Dividend Stocks

Reckitts pricing muscle will also be its strongest test in the current highly inflationary environment

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Reckitt’s portfolio is well positioned in categories that benefit from secular growth drivers across consumer health and hygiene, which should translate into growth ahead of its peer group in the midterm. The acquisition of Mead Johnson has added to its portfolio a leadership position in infant nutrition–a segment with pricing power and generally sound margins. However, the timing of the transaction, ahead of a period of declining birth rates and intensified competition in China, posed significant challenges and has dampened revenue growth in the last few years. Management sold the infant nutrition business in China in 2021, and the future of the remaining core infant nutrition business remains uncertain. While the segment’s, reduced size presents an opportunity for management to refocus on faster-growing businesses–positioning them for longer-term success past the peaks in demand generated by the coronavirus pandemic–further secular declines in birth rates in the U.S. could continue to be a drag to the company’s mid-single-digit growth ambitions. Nonetheless, the worst is behind the company. Reckitt’s pricing muscle will also be its strongest test in the current highly inflationary environment. Its cautious about price decisions that are too aggressive and could impact the consumption of some of its products, but believe the company is well positioned to deliver superior price/mix through its portfolio of strong brands and its advantaged category mix.

Further supporting top-line growth, the productivity program started in 2020 that now stands at GBP 2 billion over four years has enabled management to reinvest around GBP 1 billion so far in key areas such as research and development, or R&D, and e-commerce. These investments were necessary as Reckitt was at risk of falling behind peers in its customer acquisition investments. No large portfolio can be seen restructuring as part of its strategy in the near term. Reckitt is to continue to make marginal portfolio adjustments, acquiring fast-growing brands that complement its existing portfolio, especially in the consumer health sector.

Financial Strength

Prior to the Mead Johnson acquisition in 2017, Reckitt had a strong balance sheet with debt/EBITDA of around 1 time. It significantly increased its leverage to finance the $18 billion Mead Johnson acquisition, which lead to a peak net debt/EBITDA of 6 times in 2017. Since then, it has been diligent in reducing its leverage and closed 2021 with net debt/EBITDA of 2.6 times, a slight increase compared with the 2020 level of 2.4 times, but closer in line with its peer group. From a cash perspective, this level of debt is manageable for the company given EBITDA covered interest expense about 12 times in 2021. In future, it can see continued debt reduction, which should enable Reckitt to start increasing dividends again or pursue slightly larger bolt-on acquisitions in the medium term. Dividends have amounted to GBP 1.2 billion per year for the last three years and no meaningful growth can be seen in the near term as Reckitt is targeting a dividend cover closer to 2 times before reinitiating dividend increases.

Bulls Say’s

  • Reckitt’s portfolio is well positioned in categories with long-term structural growth potential, and the turnaround initiated by new management in 2020 is progressing well. 
  • The disposal of the infant nutrition business in China will free up management’s focus and enable Reckitt to refocus its efforts on its faster-growing segments. 
  • The additional investment in the business financed by the GBP 2 billion productivity program should translate into accelerated growth through penetration gains and increased e-commerce contributions to net revenue.

Company Profile 

Reckitt Benckiser was formed in 1999 through the merger of the British firm Reckitt & Colman and Dutch-based Benckiser. Recently rebranded under the corporate name Reckitt, it sells a portfolio that includes a variety of household and consumer health brands, such as Lysol, Finish, Durex, and Mucinex, many of which hold the number-one or -two positions in their categories globally. Reckitt has repositioned its portfolio and has entered the infant formula market through the acquisition of Mead Johnson in 2017, expanded its consumer health presence by acquiring Schiff Nutrition, K-Y, and Biofreeze, and has exited the food industry. The firm operates in 60 countries and sells products in more than 200, generating around 35% of sales from emerging markets.

(Source: MorningStar)

DISCLAIMER for General Advice: (This document is for general advice only).

This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

Laverne and Banyan Tree and its respective officers may have an interest in the securities or derivatives of any entities referred to in this material. Laverne and Banyan Tree do and seek to do, business with companies that are the subject of its research reports. The analyst(s) hereby certify that all the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the subject investment theme and/or company securities. Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the document, liability for any errors or omissions (except any statutory liability which cannot be excluded) is specifically excluded by Laverne and Banyan Tree, its associates, officers, directors, employees, and agents.  Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Laverne and Banyan Tree, its directors, employees and agents accept no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind, direct or indirect, arising out of the use of all or any part of this material.  Recipients of this document agree in advance that Laverne and Banyan Tree are not liable to recipients in any matters whatsoever otherwise; recipients should disregard, destroy or delete this document. All information is correct at the time of publication. Laverne and Banyan Tree do not guarantee reliability and accuracy of the material contained in this document and is not liable for any unintentional errors in the document. The securities of any company(ies) mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to all categories of investors. This document is provided to the recipient only and is not to be distributed to third parties without the prior consent of Laverne and Banyan Tree.

