Dividend Stocks

While Inflation Runs Rampant, Pepsi’s Leading Snack and Beverage Mix Should Serve It Well

Business Strategy & Outlook

For many consumers, the Pepsi trademark elicits images of cola containers and ads extolling the brand’s taste superiority versus Coke. While PepsiCo is still a beverage behemoth, its business now extends beyond this industry, with Frito-Lay and Quaker products accounting for over half of sales and over 65% of profits. A diversified portfolio across snacks and beverages is the source of many of the company’s competitive advantages. Though management missteps have stymied performance in the past, the confluence of better execution and benefits inherent to its integrated business model has allowed Pepsi to reaccelerate profitable growth, and the plenty of room to run.

After years of sluggish sales growth and underinvestment, Pepsi has committed to reinvigorating its top line. To that end, it has made significant investments in manufacturing capacity (for example, production lines to meet demand for reformulated packaging), system capacity (route optimization and sales technology), and productivity (harmonization and automation). These investments as prudent and believe they will allow the company to strengthen key trademarks such as Mountain Dew and Gatorade, deepen its presence in growth markets like sub-Saharan Africa, and yield enough cost savings to reinvest and widen profits. Recent strategic pivots in the energy category (such as the Rockstar acquisition and Mountain Dew line extensions) should also underpin growth and margins.

Pepsi’s growth trajectory is not without risk, as the company faces secular headwinds such as shifts in consumer behavior. Additionally, changing go-to-market dynamics, such as online commerce that encourages real-time price comparisons and obviates the extent of Pepsi’s retail distribution advantage, allow for more nimble and aggressive competition. Still, the structural dynamics emanating from Pepsi’s scale, the cachet of its brands, and the breadth of its portfolio, which support its wide moat, should enable the company to maintain and augment its competitive positioning.

Financial Strengths

A Pepsi’s financial health as excellent. While leverage has ticked up due to recent acquisitions, the company still has a strong balance sheet with manageable debt levels and robust free cash flow generation. Strong interest coverage ratios also lend credence to the firm’s health in this regard. One cannot not foresee Pepsi having any issues meeting its contractual obligations for the foreseeable future, given the reliability of its business and its stalwart positioning across its categories. Historically, the company has regularly produced around $7 billion in free cash flow (high-single to low-double digits as a percentage of sales). Management has prioritized strategic investments across the business of late, which as prudent to aid its competitive standing over the long term. While capacity (particularly in snacking growth areas) and digital capability investments will remain elevated in 2022 and beyond, the free cash flow to normalize at or above historical levels, particularly as the company’s revenue management and supply chain digitization initiatives continue to bear fruit. Management’s guiding principle as it relates to debt levels is to maintain access to Tier 1 commercial paper. While the prerequisites for this status vary by rating agency, no one can impediments to Pepsi’s ability to continue relying on this short-duration paper, and the current leverage levels (around 2.5 times net debt/EBITDA) are appropriate for the firm. Moreover, the firm’s commercial paper access as one of the biggest testaments to its financial strength; this cheap financing should facilitate and perpetuate Pepsi’s financial flexibility. As exit the pandemic, liquidity should be of no concern to Pepsi investors–in addition to roughly $6 billion in cash at the end of fiscal 2021, the firm has undrawn credit facilities in excess of $7 billion.

Bulls Say

  • In still beverages—a category facing fewer secular challenges, particularly in the U.S.–Pepsi is a much more formidable competitor to Coca-Cola.
  • Pepsi’s global dominance in salty snacks may be underappreciated; with volume share more than 10 times that of the next-largest competitor, the firm benefits from unparalleled unit economics and go-to market optionality.
  • The firm’s consolidated beverage and snack distribution operations, combined with its direct store delivery capabilities, allow for better execution in merchandising.

Company Description

PepsiCo is one of the largest food and beverage companies globally. It makes, markets, and sells a slew of brands across the beverage and snack categories, including Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Doritos, Lays, and Ruffles. The firm uses a largely integrated go-to-market model, though it does leverage third-party bottlers, contract manufacturers, and distributors in certain markets. In addition to company-owned trademarks, Pepsi manufactures and distributes other brands through partnerships and joint ventures with companies such as Starbucks. The firm segments its operations into five primary geographies, with North America (comprising Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods North America, and North America beverages) constituting around 60% of consolidated revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Cloud becoming a Material Long- term Driver for Baidu As Q1 2022 Revenue Beat

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Baidu’s online advertising business accounted for 79% of Core revenue in 2020 and will be the main source of revenue in the medium term given its dominant market share for search engines, but unless it can develop another industry-leading business, it could face long-term challenges for advertising dollars from growing competitors such as Tencent and Bytedance. In recent years, the firm developed its own ecosystem by creating its own Baidu app that incorporates smart mini-programs like Tencent’s WeChat to attract organic user growth but the flagship app has reached 580 million monthly active users in second-quarter 2021, increasing 9% year on year and 4% sequentially, signaling deceleration. Therefore, the signs of a plateau emphasize the importance of being able to commercialize other businesses, but success is far from certain. 

