Global stocks

Raymond James’ bank will also receive a boost from rising interest rates

Business Strategy & Outlook

Raymond James’ revenue and earnings will hold up better over the near to medium term compared with more pure-play investment banks, thanks to a combination of acquisitions, interest rates, and a relatively large wealth-management business. Over 80% of Raymond James’ net revenue comes from relatively more stable wealth management, asset management, and traditional banking, with usually less than 20% coming from capital markets. 2021 capital markets revenue was abnormally high and will likely continue to reset lower over the next year or so. Given Raymond James’ relatively lower proportion of capital markets revenue, its company wide revenue should hold up better than many other firms’. Raymond James’ bank will also receive a boost from rising interest rates. The company as a whole will benefit from multiple acquisitions, such as Charles Stanley, TriState Capital, and SumRidge Partners. The company’s banking segment experienced quite a bit of pressure over the previous two years, but the future looks bright. Net interest margins compressed by more than 100 basis points to less than 2% in 2021, as benchmark interest rates fell and much of the bank’s assets were variable rate. Additionally, the allowance for loan losses has increased to about 1.2% of loans in early 2022 from 1% in 2019. The company’s banking operations in recent years contributed around 40% of operating income, but that has fallen to less than 20% in some recent quarters.

Expectations are that the U.S. Federal Reserve will increase the federal-funds rate to over 3% by the end of 2022, which will boost the yield on Raymond James’ variable-rate loans. Additionally, the acquisition of TriState Capital has increased the company’s banking operations by about 30%. Loan-loss charge-offs may tick up over the next year or two, but the company’s existing allowance for loan losses should be sufficient, so Raymond James’ banking segment will regain its place as a material driver of earnings.

Financial Strengths

Raymond James is in fine financial health. At the end of its fiscal 2021, the company had $2 billion of senior notes payable compared with $8.3 billion of equity. It doesn’t have any senior notes coming due until 2024. The company has total leverage of about 7.5 times, representing a combination of the bank, which is leveraged 14 times, and the brokerage operation. These leverage ratios are reasonable, given the profile of the company. Raymond James also has quite a bit of cash on its balance sheet. Typically around $500 million is housed at the parent company with upward of another $1 billion of parent company cash that is housed in Raymond James’ own bank or lent to its other businesses.

Bulls Say

  • Additional acquisitions can provide some lift to earnings if the macro environment falters. 
  • The company may have a greater opportunity to recruit advisors as it fills holes in its geographic footprint and offers both employee and independent advisor affiliation options. Recent advisor headcount growth and the Alex. Brown brand may portend superior advisor recruitment. 
  • Net interest income and earnings will meaningfully rise with interest rates.

Company Description

Raymond James Financial is a financial holding company whose major operations include wealth management, investment banking, asset management, and commercial banking. The company has more than 14,000 employees and supports more than 5,000 independent contractor financial advisors across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Approximately 90% of the company’s revenue is from the U.S. and 70% is from the company’s wealth-management segment.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

The strategic rationale for Ipsen’s divestment is to have a greater focus on its faster growing specialty care segment

Business Strategy & Outlook

Ipsen is a global biotechnology company headquartered in France that develops and commercializes medicines across three therapeutic areas: oncology, neuroscience, and rare diseases. Ipsen was founded in 1929 as a consumer healthcare company focused on prescription-based products for digestive disorders and neurological disorders. Ipsen has a global footprint and sells more than 25 drugs in 115 countries, with a direct commercial presence in 34 countries. Over the past nearly 100 years, the company has shifted its focus to its specialty care segment, which comprised 92% of its 2021 revenue. In early 2022, Ipsen announced the divestment of its consumer healthcare segment, which accounted for 8% of 2021 revenue. The strategic rationale for Ipsen’s divestment is to have a greater focus on its faster growing specialty care segment.

