Technology Stocks

ABC delivered 1H23 revenue growth of +8.4% y/y to $1.7bn

Investment Thesis

On valuation grounds relative to the current share price, ABC trades fair value. 

  • Trading on 2-Yr PE-multiple of 10.2x and dividend yield of 5.1% represents good value at these levels.
  • Macro conditions remain uncertain in key regions.
  • Strong pipeline of infrastructure projects over the next 2 years is a positive but timing and execution is a risk.
  • Solid balance sheet position provides some flexibility to the Company to pursue growth.
  •  Leading positions as a lime producer, concrete products producer and cement and clinker supplier.
  • Outlook for lime looks relatively positive with higher infrastructure projects and resource sector activity.

Key Risks

  • Softer sales volume than expected. 
  • Loss of market share to competitors or imports and pressure on pricing. 
  • Softer than expected pricing increases. 
  • Higher than expected energy prices. 
  • Execution risk in relation to Company’s cost-out and vertical integration strategies. 
  • Deterioration of A$ relative to other currencies. 
  • Unfavorable weather impacts.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue increased +8.4% to $1.7bn, driven by price increases and volume growth across most product lines. 
  • Underlying EBITDA (including property profits of $57.6m) increased +7.7% to $295.3m with margin down -10bps to 17.4%, negatively impacted by increased costs and wet weather which impacted ability to deliver products efficiently, thus more than offsetting price and volume increases across some product lines. 
  • Underlying NPAT decreased -0.9% to $118m and statutory NPAT declined -12.1% to $102.6m, impacted by higher operating costs as a result of inflation, particularly energy costs, and wet weather events. 
  • Operating cashflow declined -14.8% to $166.4m, largely due to lower earnings and an increase in working capital associated with higher receivable and inventory levels. 
  • Capex increased +81.6% to $255.1m, largely due to the spend on the Kwinana Upgrade project, with total capex split between stay-in-business capital of $123.9m, up +16.9% and development capital of $131.2m, up +280.3%. 
  • Net debt increased +31.8% y/y to $576.4m due to the Zanows acquisition and Kwinana Upgrade project, partially offset by surplus land sales, resulting in a leverage ratio increasing +0.4x y/y to 2x and gearing increasing +980bps y/y to 44.3%, with both remain well within banking covenants (though at higher end).
  •  Underlying ROFE of 9.5%, declined -110bps y/y, reflecting investments in Kwinana Upgrade project and the Zanows acquisition.
  •  The Board scrapped the final dividend to preserve capital required for the completion of Kwinana Upgrade project, resulting in a total FY22 dividend of 5cps, down -60% y/y.

Company Description

Adbri Ltd (ABC) is an Australia listed construction materials and liming producing company. ABC is Australia’s leading (1) lime producer in the minerals processing industry; (2) concrete products producer; and (3) cement and clinker importer. ABC is Australia’s number two cement and clinker supplier to the Australian construction industry and number four concrete and aggregates producer.

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Technology Stocks

CRISPR Therapeutics’ Pipeline Continues to Make Progress; FVE Remains $119; Shares Very Undervalued

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

CRISPR Therapeutics is a gene editing company focused on the development of CRISPR/Cas9-based therapeutics. The company’s proprietary platform specializes in Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9, which precisely cuts DNA to disrupt, delete, correct, and insert genes to treat genetically defined diseases. CRISPR’s emerging technology has led to a new class of therapies, which are well suited for targeting rare diseases or other disorders that are caused by genetic mutations. CRISPR/Cas9 works by having CRISPR (pieces of DNA sequences) guide Cas9 (an enzyme that can cut and edit DNA) to edit, alter, or repair genes. The company’s proprietary technology has the potential to build blockbusters in rare diseases with limited treatment options available. CRISPR Therapeutics currently has no approved drugs and a largely early-stage pipeline, so to refrain from awarding the company an economic moat. CRISPR Therapeutics is focused on developing and commercializing novel therapies to treat severe, genetic diseases and currently possesses a sizeable, yet mostly early-stage pipeline. Its lead candidate, CTX001, is being developed in collaboration with narrow-moat Vertex Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia (TDT) and sickle cell disease (SCD). CRISPR Therapeutics and Vertex plan to file for regulatory approval by the end of 2022. The rest of CRISPR Therapeutics’ pipeline is either in early (Phase 1) or pre-clinical stages of development. While CRISPR Therapeutics does not currently have approved products, the company provides long-term investors with pure play exposure to gene editing.

