Dividend Stocks

CSL Ltd. : Pioneering in Global Biotechnology

Business Strategy and Outlook

CSL is one of three tier one plasma therapy companies who benefit from an oligopoly in a highly consolidated market. All the players are vertically integrated as plasma sourcing is a key constraint in production. The plasma sourcing market is currently in short supply, however, CSL is well-positioned having invested significantly in plasma collection centres, owning roughly 30% of collection centres globally. 

One major threat to plasma products is recombinant products. Recombinants are quickly replacing plasma products in haemophilia treatment despite being more expensive. CSL has an excellent R&D track record and has developed recombinant products for haemophilia. However, we expect revenue growth to slow in the haemophilia segment based on competitor Roche’s successful launch of recombinant Hemlibra. Immunoglobulin product sales are key to CSL.

This market is not yet impacted by recombinants although both CSL and competitors are pursuing R&D in Fc receptor-targeting therapy to treat autoimmune diseases. 

However, gene therapy represents the biggest risk to the plasma industry as it aims to cure rather than treat diseases. While the potentially prohibitive cost may result in slow adoption, CSL has strategically expanded its scope via the acquisition of Calimmune in fiscal 2018 and licensing a late-stage Haemophilia B gene therapy, EtranaDez, from UniQure in fiscal 2020. 

CSL is the second largest influenza vaccine manufacturer, behind Sanofi, and is on the forefront of changes in influenza vaccines where manufacturing is shifting from egg-based to cell-based culturing. It’s also conducting preclinical testing of mRNA influenza vaccines. 

The company has demonstrated good sense for R&D and evaluates spend based on the commercial outlook. The strategy for CSL Behring has been to target rare diseases, a typically low volume and high price and margin business. There is little reimbursement risk in this area or in the vaccine business, Seqirus.

Financial Strength

CSL is in good financial health and can fund all its capital and R&D spending, currently a combined 26% of revenue, as well as maintain a dividend payout ratio of 44% without requiring additional debt. Following the acquisition of Vifor Pharma, financial leverage is expected to increase to 2.3 in fiscal 2023. However, it is forecasted that the net debt/EBITDA may fall within CSL’s target range of 1.0-1.5 by fiscal 2026. This leaves CSL flexible to pursue organic or acquisitive growth opportunities as they present in the evolving biotech industry.

Free cash flow conversion has remained depressed over the last five years as working capital investment and capital spending to add manufacturing capacity was elevated above long-term levels, combined with higher R&D spending. We forecast free cash conversion to improve but still average 52% over the next five years as we anticipate CSL to prefer growing organically rather than acquisitively.

Bulls Say’s

  • CSL is investing in both physical capacity and R&D, leaving it well-positioned to take advantage of growth opportunities in the key immunoglobulins market. 
  • The acquisition of Calimmune’s gene therapy platform in fiscal 2018 and UniQure’s late-stage haemophilia B gene therapy candidate in fiscal 2020 will help defend against emerging competition. 
  • CSL has a strong R&D track record, and the ongoing rate of investment is ahead of major competitors.

Company Profile 

CSL is one of the largest global biotech companies and has two main segments. CSL Behring either uses plasma-derived proteins or recombinants to treat conditions including immunodeficiencies, bleeding disorders and neurological indications. Seqirus is now the world’s second largest influenza vaccination business and was acquired in fiscal 2015. CSL has a strong R&D track record, and the product portfolio and pipeline include non-plasma products as the firm continues to broaden its scope. Originally formed in Australia as a government-owned entity, CSL now earns roughly half its revenue in North America and a quarter in Europe

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

REA Group reports strong FY21 earnings driven by growth in Australia segment

Investment Thesis:

  • Clear #1 market position in online property classifieds, with consumers spending over more time on app than the number two website. 
  • Growth opportunities via expansion into Asia and North America. 
  • Recent strategic partnerships with National Australia Bank (property finance) could potentially be positive in the long term. 
  • Upside in key markets – particular in areas where REA is under-penetrated and could potentially win market share from competitors. 
  • New product developments to increase customer experience. 
  • Regular price increases help offset listing pressure.

