Software Integrity business enables a larger TAM for Synopsys and addresses expanding demand for real-time identification of security vulnerabilities across the entire software development lifecycle. 
  • Synopsys provides mission-critical EDA software, having relationships with all major domestic chip designers and retention rates of approximately 100%

Company Description:  

Synopsys is a provider of electronic design automation software, intellectual property, and software integrity products. EDA software automates the chip design process, enhancing design accuracy, productivity, and complexity in a full-flow end-to-end solution. The firm’s growing SI business allows customers to continuously manage and test the code base for security and quality. Synopsys’ comprehensive portfolio is benefiting from a mutual convergence of semiconductor companies moving up-stack toward systems-like companies, and systems companies moving down-stack toward in-house chip design. The resulting expansion in EDA customers alongside secular digitalization of various end markets benefits EDA vendors like Synopsys.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Shares Small Cap

Sprout’s Turnaround is Unlikely to Result in Much Profitability Improvement Due to Competition

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Sprouts has capitalized on a natural, health-oriented positioning aligned with culinary trends, but the company believes it faces a competitive onslaught as conventional grocers, mass merchandisers, hard discounters, and online sellers target the same themes. Without the cost leverage of the largest grocers, Sprouts will face continued intense price pressure. Amazon’s 2017 purchase of Whole Foods remains a threat, as the digital juggernaut’s procurement strength and distribution efficiency can fuel price cuts that upend Sprouts’ value proposition (a produce-oriented store featuring fresh, affordable items). Sprouts has room for store growth, but the company believes the ensuing cost leverage will need to be used to keep pace with price cuts in an industry favoring larger firms that can spread fixed costs and omnichannel investments over the broadest possible sales base. 

Sprouts relies on Instacart for its delivery and click-and-collect efforts. While the partnership is prudent given Sprouts’ size, it imposes costs that larger firms can mitigate by fulfilling digital orders internally. Delivery can extend Sprouts’ appeal to customers that do not regularly drive past a store, but the channel is margin-dilutive even for firms that are able to scale costs over a much larger sales base. Although the COVID-19 outbreak has lifted near-term demand as shoppers spend more time at home, increased digital transactions could linger, shifting sales into a less lucrative channel long term. New leadership began revitalization work in earnest in early 2020, attempting to stabilize declining operating margins (6.8% in 2014 versus 3.9% in 2019) and optimize an inefficient expansion strategy. While it is expected that the management will hit its long-term low-single-digit comparable sales growth goal, its low-double-digit adjusted EPS expansion target will be harder to achieve, even after considering share buybacks (forecast is in the mid- to high single digits). Nonetheless, the efforts should provide ammunition to fight unending price battles against intensifying competition as large retailers encroach on Sprouts’ natural and health-oriented turf.

Financial Strengths:  

Sprouts’ financial health strikes us as sound. Net debt was around 1.4 times adjusted EBITDA at the end of fiscal 2019, before the pandemic-related sales spike nearly erased Sprouts’ net debt by the end of fiscal 2020 (with a similar outcome at the end of fiscal 2021) Sprouts will continue to open stores, although management slowed growth in fiscal 2020 as it optimized new unit size and layout. Company foresees mid- to high-single-digit percentage unit count expansion annually over the next decade, with Sprouts exceeding 700 stores (from 374 at the end of fiscal 2021). Store opening costs are modest (roughly $3.6 million net cash investment for the average new unit; the number should dip to around $3.2 million as new management favors smaller, simpler locations), and Sprouts to fund its growth internally. Company expects capital expenditures to average 3% of sales long term. Despite the growth, free cash flow to the firm should average 2%-3% of sales long term (similar to fiscal 2019’s 3.2%; 2020-21’s 5% average mark was inflated on account of the pandemic) amid intense competition. Sprouts enjoys flexibility as it can adjust store growth plans to suit market conditions; while it spent $81 million in fiscal 2021 on capital expenditures (net of landlord reimbursements), it is suspected that about half was for new stores, leaving roughly $40 million for sales initiatives, remodels, infrastructure, and maintenance (which is sufficient as its stores are fairly new). It is anticipated that management will direct excess cash to share repurchases. The model assumes 45% of operating cash flow is dedicated to buybacks long term. Sprouts could also consider bolt-on acquisitions to accelerate its store growth; the forecast does not incorporate such transactions due to their uncertain timing and nature.

