Technology Stocks

TechnicFMC Projected To Profit From Increased Operational Efficiency And Differentiated Product Offerings

Business Strategy and Outlook

TechnipFMC has cultivated a reputation as a top provider for subsea equipment and services, a factor that’s crucial in a space where customers seek solutions for some of the most challenging engineering problems in the world. The firm’s recent spinoff of its Technip Energies sector (representing the firm’s onshore E&C business) has transformed TechnipFMC into a pure-play technology and service provider for the offshore market. The firm still holds a 7% share in Technip Energies, but management intends to exit its ownership position by the end of 2022. Moving forward, TechnipFMC intends to focus on its integrated services like its iFEED studies for front-end engineering and design and its iEPCI program, among other specialized offerings. Through these, the firm can work with customers from early phase design through the life of the field. TechnipFMC ultimately aims to simplify subsea field layouts by acting as a one-stop shop for offshore producers, which, if successful, will reduce wellsite costs and production times for operators while creating a stickier, more profitable customer base for the firm. 

So far, the firm appears to be executing well in its integration strategy. It’s dominated competitors in winning contracts over the last few years, posting record order intake in 2019 and winning over half of subsea tree contracts awarded in 2020. As of third quarter 2021, about two thirds of TechnipFMC’s active front-end engineering (FEED) studies were integrated projects. If the firm continues this trajectory, its integration strategy could lead to outperformance compared with its peers in the subsea industry, at least in the near term. Investment in offshore oil and gas production is projected to increase over the next five years, which will provide ample opportunity for TechnipFMC to further cement its positioning as a leading subsea technology and services provider.

Financial Strength

TechnipFMC is in solid financial health. While the firm is no longer in negative net debt due to its spinoff of Technip Energies (which operates with substantial cash balances), at $2 billion, its debt burden still is not large. About 75% of this will come due over the next five years, mostly due to a $600 million note maturing in 2026. At the last reporting period, TechnipFMC had about $1.2 billion of cash on hand, and nearly $1 billion available on its credit facility. Management intends to liquidate its remaining position in Technip Energies (currently around 2%) over the next year and use the proceeds to pay off some of its remaining debt. Net debt to EBITDA is expected to  remain below 1 times over the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • TechnipFMC will derive a first-mover advantage from its Subsea 2.0 solution by delivering cost-saving subsea equipment and services to its customers. 
  • The firm is well positioned to capitalize on the significantly growing demand for integrated services which, beyond expanding its already significant market share will provide downcycle protection, as well. 
  • Increased investment in offshore production will provide ample opportunity for TechnipFMC to secure more long-term contracts that will continue driving value in the event of a future slowdown.

Company Profile 

TechnipFMC is the largest provider of integrated deep-water offshore oil and gas development solutions, offering the full spectrum of subsea equipment and subsea engineering and construction services. The company also provides various surface equipment used with onshore oil and gas wells. TechnipFMC originated with the 2017 merger of predecessor companies Technip and FMC Technologies.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Link’s First-Half Result a Formality as Acquisition inches Closer (Corrected)

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

Link Administration has created a narrow economic moat in the Australian and U.K. financial services administration sectors via its leading positions in fund administration and share registry services. Client retention rates exceed 90% in both markets, underpinned by inflation-linked contracts of between two and five years. The capital-light nature of the business model should enable good cash conversion, regular dividends, and relatively low gearing. Earnings growth prospects are supported by organic growth in member numbers, industry fund consolidation, and continued outsourcing trends. The company was formed via numerous acquisitions made since 2005 under the ownership of private equity firm Pacific Equity Partners, which sold its remaining holding in the company in 2016. The Australian fund administration business, which constitutes around a third of group revenue, to be the strongest of Link’s businesses. 

Link usually comprises around three fourths of fund administration customer costs, which creates material operational and reputational risks to switching providers. Contract lengths of between three and five years, along with six to nine months of lead time to change provider, also create barriers to switching. Switching costs are evidenced by Link’s recurring revenue rate of around 90% and client retention rate of over 95%. Six of Link’s 10 largest clients have been with the company for over 20 years. Link’s only significant competitor in fund administration is Marsh & McLennan-owned Mercer, which has a 10% market share following its acquisition of Pillar, previously the third-largest provider, in 2016. Both the companies to compete aggressively for future outsourcing contracts, which may come from the 60% of the market that is currently serviced in-house. However, around 30% of the in-house segment comprises the four major Australian banks and AMP, which have a reasonably low probability of outsourcing. The remaining 30% comprises a combination of government-owned entities and relatively small superannuation funds, which are likely to have outsourcing lead times of months or years.