Baidu is transforming its identity by investing in AI firms, mainly AI cloud and autonomous driving, but whether these are commercialized successfully remains to be seen. There are encouraging signs of its AI cloud monetization having seen a 75% CAGR from 2018-20, now accounting for 14% of Core revenue in second-quarter 2021. However, despite sharp growth, Baidu has to face competition in the cloud from industry leaders Alibaba, Huawei and Tencent, which all have greater market share than Baidu. Baidu has invested in other emerging technologies, including speech recognition, AI chips, and autonomous driving. Despite a potential total addressable market for autonomous driving that is 9 times its online advertising per management, commercial success is highly uncertain as revenue remains immaterial, and mass scale adoption or time-to-market are unclear. Its streaming video service, iQiyi, continues to be a margin drag on Baidu’s business due to a high content cost. The business constantly needs to develop or acquire new content to prevent customer churn. We’re less confident of its outlook than the Core product due to a low barrier to entry and numerous competitors. Membership has remained stagnant at 105 million to 106 million subscribers for the last five quarters and therefore, long-term growth is limited.

Financial Strengths:  

Baidu’s balance sheet remains very well capitalized, with around CNY 163 billion in cash and short-term investments to support CNY 76 billion in total debt as of December 2020. Its free cash flow was CNY 3.9 billion in 2020, which is sufficient to fund operations and maintain its moat through investments in new products. As of fiscal 2020, Baidu had an EBITDA/interest coverage ratio of over 50 times. Given the cash-rich nature of the search business, Baidu might initiate repaying interest expense and debts when they are due. As of January 2021, Moody’s maintained Baidu’s A3 rating and changed the outlook from positive to stable.

Bulls Say:  

  • Baidu is strengthening its mobile ecosystem with search, livestreaming, and mini programs, helping to create a closed-loop experience for users to acquire information and make transaction.
  • Baidu is a leader in AI with autonomous driving in terms of number of miles tested and the number of driving licenses in China. Baidu’s AI cloud has also grown significantly in 2020 at 44% year over year, with signs of momentum.
  • Sitting on a cash pile of over CNY 100 billion, Baidu has ample dry powder to invest in technology, particularly in AI, as well as merger and acquisition opportunities.

Company Description: 

Baidu is the largest internet search engine in China with 84% share of the search engine market in September 2021 per web analytics firm, Statcounter. The firm generated 62% of revenue from online marketing services from its search engine in 2020. Outside its search engine, Baidu is a technology-driven company and its other major growth initiatives are artificial intelligence cloud, video streaming services, voice recognition technology, and autonomous driving.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

No Change To Our Fair Value Estimate For Royal Bank Of Canada After Second-Quarter Earnings

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

It is expected that Royal Bank of Canada will remain a steady player in its retail and commercial Canadian banking operations. It also remains a major player in global capital markets. It is expected that this segment will continue to be a strong contributor to net income, and if anything, capital markets have been countercyclical for the bank during the pandemic as earnings have soared for the unit. The wealth-management segment also earns strong returns on equity, and large inflows have led to a top market position. RBC remains a top asset manager and gatherer in Canada, and is also experiencing outsize growth from City National, where cross-selling and client integration efforts have gone well. The banks’ distribution networks are arguably the most dominant in Canada, and the bank has the largest amount of assets under management among the Canadian banks. 

 RBC’s growth strategy in the U.S. through City National, focusing on wealth and commercial clients. The company believes this is a much more focused strategy than its previous attempts at growth in the U.S., and it is paying dividends. We think the bank has additional room for outsize growth as CNB grows and as the bank invests in additional wealth and investment banking staff. With the initial COVID-19-driven downturn in the past, 2021 turned into a year of recovery in profitability and lower-than-expected credit costs. So far, 2022 is showing a continuation of the positive credit environment and rate hikes are going to help net interest income, but fee growth is starting to slow.

Financial Strengths:  

 Royal Bank of Canada is seen as being in a strong overall financial health and do not believe any potential future issues will be an existential risk to the bank. The Canadian housing market is worth monitoring, but from company’s point of view this is more of a risk to the future growth rather than a major credit risk. According to the company RBC’s reported common equity Tier 1 ratio of 13.2% as of April 2022 remains satisfactory, arguably even representing overcapitalization. The bank also maintains one of the highest credit ratings (along with Toronto Dominion) of the big six banks. With its dividend payout ratio generally at a manageable levels in the mid-40s in a normal year, it is expected that the capital generation will continue to provide growth in its capital position, leaving room for future acquisitions or increased capital return to shareholders.