Bulls Say: 

  • Sprouts’ health and value-oriented concept is on trend, consistent with customers’ desire to eat foods that are less processed and contain more naturally derived ingredients. 
  • As a fairly new chain, Sprouts’ relatively small stores feature layouts that are consistent with newer consumer demand trends, such as centrally located fresh produce and robust prepared food and grab-and-go offerings. 
  • Sprouts has ample room for growth as it boosts its penetration in existing markets and extends its footprint elsewhere in the United States.

Company Description:  

Sprouts Farmers Market is an American specialty grocer offering an assortment highlighting fresh and naturally derived products. Its offerings are especially focused on produce, which constituted around 21% of sales in fiscal 2021. Founded in 2002, the chain is most heavily concentrated in California, which accounted for over one third of its 374 stores as of the end of fiscal 2021. All of the company’s operations are in the United States, with its stores largely located in the southern half of the country. The firm sells roughly 20,000 products (of which around 70% are attribute driven, such as organic, plant-based, or catering to the keto or paleo diet), with private-label products accounting for about 16% of sales in fiscal 2021. Perishable items accounted for 58% of fiscal 2021 sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Fresenius is taking aim at those ESRD therapies with significant investments too

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Fresenius Medical Care treats end-stage renal disease patients through its dialysis clinic network, medical technology, and care coordination activities. Its strengths in these related areas help Fresenius maintain the leading global position in this market. After pandemic conditions recede, it is expected the company will benefit from solid demand in developed markets, such as the U.S., and even faster expansion in emerging markets, such as China, in the long run. With global ESRD patient growth expected to remain in the low to mid-single digits in the long run, the top-line growth for Fresenius is to be towards the top of that range after a very weak 2021 and even higher earnings growth compounded annually during the next five years, as the firm wrings out more efficiencies and repurchases shares. The company’s position as the top dialysis service provider and equipment maker in the world remains symbiotic and unique. Fresenius’ experience operating over 4,100 dialysis clinics around the globe (about 1,000 more than the next-largest player, DaVita) gives it insights into caregiver and patient needs to inform service offerings and product innovation.

Fresenius uses clinical observations to develop and then manufacture even better technology to treat ESRD patients. It outfits all its clinics with its own brand of equipment and consumables, which has margin implications related to system costs and operating efficiency for staff. However, other dialysis clinics appreciate Fresenius’ technology as well, and Fresenius claims about 35% market share in dialysis equipment/consumables while serving only 9% of ESRD patients through its global clinics. Especially telling, main rival DaVita remains one of Fresenius’ top product customers. With growing clinical and payer support for at-home treatments, Fresenius is taking aim at those ESRD therapies with significant investments, too. It recently purchased NxStage Medical for home haemodialysis, which appears differentiated in the industry for its ease of use and physical size. The company also aims to improve on its peritoneal dialysis offering where Baxter has traditionally excelled.

Financial Strength

Fresenius maintains a manageable balance sheet, despite its high lease-related obligations and capital-allocation strategy that includes acquisitions and significant returns to stakeholders. The company receives investment-grade ratings from the three major U.S. rating agencies, which should help it access the debt markets for any necessary refinancing. As of September 2021, Fresenius owed EUR 9 billion in debt and had lease obligations around EUR 5 billion. On a net debt/EBITDA basis, leverage stood at roughly 3 times, which appears manageable and in line with the firm’s previous long-term goal of 2.5-3.0 times, which excluded lease obligations. After generating over EUR 3 billion of free cash flow in 2020 including government aid, free cash flow looks likely to decline to about EUR 1.5 billion before rising to about EUR 2.0 billion by 2026. The firm will not face any significant refinancing risks during the next five years even as it continues to push cash out to stakeholders and pursue acquisitions. While acquisitions remain difficult to predict, the company pays a dividend to shareholders (EUR 0.4 billion in 2020) and makes distributions to noncontrolling interests (EUR 0.4 billion in 2020). It also repurchased EUR 0.4 billion in shares in 2020, and more repurchases are expected going forward. With those expected outflows to stakeholders and significant debt maturities coming due in the foreseeable future, Fresenius may be an active debt issuer going forward.

