Technology Stocks

Iress Ltd (IRE) reported FY21 Results in line with management’s earnings guidance

Investment Thesis

  • Solid FY22 earnings guidance. 
  • Current share price is trading below the blended valuation and offers a >10% upside. 
  • 50% of the $100m buyback will be purchased in 2022, which should support IRE’s share price. 
  • Growing quantum of superannuation/pension bodes well for IRE’s clients, which bodes well for demand for IRE’s products.
  • IRE’s products are firmly entrenched within Australia, UK and South African financial market players (i.e. IRESS terminals and XPLAN). For instance, in ANZ Wealth Management segment, increasing dynamic of self-licensing by practices, high client retention and increasing demand for integrated solutions, are all key revenue themes. Over 90% of revenue is recurring. 
  • Strong continuing momentum in the core growth markets of ANZ Wealth Management, and South Africa and the UK. 
  • New product roll-out providing growth opportunities. 
  • Solid balance sheet and capable management team.

Key Risks

  • Less subscription due to declining sell-side and buy-side demand as well as financial planners. 
  • Competitive platforms/offering (new disruptive technology); improved features and innovation from competition. 
  • Associated risks in relation to system, technology and software. 
  • Regulatory and structural changes in the finance sector impacting clients and their needs.
  • Deterioration in equity and debt markets which may have a negative impact on terminal demand. 
  • Further deterioration with its Canadian segment.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Segment profit: excluding Mortgages, $160-165m, versus $151m in FY21, or including Mortgages $177- 183m, versus $166m in FY21. 
  • Underlying NPAT: excluding Mortgages, $61-67m, versus $47m in FY21, or including Mortgages $74-81m, versus $59m in FY21. 
  • NPAT: excluding Mortgages, $50-58m, versus $62m in FY21, or including Mortgages $63-72m, versus $74m in FY21. 
  • Pro forma revenue $600.2m, was up +3%. 
  • Pro forma segment profit $166.4m, was up +6%.
  • Pro forma EPS of 30.9cps was up +12%. 
  • The final dividend is 30cps, franked to 15% bringing the full year 2021 dividend to 46.0 cents per share, franked at 38% (average weighted). Franking of interim dividend was high in context of EQT bid. 
  • IRE maintains conservative gearing levels and leverage remains below the neutral setting of 2.0x

segment profit (currently at 1.4x).

Company Description

IRESS Ltd (IRE) is an ASX-listed company that specialise in software for the finance industry, with a focus on financial markets, wealth management and superannuation. IRE operates in the Asia-Pacific, UK, South Africa and Canada.

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Technology Stocks

ANN’s operations in 1H22 were adversely impacted by Covid-19 including manufacturing shutdowns

Investment Thesis:

  • Based on the valuation, ANN’s share price trades at a >10% discount to the DCF valuation.
  • ANN is a quality business with global manufacturing capabilities.
  • In 5-yr forward earnings estimates are on the conservative side and capture the moderating growth likely to be seen from the elevated levels experienced in FY21.
  • FX translation should be positive for the Company.
  • Raw material cost pressures can be shared with customers and suppliers.
  • ANN has a strong balance sheet position with flexibility to return cash to shareholders or borrowing capacity for acquisitions.

Key Risks:

  • Product recall.
  • Trade wars escalate, leading to higher tariffs.
  • Increase in competitive pressures.
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD.
  • Emerging or developed market growth disappoints.
  • Any worse or better prices for raw materials.

Key Highlights:

  • Capital management. ANN has ample liquidity of ~$550m in cash and committed undrawn bank facilities, and conservative gearing profile (net debt/EBITDA of 1x vs 0.7x in pcp), despite net debt increasing +61.3% over pcp to $382.1m.
  • The Board declared an interim dividend of US 24.25 cps, down -26.9% YoY, representing ~40% payout ratio.
  • Cashflow. The Company delivered operating cash outflow of $22.1m (vs inflow of $12m in pcp) and cash conversion of 59.7% (after adjusting for short term incentives and insurance paid in half but relating to the full year), impacted by lower net receipts due to reduced profitability, higher working capital given lower payables as a result of timing and lower pricing from outsourced suppliers as well as payment of variable employee costs pertaining to FY21.
  • 1H22 results summary. Sales increased +7.6% over pcp (+7.5% organic growth) to $1,009.2m as Healthcare GBU organic growth of +14.8% was partially offset by Industrial GBU organic sales decline of -2.9%.
  • GPADE margins declined -860bps over pcp to 27.3% due to selling of high-cost Exam/SU inventory from outsourced suppliers at lower prices, Covid-19 related manufacturing disruptions and higher freight costs.
  • EBIT declined -24.3% over pcp (-30.6% in CC) to $111m with margin declining -460bps to 11%, with decline in GPADE partially offset by reduced SG&A driven by continued cost discipline and lower variable employee costs.

