Technology Stocks

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps

Business Strategy & Outlook

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps. These two product areas contribute around three fourths of revenue and four fifths of profit for the company. Its two smaller divisions, industrial technique and power technique, make up the remaining revenue. The company’s equipment is highly engineered, often with customization and application-specific variations. To that point, equipment sales are done by engineers. End markets for the company’s compressors are diverse, from automotive assembly to food processing. However, for vacuum pumps, semiconductor chip demand is the key driver. The electronics industry contributes two thirds of vacuum pump division revenue and, as a result, nearly one fifth of revenue for Atlas Copco at the group level.

 The economic cycle can cause short-term demand volatility, but the company’s flexible cost structure and large portion of service revenue underpin double-digit margin and returns throughout the cycle. Around 75% of its equipment components are outsourced. Maintenance services and spare parts contribute more than one third of group revenue. The company leverages its large service operations and trains its technicians to service competitors’ equipment as well as its own. The compressor division brings in the largest portion of service revenue at more than 40% of division revenue. The Atlas Copco’s compressor division is around twice as large as its closest competitor, Ingersoll Rand. Atlas Copco uses this near ubiquity to its advantage by acquiring other equipment and tool portfolios that it can sell to its air compressor base. Higher-volume production capabilities and an installed distribution channel allow the company to globalize the products of its acquired businesses at a lower cost than those operations could achieve by themselves.

Financial Strengths

Atlas Copco has a strong balance sheet, with around SEK 29 billion in gross debt and a net debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 1 times at the end of March 2022. Included in its debt is around SEK 11 billion in debt maturities through to 2026. However, one cannot see this as a risk as a forecast roughly SEK 22 billion in annual free cash flow for the medium term, which in theory would enable the company to pay down its total gross debt within three years.

Bulls Say

  • Atlas Copco’s tools are used in automation, including robotic applications, and offer some structural growth to an otherwise cyclical revenue stream. 
  • The expansion into vacuum technologies gives Atlas Copco exposure to long-term semiconductor growth. 
  • The company’s large, experienced service organization should help it to continue to gain share of service revenue across its own products and potentially competitors’ equipment, particularly for compressors.

Company Description

Atlas Copco is a 140-year-old Swedish company and a pioneer in air compression technology. Today, the company is still the world’s leading air compressor manufacturer, with around 25% market share. The company’s product portfolio includes power tools and vacuum pumps. For vacuum pumps, the semiconductor chip cycle is a key demand driver. The company generates revenue from three sources: initial equipment sales, spare parts, and maintenance. Its operations span 180 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Align has invested heavily to develop and market its offerings to juveniles and win over parents.

Business Strategy & Outlook

In the 25 years since Align was granted U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for its clear dental aligners, the Invisalign brand has become synonymous with effective and discreet orthodontic treatment. The serviced addressable market comprises 15 million new orthodontic case starts each year, three fourths of which represent the teen market and the remainder adults. The Invisalign has achieved low-teens market penetration, largely due to its success at appealing to the adult market. Through two decades of research and development and an unrivaled database from roughly 10 million treated patients, Invisalign estimates that the system can treat over 90% of malocclusion cases (misaligned teeth), a substantially wider array of patients than seen with most other clear aligner firms.

Align is focused on disrupting the traditional metal braces market, which represents the lion’s share of the 21 million orthodontic cases today (over 80%), through innovation in customized 3D-printed clear aligners and industry-leading scanners and design software. The dental industry is still in the early stages in the shift to digital technologies, largely stuck to old workflows. Intraoral scanners, such as Align’s iTero device, combined with computer-aided design software (CAD/CAM) are typically seen as the gateway for dental providers to shift new case volumes over to clear aligners (nearly 90% of all Invisalign cases are submitted via digital scan). On the demand side, Align’s largest obstacle has been capturing a more meaningful share of the teen market (currently mid-single-digit penetration). In recent years, Align has invested heavily to develop and market its offerings to juveniles and win over parents, adding solutions for younger patients with mixed dentition, free replacement trays, and physical indicator “dots” that monitor treatment compliance. Additionally, Align has been focused on driving growth through treatments initiated by general practitioner dentists. While traditional metal braces are under the domain of orthodontists, clear aligner treatments offer a separate, incremental stream of revenue to the general dentist.

