Technology Stocks

Roper Looks Strongly Positioned to Continue Compounding Cash as it Remakes Its Portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook

Roper acquires software companies with large amounts of deferred revenue. Large quantities of deferred revenue exist because many software businesses receive cash far in advance of when services are rendered. Roper uses this cash to invest in businesses at incrementally higher rates of return. Its targets have large bases of recurring revenue in oligopolistic, niche markets with small total addressable markets. That revenue base is protected by strong switching costs that frequently post customer retention rates greater than 95%. Roper’s businesses typically don’t own their own infrastructure, which further contributes to its asset-light business model. From 2003 through today, Roper’s net working capital as a percentage of sales has dropped from 18% to negative 13%. Skeptics point out three criticisms: Roper purchases businesses that have little strategic rationale with one another; it is starving its businesses for capital; and the business model carries a lot of execution risk since the company will eventually run out of targets to purchase. All three of these criticisms miss the mark. First, purchasing unrelated businesses is an advantage. While competitors frequently purchase targets to either eliminate competition or buy distribution, Roper screens all opportunities based on how each business will add to long-term cash returns, a key reason is the stock has beat the returns of the S&P 500 by about 2 times since 2003. Second, Roper’s businesses don’t require capital to continue growing. The maintenance capital expenditures are less than 1% of sales. Even so, free cash flow conversion consistently hovers well over 100%. Finally, capital allocation has been integrally tied to Roper’s culture since the early 2000s. The firm also does not try to extract aggressive synergy targets from acquisitions, choosing instead to focus on opportunity cost. Private equity also provides Roper with a continuous revolving door of potential investment opportunities. Following portfolio changes, one can still believe Roper is poised to continuously compounded cash for many years, and it can anticipate mid teens EPS growth through the cycle.

Financial Strengths

Roper is in strong financial health, and it is adequately capitalized to meet its ongoing service obligations. As a result, one can derive a low risk of default in the model’s credit risk assessment, which is slightly better than the moderate risk the rating agencies assign to Roper’s bonds. One reason one is more confident is Roper’s free cash flow conversion, which historically hovers well over 100% of earnings (including 125% in 2020, on an adjusted basis). While the firm does take on leverage when acquiring a target, management has indicated it is absolutely committed to maintaining an investment-grade rating. At an investor conference in early 2019, CEO Neil Hunn indicated his belief that Roper could do a $3 billion-$3.5 billion deal and “easily be inside of investment-grade.” Since that time, Roper has spent over $6 billion in acquisitions and has still managed to maintain its investment-grade credit rating. As of the end of 2021, the firm’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA was about 3.4 times. While one normally doesn’t like EBITDA metrics when assessing a firm’s financial health, one can point out that Roper converts about 82% of its adjusted EBITDA into free cash flow. The firm’s interest coverage (EBIT/interest), moreover, stands at 8.5 times. Unlike other multi-industry conglomerates, the firm has no pension plan. Given that one doesn’t believe Roper requires any restricted cash to operate its businesses, one can add back 100% of Roper’s cash to the net debt calculation, which is also unusual in multi-industry coverage.

Bulls Say

  • Roper’s total returns have doubled the returns of the S&P 500 over the past 15 years. 
  • Roper’s culture is greater than one person, and former CEO Jellison’s framework is safe in the hands of the current CEO and CFO. 
  • The winning formula of using cash from a recurring revenue base to acquire cash-rich businesses at reasonable valuations shows no signs of slowing down, with expected future earnings growing at similar to historical rates as the firm ups its acquisition spending.

Company Description

Roper is a diversified technology company that operates through three segments: application software; network software and systems; and technology enabled products. The firm’s culture emphasizes acquiring asset-light, cash-generative businesses. Roper then reinvests this excess cash in businesses that yield incrementally higher rates of return. While the businesses are managed in a decentralized manner, Roper does not passively manage its portfolio. Instead, Roper manages its businesses through the Socratic method and empowers decision-makers through group executive coaching. Roper has now rotated a clear majority of its business from legacy industrial products into technology software in mature, niche markets with large quantities of deferred revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Cochlear is investing significantly to increase awareness as well as funding research to support payer reimbursement

Business Strategy & Outlook

Cochlear is the market leader in cochlear implants with a consistent share of roughly 60% across developed markets. Cochlear implants became the standard of care many years ago for children in developed markets with profound hearing loss or deafness. With this market segment largely penetrated, the company is looking elsewhere for growth with developed-markets adults the next primary focus and emerging-markets children after that. Roughly 70% of units are sold to developed markets and the remaining 30% to emerging markets, where over 90% are for children. Large price differentials in the lower range of products result in 80% of revenue being earned in developed markets and 20% in tender-oriented emerging markets. The average unit prices achieved in developed markets are double those in emerging markets. In the developed-markets children segment, the growth tailwinds from increasing market penetration and the shift from single to bilateral implants over the last 15 years have played out, and forecast growth in this segment to reduce to the birth rate over time.