Bulls Say’s

  • Diversified by geography and business mix, Fresenius should be able to benefit from ongoing growth in treating ESRD patients worldwide once the pandemic recedes. 
  • Increasing at-home treatment rates could raise demand for the company’s at-home systems and boost how long patients can continue to work and stay on commercial insurance plans, which can positively affect the company’s profitability. 
  • Through its venture capital arm, Fresenius is investing in new ways to treat ESRD patients, aside from more traditional dialysis tools, which should help keep it at the forefront of this market.

Company Profile 

Fresenius Medical Care is the largest dialysis company in the world, treating about 345,000 patients from over 4,100 clinics across the globe as of September 2021. In addition to providing dialysis services, the firm is a leading supplier of dialysis products, including machines, dialyzers, and concentrates. Fresenius accounts for about 35% of the global dialysis products market and benefits from being the world’s only fully integrated dialysis business. Services account for roughly 80% of firmwide revenue, including care coordination and ancillary operations, while products account for the other roughly 20%. Products typically enjoy a higher margin, making them a strong contributor to the bottom line.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Most of Swatch’s brands benefit from a cost advantage through scale and a higher degree of production automation.

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Swatch Group is the biggest vertically integrated Swiss watch manufacturer with 18 brands covering all price ranges, from entry to ultra luxury. Swatch-owned brands account for around 35% of Swiss watch exports, and the company supplies competitors with watch movements. Swatch Group’s luxury brands boast 100- to 200-year histories, iconic collections, and deep cultural heritage. Most of Swatch’s brands (at price points below $10,000) benefit from a cost advantage through scale and a higher degree of production automation. Swatch’s diversification in terms of brands and price points helps it to avoid the pitfalls that come with extending brands into categories where they don’t strategically belong, and to potentially capture positive mix as consumers trade up. However, a lack of control over distribution (around 70% of sales are wholesale) as a weak spot for the company. Distributors are more likely to engage in discounting to maintain cash flows when demand sours, which can be damaging for brands with long-shelf-life products.

The recent strong supply response from Swatch and its competitors to Chinese demand points to a lack of supply discipline. The supply discipline is one of the important moat-supporting factors for luxury brands, as it helps to preserve the brand exclusivity perception and ensure high returns on capital. The expect Swatch Group’s sales to grow at a 4.3% pace over the long term (versus low -single-digit growth over the prior decade) with mid-single-digit growth for its higher-priced watch brands such as Omega, Longines, Breguet and Blancpain, high-single-digit growth for jewelry brand Harry Winston and flat revenue for low-end watches (Tissot, Swatch, Mido, Hamilton and so on).

Financial Strengths

Swatch is in a strong financial position with CHF 2.5 billion in net cash at the end of 2020, with minimal financial debt and around CHF 2.6 billion in cash and marketable securities on the balance sheet. Further, over one third of inventories of Swatch Group, or over CHF 2.1 billion by value, are in precious metals and stones, recorded both in raw materials and as part of finished and semi finished goods. It is well-positioned to weather the COVID-19 crisis. Given the industry’s cyclicality, the financial prudence is appropriate. Cash flow improvement in future through operating leverage on fixed costs, cost discipline in the company—and especially within underperforming brands—and lower investment levels as productive and retail capacity has been built out in the past upcycle years. The free cash flow margin at around 10%, approximately in line with 2020-21 levels, as the investment cycle rolls over. They expect Swatch to remain mostly equity financed with low financial leverage.

Bulls Say

  • Around three quarters of Swatch’s revenue and higher share of profits are from higher-end watch and jewelry brands, not directly affected by smartwatch competition. 
  • Harry Winston, among the few global brands in luxury jewelry, a niche with especially high entry barriers, offers growth and margin expansion potential. 
  • Swatch is increasingly taking action to tackle costs in low-end brands and limit gray market channels for high-end brands.