Approaching declines in economic profits due to Ipsen’s leading product, Somatuline, facing generic competition in Europe and the United States contributes to the negative moat trend rating. Somatuline accounted for 42% of total sales in 2021, and it will decline to 25% of sales in 2025 due to generic competition impacting sales. Growth from Ipsen’s other marketed products, which have patents that extend until the early to mid-2030s, will somewhat offset the negative impact from generic entry. However, patent expirations for Somatuline and generics gaining market share will likely nevertheless dampen returns by the end of the ten-year explicit forecast period. Thanks to Ipsen’s strong balance sheet, the company is well-positioned to continue funding its internal research and development efforts in addition to external innovation opportunities over the next decade in order to diversify its portfolio. Although the company’s advanced drug candidates are either in the filing stage or Phase 3 with relatively high probabilities of approval due to promising trial data, there is still a degree of uncertainty associated with Ipsen’s clinical and commercial success with these drugs.

Financial Strengths

Ipsen is in decent financial health, and the business continues to continue providing a steady stream of cash. Ipsen made a strategic decision to divest its consumer healthcare segment for EUR 350 million to Mayoly Spindler. This was a strong financial decision since the consumer healthcare segment only accounted for 8% of total revenue in 2021. The management will use the proceeds from the divestment to further expand and diversify its faster-growing specialty care segment. The management team has a history of returning cash to shareholders in the form of dividends. Over the past several years, management has paid a dividend between EUR 0.85 and EUR 1.00 to shareholders. Ipsen announced its 2022 dividend increased by 20% to EUR 1.20. The Ipsen’s shareholder distributions, as mixed as many other biotechnology companies under the coverage, do not pay dividends. The Ipsen’s revenue growth will be constrained by generic competition, so it may better serve long-term investors to reinvest in the company’s pipeline candidates instead of distributing dividends.

Bulls Say

  • Ipsen has a sound financial structure and strong cash generation, which allows it to further develop and expand its pipeline. 
  • Ipsen has a strong and diversified portfolio spanning three key therapeutic areas: oncology, neuroscience, and rare diseases. 
  • The divestment of the consumer healthcare segment allows Ipsen to have an even greater focus on its faster-growing specialty care segment.

Company Description

Ipsen is a global biotechnology company headquartered in France that develops and commercializes medicines across three therapeutic areas: oncology, neuroscience, and rare diseases. Ipsen was founded in 1929 as a consumer healthcare company focused on prescription-based products for digestive disorders and neurological disorders. Over the past nearly 100 years, Ipsen has shifted its focus to specialty care, which comprises the vast majority of its total revenue. In February 2022, Ipsen announced the divestment of its consumer healthcare business, which accounted for 8% of 2021 revenue. Ipsen has a large global footprint and sells more than 25 drugs in 115 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Funds Funds

Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund: Has a track record of adding value by outperforming the market over the long-term

Fund Objective

The Fund’s objective is to grow the value of your investment over the long term via a combination of capital growth and income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of primarily Australian shares, providing a total return that exceeds the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index by 4% per annum after fees (measured on a rolling three-year basis). 

Fund Strategy

The portfolio comprises securities purchased primarily from, but not limited to, the S&P/ASX 300 Index (but excluding those securities in the S&P/ASX 20 Index). The Fund may invest in securities expected to be listed on the ASX except those expected to be included in the S&P/ASX 20 Index upon listing. The Fund may also invest in securities listed, or expected to be listed, on other exchanges where such securities relate to ASX-listed securities. Derivative instruments may be used to replicate underlying positions on a temporary basis and hedge market and company-specific risks. The Fund cannot purchase securities that are in the S&P/ASX 20 Index. However, when a security that is held within the Fund moves into the S&P/ASX 20 Index, that security may continue to be held for so long as deemed appropriate. The investment team will use its discretion in selling down that security, having regard to the best interests of unitholders. In this way, the Fund may hold securities in the S&P/ASX 20 Index from time to time.