Financial Strengths: 

To assign CRISPR Therapeutics a Standard capital allocation rating. Analysis evaluates what to determine to be the three key facets of management decision-making from the perspective of shareholders: balance sheet strength, investment efficacy, and distributions. The Standard rating results from a sound balance sheet, fair investment strategy, and an assessment of shareholder distributions as appropriate. CRISPR Therapeutics’ revenue cyclicality possesses a medium rating and its operating leverage has a low rating. To assess the company’s balance sheet as sound due to management’s demonstrated ability to maintain little to no debt and run a fairly lean operation despite heavily investing in R&D as it works to advance its pipeline candidates. As of year-end 2021, CRISPR Therapeutics had nearly $2.4 billion in cash and investments.

CRISPR Therapeutics’ investment decisions were fair. As an early-stage biotechnology company, it invests heavily in R&D since it’s focusing on developing its pipeline. CRISPR Therapeutics is investing in its gene editing technology to treat a diverse range of severe, genetic diseases. The validation of the company’s gene editing technology through FDA approvals will be crucial as it competes with other companies also entering the gene editing space. If approved, CRISPR Therapeutics’ drugs could be quite lucrative due to high unmet medical needs leading to pricing power. Finally, to assess overall shareholder distributions as appropriate. Even though the company does not currently pay a dividend, to view this as appropriate since CRISPR Therapeutics is investing in its pipeline to help build value for shareholders. CRISPR Therapeutics is led by Dr. Samarth Kulkarni, who joined the company in 2015 initially as Chief Business Officer. Prior to joining CRISPR Therapeutics, Kulkarni was a partner at McKinsey & Company in the Pharmaceutical and Medical products practice. While at McKinsey, he co-led the biotech practice, where he focused on strategy and operations, and led initiatives in areas such as personalized medicine and immunotherapy.

Bulls Say:

  • Partnerships allow CRISPR Therapeutics to receive milestones and economic benefits from drug candidate progression while offsetting some of the clinical development costs. 
  • CRISPR Therapeutics’ CRISPR/Cas9 platform has the potential to develop highly efficacious and potentially curative treatments for rare, genetic diseases with high unmet needs, which will likely lead to pricing power.
  • To view the company’s pipeline as possessing strengthening intangible assets and assign it a positive moat trend.

Company Description:

CRISPR Therapeutics is a gene editing company focused on the development of CRISPR/Cas9-based therapeutics. CRISPR/Cas9 stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9), which is a revolutionary technology for precisely altering specific sequences of genomic DNA. The company is focused on using this technology to treat genetically defined diseases. CRISPR’s most advanced pipeline candidate, CTX001, is in collaboration with Vertex Pharmaceuticals and targets sickle cell disease and transfusion-dependent beta-thalassemia, which have high unmet medical needs. The company is progressing additional gene editing programs for immuno-oncology, as well as a stem cell-derived therapy for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Infineon’s product lines still face formidable competition

Business Strategy & Outlook

Infineon is a leading broad-based European chipmaker, with substantial exposure to secular growth drivers in the industrial and automotive chip sectors. Infineon should emerge as a leading supplier for electric vehicles and active safety systems used in cars, with increasing exposure to car “infotainment” systems. However, like most chipmakers, Infineon’s business remains highly cyclical as demand rises and falls with the health of its various end markets. Looking at the automotive chip market, electric vehicles and cars with advanced powertrain technology and safety systems require a variety of sensors and power voltage chips supplied by firms like Infineon. Similarly, the company’s exposure to power semis allows it to benefit from trends in the electronics industry toward power conservation, not only in more efficient devices like industrial drives, but also in green energy solutions like solar panels. Infineon is also a leader in chip card and security products, such as chips for chip-and-pin credit cards. 

Finally, limiting exposure to challenging markets is just as important as increasing exposure to promising markets, and Infineon has done a good job of eliminating unattractive business segments in prior years. Nonetheless, Infineon’s product lines still face formidable competition. Many other large semiconductor firms also focus on power semiconductors and have similar products. Further, Infineon focuses on discrete power products rather than analog power management integrated circuits. While the former products are valuable to customers, the latter of which has more complex products that allow leading analog firms (such as several wide-moat names) to enjoy stronger pricing power and relatively higher returns on invested capital. Infineon also has hefty manufacturing capacity for its products, which may lead to a higher fixed-cost structure and may cause significant margin compression when supply far exceeds demand.