Financial Strengths

As of fiscal year-end 2021, cash and cash equivalents were $1.2 billion, and the company held no outstanding debt. One cannot have any concerns about Align’s ability to meet minimum purchase agreements with suppliers and do not foresee any liquidity issues facing the company. The free cash flow of $933 billion in 2022 and do not anticipate the firm initiating a dividend in the near term, as Align prefers to return capital to shareholders via share repurchases. The company has $650 million remaining under its existing share-repurchase plan, and recently announced it would use $200 million for accelerated repurchases.

Bulls Say

  • Align’s first-mover advantage has allowed the company to build a dominant market share and a brand synonymous with clear aligners. 
  • Align’s 10 million-plus treated patient data set is unrivaled by competitors and grants the company an edge in developing new indications of treatment. 
  • Invisalign starts saw a tailwind in 2021 as a result of the so-called Zoom effect, with a sharp uptick across cosmetic procedure categories.

Company Description

Align is the leading manufacturer of clear dental aligners globally, having pioneered the technology with the introduction of its Invisalign branded aligners in 1998. Since then, Invisalign has become a household name, having treated over 10 million patients with malocclusion (misaligned teeth) through orthodontist and dentist-guided treatment plans. The company maintains dominant market share of clear aligners, despite the introduction of direct-to-consumer competitors upon the expiration of key patents that began in 2017. Align also manufactures intraoral scanners (iTero), used for orthodontic treatment and restorative dental procedures (digital models for crowns, veneers, and implants).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Tate & Lyle, is focused on the increasing use of alternative ingredients in food and beverage to remove unhealthy components

Business Strategy & Outlook

Tate & Lyle, or T&L, is focused on the increasing use of alternative ingredients in food and beverage to remove unhealthy components (sugar, fat, salt), improve nutritional credentials through added fiber, and increase the shelf life of products. The company has a narrow moat, as the efforts over the last few years to optimize the portfolio, culminating with the sale in 2022 of a controlling stake in the commoditized primary products business unit, have improved the company’s pricing power and competitive position. The company is a market leader in sweeteners, with ingredients that range from high intensity to natural sweeteners, supported by the need to cut calories in food and beverages. The opportunity is substantial as sugar still accounts for 80% of all sweeteners. As the replacement of sugar with more concentrated alternatives comes with significant challenges regarding the product’s mass, stability, and texture, the company’s complementary offering in mouthfeel and fortification is perfectly placed to provide comprehensive solutions for customers. 

T&L plans to continue building its expertise in these somewhat niche and interconnected segments of the specialty ingredients market, since other segments such as flavors are already dominated by large players such as Givaudan and IFF, with T&L unlikely to garner any competitive advantage. The above-average revenue growth as T&L steps up its research and development investment and expands the share of revenue coming from integrated solutions—its service-led platform where the company works closely with customers throughout the product development process, combining multiple ingredients to derive a customized solution that best addresses the customer’s needs. The company’s sucralose segment—with business-to-business sales of the Splenda brand—has seen pricing pressures following the entrance of Chinese players, which has led the company to reduce its capacity. The segment’s top-line growth prospects are likely inferior to the remaining business, but given its brand-related intangible assets, the segment can maintain its operating margin above 30%.

