Technology Stocks

Dell Is an IT and PC Behemoth, But That Doesn’t Lead to a Moat

Business Strategy & Outlook

Born out of Dell’s 2016 acquisition of EMC, Dell Technologies is a pre-eminent vendor of IT infrastructure and PCs. Although Dell has substantial exposure to commoditized markets, its ability to bring the cloud to organizations is a growth opportunity and the company is expected to benefit from PC and workplace productivity product demand brought on by remote work needs. Dell has taken massive strides to trim its debt load via cash injections coming from divestitures, as well as spinning off VMware in November 2021. Dell’s business centers on PCs and peripherals, servers, storage, and networking equipment, as well as software, services, and financial services. Its brands include Dell, Dell EMC, Secureworks, and Virtustream.

The company’s largest revenue streams of commercial PCs and servers are in tough pricing environments that can rely on services and support to generate profit. The overall PC market is projected to continue consolidating toward an oligopoly, with profits coming from high-end notebooks, gaming PCs, and peripherals. While storage is a challenging marketplace, flash-based arrays and hyperconverged infrastructure provide avenues for growth. A commercial agreement with VMware should continue providing Dell’s hardware with a unique selling proposition. Dell Technologies as an end-to-end IT infrastructure provider that is supplementing hardware prowess with emerging software and cloud-based solutions. Its ability to bring the cloud to customers via its hybrid cloud offerings as organizations face challenges adopting public cloud is met with optimism, but competitive markets are anticipated to challenge the company’s overall profitability. With Dell Technologies achieving an investment-grade capital rating after the VMware spinoff, it is expected to have flexibility in investing for growth and rewarding shareholders via a new quarterly dividend and through share buybacks. Public shareholders have very little influence on the company’s strategy and rely heavily on CEO Michael Dell and Silver Lake Partners making value-accretive decisions.

Financial Strengths

Dell Technologies’ core debt load (outside of Dell Financial Services) as the main hindrance to its financial strength, but the firm’s financial health is projected to greatly improve through cash flow generation and paying down debt. Using its portion of VMware’s special dividend, as part of the spinoff, to repay obligations helped increase Dell’s credit rating into investment-grade territory. After returning to the public market in December 2018, the total debt load was approximately $55 billion versus an estimated $6 billion cash and cash equivalents. The company has placed a priority on paying down its debt balance over shareholder returns. As of the end of fiscal 2022, Dell Technologies had about $27 billion in total debt and $9 billion in cash and equivalents.. The company has taken strides to restructure debt, sell off assets, and improve its cash flows, which is expected to give better flexibility in investing for growth and potential shareholder returns. Outside of operating costs, debt repayments will take priority in the near term. As of fiscal 2023, Dell pays a quarterly dividend as well. As an investment-grade organization, Dell will look for targeted acquisitions to help expand into higher-growth areas for cloud workload management, edge, and open telecom solutions.

Bulls Say

As a supplier with an end-to-end IT infrastructure portfolio, Dell Technologies has significant upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

Through its cloud-based products, higher-margin nascent technologies, traditional hardware prowess, and tight VMware product integrations, the company is well positioned to be a leader in hybrid cloud environments.

Dell Technologies’ healthy cash flow is focused on paying down debt and creating a more balanced longterm capital structure that can support future investments.

Company Description

Dell Technologies, born from Dell’s 2016 acquisition of EMC, is a major provider of servers, storage, and networking products through its ISG segment and PCs, monitors, and peripherals via its CSG division. Its brands include Dell, Dell EMC, Secureworks, and Virtustream. The company focuses on supplementing its traditional mainstream servers and PCs with hardware and software products for hybrid-cloud environments. The Texas-based company employs around 133,000 people and sells globally.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Technology Stocks

ABB has an enviable base of robotics and automation customers that puts it in a solid position for Industry 4.0 or the Industrial Internet of Things

Business Strategy and Outlook 

ABB generates around 40% of its revenue from electrical equipment and around 40% from industrial automation products. While it has low exposure to faster-growing software, it has a fast-growing robotics business, where it is the number-two global supplier; this contributes around 9% of revenue. It is projected 4% medium-term revenue growth for ABB. Automation is the fastest-growing category in the industrial space, and ABB has an enviable base of robotics and automation customers that puts it in a solid position for Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Internet of Things. Its robotics and industrial controller (used to program equipment) products have leading market share and enjoy loyal customer bases that would be difficult for competitors to capture. Furthermore, ABB’s electrification products division offers some overlap with other customer segments, such as process industries, that could prove useful in cross-selling the automation portfolio.