Financial Strengths

Credit Suisse has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 14.4% currently, ahead of its own internal capital target of a 14% common equity Tier 1 ratio. This is comfortably ahead of its regulatory minimum capital requirement of 10%. However, Credit Suisse’s leveraged ratio of 4.2% is more of a constraint, with a regulatory minimum requirement of 3.5% and an internal target of 4.5%. Credit Suisse intends to pay out 25% of its earnings as a dividend and it has not announced new share buybacks. Credit Suisse will not be able to return more than this to Both Credit Suisse’s liquidity coverage ratio and its net stable funding ratio are comfortably above 100%, which indicates sound liquidity. To assess, these ratios, while helpful, do not fully capture the quality of a bank’s funding. One should also consider the structure of a bank’s funding—where the relatively lower importance of wholesale deposits in Credit Suisse’s funding mix is a clear positive. However, private banking/wealth management clients will typically be more sophisticated than the average retail banking client and therefore more likely to withdraw funds in times of stress. The private banking deposits aren’t as sticky as general retail deposits, although they remain stickier than wholesale funding.

Bulls Say

  • Infineon is now focused on its core industrial, automotive, and card security markets after a series of smart divestitures of underperforming businesses. 
  • The automotive semiconductor market could see healthy growth in the years ahead, as gas-powered cars are being equipped with extra sensors and processors while hybrid and electric cars require additional chip content to control new types of engines. 
  • Infineon’s power semis are well suited to benefit from broad-based demand across a wide variety of products seeking energy efficiency.

Company Description

Infineon Technologies headquartered in Munich, was spun off from German industrial conglomerate Siemens in 2000 and today is one of Europe’s largest chipmakers. The company is a leader in the automotive semiconductor market with prominent products used in active safety and powertrain content within vehicles. Infineon is also the market leader in power semiconductors used to deliver voltage within a wide variety of electrical systems. The company operates in four segments: automotive, industrial power control, power and sensor systems, and connected secure systems.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

ABC saw 1H22 revenue increase +8% YoY driven primarily by strong construction

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading on 2-Yr forward blended PE-multiple of 11.0x and dividend yield of 6.0% represents good value at these levels.
  • Macro conditions remain uncertain in key regions. 
  • Strong pipeline of infrastructure projects over the next 2 years is a positive but timing and execution is a risk.
  • Solid balance sheet position provides some flexibility to the Company to pursue growth.
  • Leading positions as a lime producer, concrete products producer and cement and clinker supplier.
  • Outlook for lime looks relatively positive with higher infrastructure projects and resource sector activity
  • Cost-out and vertical integration (cement) programs expected to deliver cost benefits that exceed cost headwinds of $10m in FY21. 

Key Risks:

  • Softer sales volume than expected. 
  • Loss of market share to competitors or imports and pressure on pricing. 
  • Softer than expected pricing increases. 
  • Higher than expected energy prices. 
  • Execution risk in relation to Company’s cost-out and vertical integration strategies.
  • Deterioration of A$ relative to other currencies. 
  • Unfavorable weather impacts. 

Key Highlights:  

  • Management did not provide any quantitative guidance, however, expects; Growth in underlying earnings for 2H22, driven by increased contributions from cement, concrete, aggregates, masonry, JV’s and recent business acquisitions.
  • Demand for products from the residential, infrastructure, commercial and mining sectors to remain strong in 2H22.
  • Further out-of-cycle price increases to help actively manage inflationary pressures, with pricing traction key to the ability to deliver.
  • Strong demand for cement despite building and project completion timelines being extended due to materials and labour shortages.
  • Lime volumes staying stable in 2H22 vs 1H22, however, lime pricing improving with new customers seeking reliable domestic supply due to supply chain disruptions experienced by importers.
  • Strong demand for concrete and aggregates to the end of the year, and if weather abates in NSW, will be buoyed by the commencement of delayed projects and flood recovery works, however, softness in retail spending to impact masonry demand, with increased interest rates impacting household discretionary spend.
  • FY22 capex investment (excluding business acquisitions) of ~$300m, including circa 40% for the Kwinana Upgrade project.
  • Proceeds of >$20m for FY22 from land sales for Rosehill and Kewdale.
  • Gross cost savings of circa $10m for FY22. 
  • Capital management. Net debt increased +34.5% YoY to $553.9m, representing a leverage ratio of 2x underlying EBITDA (vs 1.5x in pcp) and gearing of 43.2% (up +990bps), both towards the top-end of company’s credit metrics target range, however, well within banking covenants.
  • Return on Funds Employed (ROFE) declined -170bps YoY to 9.3%, well below pre-tax WACC of 11.4%, with management expecting long-term ROFE improvement coming from Kwinana Upgrade project cost savings, development of downstream land investments, ongoing cost-outs and low-cost gas supply.
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 5cps, down -9.1% YoY and representing a payout ratio of 70.6% of underlying earnings (excluding property profits), within the Board’s target range of 65-75%. 
  • Inflation eating into margins. Despite the cost reduction program delivering $7.5m in gross savings for 1H22, ongoing cost headwinds in areas including pallets, shipping, labour, power, fuel and raw material prices, continued to eat into margins with EBITDA margin declining – 110bps YoY to 16.6%, as product repricing continues to lag cost inflation. 