Bulls Say: 

  • Royal Bank of Canada’s worldwide scope in capital markets and wealth management provides a powerful and diversified stream of revenue. The ETF partnership with BlackRock further solidifies RBC’s overall dominance in financial services. This should lead to outsize fee income versus peers. 
  • The strength in its Canadian banking business, where returns on equity exceed 30%, should continue for some time. 
  • RBC’s latest expansion into the U.S. high-net-worth and commercial banking space should provide additional high-margin growth for the bank.

Company Description:  

Royal Bank of Canada is one of the two largest banks in Canada by assets and one of six that collectively hold roughly 90% of the nation’s banking deposits. The bank derives two thirds of its revenue from Canada, with the rest primarily coming from the United States. It has done an admirable job of expanding its nonbank lines of business, running efficient banking operations, and generating some of the best returns for shareholders in the industry. The company believes RBC should remain one of the dominant Canadian banks for years to come, even as a more difficult macro backdrop pressures earnings growth in the medium term.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Williams-Sonoma could deliver an average adjusted return on invested capital

Business Strategy and Outlook

Williams-Sonoma has carved out a solid position in the $750 billion global home category and the $80 billion U.S. B2B industry. It has historically launched most of its brands organically in underserved segments and its brand intangible asset has been the supporting factor in its top- and bottom-line growth. Its ability to drive repeat business relies on customer loyalty and smart marketing and merchandising and the firm has access to some of the best analytics in retail. This should help Williams-Sonoma outperform its competitors and grow its market share, aided by new category expansions. 

In recent years, Williams-Sonoma has set its sights on expanding its total addressable market outside of furniture and home furnishings, via B2B and marketplace efforts, categories with robust end markets that remain fragmented. These white-space business lines, along with faster growth from both franchise and the e-commerce channels (which accounted for 66% of 2021 sales) should help Williams-Sonoma near its $10 billion sales goal by 2024. 

Furthermore, the aforementioned categories have the ability to deliver better operating margins than the historical brick-and-mortar business (which is on track to decrease its store base by 25% between 2020 and 2025), allowing mix to offer a natural lift to profitability. Such efforts, along with lower costs from an improved supply chain (when COVID-19 constraints subside), better distribution network (from direct sourcing and furniture delivery operations), as well as higher productivity of its store fleet (as underperforming locations close and older leases are renegotiated) should allow for operating margins that are consistently at a midteens rate. Despite a solid competitive edge, it is not alleged that the company is insulated from the proliferation of e-commerce peers such as no-moat Wayfair pushing harder into the home furnishing space, bounding upside potential. Even with robust competition in the category, it is held narrow-moat Williams-Sonoma could deliver an average adjusted return on invested capital, including goodwill, averaging 30% over analysts’ forecast, well ahead of analysts’ 9% weighted average cost of capital estimate.

Financial Strength

Williams-Sonoma is in fine financial health, with plenty of cash on hand, ending its first quarter with $325 million on its balance sheet. Given the strong free cash flow it has been able to generate, it is unprobeable the firm will have to tap the equity or credit markets for liquidity anytime soon, and there is currently no long-term debt outstanding, liberating excess cash flow for a return to shareholders. Over the past five fiscal years, the company has produced cumulative free cash flow of $3.4 billion. Williams-Sonoma’s cash requirements are primarily for inventory, property, plant, and equipment, advertising and marketing, technology, share repurchases, and dividends, which is likely to mostly be funded by cash generated from operations. Free cash flow to equity has averaged about 10% of revenue during the past five years, which is likely to be decent for a company that can produce somewhat volatile results that are closely tied to the performance of the housing market. The company resumed share repurchases in the fourth quarter of 2020, and the board authorized a $1.5 billion share buyback program in March 2022, which should facilitate continued buybacks ahead (in fiscal 2021 the company repurchased $899 million in shares, well ahead of any other year in the past decade). Additionally, it pays a dividend of $0.78 per quarter, representing a payout that was raised 10% in March 2022, illustrating the board’s confidence in the strength of the underlying business. Over the next decade, it is projected, the firm to average 7%-8% EPS growth (increasing modestly faster than sales), bolstered by continued top-line growth, a favorable sales mix shift, and stringent cost controls. Williams-Sonoma is positioned to earn an average of around $1.1 billion in free cash flow (cash from operations minus capital expenditures) over the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • Less discretionary categories such as cookware and small appliances offer some resiliency amid macroeconomic cyclicality. Registries in categories such as wedding and baby offer a steady source of customers. 
  • The firm opened company-owned stores abroad in Australia in 2013 and has since expanded to the U.K. International opportunities (owned and franchised) could provide location and sales growth and elevated brand awareness. 
  • Around two thirds (or more) of sales has stemmed from the e-commerce channel in recent years, which helps minimize store expenses and maximize operating margins.