Dividend Stocks

U.S. Baby Formula Crisis is a one-time boon for narrow-moat Reckitt; Shares Fairly Valued

Business Strategy & Outlook

Reckitt’s portfolio is well positioned in categories that benefit from secular growth drivers across consumer health and hygiene, which should translate into growth ahead of its peer group in the midterm. The acquisition of Mead Johnson has added to its portfolio a leadership position in infant nutrition–a segment with pricing power and generally sound margins. However, the timing of the transaction, ahead of a period of declining birth rates and intensified competition in China, posed significant challenges and has dampened revenue growth in the last few years. Management sold the infant nutrition business in China in 2021, and the future of the remaining core infant nutrition business remains uncertain. While the segment’s reduced size presents an opportunity for management to refocus on faster-growing businesses–positioning them for longer-term success past the peaks in demand generated by the coronavirus pandemic–further secular declines in birth rates in the U.S. could continue to be a drag to the company’s mid-single-digit growth ambitions. Nonetheless, the worst is behind the company. 

Reckitt’s pricing muscle will also be its strongest test in the current highly inflationary environment. One is cautious about price decisions that are too aggressive and could impact the consumption of some of its products, but believe the company is well positioned to deliver superior price/mix through its portfolio of strong brands and its advantaged category mix. Further supporting top-line growth, the productivity program started in 2020 that now stands at GBP 2 billion over four years has enabled management to reinvest around GBP 1 billion so far in key areas such as research and development, or R&D, and e-commerce. These investments were necessary as Reckitt was at risk of falling behind peers in its customer acquisition investments. One doesn’t see large portfolio restructuring as part of its strategy in the near term. The Reckitt to continue to make marginal portfolio adjustments, acquiring fast-growing brands that complement its existing portfolio, especially in the consumer health sector.

Financial Strengths

Prior to the Mead Johnson acquisition in 2017, Reckitt had a strong balance sheet with debt/EBITDA of around 1 time. It significantly increased its leverage to finance the $18 billion Mead Johnson acquisition, which lead to a peak net debt/EBITDA of 6 times in 2017. Since then, it has been diligent in reducing its leverage and closed 2021 with net debt/EBITDA of 2.6 times, a slight increase compared with the 2020 level of 2.4 times, but closer in line with its peer group. From a cash perspective, this level of debt is manageable for the company given EBITDA covered interest expense about 12 times in 2021. In future, to see continued debt reduction, which should enable Reckitt to start increasing dividends again or pursue slightly larger bolt-on acquisitions in the medium term. Dividends have amounted to GBP 1.2 billion per year for the last three years and one doesn’t expect to see meaningful growth in the near term as Reckitt is targeting a dividend cover closer to 2 times before reinitiating dividend increases.

Bulls Say

  • Reckitt’s portfolio is well positioned in categories with long-term structural growth potential, and the turnaround initiated by new management in 2020 is progressing well. 
  • The disposal of the infant nutrition business in China will free up management’s focus and enable Reckitt to refocus its efforts on its faster-growing segments. 
  • The additional investment in the business financed by the GBP 2 billion productivity program should translate into accelerated growth through penetration gains and increased e-commerce contributions to net revenue.

Company Description

Reckitt Benckiser was formed in 1999 through the merger of the British firm Reckitt & Colman and Dutch-based Benckiser. Recently rebranded under the corporate name Reckitt, it sells a portfolio that includes a variety of household and consumer health brands, such as Lysol, Finish, Durex, and Mucinex, many of which hold the number-one or -two positions in their categories globally. Reckitt has repositioned its portfolio and has entered the infant formula market through the acquisition of Mead Johnson in 2017, expanded its consumer health presence by acquiring Schiff Nutrition, K-Y, and Biofreeze, and has exited the food industry. The firm operates in 60 countries and sells products in more than 200, generating around 35% of sales from emerging markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

DISCLAIMER for General Advice: (This document is for general advice only).