Financial Strengths:

Link’s balance sheet is in good shape with a net debt/EBITDA ratio of around 2.6 as at Dec. 31, 2021, which is within the company’s target range of 2 to 3. From an interest coverage ratio perspective, Link has a manageable interest coverage ratio of around 14.

Bulls Say:  

  • Link’s EPS to grow at a CAGR of 9% over the next decade, driven by a revenue CAGR of 6% per year, in addition to cost-cutting and operating leverage.
  • Link’s Australian fund administration market share grows by 2.5 percentage points to 32.5% over the next five years.
  • The capital-light nature of the business model should enable regular dividends, and low financial leverage creates the opportunity for debt-funded acquisitions.

Company Description:

Link provides administration services to the financial services sector in Australia and the U.K., predominantly in the share registry and investment fund sectors. The company is the largest provider of superannuation administration services and the second-largest provider of share registry services in Australia. Link acquired U.K.-based Capita Asset Services in 2017; this provides a range of administration services to financial services firms and comprises around 40% of group revenue. Link’s clients are usually contracted for between two and five years but are relatively sticky, which results in a high proportion of recurring revenue. The business model’s capital-light nature means cash conversion is relatively strong.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

ITT’s Projected Aftermarket Revenue To Underpin Growth Prospects Following Strong First-Quarter Earnings Release

Business Strategy and Outlook

The positive outlook for ITT is predicated on its best-performing segment, motion technologies, or MT. MT traditionally outpaces market growth by 700 to 1,000 basis points, a trend which is projected to continue. And while industrial process, or IP, remains a price-competitive business, management should be commended for improving its adjusted segment operating margins to the midteens, despite a very difficult operating environment. Both IP and ITT’s connect and control technologies segment, or CCT, should increasingly create shareholder value as management furthers lean improvements. 

Within MT, brake pads are most bullish, as they still present a robust growth opportunity in the medium-term. Their potentially positive impact on intrinsic value is favourable, given MT’s sales exposure. Positive MT growth drivers are expected to underpin a strong secular trend away from copper and other metal brakes, market preference for smoother, noise-damping brakes, as well as  demand for increased safety leading to additional adoption of ceramics. These dynamics play to ITT’s strength in material science development. Rising installations of disc brakes, which demonstrate superior braking efficiency, are another tailwind. These forces are expected to drive aftermarket growth, particularly as vehicle production rates increase throughout the current forecast. Innovations like the smart pad have the potential to directly interface with a vehicle’s control unit and provide drivers a wealth of data, including enhanced diagnostics of noise and vibration, real-time braking torque and pressure data, and sensor readings during adverse weather patterns. And MT’s wealth of competitive advantages position it strongly in the transition toward electric vehicles on the original equipment side, even as the aftermarket will be a slow, but long-term headwind on the aftermarket side. 

Finally, aerospace and defense constitutes about 47% of CCT’s sales mix. While defense is tied to elevated defense budgets in the near term, ITT is well positioned in the commercial aerospace recovery. Even with near-term challenges, both IP and CCT can raise its adjusted operating margins to between 19% and 20% over the long term

Financial Strength

ITT is on solid financial footing and the firm has a moderate credit risk rating. It is noted that following a transaction on June 30, 2021, ITT no longer has any obligation with respect to pending and future asbestos claims. Ringfencing this liability was an excellent move on the part of management, since it removed both uncertainty and headline risk. Using a punitive methodology (incorporating all interest-bearing obligations and calls on capital), ITT consistently runs a net cash positive position. Therefore, the company’s ability to service its current obligations is not of major concern. 

Bulls Say’s

  • Solutions like copper-free and smart brake pads will help ITT win content on additional and existing platforms, and its material science expertise should help with wins in the electrical vehicle original equipment segment. 
  • CEO Luca Savi will bring the same focus and drive operational efficiency to both IP and CCT as he did in MT; long-term, both IP and CCT can deliver 20% segment operating margins. 
  • An unleveraged balance sheet gives the company room to make value-accretive acquisitions.

