Technology Stocks

McKesson deepens its relationship with customers through offering marketing merchandising, and administrative support.

Business Strategy & Outlook

McKesson is a leading domestic wholesaler of branded, generic, and specialty pharmaceutical products. With over $180 billion in annual U.S. drug distribution revenue, McKesson supplies nearly one third of the overall market, comparable to AmerisourceBergen and slightly outpacing Cardinal Health in market share. Together, the three operate as a pharmaceutical wholesale and distribution oligopoly, supplying over 90% of the U.S. market. The highly consolidated pharmaceutical wholesale market reflects the substantial scale-based cost advantages held by the largest players.

Wholesalers play a central role in the pharmaceutical supply chain, bridging the gap between over 1,200 drug manufacturers and pharmacy, health system, and provider customers. The primary value proposition to manufacturers is the simplification in distribution logistics by shipping products to centralized wholesaler locations, as opposed to shipping direct to the tens of thousands of pharmacies or healthcare provider locations. Additionally, since McKesson takes legal ownership over the manufacturer’s product, the company effectively absorbs all credit risk associated with delinquent pharmacies, clinics, and providers. Beyond its role as an intermediator, McKesson offers consulting services directly to manufacturers, from clinical trial support through post approval commercialization. Similarly, wholesalers’ primary value proposition to pharmacy and healthcare provider customers is simplification in logistics. McKesson uses its scale to negotiate more effectively than most of its customers and typically acquires drugs at the lowest available price, most of which is passed along in cost savings. In addition, McKesson bears the burden of substantial working capital outlays associated with its comprehensive drug inventory, delivering smaller quantities directly to customer retail locations as needed. Beyond acting as an efficient supplier, McKesson deepens its relationship with customers through offering marketing, merchandising, and administrative support services to smaller independent pharmacies and providers.

Financial Strengths

As of fiscal year-end 2021, cash and equivalents were over $6.3 billion, offset by $7.1 billion in debt. Fiscal 2021 gross leverage was 1.7 times adjusted EBITDA. Free cash flow generation was $4.1 billion in the same period, but free cash flow growth will be slightly muted in the forecast period, associated with opioid settlement payments over the next 18 years. The McKesson enjoys a position of solid financial strength arising from its strong balance sheet and dominant position in a mature market with substantial scale-based barriers to entry. Working capital requirements are high in the industry, as pharmaceutical wholesalers take title, or legal ownership, over the drugs they distribute. However, McKesson’s favorable cash conversion cycle mitigates this risk and reflects its strong negotiation leverage with manufacturers and customers in establishing payment terms.

Bulls Say

  • McKesson distributes pharmaceutical products to nearly one third of the industry, leading to substantial negotiation leverage with generic drug manufacturers. 
  • The industry has largely pivoted away from pharmacy owned warehouses and self-distribution, solidifying wholesalers’ role in the supply chain. 
  • Recent data suggests generic drug price deflation and has eased in the past year, relieving a contributing factor toward wholesaler margin compression.

Company Description

McKesson is a leading wholesaler of branded, generic, and specialty pharmaceutical products to pharmacies (retail chains, independent, and mail order), hospitals networks, and healthcare providers. Along with AmerisourceBergen and Cardinal Health, the three account for well over 90% of the U.S. pharmaceutical wholesale industry. McKesson is currently divesting from its pharmaceutical wholesale and distribution in Europe and Canada in order to redeploy capital to strategic growth areas in the U.S. (oncology network and ecosystem, and biopharma services). Additionally, the company supplies medical-surgical products and equipment to healthcare facilities and provides a variety of technology solutions for pharmacies.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

ResMed has a strong position in the structurally growing sleep apnea market

Business Strategy and Outlook 

ResMed is taking a “smart devices” and Big Data approach to further entrench itself as one of the two leading players in the global obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, market. With cloud-connected devices, physicians can monitor patient compliance and encourage continued use. Higher adherence supports both reimbursement rates from payers and the resupply of masks and accessories. ResMed also plays a key role in producing clinical data that demonstrates treatment can minimise related risks such as hypertension, stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease. Through its own testing devices and education, ResMed seeks more widespread diagnosis and treatment of OSA. The global OSA homecare device market, is a two-player duopoly with over 80% estimated market share split between ResMed and Philips, with ResMed the market leader in the majority of the 140 countries it competes in. The market offers a large global growth opportunity as penetration within developed markets is estimated at one fifth of the roughly 15% prevalence, and emerging markets are essentially untapped. In the U.S. it is estimated that roughly half of the 22 million people diagnosed with OSA are treated with continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, with another 34 million remaining undiagnosed. ResMed operates in over 140 countries with over 900 million people estimated to have sleep apnea globally, indicating the long runway for growth.