The adult developed market is more difficult to penetrate, and required investment to expand this segment will restrain significant operating margin expansion. Currently, penetration is still estimated to be under 5%, and Cochlear is at a pivot point as it invests to be adopted more widely by seniors with profound hearing loss. Prevalence of profound hearing loss increases over 65 years and has a steep increase over 80 years of age. As such, an ageing population and low penetration suggest a large opportunity. However, hearing aids, not cochlear implants, are the standard of care. Cochlear is investing significantly to increase awareness as well as funding research to support payer reimbursement. But two main challenges can be seen to accessing this market fully: first, the relatively low willingness of older candidates to undertake such invasive surgery, and second, the improvements

in hearing aids. The hearing aid market is increasing its penetration in the severe hearing loss category, leaving only the smaller profound hearing loss as the cochlear implant niche.

Financial Strengths

The company has typically enjoyed low capital intensity and high cash conversion, affording it to pay out 70% of earnings as a dividend. However, with the confluence of operational weakness due to deferred elective surgeries as a result of the coronavirus, a peak in the capital cycle, and a patent infringement penalty becoming payable, the company faced a liquidity crunch. Consequently, it completed an AUD 850 million equity raise in fiscal 2020, adding an additional 10% to shares on issue and forecast the company to carry no net debt for the foreseeable future. The company is not acquisitive and organic growth is driven by R&D spending of roughly 12% of revenue per year.

Bulls Say

  • There are signs Cochlear is looking to expand beyond the hearing market with the investment in Nyxoah, a company focused on development of a hypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea.
  • The annuity like revenue stream from sound processor upgrades and accessories is an increasingly important component of the revenue stream.
  • Cochlear earns ROICs well ahead of the cost of capital even in bear-case scenario, which is testament to the high quality of the company.

Company Description

Cochlear is the leading cochlear implant device manufacturer with around 60% global market share. Developed markets contribute 80% of group revenue where cochlear implants are the standard of care for children with severe to profound hearing loss. The company also actively targets the growing cohort of seniors in developed markets. Tender-oriented emerging markets contribute the remaining 20% of group revenue. Main products include cochlear implants, bone-anchored hearing aids, and associated sound processors. In fiscal 2020, 49% of revenue came from the Americas, 35% from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, and 16% from the Asia-Pacific segment.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice.The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

Keysight Dominates Communications Testing With a Broad and Comprehensive Portfolio of Solutions

Business Strategy & Outlook

Keysight Technologies is the leader in communications testing and measurement solutions, and offers a vendor-agnostic way to invest in the rapidly growing 5G market. Keysight has the strongest and broadest communications testing capabilities in the market, inclusive of hardware, software, and services. A comprehensive portfolio allows Keysight to act as a strategic partner to its customers, enabling new designs and accelerating time to market for network operators, network equipment OEMs, device OEMs, and suppliers. Keysight can reduce time to market for customers more than competitors as a result of its end-to-end portfolio of premium offerings. Keysight’s leadership stems from its large investment in R&D–annually doubling that of the nearest competitor–that it focuses on the communications market. The hefty organic and inorganic investment has led to Keysight leading the market pivot toward software and credit its unmatched portfolio breadth for its top market share. A broad portfolio that layers software and services on top of hardware embeds Keysight into customer workflows and entrenches customers in its ecosystem. A broad, sticky portfolio underpins the wide economic moat rating for the firm. Keysight should continue to dominate the communications market, especially as it pivots toward more complex 5G testing in which it is already demonstrating proficiency. The market share gains for Keysight and think greater complexity in 5G networks will expand its wallet share at customers–both of which would result in continued outperformance of the underlying testing market. The firm continues shifting customers to subscription billing for its software and services and thinks it will complement continued organic investment with strategic M&A to further build out its software portfolio. The growing mix of software and services to expand margins. Finally, the Keysight to continue generating impressive cash flow and to send a large proportion of it back to shareholders.

Financial Strengths

The Keysight Technologies to continue generating impressive cash flow, which will fund organic and inorganic investment as well as returns to shareholders. As of Oct. 31, 2021, the firm held a net cash position, with $2.1 billion in cash on hand and $1.8 billion in gross debt. The firm will stay leveraged–especially with its current long-term maturities–but pay off its debt as it comes due. The firm also has an untapped $450 million revolver that expires in February 2022.The Keysight to continue its record of strong cash generation. The firm has converted well over 100% of its net income into free cash flow since 2017, and this pattern to carry forward through the forecast. As per forecast over 100% free cash flow conversion through 2026 and anticipate more than $1 billion in free cash flow annually during this period.