Company Description:

Ansell Ltd (ANN) operates two global business units: (1) Ansell’s Industrial segment manufactures and markets multi-use protection solutions specific for hand, foot, and body protection, for a wide-range of industries such as automotive, chemical, metal fabrication; (2) Ansell’s Healthcare segment (Medical + Single Use) offers a full range of surgical and examination gloves covering all applications, as well as healthcare safety devices and active infection protection products. The segment also manufactures and markets single use hand protection. Ansell recently sold its Sexual Wellness Global Business Unit group.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Danaher continues to prune its portfolio of businesses

Business Strategy & Outlook

Through the Danaher Business System, Danaher aims for continuous improvement of its scientific technology portfolio by seeking out attractive markets and then making acquisitions to enter or expand within those fields and divest assets that are no longer seen as core. After acquisitions, Danaher aims to accelerate core growth at acquired companies by making R&D and marketing-related investments. It also implements Lean manufacturing principles and administrative cost controls to boost operating margins. Overall, Danaher’s strategic moves are appreciable, which have pushed it into attractive end markets with strong growth prospects and sticky, recurring revenue streams. For example, recurring revenue could reach about 80% of sales after the pending environmental and applied solutions (EAS) group divestiture in late 2023.

Danaher’s acquisition-focused strategy has contributed to it becoming a top-5 player in the highly fragmented and relatively sticky life science and diagnostic tool markets less than 20 years after its first acquisition in the space (Radiometer in 2004). Recent life science and diagnostic acquisitions have included Beckman Coulter, Pall, and Cepheid. In early 2020, Danaher completed the acquisition of GE Biopharma, now called Cytiva, which fills in some gaps for Danaher within the biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing tool market. Within the life sciences field, the end market is particularly attractive given its strong growth trajectory, high margins, and high switching costs associated with regulatory and reproducibility concerns of end users. Management has started making more acquisitions in that space, such as Aldevron, and expects more tuck-in acquisitions in this and other end markets. Danaher also continues to prune its portfolio of businesses. The planned EAS group divestiture is just the latest for the company that distributed shares in the now publicly traded Fortive Corp (industrials) in 2016 and Envista (dental) in 2019 directly to shareholders. More divestitures are possible in the future, as well.

Financial Strengths

Danaher’s acquisition-focused strategy makes financial flexibility and capital market access important. In recent years, the company has issued debt to make significant acquisitions, such as Beckman Coulter (2011), Pall (2015), Cepheid (2016), and Cytiva (2020) before deleveraging to more manageable levels again. At the end of 2021, gross leverage stood at just 2 times, including COVID-19-elevated profits. Danaher has expressed a desire to maintain its investment-grade status, and it should be achievable. However, the company is highly acquisitive, and future acquisitions could significantly boost leverage from current levels before the company aims to return to more manageable levels.

Bulls Say

  • The Danaher Business System focuses on continuous improvement, including the acceleration of core growth and margin expansion through marketing initiatives and innovation, which appears positive for Danaher’s long-term prospects. 
  • Danaher’s shift to healthcare markets has created a less cyclical business in attractive markets with high barriers to entry and impressive recurring consumables revenue streams. 
  • Danaher has plenty of opportunities to consolidate and improve performance in its targeted life science and diagnostic end markets.