This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

Airbus Posts Solid Second Quarter as It Prepares to Significantly Ramp Production

Business Strategy & Outlook

Airbus primarily generates revenue through manufacturing commercial aircraft. It benefits immensely from being in a duopoly with Boeing in the commercial aircraft manufacturing business for aircraft 130 seats and up; the companies act as a funnel through which all commercial aircraft demand must flow. This allows both companies to actively manage their order backlogs to reduce cyclicality, despite the intense cyclicality of the customer base. Airbus’ commercial aircraft segment can broadly be split into two parts: nimble narrow-bodied planes that are ideal for efficiently running high-frequency short-haul routes, and wide-bodied behemoths that are generally reserved for transcontinental flights. Recently, narrow-body volume has increased substantially due to the global rise of low-cost carriers and improved technology that allows smaller airplanes to operate flight paths that were previously unprofitable.

 Domestic flights have recovered from the pandemic much more quickly than international flights as well, so airlines are more comfortable ordering small aircraft rather than large. Critically, Airbus does not have much competition in the high end of the narrow-body market. This aircraft will enable fleet growth and may replace many aging midsize aircraft. On the wide-body side of the market, there’s a much slower growth, as expected improving technology will allow airlines to substitute narrow bodies for wide bodies for an increasing number of routes. Airbus has a competitive wide-body offering, the A350, though backlogs suggest that Boeing’s comparable 777, 777X, and 787 offerings resonate more with customers. Airbus also has segments dedicated to the production of defense-specific products and helicopter manufacturing. These businesses are less material to Airbus as a whole, generating slightly over 10% of midcycle EBIT. The modest growth from these segments, largely assuming that defense spending as a proportion of gross domestic product remains constant in the European Union and that helicopter deliveries rebound over the medium term.

Financial Strengths

The Airbus is well capitalized. The company ended the year with significant liquidity and is producing positive cash flow despite the distressed market. Vaccinations have encouraged domestic travel resumption in the developed world. Morningstar anticipates that the COVID-19 vaccine will be broadly distributed in the emerging world by 2022, which will allow a robust rebound in commercial air traffic. One does not think liquidity is a concern for Airbus, as the operating environment will improve markedly in the coming quarters and the company is already generating free cash flow. The company ended 2021 in a net cash position. Forward EBITDA covers forward interest expense many times, suggesting that interest obligations are easily covered. Airbus has a sizable pension obligation, but this will be manageable. The Airbus could access the capital markets, if necessary, given it has produced free cash flow during a travel shock. In March 2020, Airbus secured access to a EUR 15 billion line of credit, which supports this thesis. Given Airbus’ massive backlog, proven relationships with customers, and minimal debt burden, one doesn’t think there is a material possibility of financial distress over the forecast period. In March 2020, Airbus suspended its dividend to conserve liquidity as the coronavirus crisis shook the aviation industry. Airbus proposed a dividend during the fourth-quarter 2021 earnings review to be paid out in 2022, and it will grow its dividend with increased earnings per share.

Bulls Say

  • Airbus’ A320 family continues to have a substantial lead in the valuable narrow-body market, and the A321XLR has the potential to open new long-range routes to low-cost carriers. 
  • Airbus is well positioned to benefit from emerging market growth in revenue passenger kilometers and a robust developed-market replacement cycle. 
  • The commercial airframe manufacturing for aircraft 130 seats and up will remain a duopoly over the foreseeable future. The customers will not have many options other than continuing to rely on incumbents.

Company Description

Airbus is a major aerospace and defense firm. The company designs, develops, and manufactures commercial and military aircraft, as well as space launch vehicles and satellites. The company operates its business through three divisions: commercial, defense and space, and helicopters. Commercial offers a full range of aircraft ranging from the narrow-body (130-200 seats) A320 series to the much larger A350-1000 wide body. The defense and space segment supplies governments with military hardware, including transport aircraft, aerial tankers, and fighter aircraft (Eurofighter). The helicopter division manufactures turbine helicopters for the civil and parapublic markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Technology Stocks

Improving Wireless Conditions and Oi Drive Telefonica Brasil’s Q2 Results

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Telefonica Brasil (Vivo) is one of the strongest telecom carriers in Brazil, vying with America Movil to offer converged wireless and fixed-line services across much of the country. But the market faces several challenges, including stiff competition, a fragmented fixed-line industry, and general economic weakness that has also hurt the value of the Brazilian real in recent years. The plan to carve up Oi’s wireless assets appears to be nearing completion, promising to significantly improve the industry’s structure, cutting the number of wireless players to three. While results will likely remain volatile, the Vivo will prosper as Brazilians continue to adopt wireless and fixed-line data services. Vivo is the largest wireless carrier in Brazil by far, holding 33% of the wireless market, including 37% of the more lucrative postpaid business. The firm generated about 60% more wireless service revenue in 2020 than America Movil or TIM, its closest rivals. The three carriers have agreed to split up the wireless assets of Oi, the distant fourth-place operator that has been in bankruptcy protection. If successful, the transaction would remove a sub-scale player from the industry. 