Bulls Say

  • Keysight’s large research and development budget has created a competitively advantaged portfolio for communications testing that one doesn’t expect other firms would be able to easily replicate. 
  • Keysight holds a majority share of the 5G testing market, which will elicit strong top-line growth and expand profitability over the next five years. 
  • The Keysight to continue converting over 100% of net income into free cash flow, and predict it to generate over $1 billion in free cash flow annually over the forecast.

Company Description

Keysight Technologies is a leader in the field of testing and measurement, helping electronics OEMs and suppliers alike bring products to market to fit industry standards and specifications. Keysight specializes in the communications market, but also supplies into the government, automotive, industrial, and semiconductor manufacturing markets. Keysight’s solutions include testing tools, analytical software, and services. The firm’s stated objective is to reduce time to market and improve efficiency at its more than 30,000 customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.Laverne and Banyan Tree and its respective officers may have an interest in the securities or derivatives of any entities referred to in this material. Laverne and Banyan Tree do and seek to do business with companies that are the subject of its research reports. The analyst(s) hereby certify that all the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the subject investment theme and/or company securities.

Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the document, liability for any errors or omissions (except any statutory liability which cannot be excluded) is specifically excluded by Laverne and Banyan Tree, its associates, officers, directors, employees, and agents.  Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Laverne and Banyan Tree, its directors, employees and agents accept no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind, direct or indirect, arising out of the use of all or any part of this material.  Recipients of this document agree in advance that Laverne and Banyan Tree are not liable to recipients in any matters whatsoever otherwise; recipients should disregard, destroy or delete this document. All information is correct at the time of publication. Laverne and Banyan Tree do not guarantee reliability and accuracy of the material contained in this document and are not liable for any unintentional errors in the document.The securities of any company(ies) mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to all categories of investors. This document is provided to the recipient only and is not to be distributed to third parties without the prior consent of Laverne and Banyan Tree.

Technology Stocks

Keysight Dominates Communications Testing With a Broad and Comprehensive Portfolio of Solutions

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Keysight Technologies is the leader in communications testing and measurement solutions, and offers a vendor-agnostic way to invest in the rapidly growing 5G market. The Keysight has the strongest and broadest communications testing capabilities in the market, inclusive of hardware, software, and services. A comprehensive portfolio allows Keysight to act as a strategic partner to its customers, enabling new designs and accelerating time to market for network operators, network equipment OEMs, device OEMs, and suppliers. The Keysight can reduce time to market for customers more than competitors as a result of its end-to-end portfolio of premium offerings. The Keysight’s leadership stems from its large investment in R&D–annually doubling that of the nearest competitor–that it focuses on the communications market. The hefty organic and inorganic investment has led to Keysight leading the market pivot toward software and credit its unmatched portfolio breadth for its top market share. A broad portfolio that layers software and services on top of hardware embeds Keysight into customer workflows and entrenches customers in its ecosystem. A broad, sticky portfolio underpins the wide economic moat rating for the firm. Keysight should continue to dominate the communications market, especially as it pivots toward more complex 5G testing in which it is already demonstrating proficiency. The market share gains for Keysight and think greater complexity in 5G networks will expand its wallet share at customers–both of which would result in continued outperformance of the underlying testing market. The firm to continue shifting customers to subscription billing for its software and services and think it will complement continued organic investment with strategic M&A to further build out its software portfolio. The growing mix of software and services to expand margins. Finally, the Keysight to continue generating impressive cash flow and to send a large proportion of it back to shareholders.

Financial Strengths

The Keysight Technologies to continue generating impressive cash flow, which will fund organic and inorganic investment as well as returns to shareholders. As of Oct. 31, 2021, the firm held a net cash position, with $2.1 billion in cash on hand and $1.8 billion in gross debt. The firm will stay leveraged–especially with its current long-term maturities–but pay off its debt as it comes due. The firm also has an untapped $450 million revolver that expires in February 2022.The Keysight to continue its record of strong cash generation. The firm has converted well over 100% of its net income into free cash flow since 2017, and this pattern to carry forward through the forecast. As per forecast over 100% free cash flow conversion through 2026 and anticipate more than $1 billion in free cash flow annually during this period.

Bulls Say

  • The Keysight’s large research and development budget has created a competitively advantaged portfolio for communications testing that one doesn’t expect other firms would be able to easily replicate. 
  • Keysight holds a majority share of the 5G testing market, which will elicit strong top-line growth and expand profitability over the next five years. 
  • The Keysight to continue converting over 100% of net income into free cash flow, and predict it to generate over $1 billion in free cash flow annually over the forecast.