However, growing demand from Industry 4.0 has meant that ABB and its close competitors have had to refresh their product offerings, acquiring or developing in-house industrial automation components and software. ABB has been slow to refresh its product offering and, in some cases, has had to turn to second-best choices. ABB’s software strategy lags that of competitors like Siemens and Schneider. ABB has a hybrid strategy for its Industry 4.0 software, offering most of its equipment productivity and maintenance optimization software from its own developed software portfolio, while for design and simulation software, it has a partnership with Dassault Systemes. The partnership structure deprives ABB of the advantage of in-house development that Siemens and Schneider enjoy, as they offer similar software developed by in-house engineering teams.

Financial Strength

At the end of December 2021, ABB’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA was less than 1. The company does not have near-term liquidity nor long-term solvency issues. The company generates about $3.6 billion annually in free cash flow, so in theory it could pay off its roughly $7 billion in gross debt in less than three years

Bulls Say’s

  • ABB is one of the best-positioned companies to benefit from industrial automation and robotics. 
  • The company’s restructuring program, which focuses on reducing corporate costs through decentralization of management, should benefit long-term margins and capital allocation by putting more profit and loss accountability into the hands of business unit leaders. 
  • ABB’s exposure to smart-grid products and electrical distribution components should benefit from a demand tailwind for grid-management and energysaving products.

Company Profile 

ABB is a global supplier of electrical equipment and automation products. Founded in the late 19th century, the company was created out of the merger of two old industrial companies: ASEA and BBC. The company is the number-one or number-two supplier in all of its core markets and the number-two robotic arm supplier globally. In automation, it offers a full suite of products for discrete and process automation (continuous processes like chemical production) as well as industrial robotics.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Fortinet at the Forefront of Networking and Security Converging

Business Strategy & Outlook

Fortinet is a leading cybersecurity company that has amassed an extensive customer base because of its solutions’ high performance relative to price as well as its broad product offerings covering various security concerns. The company developed a centralized cybersecurity management plane and is at the forefront of networking and security converging with its secure software-defined wide-area networking offerings. Fortinet sells security appliances and subscriptions as well as technical and professional services. It has established customer switching costs alongside its network effect and has a nice runway for growth through its holistic approach to network and cloud cybersecurity. As organizations expand their networking footprint beyond on-premises data centers, Fortinet keeps customers locked into its ecosystem via holistic security management across any location. 

The vast creation of data and the dispersed nature of network traffic due to hybrid environments, software-as-a-service applications, and remote access needs create a larger threat surface. Attacks are becoming more masqueraded and serpentine, which drives up the complications associated with cybersecurity management and threat prevention. Fortinet gleans threat insights from its massive customer base, which keeps it at the forefront of security requirements. Compounded by a dearth of cybersecurity talent, consolidated security platforms like Fortinet’s Security Fabric will remain in high demand, as customers prefer to add capabilities via subscriptions over managing disparate software and hardware vendors. The company has a build-versus-buy mentality, with a penchant for making custom processors. While this strategy has helped establish its name within the perimeters of localized networks, Fortinet is expected to supplement its engineering prowess with inorganic growth in areas like cloud-based security, machine learning, and automated threat responses. These high-growth areas can help drive new product growth on top of a considerable base of durable services and support income.

Financial Strengths

Fortinet is considered a financially sound company that will continue to generate strong cash flow. At the end of 2021, Fortinet’s deferred revenue of $3.5 billion is a strong indication of predictable revenue streams and should help insulate the company from any IT spending downturns. Fortinet had $3.0 billion in cash and equivalents and $1 billion of debt at the end of 2021. The company has never paid a dividend, but used over $2 billion to repurchase shares between 2017 and 2021, and Fortinet is anticipated to continue repurchasing shares. Beyond returning capital, cash outflows are expected to be focused on research and development alongside sales and marketing efforts and with some smaller tuck-in acquisitions to be completed for areas such as cloud-based security and analytics.