With three large carriers remaining, the competition will grow increasingly rational, solidifying the pricing discipline seen recently. Vivo’s share would also expand to about 38%, adding additional scale that should benefit margins and returns on capital. In the fixed-line business, Vivo has struggled recently. Its share of the broadband business has slipped to 15% from 27% five years ago as it has lost customers in areas where its network is older and less capable and upstarts are investing aggressively to build fiber. Vivo is investing aggressively as well, though, at its own fiber network now reaches nearly 20 million homes, nearly 30% of the country. The firm has numerous initiatives in place, including an infrastructure joint venture, with plans to build to nearly 10 million by the end of 2024, but it remains to be seen how many carriers will be vying for these customers with networks of their own.

Financial Strengths

Vivo’s financial health is excellent, as the firm has rarely taken on material debt. The net debt load increased to BRL 4.4 billion following the acquisition of GVT in 2015, but even this amounted to less than 0.5 times EBITDA. Cash flow has been used to allow leverage to drift lower since then. At the end of 2021, the firm held BRL 500 million more in cash than it has debt outstanding, excluding capitalized operating leases. Even with the capitalized value of operating lease commitments, net debt stands at BRL 10.4, equal to 0.6 times EBITDA. Even after funding its share of the Oi transaction and assuming no incremental benefit to EBITDA, net financial leverage would stand at only 0.8 times. Parent Telefonica has control of Vivo’s capital structure. While Telefonica’s balance sheet has improved markedly in recent years, the firm still carries a sizable debt load and faces growth challenges in its core European operations. Vivo aims to pay out at least 100% of net income in dividends and the distribution has averaged BRL 5.5 billion annually over the past three years. The firm plans to pay out BRL 6.3 billion in 2022. If the business hit a rough patch, though, the dividend may not prove to be in shareholders’ interest relative to other uses of cash. For Telefonica, though, moving cash up to the parent directly helps its balance sheet. Fortunately, dividend growth isn’t sacrosanct. Reported net income declined in 2019 and the payout in 2020, based on the prior year’s income, declined about 15%. The dividend declined another 7% in 2021 based on 2020 earnings. These cuts have come despite ample free cash flow generation. The dividend would have consumed only 55% of 2020 free cash flow if the 2019 payout had been maintained. Vivo also has a share buyback program but repurchases have been minimal recently. The firm repurchased BRL 496 million in 2021, by far it largest outlay over the past several years. The buyback in 2022 is again expected to be around.

Bulls Say

  • Vivo is the largest telecom carrier in Brazil and benefits from scale-based cost advantages in both the wireless and fixed-line markets. 
  • The firm is well-positioned to benefit as consumers demand increased wireless data capacity. Its network in Brazil is first-rate and its reputation for quality is second-to-none. 
  • Owning a high-quality fiber network enables Vivo to offer converged services throughout much of the country, while buttressing its wireless backhaul, improving network speeds and capacity.

Company Description

Telefonica Brasil, known as Vivo, is the largest wireless carrier in Brazil with nearly 85 million customers, equal to about 33% market share. The firm is strongest in the postpaid business, where it has 50 million customers, about 37% share of this market. It is the incumbent fixed-line telephone operator in Sao Paulo state and, following the acquisition of GVT, the owner of an extensive fiber network across the country. The firm provides internet access to 6 million households on this network. Following its parent Telefonica’s footsteps, Vivo is cross-selling fixed-line and wireless services as a converged offering. The firm also sells pay-tv services to its fixed-line customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Technology Stocks

TE Connectivity’s Strong Q3 Outweighs Macro Uncertainty; $125 Fair Value Estimate

Business Strategy & Outlook

TE Connectivity is a designer and manufacturer of connectors and sensors, supplying custom and semi custom solutions to a bevy of end markets in the transportation, industrial, and communications verticals. TE has maintained a leading share of the global connector market for the last decade, specifically dominating the automotive connector market, from which it derives almost half of revenue. While the firm’s entire business benefits from trends toward efficiency and connectivity, these are especially notable in cars, where shifts toward electric and autonomous vehicles provide lucrative opportunities for TE to sell into new vehicle sockets, like an onboard charger or advanced driver-assist system. TE’s products offer high performance and reliability for mission-critical applications in harsh environments. As such, its customer relationships tend to be very sticky, with customers facing high financial and opportunity costs from switching to another component supplier, as well as the risk of component failure in new products.