Company Description:

Adbri Ltd (ABC) is an Australia listed construction materials and liming producing company. ABC is Australia’s leading (1) lime producer in the minerals processing industry; (2) concrete products producer; and (3) cement and clinker importer. ABC is Australia’s number two cement and clinker supplier to the Australian construction industry and number four concrete and aggregates producer. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks

SoFi has used a mixture of internal development and external partnerships to rapidly expand the services offered to its clients

Business Strategy & Outlook

SoFi targets young, high-income individuals who may be underserved by traditional full-service banks. The company is purely digital and engages with its clients exclusively through its mobile app and website. Unlike existing digital banks, which generally have limited product offerings, SoFi offers a full suite of financial services and products that includes everything from student loans to estate planning. The intent is that this will allow its customers to structure the entirety of their finances around SoFi, and the company’s reward structures are designed to encourage its clients to do so. By acting as a one-stop shop for its customers’ finances, SoFi intends to create powerful cross-selling advantages that will reduce its cost of acquisition and give it a competitive advantage. In order to meet this goal, SoFi has used a mixture of internal development and external partnerships to rapidly expand the services offered to its clients. The use of partnerships has allowed SoFi to build out its product offerings with impressive speed, transforming SoFi from being a student and personal loan company into a one-stop shop for financial services in just a few years.

While SoFi has offered its clients banking services for some time, the company itself has only recently become a true bank. Having successfully gained a national banking charter in early 2022, SoFi is now able to retain deposits into its SoFi Money accounts and use them to support its lending operations. Prior to SoFi obtaining a charter, deposits into these accounts were swept out to SoFi’s partner banks, leaving SoFi to finance its lending arms entirely though external financing. Access to these lower-costs funds will give SoFi the opportunity to drive net interest income growth as the firm leans into its unique model for digital banking. Since receiving its charter, SoFi’s deposit base and loan book have grown rapidly, with total deposits reaching over $4.9 billion at the end of September 2022 from just over $1 billion at the end of March 2022. SoFi’s success in deposit gathering has supported significant net interest income growth, helping to offset the negative impact of student loan forbearance.

Financial Strengths

With a strong balance sheet and modest credit risk from its lending operations, SoFi is in a good financial position. During its SPAC merger, SoFi raised $1.2 billion through PIPE financing, which came in addition to the $800 million in liquidity that the company acquired during the SPAC merger itself. At the end of September 2022, the firm had over $1.1 billion in unrestricted cash and investment securities, giving it ample financial resources. SoFi does not pay a dividend or make any kind of shareholder returns. This is expected given where SoFi is in its corporate life cycle. SoFi will not commit itself to making dividend payment or to repurchase shares at any point in the immediate future as the company is far more likely to reinvest any excess capital into its business. Additionally, the company’s financial reserves should be more than sufficient to cover any credit losses it may experience. SoFi either sells or securitizes the loans it originates. While historically SoFi has retained some of the securitizations it has made, recently the company has moved away from this practice and many of the loans it has on its books are “float” from its lending business. In other words, loans that have been made but not yet sold through. Because these loans are recently originated, SoFi experiences limited credit losses, and the company’s write-off expense is low relative to the size of its balance sheet. With low credit losses and substantial financial assets at its disposal SoFi is in a good position financially and should have plenty of flexibility to invest in its business as it sees fit. While SoFi is unprofitable and will likely remain so for the near future, the firm is in a good financial position to withstand future losses.

Bulls Say

  • SoFi has managed to rapidly launch an impressive array of products and services, and the company remains the only firm offering a digital full-service model.
  • SoFi has enjoyed rapid growth driven by the introduction of new products and broader adoption of digital banking.
  • The company’s acquisition of Galileo was likely a major win as the number of accounts using Galileo’s platform has risen sharply since the purchase.