Company Profile 

With a wide retail and direct-to-consumer presence, Williams-Sonoma is a leader in the $300 billion domestic home category, focused on expanding its exposure in the B2B, marketplace, and franchise areas. Namesake Williams-Sonoma (175 stores) offers high-end cooking essentials, while Pottery Barn (188) provides casual home accessories. Brand extensions include Pottery Barn Kids (52) and PBteen. West Elm (121) is an emerging concept for young professionals, and Rejuvenation (9) offers lighting and house parts. Williams-Sonoma also has a business-to-business team that supports projects that range from residential to large-scale commercial. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Agilent Turns in Solid Fiscal Q2 Despite China Lockdown; Shares Still Mildly Rich

Business Strategy & Outlook

After its spin-out from Hewlett Packard in 1999 and its divestiture of the electronic measurement

business (Keysight Technologies) in November 2014, Agilent focuses on providing tools to analyze the

structural properties of various chemicals, molecules, and cells. Agilent is one of the leading providers of chromatography and mass spectrometry tools, which have applications in a variety of end markets,

including the healthcare, chemical, energy, food, and environmental fields. While healthcare-related

applications, including clinical diagnostics, remain Agilent’s largest end market, Agilent generates about

half of its sales from nonhealthcare fields. Agilent’s strategy revolves around placing analytical instruments and informatics with relevant customers and then providing related services and consumables such as chromatography columns and sample preparation tools, which account for the rest of Agilent’s sales. About half of Agilent’s sales recur naturally. However, even instrument sales can be relatively sticky at the end of the instrument’s life cycle, especially in the highly regulated pharmaceutical end market (about 35% of Agilent’s sales) and some of its other applications where intensive, time-consuming training is required to master the scientific analysis. Agilent aims to increase its exposure to these sticky customer relationships. Overall, the top-tier positions in most end markets, innovation, marketing operations, and ongoing cost controls should help Agilent grow revenue in the midsingle digits compounded annually and boost margins overall during the five-year forecast period. Overall, the double-digit earnings growth from Agilent, organically and with some share repurchases. While internal growth opportunities look solid, acquisitions should continue to boost its bottom-line growth prospects, as well.

Fair value and Profit Drivers

The rising fair value estimate to $115 per share from $107 to account primarily for cash flows generated in the past couple quarters and slightly higher profit expectations for 2022. The fair value implies a multiple of approximately 23 times fiscal 2022 expected earnings. After strong growth in the high teens on the top line and over 30% on the bottom line in fiscal 2021, Agilent’s growth trajectory to return to more normalized levels. Specifically, from fiscal 2021 to 2026, the expected 6% compound annual revenue growth, or within management’s 5% to 7% core revenue growth target. By end market from fiscal 2021 to 2026, Agilent’s growth to be led by biopharmaceuticals with 9% overall growth expected on strong biologic-related sales and solid growth in small molecules. The expect low- to mid-single-digit growth rates in Agilent’s other applied markets. On the bottom line, the adjusted EPS will rise roughly 11% compounded annually from fiscal 2021 to 2026, or well above sales growth primarily on margin expansion and share repurchases. The cost-control efforts to continue with the potential to improve margins primarily through expanding gross margins and control of the SG&A line. The expect share repurchase activities to account for about 200 basis points of Agilent’s annualized earnings growth prospects through 2026.

Bulls Say

  • Agilent’s innovation engine and cost control efforts have been on display through strong growth and margin expansion since spinning out its electronic measurement business Keysight in November 2014.
  • As a well-established leader in many of its core markets, regulatory concerns and customer familiarity with Agilent’s instrumentation and services can make market share gains for competitors difficult.
  • Agilent continues to increase its exposure to the sticky biopharmaceutical end market, including recent acquisitions in the emerging cell analysis field.