Company Description

In 1984, Danaher’s founders transformed a real estate organization into an industrial focused manufacturing company. Through a series of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, including the Fortive separation in 2016, Danaher now focuses primarily on manufacturing scientific instruments and consumables in three segments: life sciences, diagnostics, and environmental and applied solutions. In late 2019, Danaher separated from its dental business through an initial public offering process, and in early 2020, it acquired GE’s Biopharma business, now called Cytiva, which added to its life sciences segment.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Xero Ltd (XRO) delivered strong top-line growth in FY22 driven by YoY growth

Investment Thesis

  • Competent leadership team with a proven track record of delivering strong growth (Strong top-line momentum driven by strong support of accountants and bookkeepers with annualised monthly recurring revenue increasing at CAGR 32% and strong subscriber growth with positive LTV (Lifetime Value) trends (over FY17-22, ANZ LTV grew at CAGR 34% and International LTV grew at CAGR 49%). 
  • Solid product offering that is secure, scalable and efficient technology which is competing against competitors with technology that has legacy issues. XRO’s small business platform is an ecosystem of more than 700 connected apps backed by a community of more than 50,000 users of XRO’s API developer tools. Going forward the Company could potentially increase its revenue by monetising its platform in other ways like charging third party app developers. 
  • Potential for meaningful acquisitions to fill gaps in product capability. The Company is well positioned to make acquisitions going forward (given its balance sheet and funding status). 
  • The Company continues to focus on cloud accounting, and there’s a significant upside potential in the sector given the fact that the current levels of small business cloud accounting adoption globally is estimated to be less than 20% of the total market or opportunity across English-speaking countries in which the Company operates. 

Key Risks

  • Decrease of migration to cloud software. 
  • Currency headwinds due to weakening of NZ$ relative to AUD, USD and Pound. 
  • Deteriorating sentiment if the economy and IT spending weakens. 
  • Excessive competition from other established players like Intuit leading to loss of market share.
  • Inability to extract higher operational efficiencies as the Company scales up. 
  • Issues in gaining market share especially in markets with established incumbents 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Operating revenue grew +29% YoY (+30% in CC) to $1.1bn, with Core accounting revenue up +23% driven by subscriber growth (up +19% YoY to 3.3 million) and ARPU increases (driven by price increases) and Platform revenue up +113% (to account for 11% of total operating revenue) driven by growth in payments, payroll and revenues from recently acquired businesses including Planday. 
  • Gross profit increased +31% YoY to $957.4m with margin improving +130 bps to 87.3% (includes the operations of Planday), largely due to efficiency gains in customer support teams and hosting costs for cloud-based products.
  • Total operating expenses, inclusive of acquisition integration costs, increased +39% YoY, reflecting greater investment in product design and development and sales and marketing expenses as travel cost resumed, resulting in -32% YoY decline in operating profit to $42m. 
  • Net loss was $9.1m vs net profit of $19.8m in FY21, impacted by a fair value revaluation gain on contingent consideration of $38.9m, a new revenue incentive with Planday management resulting in a $10.5m expense and goodwill impairment relating to the acquisition of Waddle of $20.4m. 
  • Free cash flows declined -96% YoY to $2.1m as +8% YoY increase in operating cash flow was more than offset by +117% YoY increase in investments. XRO has $150m of undrawn committed debt facilities. 
  • Total LTV increased +43% YoY to $10.9bn in FY22 (equating to 5-year CAGR of +34% for ANZ and +49% for International), equating to LTV/CAC (LTV/customer acquisition cost) of 6.9x (up +0.5x YoY), driven by good progress on subscriber growth, a marked improvement in average revenue per user (ARPU) of +7% YoY (+9% in CC), along with a -11bps YoY decline in monthly churn to 0.90%, which remained consistently below pre-Covid pandemic level. 

Company Description

Xero Ltd (XRO) is a software as a service (SaaS) company, engaged in the provision of a platform for online accounting and business services to small businesses and their advisors. The Company operates through two operating segments: Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), and International (UK + North America + Rest of the World).

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Technology Stocks

Driven by strong top line revenue growth, WTC increasing organization-wide efficiencies and acquisition synergies

Investment Thesis

  • Market leading position (significantly ahead of the nearest competitor). 
  • Growing global trade and increasingly globalization of products sold. 
  • High degree of revenue visibility and low customer annual attrition rates. 
  • R&D spend will ensure product/services are enhancing WTC products. WTC’s vision is to be the operating system for global logistics. Having completed 39 acquisitions since its IPO in 2016, WTC has assembled significant resources and development capabilities to fuel its CargoWise technology pipeline. 
  • Scalability of the business model. 
  • Geopolitical tensions considered by management as “tailwinds” due to higher consolidation of the logistics software industry.