Company Description

SoFi is a financial services company that was founded in 2011 and is currently based in San Francisco. Initially known for its student loan refinancing business, the company has expanded its product offerings to include personal loans, credit cards, mortgages, investment accounts, banking services, and financial planning. The company intends to be a one-stop shop for its clients’ finances and operates solely through its mobile app and website. Through its acquisition of Galileo in 2020 the company also offers payment and account services for debit cards and digital banking.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Deere has exposure to end markets with attractive tailwinds

Business Strategy & Outlook

Deere offers customers an extensive portfolio of agriculture and construction products. It will continue to be the leader in the agriculture industry and one of the top players in construction. For over a century, the company has been the pre-eminent manufacturer of mission-critical agricultural equipment, which has led to its place as one of the world’s most valuable brands. Deere’s strong brand is underpinned by its high-quality, extremely durable, and efficient products. Customers in developed markets also value Deere’s ability to reduce the total cost of ownership. The company’s strategy focuses on delivering a comprehensive solution for farmers. Deere’s innovative products target each phase of the production process, which includes field preparation, planting and seeding, applying chemicals, and harvesting. The company also embeds technology in its products, from guidance systems to seed placement and customized spraying applications. Over the past decade, the company has continually released new products and upgraded existing product models to drive greater machine efficiency. Customers also rely on the services that Deere and its dealers provide, for example, machine maintenance and access to its proprietary aftermarket parts. Furthermore, its digital applications help customers interact with dealers, manage their fleet, and track machine performance to determine when maintenance is needed.

Deere has exposure to end markets with attractive tailwinds. In agriculture, demand for corn and soybeans will be strong in the near term, largely due to robust demand from China and tight global supplies. On the construction side, the company will benefit from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal in the U.S. The country’s roads are in poor condition, which has led to pent-up road construction demand. Looking further out, the precision ag will be an incremental value driver for Deere. The company recently closed the precision ag loop (in terms of capabilities) with the introduction of its autonomous 8R tractor. The precision ag presents an over-$6 billion sales opportunity for the ag leader this decade.

Financial Strengths

Deere maintains a sound balance sheet. On the industrial side, the net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio was relatively low at the end of fiscal 2022, coming in at 0.7. Total outstanding debt, including both short- and long-term debt, was nearly $10.6 billion. Deere’s strong balance sheet gives management the financial flexibility to run a balanced capital allocation strategy going forward that mostly favors organic growth and also returns cash to shareholders. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. The company’s cash position as of fiscal year-end 2022 stood at $3.7 billion on its industrial balance sheet. Deere’s ability to tap into available lines of credit to meet any short-term needs looks comfortable. Deere has access to $5.7 billion in credit facilities. Deere can generate solid free cash flow throughout the economic cycle. The company can generate $8 billion in free cash flow in the midcycle year, supporting its ability to return nearly all of its free cash flow to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. Additionally, management is determined to rationalize its footprint by reducing the number of facilities in mature markets. If successful, this will put Deere on much better footing from a cost perspective, further supporting its ability to return cash to shareholders. The captive finance arm holds considerably more debt than the industrial business, but this is reasonable, given its status as a lender to both customers and dealers. Total debt stood at $37 billion in fiscal 2022, along with $42 billion in finance receivables and $1 billion in cash. Deere enjoys a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects.

Bulls Say

  • Higher crop prices encourage farmers to grow more crops and will lead to more farming equipment purchases, substantially boosting Deere’s revenue growth.
  • Deere will benefit from strong replacement demand, as uncertainty around trade, weather, and agriculture commodity demand has eased, encouraging farmers to refresh their machine fleet.
  • Increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. and emerging markets will lead to more construction equipment purchases, benefiting Deere.

Company Description

Deere is the world’s leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, producing some of the most recognizable machines in the heavy machinery industry. The company is divided into four reportable segments: production and precision agriculture, small agriculture and turf, construction and forestry, and John Deere Capital. Its products are available through an extensive dealer network, which includes over 1,900 dealer locations in North America and approximately 3,700 locations globally. John Deere Capital provides retail financing for machinery to its customers, in addition to wholesale financing for dealers, which increases the likelihood of Deere product sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Cochlear Ltd (COH) reported strong 1H22 Results

