Technology Stocks

Historically, BDX was considered a virtually recession-proof business

Business Strategy & Outlook

After a tumultuous few years, Becton, Dickinson is undergoing course correction. The COVID-19 revenue windfall has been reinvested, which should lift the firm’s core business growth in the upcoming years once the testing revenue fades. The biggest uncertainty remains around the return of BD’s pump infusion system (Alaris) to the market, which could be a material catalyst for the company whenever it occurs. Historically, BD was considered a virtually recession-proof business. The essential nature of many of BD’s medical products had typically shielded the firm from any capital spending-related volatility, and this business continued to fare fine during the COVID-19-induced hospital admission deceleration. However, many of the businesses acquired with Bard have exposed BD to revenue volatility. Combined with the setbacks and revenue deceleration in the peripheral segment, the Bard acquisition has not been a smashing success. With hospital activity returning to more normal levels, there’s a momentum in the surgery segment that came with Bard, and while peripheral is no longer the star of the portfolio, businesses acquired are lifting BD’s growth profile from its historic levels.

Alaris continues to be a headache for BD, and this recall represents a significant blemish on the company’s previously very clean execution track record. The magnitude of the damage to the pump franchise is still not certain, but BD will still end up ceding material market share in this area by the time the pump returns to the market (which could be as far out as 2025). The company needs almost flawless execution in the upcoming years to reverse investors’ growing skepticism regarding its performance.

Financial Strengths

BD’s debt level is manageable after the Embecta spinoff and recent acquisition. The company has recovered its investment-grade rating and generates strong free cash flow to fund its dividend, which is among the largest of its peers. Most of the COVID-19 testing revenue has been reinvested into R&D, which will lead to an improved growth profile going forward.

Bulls Say

  • BD’s surgery business delivered strong performance since the pandemic waned. 
  • BD reinvested its testing windfall into R&D in its key areas, which will likely lead to the elevated growth (relative to its historic levels) going forward. 
  • Embecta spinoff is a positive development for BD in terms of its growth opportunities.

Company Description

Becton, Dickinson is the world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of medical surgical products, such as needles, syringes, and sharps-disposal units. The company also manufactures diagnostic instruments and reagents, as well as flow cytometry and cell imaging systems. BD Interventional (largely the former Bard business) accounts for 23% of revenue. International revenue accounts for 44% of the company’s business.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Sims Ltd has strong ESG credentials

Investment Thesis

  • Improvement in scrap volumes. 
  • Improvement in scrap prices across key regions. 
  • Cloud recycling could add significant earnings over the long run. 
  • Investment in improving scrap quality should improve SGM’s competitive position. 
  • Undemanding valuation relative to its own historical average and ASX200 Industrials Index. 
  • Self-help initiatives to support earnings. 
  • Improving Return on Capital (ROC). 
  • Current on-market share buyback. 

Key Risks

  • Significant downturn in global economy. 
  • Trade war between China and the U.S. escalates. 
  • Weaker scrap prices in key regions. 
  • Lower volumes. 
  • Regulatory changes – particularly around China’s anti-pollution policies. 
  • Cost pressures impacting group margins. 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Underlying revenue of $9,264.4m was up +56.6%, driven by higher volumes and selling prices (ferrous and non-ferrous). Sales volumes of 8,106m tonnes, was up +12.2%. 
  • Underlying operating earnings (EBIT) of $756.1m was up +95.6% on pcp, driven predominantly by: strong contribution from SA Recycling, contributing the bulk of the $144.8m improvement in JV contribution; non-acquired growth in volumes contributed over $100m; and $307.8m in margin growth. Earnings growth were partially offset by $170.9m increase in organic metal costs. Underlying NPAT of $578.9m was up +103.8%.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 50cps (50% franked), bringing the full year dividend to 91.0cps, up +116.7% YoY. 
  • Return on productive assets (capital efficiency) improved by 16% to 39.0%. 
  • Capital expenditure forecast for FY23 was increased – at the March Investor Day management estimated FY23 sustaining and environmental capex would be approximately $175m, however this has been increased to $220m due to higher spending on environmental and increased costs from inflation. 