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures lead to a further de-rating of the PE-multiple. 
  • Volume (listings) outlook remains subdued in the near term. 
  • Execution risk with Asia/North America strategy. 
  • Failing to get an adequate return on the recent acquisition of iProperty. 
  • Value/EPS destructive acquisitions. 
  • Decline in Australian property market. 
  • Given REA trades on a very high PE-multiple, underperforming to market estimates can exacerbate a share price de-rating. 
  • Recent tightening of lending practices by banks would affect Financial services business.

Key highlights:

  • REA reported strong FY21 results, with core operations revenue of $928m, up +13%, or excluding acquisitions, up +11%, on strong performance in its Australia segment.
  • EBITDA (incl. associates) was up +19% to $565m, on strong cost management with core operating cost growth (excluding acquisitions) contained to 3% over the pcp.
  • Margin of 60% was flat relative to the pcp. Net profit of $318m was up +18% equating to EPS of 247 cents, up +21%.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 72cps fully franked which brings the full year dividend to 131cps, up +19%. 
  • Following several acquisitions, REA retained a strong balance sheet, with debt of $414m and a cash balance of $169m at year end.
  • REA refinanced syndicated debt facilities and funded the Mortgage Choice acquisition via a bridge facility with NAB for $520m. The bridge facility matures in July 2022, with management stating they expect to replace this with a new syndicated facility in 1Q22
  • Australia segment highlights:
    • Residential: revenue increased by +18%, on higher national listings (up +15% over the pcp, with Melbourne, up +11% and Sydney, up +25%), improved depth and Premiere penetration, increased subscription revenues and continued growth in add-on products.
    • Commercial and Developer: revenue was up +5% with Developer benefiting from a +17% increase in new project commencements, driven in part by Government stimulus, an increase in project profile duration and higher subscriptions, partially offset by lower Commercial revenues as the impact of Covid dampened listing volumes.
    • Media, Data & Other: revenues were broadly flat over the pcp, as growth in Data and Media revenues were offset by lower revenues in Other.
    • Financial Services: revenue was up +9% driven by higher settlements, increased broker recruitment and improved productivity, which was offset by lower partnership revenue as the current NAB agreement performance payments reached maturity in September 2020.

Company Description: 

REA Group (REA) provides online property listings, web management, financial services and data analytics to the real estate industry via advertising services. For consumers, REA offers the largest online real estate search engine in Australia. The Company also has operations and growing presence in Asia and other parts of the world.

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds Research Sectors

WCM Focused International Growth Fund Institutional Class: A promising option


The managers first generate ideas through a quality-growth screen, which includes companies with market caps of at least $3.5 billion, a good liquidity profile, and other metrics such as strong and improving margins. The team excludes non-growth industries such as utilities and looks for companies with solid returns on invested capital. Factors such as economies of scale, intellectual property, and legal or regulatory advantages are key. The team also places a heavy emphasis on culture, believing that culture drives certain companies forward and helps maintain their competitive edge. The team takes its best ideas and builds a relatively concentrated portfolio of roughly 30 to 40 international stocks. Because of their benchmark-agnostic approach, the portfolio may have extreme over- and underweighting to various sectors.


The managers use their best ideas to build a concentrated portfolio. . Coming out of the 2007-09 global financial crisis, the managers felt like their portfolio was too concentrated at about 20 holdings. They’ve gradually increased that count, and in July 2021 had 35 holdings. While still relatively concentrated (the typical foreign large-growth peer held 83 stocks in July), the expansion helps reduce individual stock risk. The managers take other prudent steps to minimize risk and remain relatively diverse. They avoid sectors that they believe offer little growth potential and as of July 2021, the fund had no exposure to energy, real estate, or utilities.

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Co-CEO and manager Kurt Winrich’s upcoming retirement has been long in the works and the team will still have four capable managers to pick up the slack. Mike Trigg, who has been on the strategy since the fund’s 2011 inception, is the final decision-maker here. . Peter Hunkel, who has also managed since the fund’s inception, is responsible for portfolio construction. The team promoted Sanjay Ayer, also a former Morningstar equity analyst, to the management ranks in June 2019. Ayer joined WCM in 2007 and manages the WCM Global Growth Fund WCMGX and the WCM Emerging Markets Fund WCMEX, which have had success under him. Paul Black, co-CEO of WCM, is a named manager here but serves mainly as an advisor to the team. 