Investment Thesis

  • Attractive market dynamics – growing population requiring hearing aids, improving health in EM providing more access to devices such as hearing aids and relatively underpenetrated market. There remains a significant, unmet and addressable clinical need for cochlear and acoustic implants that is expected to continue to underpin the long‐term sustainable growth of COH.
  • Market leading positions globally.
  • Direct-to-consumer marketing expected to fast track market growth.
  • Best in class R&D program (significant dollar amount) leading to continual development of new products and upgrades to existing suite of products.
  • New product launches driving continued demand in all segments.
  • Attractive exposure to growth in China, India and more recently Japan.
  • Solid balance sheet position.
  • Potential benefit from Australian tax incentive. Subject to successful passage of legislation, the patent box tax regime for medical technology and biotechnology should encourage development of innovation in Australia by taxing corporate income derived from patents at a concessional effective corporate tax rate of 17%, with the concession applying from income years starting on or after 1 July 2022.

Key Risks

  • Product recall.
  • Sustained coronavirus outbreak which delays recommencement of hospital operations in China.
  • R&D programs fail to deliver innovative products.
  • Increase in competitive pressures.
  • Change in government reimbursement policy.
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD.
  • Emerging market does not recoup – significant downside to earnings.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue increased +12% to $815m driven by demand for sound processor upgrades and new acoustic implant products, despite Cochlear implant revenue continuing to be impacted by Covid‐related restrictions which caused lower overall operating theatre capacity. Cochlear implant units increased +7% to 18,598. 
  • Statutory net profit of $169m includes $12m in innovation fund gains after‐tax. Underlying net profit was up +26% to $158m, driven by strong sales growth and improved gross margin, with some benefit from lower‐than‐expected operating expenses. 
  • The Board declared an interim dividend of $1.55 per share, up +35% and equates to a payout of 65% of underlying net profit (up from 61% in the pcp). Management expects dividend payout to be around 70% for the full year, in line with the target payout. 
  • COH’s balance sheet remains strong with net cash of $506m and operating cash flows sufficient to fund investing activities and capex.
  • Cochlear implant units increased +7% to 18,598 units, driven by strong growth in emerging markets (up +30%), offsetting a decline in developed markets (down -2%). Revenue was up +2% to $457.9m, with a mix shift to the emerging markets. For developed markets, volumes were down -2%, but overall are tracking ahead of pre‐Covid levels with continuing variability in performance across countries in response to Covid. For the emerging markets, unit volumes overall increased around +30% with a strong recovery from Covid‐related surgery deferrals experienced across most countries. Surgeries in a few countries, including China, are trading above pre‐Covid levels. India and Brazil are recovering well although volumes are still materially below pre‐Covid levels. 
  • Revenue increased +21% to $256.5m, driven by a growing recipient base. Sound processor upgrade revenue saw a strong growth due to pent-up demand following the restricted access to clinics during Covid lockdowns. 
  • Revenue increased +40% to a record $100.9m, reflecting strong demand for new products and a recovery from Covid‐related surgery delays. The Cochlear Osia 2 System achieved CE Mark accreditation in 2H21 and is being rolled out across Western Europe in 1H22. The Cochlear Baha 6 Max Sound Processor was launched in 4Q21 and is driving strong demand for sound processor upgrades across all regions.

Company Description

Cochlear Ltd (COH) researches, develops and markets cochlear implant systems for hearing impaired people. COH’s hearing implant systems include Nucleus and Baha and are sold globally. COH has direct operations in 20 countries and 2,800 employees.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

NXT retains a strong medium-term earnings growth outlook from ongoing cloud adoption

Investment Thesis

  • Australia is still in the early stages of cloud adoption. More efficient and cheaper broadband following the NBN’s implementation will drive demand from cloud providers for NXT’s assets. 
  • Extremely high-quality collection of sites. 
  • Focus on the premium end where pricing is more stable – Tier 4 gold centres. 
  • NXT has the balance sheet capacity to handle more debt and self-fund expansion through operating cash flow from the base buildings. 
  • Capital intensive nature of the sector provides a high barrier to entry. 
  • Government adoption of cloud and the subsequent need to outsource presents an opportunity.
  • Strong customer ecosystem creates a ‘sticky’ customer base who are unlikely to churn. 
  • National footprint allows Company to scale better than competitors. 
  • Margin expansions highlighting strong operating leverage. 
  • Additional capacity announced. 
  • M&A activity given the global demand for data.