Company Profile 

ITT is a diversified industrial conglomerate with nearly $3 billion in sales. After the spinoffs of Xylem and Exelis in 2011, the company’s products primarily include brake pads, shock absorbers, pumps, valves, connectors, and switches. Its customers include original-equipment and Tier 1 manufacturers as well as aftermarket customers. ITT uses a network of approximately 700 independent distributors, which accounts for about one third of overall revenue. Nearly three fourths of the company’s sales are made in North America and Europe. ITT’s primary end markets include automotive, rail, oil and gas, aerospace and defense, chemical, mining, and general industrial.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

No Meaningful Surprises in ITT’s First-Quarter Print as We Maintain FVE; Shares Cheap

Business Strategy & Outlook

As per the predication the positive outlook for ITT on its best-performing segment, motion technologies, or MT. MT traditionally outpaces market growth by 700 to 1,000 basis points, a trend expect to continue. And while industrial process, or IP, remains a price-competitive business, management should be commended for improving its adjusted segment operating margins to the midteens, despite a very difficult operating environment. Both IP and ITT’s connect and control technologies segment, or CCT, should increasingly create shareholder value as management furthers lean improvements.

Within MT, the most bullish on brake pads, which still present a robust growth opportunity in the medium-term. Their potentially positive impact on intrinsic value, given MT’s sales exposure. The positive MT growth drivers include a strong secular trend away from copper and other metal brakes, market preference for smoother, noise-damping brakes, and demand for increased safety leading to additional adoption of ceramics. These dynamics play to ITT’s strength in material science development. Rising installations of disc brakes, which demonstrate superior braking efficiency, are another tailwind. These forces will drive aftermarket growth, particularly as vehicle production rates increase throughout the explicit forecast. Innovations like the smart pad have the potential to directly interface with a vehicle’s control unit and provide drivers a wealth of data, including enhanced diagnostics of noise and vibration, real-time braking torque and pressure data, and sensor readings during adverse weather patterns. And MT’s wealth of competitive advantages positions it strongly in the transition toward electric vehicles on the original equipment side, even as the aftermarket will be a slow, but long-term headwind on the aftermarket side.

Finally, aerospace and defense constitute about 47% of CCT’s sales mix. While defense is tied to elevated defense budgets in the near term, ITT is well positioned in the commercial aerospace
recovery. Even with near-term challenges, the both IP and CCT can raise its adjusted operating margins to between 19% and 20% over the long term.

Financial Strengths

ITT is on solid financial footing and the firm a moderate credit risk rating. The following a transaction on June 30, 2021, ITT no longer has any obligation with respect to pending and future asbestos claims. The ringfencing this liability was an excellent move on the part of management, since it removed both uncertainty and headline risk.

Using a punitive methodology (incorporating all interest-bearing obligations and calls on capital), ITT
consistently runs a net cash positive position. Therefore, no one is overly concerned about whether ITT can service its current obligations.

Bulls Say

Solutions like copper-free and smart brake pads will help ITT win content on additional and existing platforms, and its material science expertise should help with wins in the electrical vehicle original equipment segment.

CEO Luca Savi will bring the same focus and drive operational efficiency to both IP and CCT as he did in MT; long-term, both IP and CCT can deliver 20% segment operating margins.

An unleveraged balance sheet gives the company room to make value-accretive acquisitions.

Company Description

ITT is a diversified industrial conglomerate with nearly $3 billion in sales. After the spinoffs of Xylem and Exelis in 2011, the company’s products primarily include brake pads, shock absorbers, pumps, valves, connectors, and switches. Its customers include original-equipment and Tier 1 manufacturers as well as aftermarket customers. ITT uses a network of approximately 700 independent distributors, which accounts for about one third of overall revenue. Nearly three fourths of the company’s sales are made in North America and Europe. ITT’s primary end markets include automotive, rail, oil and gas, aerospace and defense, chemical, mining, and general industrial.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Technology Stocks

Bio-Techne Buoyed by Growing Demand for Cell and Gene Therapies, Long-Term Goals on Track

Business Strategy & Outlook

Bio-Techne is a market leader in proteins for the pharma, biotech, academic, and diagnostic markets and maintains strong market positioning in antibodies and testing controls for diagnostic partners. The firm’s market leadership in proteins has not come at the expense of pricing, and Bio-Techne is often the highest-priced provider of proteins and antibodies. Bio-Techne is likely to capitalize on current high growth of biologics in the 6%-8% range, which have been outpacing the mid-single-digit growth of traditional small molecules. Cell and gene therapies require protein inputs, and Bio-Techne’s reputation for quality in a market with few regulatory quality minimums help Bio-Techne win new business despite relatively robust competition. To have long-term success, Bio-Techne needs to maintain a dominant position in proteins, and at the same time expand its presence in genomics, without compromising on quality standards across the firm’s large protein


Bio-Techne’s strategy involves prioritizing top line growth with manufacturing capacity investment and large-scale customer deals, while complementing organic growth with meaningful

acquisitions. The company is heavily focused on gaining a foothold in genomics, and has seen some early success with Applied Cell Diagnostics’ RNA-ish and Exosome’s liquid biopsy ExoDx, two technologies that are in the process of being scaled to the market after being acquired within the last five years.