TE’s customers also rely on the firm supplying cutting-edge products to power new capabilities in end applications. As older products become commoditized, the firm is able to maintain high prices with new innovations. As a result of these switching costs and pricing power, the TE Connectivity possesses a narrow economic moat. In the future, TE Connectivity will focus on increasing its dollar content in end applications across its end markets. TE’s products pave the way for greater electrification and connectivity in vehicles, planes, and factories, which allows the firm to occupy a greater portion of these end products’ electrical architectures. The TE will remain a serial acquirer, bolting on smaller components players to expand its geographic and technological reach. Finally, the TE to continue expanding its midcycle gross and operating margins via footprint consolidation, as it streamlines the fixed-asset portfolio it has gained over a decade of acquisitions.

Financial Strengths

The TE Connectivity to remain leveraged, using strong free cash flow to invest organically and inorganically, and to send capital back to shareholders. As of Sept. 24, 2021, the firm carried $4.1 billion in total debt and $1.2 billion in cash on hand. While the firm is leveraged, its cash flow generation will be more than able to fulfill its obligations. TE has less than $700 million a year in payments due through fiscal 2026, and to generate more than $2 billion in free cash flow annually over the next five years. Even in a severely soft macro environment in 2020, the firm generated $1.4 billion in free cash flow. After fulfilling its obligations, the TE to use the remainder of its cash to maintain its dividend and conduct share repurchases. The firm will remain leveraged, using extra capital for opportunistic acquisitions while using its heady cash flow to pay off its principal and interest.

Bulls Say

  • TE Connectivity is a leader in the automotive connector and sensor market, enabling OEMs to build more advanced and efficient electric and autonomous vehicles. 
  • TE’s products are specialized for mission-critical applications in harsh environments, where reliable performance creates sticky customer relationships. 
  • TE’s ongoing footprint consolidation should allow it to expand its midcycle operating margins and improve its cash flow.

Company Description

TE Connectivity is the largest electrical connector supplier in the world, supplying interconnect and sensor solutions to the transportation, industrial, and communications markets. With operations in 150 countries and over 500,000 stock-keeping units, TE Connectivity has a broad portfolio that forms the electrical architecture of its end customers’ cutting-edge innovations.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Sherwin-Williams is the largest provider of architectural paint in the United States

Business Strategy & Outlook

Sherwin-Williams is the largest provider of architectural paint in the United States. The company has approximately 4,800 stores and sells premium paint at higher price points than most competitors. Sherwin-Williams also sells its products in big-box stores and provides coatings for original equipment manufacturers. More than three fourths of Sherwin’s business occur in North America, with much of its international exposure acquired during the 2016 purchase of Valspar. The acquisition of Valspar has bolstered its previously modest retail presence, as Valspar’s long-standing relationship with Lowe’s led to an exclusive partnership for Sherwin in 2018. Sherwin also obtained Valspar’s industrial business, expanding its performance coatings segment. 

In Sherwin’s largest segment, the Americas group, it has maintained strong growth, even in developed markets, as it rolls out nearly 100 new stores every year throughout the Americas. Its strategic focus on building this segment has created a strong value proposition for contractors. Jobsite delivery, in-app ordering, and a capacity for high-volume orders save time for customers and allows for premium product pricing. Roughly 90% of sales in the Americas group are to professional painters with the remaining 10% to do-it-yourself consumers. The consumer brands segment markets Sherwin’s paint brands through retail channels, such as Menards, and is the exclusive provider of coating products to Lowe’s. It owns a variety of widely known brands such as Valspar, Purdy, Minwax, Krylon, Thompson’s WaterSeal, and Dutch Boy. The performance coatings business produces a diverse product mix and accounts for much of the firm’s global exposure. The segment sells everything from marine paints to airplane and fire-resistant coatings, many of which are custom-formulated to suit client needs.