Key Risks

  • Company announces another earnings downgrade. 
  • Organic growth could moderate further, which may no longer warrant such a lofty valuation. However, organic growth has improved over FY19. 
  • Management noted that revenues from recent acquisitions actually declined and offered little margin. This means the return from these acquisitions could take longer than management’s expectations. 
  • Competitive threat (new product/technological advancements). 
  • Disruption to technology (data breach). 
  • Adverse currency movements.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • 1H22 Total Revenue of $281.0m, up +18% (+22% ex FX) on 1H21. 
  • CargoWise revenue was up +29% (+33% ex FX) to $193.0m, driven by Large Global Freight Forwarder rollouts, new customer wins, price and increased existing customer usage.
  • Acquisition (non-CargoWise) revenue of $87.9m, down -1% (up +2% ex FX). 
  • Market penetration momentum continuing – two new global rollouts secured in 1H22 – FedEx and Access World – and Brink’s Global Services (Brink’s) signed post 31 December 2021. 
  • Ongoing product development delivered 589 CargoWise new product features and enhancements and continued expansion of the CargoWise ecosystem. 
  • Organization-wide efficiency and acquisition synergy program well-progressed – $20.2m of gross cost reductions in 1H22 (net benefit $19.7m). 
  • EBITDA of $137.7m up +54% driven by revenue growth and cost reductions. Margin of 49%, up 12 bps. CargoWise’s 1H22 EBITDA margin of 58% represents an increase of 4pp on 1H21.
  • Underlying NPAT of $77.3m, up +77%. 
  • WTC generated strong free cash flow of $90.3m, up +85%. 
  • WTC retained a strong balance sheet, with cash as at 31 December 2021 of $380.3m and no outstanding debt excluding lease liabilities. WTC has an undrawn, unsecured, four-year, $225m, bi-lateral debt facility, to fund future growth. 
  • WTC’s Board declared a fully franked interim ordinary dividend of 4.75cps, which equates to payout ratio of 20% of Underlying NPAT.

Company Description

WiseTech Global (WTC), founded in October 1994, is a leading provider of software to the logistics services industry globally. WTC develops, sells and implements software solutions that enable logistics service providers to facilitate the movement and storage of goods, domestically and internationally. WTC’s software assists their customers to better address and adapt to the complexities of the logistics industry while increasing their productivity, reducing costs and mitigating risks. WTC services over 6,000 customers across more than 115 countries with offices in Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States.

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Technology Stocks

Elastic’s strong net retention rate—close to 130%—is evidence of the upselling strategy’s success

Business Strategy & Outlook

Elastic’s prospects in the full-stack monitoring, security, and search markets looks positive. The firm’s products benefit from secular tailwinds driving an accelerating increase in data for enterprises to secure, search through, and monitor. The firm’s sticky product portfolio, broad swath of products that enable clients to conduct a variety of mission-critical tasks, and increased penetration in the enterprise market have enabled Elastic to form a narrow economic moat around its business. As the volume of data increases, so does its impact on an enterprise’s decisions. More data brings greater complexity, nefarious activity, and search-oriented use cases. This increase in data, and the corresponding complexity, is driven by an uptick in cloud migrations and digital transformations. These secular trends enable a long runway for growth for Elastic. Elastic’s products are critical for its clients as they allow them to gather insights, detect and triage nefarious activity, and improve their IT stack efficiency. While Elastic is well entrenched in search, full-stack monitoring and analysis and security are the key growth verticals for the firm. Elastic has plenty of greenfield opportunities to exploit in these two verticals in the near to medium term. To this end, the firm has been investing heavily in its sales and research divisions, a strategy that is sound. In addition, with different use cases enabled by its three end markets, Elastic has a big cross-selling opportunity ahead of it.

As Elastic lands and expands its customer base, the benefits of the cross-selling opportunity at play. As a client adopts a multiproduct offering, Elastic’s entrenchment in that client’s ecosystem increases. This entrenchment subsequently results in a higher client lifetime value. The firm’s strong net retention rate—close to 130%—is evidence of the upselling strategy’s success. With the ability to consistently add new customers and subsequently upsell them, Elastic has strong long-term growth prospects.

Financial Strengths

Elastic’s financial position is healthy. Elastic ended fiscal 2022 with more than $860 million in cash and cash equivalents. While the firm has since taken on debt of more than $500 million recently, Elastic’s cash generation over the forecast will far outstrip its commitments over the same period. Elastic is to generate strong free cash flow margins, increasing its operating leverage while driving its top line forward. This trend is typical within the high-growth software space as investments in sales and research in the near term reap rewards in terms of durable cash flows in the later years. There’s no material change in Elastic’s capital structure. The firm is to raise capital by either issuing more equity or taking advantage of low interest rates and issuing debt.