Portfolio Performance

Investment Team:

The BAEP investment team consists of eight investment professionals:

  1. Mark East: Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager 
  2. Keith Hwang: Director, Quantitative Research 
  3. Neale Goldstone-Morris: Senior Investment Analyst, Strategy 
  4. Kieran Sisson: Senior Investment Analyst 
  5. Doug Macphillamy: Senior Investment Analyst 
  6. Brad Clibborn: Senior Investment Analyst 
  7. Jack Briggs: Senior Investment Analyst 
  8. Todd Briggs: Investment Analyst 

In the last two years, there has been one hire Doug Macphillamy: Senior Investment Analyst and one departure Julian Beaumont.

BAEP operates under a flat organisational structure with all team members contributing to the investment decision making process. This model has been deliberately adopted to ensure a collaborative effort and avoid a hierarchical structure. Collectively, the investment team has experience in portfolio management; fundamental, macroeconomic, strategy & quantitative research and analysis, and in trading & execution. There is a series of constant checks, balances and back-ups in the business and investment process which support its structure. Mark East (CIO) has the final say on portfolio construction and ultimately accountability/responsibility. The portfolio manager is supported by the extensive resourcing within the broader BAEP investment team. Keith Hwang has primary responsibility for trading and execution, with Kieran Sisson acting as back-up.

About Fund:

Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund’s objective is to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index excluding the portion of return attributed to the S&P/ASX 20 Leaders Index, by 4% per annum after fees on a rolling 3-year basis. The Fund invests primarily in Australian shares with high quality business models, strong growth, and underestimated earnings momentum and prospects.

(Source: Banyantree, investmentcentre)

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Dividend Stocks

Victrex is a Global Leader in High-Performance Plastics

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

U.K.-based Victrex is the creator of and dominant market leader in polyetheretherketone, or PEEK, a lightweight ultra-high-performance plastic that suits the most demanding applications in transportation, oil and gas, and electronics. It serves these industrial markets through its industrials segment, which accounts for around 80% of sales. The company has broadened applications of PEEK to healthcare, notably implantable spinal fusion cages. Healthcare sales are housed in the medical segment, which contributes the other 20% of sales, but has higher margins than the industrial business. Total market demand for PEEK is small, currently around 6,000 metric tons per year. Victrex has succeeded in its efforts to expand the market for PEEK, as evidenced by mid-single-digit volume growth at the company over the past decade. The market for PEEK has plenty of room to grow by capturing increasing demand for metal-replacement products. Indeed, Victrex believes annual demand for PEEK could ultimately grow to 80,000 metric tons, a reasonable view given that the market size for many specialty polymers is 2-3 times larger. 

While PEEK has been off-patent for many years, competition has been benign with only a handful of suppliers entering the market. Competitive dynamics are evolving slowly. Solvay made a significant capacity expansion a few years ago, but this is the only company that has made real inroads into the market. There is room for both Victrex and Solvay to be major players without serious price competition. The company’s strategy is shifting to prioritize moving downstream into semi finished and finished products and specialty applications, in order to capture a larger portion of profits in the value chain. Currently, these products account for about 30% of sales. Victrex’s pipeline of downstream products under development could easily double current sales, but a material impact on group profit is probably several years away.

Financial Strengths: 

Victrex is in excellent financial health. The balance sheet is managed very conservatively–possibly too conservatively—with no debt and significant working capital. However, this is a strategic decision to ensure customers have strong faith in the security of PEEK supply, because Victrex has historically been the only major producer. At fiscal end-2021, Victrex had a GBP 96 million net cash position. In addition, the pension deficit is modest. Liquidity is enhanced by a GBP 40 million committed bank facility, which was unused at fiscal end-2021.

Bulls Say: 

  • Victrex is making progress moving downstream in the PEEK value chain, which should help protect margins as the upstream business becomes more competitive.
  • The company has several GBP 50 million sales opportunities in its medical development pipeline, which should invigorate segment growth in the long term.
  • Given the company’s significant free cash flow and shareholder-friendly capital-allocation policies, investors have the potential to realize extra returns through special dividends.