ResMed has made acquisitions of home healthcare software platforms as it seeks to leverage the trends of digital health and providing care in a lower-cost setting. Brightree, acquired in 2016, and MatrixCare, acquired in 2019, offer business management software for a range of home health providers. ResMed is currently directing significant capital to this area, and although high returns have largely been unproven, the move has been strategically sound given the structural industry tailwinds. ResMed has a minority stake in Nyxoah who are developing a neurostimulation implant to treat OSA. Although little near-term risk from this therapy can be seen due to the higher cost and invasive surgery needed, ResMed’s minority stake hedges some risk from emerging competition.

Financial Strength

ResMed is in a strong financial position. Free cash flow conversion of earnings prior to acquisition spending has averaged 106% over the last five years and has allowed ResMed to quickly repay the debt funding its acquisitions. At the end of fiscal 2021, ResMed reported USD 360 million in net debt representing net debt/EBITDA of only 0.3 times. Free cash flow to grow to USD 1,469 million by fiscal 2026 from USD 556 million in fiscal 2021, and in the absence of major acquisitions, the company should be in a net cash position over the five-year forecast period. ResMed commenced paying a dividend in fiscal 2013 and doesn’t have a fixed payout ratio policy. 28% payout ratio is lower than the trailing three-year average of 34% of underlying net income mainly due to ResMed’s significant uplift in earnings. Still it can be implied that dividends grow at a five-year 15% CAGR versus a trailing five-year CAGR of 6%, and ResMed is likely to seek optionality for further acquisitions in the software-as-a-service segment.

Bulls Say’s

  • The long-term growth opportunity for respiratory homecare devices is sizable as both developed and emerging markets are still significantly underpenetrated. 
  • The focus on cloud-connected devices has led to increased adherence, supporting both reimbursement rates and the resupply of masks and accessories. 
  • ResMed stands to benefit from Philips’ significant product recall and the launch of its new flagship product, AirSense 11.

Company Profile 

ResMed is one of the largest respiratory care device companies globally, primarily developing and supplying flow generators, masks and accessories for the treatment of sleep apnea. Increasing diagnosis of sleep apnea combined with ageing populations and increasing prevalence of obesity is resulting in a structurally growing market. The company earns roughly two thirds of its revenue in the Americas and the balance across other regions dominated by Europe, Japan and Australia. Recent developments and acquisitions have focused on digital health as ResMed is aiming to differentiate itself through the provision of clinical data for use by the patient, medical care advisor and payer in the out-of-hospital setting.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

F5 Remains Focused on Software and Security Growth; $210 Fair Value Estimate

Business Strategy & Outlook

F5, a leader in application delivery controllers, or ADCs, market sells to enterprises, service providers, and government entities. More than half of F5’s revenue comes from selling support and maintenance services for its products. Mission-critical ADCs manage the uptime, delivery, and security of applications and network traffic flow. Growth in public cloud-based workloads caused a decline in the on-premises ADC hardware required and shifted ADC demand to software-based solutions. F5 was slow to embrace cloud-based workloads as it perilously defended its incumbent offerings, but a revamped management team properly pivoted F5’s focus toward software and cloud-based products as growth catalysts to supplement its legacy hardware dominance, and the firm is set to thrive. 