Company Description

Sims Ltd (SGM) collects, sorts and processes scrap metal materials which are recycled for resale. SGM’s segments include ferrous recycling, non-ferrous recycling, secondary processing of non-ferrous metals and plastics, international trading of metal commodities and the merchandising of steel semi-fabricated products.

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Technology Stocks

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm

Business Strategy & Outlook

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high-end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm. It now has a marine segment with Chris-Craft and Barletta. Towables is an area the company had long wanted to grow in but had remained very small since acquiring Sunnybrook in 2011. Winnebago’s North American towables share is in the teens, up from under 2% before Grand Design, so there’s a long growth runway if it can keep chipping into Thor’s and Forest River’s roughly 80% combined share. In fiscal 2022, towables were about 52% of total revenue compared with just 9% in fiscal 2016. Marine was about 9% of fiscal 2022 sales and Barletta is a top five pontoon brand. Management wants non-RV revenue of 15% by fiscal 2025. High brand equity enabling scale and barriers to entry provide Winnebago with a narrow economic moat.

Leadership sees opportunities to grow with products in new segments such as off-roading and lower price points (but not the cheapest in a segment). Models are no longer cloned, which should help dealer profitability, and products will be positioned around a good, better, best framework. A unit is now not manufactured until it has an order, which should mean little discounting. Acquisitions in the $860 billion-plus outdoor activity market also play a role, but only for high-end brands such as Grand Design, Chris-Craft, Newmar, and Barletta. Industry data shows that 11.2 million U.S. households owned a RV in 2020, up from 6.9 million in 2001. 60% of first-time campers are under age 40 and have a household income of $100,000 or more versus 29% for all campers. 82% of new campers since the pandemic have children and Hispanic and Black consumers were 25% of all campers in 2020, up from 8% in 2012, so Winnebago has plenty of runway with a wide consumer base if it executes right. Winnebago’s brand equity gives it a good shot at capitalizing on these trends. The pandemic-induced outdoor lifestyle boom has also given the company a $2.3 billion RV backlog at year-end fiscal 2022, up from about $400 million at the end of fiscal 2019.

Financial Strengths

The balance sheet lacks the massive legacy costs that burden some other manufacturers because Winnebago’s workforce is not unionized. Winnebago’s untapped $350 million credit line, good through July 15, 2027, coupled with about $282 million of cash should get the firm through nearly any challenge. A 9% increase in the dividend in summer 2020, despite the pandemic at the time, is a good sign of financial health, as is a 50% increase announced in August 2021 and another 50% increase in August 2022. Winnebago’s balance sheet had been free of long-term debt since the mid-1990s.  Having no debt limits the downside to equity investors, but new leadership was exploring whether to add debt and did so in fiscal 2017 with $353 million to fund part of the consideration to buy Grand Design. Debt as of Aug. 27 totaled $600 million, before a $45.3 million convertible note discount and $8.9 million of debt issuance costs, and consists of $300 million of 1.5% April 2025 unsecured senior convertible notes issued to buy Newmar (along with the company issuing 2 million shares of stock to the seller at $46.29) and $300 million of 2028 6.25% senior secured bonds. The convertible notes are not callable, can be converted any time starting Oct. 1, 2024, and have a conversion price of $63.73 per share. The target range for net debt/adjusted EBITDA is 0.9-1.5 times, but management is willing to leverage up to 3.0 times to make an acquisition. Net debt/adjusted EBITDA was 0.5 times at the end of fiscal 2022. Winnebago has no significant pension obligations and stopped paying retiree healthcare in 2017.  Winnebago is to be comfortably free cash flow positive in the long term. It is to repurchase its shares only when they’re cheap and buybacks be done at a minimum to offset dilution from stock option issuance. Acquisitions and other growth investments are a priority over buybacks but buyback spending was $214.3 million in fiscal 2022.