Company Description

Keysight Technologies is a leader in the field of testing and measurement, helping electronics OEMs and suppliers alike bring products to market to fit industry standards and specifications. Keysight specializes in the communications market, but also supplies into the government, automotive, industrial, and semiconductor manufacturing markets. Keysight’s solutions include testing tools, analytical software, and services. The firm’s stated objective is to reduce time to market and improve efficiency at its more than 30,000 customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

Carrier strives to reduce operating costs 2%-3% annually

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Carrier Global, a leading supplier of climate control and fire and security solutions, was spun off from United Technologies in April 2020. Carrier is a high-quality franchise with leading brands across most of its product portfolio. After the spinoff, Carrier increased spending on research and development, its sales organization, and capital projects to support product development and growth initiatives; this will help management accomplish its goal of mid-single-digit top-line growth over the midterm. Two of Carrier’s higher-profile growth initiatives include increasing its service attachment rate and becoming the leader in the applied HVAC market within five years. Carrier will successfully increase its service revenue, but it will be challenging to usurp Trane Technologies and Johnson Controls in the applied HVAC market.

Carrier’s HVAC segment (its largest segment at approximately 60% of sales) has the strongest long-term growth potential due to its commercial HVAC market exposure.  The commercial HVAC market will grow above GDP due to increased demand for energy-efficient and indoor air quality solutions. Residential HVAC demand remained robust in 2021-22, but there’s a cautious outlook. On the one hand, housing starts will rebound to 1.4-1.5 million units annually by 2025 after a near-term contraction in 2023-2024) and regulation changes (refrigerants and energy efficiency standards) should be a tailwind. On the other hand, the replacement cycle is maturing. Elevated investment spending, public company costs, and a challenging operating environment during 2020-21 due to the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and cost inflation have pressured Carrier’s profit margins. However, Carrier strives to reduce operating costs 2%-3% annually. If the company can achieve its cost-cutting goal and expand its aftermarket mix, profit margins should improve, assuming healthy end-market demand and supply chains.

Financial Strength

After becoming a stand-alone entity following its April 2020 spinoff from United Technologies, Carrier now benefits from a narrowed strategic focus and complete autonomy over its capital allocation decisions. The company paid a price for its freedom; the separation left it saddled with a significant amount of net debt. However, Carrier generates significant free cash flow (about $1.7 billion annually over the last three years), and deleveraging has been a top capital allocation priority. In early 2022, Carrier completed the sale of Chubb, its service-centric fire and security business, for $2.7 billion net of taxes. Carrier expects to reduce debt by $750 million in 2022. At year-end 2021, Carrier had $9.7 billion of debt and $3.0 billion of cash on its balance sheet, which equates to a net debt/estimated 2022 EBITDA ratio of about 2. However, with the Chubb sale and Carrier’s 2022 free cash flow, the cash balance will swell to approximately $7.5 billion. Aside from paying down debt, the firm will allocate about $900 million to fund its acquisition of Toshiba’s remaining ownership stake in the Toshiba-Carrier joint venture, and management has earmarked $500 million for dividends and $1.6 billion for share repurchases in 2022. Carrier’s next maturing debt issuance isn’t until 2025, when its 2.242% $1.2 billion outstanding notes are due. Another $900 million is due in 2027, $2 billion is due in 2030, and $4.250 billion is due after 2030. Carrier’s debt maturities are well staggered, and no worries about solvency can be seen.

Bulls Say’s

  • After separating from United Technologies, Carrier is in full control of its destiny. Near-term reinvestment should boost its long-term growth prospects, and cost cutting initiatives should result in stronger profit margins. 
  • The company has significant franchise value with leading brands across most of its product portfolio. The flagship Carrier brand has demonstrable pricing power. 
  • In the wake of the coronavirus, air filtration, air-quality assessment, cold-chain solutions, and touchless access control solutions should become larger market opportunities.

Company Profile 

Carrier Global manufactures heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, refrigeration, and fire and security products. The HVAC business serves both residential and commercial markets (HVAC segment sales mix is 60% commercial and 40% residential). Carrier’s refrigeration segment consists of its transportation refrigeration, Sensitech supply chain monitoring, and commercial refrigeration businesses. The firm’s fire and security business manufactures fire detection and suppression, access controls, and intrusion detection products.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Alphabet Inc: Revenue Increased +13% to $69.7bn, Driven by Search and Cloud

Investment Thesis:

  • Commands a strong market position in online advertising and online eyeballs. 
  • Search advertising increases its share of advertising spend. 
  • Leveraged to online video streaming and advertising via YouTube. 
  • Strong balance sheet with over US$125bn in cash, which gives flexibility to invest in growth options or undertake capital management initiatives. 
  • Focus on innovation across advertising businesses, which should help to sustain growth.
  • Strong management team.
  • Value accretive acquisitions in existing and new growth areas. 
  • Recent disclosure suggests GOOGL’s Cloud business building good revenue momentum. 