Though the coronavirus pandemic initially depressed sales, with lab closures early in 2020 and uncertainty on academic research funding, Bio-Techne has also seen some upside. The firm offers

direct-to-home liquid biopsy tests and has seen high demand for proteins used for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. The recent approval of the ExoDx biopsy was well-timed, given that the test

can be sent directly to a patient’s home for urine collection following approval from a telehealth doctor. While the ongoing pandemic has been a net negative, expanded capacity of COVID-19 testing and high demand for protein inputs have mostly offset temporary headwinds of lab shutdowns and research cuts.

Financial Strengths 

Bio-Techne has solid financial strength. Though leverage had temporarily increased from acquisitions, and debt/adjusted EBITDA reached a multiyear high of 2.25 times in 2019, Bio-Techne now has net debt leverage of about zero. Barring any large acquisitions, leverage to remain well below 2.0 times over the coming years. Bio-Techne’s healthy interest coverage ratio also indicates an appropriate level of debt, with the firm maintaining an operating income/interest expense ratio in the high-single digits, with the ratio ending 2020 at around 15 times. The interest coverage well above 20 times over the next five years. Bio-Techne’s primary source of funding for acquisition activity is a $600 million revolving credit facility, established in August 2018. This credit facility can be extended to an additional $200 million, and the company also took out a term loan of $250 million, with both facilities set to mature in August 2023. As of year-end 2020, Bio-Techne had $344 million of long-term debt, split between the term loan and revolving facility. The additional lending capacity of the credit agreement gives Bio-Techne an appropriate level of flexibility to make capital allocation decisions, and lenders appear to have high confidence in the firm’s ability to pay interest and principal on the debt, with the credit agreement allowing for a maximum interest rate of 75 basis points over Libor for standard lending.

Bio-Techne has generated good levels of operating cash, with consistent operating cash flow above $120 million in each of the last nine years, and the cash flow averaging $442 million in the next five years. We also expect free cash flow to average $353 million over that period.

Bulls Say

  • While private payers currently do not cover the ExoDx biopsy test, getting reimbursement approvals along with expanded indications could allow for product revenue upward of $100 million, compared with under $50 million currently.
  • Bio-Techne is set to benefit from high market growth of biologics, which require protein inputs, and regulatory approvals of biosimilars could be an additional tailwind for protein growth.
  • Funding for academic health research through the National Institutes of Health could increase in a post pandemic world, and could offset state budget cuts in academia.

Company Description

Based in Minnesota, Bio-Techne is a life sciences manufacturer supplying consumables and instruments for the pharma, biotech, academic, and diagnostic markets. The company reports in two segments, protein sciences (75% of revenue), and diagnostics and genomics (25%). The protein-focused segment makes equipment and associated consumables for protein characterization and analysis and sells antibodies for research and clinical purposes. In diagnostics, Bio-Techne provides controls and calibrators for diagnostic manufacturers and has a portfolio of diagnostic oncology assays. The United States accounts for about 55% of revenue, and the firm also has operations in EMEA (20% of sales), the U.K. (5%), and APAC (15%), with the rest of the world accounting for the remaining 5%.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Paycom Continues Impressive Growth Trajectory During Q1 2022; $388 FVE Maintained

Business Strategy & Outlook:

Paycom’s unified platform appeals to midsize and enterprise clients who prefer an all-in-one payroll and HCM solution. The company’s platform is supported by a single database, which provides a single source of truth and allows efficient software development and maintenance. Unlike competitors, Paycom discourages data integrations to third-party providers but instead incentivizes clients to contain their HCM solutions within its unified platform by offering add-on modules including time and attendance and benefits administration. In practice, new clients may consolidate their payroll and HCM solutions from multiple providers to an all-in-one solution by Paycom. The company is squarely focused on driving greater automation and employee self-service, supported by complimentary analytics tools for clients and the recent roll out self-service payroll module, BETI. 