Company Description

Originally spun out of Hewlett-Packard in 1999, Agilent has evolved into a leading life sciences and diagnostics firm. Today, Agilent’s measurement technologies serve a broad base of customers with its three operating segments: life science and applied tools (45% of fiscal 2021 sales), cross lab (35% of sales consisting of consumables and services related to its life science and applied tools), and diagnostics and genomics (20%). Over half of its sales are generated from the biopharmaceutical, chemical, and energy end markets, but it also supports clinical lab, environmental, forensics, food, academic, and government-related organizations. The company is geographically diverse, with operations in the U.S. (34%) and China (20%) representing the largest country concentrations. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer

Business Strategy and Outlook

Link Administration has created a narrow economic moat in the Australian and U.K. financial services administration sectors via its leading positions in fund administration and share registry services. Client retention rates exceed 90% in both markets, underpinned by inflation-linked contracts of between two and five years. The capital-light nature of the business model should enable good cash conversion, regular dividends, and relatively low gearing. Earnings growth prospects are supported by organic growth in member numbers, industry fund consolidation, and continued outsourcing trends. The company was formed via numerous acquisitions made since 2005 under the ownership of private equity firm Pacific Equity Partners, which sold its remaining holding in the company in 2016. 

It is considered that the Australian fund administration business, which constitutes around a third of group revenue, to be the strongest of Link’s businesses. Link usually comprises around three fourths of fund administration customer costs, which creates material operational and reputational risks to switching providers. Contract lengths of between three and five years, along with six to nine months of lead time to change provider, also create barriers to switching. Switching costs are evidenced by Link’s recurring revenue rate of around 90% and client retention rate of over 95%. Six of Link’s 10 largest clients have been with the company for over 20 years.

Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer, which has a 10% market share following its acquisition of Pillar, previously the third-largest provider, in 2016. It is projected both companies to compete aggressively for future outsourcing contracts, which may come from the 60% of the market that is currently serviced in-house. However, around 30% of the in-house segment comprises the four major Australian banks and AMP, which have a reasonably low probability of outsourcing. The remaining 30% comprises a combination of government-owned entities and relatively small superannuation funds, which are likely to have outsourcing lead times of months or years.

Financial Strength

Link’s balance sheet is in good shape with a net debt/EBITDA ratio of around 2.6 as at Dec. 31, 2021, which is within the company’s target range of 2 to 3. From an interest coverage ratio perspective, Link has a manageable interest coverage ratio of around 14.

Bulls Say’s

  • It is held for, Link’s EPS to grow at a CAGR of 9% over the next decade, driven by a revenue CAGR of 6% per year, in addition to cost-cutting and operating leverage. 
  • Experts’ base case assumes Link’s Australian fund administration market share grows by 2.5 percentage points to 32.5% over the next five years. 
  • The capital-light nature of the business model should enable regular dividends, and low financial leverage creates the opportunity for debt-funded acquisitions.

Company Profile 

Link provides administration services to the financial services sector in Australia and the U.K., predominantly in the share registry and investment fund sectors. The company is the largest provider of superannuation administration services and the second-largest provider of share registry services in Australia. Link acquired U.K.-based Capita Asset Services in 2017; this provides a range of administration services to financial services firms and comprises around 40% of group revenue. Link’s clients are usually contracted for between two and five years but are relatively sticky, which results in a high proportion of recurring revenue. The business model’s capital-light nature means cash conversion is relatively strong. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Supported by Brand Investments, Narrow-Moat Hanesbrands Should Recover From Macroeconomic Challenges

Business Strategy & Outlook

Narrow-moat Hanesbrands is the market leader in basic innerwear (60% of its 2021 sales) in multiple countries. Its key innerwear brands like Hanes and Bonds (in Australia) achieves premium pricing. While the firm faces challenges from inflation, currency movement, shipping delays, and COVID-19, Hanes’ share leadership in replenishment apparel categories puts it in better shape than some competitors. In May 2021, the firm unveiled its Full Potential plan to expand global Champion, bring growth back to innerwear, improve connections to consumers (through greater marketing and enhanced e-commerce, for example), and streamline its portfolio.

As part of Full Potential, Hanes intends to build on Champion’s increasing popularity in North America, Asia, and Europe. Although COVID-19 and the discontinuation of the C9 label at Target hurt sales in 2020, Champion resumed its growth path in 2021 as it and other activewear apparel have become more than just athletic apparel and are increasingly worn as lifestyle/fashion brands. Moreover, Hanes recently found a new home for C9 as an exclusive brand for wide-moat Amazon. Hanes’ management forecasts Champion will reach $3.2 billion in global sales in 2024, up from more than $2 billion last year, which as an achievable goal.

Another key strategy for Hanes is to improve the efficiency of its supply chain. It has already made progress in this area, having achieved a 15% increase in manufacturing output over the past four years. Hanes, unlike many rivals, primarily operates its own manufacturing facilities. More than 70% of the more than 2 billion apparel units sold by the company each year are manufactured in its own plants or those of dedicated contractors. The combination of strong pricing and production efficiencies should allow Hanes to maintain operating margins around 20% for its American innerwear business despite somewhat inconsistent sales.