Financial Strengths

Tate & Lyle is in strong financial health. The company has low financial gearing, with net debt to adjusted EBITDA expected to be maintained below 1 time following the disposal of the primary products (commodity ingredients) business unit and a USD 800 million undrawn credit facility. Tate & Lyle will continue to generate healthy free cash flows, similar to other ingredient companies and the consumer staples sector as a whole. Acquisitions form an important part of T&L’s strategy as it looks to expand its portfolio and capabilities within its key areas of expertise of sweetening, mouthfeel, and fortification, with the company aiming to provide an even broader portfolio of solutions to customers as well as gain exposure to fast-growing natural ingredients. These acquisitions are primarily financed from free cash flow, which will enable T&L to maintain its solid financial position. Maintaining a relatively conservative balance sheet is wise as it enables the company to weather potentially volatile earnings and affords capacity for future acquisitions should the right opportunities arise.

Bulls Say

  • Tate & Lyle’s portfolio is well positioned to benefit from secular trends that see consumers demanding healthier, safer, cleaner-label products. 
  • The company has undergone extensive reorganization in order to improve profitability and returns on capital, such as withdrawal from the sugar business and commodity ingredients, allowing management to focus on high-value-added specialty ingredients. 
  • The company’s focus on niche, complementary areas of the food ingredients market could make it the supplier of choice for certain highly specified applications in food reformulation.

Company Description

Tate & Lyle is a global provider of food and beverage ingredients and solutions. Following the sale in 2022 of a controlling stake in its commodity ingredients business, as well as its exit from the sugar business a decade earlier, Tate & Lyle is now focused on specialty ingredients—sweeteners, starches, and soluble fiber. It has 2,700 employees and operates in over 140 countries, with most of its revenue generated in North America.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Kone is increasing investments to connect most of its installed base to the cloud

Business Strategy & Outlook

As the market dynamics in China and Europe shift, the established relationships with developers and end users will protect Kone’s position as a top global elevator player. The company’s success in winning contracts for new elevator and escalator installations stems from a record of delivering tailor-made solutions that can save costs by shortening a building’s construction time, lowering energy use, or improving people traffic flow. In China, now the world’s largest elevator market, Kone has the number-one share in new installations, and in Europe the company is the second-largest competitor for new equipment. 

Winning new installations puts the company at a competitive advantage in securing maintenance contracts, which are more lucrative and important to long-term returns than new installations. In China, where it has now been present for 20-plus years, Kone shares the number-one position for maintenance contracts, and in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, it is number three. As the original equipment manufacturer, the company is in a good position to win the associated maintenance contract on a new installation because it can offer lower downtime through the quickest access to spare parts, knowledge of its own equipment, and its long record of reliability. This last point is especially important in developing markets, where Kone’s European brand, associated with quality and safety, carries weight. Elevators have become more software-driven, enabling better usage management to lower energy costs or control access for security purposes. As with cars, increasing the sophistication of tools and skills needed to maintain software-enabled elevators has limited some third-party repair providers to servicing older models. Kone is increasing investments to connect most of its installed base to the cloud over the next few years, helping customers dynamically manage elevator and escalator flow as well as providing ongoing online diagnostics to minimize downtime. Once a customer signs on to cloud management, it will be even more unlikely to switch to a new service provider.

Financial Strengths

The company possesses a strong balance sheet, benefiting from a net cash position built by an asset-light business model and only modest acquisitions. Kone’s model of outsourcing most of its components lowers both the capital intensity of its business and the pressure on the balance sheet to finance future revenue with debt. Double-digit EBIT growth, combined with improvements in working capital, has doubled the company’s annual free cash flow generation over the past several years. The free cash flow to remain more than EUR 1 billion per year for the next several years.

Bulls Say

  • Kone’s well-known brand, combined with the market’s sensitivity to safety issues, should put it in a good position to retain a majority of its maintenance contracts in China. 
  • As the revenue mix in China moves away from new installations toward higher-margin maintenance contracts, Kone’s EBIT margin should expand. 
  • Replacement and modernization of aging elevators in Europe and North America should offset slowing revenue growth in the China business.