Strong stock selection has fueled the fund’s outperformance. Picks in technology and industrials, in particular, have been among the biggest contributors to its performance. That helped the strategy weather 2020’s first-quarter coronavirus-driven slide. The fund held up slightly better than the index losing 29.4% from Jan. 18 to March 23, 2020, compared with the index’s 30.3% loss. The managers then opportunistically added MercadoLibre MELI and Ferrari RACE, which benefitted the strategy coming out of the bear market. In 2021, the fund has returned to its winning ways. Its 12.7% return handily beat the index’s 4.6% and the Morningstar Category’s 4.5%. That was good for the top decile in the category. Holdings such as ASML Holdings NV ADR ASML and Shopify SHOP were among the leading contributors in that period.

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About the Fund

WCM Focused International Growth Fund seeks long term capital appreciation by investing in equity securities of non-U.S. domiciled companies or depository receipts of non-U.S. domiciled companies.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Financial Markets Sectors Technology Technology Stocks

Apple Inc is focused on sustaining growth and margins

Investment Thesis 

  • High barriers to entry.Strong strategic position in the rapidly growing global smartphone market especially with high end consumers. Loyal consumer base resulting in lower competitive pressure, and higher pricing power. 
  • Large cash balance and strong free cash flow supporting share buyback and dividend payout.
  •  Leading positions in iPhone; iPads; and Macs. 
  •  Services segment remains on track to double FY16 revenue by FY20. 
  • In terms of Other products (such as wearables and home products), AAPL seized the leading position off the back of a surge in smartwatch sales in a market expected to grow single digit till 2022 and double digit thereafter. 
  • Strong senior executive team reducing (not totally eliminating) key man risk.

Key Risks

  • Geo-political tensions. The current trade war between the US and China pose a threat to the company’s future profits. AAPL currently obtains components from single or limited sources (mostly China), the Company is subject to significant supply and pricing risks. Also, Greater China is a major market contributing to approximately 21% (Q218) of total revenue and any retaliatory efforts from Beijing could impact those sales. 
  • Whilst there are only a handful of competitors, the competition is Intense from Android manufacturers. The most notable competitors in the smartphone market (which contributes 62% of Apple’s revenues) are the Korean giant Samsung and two rapidly growing Chinese smartphone players in Huawei and Xiaomi. On raw performance specs (i.e., camera, maps, screen size, charge time, etc.), one may assert that AAPL devices are technically inferior to a handful of Android devices. 
  • Movements in U.S. dollar (USD). The greenback’s strong gain recently (due to rise in U.S. interest rates and moderating growth in other parts of the globe) has seen it rise to the highest level in nearly seven months, meaning foreign currency earnings of AAPL can be worth less when translated back to USD. The weakness in foreign currencies relative to USD will have an adverse impact on net sales during 2018.

Key highlights to 4Q18 results

  • 4Q18 revenue of $62.9bn, up +20% from the year-ago quarter, and quarterly diluted EPS of $2.91, up +41%, driven by record sales and strong momentum for iPhone, Wearables and Services. On the conference call, management highlighted “[revenue] was ahead of our expectations. That’s an increase of 20% over last year and our highest growth rate in three years”. 
  •  Gross margin was 38.3%, flat sequentially, in line with management’s expectations, as leverage from higher revenue offset seasonal transition costs. 
  •  International sales (61% of the quarter’s revenue) was strong, especially in Japan, up +34%, Rest of Asia Pacific, up +22%. The Americas (44% of revenue) saw revenue of $27.5bn, up +19%, whilst Europe at $15.4bn, was up +18% and China was up +16% at $11.4bn. 
  • Services revenue reached an all-time high of $10.0bn. Excluding a one-time favorable adjustment of $640m (in 4Q17), Services revenue grew from $7.9bn to $10bn, up +27% over the pcp. 
  • By product, iPhone, Services and Other products saw 29%, 17% and 31% sales growth, respectively, whilst disappointingly, iPad and Mac saw -15% and 3% sales growth respectively. 
  • iPhone ASP was $793 compared to $618 a year ago, driven by strong performance of iPhone X, 8 and 8 Plus, as well as the successful launch of iPhone XS and XS Max in the September quarter this year, while we launched iPhone X in the December quarter last year.