Financial Strengths

The Sherwin-Williams has a sound capital structure, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation decisions. The firm’s leverage increased following its 2016 acquisition of Valspar. Management has made progress in reducing its debt, with net debt/EBITDA coming down to roughly 3.0 from 4.4 in 2017. Following Sherwin’s acquisition of Valspar and PPG’s 2018 acquisition of Comex, there are few North American paint companies that could be potential acquisition targets for Sherwin. One doesn’t anticipate Sherwin will make any sizable acquisitions in the near future as the firm focuses on its retail stores and Lowe’s partnership. Sherwin leverages its commercial paper program and credit facilities to fund a portion of its working capital and expenses. Because of this, the firm usually has less than $250 million of cash on hand. The firm has roughly $8 billion in outstanding debt with staggered maturities through 2052, but its next maturity isn’t until 2024 when roughly $500 million is due. Sherwin-Williams has a history of strong free cash flow generation, even in a downturn, which demonstrates the durability of its business model.

Bulls Say

  • Professional painters have favored Sherwin products for decades, leading to strong brand loyalty and pricing power. 
  • New residential construction and increased rental properties should provide strong tailwinds for residential coatings growth. 
  • The exclusive partnership with Lowe’s creates an additional avenue for Sherwin to sell its products to new customers without meaningful cannibalization risk.

Company Description

Sherwin-Williams is the largest provider of architectural paint in the United States. The company has approximately 4,800 stores and sells premium paint at higher price points than most competitors. Sherwin-Williams also sells paint-related products in big-box stores and provides coatings for original equipment manufacturers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Waste Management Continues to Exert Strong Pricing Power; Raises 2022 Guidance

Business Strategy & Outlook

Waste industry leader Waste Management enjoys leading market share and unmatched dominance in landfill ownership, which is nearly impossible to replicate given immense regulatory hurdles. This leadership position expanded after the firm’s October 2020 acquisition of Advanced Disposal, which had been the fourth-largest publicly traded waste collection and disposal company in the United States. As a fully integrated waste-hauler, the company leverages a vast network of collection routes and transfer stations, which bestow significant control over the waste stream, funneling waste from numerous end-market customers (commercial, industrial, and residential) into its highly valuable landfill assets. Waste Management collects fees (known as tipping fees) from third-party waste haulers that use the firm’s transfer stations and landfills.

Management execution has been impressive over the past five-plus years, with a renewed focus on yield management and optimizing the cost infrastructure, including the divestiture of noncore waste-to-energy assets. These factors have enabled the firm to translate North American macroeconomic expansion into waste volume gains, core pricing above inflation, and positive operating leverage. Waste Management’s recycling business was adversely affected by China’s import restrictions, which pressured recycled commodity prices. However, Waste Management has made efforts to reduce contamination rates and transition to a fee-for-service model, which has helped mitigate these headwinds. The Waste Management to continue its acquisition strategy, focusing on tuck-in opportunities to boost market share in established geographies. Its ability to raise core prices on acquired volume (thanks to its vast ownership of landfills, a preferred asset) should remain a key organic growth driver.

Financial Strengths

At the end of Waste Management’s fiscal second-quarter 2022, the firm had $14.3 billion of outstanding debt and $894 million of cash, which represents a gross debt/2022 estimated EBITDA ratio of about 2.6. Management’s targeted leverage ratio is 2.5-3. While Waste Management has a significant amount of outstanding debt, the firm generates strong and stable free cash flow, so one was not concerned about the firm’s ability to service its debt. Indeed, between 2022 and 2026, the firm will generate $13 billion of cumulative free cash flow. The firm will use excess cash to make bolt-on acquisitions, fund its growing dividend, and repurchase shares.

Bulls Say

  • Waste Management has a stable business model and enjoys a wide economic moat rooted in intangible assets (regulatory permits for landfills) and cost advantages (route density). 
  • Management has successfully streamlined the firm’s cost infrastructure, optimized the efficiency of collection operations, and improved pricing execution in the core traditional solid waste business. 
  • Significant investments are planned for renewable energy generation and recycling projects. These projects should support stronger earnings and free cash flow growth and raise the firm’s already strong ESG profile.