Company Description

Kone, whose name means “machine” in Finnish, is the world’s fourth-largest supplier of elevators and escalators. Kone began producing elevators in Finland in 1918 and today generates revenue in three ways: selling new elevators and escalators, overhauling or modernizing old equipment, and servicing its installed base. Most of the company’s profit comes from the last activity, where contracts are rolled over annually with built-in price increases. The bulk of the company’s business is in elevators, which are more numerous globally than escalators.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

UCB SATwilio has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic organic and inorganic investments to expand its platform

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Twilio is a cloud-based communication-platform-as-a-service, or CPaaS, company offering communication application programming interfaces, or APIs, and prebuilt solution applications aimed at improving customer engagement. Through these APIs, Twilio’s platform allows developers to embed messaging, voice, and video functionality into other applications. Twilio has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic organic and inorganic investments to expand its platform. In a go-to-market model that focuses on empowering developers to utilize the APIs to rapidly build and deploy solutions, Twilio has been able to expand into use-cases that would be difficult to penetrate otherwise. For common use cases, Twilio has developed applications, like Flex Contact Center, which combine various channel APIs into a unified interface to create use-case-specific solutions.

Twilio’s platform as an incrementally value-additive technology stack, with each layer of the stack building on top of and enhancing the prior. The foundational components of the stack are the Super Network, a global network of connections to carriers that provides efficient communication routing, and the Segment Customer Data Platform, which collects first-party data to assemble customer profiles that inform and optimize customer engagement. The communication channel APIs are deployed through the Programmable Communications Cloud and then are combined and expanded into application platforms in the Engagement Cloud to offer higher level functionality for specific use-cases. It can be viewed this full stack as best-in-breed in the CPaaS space, enabling deeply integrated, sticky communication solutions. Twilio has stellar customer metrics, with churn consistently below 5% and net dollar expansion in excess of 130% in recent years. Twilio’s market opportunity to be significant as the communications industry is still early in its transition to software-based communications. Twilio to lead the charge in the CPaaS space by continuing to gain share from legacy communication vendors and expanding into greenfield markets.

Financial Strength

Twilio’s financial position is sound. Revenue is growing rapidly, and the company is beginning to scale, while the balance sheet is in good shape. As of December 2021, the firm had cash and short-term investments of $5.4 billion and a debt balance of $986 million. In March 2021, Twilio issued $1.0 billion of senior notes, consisting of $500 million of 3.625% notes due 2029, and $500 million of 3.875% notes due 2031. In June 2021, the company redeemed its prior convertible notes, due March 2023, in their entirety. Since raising approximately $150 million in its IPO in 2016, Twilio has completed several secondary offerings, recently announcing a $1.8 billion offering of its Class A common stock in 2021. Twilio has yet to achieve GAAP profitability, as the company remains focused on reinvesting excess returns back into the company, both on an organic and inorganic basis, to build out the platform and enhance future growth prospects. Twilio does not pay a dividend, nor repurchase stock, and for a young company in a relatively nascent industry, it is appropriate that it focuses capital allocation on reinvestments for growth.

Bulls Say’s

  • The addition of SI partnerships and solution APIs should lead to increasing success in winning enterprise customers, which not only offer a greater lifetime value, but also tend to be stickier customers. 
  • Twilio has stellar user retention metrics, with churn consistently below 5% and net dollar retention north of 130% in recent years. 
  • As Twilio focuses on developing more solution APIs and growth shifts from usage-based messaging to SaaS-like priced solutions, there should be a natural uptick in both gross margins and recurring revenue.