With 90% of its development team dedicated to software, F5’s roadmap is focused on virtual instances of ADCs, stand-alone application security products, and products and services for multi-cloud application control. IT teams may rely on the large public cloud vendors for traffic management within their respective clouds, but F5 helps control the traffic between on-premises, private, and public clouds and has enterprise rich features. As one of the leaders in the ADC market, F5 will likely remain the go-to provider of solutions for their customers’ cloud ecosystems due to product familiarity, customization features, application and network level management, security-focus, and an active developer community. The criticality of applications for organizations and the importance of a positive application experience for consumers are boons for F5. The complexity of managing application traffic will increase as disparate devices spread beyond the data center while requiring lower latency, larger data workloads, and protection from a growing quantity of security threat vectors. F5’s consolidated approach for application and networking traffic flow across the entire network will remain in strong demand as businesses expand their creation and consumption of applications and data.

Financial Strengths

F5 is a financially sound firm. The company has solidly generated strong free cash flow, possesses a war chest of cash, and has no debt on its books. At the end of fiscal 2021, F5 possessed $911 million in cash and cash equivalents versus $369 million in debt. F5 could pursue possible acquisitions, potentially targeting software and cloud-based application delivery, management, and analytics technologies. F5 has a solid track record of repurchasing shares and expects to return half of its free cash flow to investors via share buybacks starting in fiscal 2023. The company has never paid a dividend, and F5 is not expected to pay one in the current forecast. With its strong balance sheet and free cash generation, F5 is expected to continue bolting on acquisitions in areas that support application delivery and security.

Bulls Say

  • F5’s leading install base could make it the first choice for customers pursuing the high growth areas of software and cloud-based solutions for application and traffic management. 
  • A strong brand coupled a very sticky services businesses may ward off potential open source or lower cost software-based threats. F5 has key technology alliances with networking and data center providers. 
  • Data proliferation and complexities through 5G and Internet of Things offers strong growth possibilities as customers may require a seasoned application delivery vendor.

Company Description

F5 is a market leader in the application delivery controller market. The company sells products for networking traffic, security, and policy management. Its products ensure applications are safely routed in efficient manners within on-premises data centers and across cloud environments. More than half of its revenue is based on providing services, and its three customer verticals are enterprises, service providers, and government entities. The Seattle-based firm was incorporated in 1996 and generates sales globally. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Arista Gaining From High End Switching Demand Turned On As Cloud Data Centers Expand, $105 FVE

Business Strategy & Outlook

Arista Networks has solidified its market presence through data center switching and software-based networking innovation, and customers are anticipated to remain loyal to the firm’s Extensible Operating System software and peripheral products. Arista’s initial growth came from high-frequency trading firms that found value in its low-latency switches and EOS. By remaining at the forefront of switching and routing speeds, Arista became a key networking supplier to giant cloud operators, service providers, and enterprises. EOS’ novelty lies in its single software image that provides a consolidated view of device activity from end to end and its ability to centrally upgrade the entire network. EOS contains leading software-defined networking features while remaining intuitive and fully programmable. Additional software offerings like CloudVision expand functionality and interoperability across networks. Arista uses merchant silicon for its hardware, which allows the company to focus on its core competencies. 

Arista works closely with its core customers to optimize their networking ecosystems, which can strengthen its customer switching costs. To expand its customer base beyond the data centers of hyperscale cloud providers, enterprises, service providers, and financial institutions, Arista entered into the campus market. The adjacent move is due to requests from existing customers desiring one software platform across networking locations, and Arista has bolstered its clout with wireless and security capabilities. Even with current customer concentration risk, it is noted that Arista is impressively growing alongside key customers and that new ventures have expanded from core competencies. Arista is well positioned as a pioneer in the new age of software-defined networking and will continue to be a leader in next-generation switches and routers.

Financial Strengths

Arista is in a financially healthy position; its zero debt balance and $3.4 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities as of the end of 2021 provide flexibility for the future. With no stated plans to return capital to shareholders, the company’s investment plan is fixated on developing products and expanding sales. The company’s financial health will remain stable and cash could be deployed for growth via bolt-on products or technologies.

Bulls Say

  • Demand for EOS continuity across networks should proliferate Arista’s installation base. Installation base growth causes new customers to consider Arista during upgrades. 
  • Arista has been a first mover on its path to rapid profitable growth. Upcoming industry disruptions that Arista may lead include 400 GB Ethernet switching and campus market splines. 
  • Instead of relying on partnerships to plug portfolio gaps, Arista might be able to make accretive acquisitions in adjacent markets that could catalyze growth in areas such as analytics, access points, and security.