Bulls Say

  • The Grand Design acquisition materially raised Winnebago’s operating margin, and Newmar could do the same. 
  • The company’s strong balance sheet provides financial strength and flexibility to withstand cyclical downturns. 
  • Because RV consumers are relatively affluent, rising gas prices would probably not hinder a consumer’s ability to purchase a motorhome. A 2016 study by travel consulting firm PKF Consulting found that for a family of four, gas prices would have to exceed $12 a gallon to make RV travel more expensive than other forms of travel.

Company Description

Winnebago Industries manufactures Class A, B, and C motor homes along with towables, customized specialty vehicles, boats, and parts. Headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Winnebago has been producing recreational vehicles since 1958. Revenue was about $5 billion in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into towables in 2011 with the acquisition of SunnyBrook and acquired Grand Design in November 2016. Towables made up 83% of the firm’s RV unit volume, up from 31% in fiscal 2016. The company’s total RV unit volume was 71,922 in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into boating in 2018 with the purchase of ChrisCraft, bought premium motor home maker Newmar in November 2019, and bought Barletta pontoon boats in August 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Vitesco has been winning large amounts of new business due to the industry’s transition to electrified powertrains

Business Strategy & Outlook

Vitesco will capitalize on vehicle electrification arising from global clean air regulation. Vitesco’s products are used in internal combustion engines, hybrid electric, battery electric, and fuel cell electric vehicles. The company’s electrified vehicle powertrain product lines should support revenue growth in the mid-single-digit range, despite non core ICE product lines which are declining. The company benefits from its ability to continuously innovate, a global manufacturing footprint, highly integrated long-term customer ties, high customer switching costs, and moderate pricing power from new technologies. Vitesco has been winning large amounts of new business due to the industry’s transition to electrified powertrains. While 2021 electrification sales amounted to EUR 888 million (from more than one operating segment) out of the consolidated total of EUR 8.3 billion, 2021 electrification order intake was EUR 5.1 billion. Vitesco has a cumulative EUR 16.8 billion electrification order intake backlog (EUR 51 billion total order intake backlog). Once an order is taken, development for a vehicle powertrain takes two to four years, during which Vitesco incurs development costs without any associated revenues. The production phase, when revenue is generated, lasts between five-10 years.

Vitesco’s large number of new contracts in development phase, relative to the low number in production, leads to net losses through 2024 and break even in 2025 for the electrification technology operating segment. The segment’s 2025 revenue is EUR 1.95 billion, up from EUR 587 million in 2021. Vitesco to wind down contract manufacturing for its former parent, Continental AG, with revenue dropping from EUR 1.05 billion in 2021 to zero in 2028. Noncore ICE revenue to decline from about EUR 2.0 billion in 2020 to EUR 665 million in 2031. Because of high growth electrified powertrain business, from a 2019 base, 4% average annual consolidated revenue growth during the 10-year, roughly 1-3 percentage points higher than expectations for 1%-3% long-term growth in global light vehicle demand.

Financial Strengths

Vitesco maintains a solid balance sheet and liquidity that, relative to other parts suppliers, makes for strong financial health. Vitesco has ample liquidity and can generate sufficient free cash flow to meet its current financial obligations and weather cyclical downturns. The firm maintains a low level of debt as its net debt / total capital was negative 7.6% (indicating a net cash position) at the end of 2021. The firm has two multicurrency revolving credit facilities including a EUR 750 million core credit facility and an incremental EUR 250 million credit facility. At the end of 2021, Vitesco had EUR 1,614 million in liquidity, including available credit facilities and a EUR 614 million cash balance. Short-term debt was EUR 69.8 million and long-term debt was EUR 199.1 million for a total debt balance of EUR 268.9 million. Vitesco ended 2021 with a 0.3 net adjusted debt/ EBITDAR ratio which takes into consideration cash, operating leases, and rent expense

Bulls Say

  • Global clean air legislation enables Vitesco’s top-line growth to exceed worldwide growth in demand for light vehicles. 
  • The firm’s global manufacturing footprint enables the firm to participate in global vehicle programs and capitalize on global demand. 
  • As automakers consolidate purchases with fewer suppliers, large firms such as Vitesco are in the best position to gain share because they can offer a wide range of products at attractive prices.