Company Profile 

Twilio is a cloud-based communication platform-as-a-service company offering communication application programming interfaces, or APIs, and prebuilt solution applications aimed at improving customer engagement. Through these APIs, Twilio’s platform allows software developers to integrate messaging, voice, and video functionality into new or existing business applications. The company leverages its Super Network, Twilio’s global network of carrier relationships, to facilitate high speed cost-optimized global messaging and voice-based communications.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Musk Parting from Twitter Purchase, but Twitter Remains Attractive; FVE Downs to $47

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Twitter has captured the attention of nearly 200 million daily active users, including prominent celebrities and public figures worldwide. Its access to, and interactions around, real-time information and content create value for its users and for advertisers. While Twitter user growth has accelerated since 2018, a potential slowdown remains a concern. Slower user growth could make higher user monetization more difficult as advertisers may allocate a bit more toward other platforms such as Snap, which has a faster-growing user base. Twitter might have carved out an economic moat. Twitter is an open distribution platform for (and a conversational one around) short-form text, image, and video content. Its users can access real-time information regarding a wide array of topics or news events. They can also share information and content, interact with content, and express their reactions to other Twitter users. These types of interactions allow Twitter to compile more data about its users, which is then licensed and/or utilized by Twitter and advertisers to launch online brands and targeted ads. 

While Twitter remains one of the main real-time online content distribution platforms, its user base is smaller than other social networks such as Facebook (including Instagram) and Snap’s Snapchat. As such, Twitter is not benefiting from increased spending on mobile and online video advertising as much as its peers. Product enhancements such as the Explore tab may have helped increase initial user engagement and improve user retention, but the firm’s potential network effect is weakening as its user base shrinks in size relative to rivals, which could lead to generating less data and drive advertisers to spend more on other platforms. However, Twitter has introduced some subscription products which could lessen dependence on ad revenue.

Financial Strengths:  

Twitter has a strong balance sheet with net cash of $5.9 billion. The firm generates cash from operations, and expects it to generate free cash flow going forward. Twitter’s free cash flow to equity/revenue ratio averaged 18% over the past three years, and they projected this ratio to improve to over 26% in 2025.

Bulls Say: 

  • Growth in ad revenue per user remains strong at Twitter, more than offsetting the deceleration in user growth. 
  • Agreements with various professional sports leagues provide a platform for interaction and conversation about the games, which may attract more premium content providers to use the Twitter platform. 
  • Investments in product enhancements and video content could return the monthly active user growth rate to the double digits.

Company Description:  

Twitter is an open distribution platform for and a conversational platform around short-form text (a maximum of 280 characters), image, and video content. Its users can create different social networks based on their interests, thereby creating an interest graph. Many prominent celebrities and public figures have Twitter accounts. Twitter generates revenue from advertising (90%) and licensing the user data that it compiles (10%). (Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Zendesk can be successful by simply providing robust software for a reasonable price and offering a credible alternative to those offered by its peers

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Zendesk is a leader in customer service and engagement software. It has a long runway for growth within its existing roster of clients as it continues to improve the feature set and add new solutions to the portfolio. The company is in the process of being acquired by two private equity firms for $77.50 per share. Zendesk was founded with a focus on simplicity and a desire to bring robust customer service functionality more quickly and more cheaply than existing solutions. The software was initially available only online and included free trials. This self-service approach, combined with a rich feature set, drove early traction in the SMB community. Over time, Zendesk began to employ a direct salesforce to attack the enterprise market, which is going towards the small end of enterprise customers. Larger customers drive about 40% of annual recurring revenue, or ARR. Enterprise buyers of software are stickier than SMB customers. That said, Zendesk already enjoys very high dollar retention in the 110%-120% range, which can be considered as very good.

Zendesk is successfully pursuing the typical land and expand approach to growth in that the firm lands at a new customer with one solution or a limited number of seats and increases the seat count or number of solutions over time. At its inception, Zendesk sold only its Support product, whereas today it has branched out to CRM, marketing automation, and others. Support remains the single largest solution, and even today approximately 80% of revenue is derived from existing customers. The market opportunity is substantial. Management believes its total addressable market, or TAM, is near $85 billion, and this market is still growing rapidly and could be up to three times larger in the long run. While the competition includes, Microsoft, Oracle, and others, hence Zendesk doesn’t have to “beat” any of them. Their competitive overlap remains relatively small for now, and Zendesk can be successful by simply providing robust software for a reasonable price and offering a credible alternative to those offered by some of the larger peers.