Bulls Say

  • Elastic has strong secular tailwinds as the FSMA and security markets are expected to grow rapidly.
  • Elastic’s multi prong product strategy, including its search, security, and FSMA offerings, can offer different points of entry into potential clients’ IT ecosystems.
  • Elastic is competing in markets that are filled with greenfield opportunities.

Company Description

Elastic is a software company based in Mountain View, California, focusing on search-adjacent products. Its search engine allows it to process both structured and unstructured data while gleaning insights from that data. The firm’s primary focus is on enterprise search, observability, and security.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Pact Group (PGH) reported disappointing FY22 results, despite the Company seeing increasing demand for recycled content

Investment Thesis

  • Solid market share in Australia and growing presence in Asia. Hence provides attractive exposure to both developed and emerging markets’ growth. 
  • Valuation is fair on the forward estimates. 
  • Management appears to be less focused on acquired growth going forward, which means there is a less of a chance for the Company to make a value destructive acquisition. 
  • Reinstatement of the dividend is positive and highlights management’s confidence in future earnings growth. 
  • Focusing on sustainable packaging in an environmentally friendly market.

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures leading to further margin erosion. 
  • Input cost pressures which the company is unable to pass on to customers. 
  • Deterioration in economic conditions in Australia and Asia. 
  • Emerging markets risk. 
  • Poor acquisitions or not achieving synergy targets as PGH moves to reduce its dependency on packaging for food, dairy, and beverage clients to more high growth sectors such as healthcare.
  • Adverse currency movements (purchased raw materials in U.S. dollars)

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue of $1,838m was up +4%, driven by solid demand for sustainable packaging and recycled products. 
  • FY22 underlying EBIT was in line with guidance provided at 1H22. However, underlying EBIT of $156m, was down -15%, with EBIT from Packaging & Sustainability of $110m, up +5% more than offset by declines in Material Handling & Pooling underlying EBIT of $50m, down -8%, and Contract Manufacturing underlying EBIT, which saw a loss of -$4m (versus $24m in the pcp).
  • Underlying NPAT of $70m was down -25% largely due to the absence of one-off revenue in the Contract Manufacturing segment recorded in FY21. Reporting NPAT of $12m was significantly down – 86%. 
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 1.5cps, franked to 65%, which brings FY22 total dividend to 5cps, down -55% and equates to a payout ratio of 25% of underlying NPAT.
  • PGH acquired Synergy Packaging for ~$20m which adds to sustainable health and beauty packaging. 
  • PGH began operations at Circular Plastics Australia (PET) recycling facility in Albury-Wodonga with international food grade certification in place and producing recycled resin for joint venture partners. 
  • PGH maintained gearing of 2.7x, within its target range, with net debt at $561m, $24m lower than pcp, and operating cash conversion of $253m.

Company Description

Pact Group Holdings Ltd (PGH) was established by Raphael Geminder in 2002 (Mr. Geminder remains a major shareholder with ~44% and is the brother-in-law of Anthony Pratt, Chairman of competitor Visy). Pact has operations throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia and conceives, designs, and manufactures packaging (plastic resin and steel) for many products in the food (especially dairy and beverage), chemical, agricultural, industrial and other sectors.

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Technology Stocks

Intuit has launched matchmaking systems, for both its small-business and consumer customers

Business Strategy & Outlook

Intuit is the giant behind U.S. small-business accounting software QuickBooks and do-it-yourself U.S. tax software TurboTax. With TurboTax and QuickBooks online sales having eclipsed their respective desktop sales, Intuit has now transitioned into a cloud-first company. Consequently, this has enabled Intuit to leverage customer data to streamline the user experience across disparate products and to natively market its offerings, in turn supporting switching costs and a network effect, which already is the backbones of Intuit’s wide moat. Over the past several years, Intuit has continued to innovate. It has realized the insecurity customers have in accomplishing the consequential tasks of tax filing or business accounting on software alone. In turn, for both its small-business and consumer customers, Intuit has launched matchmaking systems. In accounting, that means matching small businesses with accountants, and in tax, that means adding a human review to the filing process. Both matchmaking mechanisms pose meaningful opportunities ahead, in the form of increased customer retention on both sides and getting exposure to the assisted tax market. Now that Intuit is starting to reap the benefits of playing matchmaker, next up is to take big bets on QuickBooks complements, such as creating an omnichannel sales platform for small businesses. While these buildouts will take time, such direction is a good one to keep propelling the QuickBooks network effect as customers continue to demand all-in-one software to run their businesses.