Company Description

Vitesco is a global Tier I automotive supplier of internal combustion engine (ICE), hybrid electric (HEV), battery electric (BEV), and fuel cell electric (FCEV) vehicle powertrain components and systems, operating through four segments including electronic controls, sensing & actuation, electrification technology, and contract manufacturing. The company was spun off from Continental AG on Sept. 16, 2021. ICE powertrain products include electronic controls, sensors, actuators, turbochargers, hydraulic components, pumps, and emissions technologies. HEV, BEV, and FCEV products include battery management systems, onboard chargers, battery junction boxes, emotors, inverters, converters, thermal control, electronic control units, pumps, flow control valves, sensors, and actuators.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

The linchpin of Nvidia’s business has been gaming

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nvidia is the top designer of discrete graphics processing units that enhance the visual experience on computing platforms. The firm’s chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end PCs for gaming and data centers. Traditional GPU uses include professional visualization applications that require realistic rendering, including computer-aided design, video editing, and special effects. Nvidia has experienced success in focusing its GPUs in nascent markets such as artificial intelligence (deep learning) and self-driving vehicles. Hyperscale cloud vendors have leveraged GPUs in training neural networks for uses such as image and speech recognition. The linchpin of Nvidia’s business has been gaming. PC gaming enthusiasts generally purchase high-end discrete GPUs offered by the likes of Nvidia and AMD. Going forward, the data center segment will drive most of the firm’s growth, led by the explosive artificial intelligence phenomenon. This involves collecting large swaths of data followed by techniques that develop algorithms to produce conclusions in the same way as humans. As Moore’s law-led CPU performance improvements have slowed, GPUs have become widespread in accelerating the training of AI models to perform a task. However, other solutions are more suitable for inferencing, which is the deployment of a trained model on new data. 

Today’s basic variants of AI are consumer-oriented and include digital assistants, image recognition, natural language processing, and recommendation engines. The firm views the car as a “supercomputer on wheels.” Although this segment currently contributes relatively little to the top line, the opportunity Nvidia has to grow its presence in cars beyond infotainment as drivers seek autonomous features in newer vehicles is acknowledgeable. Nvidia’s Drive PX platform is a deep learning tool for self-driving that is being used in R&D at more than 370 partners. In 2020, Nvidia acquired Mellanox to bolster its data center offerings in the networking realm to raise switching costs and improve performance of Nvidia’s existing portfolio.

Financial Strengths

Nvidia is in strong financial shape. The firm had about $13.1 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities, versus total debt of about $11 billion on its balance sheet at the end of October 2022. Semiconductor firms tend to hold large cash balances to help them navigate the cycles of the chip industry. During downturns, this provides them with a cushion and flexibility to continue investing in research and development, which is necessary to maintain their competitive and technology positions. Nvidia’s dividend is very reasonable relative to its financial health and forward prospects, and the firm also returns excess cash to shareholders via stock buybacks.

Bulls Say

  • The proliferation of the artificial intelligence and deep learning phenomena that rely on Nvidia’s graphics chips presents the firm with a potentially massive growth opportunity. 
  • The firm has a first-mover advantage in the autonomous driving market that could lead to widespread adoption of its Drive PX self-driving platform. 
  • The increasing complexity of graphics processors provides a barrier to entry for most potential rivals, as it would be difficult to match Nvidia’s large R&D budget.