Company Description:  

Victrex is a British specialty chemicals company whose business is based predominantly on manufacturing and creating solutions using polyetheretherketone, or PEEK, an ultra-high-performance lightweight plastic. Around 40% of sales are generated in Europe, with Asia and the Americas contributing 30% each. The business has two segments. The industrial segment targets transportation, energy, electronics, and manufacturing, while the medical segment provides healthcare solutions for the implantable device markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Musk Parting from Twitter Purchase, but Twitter Remains Attractive; FVE Downs to $47

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Twitter has captured the attention of nearly 200 million daily active users, including prominent celebrities and public figures worldwide. Its access to, and interactions around, real-time information and content create value for its users and for advertisers. While Twitter user growth has accelerated since 2018, a potential slowdown remains a concern. Slower user growth could make higher user monetization more difficult as advertisers may allocate a bit more toward other platforms such as Snap, which has a faster-growing user base. Twitter might have carved out an economic moat. Twitter is an open distribution platform for (and a conversational one around) short-form text, image, and video content. Its users can access real-time information regarding a wide array of topics or news events. They can also share information and content, interact with content, and express their reactions to other Twitter users. These types of interactions allow Twitter to compile more data about its users, which is then licensed and/or utilized by Twitter and advertisers to launch online brands and targeted ads. 

While Twitter remains one of the main real-time online content distribution platforms, its user base is smaller than other social networks such as Facebook (including Instagram) and Snap’s Snapchat. As such, Twitter is not benefiting from increased spending on mobile and online video advertising as much as its peers. Product enhancements such as the Explore tab may have helped increase initial user engagement and improve user retention, but the firm’s potential network effect is weakening as its user base shrinks in size relative to rivals, which could lead to generating less data and drive advertisers to spend more on other platforms. However, Twitter has introduced some subscription products which could lessen dependence on ad revenue.

Financial Strengths:  

Twitter has a strong balance sheet with net cash of $5.9 billion. The firm generates cash from operations, and expects it to generate free cash flow going forward. Twitter’s free cash flow to equity/revenue ratio averaged 18% over the past three years, and they projected this ratio to improve to over 26% in 2025.

Bulls Say: 

  • Growth in ad revenue per user remains strong at Twitter, more than offsetting the deceleration in user growth. 
  • Agreements with various professional sports leagues provide a platform for interaction and conversation about the games, which may attract more premium content providers to use the Twitter platform. 
  • Investments in product enhancements and video content could return the monthly active user growth rate to the double digits.

Company Description:  

Twitter is an open distribution platform for and a conversational platform around short-form text (a maximum of 280 characters), image, and video content. Its users can create different social networks based on their interests, thereby creating an interest graph. Many prominent celebrities and public figures have Twitter accounts. Twitter generates revenue from advertising (90%) and licensing the user data that it compiles (10%). (Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Fair market value laws in several states support Essential’s water business acquisition strategy.

Business Strategy & Outlook

For more than 50 years, Essential Utilities–formerly Aqua America–was one of the few pure-play water utilities in the United States. But its $4.3 billion acquisition of Peoples Gas in March 2020 made the company nearly 50% larger and diversified its earnings mix. The gas business contributes about one third of earnings on a normalized basis. Essential’s gas and water utility earnings are mostly rate regulated. The management prioritizes infrastructure investments and paying a robust dividend, like most other utilities. The Essential’s earnings to grow 8% annually during the next five years due to its water system acquisition opportunities. This is among the highest growth rates in the U.S. utilities sector. Although efficiency savings have reduced retail water use for several decades, Essential has been able to grow earnings and the dividend by replacing and upgrading infrastructure that is decades old. The Essential to grow by acquiring small, typically municipal-owned water systems. In the U.S., 85% of the population is served by a municipal water utility, offering a long runway of acquisition growth opportunities.