Company Profile

Apple Inc. (AAPL) designs and manufactures media devices and personal computers (Macs), and sells a variety of related software, services, accessories, networking solutions and third party digital content and applications. The company leads the world in innovation with iPhone, iPad, Mac, apple watch and Apple tv.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds Research Sectors

Altius Sustainable Bond Fund- A fund that aims to provide a total return approach

The Altius Sustainable Bond Fund offers investors fixed interest investments, which are managed with the consideration of environment, social and corporate governance (ESG) principles. The Manager recently expanded its exclusion of companies engaged in thermal coal to all fossil fuels (or at least have revenue no greater than 10% sourced from these activities). The Fund is a credible offering. It is run by an investment team with strong credentials and lengthy investment experience in managed assets in the investment class (the team of six comprises three PMs all with at least 25 years’ experience and the remaining team members all with over 10 years’ experience).

Downside Risk: 

  • Interest rate risk (however the Fund’s total return focus should limit this). 
  • The Manager gets the thematic and top-down view wrong. 
  • Key man risk – Bill Bovingdon, Chris Dickman and Gavin Goodhand.

Investment Team:

The fund is managed by Australian Unity’s Cash and Fixed Interest team (Altius) consisting of experienced fixed interest investment professionals. The investment team is supported by a very experienced Investment Advisory Committee, which meet every quarter (formally). Below are the 

  • Bill Bovingdon – Executive Director, Chief Investment Officer 
  • Chris Dickman – Executive Director, Senior Portfolio Manager
  • Gavin Goodhand – Senior Portfolio Manager
  • Yen Wong – Head of Credit Research
  • Kirsten Lee – Credit Analyst.
  • Vincent Tang – Senior Portfolio Analyst


(%)Fund  Benchmark**Out-performance
1-year (p.a.)-0.550.32-0.23
3-years (p.a.1.422.49-1.07
5-year (p.a.)1.532.13-0.6
Since inception (p.a.)*2.262.65-0.39

Fees Structure:

The Fund has lowered its management fees 0.56% p.a. to 0.37%p.a. The Fund charges no performance fee.

Fund Positioning:

Sector Allocation:

Top 10 Holdings:

About the fund:

The Altius Sustainable Bond Fund is an Australian fixed interest fund that invests in companies which conduct their business and apply capital responsibly, considering a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues. The Fund aims to provide a total return approach, offering duration exposure at appropriate points in the cycle, as well as positioning the portfolio defensively in a rising rate environment and invests only in domestic assets, thus avoiding importation of global risks (e.g. currency) and offering a different risk profile.

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd: Changing the cybersecurity mindset in a hybrid cloud world

Business Strategy and Outlook

Check Point Software Technologies is a top player in the cybersecurity market. It generates revenue from selling products, licenses, and subscriptions to protect networks, cloud environments, endpoints, and mobile users. Historically, firms purchased security point solutions to combat the latest threats and had to manage various software and hardware vendors’ products simultaneously. Changing the cybersecurity mindset in a hybrid cloud world, Check Point’s Infinity architecture consolidates various security products into a single management plane that deploys the latest updates across all attack vectors. With its vast customer base of over 100,000 businesses and renowned product leadership for existing threat technology, it is believed that Check Point’s consolidated security architecture provides ample upselling and cross-selling opportunities as enterprises increase their reliance on cloud-based products and distributed networking. With its growth lagging security peers, Check Point will ramp up sales and marketing efforts to showcase the advantage of its platform approach and next-generation security offerings. Check Point has adjusted its selling model to be subscription-based, and further ingrain the company with businesses that favor predictable operating expenditures. Its subscription-based Infinity Total Protection architecture offers all of Check Point’s products on an annual pay-per-user basis. This concept may help permeate Check Point’s product throughout an organization, since there are no additional costs for using more products, which then creates higher switching costs and better customer retention.