Financial Strength

Zendesk is a financially sound company with a solid balance sheet, improving margins, and rapidly growing margins. Capital is generally allocated to growth efforts and acquisitions, with no dividends or buybacks on the horizon. As of December 2021, Zendesk had $1.0 billion in cash and marketable securities compared with $979 million in long-term debt. The company generated non-GAAP EBITDA of $220 million in 2021, representing leverage of 4.5 times. The company’s free cash flow to grow rapidly over the next several years. The debt is due in 2023 and is convertible into common shares, which will be the outcome. Zendesk does not pay a dividend and has not repurchased shares, nor is it expected for the company to do so within the next several years. The company makes small acquisitions from time to time, with a handful of deals totalling approximately a couple hundred million dollars over the last five years. These are feature additions or product expansion that supplements the company’s research and development efforts. While the size and frequency of deals may vary from year to year, the company is not going to change its acquisition strategy.

Bulls Say’s

  • The free trial, easier implementation, and rapid return on investment for Zendesk customers make for a compelling sales pitch. The company is also enjoying success moving upstream to larger customers. 
  • Zendesk does not have to beat out or Microsoft, it just has to offer a viable alternative for larger SMB customers, which is already true. 
  • Zendesk’s track record of introducing new solutions in adjacent areas and upselling existing customers has driven strong revenue growth thus far, which will continue.

Company Profile 

Founded in 2007, Zendesk provides a portfolio of customer engagement software solutions via single applications or the Sunshine suite. Its software unifies customer communication and data across various channels and business units, and simplifies customer service and engagement across self-service, phone, chat, messaging, and email.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Coupa Is Performing a Coup d’Etat of More ERP Real Estate

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Coupa Software is a cloud-based business spend management, or BMS, platform that allows firms to control and analyze expenditures to lower costs and improve operational efficiency. Coupa’s solutions are designed to manage all spend, and inform each step of a transaction’s process, from idea inception, supplier evaluation, and procurement, to invoicing, and finally to payment collection. With a platform of over 2,500 businesses and over 7 million suppliers, Coupa has built a robust self-reinforcing ecosystem of AI-informed spend management. The company believes narrow-moat Coupa has a long growth runway ahead as it continues to make strategic investments to expand its platform and spend management use-cases. In a go-to-market model that focuses on co-selling deals with system integrators, Coupa has been able to expand its market reach significantly. As back-office digital transformations are accelerating and Coupa remains the market-leading cloud BSM vendor, it is expected that the partners will increasingly advance Coupa’s adoption throughout businesses as they guide their clients through digital transformation initiatives. 

As Coupa has long focused on a broader source-to-pay strategy, offering solutions that far exceed the functionality of its original transactional core, the company has made a high level of investments to build out its platform into a more holistic spend management tool. As the firm introduces new modules, the company believes Coupa will benefit from alignment with a larger number of spend use-cases, greater suite synergies, and more cross-selling opportunities. Further, it is believed that a growing community will reinforce Coupa’s AI-based community intelligence offering, providing higher value prescriptive insights to optimize spend decisions. Coupa’s moat is supported by strong user metrics, with gross retention above 93% and net retention between 110% and 112%. While adoption of Coupa’s BSM platform has grown rapidly, cumulative spend under management has far outpaced sequential customers and recently surpassed $3 trillion. Company views Coupa’s market opportunity to be significant as it is pioneering a largely untapped market opportunity in cloud-based unified spend management.