Paycom will continue to take market share of the growing payroll and HCM industry through industry consolidation and capitalizing on the shortfalls of competitors. The company has reported impressive growth to date, reflecting an ability to win clients and demonstrating how the cost and efficiency benefits of streamlining payroll and HCM solutions to a single platform can overcome inherent client switching costs. It is anticipated Paycom’s average revenue per client, or ARPC, will increase at a CAGR of 7% due to a gradual shift upmarket and from taking greater share of wallet through upselling existing and new modules. Paycom’s target market has shifted upwards over several years, with the company formally lifting the upper bound to 10,000 in fiscal 2021, from 2,000 in fiscal 2013. This shift paired with increased module uptake has led to an approximately 18% increase in ARPC over the same period. While the Paycom’s average client size to increase, its offering will be less appealing to mega enterprises who typically prefer to integrate best of breed solutions, by limiting the upmarket upside for Paycom.

Financial Strengths:

Paycom is in a strong financial position. At the end of fiscal 2021, Paycom had a net cash position of over $240 million and reported about $27 million of long-term debt, which is primarily associated with construction activity at its corporate headquarters. The company has access to at least $75 million of liquidity under a secured term loan and revolving credit agreements. Under these agreements, Paycom is subject to certain operating and financial covenants including restrictions on incurring further debt, issuing distributions and must maintain an EBITDA to fixed charge ratio of no less than 1.25 times and funded indebtedness of no greater than 2 times EBITDA. Paycom to maintain a net cash position, to comfortably cover interest on outstanding debt and to remain compliant with these covenants over the forecasted period. Paycom does not pay dividends but returns capital to shareholders through an ongoing share repurchase program. The future share repurchases will be partly offset by the regular issuance of shares under Paycom’s employee stock compensation and purchase plan. While Paycom operates a capital light business model with strong free cash flow generation potential, the company will continue to not pay dividends for the foreseeable future and instead invest excess cash in growth through primarily organic investments.

Bulls Say:

  • The increasing employee usage and employee self-service will entrench Paycom’s platform further into a client’s business, increasing client stickiness.
  • Increasing regulatory complexity under a U.S. Democratic Administration should create tailwinds for the payroll and HCM industry.
  • Paycom’s employee self-service payroll BETI is pushing the envelope amid an industry shift toward greater employee usage and the consumerization of payroll and HR software.

Company Description:

Paycom is a fast-growing provider of payroll and human capital management, or HCM, software primarily targeting clients with 50-10,000 employees in the United States. Paycom was established in 1998 and services about 16,000 clients, based on parent company grouping. Alongside its core payroll software, Paycom offers various HCM add-on modules including time and attendance, talent management, and benefits administration.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Wipro’s Narrow Moat Stable Amidst Digital Transformation

Business Strategy & Outlook

Wipro is a leading global IT services provider with the typical menu of offerings, from software implementation to digital transformation consulting to servicing entire business operations teams. Wipro merits a narrow economic moat rating, similar to many of its peers, as the benefits from switching costs and intangible assets, although it is benefiting from a cost advantage. While the company will likely struggle amid the COVID-19 pandemic, its stable moat trend will stay secure. Forays into the higher-value realm of industrial engineering will help ensure that Wipro does not miss out on substantial growth trends in the overall IT services industry.

In many regards, there’s uncanny resemblance between Wipro and its Indian IT services competitors, Infosys and TCS, such as in its offerings, offshore leverage mix (near 75%), or attrition rates (near

15%). However, Wipro has pockets of solutions where it distinguishes itself. For instance, its robotic process automation services are considered to rank above all other peers according to several sources, including Forrester Research.

Wipro isn’t unusual for being an IT services provider with switching costs and intangible assets. These are founded on the intense disruption that customers would experience when changing their IT services provider as well as Wipro’s specialized knowledge of the industry verticals it caters to and the distinct knowledge of its customers’ web of IT piping. But besides these two moat sources, Wipro benefits more from a cost advantage (which only allot to Indian IT services companies) based on its labor arbitrage model. While from such a cost advantage will diminish over time as the gap between Indian wage growth and GDP growth in primary markets narrows, Wipro’s moat is secure as the company’s foray into higher-value offerings and increasingly automated solutions offsets this trend.