Bulls Say

  • A growing enterprise customer base and nascent technologies like software-defined networking and 5G create sizable revenue growth potential for Fortinet. 
  • The firm’s consolidated cybersecurity platform could be enticing for customers attempting to decrease the quantity of vendors, which would drive more revenue per customer for Fortinet. 
  • With no end to cybersecurity threats, Fortinet’s products should remain in high demand from SMBs, government entities, service providers, and enterprises.

Company Description

Fortinet is a cybersecurity vendor that sells products, support, and services to small and midsize businesses, enterprises, and government entities. Its products include unified threat management appliances, firewalls, network security, and its security platform, Security Fabric. Services revenue is primarily from FortiGuard security subscriptions and FortiCare technical support. At the end of 2021, products were 38% of revenue and services were 62% of sales. The California-based company sells products worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Mandiant Services and Solutions Expected To Be Demanded Amid Heightened Threat Environment

Business Strategy & Outlook

Cybersecurity pure play Mandiant (formerly FireEye) sells subscriptions and services to protect customers from threats and to resolve security breaches. Mandiant is considered a pre-eminent provider of professional consulting services for incident response, security assessments and updates, managed security, and training. Its software-as-a-service solutions include continuous security validation, managed defense, threat intelligence and automated defense. Robust demand for Mandiant’s services and subscriptions is expected due to a persistent cybersecurity talent shortage and cybercriminals continually evolving their threats, causing organizations to look for assistance from experts. 

By selling off its products division in October 2021, Mandiant is making the prudent decision to focus on its world-class incident response, threat intelligence, and security validation offerings, as strong competition from other leading cybersecurity players’ holistic security platforms and spry best-of-breed upstarts hindered its legacy products’ success. Being independent of its former product division could enhance its technology partner relationships and improve threat intelligence and enhanced customer engagements. The vast creation of data plus the increased use of software-as-a-service applications and cloud-based ecosystems will continuously drive up the quantity and complexity of cyberthreats. Mandiant’s security experts stay ahead of threat trends via in-depth research, and those insights cause organizations to demand support or potentially outsource their security to Mandiant to manage. With a lack of security talent in the marketplace, firms are anticipated to increase their usage of external threat assessments, security validation, and automated response solutions while looking toward experts, such as Mandiant, when internal teams are overwhelmed.

Financial Strengths

Mandiant is in mediocre financial shape, with an improving free cash flow profile and its cash balance outweighing its convertible note obligations. At the end of 2020, FireEye, Inc. (which included both Mandiant plus FireEye products) had $1.3 billion in cash and equivalents and $960 million in total debt made up of convertible notes. Mandiant sold its FireEye products division for $1.2 billion in October 2021, which is expected to help fuel internal investments and potential shareholder returns. The company has never paid, nor has any intention to pay, a dividend. Its share count rose from 142 million shares in 2014 to 229 million in 2020, but share dilution is anticipated to temper in the next few years. As part of selling its products division, Mandiant announced a $500 million share repurchase program. Besides the acquisitions of Verodin for $250 million in 2019, iSight Partners for $275 million in 2016, and Mandiant (when the company was FireEye) for over $1 billion in 2013, which were partly funded with cash, most of FireEye’s funds have been used for operating expenses. FireEye has made some small acquisitions, which are presumed to continue. Cash deployment is expected to remain focused on operating costs, but for the firm to drive operating leverage as it matures.

Bulls Say

  • With a skills gap in cybersecurity, customers may prefer to outsource security to Mandiant’s managed services.  
  • Mandiant’s security experts provide customers with a unique selling proposition for breach response and security posture assessments, and the expertise could become relied upon by customers. 
  • Heightened threat environments and digital transformations may make organizations uneasy regarding security, driving up demand for Mandiant’s security posture validation.

Company Description

Mandiant (formally FireEye,) is a pure-play cybersecurity firm that focuses on incident response, threat intelligence, automated response, and managed security. Mandiant’s security experts can be used on demand or customers can outsource their security to Mandiant. The California-based company sells security solutions worldwide, and sold its FireEye products division in October 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Square’s initial success came largely from expanding the acquiring market, as opposed to stealing material share from existing players.