Company Description

Nvidia is the top designer of discrete graphics processing units that enhance the experience on computing platforms. The firm’s chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end PCs for gaming, data centers, and automotive infotainment systems. In recent years, the firm has broadened its focus from traditional PC graphics applications such as gaming to more complex and favorable opportunities, including artificial intelligence and autonomous driving, which leverage the high-performance capabilities of the firm’s products.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

General Dynamics’ business jet segment primarily produces long-range wide-cabin business jets

Business Strategy & Outlook

About three-fourths of General Dynamics is a defense prime contractor and the other fourth a business jet manufacturer. Defense primes rely on defense spending for revenue, and companies with tangible growth profiles through a steady stream of contract wins, ideally to contracts that are fulfilled over decades are favorable. General Dynamic’s crown jewel of long-cycle contracts, the Columbia-class submarine, exemplifies this with planned procurement through 2042. Regulated margins, mature markets, customer-paid research and development, and long-term revenue visibility allow the defense primes to deliver a lot of cash to shareholders, which is positive because there’s no substantial growth seen in this industry. Defense primes are implicitly a play on the defense budget, which is ultimately a function of both a nation’s wealth and a nation’s perception of danger. As the U.S. budget is looking increasingly bloated with pandemic relief, there’s a near-term slowdown in defense spending to flat or even negative growth, but the contractors will be able to continue growing due to sizable backlogs and think that defense budget growth is likely to return. There is a substantial political uncertainty in the budget, but it will be difficult to materially decrease the defense budget due to structural geopolitical changes that make great-power conflict more salient. It is to be noted that one of the most common budgetary compromises of the previous decade has been more nondefense spending for more defense spending.

General Dynamics’ business jet segment primarily produces long-range wide-cabin business jets. This market is low volume, at roughly 200 global deliveries each year and many repeat customers. New, quality, product drives demand in this segment, so the company must continuously convince customers that it has built a better aircraft. Gulfstream dominates volume in this segment, with roughly 50% market share, which leads to superior margins due to progression along the learning curve. It can be anticipated that the introduction of the G700, G800, and G400 in 2022, 2023, and 2025, respectively will be major sales drivers.

Financial Strengths

General Dynamics historically has one of the best balance sheets among defense primes, and this is a proper business strategy as the company is somewhat more cyclical than peers. General Dynamics issued some debt in 2020 due to pandemic-related uncertainties, and gross debt/EBITDA stood at 2.3 times at the end of 2021. General Dynamics had a sizable debt maturity in 2021, and has a much more manageable maturity schedule over the rest of the forecast period. Over the medium term, the company will bring gross debt/EBITDA to its normal historical levels below a single turn. Hence it makes sense for General Dynamics to generally carry a lower debt burden than peers because they have a highly cyclical business jet segment in addition to the acyclical defense prime contracting business. General Dynamics produces a substantial amount of cash flow to service any debt burden and the company would be able to access the capital markets at minimal cost if necessary.

Bulls Say

  • General Dynamics’ Gulfstream franchise has top-tier volume share and margin in the large-cabin business jet market and has successfully transitioned to the G500 and G600, and G650. Business jets are in a postpandemic cyclical upswing.
  • General Dynamics’ marine segment has decades of revenue visibility, thanks to the long-cycle nature of shipbuilding.
  • Defense prime contractors operate in an acyclical business, which could offer some protection if the U.S. enters a recession

Company Description

General Dynamics is a defense contractor and business jet manufacturer. The firm’s segments include aerospace, combat systems, marine, and technologies. The company’s aerospace segment creates Gulfstream business jets. Combat system produces land-based combat vehicles, such as the M1 Abrams tank. The marine subsegment creates nuclear-powered submarines, among other things. The technologies segment contains two main units, an IT business that primarily serves the government market and a mission systems business that focuses on products that provide command, control, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities to the military.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

KBR’s portfolio transformation is the culmination of the firm’s shift away from more cyclical and lower-margin end markets