Key Risks

  • No product diversification (NXT only operates data centres). 
  • Significant new supply of data centres by NXT and competitors. 
  • Delays in data centre build or ramp up, impacting earnings growth profile. 
  • Competitive pressures (price discounting by NXT or competitors).
  •  Higher power densities as a result of increasing average rack power utilization in Australia. 
  • Insufficient customer demand to achieve a satisfactory return on investments. 
  •  Failure to obtain sufficient capital on favourable terms may hinder NXT’s ability to expand and pursue growth opportunities. 
  •  Lease risk (NXT does not own the land or building where its data centres are situated).

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Data centre services revenue of $144.5m was up +19%. 
  •  Underlying EBITDA of $85.0m, up +29%. 
  • Operating cash flow increased +9% to $69.5m. 
  • NPAT of $10.3m was a significant improvement from the $17.8m net loss in the pcp. 
  • NXT retained a strong liquidity position of $2.1bn, including undrawn debt facilities of $1.4bn at 1H22-end. Gearing (Net debt / (net debt + equity) increased to 16.6% from 7.3%. 
  •  Contracted utilisation increased 10.0MW, or +14% to 81.0MW. 
  • Customer numbers grew by 144, or +10% to 1,569.
  • Interconnections was up 1,968, or +14% to 15,879, and now equates to 7.3% of recurring revenue.

Company Description

NEXTDC Limited (NXT) is a Data-Center-as-a-Service (DCaaS) provider offering a range of services to corporate, government and IT services companies. NXT has a total of five data centers located in major commerce hubs in Australia, with three more due to be completed within the next 2 years. These facilities are network-neutral, meaning they operate independently of telecommunication and IT service providers. Currently NXT has a total of 34.7 MW built for data and serving housing, with a target to reach 104.1MW by the end of 1H18.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

For PBH the Australian business performance was solid, whilst the U.S. business was awarded provisional license for Kansas

Investment Thesis

  • U.S. growth opportunity – the U.S. online sports betting market continues to open following the 2018 supreme court ruling which legalizes the industry. Market growth estimates forecast the industry to grow to US$51bn by 2033. 
  • Strong management team with a solid track record – the ability to grow market share in a competitive and mature market of Australia gives us some confidence the management team has the right strategy in place to build share in the U.S. 
  • Proprietary technology stack – The speed and usability are key differentiating factors. PBH operates proprietary technology, which it developed inhouse. This means new modifications and updates are easier to implement (i.e., more control) with inhouse tech versus outsourced (i.e., having to go to an external provider each time with an update). 
  • Cross sell opportunities with iGaming – PBH’s recently launched iGaming product (online casino) is already highlighting cross-sell opportunities to its customers.

Key Risks

  • Rising competitive pressures. 
  • Adverse regulatory change in key operating jurisdictions (Australia / U.S.). 
  • Loss of market share in key regions or growth rate fails to meet market expectations.
  • Higher than expected costs – especially around investment in sales & marketing to drive market share. 
  • Trading on high PE-multiples / valuations means the Company is more prone to share price volatility.
  •  Cyber-attack on PBH’s platform. 
  • Deeply discounted capital raising.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • The Group’s net win for the year was $309.4m and net revenue of $296.5m, which was up +52% YoY.
  • Group gross profit of $121.6m was up +39% YoY, however gross profit margin was down to 41% from 45% due to a lower gross profit margin in the Australian trading business due to higher taxes and product fees, including an increase in the point of consumption tax in Victoria from 1st of July 2021. Also impacting margin was product mix with a higher contribution of revenue from betting events which attract higher product fees. 
  • Group sales and marketing expenses were up +38.7% YoY to $236.8m, with U.S. marketing up +36% to $162.6m, Australia up +20% to $61.5m and $12.8m for Canada. Management highlighted that they saw an aggressive uplift in competitor marketing spend in the US. In FY23, management does not expect U.S. marketing expense to exceed FY22 levels in the U.S. and will look to regionalize marketing expense and reduce spend in some of the less targeted acquisition channels. In Australia, FY23 marketing expense is expected to be slightly higher than FY22 levels. In Canada, FY23 marketing expense is expected to run annually at a quarterly rate similar to the Q422 marketing expense of C$7m. 
  • The Australian trading business reported net revenue of $195.2m, up +30% YoY and EBITDA of $7.7m was down -16.3% due to lower gross profit margins and higher marketing expense. 
  • U.S. trading business reported net revenue of $98.7m, up +133% YoY, and an EBITDA loss of $197.4m versus loss of $149.6m in the pcp, which was primarily driven by the U.S. marketing expense as PBH expanded operations across 10 U.S. states and grow U.S. based team. Management noted the progress they made during the year.
  • Corporate costs of $25.6m were significantly higher than $12.4m in the pcp due to higher employee benefits, listing costs, capital raising costs and start-up costs for Canada.
  • Group normalized EBITDA loss over FY22 was $243.6m versus a loss of $156.1m in the pcp – that is down – 56% YoY. Loss for the year was $266.9m versus $164.9m in the pcp. 
  • Balance sheet – the Company raised $400m via equity raising and a strategic placement of $94.2m to SIG Sports Investment Corp in Jun-22. The Company is adequately funded to execute on its strategy in the near term with a cash balance as at 30 Jun-22 of $473m.