Financial Strengths:  

Coupa is in a decent financial position. As of January 2022, Coupa had $729.5 million in cash and marketable securities versus $1.6 billion in convertible debt. In June 2019 and June 2020, Coupa issued $805 million of convertible senior notes, due 2025 and convertible at $159.60 per share, and $1.38 billion of convertible senior notes, due 2026 and convertible at $296.45 per share, respectively. Coupa has yet to achieve GAAP profitability, as the company remains focused on reinvesting excess returns back into the company, both on an organic and inorganic basis, to build out the platform and enhance future growth prospects. While Coupa has invested heavily in acquisitions over the past five fiscal years, allocating well over $1.0 billion to inorganic investments, it is expected that acquisition activity will slow down as the platform is virtually complete. Coupa does not pay a dividend, nor repurchase stock, and for a young company pioneering a novel offspring under the ERP umbrella, the company finds it appropriate that the company focuses capital allocation on reinvestments for growth. Even so, the firm has historically demonstrated strong cash flows, with free cash flow margins averaging 16% over the last three fiscal years. While cash flows were pressured in fiscal 2021 and 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company expects healthy free cash flows in later years. Coupa reached non-GAAP profitability in 2019, posting both a positive non-GAAP operating margin and positive non-GAAP earnings from then on. The company has averaged a non-GAAP operating margin of 9.9% since 2019, and as the company scales, it expects non-GAAP operating margins to reach into the high-20% range at the end of 10-year forecast period. These positive results should translate to profitability on a GAAP basis in the future as well.

Bulls Say: 

  • Coupa has strong user retention metrics, with gross retention above 95% and net dollar retention north of 110%. 
  • As Coupa expands its platform both organically and inorganically, it is expected to increase suite synergies to accelerate cross-selling activity, further entrenching customers within Coupa and creating greater monetization opportunities. 
  • Continual annual subscription price point increases reflect the stickiness of Coupa’s modules and suggest significant competitive differentiation in winning new deals over less expensive alternatives.

Company Description:  

Coupa Software is a cloud-based provider of business spend management, or BSM, solutions. Coupa’s BSM platform provides visibility into all spend, allowing companies to gain control over their spending, optimize their supplier network and supply chains, and manage liquidity. The platform’s transactional core consists of procurement, invoicing, expense management, and payment solutions, while supporting modules ranging from strategic sourcing solutions to supply chain design and planning solutions round out the comprehensive spend management ecosystem.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Visa Is a Longtime, Established Market Leader That Still Enjoys Strong Growth Prospects

Business Strategy & Outlook

Visa is a somewhat unique company in that it is a longtime, established market leader that still enjoys strong growth prospects. Despite the ongoing evolution of the payments industry, a wide moat surrounds the business and Visa’s position in the global electronic payment infrastructure is essentially unassailable. The shift toward electronic payments has driven Visa’s growth historically, and that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Digital payments, on a global basis, surpassed cash payments just a few years ago, suggesting this trend still has a lot of room to run. Emerging markets could offer a further spurt of growth even if growth in developed markets slows. Visa’s position as the leading network makes it something of a tollbooth business, and the company is relatively agnostic to the smaller shifts within electronic payments, since it earns fees regardless of whether payment is credit, debit, or mobile. 

Visa is not without its issues in the near term, and its smaller peer, Mastercard, has been performing better over the past few years. Cross-border transactions, which are particularly lucrative for the networks, saw dramatic declines due to the coronavirus outbreak and a reduction in global travel. This headwind will endure for some time, but history suggests travel ultimately makes a full recovery following disruptive events and that is expected to be the case again, although the process could take a few years. Visa obviously has sensitivity to the volume of consumer transactions, and the U.S. remains its largest market. A downturn in the economy would slow growth, and the fallout from the coronavirus has had a material impact, with both card networks seeing major declines in transaction volumes, although that pressure has started to reverse. However, there are no perceivable long-term industry trends that will impede Visa’s ability to maintain its growth in the coming years, and the scalability of the business should still allow the company to modestly expand its already ample margins over time.