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Block’s business model on the merchant side, characterized by efficient client onboarding, innovative point-of-sale devices, flat fees, and an internally developed and integrated set of software solutions, allows the company to reach and retain micro merchants that are unviable for other acquirers. In essence, the Square’s initial success came largely from expanding the acquiring market, as opposed to stealing material share from existing players.

To develop sufficient scale, Square needed to move past its micro merchant base, and recent results suggest it is doing just that. At this point, only about two thirds of its payment volume comes from merchants generating over $125,000 in annual gross payment volume. Furthermore, absolute growth in clients above this threshold has accelerated meaningfully over the past couple of years, while absolute growth in merchants below this threshold has largely held steady. The move upstream and cross-selling will allow Square to materially improve margins in the years ahead and show the viability of its business model. But Square as a narrow-moat niche operator, not a disrupter, with market share limited by its relatively high pricing and long-term margins constrained by its relative lack of scale. The Clover has proven itself a strong competitor and appears to be outperforming Square. The company’s effort to build out a consumer business surrounding its Cash App creates option value, and the more uncertainty on this side of the business. Block is competing in a space with winner-take-all dynamics, and its competitors have large consumer customer bases, which can justify some initial skepticism. However, Cash App’s performance compared with peers has been relatively strong, suggesting it is positioning itself to be a longtime leader in the space.

Financial Strengths

The Block is in a solid financial position. Historically, it has avoided carrying a meaningful amount of debt, which seems appropriate given that the company remains unprofitable. However, the company had about $5 billion in debt on the balance sheet at the end of 2021. Absent one-time gains, Block remains unprofitable on a GAAP basis. But stock compensation makes up a significant portion of its expenses. As such, the company did turn free-cash flow-positive in 2017, and the improving profitability will increase free cash flow meaningfully in the coming years. The capital-light nature of the business creates significant financial flexibility, and the company should have room to consider cash-based acquisitions to fill in any product holes.

Bulls Say

  • The ongoing shift toward electronic payments has created, and will continue to create, room for payments companies to see strong growth without stealing share from each other. 
  • Ancillary services are becoming a more critical engine for growth and will help Square fully monetize its merchant client base and improve margins. 
  • Electronic payment growth is shifting overseas, and Square’s business model looks portable into international markets, as the company does not rely on a large local salesforce to attract merchants.

Company Description

Founded in 2009, Block provides payment acquiring services to merchants, along with related services. The company also launched Cash App, a person-to-person payment network. Block has operations in Canada, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom; about 5% of revenue is generated outside the U.S.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Operating cash flow was up +42.0% to $502.4m reflecting strong business performance and underlying cash flow generation capability

Investment Thesis:

  • Trades on attractive multiples and valuation.
  • On market buy back should be supportive of its share price.
  • Fasting growing Digital business, with strong execution by management.
  • Expectations of new product releases will gain significant traction with customers. 
  • Increasing skew towards recurring revenue.
  • Global gaming exposure. 
  • Growing market share in underpenetrated markets. 
  • Leveraged to a falling AUD.
  • Strong balance sheet with ample liquidity provides management with significant flexibility to take advantage of value accretive acquisitions or pursue organic growth opportunities. 

Key Risks:

  • Any further downside to the Japanese market.
  • Low replacement/uptake in the US market.
  • Competition risk.
  • Loss in market share.
  • Lack of product development.
  • Adverse currency movements.
  • Adverse outcome from any potential court case. 

Key Highlights:

  • Group revenue increased to $2.7bn, up +23.1% in reported terms, or up +19.7% in constant currency compared to the pcp, driven by strong performance in Gaming Operations and Outright Sales, supported by robust portfolio performance from Pixel United.
  • EBITDA of $970m, up +30% on a reported basis and +27% higher on a constant currency basis compared to the pcp.
  • Normalized profit after tax and before amortization of acquired intangibles (NPATA) of $580m, up +41% (up +37% in constant currency). According to management, this was +37% ahead of (pre-COVID) 1H19 profit performance, despite mixed operating conditions and supply chain disruptions.
  • Operating cash flow was up +42.0% to $502.4m reflecting strong business performance and underlying cash flow generation capability.
  • ALL’s balance sheet remained robust, with gearing (net (cash)/debt to EBITDA) further reduced to (0.3x), and more than $3.3bn of liquidity available as of 31 March 2022.
  • The Board declared an interim fully franked dividend of 26.0cps (A$173.7m).