Company Description

Swatch Group’s biggest brands are Omega (number-two Swiss watch brand by sales after Rolex), Longines (the largest premium watch brand and number four by sales globally), Breguet, Tissot (the leader in mid range Swiss watches), and Swatch. Swatch group employs over 31,000 people, half of them in Switzerland. The Swatch Group makes about 28% of its sales from Omega, 18% from ultra luxury brands, 20% from Longines, 12% from Tissot, and 4% from Swatch. The Omega and Longines to be the group’s most profitable brands.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Aviva Is Shifting the Focus of Its Business

Business Strategy and Outlook

As a good middle-of-the-road insurer Aviva has had its fair share of problems over the years. As with many previously poorly run companies, these issues have stretched across leverage, controls, turnover and likely relatedly, its sprawling business portfolio. While prior leadership teams tried to get a handle on this business, up until now none have really done so. This is mainly attributed to a focus on growth and innovation, without a focus on strong capital management and discipline. Mark Wilson’s tenure was characterized by the Friends Life acquisition, the digital garage and his appointment at BlackRock. It felt like Maurice Tulloch would tilt the business more toward general insurance but we think it is likely that the business’ problems became too much for him. Present CEO Amanda Blanc is now set on making things right and has divested noncore assets, promising now to focus on the U.K., Ireland, and Canada.

Aviva is not a highly differentiated business and does not have a strong strategy. As a middle of the road business, reinvestment is critical. Two of its three objectives have been achieved and those are focus and financial strength. However, what is yet to be seen is how Blanc will transform the remaining assets into a collection of units that are better than they are and perhaps approaching market-leading. From what has been seen, this is about investing in exceptional customer service and it’s hard to imagine anyone disputing that need. All too often that falls by the wayside in this segment of financial services. However, there is no disputing that excellent customer service has tangible and financial benefits. It leads to lower customer turnover and lower acquisition costs both in terms of volume and margin. Lastly, this is largely a long-term savings business so accretive investment in Aviva Investors will be crucial.

Financial Strength

Aviva has a weak balance sheet. Aviva’s debt is a little over half of its shareholders’ equity. Most of this is core structural borrowings that are held by the center. Pleasingly, management has decided to appease investors with a near GBP 2.0 billion debt reduction in 2021 and a further GBP 1.0 billion debt reduction program over the coming years. This debt reduction plan has been assisted by the GBP 7.5 billion raised from the eight business sales. This has provided management with plenty of room to commence a GBP 1.0 billion buyback on top of the deleveraging. The net of these actions is anticipated to substantially improve the business’ leveraged position. The interim dividend for 2021 was increased to GBX 7.35 per share and the total dividend for the year will be GBX 22.0. This means a final of GBX 14.7 per share for full-year 2021. Guidance is for a dividend of GBX 31.5 for full results of 2022.

Bulls Say’s

Aviva’s new CEO is still making good strides to focus, transform, and simplify the business.

Leverage has been an issue, and this is a primary focus of the new management team.

Targeted capital remittance plans provide a nice buffer for further buybacks or business reinvestment.

Company Profile

Aviva is a multiline insurer headquartered in the United Kingdom. It traces its roots back to the late 1700s with the establishment of the Hand-in-Hand Fire Office, a mutual insurer of loss from fire. This mutual, along with many other entities acquired and established over the years, was purchased by Commercial Union in 1905. In the late 1990s, Commercial Union and General Accident merged to form Commercial General Union, or CGU. A few years later CGU and Norwich Union merged and later rebranded as Aviva. Aviva acquired Friends Life in 2015. Aviva has been through quick successions of leadership in recent years. Mark Wilson served as CEO in the five years between 2013 and 2018. Then Maurice Tulloch took over and led up to July 2020. Amanda Blanc has led since then.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Medibank Remains a Relatively Defensive Company Heading into an uncertain Economic Environment