Similarly, they expect little natural gas usage growth at Peoples Gas, which had been owned by a private equity group. But the gas business still should produce steady earnings growth as Essential replaces and upgrades the system infrastructure. Fair market value laws in several states support Essential’s water business acquisition strategy. These laws require Essential to pay municipalities at least the assessed value of the system it acquires and allow Essential to add these assets to rate base at the assessed value rather than historical cost. The municipalities benefit by ensuring they get fair prices, and Essential shareholders benefit by ensuring the company doesn’t overpay for growth. In many cases, these deals are immediately value-accretive. Recent FMV legislation in Kentucky and West Virginia opens acquisition opportunities near areas Essential already serves.

Financial Strengths

Essential maintains a capital structure in line with its regulatory allowed capital structure for ratemaking purposes and leverage metrics in line with high investment-grade credit ratings. One cannot expect that to change. The Essential to issue new debt to fund growth investments and acquisitions in the coming years. One cannot expect any material new equity needs after the company raised $300 million in 2021. With constructive regulation, The Essential will be able to use its cash flow to fund most of its equity investment needs during the next five years. Essential has paid an annual dividend since 1945 and increased it at least 5% for each of the last 25 years. The Essential will be able to continue growing the dividend at this rate or higher for the foreseeable future while staying below management’s 65% maximum payout ratio threshold.

Bulls Say

  • Constructive regulation allows Essential to raise rates through surcharges or rate cases to reduce regulatory lag and enhance cash flow available to pay the dividend and invest in growth projects. 
  • Fair market valuation state laws allow Essential to make municipal water utility acquisitions immediately value-accretive for shareholders. 
  • Essential has raised its dividend 31 times in the last 30 years, including 29 consecutive increases of more than 5%.

Company Description

Essential Utilities is a Pennsylvania-based holding company for U.S. water, wastewater, and natural gas distribution utilities. The company’s water business serves 3 million people in eight states. Nearly three fourths of its water earnings come from Pennsylvania, primarily suburban Philadelphia. It also has a small market-based water business that provides water and water services to third parties, notably natural gas producers. Its $4.3 billion Peoples Gas acquisition that closed in March 2020 adds 750,000 gas distribution customers in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Wide-Moat Masco Is Mostly Exposed to the Less-Cyclical Repair and Remold Market

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Company thinks Masco’s financial performance over the past eight years has been as much of a self-help story as a story of improving end markets. Masco almost entirely refreshed its senior executive management team in 2014. Since then, it has taken significant measures to build a stronger and more consistent business model. The firm divested its most cyclical and least profitable businesses (it spun off its installation business, now named TopBuild, to shareholders in 2015 and sold its windows and cabinetry businesses in 2019 and 2020, respectively). Management also executed significant cost-reduction initiatives and shored up the firm’s balance sheet. According to the company, Masco’s sale of its windows and cabinetry businesses was a positive development for the firm because it had long viewed its plumbing and decorative architectural businesses as the firm’s crown jewels and key drivers of the company’s valuation, while Masco’s cabinetry and windows businesses were often laggards that had been a drag on margins and returns on invested capital. 

Repair and remodel, or R&R, spending, and to a much lesser extent, new residential construction, are major drivers of Masco’s financial performance. After divesting its installation, windows, and cabinetry businesses, the firm’s overall exposure to the R&R market is 88% of sales. R&R spending surged during the pandemic, but the company doesn’t expect a dramatic downturn in home improvement projects, although the amount spent per project could moderate over the near term resulting in flattening growth over the next couple years. Historically, project incidence has been relatively stable, but average project expenditure is more sensitive to macroeconomic conditions. Nevertheless, it will continue to see a 4%-5% long-term growth trajectory for R&R spending. The company expects the repair and remodel market will benefit from several long-term secular tailwinds related to aging housing stock, favorable demographics, and increased acceptance of smart home and energy-efficient products and solutions.