Company Description

Aristocrat Leisure Ltd (ASX: ALL) manufactures and sells gaming machines in Australia and globally, to casinos, clubs and hotels. In addition, ALL provides complementary products and services such as gaming systems and software, table gaming equipment and other related products.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

Bilibili’s video sharing site has a superior business model compared with most other streaming companies

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Bilibili generates revenue through five major sources: 1) advertising; 2) mobile games; 3) live streaming; 4) subscriptions; and 5) e-commerce. The advertising business (as part of its YouTube-like video sharing website) is the most important asset for the company’s long-term success. Bilibili’s video sharing site has a superior business model compared with most other streaming companies. The company has appropriately decided to focus most of its resources on building a platform for UGC (user-generated content) instead of investing heavily into original content or paying huge up-front content licenses. By doing so, it avoids going head-to-head against Tencent Video and iQiyi, both of whom are spending hundreds of billions on content development and licensing, and have yet to generate operating profit.

More importantly, Bilibili has created a self-maintainable UGC ecosystem that allows the firm to acquire video content at significantly lower costs than traditional streaming players such as iQiyi and Tencent Video. In 2021, Bilibili recorded just CNY 11 in content cost per MAU, less than one-fourth of iQiyi’s, while delivering a comparable level of revenue per user. The fact that it has a lower cost structure demonstrates the superiority of Bilibili’s platform business model. Although Bilibili is ahead of the pack in the growing video sharing and streaming markets, it faces potential competition from behemoths such as Tencent and ByteDance. Unlike Bilibili, these firms don’t rely solely on a single app to drive profitability and can potentially run at break-even, or even as loss leaders, while monetizing users via other products and services. In addition to its core video platform, Bilibili also offers other services such as live streaming, mobile games, and e-commerce. While they offer some growth, which looks less confident of their outlook than the core video product due to weak competitive positioning, low barrier to entry, and numerous existing competitors.

Financial Strength

Bilibili might need to raise additional capital before it achieves breakeven cash flows in 2026. The firm was sitting on a net cash of CNY 11.2 billion at the end of 2021, but it is expected that another 17 billion of cash burn before Bilibili becomes net cash generative. In the past, Bilibili has used convertible debt and stock issuance to finance its operations. Its 2021 listing in Hong Kong alone provided CNY 19 billion of funds for the company. It is expected that Bilibili is to continue running its asset-light business model. The company will continue to focus its resources on building a platform for user-generated content, or UGC, instead of investing heavily into original content or paying huge up-front content licenses. Besides revenue-sharing, the bulk of cost is in people (R&D, sales and marketing). Over the next few years, the firm is to spend upward of 10 billion annually in these two categories in total. Bilibili is not expected to take part in major M&A deals as management remains focused on organic growth opportunities.

Bulls Say’s

  • Bilibili’s video sharing platform is in early stage of monetization with significant runway for growth.
  • Bilibili’s strong hold on younger users provide tremendous value to advertisers seeking to target such demographic group.
  • The firm still has room to attract a wider base of users, potentially increasing the platform’s appeal to advertiser

Company Profile 

Bilibili is a Chinese online entertainment platform that is best known for its video-sharing site that resembles YouTube. The site was founded in 2009 and started as a long-form video platform for anime, comics, and gaming, or ACG, content that appealed to Gen Z users. Since then, it has expanded its content on the platform to include a broader range of interests that have attracted Chinese users outside of the Gen Z cohort. The firm generates revenue through five main areas: advertising, mobile games, live streaming, value-added services, and e-commerce.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

Sensata to use bolt-on M&A to supplement sensor content growth in its core markets

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Sensata Technologies is a differentiated supplier of sensors and electrical protection, predominantly for the automotive market. The firm has oriented itself to benefit from secular trends toward electrification, efficiency, and connectivity, and investors will see meaningful top- and bottom-line growth as upon an automotive market recovery. Despite the cyclical nature of the automotive and heavy vehicle markets, electric vehicles (EVs) and stricter emissions regulations provide Sensata the opportunity to sell into new sockets, which has allowed the firm to outpace underlying vehicle production growth by about 4% historically. Such an outperformance is achievable over the next 10 years, there are expectations for a fleet mix shift toward EVs and Sensata’s growing addressable content in higher-voltage vehicles.