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Medibank is Australia’s largest private health insurer operating under the Medibank and Ahm brands. The dual-brand strategy has successfully allowed the group to offer differentiated pricing and messaging to grow members and profits. Despite the “free” universal public system in Australia, around 45% of Australia’s population have private hospital cover due to taxation benefits and penalties, shorter waiting times, and a choice of doctors and hospitals. Government policy settings, which promote the take up and retention of private health insurance products, to remain in place. With an ageing population, higher demand for more intense healthcare will put further pressure on the public health system. Medibank’s current strategy, which has seen growth in policyholder numbers and margins, should see the positive trends continue. Initiatives included increasing the number of service providers where individuals pay no-gap, introducing reward programs (such as discounts) for members, investing in the digital offering to make it easier to lodge claims, adding tools and resources such as 24/7 nurse teleservice, and a new focus on in-home care. To help support margins there has also been a renewed focus on claim costs. 

Medibank secured audit rights with hospitals, which allows the insurer to investigate where rehabilitation referrals of a hospital exceed industry averages andit expanded efforts to identify errors in claims made by hospitals. Despite larger players generating a respectable return on equity on mid-single-digit profit margins, smaller providers have less capacity to absorb the expected claims inflation. This could eventually lead to industry consolidation, or at the least a pullback in marketing expenses and policyholder acquisition costs. Medibank’s Other Health Services division provides in-home healthcare services such as nursing, rehabilitation, and health coaching for corporates. Medibank health also includes the sales of travel, life, and pet insurance, where Medibank is not the underwriter but is paid a commission. 

Financial Strengths:  

In a debt-free position Medibank is in sound financial health. Medibank can fund long-term organic growth from cash flows, while maintaining the current 75% to 85% target dividend payout range. As at Dec. 31, 2021, Medibank held AUD 1.95 billion in capital, equating to 13% of annual premiums, the top end of the firm’s 11%-13% target range. Given low claims volatility in health insurance the insurer could carry some debt, but given a large acquisition is not expected, the conservative balance sheet is likely to remain a feature of Medibank. Investment assets of AUD 2.8 billion were allocated 18% to cash, 61% to fixed income, and 21% to equities, property and other assets as at Dec. 31, 2021. 

Bulls Say:  

  • Industry growth is tied to a steadily increasing population, ageing demographics and the rise in healthcare spending. Governments will continue to incentivize participation in private health insurance to share the burden of escalating healthcare costs.
  • Premium growth is generally tied to the increasing cost of healthcare.
  • The symbiotic relationship with the private hospital operators and buyer power over general practitioners is a key strength of Medibank’s business model. The majority of private hospital income is paid by the insurers. 

Company Description:  

Previously owned by the Australian government, Medibank is the largest health insurer in Australia. Its two brands, Medibank Private and ahm, cover over 4.8 million people. Medibank and Australia’s fourth-largest health fund NIB Holdings are the only listed health insurers. In addition to private health insurance, the firm provides life, pet, and travel insurance, as well as health insurance for overseas students and temporary overseas workers. The Medibank Health division provides healthcare services to businesses, governments, and communities across Australia and New Zealand.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Entergy to invest more than $4 billion annually for at least the next five years to upgrade its expansive grid

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Entergy’s growing, energy-hungry Southeast U.S. service territory and constructive state regulatory frameworks give it a long runway of earnings and dividend growth potential. Entergy will invest more than $4 billion annually for at least the next five years to upgrade its expansive grid and build out its renewable energy portfolio. Much of this investment has strong support from industrial customers trying to electrify and decarbonize their businesses. Entergy’s investment opportunities and customer growth will lead to annual earnings growth in line with management’s 6%-8% target. Entergy has made a substantial strategic transformation during the last few years. It was the second-largest U.S. nuclear owner for nearly two decades with six plants in the Northeast and four rate-regulated plants in the Southeast. The plants in the Northeast at their peak earned more than Entergy’s rate-regulated utilities. But they became a drag on earnings, dividends, and shareholder returns as power prices fell and never rebounded. 