Financial Strengths

 Wipro’s financial health is in good shape. Wipro had INR 350 billion in cash and cash equivalents as of March 2021 with debt totaling INR 83 billion. Wipro’s cash cushion will remain healthy, as the free cash flow to grow to INR 118 billion by fiscal 2026. This should allow for continued share buybacks and acquisitions. The share buybacks over the next five years will average INR 50 billion each year. The  acquisitions over the next four years following fiscal 2022 will average INR 9 billion each year. While it doesn’t explicitly forecast dividend increases over the near term, Wipro will have more than enough of a cash cushion to undergo any dividend raises as desired without needing to take on debt.

Bulls Say

  • Wipro could benefit from greater margin expansion than expected in base case as more automated tech solutions decrease the variable costs associated with each incremental sale.
  • Wipro should profit from a wave of demand for more flexible IT infrastructures following the COVID-19 pandemic, as more companies seek to be prepared for similar events.
  • As European firms become more comfortable with outsourcing their IT workloads offshore, Wipro should expand its market share in the growing geography.

Company Description

Wipro is a leading global IT services provider, with 175,000 employees. Based in Bengaluru, the Indian IT services firm leverages its offshore outsourcing model to derive over half of its revenue (57%) from North America. The company offers traditional IT services offerings: consulting, managed services, and cloud infrastructure services as well as business process outsourcing as a service.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Honeywell’s First-Quarter Results Unsurprisingly Solid

Business Strategy & Outlook

Honeywell is one of the strongest multi-industry firms in operation today. The firm has successfully pivoted to capture multiple ESG trends, including the need to drive energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and e-commerce, among others. The predicate of the thesis is mostly on a) increased demand for warehouse automation solutions; b) new digital offerings that promote data analytics in power plants, as well as remote security management, and energy savings in building solutions; c) an increasingly automated world in mission critical end-markets like life sciences. Over the next five years, Honeywell is capable of mid-single-digit-plus top-line growth, incremental operating margins in the low-30s, low-double-digit adjusted earnings per share growth, and free cash flow margins in the midteens.

The Honeywell is capable of meeting that assumed targets through a combination of portfolio refreshes, powerful new product introductions, breakthrough initiatives, and strategic partnerships in areas where the firm has domain expertise, a focus on high growth regions that’ll help the firm grow faster than its core markets, continuous improvement initiatives cantered on fixed cost reduction, on-time delivery and simplified design, supply chain automation, and an increasing shift toward software with a recurring revenue stream. The Honeywell was wise to continue investing aggressively during the height of the pandemic, which will reward the firm with share gains.

Despite appreciable headwinds in about 40% of Honeywell’s portfolio from the pandemic, in some ways, the COVID-19 has only accelerated the need for automation, particularly in warehousing given the strong secular trend toward e-commerce. Many of Honeywell’s automation solutions offer customers meaningful ROI payback in a truncated period of time. Furthermore, the Honeywell is strongly positioned to lead in carbon capture given its large installed base and investments in solvents.

Finally, Honeywell’s early-stage investments like quantum computing represent a leapfrog in technology, and they have multiple use cases in fast growing industries like cybersecurity.

Financial Strengths

Honeywell operates from a very strong financial position and believes its credit risk is very low. Honeywell boasts one of the lowest net debt/EBITDA ratios of any of the U.S. multi-industry firms that cover at 1.1 times at the end of 2021, though with the exception of 2020, that figure has been at or below 1 time since 2012. In fact, credit its balance sheet strength as one of its greatest assets during the pandemic as it was allowed to maintain its growth capital expenditures plans while other competitors froze growth capital expenditures spending in 2020. Furthermore, Honeywell’s interest coverage ratio (EBIT/interest expense) stands at over 18 times as of the end of 2021, meaning Honeywell has ample firepower to service its interest payments. Finally, Honeywell’s pension and other postretirement benefits have a minimal effect on fair value, as its pension is overfunded, and its other retiree benefits deduct a mere 21 cents per share on the fair value (which likely overstates the impact given the rising interest rate environment in 2021).

Bulls Say

  • Honeywell is making several organic bets in mission critical end markets that should yield triple-digit IRRs over the long term, including in quantum computing and building automation.
  • Honeywell boasts one of the strongest balance sheets in the multi-industry universe, and the company has a history of under promising and over delivering on its targets.
  • With approximately 60% of its portfolio in short-cycle businesses and with the remaining portfolio in end markets like aerospace and oil and gas, Honeywell is poised to outperform in 2021 with a value-cyclical reopening trade.