Sensata’s ability to grow its dollar content in vehicles demonstrates intangible assets in sensor design, as it works closely with OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to build its products into new sockets. The mission-critical nature of the systems into which Sensata sells gives rise to switching costs at customers, leading to an average relationship length of roughly three decades with its top 10 customers. As a result of switching costs and intangible assets, Sensata benefits from a narrow economic moat and will earn excess returns on invested capital for the next 10 years. Over the next decade, it is expected Sensata to use bolt-on M&A to supplement sensor content growth in its core markets. Sensata established a leading share in the tire pressure monitoring system market in 2014 with its acquisition of Schrader, and acquisitions will play a key role in allowing the firm to enter new, higher-growth, adjacent markets. Recent acquisitions of GIGAVAC and Xirgo will allow Sensata to compete in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and telematics markets, respectively, which is to begin to bolster the top line and margins near the end.

Financial Strength

Sensata Technologies is leveraged, but its balance sheet is in good shape, and that it generates enough cash flow to fulfil all of its obligations comfortably. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the firm carried $4.2 billion in total debt and $1.7 billion cash and equivalents. Sensata closed out 2021 with a net leverage ratio of 2.8 times, which is squarely in management’s target range of 2.5-3.5 times. Over the next few years, Sensata is expected to stay in its target leverage range as it continues to engage in supplemental M&A. Between 2023 and 2026, Sensata has $2.1 billion total in debt maturing, with $400 million-$700 million coming due each year. The firm will easily fulfil its obligations with its cash balance and cash flow– over $700 million in average annual free cash flow over the explicit forecast. Finally, Sensata has a variable cost structure that allows it to keep a relatively healthy balance sheet during difficult demand environments. Even with weak end markets in 2019 and 2020 that shrunk the top line, Sensata’s free cash flow generation held steady, with its free cash flow conversion jumping to 130% in 2020.

Bulls Say’s

  • Sensata should benefit from secular trends toward electrification, efficiency, and connectivity to continue outgrowing global vehicle production. 
  • Fleet management is an opportunity for Sensata to expand its margins and create a recurring base of revenue in an emerging, high-growth market. 
  • Accelerating adoption of electric vehicles should be a significant tailwind for Sensata’s burgeoning GIGAVAC high-voltage contactor sales.

Company Profile 

Sensata Technologies is a global supplier of sensors for transportation and industrial applications. Sensata sells a bevy of pressure, temperature, force, and position sensors into the automotive, heavy vehicle, industrial, heating, ventilation, and cooling, and aerospace markets. The majority of the firm’s revenue comes from the automotive market, where it focuses on bumper-in applications.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

ABB Shares Look Attractive Even When Factoring In a Slower 2023 Due to Potential Macro Headwinds

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

ABB generates around 40% of its revenue from electrical equipment and around 40% from industrial automation products. While it has low exposure to faster-growing software, it has a fast-growing robotics business, where it is the number-two global supplier; this contributes around 9% of revenue. We project 4% medium-term revenue growth for ABB. Automation is the fastest-growing category in the industrial space, and ABB has an enviable base of robotics and automation customers that puts it in a solid position for Industry 4.0, or the Industrial Internet of Things. Its robotics and industrial controller (used to program equipment) products have leading market share and enjoy loyal customer bases that would be difficult for competitors to capture. Furthermore, ABB’s electrification products division offers some overlap with other customer segments, such as process industries, that could prove useful in cross-selling the automation portfolio. 

However, growing demand from Industry 4.0 has meant that ABB and its close competitors have had to refresh their product offerings, acquiring or developing in-house industrial automation components and software. ABB has been slow to refresh its product offering and, in some cases, has had to turn to second-best choices. ABB’s software strategy lags that of competitors like Siemens and Schneider. ABB has a hybrid strategy for its Industry 4.0 software, offering most of its equipment productivity and maintenance optimization software from its own developed software portfolio, while for design and simulation software, it has a partnership with Dassault Systems. The partnership structure deprives ABB of the advantage of in-house development that Siemens and Schneider enjoy, as they offer similar software developed by in-house engineering teams.