Financial Strengths

Visa’s financial condition is solid. Historically, it’s been debt-free, but it issued $16 billion in debt before the Visa Europe acquisition in 2016, and has increased its debt level modestly since. Debt/EBITDA was 1.3 times at the end of fiscal 2021, a level that is considered very reasonable. Given the company’s relatively limited appetite for mergers or acquisitions and the asset-light nature of the business, there is no compelling need for extensive debt financing. Further, given the integral nature of Visa to the global payment infrastructure, management is not expected to get too aggressive with its capital structure. On the other hand, an overly conservative balance sheet structure could impede long-term shareholder returns. The current amount of leverage strikes a good balance.

Bulls Say

  • Visa has commanding market share in a scalable industry. 
  • There is still plenty of runway for growth in electronic payments, which surpassed cash payments on a global basis only a few years ago. 
  • The scalable nature of the business should allow Visa to improve its already impressive margins.

Company Description

Visa is the largest payment processor in the world. In fiscal 2021, it processed over $10 trillion in purchase transactions. Visa operates in over 200 countries and processes transactions in over 160 currencies. Its systems are capable of processing over 65,000 transactions per second.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Fortinet at the Forefront of Networking and Security Converging

Business Strategy & Outlook

Fortinet is a leading cybersecurity company that has amassed an extensive customer base because of its solutions’ high performance relative to price as well as its broad product offerings covering various security concerns. The company developed a centralized cybersecurity management plan and is at the forefront of networking and security converging with its secure software-defined wide-area networking offerings. Fortinet sells security appliances and subscriptions as well as technical and professional services. It has established customer switching costs alongside its network effect and has a nice runway for growth through its holistic approach to network and cloud cybersecurity. As organizations expand their networking footprint beyond on-premises data centers, Fortinet keeps customers locked into its ecosystem via holistic security management across any location. 

The vast creation of data and the dispersed nature of network traffic due to hybrid environments, software-as-a-service applications, and remote access needs create a larger threat surface. Attacks are becoming more masqueraded and serpentine, which drives up the complications associated with cybersecurity management and threat prevention. Fortinet gleans threat insights from its massive customer base, which keeps it at the forefront of security requirements. Compounded by a dearth of cybersecurity talent, consolidated security platforms, like Fortinet’s Security Fabric, will remain in high demand, as customers prefer to add capabilities via subscriptions over managing disparate software and hardware vendors. The company has a build-versus-buy mentality, with a penchant for making custom processors. While this strategy has helped establish its name within the perimeters of localized networks, Fortinet is expected to supplement its engineering prowess with inorganic growth in areas like cloud-based security, machine learning, and automated threat responses. These high-growth areas can help drive new product growth on top of a considerable base of durable services and support income.

Financial Strengths

Fortinet is a financially sound company that will continue to generate strong cash flow. At the end of 2021, Fortinet’s deferred revenue of $3.5 billion is a strong indication of predictable revenue streams and should help insulate the company from any IT spending downturns. Fortinet had $3.0 billion in cash and equivalents and $1 billion of debt at the end of 2021. The company has never paid a dividend, but used over $2 billion to repurchase shares between 2017 and 2021, and Fortinet is anticipated to continue repurchasing shares. Beyond returning capital, cash outflows are expected to be focused on research and development alongside sales and marketing efforts and with some smaller tuck-in acquisitions to be completed for areas such as cloud-based security and analytics.

Bulls Say

  • A growing enterprise customer base and nascent technologies like software-defined networking and 5G create sizable revenue growth potential for Fortinet. 
  • The firm’s consolidated cybersecurity platform could be enticing for customers attempting to decrease the quantity of vendors, which would drive more revenue per customer for Fortinet. 
  • With no end to cybersecurity threats, Fortinet’s products should remain in high demand from SMBs, government entities, service providers, and enterprises.

Company Description

Fortinet is a cybersecurity vendor that sells products, support, and services to small and midsize businesses, enterprises, and government entities. Its products include unified threat management appliances, firewalls, network security, and its security platform, Security Fabric. Services revenue is primarily from FortiGuard security subscriptions and FortiCare technical support. At the end of 2021, products were 38% of revenue and services were 62% of sales. The California-based company sells products worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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