Check Point Software Moat Ratings upgraded to wide and increased fair value from $ 132 to  $137

Morningstar analysts have upgraded its moat roating for Check point Software to wide from narrow. For moat trend,analyst maintained a stable view of point in regards to the firm and increased its fair value estimate is now $137 from $132. Check Point’s shares attractive for patient investors in the steady, but lower growing firm.For Check Point’s stable trend, analyst  believes the company has a large, loyal customer base that relies upon its sticky products, but a conservative approach of investing in development and sales and marketing efforts has caused leading competitors to make inroads in the broader security landscape.

Financial Strength

Check Point can be viewed as financially stable firm that should continue to generate strong operating cash flow. .At the end of 2020, the company had no debt with $4.0 billion in cash, equivalents, and marketable securities. Check Point has never paid a dividend, and it is expected to continue to repurchase shares following the announcement of an additional $2 billion buyback authorized during 2020 (with a $350 million cap per quarter).Outside of the repurchase program, it is also expected that Check Point to primarily use its cash for operating expenditures to capitalize on customers requiring cloud-based threat protection. Additionally, Check Point will continue to make tuck-in acquisitions to bolster its presence in the cloud and mobile-based security markets.

Bulls Say 

  • Customers may adopt Check Point’s Infinity platform over using multiple vendors for cybersecurity protection. This should further embed the company’s products and increase switching costs. 
  • Check Point’s movement into cloud-based and mobile user security offers large growth opportunities to supplement its network security portfolio. Its existing customer base may prefer Check Point for security consistency. 
  • Increasing subscription-based sales and growing recurring revenue should further bolster Check Point’s stellar operating margin profile.

Company Profile

Check Point Software Technologies is a pure-play cybersecurity vendor. The company offers solutions for network, endpoint, cloud, and mobile security in addition to security management. Check Point, a software specialist, sells to enterprises, businesses, and consumers. At the end of 2020, 45% of its revenue was from the Americas, 43% from Europe, and 12% from Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Africa. The firm, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, was founded in 1993 and has about 5,000 employees.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds

Franklin Income Fund Class C- a solid yield generating fund

The fund seeks to maximize income, while maintaining prospects for capital appreciation, by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. The fund tracks Linked Blended 50% MSCI USA High Dividend Yield Index + 25% Bloomberg High Yield Very Liquid Index + 25% Bloomberg US Aggregate Index


This fund aims to deliver income and capital appreciation using a flexible, valuation-conscious approach. Management invests in a mix of dividend-paying stocks, bonds, bank loans, convertibles, and equity-linked securities. But a heavy reliance on credit risk and the lack of an identifiable edge warrant a Process rating of Average. Management has significant flexibility to shift the portfolio, relying on bottom-up security selection, and yield in particular, to drive asset allocation without regard to sector weights or credit quality. The portfolio has averaged roughly 40% in equities. Within equities, management gravitates toward large-cap dividend-payers, which often results in big slugs of utilities, materials, and energy stocks. While this approach has consistently produced a relatively high yield and, at times, solid total returns, it has done so by relying heavily on high-yield bonds.


This fund is backed by veterans, but the team doesn’t possess a clear advantage. Its People rating remains Average. Lead manager Edward Perks has helmed this fund since 2002 and Franklin Managed Income FBLAX since 2006. His comanagers possess complementary experience.

The equity and credit analyst teams the managers rely on for ideas boast a wealth of experience, but our confidence in them is muted. And Franklin Equity Income FISEX, an all-stock fund that invests in some of the same dividend-payers as this offering, is backed by the equity analyst team that generates ideas for a broad range of mandates rather than tailored recommendations.


This fund’s substantial risks have resulted in high volatility relative to peers and middling risk-adjusted returns. This fund tends to be much more sensitive to equity markets than its typical allocation – 30% to 50% equity category peer because of its hefty dose of credit risk and its often-double-digit combined stake in equity linked notes and convertible bonds.