Company Description

Arista Networks is a software and hardware provider for the networking solutions sector. Operating as one business unit, software, switching, and router products are targeted for high-performance networking applications, while service revenue comes from technical support. Customer markets include data centers, enterprises, service providers, and campuses. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, and generates most of its revenue in the Americas. It also sells into Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Tyro, a Capital-Light Business With Good Earnings Growth Prospects as Bargain Prices

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Tyro Payments provides merchants with the required infrastructure to accept electronic payments, as well as business banking products. It is the fifth-largest merchant acquirer in Australia by terminals, behind the major four banks. The firm mainly caters to small to medium-size enterprises in the hospitality, retail and health sectors. It is also expanding into adjacent verticals like trade, accommodation and services. Tyro is rapidly capturing the Australian card payments market–especially from smaller nonbank merchant acquirers–with 4.4% share in December 2021 versus 1.6% in fiscal 2016. Its value proposition is to address merchant friction points, rather than being a generic merchant acquirer. Tyro’s solutions are easily integrated, accept a broad range of payment types, and come with a multitude of ancillary features. These features can be industry-specific (for example remote payments and bill-splitting for restaurants) or available to all (for example online gateways for e-commerce payments or least-cost routing). The intention is to embed its solutions into a merchant’s ecosystem to limit switching; and allow Tyro to cross-sell other products like business loans.

Tyro acquires merchants mainly via digital marketing and referrals from its point-of-sale system partners. Prospective merchant acquiring partnerships with other institutions—such as its alliances with Bendigo Bank and Telstra–is another avenue for growth. The strong growth prospects is viewed from increasing penetration into a broadening addressable market. This is likely to be backed by further bolt-on acquisitions to enhance its offerings and the structural shift toward electronic payments. But future gross profit margins are likely to compress from competitive pressures, despite benefits from lower interchange and scheme fees due to growing debit card usage. The major banks have a reinvigorated their focus on banking and global merchant acquirers are contending for a slice of the overall payments market. Tyro will keep reinvesting for growth, limiting the degree of operating leverage it can achieve.

Financial Strengths:  

Tyro’s balance sheet is appropriately sound and it has zero debt. The firm is not yet net- profit-after-tax, or NPAT, profitable, but it is expected to return a maiden profit in fiscal 2025 before growing NPAT at a 60% CAGR to fiscal 2031 as it realizes operating leverage. Tyro’s merchant acquiring business is less capital-intensive than other contemporary financial services businesses, including buy now, pay later firms that consistently need to source financing for receivables growth. For Tyro, its spending requirements are mainly on employee expenses, payments for terminals, and software improvements that can be mostly funded organically. Unlike traditional banks, Tyro’s banking business has ample deposits to fund its loan growth thanks to a healthy loan to deposit ratio of 21%. The average loan tenure sits at 6.6 months, unlike multiyear mortgage loans. It has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 40%, a wide headroom above APRA’s prescribed minimum. The banking business is a comparably small earnings generator for Tyro. The bank shall generate around 8% of group gross profits by fiscal 2031.

Bulls Say:

  • Tyro’s growth outlook is strong and there is potential for ongoing market share gains from smaller/generic nonbank merchant acquirers.
  • Merchants benefit from using Tyro, as evidenced by signs of client stickiness to date. For example, there has been growing takeup of Tyro’s ancillary features, increased cross-selling success and limited merchant churn, even after a recent service outage.
  • Tyro will be increasingly profitable and cash- generative over time. This is due to its limited capital requirements and ability to leverage revenue growth over its fixed costs.