Intuit’s business is not immune to risk, which lies particularly in IRS tax-filing regulation as well as the risk of new entrants in the small-business accounting space. Still, such risks would only gradually chip away at Intuit’s accounting and tax dominance, given the force of its network effect and its financial health equipping Intuit with the ability to turn the tides.

Financial Strengths

Intuit is in good financial health considering its net cash cushion of $1.8 billion as of fiscal 2021 and debt/EBITDA of 0.7 times as of fiscal 2021. This leaves Intuit able to meet the future capital expenditures, acquisitions, repurchases, and dividends needed to uphold the business and keep shareholders happy. Specifically, capital expenditure is to remain near 1.3% of revenue over the next five years. Additionally, dividends are to increase year to year over the next five years by approximately $0.60 per share per year from 2022 to 2026. The company will continue to make acquisitions, averaging to roughly $100 million per year from fiscal 2023 to fiscal 2026, after $12 billion in acquisitions in fiscal 2022 from purchasing Mailchimp.

Bulls Say

  • Intuit’s tax revenue should climb at a healthy rate as the company’s solutions intersect with the assisted tax-filing base.
  • QuickBooks should continue to see revenue growth from Intuit’s growing ecosystem capabilities.
  • Operating expenses should decrease as a percentage of revenue as the company realizes synergies between links among once disparate offerings and benefits from scale.

Company Description

Intuit is a provider of small-business accounting software (QuickBooks), personal tax solutions (TurboTax), and professional tax offerings (Lacerte). Founded in the mid-1980s, Intuit controls the majority of U.S. market share for small-business accounting and DIY tax-filing software.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Marvell is the leader in DPUs and PAM-4 optics and the clear second in enterprise and cloud Ethernet

Business Strategy & Outlook

Marvell Technology has emerged as a strong competitor in the networking chip market following a multiyear business shift to acquisitions, divestitures, and organic development to focus on high-growth cloud, 5G, and automotive markets. Between data processing units, or DPUs, optical interconnect, and Ethernet solutions, Marvell has one of the broadest networking silicon portfolios in the world, and it is primed to steal market share from incumbent Broadcom with bleeding-edge technology. Marvell has exited its low-margin legacy markets of consumer hard disk drives and Wi-Fi chipsets to focus on its networking portfolio and used the acquisitions of Cavium, Avera, Aquantia, Inphi, and Innovium to expand out of its enterprise market niche into the rapidly growing data center and 5G markets. Marvell is the leader in DPUs and PAM-4 optics and the clear second in enterprise and cloud Ethernet. Marvell will use a hefty research and development budget to keep up with heavyweights like Nvidia, Intel, and Broadcom and set up top-line growth over the next 10 years, but it is less certain about its ability to earn excess returns on its investment while doing so. The firm hasn’t carved out an economic moat yet and are waiting to see it prove an ability to achieve growth and margin expansion organically.

Marvell’s recent financial history has been choppy as a result of CEO Matt Murphy’s aggressive overhaul of the business’ focus. The reorganization is squarely in the firm’s rearview mirror now and forecast midteens sales growth and immense margin expansion over the next 10 years. The trends toward disaggregated networks and merchant silicon, as well as 5G and data center build outs, will be secular tailwinds for Marvell. The combination of 2021 acquisitions Inphi and Innovium under Marvell’s umbrella will create a dangerous combination to Broadcom in the high-performance switching arena and enable share gains. Marvell has the right portfolio to invest aggressively in organic growth, but don’t rule out further acquisitions to bolster its competitiveness and enter adjacent markets.

Financial Strengths

Marvell to focus on deleveraging with its free cash flow, though there are no more acquisitions. As of Jan. 29, 2022, the firm carried $614 million in cash and $4.5 billion in total debt—largely taken on to acquire Inphi. Despite taking on significant debt in fiscal 2022, Marvell closed the fiscal year within its debt-to-adjusted EBITDA target range, at 1.6 times. Marvell is to stay leveraged but to pay down debt as it matures. The firm’s free cash flow generation to ramp up toward $2 billion a year by fiscal 2026, up from $650 million in fiscal 2021, as it exacts material operating leverage with top-line growth. Marvell will prioritize maintaining its dividend and won’t have to deleverage to fund maturing notes. Marvell also has a $750 million revolver available if it encounters a sudden liquidity crunch.