The expenses are critical to evaluate as they come directly come out of the expense. The analysts at Morningstar suggest that this share class will not be able to generate positive alpha relative to the benchmark index.

Asset Allocation:

About Fund:

The Fund aims to maximise income while maintaining prospects for capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities and long & short-term debt securities. The Fund may invest up to 25% of its net assets in non-U.S. securities. It’s three properties are: a balanced portfolio with exposure to the US markets, best of equity and fixed income teams and attention to risk elements.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

Cochlear reported solid FY21 results, with earnings up by 54%

Investment Thesis:

  • Attractive market dynamics – growing population requiring hearing aids, improving health in EM providing more access to devices such as hearing aids and relatively underpenetrated market
  • There remains a significant, unmet and addressable clinical need for cochlear and acoustic implants that is expected to continue to underpin the long‐term sustainable growth of COH
  • Market leading positions globally
  • Direct-to-consumer marketing expected to fast track market growth 
  • Best in class R&D program (significant dollar amount) leading to continual development of new products and upgrades to existing suite of products 
  • New product launches driving continued demand in all segments 
  • Attractive exposure to growth in China, India and more recently Japan 
  • Solid balance sheet position
  • Potential benefit from Australian tax incentive 
  • Subject to successful passage of legislation, the patent box tax regime for medical technology and biotechnology should encourage development of innovation in Australia by taxing corporate income derived from patents at a concessional effective corporate tax rate of 17%, with the concession applying from income years starting on or after 1 July 2022 

Key Risks:

  • Product recall
  • Sustained coronavirus outbreak which delays recommencement of hospital operations in China
  • R&D program fails to deliver innovative products 
  • Increase in competitive pressures 
  • Change in government reimbursement policy 
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD
  • Emerging market does not recoup – significant downside to earnings

Key highlights:

  • COH reported strong FY21 results, with earnings (underlying NPAT) up +54% to $237m and within guidance of $225-$245m, despite Covid-19 impacted surgery activity recovering to varied levels across both developed and emerging markets
  • For FY22, it is expected to deliver net profit of $265‐285m, a 12‐20% increase on underlying net profit for FY21, based on a 74 cent AUD/USD
  • Sales revenue is expected to benefit from market growth, with a continuing recovery in surgery rates across many countries more affected by Covid
  • The management will continue their investment in market growth activities
  • Capex is expected to be ~$70‐90m for FY22 and includes around $20m related to a major process transformation and IT systems upgrade, a program that is expected to be a $100‐120m investment over the next four to five years
  • Effective tax rate is expected to decline to ~25% as a result of the introduction of changes to the R&D tax concession by the Australian government, with legislated changes to take effect from 1 July 2021
  • The Board is committed to maintaining the dividend policy which targets a 70% payout of underlying net profit
  • Record sales revenue of $1,493m, was up +10%, or +19% in constant currency (CC), driven by market share gains, market growth and rescheduled surgeries post Covid lockdowns
  • Implant units climbed +15% to 36,456 (developed markets up ~20%; emerging markets up ~10%), compared to FY19, implant units increased +7%
  • The Board declared final dividend of $1.40 which brings full year dividends to $2.55 per share, up +59% and equates payout ratio of 71% of underlying net profit, in line with COH’s 70% target payout
  • COH’s balance sheet position remains strong with net cash of $564.6m at year-end, improving from $457m in FY20

Company Description: 

Cochlear Ltd (COH) researches, develops and markets cochlear implant systems for hearing impaired people. COH’s hearing implant systems include Nucleus and Baha and are sold globally. COH has direct operations in 20 countries and 2,800 employees.

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

National Australia Bank (NAB) delivered a solid FY21 result despite underlying profit declining

Investment Thesis

  • Ongoing share back should be supportive of share price levels.
  • Well capitalized after the capital raising.
  • Expectations of further customer remediation costs.
  • Impairment charges provisioned for in 1H20 with lower risk of further impairments (especially as a low interest rate environment helps customers and arrears).
  • Strong franchise model with management capable of improving below a 40% cost to income ratio (however we do not factor in management’s long-term target of 35%). 
  • Potential pressure on net interest margins as competition intensifies with other major banks in a low interest rate environment. Though we expect these pressures to slightly alleviate as we move into a higher interest rate environment.
  • Improving return on equity with management proving their abilities in recent times to manage profitability in a low interest rate environment.
  • Strong provisioning coverage.
  • A well-diversified loan book.