Business Strategy & Outlook

Under the leadership of CEO Stuart Bradie, who took the helm in 2014, KBR has focused on shifting its portfolio toward differentiated government solutions. The portfolio rebalancing, which included the acquisitions of Wyle and HTSI in 2016, SGT in 2018, and Centauri in 2020, has already started to bear fruit and led to improved results in recent quarters. In 2020, KBR restructured its portfolio into two segments: government solutions and sustainable technology solutions. The government solutions segment accounted for roughly 64% of the firm’s backlog as of December 2021 (compared with only about 16% as of December 2014), and the shift to long-term government contracts resulted in a more stable portfolio. The segment has some moat-forming potential based on switching costs, as many of the firm’s government contracts are multi year agreements that generate relatively stable cash flows. 

The sustainable technology solutions segment (roughly 36% of KBR’s backlog as of December 2021) includes the legacy technology solutions business (which has a unique portfolio of licensed technologies and offers consulting services across a variety of markets, including refining, petrochemicals) as well as the advisory consulting business from the legacy energy solutions segment. Management believes the segment can expand its margins through cost reductions by roughly 100-200 basis points per year, to the high teens by 2024. KBR’s portfolio transformation is the culmination of the firm’s shift away from more cyclical and lower-margin end markets. The company has exited lump-sum engineering, procurement, and construction (including LNG) projects, which will result in a less risky and more profitable portfolio.

Financial Strengths

KBR is on solid financial footing. The firm’s leverage has increased significantly in recent years as a result of acquisitions, from no long-term debt prior to 2016 to roughly $1.9 billion in long-term debt as of December 2021. That said, the company ended 2021 with $370 million in cash and equivalents and has a $1 billion revolving credit facility. Furthermore, there’s no debt maturities to pose any problems over the next few years, as no major debt payments are due until 2023. Considering that an investment-grade credit rating can have strategic importance for E&C firms and boost their competitiveness in winning new awards, KBR is to prioritize paying down its debt balance. The company will have a net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.9 times in 2022, and the leverage ratio to remain consistent with management’s 2.5-3.0 times target, which is in line with its government solutions peers. KBR will generate average annual operating cash flow of roughly $550 million over the next five years. Management has indicated that it will prioritize maintaining an appropriate leverage ratio, maintaining a dividend, and investing in organic growth, with excess capital allocated to potential M&A opportunities and share repurchases.

Bulls Say

  • KBR’s sustainable technology solutions segment is well positioned to benefit from growing demand for solutions that address energy efficiency and energy transition.
  • The acquisitions of Wyle, HTSI, SGT, and Centauri have derisked KBR’s portfolio and shifted it toward relatively stable and high-margin government services work. 
  • There is room for margin expansion in both segments, driven by cost reductions and mix shift to higher-margin differentiated solutions work.    

Company Description

KBR (formerly Kellogg, Brown & Root) is a global provider of technology, integrated engineering, procurement, and construction delivery, and operations and maintenance services. The company’s business is organized into two segments: government solutions and sustainable technology solutions. KBR has customers in more than 75 countries, with operations in 40, and employs 36,000 people. The firm generated $7.3 billion in revenue in 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper mid-teens

Business Strategy & Outlook

Idex owns a collection of moaty businesses that tend to be leaders in their respective niche end markets, typically holding the number-one or -two market share. It manufactures a wide array of products, ranging from equipment used in DNA sequencing to wastewater pumps to Jaws of Life hydraulic rescue tools. Idex’s lean manufacturing process allows it to effectively operate in a high-mix and low-volume environment, offering customers a wide variety of highly engineered products that are configurable or customizable. Furthermore, a common theme across its businesses is that they specialize in making mission-critical equipment that performs a vital function but typically constitutes a small part of the customer’s total bill of materials. This aspect of the business contributes to Idex’s narrow moat through customer switching costs and allows the firm to command premium pricing. In the long run, Idex is a GDP-plus business. The organic sales growth will continue to outpace industrial production by around 1%-2% annually as the firm’s commitment to innovation and investments in research and development continue to bear fruit and generate additional revenue through introductions of new or refreshed products. Organic sales are to grow at a roughly low-single-digit clip in fluid and metering technologies as well as the fire and safety segment and the diversified products segment, and at a mid-single-digit rate in the health and science technologies segment.