Key Risks:

  • Threat of increased regulatory scrutiny, including concerns around consumer privacy and personal data. 
  • Regulatory changes which impact the way GOOGL does business (e.g., forced changes to products). 
  • Expenses such as TAC (traffic acquisition costs) increase ahead of expectations and which the company is unable to pass onto customers.
  • Deterioration in economic conditions, which would put pressure on the advertising revenue.
  • Competition from companies like Facebook Inc., Amazon etc. could put pressure on margins. 
  • Potential return from investment on new, innovative technology fails to yield adequate results.

Key Highlights:

  • Revenue increased +13% (+16% in CC) to $69.7bn, driven by Search and Cloud.
  • Cost of revenues was up +15% to $30.1bn, primarily driven by costs associated with data centres and other operations.
  • Operating expenses were up +24% to $20.1bn, reflecting increase in R&D expenses driven primarily by headcount growth, growth in Sales & Marketing expenses driven primarily by increased spending on ads & promo followed by headcount growth, and growth in G&A reflecting increases in both professional service fees and in headcount, partially offset by a decline in charges related to legal matters.
  • Operating income was up +0.5% to $19.5bn, however, margin declined -340bps to 27.9%.
  • FCF was $12.6bn and $65bn for the trailing 12 months, with the Company ending the quarter with $125bn in cash and marketable securities.
  • Google Services revenue increased +10%, with Google Search and other advertising up +14% driven by both Travel and Retail, YouTube up +5%, Network advertising up +9% driven by AdSense and Other Revenues down -1%, reflecting decline in Play, primarily driven by the fee changes and slowdown in buyer spend, which combined with +12% increase in TAC delivered operating income growth of +2% and margin decline of -300bps was 36.2%.
  • Google Cloud revenues increased +36%, driven by GCP reflecting significant growth in both infrastructure and platform services and Google Workspace driven by solid growth in both seats and average revenue per seat, which combined with increase in employee compensation expenses saw operating loss widen +45%.  
  • Capital management. The Board repurchased 231.1m aggregate shares (21.2m Class A + 209.9m Class C) for $28.5bn during 1H22 and is left with authorized $58.9bn remaining for Class A and Class C share repurchases.

Company Description:

Alphabet Inc is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and provides online advertising services across the globe. It offers performance and brand advertising services through Google and Other Bets segments. The Google segment offers products, such as Ads, Android, Chrome, Google Cloud, Google Maps, Google Play, Hardware, Search, and YouTube, as well as technical infrastructure. This segment also offers digital content, cloud services, hardware devices, and other miscellaneous products and services. The Other Bets segment includes businesses, including Access, Calico, CapitalG, GV, Verily, Waymo, and X, as well as Internet and television services. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Telstra Corporation (TLS) provides telecommunications and information products and services

Investment Thesis:

  • Solid FY23 guidance.
  • Solid dividend yield. 
  • Despite intense competition, subscriber growth numbers remain solid. 
  • In the long-term, the introduction of 5G provides potential growth, however, to monitor the ROIC from the capex spend. 
  • TLS still commands a strong market position and has the ability to invest in growth technologies and areas (e.g., Telstra Ventures) which could provide room for growth.
  • Industry consolidation leading to improved pricing behavior by competitors. 

Key Risks:

  • Further cuts to dividends.
  • Further deterioration in the core mobile and fixed business.  
  • Management fails to deliver on cost-out targets and asset monetisation. 
  • Any increase in churn, particularly in its Mobile segment – worse than expected decrease in average revenue per users (or any price war with competitors).
  • Any network disruptions/outages.
  • More competition in its Mobile segment. Merger of TPG Telecom and Vodafone Australia creates a better positioned (financially and resource wise) competitor
  • Quicker than expected deterioration in margins for its Fixed segment.
  • Risk of cost blowout in upgrading network and infrastructure to 5G.

