Global stocks Shares

Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and marketing skills

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nufarm is a major producer of crop-protection products including herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides, selling into all major world markets. The company is leveraged to growing demand for crops for biofuels, and food from rapidly industrializing markets such as China and India. Growth should come from astute brand and offshore business investments and from a customer service-focused strategy. However, the global crop-protection markets are competitive and earnings are cyclical, given a reliance on seasonal conditions. Sumitomo Chemical’s investment in Nufarm endorses the quality of its global distribution. Collaboration broadens product portfolios and adds distribution in Asia. Continued growth in food demand in industrializing nations should underwrite long-term earnings growth. Nufarm’s primary competitive strengths are marketing scale, dominant position in the Australian market, formulation expertise, and skills in marketing post-patent crop-protection products. Global expansion in recent years reduced dependency on the domestic market. The company’s dominance in Australia has become less certain, with glyphosate pricing coming under considerable pressure. Due to the competitive nature of its markets, lack of pricing power and exposure to cyclical agricultural demand, Nufarm doesn’t possess an economic moat. Returns on invested capital have historically failed to meet the cost of capital.

In addition to its crop-protection business, Nufarm has a seed technologies business. With this, it aims to broaden its portfolio of products, all of which are targeted to improve agricultural yields. Nufarm has a growing presence in North America and Europe. Sound sales momentum has been evident in North America and Europe. Several Chinese companies have previously expressed interest in acquiring Nufarm, but withdrew either because of too high a price demanded by the board, or because of reduced availability of debt. In 2010, Japanese company Sumitomo Chemical bought 20% of Nufarm, subsequently increasing its stake to 23% before diluting to 16% and then selling out completely in 2022.

Financial Strengths

Nufarm’s balance sheet is in great shape. In early April 2020, the company received AUD 1.2 billion net sale proceeds from major shareholder Sumitomo, for the sale of its South American crop protection and seed treatment operations in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile. This significantly bolstered the finances at a very fortuitous time, coming mid coronavirus. Prior to this in January 2020, group net debt had stood at a whopping AUD 1.6 billion. Nufarm’s under-leveraged balance sheet remains a strength. At Sept. 30, 2022, net debt stood at a modest AUD 204 million excluding leases, leverage of just 9% and annualized net debt/EBITDA of 0.5 is very comfortable. Leverage is well below management’s net debt/EBITDA target range of 1.5 to 2.0. Nufarm is to be unleveraged within a year all else being equal. It would be wise for the company to remain modestly leveraged at most, given vagaries of the weather, earnings seasonality, and new product ramp-up requirements.

Bulls Say

  • Nufarm benefits from potential strength in soft commodities markets.
  • Nufarm has well-established distribution platforms in most major global agricultural markets.
  • Product and geographic diversification helps reduce earnings volatility.

Company Description

Nufarm Limited is a global crop-protection company that develops, manufactures, and sells a range of crop-protection products, including herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. Nufarm sells its products in most of the world’s major agricultural regions, and operates primarily in the off-patent segment of the crop-protection market. Nufarm operates along two business lines: crop protection and seed technologies.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

VUK reported a very strong FY21 result, with +546% YoY underlying PBT growth, driven by improving net interest margin

Investment Thesis

  • Trades on undemanding valuations (i.e. depressed price to book and price to earnings) and below the valuation (which also includes a Brexit / Covid discount). 
  • Potentially further provisioning required as a result of Covid-19. 
  • Improving shareholder returns (including potential for buybacks).
  • Delivering on medium term targets.
  • Solid franchise and branch network. 
  • Synergies from Virgin Money acquisition to support earnings growth.
  • Expected low levels of impairment charges (especially as a low interest rate environment helps customers and arrears). 
  • Funding position remains sound, however excess funding for potential capital management is unlikely now. 
  • Increasing penetration in the SME and retail banking space in the UK.

Key Risks

  • The UK economy recovers quicker than expected post-Covid-19. 
  •  VUK resumes dividend payments earlier than expected. 
  • More intense competition for deposit and loan growth. 
  • Increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning. 
  • Funding pressure for deposits. 
  • Medium term guidance targets, especially cost reduction targets, fall short. 
  • Regulatory changes especially around any capital requirements and hence lower ROEs achieved.
  • Brexit uncertainty (potentially leading the UK economy into recession).
  • Clarity provided over Virgin Money disappoints.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Underlying operating income +2% to £1572m, with net interest income increasing +5% to £1412m as lower deposit costs, structural hedge benefit and growth in higher yielding assets more than offset mortgage spread pressures, partially offset by -16% decline in non-interest income to £160m, reflecting weaker market conditions.
  • Underlying operating expenses reduced -2% to £902m with the underlying cost-to-income ratio reducing -200bps to 57% as efficiencies from cost savings programme were partly offset by higher variable remuneration. 
  • Impairment release of £131m (vs £501m charge in pcp) amid robust asset quality & improving outlook, however, maintained coverage levels of 70bps (down -33bps), well above pre-pandemic levels. 
  • Underlying PBT improved +546% to £801m driven by a recovery in income, lower costs and improved impairment performance leading to underlying RoTE improving +17.2% to 17.8%. VUK returned to statutory profit before tax of £417m from £168m loss, equating to statutory RoTE of 10.2%. 
  • Capital strengthened with CET1 increasing +150 bps to 14.9% (14.4% excluding software benefit) equating to buffer of £1.4bn over MDA threshold of 8.7%, and strong liquidity & funding position maintained with LCR of 151% (up +11%) and 108% (up +100 bps) loan-to-deposit ratio.
  • Capital returns resumed with the Board declaring a 1p dividend (updated capital framework and dividend policy post-SST at 1H22).