Financial Strengths:  

Company thinks Masco has a sound capital structure, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation decisions. Masco’s balance sheet has improved significantly over the past five years; based on calculations, net debt/EBITDA peaked at over 4 in 2011 but is now 1.7. Masco plans to maintain a similar leverage ratio to support an investment-grade debt rating. Masco has approximately $3 billion of outstanding debt with maturities staggered through 2051, but the next maturity isn’t until 2028 when $600 million is due. Masco has ample liquidity, with roughly $500 million of cash on hand and over $700 million available on its credit facility. By calculations, 2021 marked the 31st consecutive year Masco has generated positive free cash flow since financials were publicly available via the Securities and Exchange Commission website (1991). This ability to generate consistent free cash flow, even in a downturn, demonstrates the durability of Masco’s business model.

Bulls Say: 

  • The R&R market is poised for long-term growth, driven by several secular tailwinds, including the aging housing stock and favorable demographics. 
  • Masco has attainable growth plans for its plumbing and decorative architectural segments. These strategies could drive meaningful above-market growth over the next several years. 
  • Masco’s brand portfolio enjoys pricing power, which supports margin stability.

Company Description:  

Masco manufactures a variety of home improvement and building products. The company’s $5.1 billion plumbing segment, led by the Delta and Hansgrohe brands, sells faucets, showerheads, and other related plumbing fixtures and components. The $3.2 billion decorative architectural segment primarily sells paints and other coatings under the Behr and Kilz brands, but it also sells builder hardware and lighting products. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Initiating on Glanbia With No-Moat Rating, EUR 12 Fair Value Estimate; Share Slightly Undervalued

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Despite its positioning in fast-growing segments, benefiting from secular trends around healthy lifestyle and wellness, the company believes Glanbia’s products are largely commoditized and it assigns the company a no-moat rating. From its humble beginnings as an Irish dairy cooperative, Glanbia has transformed over the past few decades into a global manufacturer of ingredients and sports nutrition, primarily by using whey, a byproduct of milk processing and cheese manufacturing. Acquisitions have served to further diversify the portfolio away from whey-based ingredients and products, with Glanbia also building a sizable position in vitamins and mineral premix, which has contributed to the accelerated growth of the segment. Its cheese operations, however, either wholly owned or as joint ventures, still account for a large share of revenue and it is believed to have constituted a distraction for management from the higher-value-added parts of the portfolio.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The performance nutrition segment, which includes brands such as Optimum Nutrition, BSN, and SlimFast, has been struggling over the past five years, with diminishing pricing power and organic growth rates that have significantly lagged the market, translating into share loss to new and nimble players. Company believes the acquisition in late 2018 of the SlimFast brand has done little to rejuvenate the portfolio and improve its growth prospects, and it surmises that the brand’s deteriorating equity has added more pressure to already increasing customer acquisition costs. Company believes the nutritional solutions segment to be the most valuable for Glanbia, delivering above-average growth rates and margin. The company’s leading portfolio of protein and vitamin and mineral premix ingredients and solutions creates a compelling proposition for customers in the food, beverage, and supplements space. Although the management don’t believe the products to be differentiated—Glanbia’s research and development spend of below 1% is among the lowest in the ingredients peer group— do reckon that Glanbia’s credentials in the space are likely to continue to lead to outperformance for the segment versus the market over the midterm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Financial Strengths:  

Glanbia is in good financial health. Net debt levels are manageable, with a net debt/adjusted 2021 EBITDA ratio of 1.8 times, in line with previous years, and available banking facilities totaling EUR 1.2 billion. Company forecasts acquisition spending of around EUR 100 million per year for the next five years, in line with historical averages and keeping with the company’s strategy of expanding its footprint in the ingredients market. The company expects these acquisitions to be largely financed from free cash flow generation, which will enable Glanbia to maintain its solid financial position. In the five years leading up to 2021, capital spending averaged only 2% of sales, making Glanbia one of the most capital-light companies in the ingredients industry. The company employs a progressive dividend policy, targeting a dividend payout ratio of 25%-35% of adjusted earnings per share, which are viewed as manageable.