Management began exiting the business in 2014 by selling and retiring the plants, most notably the Indian Point units that supplied as much as 25% of New York City’s electricity but succumbed to antinuclear policymakers. Entergy closed its last nonutility nuclear plant, Palisades (Michigan), this year. Entergy has turned over decommissioning responsibilities to other companies, eliminating the risk of unexpected decommissioning costs.

As a predominantly rate-regulated utility, Entergy no longer has direct energy market exposure. Entergy’s unique risk is severe storms that hit its service territory regularly. From Hurricane Katrina to Ida and many in between, Entergy regularly faces billion-dollar storm repair costs. Regulators have a long history of allowing Entergy to recover those costs from customers, limiting the financial risk for shareholders. Given the exit from Northeast nuclear generation and the growth potential of Entergy’s utilities, the dividend might increase to track earnings growth.

Financial Strength

The strong industrial growth in the Mississippi Delta region will be one of the main drivers for more than $4 billion of investment annually at Entergy’s utilities during the next five years. Entergy’s balance sheet rightsizing and constructive regulation that enhances cash flow should limit the amount of new debt and equity that the company has to issue to fund its growth program. Entergy enters its large investment program with a strong balance sheet. The approximately $5 billion of impairments or other costs associated with the exit of the merchant nuclear business had weakened its balance sheet, but Entergy has put that behind it. The current leverage is manageable, considering the diversity and consistency of the company’s utility earnings. In October 2021, Entergy’s board raised the dividend $0.24 per share annualized, or 6%, to $4.04, the largest increase since 2010 and are in line with the expectations. Entergy had been raising the dividend $0.08 per share annually, or about 2%, since 2015 and didn’t raise the dividend between 2010 and 2015, constrained by weak performance at the competitive generation business and capital investment needs at the utilities. With the exit from the competitive generation business, the dividend might increase to track earnings growth.

Bulls Say’s

  • Industrial electricity rates that are well below the U. S. average are driving strong industrial development in the Mississippi Delta region and electricity sales growth.
  • The board raised the dividend 6% for 2022, the largest increase in a decade. The dividend growth is to continue at a similar rate for the foreseeable future. 
  • The decision to exit the merchant nuclear business demonstrates good capital allocation as merchant nuclear earnings had high variability.

Company Profile 

Entergy is a holding company with five regulated integrated utilities that generate and distribute electricity to about 3 million customers in Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. It is one of the largest power producers in the country with approximately 23 gigawatts of regulated utility-owned power generation capacity. Entergy was the second-largest nuclear owner in the U.S. before it began retiring and selling its merchant plants in 2014.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Workday Doesn’t Take a Day Off When It Comes to Its Positive Moat Trend

Business Strategy & Outlook:  

Workday to be a best-of-breed cloud-only platform for human capital management software. By debuting in 2005 as a first mover in cloud HCM at an ideal time—when enterprises were looking to make the move from on-premises to cloud software solutions—Workday has benefited from its timeliness as well as its high-quality product and reputation for smooth implementations. Now that customers have transitioned to a cloud solution with Workday, the possibility of another vulnerable event like the cloud migration that would leave the company susceptible to customer switching, is unlikely. Instead, seeing wide-moat Workday as having robust switching costs which, will only get stronger as the company builds on its core HCM offering.

Workday is now the HCM platform for approximately 60% of the Fortune 50 and 50% of the Fortune 500 as of fiscal 2022. Workday been able to take share from legacy employee resource planning software companies Oracle and SAP, which is tough enough based on the switching costs which are inherent in most ERP software; even more impressive is that Workday has been able to do so by initially unbundling HCM software from the ERP ecosystem. By doing so, customers understand that they will need to go through integrations between different ERP solutions by mixing and matching, but in return, they hope to get the best-of-breed HCM solution—and pay a premium for Workday. Now, Workday is in its next chapter of allowing the option to “rebounded” HCM with other ERP solutions as it now offers a financial management suite and planning suite, boosted by the acquisition of Adaptive Insights. As its core addressable market continues to expand and it finds adoption of its new products to be strong, Workday is poised for continued robust top-line growth and strengthening switching costs.