Financial Strengths

Hanes racked up considerable amounts of debt during its acquisition spree in 2013-18, but its balance sheet is improving. The firm closed 2022’s first quarter with about $3.35 billion in debt, but it also had nearly $400 million in cash and $1 billion available under its revolving credit facility. Hanes will have significant cash available for debt reduction over the next few years, forecasting its total debt to drop to $2.6 billion by the end of 2024. The firm to meet its goal of bringing debt/EBITDA (3.7 times at the end of 2021) below 3 times by 2024. Although Hanes suspended its share buybacks due to the pandemic, repurchases have resumed in 2022. The company bought back significant amounts of stock in 2016 and 2017 and repurchased $200 million in shares in early 2020 before the virus spread. It will repurchase about $300 million in shares per year in 2022-30. Hanes, unlike many peers, did not suspend its dividend due to the virus. Its annual dividend has been set at $0.60 per share since 2017, but it will be increased in 2023 and in the years that follow. An average annual dividend payout ratio of 32% over the next decade. Hanes may expand the business through acquisitions, although it has not made a major acquisition since 2018. One cannot include acquisitions in model due to uncertainty about timing, size, and profitability.

Bulls Say

  • Hanes’ Champion is a contender in the hot but crowded athleisure space. The brand is already well known in North America and parts of Europe, and there is significant potential in China and other underpenetrated markets.
  • Hanesbrands has successfully introduced brand extensions that have allowed it to expand shelf space and increase price points in the typically staid category of basic apparel.
  • After a review, Hanesbrands announced a new strategic plan called Full Potential to boost growth and reduce expenses, which should benefit its brand strength.

Company Description

Hanesbrands manufactures basic and athletic apparel under brands including Hanes, Champion, Playtex, Maidenform, Bali, and Bonds. The company sells wholesale to discount, midmarket, and department store retailers as well as direct to consumers. Hanesbrands is vertically integrated as it produces more than 70% of its products in company-controlled factories in more than three dozen nations. Hanesbrands distributes products in the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. The company was founded in 1901 and is based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

No-Moat Orica’s First-Half Earnings Improve but Inflation and Freight Weight

Business Strategy and Outlook

Orica has expanded its mining services business around a leading global market share in explosives. Earnings are leveraged to mining volume and commodity prices. The Australian explosives duopoly affords relatively high margins and returns; however, these are coming under pressure as Orica’s more lucrative three- to four-year contracts mature and are replaced with longer-duration and lower-margin contracts. Orica benefits from resources development activity in Latin America, South Africa, and Russia. Non-Australian explosives usage also depends on construction demand, which is somewhat less cyclical. Orica has grown its explosives business by both organic and acquisitive means. In fiscal 2006 it bought the European, Middle Eastern, African, Asian, and Latin American businesses of Dyno Nobel, which helped provide scale and lower costs. This was followed by divestment of a 70% interest in fertiliser business Incitec Pivot. In fiscal 2007, Orica expanded capacity at its Queensland ammonium nitrate plant and increased capacity at Kooragang Island, New South Wales. An ammonium nitrate plant in Bontang, Indonesia started production in 2012, and there were plans to double capacity at Kooragang Island, but timing will depend on market demand.  Orica also participates in an ammonium-nitrate plant joint venture in the Pilbara iron ore region in Western Australia. 

Orica’s Australian explosives market share is an estimated 55%-60%, with the remainder largely held by peer Incitec Pivot. The Incitec Pivot’s Moranbah, Queensland, plant is included in this estimate. In the U.S., the explosives industry is a concentrated market. Orica has a well-established presence with an estimated market share of 30%-35%. The key competitors are Dyno Nobel (owned by Incitec Pivot), which has similar market share, and Austin Powder. The key markets for explosives in the U.S. are coal and metals mining, as well as construction and quarrying. A focus on higher shareholder returns has improved with investment options subjected to disciplined returns criteria. Orica will not invest in new plant unless an 18% return on net assets can be achieved.

Financial Strength

First-half fiscal 2022 cash conversion fell to just 66% with a sharp increase in working capital leading to negative net operating cash flow of AUD 158 million. The cash outflow saw net debt rise to AUD 1.65 billion versus AUD 1.52 billion at end December 2021. Leverage (ND/(ND+E) increased to 38% from 35% and net debt/EBITDA (based on annualised first-half metrics) is at 2.3. While somewhat high, this remains within company targets and all else equal sub-1.0 net debt/EBITDA is expected by as soon as fiscal 2025. There remains significant headroom to gearing covenants of 57.5% and average drawn debt tenor of 4.7 years is healthy. But in the meantime the leveraged balance sheet bears consideration in any investment decision and contributes to the high fair value uncertainty. 