Company Description

Honeywell traces its roots to 1885 with Albert Butz’s firm, Butz-Thermo Electric Regulator, which produced a predecessor to the modern thermostat. Today, Honeywell is a global multi-industry behemoth with one of the largest installed bases of equipment. The firm operates through four business segments, including aerospace, building technologies, performance materials and technologies, and safety and productivity solutions. In recent years, the firm has made several portfolio changes, including the addition of Intelligrated in 2016, as well as the spins of Garrett Technologies and Resideo in 2018. In 2019, the firm launched Honeywell Forge, its enterprise performance management software solution that leverages the firm’s domain expertise in buildings, airlines, and critical infrastructure.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Philosophy Technology Stocks

Zip Co’s Recent Acquisitions And Geographic Expansions To Assist Expansion Of Its Addressable Market

Business Strategy and Outlook

Zip’s focus is on maximising its addressable market. Its business is more diversified than single-product BNPL players, with varieties in financing options, transaction limits, and repayment schedules. Customers enjoy a simple sign-up and checkout process, high acceptance by retailers and flexible financing solutions to help better manage their cash flows. Merchant partners may benefit from increased conversion rates, basket sizes, and transaction frequencies.

The firm operates a revolving credit business in Australia. ZipPay finances up to AUD 1,000, and ZipMoney AUD 1,000 and above. It also boasts a broader merchant base including retail, home, electronics, health, auto, and travel. Around 70% of revenue is derived from customers, mainly from account fees and interest. Meanwhile, Zip Business provides unsecured loans of up to AUD 500,000 to small and midsize enterprises. Zip adopts a Pay in 4 installment financing model overseas, helping it scale up faster and keep up with competition on the underpenetrated global BNPL landscape. The acquisition of U.S.-based QuadPay materially boosts its growth prospects. It also operates in the U.K., Canada, Europe, Mexico, and the Middle East. Zip enhances customer stickiness via ongoing product add-ons. It has a Pay Anywhere function that lets users transact at a wide variety of avenues without being confined to merchant partners. Users also benefit from promotional offers, cash-back deals, or free credits. Newer features include crypto trading, credit reporting, and savings accounts. For merchant partners, Zip invests in co-marketing to help them acquire new customers. 

Zip has strong earnings prospects, its margins are projected to be increasingly under pressure and it will not achieve the same penetration and transaction frequency overseas as it had domestically. While it benefits from the growth of e-commerce and increasing preference for more convenient/cheaper forms of financing, heightened competition to its products is anticipated. The capital-intensive domestic business cannot scale up as quickly, it is relatively late (compared with Afterpay) in its overseas foray, and QuadPay also lacks a clear differentiation.

Financial Strength

Zip is in reasonable financial health, with no signs of significant credit stress. As of September 2021, the net bad debt ratio for its core ANZ business sits at 2.44% of receivables, while arrears are at 1.87%. Its debt/capital ratio is 61%, while the ratio of equity/receivables has improved to 52% in fiscal 2021 from 8.1% in fiscal 2017. Zip’s bad debts are anticipated to stay manageable in a major credit event. Unlike some peers, Zip conducts a greater degree of background check before onboarding customers, such as collecting bank statements and pulling in information from a credit bureau. Soft credit checks are similarly performed when onboarding new customers overseas. These help compensate for the fact that its receivables are higher-risk due to them having longer repayment periods and higher transaction value (notably for Zip Money) or it having a Pay Anywhere model. The fact that the company’s installment businesses (such as QuadPay) have shorter turnover periods and lower transaction values is noted, meaning it can know much earlier (relative to credit cards) if customers have trouble making payments and can therefore amend its risk controls accordingly. Most its Australian receivables are funded by its asset-based securitisation program, with undrawn facilities totaling AUD 608 million as of September 2021. It also has USD 188 million and AUD 105 million of undrawn facilities to fund QuadPay’s and Zip Business’ receivables, respectively.

Bulls Say’s

  • Zip is well placed to continue growing its transaction volume, given its variety in financing options and retailer base, as well as its Pay Anywhere model which provide greater avenue to spend using its products. 
  • Zip benefits from an accelerated shift to e-commerce, increased adoption of cashless payments, and a growing need among merchants for effective marketing amid a challenging retail backdrop. 
  • Zip is expected to face lower regulatory risks than its BNPL rivals, as it already conducts a greater degree of background checks and ZipMoney is already regulated by the National Credit Act.