Company Description

Waste Management ranks as the largest integrated provider of traditional solid waste services in the United States, operating approximately 260 active landfills and about 340 transfer stations. The company serves residential, commercial, and industrial end markets and is also a leading recycler in North America.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Another Strong Quarter for Macquarie

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

Macquarie Group is a global asset manager which has spent decades branching out from its Australian investment banking roots. Asset management provides more recurring revenue streams compared with transactional based investment banking, but still carries volatility as base management fees are tied to underlying asset values–primarily fixed income, equities, and infrastructure assets. Macquarie Asset Management is a top 50 global asset manager with over AUD 750 billion of assets under management. Specialist capabilities in infrastructure and property management set Macquarie apart from most peers and has been a key source of growth.  With established capabilities and investment records, the large asset managers in the space continue to garner the bulk of inflows into the category. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimates around USD 5 trillion is needed on infrastructure by 2025 covering ageing transportation, electricity, schools, and airports. The European Investment Bank estimates the transition to renewable energy will require annual spend on energy infrastructure to almost double to EUR 688 billion. More broadly, Oxford economics estimates USD 75 trillion of infrastructure investment is required globally by 2040. 

Macquarie retains a targeted approach across its investment banking business, not actively seeking to take global players head on. In the Americas and EMEA, Macquarie holds less than 2% share. Macquarie continues to leverage its global expertise and reputation in infrastructure and energy to focus on deals in these markets, with success in the smaller end of the market sometimes underserviced by larger investment banks. It is also more active in advising the private equity space. The banking and financial services division includes a retail bank (around 4.5% of Australian home loans) and an asset leasing business heavily weighted to auto vehicle financing. Macquarie’s strategy to invest in technology to improve both the customer experience and the banks’ credit approval processes will continue to deliver above-market loan growth.

Financial Strengths:  

The group balance sheet is strong, with Macquarie Bank having an APRA Basel III common equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 12.3% at June 2022. Based on internationally harmonized Basel III metrics, the common equity Tier 1 capital ratio was 15.6%. At a group level, Macquarie has AUD 10.1 billion in surplus capital above regulatory requirements. The dividend payout ratio target is 50%-70% of earnings. A high percentage of offshore earnings means dividend franking is currently 40%. Funding sources are well diversified, with minimal reliance on short-term wholesale funding markets. Customer deposits represent around 40% of total funding with bonds (20%) and equity and hybrids (15%) other large components of the well diversified funding mix. While Macquarie’s earnings are exposed to global markets, an increasing base of recurring income provides improved stability and the financial position is sound.

Bulls Say: 

  • Macquarie’s position as the largest infrastructure asset manager globally leaves the firm well placed to benefit from underlying demand for assets and investors searching for maintainable income streams.
  • The expansion into funds management has produced more maintainable, less capital intensive, annuity- style income, which will prevent a GFC-like shock to earnings and return on equity.
  • A focus on niche segments of investment banking allows Macquarie to continue to increase earnings globally.

Company Description: 

Macquarie Group began trading in 1969 as Hill Samuel Australia, obtained its bank license in 1985, and listed in 1996. It’s Australia’s only sizable listed investment bank, now internationally diversified, operating in asset management, banking and wealth, risk and capital solutions, and advisory.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Cintas Reports Strong Q4 2022 and record full-year revenue

Business Strategy & Outlook

Cintas is the dominant provider in the $16 billion U.S. uniform rental/sales and related ancillary-services industry. It enjoys a roughly 43% market share, and no singular end market comprises a significant portion of total revenue. Despite its already impressive position, the Cintas will grow over the next 10 years. The firm constantly considers new product lines while emphasizing cross-selling to its existing customers. About 60% of its annual sales growth derives from new client wins, and at $4 billion-$5 billion, the remaining unvented market remains sizable, and the G&K acquisition added 170,000 uniform rental clients to Cintas’ book of business. Cintas’ first aid and safety segment benefited from a high growth of PPE sales in fiscal 2021 due to COVID-19. Now, as fiscal 2023 and COVID-19 are more under control, the segment mix-up continues to return to a more traditional level. And this is favorable for Cintas since traditional items like first aid cabinets post higher margins. The projected sales in the segment will grow at an approximately 9% CAGR over the next 10 years. 

Cintas is a highly cyclical business; its uniform rental segment moves closely with U.S. employment trends, and given the current market environment, the expected revenue will continue to increase in fiscal 2023 after strong growth in fiscal 2022. The firm recovered quickly after the 2009 recession, with revenue exceeding pre-recession levels by fiscal 2012, and Cintas still generated economic profits despite maintaining revenue losses for five straight quarters. Management has navigated this tough economic environment well over the last year, and cost management has been impressive. Despite the labor shortages that some of its customers are facing, demand remains robust and momentum seems strong, with more than 11 million job openings in the country. The midcycle revenue growth to be 7.4% and mid cycle operating margins to be 20.6% in fiscal 2032.