Company Description:

Tyro Payments is an Australian financial technology company engaged in providing routing payments solutions and business banking products to merchants. The firm mainly caters to small to medium-size enterprises in the hospitality, retail and health sectors. It is also expanding its reach into the trade, accommodation and services verticals. Tyro’s value propositions include extensive industry-specific solutions, ease of integration with point-of-sale systems, broad acceptance of payment types and a variety of ancillary features. Despite Tyro’s historic focus on in-store sales, it is also building up online gateways to facilitate e-commerce transactions and build out a multichannel payment solution. Geographically, it operates only in Australia.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Block Inc. Cash App’s performance is relatively strong and is positioning itself to be a longtime leader in the Space

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Block’s business model on the merchant side, characterized by efficient client onboarding, innovative point-of-sale devices, flat fees, and an internally developed and integrated set of software solutions, allows the company to reach and retain micro merchants that are unviable for other acquirers. In essence, Square’s initial success came largely from expanding the acquiring market, as opposed to stealing material share from existing players. To develop sufficient scale, Square needed to move past its micro merchant base, and recent results suggest it is doing just that. At this point, only about two thirds of its payment volume comes from merchants generating over $125,000 in annual gross payment volume. 

Furthermore, absolute growth in clients above this threshold has accelerated meaningfully over the past couple of years, while absolute growth in merchants below this threshold has largely held steady. The move upstream and cross-selling will allow Square to materially improve margins in the years ahead and show the viability of its business model. But the Square is viewed as a narrow-moat niche operator, not a disrupter, with market share limited by its relatively high pricing and long-term margins constrained by its relative lack of scale. Clover has proven itself a strong competitor and appears to be outperforming Square. The company’s effort to build out a consumer business surrounding its Cash App creates option value, and more uncertainty is faced on this side of the business. Block is competing in a space with winner-take-all dynamics, and its competitors have large consumer customer bases, which justified some initial skepticism. However, Cash App’s performance compared with peers has been relatively strong, suggesting it is positioning itself to be a longtime leader in the space.

Financial Strengths:  

Block is in a solid financial position. Historically, it has avoided carrying a meaningful amount of debt, which seems appropriate given that the company remains unprofitable. However, the company had about $5 billion in debt on the balance sheet at the end of 2021. Absent one-time gains, Block remains unprofitable on a GAAP basis. But stock compensation makes up a significant portion of its expenses. As such, the company did turn free-cash flow-positive in 2017, and improving profitability will increase free cash flow meaningfully in the coming years. The capital-light nature of the business creates significant financial flexibility, and the company should have room to consider cash-based acquisitions to fill in any product holes.

Bulls Say: 

  • The ongoing shift toward electronic payments has created, and will continue to create, room for payments companies to see strong growth without stealing share from each other.
  • Ancillary services are becoming a more critical engine for growth and will help Square fully monetize its merchant client base and improve margins.
  • Electronic payment growth is shifting overseas, and Square’s business model looks portable into international markets, as the company does not rely on a large local salesforce to attract merchants.

Company Description: 

Founded in 2009, Block provides payment acquiring services to merchants, along with related services. The company also launched Cash App, a person-to-person payment network. Block has operations in Canada, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom; about 5% of revenue is generated outside the U.S.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

SAP will return to Sappy, Software Stickiness Only After Cloud Migration Trends

Business Strategy & Outlook:  

SAP is a best-in-breed enterprise resource planning provider and holds dominant market share in global ERP software. However, SAP is phasing out its support of its on-premises ERP Central Component software such that by 2030 all of its ERP customers will need to shift to a cloud solution. This vulnerability is a significant threat to SAP’s switching costs, as competitors like Workday offer compelling cloud ERP solutions, while forced migration opens up opportunity to question a company’s best fit for ERP needs. In turn, SAP’s narrow moat, derived from its switching costs, is trending negative. However, it is still early in SAP’s transition of on-premises users to the cloud, which leads us to believe its negative trend could be prolonged. ERP is not SAP’s only offering.