Company Profile 

Zip is a diversified finance provider, offering consumer financing via a line of credit (via Zip Pay and Zip Money) and instalment-based finance (via QuadPay, Spotii, Twisto, and PayFlex); as well as lending to small to midsize enterprises (via Zip Business). Zip’s fortunes are largely tied to the buy now, pay later, or BNPL, industry. Most of its products–Zip Pay, QuadPay (Zip U.S.), and PayFlex–do not charge interest based on outstanding balances. Around 60%-70% of Zip Pay’s/Zip Money’s revenue is derived from customers, mainly via account fees and interest. Meanwhile, its instalment businesses primarily generate revenue by receiving a margin from merchants, which compensates it for accepting all nonpayment risk and for encouraging consumers to transact more frequently.

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Accessing lower-costs funds providing SoFi the opportunity to drive net interest income growth

Business Strategy and Outlook

SoFi targets young, high-income individuals who may be underserved by traditional full-service banks. The company is purely digital and engages with its clients exclusively through its mobile app and website. Unlike existing digital banks, which generally have limited product offerings, SoFi offers a full suite of financial services and products that includes everything from student loans to estate planning. The intent is that this will allow its customers to structure the entirety of their finances around SoFi, and the company’s reward structures are designed to encourage its clients to do so. By acting as a one-stop shop for its customers’ finances, SoFi intends to create powerful cross-selling advantages that will reduce its cost of acquisition and give it a competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

In order to meet this goal, SoFi has used a mixture of internal development and external partnerships to rapidly expand the services offered to its clients. The use of partnerships has allowed SoFi to build out its product offerings with impressive speed, transforming SoFi from being a student and personal loan company into a one-stop shop for financial services in just a few years. The company’s expanded product lineup along with increased adoption of digital banking during the pandemic has helped accelerate SoFi’s growth, with the number of members increasing by nearly 90% in 2020. Rapid growth has persisted into 2021, and SoFi remains the only company utilizing a digital full-service model, giving it a clear niche. 

While SoFi has offered its clients banking services for some time, the company itself has only recently become a true bank. Having successfully gained a national banking charter in early 2022, SoFi is now able to retain deposits into its SoFi Money accounts and use them to support its lending operations. Prior to SoFi obtaining a charter, deposits into these accounts were swept out to SoFi’s partner banks, leaving SoFi to finance its lending arms entirely though external financing. Access to these lower-costs funds will give SoFi the opportunity to drive net interest income growth as the firm leans into its unique model for digital banking.

Financial Strength

SoFi is in a good financial position with a strong balance sheet and limited credit risk from its lending operations. During its SPAC merger, SoFi raised $1.2 billion through PIPE financing, which came in addition to the $800 million in liquidity that the company acquired during the SPAC merger itself. SoFi does not pay a dividend or make any kind of shareholder returns. This is expected given where SoFi is in its corporate life cycle. It is not likely, SoFi to commit itself to making dividend payment or to repurchase shares at any point in the immediate future as the company is far more likely to reinvest any excess capital into its business. Additionally, the company’s financial reserves should be more than sufficient to cover any credit losses it may experience. SoFi either sells or securitizes the loans it originates. While historically SoFi has retained some of the securitizations it has made, recently the company has been moving away from this practice and many of the loans it has on its books are “float” from its lending business. In other words, loans that have been made but not yet sold through. Because these loans are recently originated, SoFi experiences limited credit losses, and the company’s write-off expense is low relative to the size of its balance sheet. With low credit losses and substantial financial assets at its disposal SoFi is in a good position financially and should have plenty of flexibility to invest in its business as it sees fit.

Bulls Say’s

  • SoFi has managed to rapidly launch an impressive array of products and services, and the company remains the only firm offering a digital full-service model. 
  • SoFi has enjoyed rapid growth driven by the introduction of new products and broader adoption of digital banking. 
  • The company’s acquisition of Galileo was likely a major win as the number of accounts using Galileo’s platform has risen sharply since the purchase.

Company Profile 

SoFi is a financial services company that was founded in 2011 and is currently based in San Francisco. Initially known for its student loan refinancing business, the company has expanded its product offerings to include personal loans, credit cards, mortgages, investment accounts, banking services, and financial planning. The company intends to be a one-stop shop for its clients’ finances and operates solely through its mobile app and website. Through its acquisition of Galileo in 2020 the company also offers payment and account services for debit cards and digital banking. 

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.