Key Highlights:

  • FY23 guidance consistent with previous guidance. Total Income of $23.0bn to $25.0bn.
  • Underlying EBITDA of $7.8bn to $8.0bn.
  •  Capex of $3.5bn to $3.7bn. 
  •  Free cash flow after lease payments (FCFalA) of $2.6bn to $3.1bn. 
  •  On underlying EBITDA, guidance is provided within TLS’ previous FY23 ambition range, plus a contribution from Digicel Pacific, which is included in all FY23 measures. 
  • Capex guidance includes ~$350m of strategic investments in inter-city fibre and for the Viasat contract, and ~$150m for Digicel Pacific.
  • Key Highlights by Product. Underlying EBITDA of $7,251m was up +8.4%. Relative to the pcp: Mobile. EBITDA of $3,997m, was up +21.2%. The mobiles business performed strongly with $700m EBITDA growth (which equates to an +21.2% uplift), 2.9% postpaid handheld ARPU growth and 6.4% mobile services revenue growth. The product line saw 155,000 net retail postpaid handheld services added.
  •  Fixed – Consumer & Small Business. EBITDA of $55m, was down -60.4% and according to management “continued to be impacted by the tail end of the nbn migration, however there is confidence that EBITDA has bottomed. While retail bundles reduced by 87,000, bundle and standalone data ARPU increased by 2.4%”. 
  •  Fixed – Enterprise. EBITDA of $660m, was up +2.3%. Enterprise returned to growth at both the income and EBITDA level. Fixed Enterprise EBITDA increased 2.3%, with NAS EBITDA growth of $152m offsetting declines in data access and connectivity. 
  • Fixed – Active Wholesale. EBITDA of $159m, was down -31.2%.
  • International. EBITDA of $387m, was up +15.2%. 
  •  InfraCo Fixed. EBITDA of $1,655m, was down -1.1%. Income was $2.4bn, with core access revenue up 3.1% including nbn recurring receipts up 3.3%. 
  • Amplitel. EBITDA of $294m, was down -2.0%. According to management “Amplitel was established as a standalone business with sale of a non-controlling 49% interest delivering net cash proceeds after transaction costs of $2.8bn. Amplitel revenue increased by 8.9%”. 
  • Other (Miscellaneous & Telstra Health). EBITDA of $44m, was down from $68m in the pcp. Telstra Health had a strong FY22 with revenue up 51% to $243m (which encompasses Medical Director and Power Health acquisitions.

Company Description:

Telstra Corporation (TLS) provides telecommunications and information products and services. The company’s key services are the provision of telephone lines, national local and long distance, and international telephone calls, mobile telecommunications, data, internet and on-line. Its key segments are Mobile, Fixed, Data & IP, Foxtel, Network applications and services and Media.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Best Buy leverages its network of 20,000 Geek Squad agents, increases touchpoints with customers

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Best Buy is taking adequate steps to shore up its competitive position in an intensely competitive consumer electronics space. As the industry emerges from the shadow of the coronavirus (and steps into the quagmire of elevated inflation and softening consumer spending), it has become clear that how people shop has permanently changed–with customers demanding seamless omnichannel access to favourite brands, quick fulfilment across channels, and tech solutions to more problems than ever before. As a result, Best Buy’s strategic positioning continues to resonate, with the firm leveraging its physical footprint for fulfilment and post-sale services, emphasizing its differentiated service offering, and experimenting with newer store formats, as the “one size fits all” retail model across trade areas appears antiquated. With more than one third of sales coming through digital channels in calendar 2021, the firm’s recent supply chain and e-commerce investments ($2.7 billion over the last five years, some 74% of total capital expenditures) look prescient. Next-day delivery now covers 99% of U.S. zip codes (up from 80% from pre-pandemic), allowing the firm to compete on more level ground against e-commerce competitors, like wide-moat Amazon–as buy-online-pick-up-in-store, or BOPIS) volumes, at 40% of Best Buy’s e-commerce sales, remain more challenging for online-only stores to replicate.

Further, there can be a positive view of the firm’s Totaltech program, with more than 4.5 million members receiving unlimited home tech support, VIP access to phone and chat teams, free delivery and standard installation, members-only pricing, and free extended warranties on Best Buy purchases. Through the program, Best Buy leverages its network of 20,000 Geek Squad agents, increases touchpoints with customers, and positions itself better to earn the first shot at servicing customer category needs. Finally, Best Buy Health remains intriguing, with lower price elasticity and auspicious tailwinds from an insurer pay model. However, competition in the space remains rife, as a number of larger firms with healthcare aspirations (Google, Amazon, Apple) have invested in the space.