The company offers software in its so-called intelligent spending category, which includes Ariba and Concur, which cater to procurement and travel and expense reporting. While ERP and intelligent spending software caters to operational data–otherwise known as O data–SAP also provides solutions around X data, or experience data. SAP has further entrenched itself in X data with its acquisition of Qualtrics experience management software. But, regardless of which type of data is flowing through SAP software, this data can be stored in SAP’s database offering, HANA, which is the only database compatible with SAP’s cloud ERP, S/4HANA (unlike on-premises ERP’s former database interoperability). Despite SAP’s efforts to nurture high attach rates among offerings amid the vulnerable transition to the cloud, such as via database lock-in, while this is only ruffling more feathers among its customers that have adapted to the new norm of mix-and-match technology, which the cloud has enabled. Such lock-in attempts are influential in SAP’s consistently declining net promoter score. Moreover, SAP’s efforts to add to its ecosystem in the hopes of more effortless user experience have proved to be anything but accretive, as its acquisition of Qualtrics has shown. SAP announced plans to spin off the company only two years after it was acquired.

Financial Strengths:  

SAP has been acquisitive over the last decade as it has built out its ERP offerings. Despite this, SAP has maintained healthy leverage ratios and continues to do so with 2019 net debt/EBITDA close to 2. This figure includes the EUR 7 billion of debt SAP issued in December 2018 to finance the Qualtrics acquisition, leaving it with outstanding long-term debt of roughly EUR 14 billion and EUR 7 billion in cash and marketable securities at the end of the fiscal 2020 third quarter. The Qualtrics acquisition has stretched SAP’s leverage ratio slightly beyond its normal levels over the last decade and may limit the company’s ability to make transformative acquisitions in the near future. SAP’s forecasted to still having the ability to make tuck-in acquisitions, and with free cash flow of at least EUR 3 billion expected in 2020 and 2021, SAP may be having any troubles covering its financial obligations.

Bulls Say:

  • SAP should be able to migrate the majority of its on- premises ERP customers to S/4HANA while continuing to add hefty net new customers to the platform.
  • As more customers transition to the cloud, SAP should be able to extract significant more lifetime value per customer, adding to its top line.
  • SAP should see significant margin expansion as a result of improving scale in its cloud offerings.

Company Description:

Founded in 1972 by former IBM employees, SAP provides database technology and enterprise resource planning software to enterprises around the world. Across more than 180 countries, the company serves 440,000 customers, approximately 80% of which are small to medium-size enterprises.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Palo Alto’s Platform Approach is Locking Customers into Its Ecosystem for Broad Security Needs

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Palo Alto Networks established its cybersecurity leadership through its next-generation firewall appliance altering the requirements of this essential piece of networking security. In addition, the firm’s portfolio has expanded outside of network security into areas such as cloud security and solutions to help automate security operations. Palo Alto’s nascent threat-prevention solutions will provide robust growth and a significantly improved margin profile as customers remain locked into its ecosystem. The complexity of an entity’s threat management increases as the quantity of data and traffic being generated off-premises grows. Network security can be attacked from various angles, and the security will remain a top concern for all enterprises and governments, which bodes well for Palo Alto and its peers. Security point solutions were traditionally purchased to combat the latest threats, and IT teams had to manage various vendors’ products simultaneously, which leads us to believe that IT teams are clamoring for security consolidation to manage disparate solutions. 

Palo Alto has established security platforms, made up of various products needed, for network security, cloud security, and operations. These platforms alleviate toolset management burden and alert fatigue, and Palo Alto gains threat insights from its vast customer base, which in turn improves its threat protection efficacy. The ability to add technologies via subscriptions in the Palo Alto framework can alleviate complications by providing more holistic security, which can generate sustainable demand. Palo Alto will continue to outpace its security peers by focusing on providing solutions in areas like cloud security and automation. Palo Alto’s concerted efforts in machine learning, analytics, and automated responses could make its products indispensable within customer networks. Although Palo Alto is expected to remain acquisitive and dedicated to organic innovation, significant operating leverage will be gained throughout the coming decade as recurring subscription and support revenue streams flow from its expansive customer base.