Financial Strengths: 

Workday is in healthy financial standing. As of fiscal 2021, Workday had $3.5 billion in cash and equivalents versus $1.8 billion in debt, all of which is composed of convertible notes. Workday is currently unprofitable on a GAAP basis, which has us monitoring the company’s cash cushion carefully. Even if Workday were not to issue any more convertible notes, or other forms of debt, Workday will have enough of a cash cushion to make it into its years of GAAP profitability. Workday does not need to use acquisitions as a crutch for growth, and thus acquisition spending will be more moderate over the next 10 years compared with spending over fiscal 2019 and 2020. The assumptions are also based on expectations that capital expenditure will continue to grow at a slower rate than Workday’s top line as it pertains to real estate and data center investments.

Bulls Say: 

  • Workday’s planning and analytics solutions should take off after COVID-19 has enterprises placing more importance on top-down planning. This should drive further customer and ACV growth, and thus revenue growth.
  • Quicker expansion into markets outside North America should allow for more operating leverage than previously expected.
  • Increasing attach rates among Workday’s offerings, such as its core HCM software and its emerging financials business, should allow Workday to exert further pricing power, driving revenue growth.

Company Description:  

Workday is a software company that offers human capital management, financial management, and business planning solutions. Known for being a cloud-only software provider, Workday is headquartered in Pleasanton, California. Founded in 2005, Workday now employs over 12,000 employees.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

NextDC’s total recurring revenue, will trend higher over time as its network ecosystem matures

Business Strategy & Outlook

NextDC is well placed to benefit from industry megatrends, including the growing adoption of cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, leading to exponential growth in data creation. The NextDC will materially expand its capacity over the 10-year forecast period in order to meet growing demand for data center services.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of many businesses and expedited demand for co-location data centers. Large numbers of employees have transitioned to remote working arrangements leading to a greater reliance on digital technologies such as video conferencing and cloud-based platforms and reducing the need to store servers at a centralized location. Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working levels to remain elevated above prepandemic levels resulting in continued demand for digital technologies and potentially less need for physical office space. This shift has increased demand for data centers and hybrid and multi cloud data storage solutions, which are supported by co-location data centers like NextDC. Hybrid solutions that combine traditional infrastructure with cloud storage can improve business outcomes through reduced latency and costs, increased security and resilience, and the flexibility to connect to multiple clouds based on business needs. These solutions provide greater flexibility and allow businesses to scale their data storage capacity based on workflow. The interconnection services to become increasingly important for NextDC as more businesses transition to hybrid cloud storage models. As at fiscal 2021, interconnection revenue contributed 8% of NextDC’s total recurring revenue, and this will trend higher over time as its network ecosystem matures.

Financial Strengths

NextDC is in sound financial health. The company raised AUD 862 million in fiscal 2020 via an institutional placement and share purchase plan. Proceeds from the equity raising will be used to fund the development of a third Sydney data center and further capacity expansion at its existing and new sites. The gearing, measured as net debt/EBITDA, to deteriorate to above 3.6 times in fiscal 2023 as NextDC continues to invest heavily in portfolio expansion, before recovering from fiscal 2024 as capacity utilization improves. The NextDC will invest about AUD 4.0 billion during the 10 years to fiscal 2031 to grow total power capacity at a CAGR of 16%. The NextDC will only consider paying dividends when it has accrued sufficient franking credits, otherwise the capital would be better spent on investments or repaying debt.

Bulls Say

  • NextDC is well placed to benefit from industry megatrends including the growing adoption of cloud computing, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence leading, to exponential growth in data creation. 
  • The shift to cloud-based services increases the need for enterprises to connect to numerous cloud providers and the connection is fastest, safest and most efficient in a co-located data center. 
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation of many businesses and led to increased demand for cloud-based services that require data centers.

Company Description

NextDC is an Australia data center developer and operator with a focus on co-location and interconnection among enterprise and government customers, global cloud and information and communications technology, or ICT, providers, and telecommunication networks. NextDC provides physical space, cooling, power, and security services and offers optional technical and project management support. The company’s tenants house their servers within the data center and can connect to each other via physical and virtual connections.

(Source: Morningstar)

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