Financial Strength

Best Buy’s financial strength is sound, with the firm maintaining a modest net debt position and an investment-grade credit rating. With leverage well under 1 turn (0.3 debt/EBITDA at fiscal 2022 year-end), strong EBIT interest coverage (122 times), and no meaningful maturities until 2028, A very little financial risk for the firm may be in the near to medium term. Access to a $1.25 billion credit facility adds a further degree of insulation. Consistent with historical patterns, Best Buy is to prioritize growth capital expenditures, strategic acquisitions, dividends, and share repurchases with its free cash flow to sales (averaging 3.9% of sales annually over the next five years). Best Buy pays an attractive dividend, with the forecast calling for meaningful expansion through 2032, calling for a low-40% payout ratio. Share repurchases are to average a low-single-digit percentage of shares outstanding through 2032, with the model calling for total shareholder returns of $9. billion through fiscal 2027

Bulls Say’s

  • With digital sales volumes projected to equilibrate at roughly double pre-COVID-19 levels, Best Buy should better compete for online volumes that it historically ceded to online competitors. 
  • Improving route densities should strengthen the margin profile of small parcel e-commerce sales, with 35% of store “hubs” now accounting for 70% of shipfrom-store volume. 
  • The Best Buy Totaltech program should increase touchpoints with the firm’s best customers, increasing spending and frequency relative to pre-program behaviour.

Company Profile 

With $51.8 billion in fiscal 2022 sales, Best Buy is the largest pure-play consumer electronics retailer in the U.S., with roughly 10.6% share of the aggregate market and north of 40% share of offline sales, CTA industry, and Euromonitor data. The firm generates the bulk of its sales in-store, with mobile phones and tablets, computers, and appliances representing its three largest categories. Recent investments in e-commerce fulfilment, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have seen the U.S. e-commerce channel roughly double from pre pandemic levels, with management estimating that it will represent a mid-30% proportion of sales moving forward.

(Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

BMW well placed to leverage from its BEV models making it attractive for ESG investors.

Investment Thesis:

  • Among the most recognized luxury car brands in the world, with approximately 10% market share in the premium market.
  • Growth in electric vehicles penetration provides an opportunity. 
  • Undemanding valuation and attractive dividend yield.
  • Potential for further consolidations or partnerships/JVs in the industry.
  • Key large investors provide some stability to overall share registry – Stefan Quandt (25.8%) and Susanne Klatten (19.2%).
  • BMW’s Financial Segment (new vehicle finance or leasing) provides a key competitive advantage for the Company in times of traditional lenders (e.g. banks) drying up liquidity. 

Key Risks:

  • Macroeconomic conditions (moderating global growth and its impact on demand), in particular demand significantly falls in China.
  • Competition and potential pricing pressure in luxury brands’ segment.
  • Electric vehicle strategy is not without risk and competition is likely to be high.
  • Potential impacts from Brexit and U.S. trade talks in earnings and supply chain disruption
  • Value destructive acquisition(s).
  • Substantial investors (with also board representation) mean capital management initiatives such as share buybacks are never likely to be considered despite the strategy offering attractive returns for the broader shareholder base.

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 outlook. Management expects; (1) Automotive segment EBIT margin to be 7-9% with decline in deliveries partially offset by positive price and mix effects and the continued development of the used car markets, and ROCE to be 14-19%. (2) Motorcycles segment EBIT margin to be 8-10% driven by slight increase in deliveries, and ROCE to be 19-24%. (3) Financial Services segment ROE to be 17-20% (vs prior forecast of 14-17%) primarily due to good performance in the used car markets, with the segment already recognising appropriate levels of provisions/allowances to cover residual value and credit risks. (4) Deliveries to slightly decline y/y as business conditions continue to remain difficult in 2H22 with ongoing supply bottlenecks (particularly for semiconductors), the war in Ukraine and interruptions in supply chains being headwinds. However, the percentage of electrified vehicles to still increase significantly with sales of fully electric vehicles more than doubling y/y. 
  • 1H22 results summary. Compared to pcp: Revenues climbed +19.1% to €65.912bn, despite total vehicle deliveries falling -19.8% to 1.16m (still expanded its leading position in the global premium segment), driven by full consolidation of the Chinese subsidiary BBA. 
  • EBT rose +65.9% to reach an all-time high of €16.156bn with margin improving +690bps to 24.5%, driven by tailwind of € 7.7bn from the revaluation of previously held BBA shares at fair market value, partially offset by +23.3% increase in cost of sales and +14.3% increase in R&D costs.
  •  NPAT increased +73.6% to €13.232bn. 
  • Capex increased +71.4% to €2.929bn due to upfront expenditures for the ramp-up of e-mobility and investments at BBA. 
  • 1H22 segment results. Compared to pcp: Automotive revenues rose +18.8% to €56.7bn, benefiting from positive pricing, product mix effects and growth in aftersales business which combined with +23.1% increase in cost of sales (headwinds from full consolidation, rising raw material and energy prices and higher R&D costs) delivered -22% decline in EBIT to €4.83bn with margin declining -450bps to 8.5%. FCF increased +58.5% to €7.77bn driven by acquisition of BBA’s liquid funds with management targeting FY22 FCF of at least €10bn.
  •  Financial Services delivered EBT growth of +2.3% to €1.981bn as -20.8% decline in new contracts with retail customers amid limited availability of new cars and intense competition in the financial services sector was more than offset by increased financing volume per vehicle.
  • Motorcycles revenue increased +2.6% to €1.663bn despite sales volume remaining flat y/y, however, EBIT declined -17.3% to €235m with margin down -340bps to 14.1%.