Company Description

PointsBet Holdings Ltd (PBH), founded in 2015, is a corporate bookmaker with operations in Australia and the United States (New Jersey, Iowa, Illinois and Indiana). PointsBet has developed a scalable cloud-based wagering platform which offers customers sports and racing wagering products. PBH’s key products include fixed odds sports, fixed odds racing and Points Betting.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

Pact Group reported disappointing FY22 results, despite the Company seeing increasing demand for recycled content

Investment Thesis

  • Solid market share in Australia and growing presence in Asia. Hence provides attractive exposure to both developed and emerging markets’ growth. 
  • Valuation is fair on the forward estimates. 
  • Management appears to be less focused on acquired growth going forward, which means there is a less of a chance for the Company to make a value destructive acquisition.
  • Reinstatement of the dividend is positive and highlights management’s confidence in future earnings growth. 
  • Focusing on sustainable packaging in an environmentally friendly market.

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures leading to further margin erosion. 
  • Input cost pressures which the company is unable to pass on to customers. 
  • Deterioration in economic conditions in Australia and Asia. 
  • Emerging markets risk.
  •  Poor acquisitions or not achieving synergy targets as PGH moves to reduce its dependency on packaging for food, diary, and beverage clients to more high growth sectors such as healthcare.
  •  Adverse currency movements (purchased raw materials in U.S. dollars)

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue of $1,838m was up +4%, driven by solid demand for sustainable packaging and recycled products.
  •  FY22 underlying EBIT was in line with guidance provided at 1H22. However, underlying EBIT of $156m, was down -15%, with EBIT from Packaging & Sustainability of $110m, up +5% more than offset by declines in Material Handling & Pooling underlying EBIT of $50m, down -8%, and Contract Manufacturing underlying EBIT, which saw a loss of -$4m (versus $24m in the pcp).
  • Underlying NPAT of $70m was down -25% largely due to the absence of one-off revenue in the Contract Manufacturing segment recorded in FY21. Reporting NPAT of $12m was significantly down – 86%. 
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 1.5cps, franked to 65%, which brings FY22 total dividend to 5cps, down -55% and equates to a payout ratio of 25% of underlying NPAT. 
  • PGH acquired Synergy Packaging for ~$20m which adds to sustainable health and beauty packaging. 
  • PGH began operations at Circular Plastics Australia (PET) recycling facility in Albury-Wodonga with international food grade certification in place and producing recycled resin for joint venture partners. 
  • PGH maintained gearing of 2.7x, within its target range, with net debt at $561m, $24m lower than pcp, and operating cash conversion of $253m. 
  • Packaging and Sustainability. The segment achieved reported revenue of $1.209 billion, up +7% and underlying EBIT of $110m, up +5%, despite tough trading conditions, driven by strong results in the New Zealand dairy and fresh food businesses, large format industrial packaging in Australia, and contract wins in the Asian closures business. 
  • Materials Handling and Pooling. The segment saw reported revenue of $354m, up +3% but a decline in underlying EBIT of -8% to $50m. A strong performance in Pooling which saw volume growth against the backdrop of supply chain challenges, and growth in Infrastructure business was offset by a slowdown in activity in Sulo mobile garbage bin business as local councils delayed tenders for bin contracts.
  • Contract Manufacturing. As previously advised in 1H22 by management, the segment reported a decline in revenue of -5% to $306m and underlying EBIT loss of $4m, with the segment impacted negatively in 2H22 by elevated raw material pricing, supply chain costs, and lower volumes.

Company Description

Pact Group Holdings Ltd (PGH) was established by Raphael Geminder in 2002 (Mr. Geminder remains a major shareholder with ~44% and is the brother-in-law of Anthony Pratt, Chairman of competitor Visy). Pact has operations throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia and conceives, designs, and manufactures packaging (plastic resin and steel) for many products in the food (especially dairy and beverage), chemical, agricultural, industrial and other sectors.

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