Orica has AUD 1.7 billion in available liquidity, limited near-term refinancing requirements and headroom to covenants of 57.50% gearing at 2.0 times interest cover. But covenants could be rapidly tested in a circumstance where customers can’t pay and Orica says some customers have been unable to process payments due to physical lockdowns. Despite this, Orica hasn’t identified issues with debtors’ ability to pay otherwise.

Bulls Say’s

  • Orica is a global leader in explosives and part of a duopoly in Australia. It is leveraged to ongoing regional resources demand driven by the industrialisation and urbanisation of China and India. 
  • The intensity of explosives and chemicals used in mining is increasing as ore grades decline and strip ratios increase. 
  • There are a number of organic growth opportunities available to the Orica, particularly the expansion of ammonium nitrate capacity and explosives production.

Company Profile 

Orica is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of chemicals and explosives, primarily to the mining industry. It has operations in 50 countries across six continents. Mining services is the lone growth engine now that the chemicals business has been sold. Orica has an approximate 28% share of the global commercial explosives market. It provided resins, steel bolts, and other products for underground mining and tunnelling though this business is now sold. It also supplies chemicals such as sodium cyanide to the mining industry

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Cisco’s Demand Metrics Look Solid, but Supply Chain Challenges Can Inhibit Near-Term Growth

Business Strategy and Outlook

The networking equipment behemoth Cisco continues to execute on its strategic focus of increasing recurring revenue via selling software and services to supplement its hardware products. Software and services were more than half of fiscal 2020 revenue, up from 43% in fiscal 2017. Cisco embracing software from hardware disaggregation, and even selling networking chips, can help keep demand for its solutions high although some customers rely on cloud-based resources or generic hardware. Cisco’s plan is assessed as the correct direction for maintainable growth and believe the firm’s strategic shifts through organic developments and acquisitions, keep Cisco as mainstay in today’s networks. The company is the dominant supplier of switches, routers, cybersecurity, and complementary networking products. Cisco’s products are mission critical for network performance, stability, and security. Cisco is proliferating software, analytics, wireless, and security offerings to satisfy nascent trends, and Cisco is considered as the only one-stop-shop networking vendor. Cisco is deemed uniquely positioned to interweave complimentary necessities, like networking and security, together to provide comprehensive solutions for clients. 

Despite Cisco’s commanding position in switches and routers, IT professionals are increasingly shifting computer workloads to the cloud, in turn buying less data center hardware. Alongside changing its product offerings, Cisco is moving product sales toward subscription-based offerings, which is considered the preferred method of consumption for cloud-based resources. Cisco is rolling this sales model to additional products, with customers looking to purchase bundles with analytics and security. Cisco is evolving its portfolio at a more rapid rate to stay ahead of trends in areas such as switching, communications, cybersecurity management, software-defined wide-area networking, and analytics. Cisco is expected to continue looking to acquisitions to bolster its capabilities in these areas to offset pressure in maturing market segments.

Financial Strength

Cisco is considered a financially healthy company. With a fiscal 2021 debt/capital ratio of 22%, abundant free cash flow generation, and expected on-time debt payments, there are no fiscal concerns. The company could safely lever back up to fund development projects, acquisitions, and shareholder returns if needed. Cisco has continually exceeded its commitment to return at least 50% of free cash flow, calculated as cash from operating activities minus capital expenditures, to shareholders. Cisco initiated its share repurchase program in 2001, has increased the authorization over time, had about $8 billion remaining at the end of fiscal 2021, with no termination date. Cisco is expected to opportunistically look to purchase shares. Cisco has recurrently raised its dividend year over year, and modest annual increases are forecasted. Even after shareholder returns and debt repayments, the company remains financially flexible with plenty of cash to support acquisitions and its large marketing and R&D expenditures. Growing recurring revenue will provide a steadier income stream, and strong operational and free cash flow generation is projected to continue in the future. Cisco is expected to manage its growing war chest with future cash deployments into strategic developments and acquisitions.

Bulls Say’s

  • Cisco’s one-stop-shop ecosystem, from switches to data analytics, should remain valued as more networking customers migrate to hybrid clouds. 
  • Despite the rise of public clouds, Cisco should continue to grow its customer base via hybrid cloud and software offerings. 
  • The expected rapid proliferation of devices to hit networks should drive customer demand for Cisco products. Cisco’s hardware is considered essential for access points, routing, and switching while software is crucial for analytics, security, and intent-based networking.