Additionally, the firm will continue to supplement its organic sales growth with acquisitions. Historically, management has avoided overpaying for acquisitions. As such, despite regular mergers and acquisitions, which add goodwill and assets to the firm’s capital base, Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper mid-teens. Management has remained disciplined in the current elevated valuation environment, and it will continue to manage acquisition risk appropriately and focus on

Financial Strengths

Idex maintains a sound capital structure, which will help the firm navigate the uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the firm owed roughly $1.2 billion in short- and long-term debt while holding approximately $0.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company can also tap into its $800 million revolving credit facility. Idex will generate average annual operating cash flows of roughly $800 million over the next five years. Given its healthy balance sheet and solid cash flow generation, Idex is adequately capitalized to meet its upcoming debt obligations. Idex will have a debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.5 times in 2022.The management will continue to prioritize investing in organic growth and executing M&A, growing the dividend, and allocating excess capital to opportunistic share repurchases. The firm has raised its quarterly dividend by an average annual rate of roughly 10% over the last five years, and the dividend will keep growing roughly in line with earnings. The payout ratio will remain around 30% over the next five years.

Bulls Say

  • Idex generates strong free cash flows, which have averaged around 16.5% of sales during the last 10 years.
  • Recent acquisitions of Akron Brass and AWG, as well as new product introductions (including eDraulic and SAM), have reinforced Indexes already strong competitive position in the fire and safety business. 
  •  Idex has a portfolio of moaty businesses that have leading shares in niche end markets.

Company Description

Idex manufactures pumps, flow meters, valves, and fluidic systems for customers in a variety of end markets, including industrial, fire and safety, life science, and water. The firm’s business is organized into three segments: fluid and metering technologies, health and science technologies, and fire and safety and diversified products. Based in Lake Forest, Illinois, Idex has manufacturing operations in over 20 countries and has over 7,000 employees. The company generated $2.8 billion in revenue and $661 million in adjusted operating income in 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

The 2020 merger with Vodafone Australia is one-way TPG Telecom is trying to limit the impact of the NBN

Business Strategy & Outlook

TPG Telecom is grappling with structural changes in the Australian telecommunications industry. Rollout of the national broadband network, or NBN, and take-up of high-traffic products such as internet protocol television and video streaming, will increase the demand for broadband and backhaul capacity. However, the NBN will also force TPG Telecom to become a reseller, impacting its consumer broadband margins. TPG Telecom’s price-leader strategy still sees the company delivering solid subscriber and market share performance. Product bundling has also become a key segment in the market, with all players using broadband as a lead-in product and cross-selling voice, mobile, pay-TV, and digital streaming services. The ownership of submarine cable between Australia and Guam offers the group broader cost advantages. Pricing is mainly a function of demand and supply, available capacity, and the length of cable. 

Economies of scale play a large part in pricing where costs are measured on per unit of volume. A longer cable results in increased material and maintenance costs, meaning cost per unit is higher. Cables with large capacity reduce costs per unit, as costs such as fixed construction and rollout costs are spread across a larger base. A sharp price decline in international traffic remains a risk. Contracts are structured in typical 15-year leases, providing some certainty in revenue. Clients are allocated a fixed bandwidth and have the right to on-sell capacity. The 2020 merger with Vodafone Australia (the third-ranked mobile player in the country) is one-way TPG Telecom is trying to limit the impact of the NBN. Mobile offers a critical strategic path to future-proof the group in the face of onslaught from the NBN. The government entity is already wreaking havoc on the narrow-moat-rated group’s retail fixed-line broadband and could even potentially impact the lucrative enterprise segment.