Key Risk

  • Low growth environment impacting earnings.
  • Potential cuts or reduction to dividends due to low earnings growth. 
  • Intense competition for loan and deposit growth.
  • Normalizing / increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning.
  • Funding pressure for deposits and wholesale funding (increased funding costs).
  • Any legal fees, settlements, loss or penalties associated with ASIC or US-based law suits.

FY21 Results Key Highlights:  Relative to the pcp:

  • Revenue declined -2.4% to $16,729m. Excluding large notable items in FY20, revenue was -3.0% lower, on lower Markets & Treasury (M&T) income, which was challenged due to limited trading opportunities.
  • Cash earnings up 76.8% to $6,558m. Excluding FY20 large notable items, cash earnings were up +38.6%.
  • Cash return on equity up 420 basis points to 10.7%.
  • Net interest margin of 1.71%, was 6bps lower due to M&T. NAB saw NIM pressure due to the low interest rate environment, home lending competitive pressures and a mix shift towards more fixed rate lending.
  • Group Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of 13% was up 153bps from September 2020 and includes 29bps net proceeds from the sale of MLC Wealth. Leverage ratio (APRA basis) is at 5.8%. Liquidity ratio quarterly average of 128%. Net Stable Funding Ratio of 123%.
  • Fully franked final dividend per share of 67 cents was up from 30cps in 2H20, and brings full year dividend to $1.27 per share, up +111% from 60cps in FY20.
  • Credit impairment charge write-back of $217m (versus $2,762m in FY20) reflecting forward looking provisions and lower underlying charges.
  • Collective provisions at 1.35 of credit risk weighted assets.

Company Profile

National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) is one of Australia’s largest banks, with the majority of their financial service businesses operating in Australia and New Zealand. The bank also has a presence in Asia, UK and the US. NAB offers banking services, credit and access card facilities, leasing, housing and general finance, international and investing banking, wealth and funds management, life insurance and custodian, trusts and nominee services.  

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Regal Investment Fund raises $212m through placement and entitlement offers

Cash Flow TTM is 16.72%. Regal Investment Fund is a Closed Ended Fund Type. Its dividend in July 2021 is 1.0111%. In June 2021, their revenue was AUD$ 262.81 Million and Net Profit is 174.87 Million.

Price Earnings TTM is 2.4% while Earnings per Share is 1.637. Their Year-to date Return is 34.17% and Premium/Discount percent is almost 1.03%. Regal Investment Fund Dividend Indicated Gross Yield is 25.78%.

On 6 October 2021, RF1 announced it was conducting a Placement and Accelerated Entitlement Offer to institutional and wholesale investors and a General Entitlement Offer to eligible unit holders. Combined the Fund was seeking to raise up to $212m.

RF1 successfully completed the Placement and Entitlement Offers during the month, raising $212m. All units issued under the Placement and Entitlement Offers were issued at a price of $3.79 per unit, representing the NAV of the Fund at 1 October 2021 and a substantial discount to the unit price at the time the capital raising was announced.

Capital raised under the Offer will be allocated to existing strategies in line with the Fund’s investment objective with the aim of further diversifying RF1’s portfolio across both private and public alternative investments. The Manager is covering all fees and expenses associated with the Offer.

Asset Allocation

Asset ClassNet Allocation

Australian EquitiesInternational EquitiesCash & Cash EquivalentsOver the Counter DerivativesUnlisted Unit Trusts


Company Profile 

Regal Investment Fund is a listed investment trust incorporated in Australia. The Fund’s Investment Objective is to provide investors with exposure to a selection of alternative investment strategies managed by Regal, with the aim of producing attractive risk adjusted absolute returns over a period of more than five years with limited correlation to equity markets.

(Source: Bloomberg)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.