Company Profile 

Cisco Systems, Inc. is the world’s largest hardware and software supplier within the networking solutions sector. The secure, agile networks business contains switching, routing, and wireless solutions. The hybrid work division has products for collaboration and contact center needs. The end-to-end security group has products spanning a variety of threat prevention necessities. The internet for the future division has routed optical networks, silicon, and optics. Optimized application experiences offer solutions such as full stack observability. Services are Cisco’s technical support and advanced services offerings. In collaboration with Cisco’s initiative on growing software and services, its revenue model is focused on increasing subscriptions and recurring sales.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Market Selloff Affects Franklin Resources’ Flows and AUM; Lowering Fair value Estimate to $29

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

A confluence of several issues—poor relative active investment performance, the growth of low-cost index-based products, and the expanding power of the retail-advised channel—has made it increasingly difficult for active asset managers to generate organic growth, leaving them more dependent on market gains to increase their assets under management. While there will always be room for active management, think the advantage for getting and maintaining placement on platforms will go to managers that have greater scale, established brands, solid long-term performance, and reasonable fees. As such, it’s been big proponents of consolidation among the U.S.-based asset managers the past several years, with firms expected to pursue scale as a means of offsetting the impact of fee and margin compression (driven by the growth of low-cost passive products). However, a combination of narrow-moat Franklin Resources with no-moat Legg Mason was not even on the radar; it is believed both firms were more likely acquirers of smaller asset managers as opposed to either one being an acquisition target. 

The combined firm closed out April 2022 with $1.456 trillion in managed assets, composed primarily of equity (32%), fixed-income (39%), multi-asset/balanced (10%) funds, alternatives (15%) and money market funds (4%), giving it the size and scale necessary to be competitive. The new Franklin provides investment management services to retail (52% of managed assets), institutional (46%) and high-net-worth (2%) clients and is one of the more global firms of the U.S.-based asset managers with more than 35% of its AUM invested in global/international strategies and 25% of managed assets sourced from clients domiciled outside the U.S. While the Legg Mason deal to keep margins from deteriorating in the face of industrywide fee compression and rising costs (necessary to improve investment performance and enhance product distribution), near-term organic growth will struggle to stay positive, albeit better than the solidly negative growth profile for a stand-alone Franklin Resources.

Financial Strengths:

Franklin entered fiscal 2022 with $3.2 billion in principal debt (including debt issued/acquired as part of the Legg Mason deal): $300 million of 2.8% notes due September2022, $250 million of 3.95% notes due July 2024, $400 million of 2.85% notes due March 2025, $450 million of 4.75% notes due March 2026, $850 million of 1.6% notes due October 2030, $550 million of 5.625% notes due January 2044, and $350 million of 2.95% notes due August 2051. At the end of March 2022, the firm had $5.8 billion in cash and investments on its books. More than half of thesetypes of assets have traditionally been held overseas, with as much as one third of that half used to meet regulator capital requirements, seed capital for new funds, or supplyfunding for acquisitions. Assuming Franklin closes out the year and, it will enter fiscal 2023 with a debt/total capital ratio of around 22%, interest coverage of around 20 times, and a debt/EBITDA ratio of 1.5 times. Franklin has generally returned excess capital to shareholders as share repurchases and dividends. During the past 10 fiscal years, the firm repurchased $7.4 billion of common stock and paid out $7.1 billion as dividends(including special dividends). While Franklin’s current payout ratio of 30%-35% is lower than the 40% average payout (when excluding special dividends) during the past five years, and only low-single-digit annual increases in the dividend until the integration of the Legg Mason deal is well behind it. As for share repurchases, Franklin spent $208 million, $219 million, and $755 million buying back 7.3 million, 9.0 million, and 24.6 million shares, respectively, during fiscal 2021, 2020, and 2019. Given the likelihood that Franklin may decide to pay off some of its debt as it comes due the next several years, and it isn’t expect to see a large level of share repurchases in the near term.

Bulls Say:

  • Franklin Resources is one of the 20 largest U.S.-based asset managers, with more than two thirds of its AUM sourced from domestic clients. It is also the fifth- largest global manager of cross-border funds.
  • The purchase of Legg Mason has lifted Franklin’s AUM to around $1.5 trillion, hoisting it into the second- largest tier of U.S.-based asset managers, which includes firms like Pimco, Capital Group, and J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
  • Franklin maintains thousands of active financial advisor relationships worldwide and has close to 1,000 institutional client relationships.

Company Description: 

Franklin Resources provides investment services for individual and institutional investors. At the end of April 2022, Franklin had $1.456 trillion in managed assets, composed primarily of equity (32%), fixed-income (39%), multi-asset/balanced (10%) funds, alternatives (15%) and money market funds (4%). Distribution tends to be weighted more toward retail investors (52% of AUM) investors, as opposed to institutional (46%) and high-net-worth (2%) clients. Franklin is also one of the more global firms of the U.S.-based asset managers, with more than 35% of its AUM invested in global/international strategies and 25% of managed assets sourced from clients domiciled outside the United States.

(Source: Morningstar)

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