Financial Strengths

TPG Telecom’s financial health is solid. Historically, management has used debt to finance acquisitions and demonstrated a capacity to pay it down in due course. As at the end of June 2022, and factoring in the AUD 890 million proceeds from the mobile towers’ sale, net debt/EBITDA was 2.0 times, below the covenant limit of 3.5 times.

Bulls Say

  • Cross-selling opportunities remain for both consumer and corporate markets
  • The merger with Vodafone Australia increases the scale of the combined entity and allow it to better compete against Telstra and Optus in the Australian market.
  • Further rollout of its fiber network also boosts growth, while incremental cost from an additional user is small.

Company Description

TPG Telecom is Australia’s third-largest integrated telecom services provider. It offers broadband, telephony, mobile and networking solutions catering to all market segments (consumer, small business, corporate and wholesale, government). The group has grown significantly since 2008, both via organic growth and acquisitions, and in July 2020 merged with Vodafone Australia. It owns an extensive stable of infrastructure assets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Dassault Systemes has the greatest share of the PLM market, and this exposure is responsible for nearly half of the company’s $100 billion addressable market

Business Strategy & Outlook

Dassault Systemes has a hold on the computer-assisted design software market for autos, aerospace and defense, and manufacturing. With 90% of all aircraft and 80% of all autos globally made via Dassault Systemes software, the company will stay well entrenched in engineering teams with help from its significant switching costs and network effect found in its midmarket CAD software, SolidWorks. The wide-moat company has adapted well to new trends in its market exposures, such as electric vehicle design software, which has made us more confident in the longevity of its moat and ability to achieve excess returns on invested capital. Outside of CAD offerings like Catia and SolidWorks, Dassault Systemes has a hefty portfolio of information intelligence, collaboration, content sharing, and simulation software, which all work to serve a part of product production, whether it’s drug research and development, mining planning, or clothing line organization. The most popular of these disparate offerings is Enovia, its product lifecycle management software, which is used in a variety of industries to connect engineers, marketing, and supply chain teams to better orchestrate the lifecycle of a product.

Dassault Systemes has the greatest share of the PLM market, and this exposure is responsible for nearly half of the company’s $100 billion addressable market. While there are new entrants in the PLM and midmarket CAD spaces, Dassault Systemes will be able to work to minimize any additional share that new players would take in its markets by increasing its adoption of its 3DExperience platform. The platform seeks to connect much of Dassault Systemes’ offerings in one place. Over the next two years, Dassault Systemes will be able to significantly increase its platform revenue. With a greater portion of customers on the platform, one should not be surprised to see customer churn come down and switching costs increase as the platform helps to lock in the benefits of using all Dassault Systemes’ software, which used to be more disparate.

Financial Strengths

Dassault Systemes to be financially healthy, given its asset-light model. As of 2021, Dassault Systemes had EUR 3 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company had EUR 3 billion in long-term debt, much of which is a result of debt financing required to purchase Medidata for $5.7 billion in 2019. The debt/EBITDA will decrease to 1 by 2024, from 2.5 in 2021. Even with significant debt to pay down, Dassault Systemes should be well equipped to generate healthy free cash flow. The firm will continue paying out an annual dividend (with a roughly 30% payout ratio) and continue decent share repurchases.

Bulls Say

  • Dassault Systemes should see strong adoption of its 3DExperience platform, enabling margin expansion due to increasing switching costs.
  • Dassault Systemes’ foray into precision medicine by simulating individuals’ responses to medicine or medical devices should prove profitable over the next 10 years.
  • The integration of Biovia with newly acquired Medidata should provide significant operating leverage and competitive positioning to threaten Veeva’s trial management competitor.

Company Description

Dassault Systemes is a leading provider of computer-assisted design and product lifecycle management software, serving customers like Boeing and Tesla throughout the production process. The company’s top line largely depends on the transportation and mobility, industrial equipment, and aerospace and defense industries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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