Financial Strengths: 

Palo Alto is financially stable and should generate strong cash flow as it expands its operating margin profile. The company has historically operated at a loss (excluding fiscal 2012), and it is expected to turn profitable by fiscal 2023 on a GAAP basis. Large operating expenditures, including an outsize sales and marketing budget, fueled Palo Alto’s land-and-expand strategy, and the company shall gain operating leverage throughout the 2020s. Palo Alto ended fiscal 2021 with $2.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents and total debt of $3.2 billion in 2023 and 2025 convertible senior notes. The $1.7 billion 2023 notes mature in June 2023 and have a 0.75% fixed interest rate per year paid semiannually, while the $2.0 billion of notes that mature June 2025 have a 0.375% interest rate paid semiannually. Palo Alto issued note hedges for both maturity dates to alleviate potential earnings per share dilution. The company announced a $1.0 billion share-repurchase authorization in February 2019, which was increased to $1.7 billion the following year with an expiration at the end of 2021, and has subsequently extended the program. Palo Alto completed its previous $1.0 billion share-repurchase program in the second quarter of fiscal 2019. The company also completed an accelerated share-repurchase program of $1 billion in fiscal 2020 (announced February 2020), in addition to its normal repurchase program.  Palo Alto shall continue to use share buybacks to return capital to shareholders, and it might pursue any dividend payouts. Palo Alto will continue to focus its cash expenditures on operating costs and potential acquisitions that bolster its security platform within the cloud-based security solutions arena.

Bulls Say:  

  • Adding on modules to Palo Alto’s security platform could win greenfield opportunities and increase spending from existing customers.
  • Palo Alto could showcase great operating margin leverage as it moves from brand creation into a perennial cybersecurity leader. Winning bids should be less costly as the incumbent, and Palo Alto is typically on the short list of potential vendors.
  • The company is segueing into high-growth areas to supplement its firewall leadership. Analytics and machine learning capabilities could separate Palo Alto’s offerings.

Company Description: 

Palo Alto Networks is a pure-play cybersecurity vendor that sells security appliances, subscriptions, and support into enterprises, government entities, and service providers. The company’s product portfolio includes firewall appliances, virtual firewalls, endpoint protection, cloud security, and cybersecurity analytics. The Santa Clara, California, firm was established in 2005 and sells its products worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Veeva Continues to Look Well Positioned for Long-Term Growth

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Veeva is the leading provider of cloud-based software solutions tailored to the life sciences industry, providing an ecosystem of products to address the operating challenges and regulatory requirements that these companies face. Its highly specialized offerings for the life science industry allow companies to improve operational efficiency to get products to market faster while ensuring regulatory compliance and ultimately sell more effectively. Its effective technology and dominant position enable Veeva to generate excess returns commensurate with a wide-moat company. Its strong retention, continued development of new applications, increasing penetration with existing customers, addition of new customers, and expansion into industries outside of life sciences should allow the company to extend its market leadership. 

The company operates in two categories. Commercial solutions entail vertically integrated customer relationship management services and end-market data and analytics solutions. R&D solutions is a horizontally integrated content and data manager. Veeva’s CRM application supports real-time collaboration and regulatory oversight and enables incremental add-on solutions. The incremental functionality is critical to improving marketing programs while remaining in compliance with mandated antikickback laws and statutes. This service has been well received by the life sciences industry and has propelled Veeva to become the leading solution with the lion’s share (approximately 80%) of this niche market. As a follow-on to the initial introduction of CRM, management introduced R&D solutions to broaden the portfolio that addresses the largely unmet needs of the life sciences industry outside of CRM. Each module offers features and functionality targeting four key areas in life sciences: clinical (trial management), regulatory (compliance), quality of manufacturing, and safety.

Financial Strengths:  

Veeva enjoys a position of financial strength arising from its strong balance sheet (no debt) and leading position in a growing market. As of fiscal 2022, Veeva had over $2.4 billion in cash and short-term investments and no debt. The company will continue to use the cash it generates from operations to fund future growth opportunities. The management has been disciplined about M&A and taking on debt. The 2019 acquisition of Crossix was the firm’s largest to date, at approximately $430 million. The company will continue make small tuck-in acquisitions and fund them through available cash and cash flow from operations. Even in this scenario, the increasing liquidity, as the firm’s reserve of cash should continue to increase.

Bulls Say: 

  • Veeva’s best-of-breed vertical addressing unmet needs provides opportunities to further penetrate a highly fragmented market.
  • The rapid adoption of the company’s new modules continues to entrench Veeva in mission-critical operations of customers, making it increasingly challenging for competitors to gain a foothold.
  • Veeva’s institutional knowledge and co-development partnerships with customers enable the company to develop robust offerings addressing market needs.