Bulls Say

  • Marvell has best-of-breed data processing units and optical interconnect products that should allow it to benefit from the rapidly growing cloud and 5G markets.
  • The combination of Inphi and Innovium under the Marvell umbrella could give it a technological advantage to Broadcom in high-performance networking.
  • Marvell to exact significant operating leverage as it incorporates acquisitions and adds volume to the top line.

Company Description

Marvell Technology is a leading fabless chipmaker focused on networking and storage applications. Marvell serves the data center, carrier, enterprise, automotive, and consumer end markets with processors, optical interconnections, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), and merchant silicon for Ethernet applications. The firm is an active acquirer, with five large acquisitions since 2017 helping it pivot out of legacy consumer applications to focus on the cloud and 5G markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

CrowdStrike’s business model, much like its SaaS peers, is premised on landing clients and subsequently expanding the dollars they spend

Business Strategy & Outlook

CrowdStrike is a leader in endpoint security, a necessity that aids in protecting devices and networks, and its threat hunting and breach remediation services are topnotch. While nefarious threat actors are continually upping their attack methodology to create zero-day attacks and are using the rise in entities using cloud-based resources to their advantage, CrowdStrike developed a methodology to turn any entities’ weak-point into better protection for all of its clients. CrowdStrike’s cloud-delivered endpoint protection platform continuously ingests data from all of its installed agents to enhance its protection solutions while keeping all users up to date against the latest threats. CrowdStrike’s customer base, revenue, and margins will experience profound growth throughout the 2020s as customers update their endpoint and workload security requirements in a hybrid-cloud world. CrowdStrike’s endpoint protection platform melded the needs of next-generation antivirus, threat intelligence, endpoint detection and response, and other features like managed threat hunting into a consolidated management plan. The lightweight agents, installed on physical devices like servers and laptops, or in virtual machines and cloud environments, are continually improving through its cloud database algorithms, becoming more capable as more data is received. CrowdStrike’s solutions establish customer switching costs and its network effect makes changing vendors a challenge as clients rely on having the latest threat protection. Alongside a persistent talent shortage in cybersecurity and firms attempting to manage disparate toolsets for various parts of endpoint security, entities are challenged to stay secure in networking environments without distinct security perimeters. CrowdStrike’s experts supplement these overwhelmed or short-staffed teams, and the firm also offers breach remediation and proactive testing services. CrowdStrike is in the early stages of becoming a market mainstay as businesses and governments rapidly adopt cloud-based endpoint protection platforms.

Financial Strengths

CrowdStrike is a financially sound company that will be able to generate solid free cash flow and expand its margin profile throughout the 2020s. CrowdStrike had its initial public offering in June 2019 and has historically operated at a loss on a GAAP basis. CrowdStrike’s capital deployment efforts true to a land-and-expand strategy, whereby CrowdStrike initially has elevated sales and marketing expenses to gain a customer cohort before expanding its revenue per customer while lowering its operating costs per customer (on a revenue percentage basis). CrowdStrike can benefit from cross-selling and up-selling tangential products to its existing base and new clients, while also converting breach remediation service clients to be product customers. As of the end of fiscal 2022, CrowdStrike had $2.0 billion of cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities and $740 million of debt. With a strong balance sheet and free cash flow generation, CrowdStrike is to pay its obligations on time.

Bulls Say

  • CrowdStrike’s innovative endpoint security solutions, delivered as a platform, are quickly attracting customers as clients want to consolidate their myriad legacy security tools. Its threat remediation services are a powerful tool in landing new subscription clients.
  • After landing a client, CrowdStrike can gain significant margin leverage via the cross-selling and up-selling of additional security modules.
  • Larger firms, with much longer operating track records versus CrowdStrike, have been adding endpoint security into their portfolios that can disrupt technology partnerships and go-to-market strategies.

Company Description

CrowdStrike Holdings provides cybersecurity products and services aimed at protecting organizations from cyberthreats. It offers cloud-delivered protection across endpoints, cloud workloads, identity and data, and threat intelligence, managed security services, IT operations management, threat hunting, identity protection, and log management. CrowdStrike went public in 2019 and serves customers worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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