Financial Strengths

The Cintas’ balance sheet to be healthy. At the end of the fiscal 2022 (ended May 31, 2022), the firm posted $90 million in cash and equivalents and about $2.5 billion of total long-term debt. Solid free cash generation will enable the firm to continue reducing leverage as desired in the years ahead. Cintas’ debt/EBITDA was near 1.41 times at the end of fiscal-year 2022, versus 1.43 times at the end of fiscal 2021 and 1.65 times at the end of fiscal 2020–$1.5 billion dollars of debt will mature in fiscal 2023, followed by about $50 million of debt maturing in 2025 and $1 billion in 2027.

Bulls Say

  • Cintas’ industry-leading operating efficiency stems from its significant scale-based cost advantages, achieved through superior route density. 
  • The firm’s impressive sales execution is supporting robust new business wins and greater penetration among existing customers. It’s also helping Cintas to realize material cross-selling opportunities with the former G&K operations. 
  • There is still ample opportunity for expansion, as companies in the sizable unvended market look to outsource their uniform programs and facilities services.

Company Description

In its core uniform and facility services unit (79% of sales), Cintas provides uniform rental programs to businesses across the size spectrum, mostly in North America. The firm is by far the largest provider in the industry. Facilities products generally include the rental and sale of entrance mat, mops, shop towels, hand sanitizers, and restroom supplies. Cintas also runs a first aid and safety services business (11% of sales), a fire protection services business (6% of sales), and a uniform direct sales business (4% of sales).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Undervalued GSK Looks Well Positioned for Growth Following the Demerger of Haleon

Business Strategy & Outlook

As one of the largest pharmaceutical and vaccine companies, GSK has used its vast resources to create the next generation of healthcare treatments. The company’s innovative new product lineup and expansive list of patent-protected drugs create a wide economic moat. The magnitude of GSK’s reach is evidenced by a product portfolio that spans several therapeutic classes. The diverse platform insulates the company from problems with any single product. Additionally, the company has developed next-generation drugs in respiratory and HIV areas that should help mitigate both branded and generic competition. The GSK to be a major competitor in respiratory, HIV, and vaccines over the next decade. On the pipeline front, GSK has shifted from its historical strategy of targeting slight enhancements toward true innovation. Also, it is focusing more on oncology and the immune system, with genetic data to help develop the next generation of drugs. 

The benefits of these strategies are showing up in GSK’s early-stage drugs. This focus will improve approval rates and pricing power. In contrast to respiratory drugs, treatments for cancer indications carry much strong pricing power with payers. From a geographic standpoint, GSK is strategically branching out from developed markets into emerging markets. Its vaccine segment positions the firm well in these price-sensitive markets. While this strategy is likely to create some challenges, like the potential legal violations that arose in early 2013 in China, one can believe the fast-growing emerging markets will help support long-term growth and diversify cash flows beyond developed markets. GSK’s decision to divest its consumer business will likely unlock value over the long run. GSK divested its consumer group (called Haleon) in July 2022. Given the strong valuations of consumer healthcare companies, this unit will yield a stronger valuation than what is implied within the GSK structure before the divestment.

Financial Strengths

GSK remains on fairly stable financial footing, with debt/EBITDA at 2.8 as of the end of 2021 and with Haleon taking on close to GBP 10 billion of GSK’s debt, the remaining GSK balance sheet is improved. With the improving balance sheet and steady projections of cash flows, the GSK will increasingly make more acquisitions to augment its internal research and development pipeline. Additionally, with the divestment of the consumer division in July 2022, the new dividend of GSK to be secure and likely grow at a pace similar to earnings over the next five years.

Bulls Say

  • GSK’s next-generation respiratory drugs and HIV drugs look poised for strong growth over the next five years. 
  • GSK faces relatively minor near-term patent losses, setting up steady long-term growth. 
  • The firm’s well-positioned Shingrix vaccine should support strong long-term growth based on excellent efficacy and limited competition.

Company Description

In the pharmaceutical industry, GSK ranks as one of the largest firms by total sales. The company wields its might across several therapeutic classes, including respiratory, cancer, and antiviral, as well as vaccines. GSK uses joint ventures to gain additional scale in certain markets like HIV.

(Source: Morningstar)

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