Company Description: 

Veeva is a leading supplier of software solutions for the life sciences industry. The company’s best-of-breed offering addresses operating and regulatory requirements for customers ranging from small, emerging biotechnology companies to departments of global pharmaceutical manufacturers. The company leverages its domain expertise and cloud-based platform to improve the efficiency and compliance of the underserved life sciences industry, displacing large, highly customized and dated enterprise resource planning systems that have limited flexibility. As the vertical leader, Veeva innovates, increases wallet share at existing customers, and expands into other industries with similar regulations, protocols, and procedures, such as consumer goods, chemicals, and cosmetics.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Nokia Is Set to Grow With the 5G Wave but Isn’t Moaty

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Nokia is a primary provider of telecommunication hardware, software, and services to communication service providers. CSP equipment spending provides robust growth during generational wireless upgrade cycles followed by spending lulls, with 5G being the latest tailwind. 5G’s promise of connecting billions of wireless devices at incredible speed across more spectrum bands, along with more use cases than 4G, may offer Nokia more upside than previous wireless generations. However, Nokia’s core market is not a moat supportive because CSPs typically multisource equipment and possess purchasing power over their vendors. Nokia has a fundamentally strong strategy to remain a leader in its competitive environment after bloated initial 5G costs caused the firm to overhaul its products. Nokia’s core operation should benefit from 5G network infrastructures requiring more hardware to cover the increased quantity of spectrums bands and transmit at the highest speeds. Nokia’s solutions could appeal to a wider client base as industries integrate “Internet of Things” devices into their networks and enterprises build private wireless networks. It is expected a healthy demand for Nokia’s software and service offerings as software-defined networking becomes commonplace and customers desire solutions to optimize increasingly complex networks.

Nokia’s technology segment creates revenue through licensing critical communication patents and receiving royalty payments through HMD’s Nokia-branded smartphone sales. Nokia has license agreements with leading 5G handset manufacturers, and the company has stated its intention to pursue licensing in industries such as automotive and consumer electronics. Alongside selling more enterprise private wireless networks, 5G networks and Internet of Things device propagation offer Nokia a chance to be less reliant on CSPs’ generational network upgrade spending.

Financial Strength

After taking corrective actions to remove excess costs in its 5G products, Nokia is a financially stable company which can be expected to generate positive free cash flow as 5G networks are built out. While Nokia primarily funnels cash toward organic development, sales, and marketing efforts, the company has made minor acquisitions since its large Alcatel-Lucent purchase in 2015, and Nokia is well positioned to bolt-on smaller software, Internet of Things, or related technology firms as needed. Nokia finished 2021 with EUR 9 billion in cash and equivalents and EUR 5 billion in total debt, with a debt to capital ratio of 21%, and can expect the company to repay its debts on schedule. As 5G networks are rolled out alongside cost-extraction efforts, the revenue growth to outpace operating expenditures as Nokia capitalizes on up-front 5G innovation expenditures while strengthening operational efficiencies. After pausing its dividend to fix bloated product costs in 2019, Nokia announced a plan to restart payments in 2022, alongside a buyback program.

Bulls Say’s

  • 5G should have more uses and a longer build-out cycle than previous wireless generations. Internet of Things device proliferation, from autonomous vehicles to smart factories, should broaden the demand for Nokia solutions. 
  • Nokia’s moving away from an end-to-end networking portfolio could be aligned with purchasing preferences. Its focus on software for 5G networks is wise, as enterprises may require custom data analytics and optimized networks. 
  • 5G may create licensing opportunities outside of handsets, and Nokia royalties could grow via a resurging smartphone brand.

Company Profile 

Nokia is a primary vendor in the telecommunications equipment industry. The company’s network business derives revenue from selling wireless and fixed-line hardware, software, and services. Nokia’s main operating segments are mobile networks, network infrastructure, cloud and network services, and Nokia technologies. The company, headquartered in Espoo, Finland, operates on a global scale, with most of its revenue from communication service providers.

(Source: MorningStar)

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