Bulls Say: 

  • In the nutritional solutions segment, Glanbia is well positioned to benefit from growing consumer trends regarding healthier lifestyles, wellbeing, and increased immunity. 
  • The sale of its 40% holding in the Glanbia Ireland joint venture further enables Glanbia to focus and reinvest in its higher-value-added segments. 
  • Glanbia’s portfolio expansion into vitamin and mineral premix has enabled the company to create a compelling proposition for supplement and on-the-go snacking manufacturers, and expects these applications to continue to drive the above-average growth of the segment.

Company Description:  

Meaning “pure food” in Irish, Glanbia is a global ingredient and branded performance nutrition manufacturer present in 32 countries with sales in 130 countries and over 7,500 employees. Originating in Ireland in the 1960s in the dairy processing industry, predecessor companies were initially listed in 1988 before Glanbia came into being in 1999. Production facilities are concentrated in Ireland, the U.K., Germany, the U.S., and China. Glanbia processes over 6 billion liters of milk annually and is also a major producer of U.S. cheddar cheese. Glanbia generates more than 80% of its revenue in the U.S.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Goldman Sachs is significantly leveraged to rising interest rates

Business Strategy & Outlook

Goldman Sachs has made progress on the strategic plan that it laid out at the beginning of 2020 and set even more ambitious goals in 2022. The company is now targeting a medium-term return on tangible equity of 15% to 17% compared with a previous goal of over 14%. In addition to the ROTE target, management also set an expense ratio goal of about 60% and growth targets for its asset management and consumer banking businesses. While one cannot be sure the company will hit all of those goals over the next three years, the company will exceed a 15% ROTE in the long run after its consumer business has reached a more profitable scale. Goldman Sachs’ trading business also remains a large swing factor, as it requires more capital and tends to have lower operating margins than the other business segments. COVID-19 boosted revenue in 2020 and 2021 with high trading caused by economic uncertainty and companies issuing debt and equity to initially bolster capital and then later issuing debt and equity to take advantage of low interest rates and a strong stock market. Net revenue should retrace somewhat in 2022 and 2023 from the unusually strong 2021 level, and as per forecast 2023 revenue to be about $45 to $50 billion compared with nearly $60 billion in 2021.

As per given forecast, the firm should trade at 1.5 to 1.6 times tangible book value. Its investment management business has become a priority. Assets under supervision exceeded $2.4 trillion at the end of 2021, while related investment management fees have been around 15%-20% of net revenue compared with 11%-12% before 2008. Investment management is a relatively stable, high-return-on-capital business that is well suited to the current regulatory environment. Goldman has also built out a large virtual bank and had deposits of $350 billion at the end of 2021 compared with $39 billion in 2009. The deposit base and related net interest income will add more stability to the company’s revenue stream and balance sheet in the medium term. Goldman Sachs is significantly leveraged to rising interest rates, so its valuation shouldn’t be as affected as peers by the current uncertainty over inflation and interest rates.

Financial Strengths

The long-run gross leverage of 11-13 times. This is below pre-credit-crisis levels of above 25 times. Although Goldman remains highly leveraged, it has restructured as a bank holding company, and its access to government borrowing facilities decreases its short-term funding concerns. The balance sheet is also much cleaner now than before the recession and has a high amount of excess liquid securities. Recently, level 3 assets that are valued using inputs that are significant and unobservable were about 20%-25% of common equity compared with over 100% in 2008. Although you don’t have any immediate concerns in terms of solvency or liquidity, an investment bank’s financial health can turn rapidly for the worse if counterparties experience a crisis of confidence. Goldman Sachs’ regulatory capital ratios are healthy. At the end of 2021, the company had a 14.2% common equity Tier 1 capital ratio. The company targets a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 50 to 100 basis points above its requirements. This would currently equate to a common equity Tier 1 ratio of slightly over 14%, but a longer-term target of 13.50%-14.00%. All of Goldman’s capital ratios are well in excess of regulatory minimums. The company’s ability to return capital is determined by the Federal Reserve Board’s annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review.