Financial Strengths:  

At the end of December 2021, ABB’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA was less than 1. We do not believe the company has near-term liquidity nor long-term solvency issues. The company generates about $3.6 billion annually in free cash flow, so in theory it could pay off its roughly $7 billion in gross debt in less than three years.

Bulls Say: 

  • ABB is one of the best-positioned companies to benefit from industrial automation and robotics. 
  • The company’s restructuring program, which focuses on reducing corporate costs through decentralization of management, should benefit long-term margins and capital allocation by putting more profit and loss accountability into the hands of business unit leaders. 
  • ABB’s exposure to smart-grid products and electrical distribution components should benefit from a demand tailwind for grid-management and energy saving products

Company Description:  

ABB is a global supplier of electrical equipment and automation products. Founded in the late 19th century, the company was created out of the merger of two old industrial companies: ASEA and BBC. The company is the number-one or number-two supplier in all of its core markets and the number-two robotic arm supplier globally. In automation, it offers a full suite of products for discrete and process automation (continuous processes like chemical production) as well as industrial robotics.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Oracle is losing database market share to new database types that may be better suited to the cloud

Business Strategy & Outlook

Oracle is a best-in-breed provider of on-premises relational database technologies and enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software and is one of the most profitable companies in the software industry. However, growth has been lacking as more customers shift their workloads to the cloud, bypassing Oracle’s solutions. Despite Oracle’s cloud migration efforts, cloud competition will likely provide headwinds for Oracle. In turn, the moat rating for Oracle is narrow, coupled with a negative moat trend rating.

Oracle’s business is centered around its relational database which stores a treasure trove of data that is the lifeblood of many enterprises. Oracle’s software offerings leverage this database as its backend, while Oracle’s servicing and hardware businesses support these database tasks. Oracle remains a best-of-breed provider of on-premises databases and software, and customers face very high switching costs if they look to migrate elsewhere. However, no one can view the company as being on the forefront of recent software trends, and new and potential customers appear to be looking past Oracle for their database needs. Database preferences are far wider today due to the sheer number of ways to manipulate data, and the different data storage practices this necessitates. In turn, Oracle is losing database market share to new database types that may be better suited to the cloud. Additionally, the transition to the cloud is prompting enterprises to change software vendors away from all-in-one ERP systems to application specific that are best of breed. In response, Oracle is banking on its second-generation cloud to not only cater to its traditional enterprise workloads, like supporting databases, but also general use workloads. However, the Oracle’s cloud as sub-scale to Amazon and others and the doubt Oracle can close this gap soon. As per the opinion, Oracle should still be successful in moving a significant amount of its traditional on-premises workloads to Oracle cloud. However, migrating all of its customers is not such a sure thing, as cloud-first software vendors have been able to take meaningful share from legacy Oracle customers.

Financial Strengths

The Oracle to be in healthy financial standing. As of fiscal 2020, Oracle had $43 billion in cash and equivalents versus $72 billion in debt. However, Oracle should generate robust free cash flow in the years ahead to settle these debt obligations over time. That Oracle will have the capital to increase its total annual dividends to $1.28 in fiscal 2025 from $0.96 in fiscal 2020, as the company continues to make share repurchases and acquisitions. However, the magnitude of acquisitions will moderate as the company comes off of its buildout of its second-generation cloud product and has stressed their recent preference to build new capabilities in house. In terms of capital expenditures, the Oracle will spend an average of $1.6 million per year over the next five years, as the company continues to require buildouts for its cloud operations.

Bulls Say

  • Oracle’s relational database should be able to post strong growth as customers continue to depend on its quality features, such as data partitioning which brings incomparable load balancing efficiency. 
  • Oracle’s autonomous database and IaaS was built with ease of use in mind, which could bring a significant base of first-time Oracle users to the company, strengthening top line results. 
  • Oracle’s stake in TikTok Global and cloud services to TikTok’s U.S. operations should add a significant boost to Oracle’s top line and attract more “general use” cloud customers.

Company Description

Oracle provides database technology and enterprise resource planning, or ERP, software to enterprises around the world. Founded in 1977, Oracle pioneered the first commercial SQL-based relational database management system. Today, Oracle has 430,000 customers in 175 countries, supported by its base of 136,000 employees.

(Source: Morningstar)

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