Company Description

Virgin Money UK Plc is a holding company that owns Clydesdale Bank and Yorkshire Bank in the United Kingdom. It was formed by National Australia Bank (NAB) in February 2016, in advance of the divestment of its UK segment via IPO. VUK is a full-service challenger bank of scale servicing both retail and SME in the UK market. VUK services ~160k small business customers with a turnover of less than £2m, and ~23k medium businesses with a turnover of >£2m.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

Tabcorp (TAH) delivered a solid 1H22 result which came in ahead of expectations

Investment Thesis

  • The demerger of its Lotteries & Keno business (to be named The Lottery Corporation) from its Wagering & Media business (to be named Tabcorp) could unlock shareholder value as standalone business.
  • Subdued outlook for wagering business and cost pressures likely to keep a lid on margin expansion in the near term.
  • Positive regulatory changes could drive out smaller uneconomical corporate bookmakers.
  • Potential capital management initiatives.

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures within the core Wagering business.
  • Loss of market share.
  • Lack of product development.
  • Cost blowouts with failed investment in Sun Bets business in the UK.
  • Adverse outcome from any regulatory change.
  • The demerger fails to get all necessary approvals.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue of $2,934m was up +2.2%, variable contribution was mostly flat (-0.9%) at $942m and underlying EBITDA of $529m was down -5.5% vs pcp, mainly reflecting the impact of Covid-19 with a strong performing Lotteries and Keno businesses being offset by Wagering & Media and Gaming Services (impacted by venue restrictions and trading). Management delivered a further $16m in savings in 1H22 from 3S optimization program, bringing total savings to date from the program to approximately $46m.
  • The Company declared an interim dividend of 6.5 cents per share, which is down -13.3% on pcp and represents a payout ratio of 77% of net profit before significant items (and at the top end of 70 – 80% range). 
  • Underlying NPAT of $187m was down -9.7% on pcp.
  • Lotteries & Keno. Revenues of $1,784m were up +10.9%, with EBITDA of $358m up +15.1% (margin up +80 bps on pcp). Segment earnings were driven by strong growth in Lotteries revenue (Jackpot games up; active registered customers up +5% and very strong digital growth of +26%) and Lotteries VC margin (digital growth drove margin expansion; 3S savings initiatives). This was partly offset by Keno revenue being impacted by retail shutdowns, which also had an adverse impact on reported margins.
  • TAH is on track to implement the demerger of its Lotteries & Keno business (to be named The Lottery Corporation) from its Wagering & Media business (to be named Tabcorp) no later than June 2022, subject to all necessary approvals. The Company expects to incur one-off costs of up to $275m and ongoing incremental costs of $40-45m p.a. further, The Lotteries and Keno business will target gearing levels of around 3.5x to 4.0x and the wagering & gaming business will target gearing of 1.0x to 1.5x.

Company Description

Tabcorp Holdings Ltd (TAH) is an integrated gambling and entertainment company listed in Australia, with operations overseas. The business operates three key segments – Wagering & Media, Keno and Gaming Services. These services are delivered to customers through TAH’s retail, digital and Sky media platforms.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

A2M’s share price jumped on the results announcement with management announcing expectations to deliver revenue growth in FY22

Investment Thesis

  • Inventory issue remains a downside risk but can also provide upside surprise should management work through the excess inventory in its distribution channels. It appears the inventory is at target levels for some of the key channels.
  • Wining market share in Australia and China.
  • Growing consumer demand for health and well-being globally.
  • Demand growth in China for premium infant formula product.
  • Expansion into new priority markets, aided by the capabilities of Fonterra.
  • US expansion provides new markets + opportunities.
  • Key patents provide barrier to entry.
  • Takeover target – the Company was the subject of a takeover bid in 2015.

Key Risks

  • Management fails to meet its revised FY21 guidance.
  • Chinese demand underperforming market expectations.
  • Disruption to A2 milk supply.
  • Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
  • Expiration of A2M’s intellectual property rights may weaken or be infringed by competitors.
  • Withdrawal of A2M product from international markets due to market share loss OR lack of market penetration.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue: The outlook for revenue in FY22 has improved since the start of the year with the Company still expecting 2H22 revenue (including MVM) to be significantly higher than 2H21, but

with growth now expected on 1H22 and for FY22 which is ahead of initial expectations due mainly to growth in China label and English label IMF. 

  • Gross profit: The improved outlook for revenue in 2H22 should result in higher gross profit than previously expected. However, this is likely to be offset by cost of goods sold headwinds related to increasing milk, ingredient and packaging costs. Accordingly, the Company still expects 2H22 gross margin percent to be broadly similar to 1H22.
  • Earnings: “Revenue improvement is not expected to translate into higher earnings as the Company significantly increases brand and other reinvestment consistent with its growth strategy”.
  • Operational cash conversion: “is likely to be less than 100% in FY22 due mainly to the business expecting to hold higher inventory and an increase in other working capital, as well as MVM needing to make a payment to CAHG in connection with a2MC’s acquisition of its 75% interest in MVM that completed in 1H22

Company Description

The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M) sells a2 brand milk and related products. The company owns intellectual property that enables the identification of cattle for the production of A1 protein free milk products. It also sources and supplies a2 brand milk in Australia, the UK and the US, exports a2 brand milk to China, and distributes and markets a2 brand milk and a2 Platinum brand infant nutrition products in Australia, New Zealand, and China.

(Source: Banyantree)

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