Bulls Say

  • More-stable investment management and net interest income could cause investors to reassess Goldman’s earnings quality and increase their willingness to pay a premium for it. 
  • The company’s trading operations can potentially do well in recessions and periods of economic uncertainty, which can buffer earnings. 
  • Several of the company’s primary U.S. and European competitors have been forced to restructure, which could give Goldman an opportunity to gain market share.

Company Description

Goldman Sachs is a leading global investment banking firm whose activities are organized into investment banking (20% of net revenue), global markets (45%), asset management (20%), and consumer and wealth management (15%) segments. Approximately 60% of the company’s net revenue is generated in the Americas, 15% in Asia, and 25% in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. In 2008, Goldman reorganized itself as a financial holding company regulated by the Federal Reserve System.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Zendesk can be successful by simply providing robust software for a reasonable price and offering a credible alternative to those offered by its peers

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Zendesk is a leader in customer service and engagement software. It has a long runway for growth within its existing roster of clients as it continues to improve the feature set and add new solutions to the portfolio. The company is in the process of being acquired by two private equity firms for $77.50 per share. Zendesk was founded with a focus on simplicity and a desire to bring robust customer service functionality more quickly and more cheaply than existing solutions. The software was initially available only online and included free trials. This self-service approach, combined with a rich feature set, drove early traction in the SMB community. Over time, Zendesk began to employ a direct salesforce to attack the enterprise market, which is going towards the small end of enterprise customers. Larger customers drive about 40% of annual recurring revenue, or ARR. Enterprise buyers of software are stickier than SMB customers. That said, Zendesk already enjoys very high dollar retention in the 110%-120% range, which can be considered as very good.

Zendesk is successfully pursuing the typical land and expand approach to growth in that the firm lands at a new customer with one solution or a limited number of seats and increases the seat count or number of solutions over time. At its inception, Zendesk sold only its Support product, whereas today it has branched out to CRM, marketing automation, and others. Support remains the single largest solution, and even today approximately 80% of revenue is derived from existing customers. The market opportunity is substantial. Management believes its total addressable market, or TAM, is near $85 billion, and this market is still growing rapidly and could be up to three times larger in the long run. While the competition includes, Microsoft, Oracle, and others, hence Zendesk doesn’t have to “beat” any of them. Their competitive overlap remains relatively small for now, and Zendesk can be successful by simply providing robust software for a reasonable price and offering a credible alternative to those offered by some of the larger peers.

Financial Strength

Zendesk is a financially sound company with a solid balance sheet, improving margins, and rapidly growing margins. Capital is generally allocated to growth efforts and acquisitions, with no dividends or buybacks on the horizon. As of December 2021, Zendesk had $1.0 billion in cash and marketable securities compared with $979 million in long-term debt. The company generated non-GAAP EBITDA of $220 million in 2021, representing leverage of 4.5 times. The company’s free cash flow to grow rapidly over the next several years. The debt is due in 2023 and is convertible into common shares, which will be the outcome. Zendesk does not pay a dividend and has not repurchased shares, nor is it expected for the company to do so within the next several years. The company makes small acquisitions from time to time, with a handful of deals totalling approximately a couple hundred million dollars over the last five years. These are feature additions or product expansion that supplements the company’s research and development efforts. While the size and frequency of deals may vary from year to year, the company is not going to change its acquisition strategy.

Bulls Say’s

  • The free trial, easier implementation, and rapid return on investment for Zendesk customers make for a compelling sales pitch. The company is also enjoying success moving upstream to larger customers. 
  • Zendesk does not have to beat out or Microsoft, it just has to offer a viable alternative for larger SMB customers, which is already true. 
  • Zendesk’s track record of introducing new solutions in adjacent areas and upselling existing customers has driven strong revenue growth thus far, which will continue.

Company Profile 

Founded in 2007, Zendesk provides a portfolio of customer engagement software solutions via single applications or the Sunshine suite. Its software unifies customer communication and data across various channels and business units, and simplifies customer service and engagement across self-service, phone, chat, messaging, and email.

(Source: MorningStar)

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