Company Description:

Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) is a leading manufacturer and retailer of luxury cars and motorcycles globally. The Company is increasingly focused on producing electric vehicles, with the group selling more than 140,000 electrified vehicles during 2018.  BMW Group brands include BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Smith & Nephew’s smaller user base means the firm could find itself locked out of more hospitals and healthcare systems in the future

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Impressive innovation has allowed Smith & Nephew to carve out a slice of the orthopaedic, sports medicine, and wound-care markets. Though the company is smaller than the dominant orthopaedic competitors, it has punched above its weight in terms of introducing meaningful innovation with its pioneering hip resurfacing implant and knee replacements with Verilast technology, which it contends can last for 30 years. These are significant improvements that exceed the evolutionary innovation typically seen in orthopaedics. Nevertheless, as the competitive set consolidates, Smith & Nephew’s position as a midsize competitor leaves it vulnerable as the hospital customer base seeks to reduce vendors to save costs. The firm’s market share–about 10% of hips and knees–translates into a tenuous position. Share shifts in this market are glacial at best, thanks to significant switching costs, and new technology does not necessarily overcome those switching costs. Smith & Nephew’s strong show of meaningful innovation translated into a mere 200-basis-point gain in share over the past decade. This showdown between technical innovation and the stickiness of surgeon preference underscores how difficult it is to induce practitioners to switch. This dynamic and Smith & Nephew’s smaller user base mean the firm could find itself locked out of more hospitals and healthcare systems in the future.

The firm has been aggressively pivoting to reduce its reliance on large-joint replacement with the acquisition of ArthroCare for its arthroscopy and sports medicine presence, concerted efforts to penetrate emerging markets, and the new additions of Osiris Therapeutics for its regenerative products and Leaf Healthcare’s pressure sore-monitoring system. The jury is still out on whether this is enough to allow Smith & Nephew to compete effectively against competitors that continue to grow larger and remain independent. As the market moves gradually toward more vendor consolidation, Smith & Nephew can eventually pair up with a larger rival, such as Stryker or Johnson & Johnson, in order to better compete.

Financial Strength

Thus far, there is a little to get nervous about Smith & Nephew’s financial flexibility. While the firm has periodically made acquisitions, it has also generated enough cash to deleverage in relatively quick fashion. For example, following the acquisitions of Osiris in 2019, debt/EBITDA rose to just over 4 times, but has moderated since then. Smith & Nephew can easily meet its interest obligations many times over. Prior to the pandemic, the firm consistently held net debt/EBITDA around 1 time. As compared with other med tech firms, Smith & Nephew issued debt in 2020 to enhance its cash cushion in the face of uncertainty. With procedure volume resuming, it is expected the firm to end the year with net debt/EBITDA around 2.3 times and for further deleveraging in the ensuing years. This still leaves plenty of flexibility for management to leverage up, if management decides to further round out Smith & Nephew’s portfolio in adjacent areas to its core markets. At this point, the firm can fund ongoing operations and support its intention to make regular share repurchases with its cash flow, but it may use debt financing for more large acquisition.

Bulls Say’s

  • Smith & Nephew participates in the fast-growing sports medicine arena thanks to its extensive arthroscopy portfolio. 
  • A strong arthroscopy presence in ambulatory surgical centres leaves Smith & Nephew well positioned to expand its large joint footprint in that setting. 
  • Smith & Nephew has been building out its presence in emerging markets. Considering the obstacles in developed markets that keep it from transforming into a top-tier player, S&N may enjoy greater upside in developing markets.

Company Profile 

Smith & Nephew designs, manufactures, and markets orthopaedic devices, sports medicine and arthroscopic technologies, and wound-care solutions. Roughly 42% of the U.K.-based firm’s revenue comes from orthopaedic products, and another 30% is sports medicine and ENT. The remaining 28% of revenue is from the advanced wound therapy segment. Roughly half of Smith & Nephew’s total revenue comes from the United States, just over 30% is from other developed markets, and emerging markets account for the remainder.

(Source: MorningStar)

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