Global stocks

Healthy demand for value stock funds, tepid demand for bonds as the reflation trade kicks in

× Index funds continue to increase their market share at the expense of actively managed funds because of higher inflows (size adjusted).

× Global large-cap blend, US large-cap value, ecology, and financial equity funds saw the highest inflows on a Morningstar Category level in March.

× Corporate bond and US growth equity funds were highly unloved, as were multistrategy products.

× BlackRock topped the list of the asset-gatherers by branding name in the active spectrum; Xtrackers in the passive world.

× Allianz Income and Growth benefited the most among Europe’s largest open-end funds from the demand for risky assets. Conversely, the largest trackers of the S&P 500, IShares Core S&P 500 and Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, continued to bleed.

Long-term fund investors in Europe increasingly fell into line with the dominant global market trend in March as the reflation trade kicked in. This was reflected by a virtual standstill in the net sale data for bond funds, which only took in net EUR 1.2 billion, thus making last March the weakest month in 12 months. This reflects the heavy losses multiple bond segments have suffered over the past months as yields for government bonds rose sharply in the first quarter. The rising optimism of investors for the prospects of a post-coronavirus economy is also reflected in the high inflows of 47.3 EUR billion sent to equity funds. Cyclical sectors and value categories benefited the most from this trend. Conversely, precious-metals funds suffered a rout in March, shedding EUR 1.9 billion, another indication that gold has lost its allure in the current market environment. These outflows were only partly offset by inflows to broad basket and industrial commodity funds, and thus net sales for commodity funds were pushed into negative terrain in March.

Allocation funds enjoyed the highest one-month inflows since February 2018, while alternative funds returned to the red zone, suffering outflows of EUR 400 million after a two-month positive-flow intermezzo. In all, long-term funds garnered healthy inflows of EUR 60.2 billion. Money market funds saw modest outflows of EUR 430 million. Assets in long-term funds domiciled in Europe rose to EUR 10,952 billion from EUR 10,608 billion as of Feb. 28, 2021. This marked a new historic record for Europe’s fund industry.

Active Versus Passive

Long-term index funds posted inflows of EUR 16.9 billion in March versus EUR 43.3 billion that targeted actively managed funds. (The table below only includes data for the main broad category groups.) On the active side, equity funds enjoyed the highest demand, pulling in EUR 29.5 billion, while demand for actively managed fixed-income funds trickled down to EUR 493 million. Equity index funds enjoyed inflows of EUR 17.8 billion, and bond index funds drew in close to EUR 800 million. The market of long-term index funds rose to 20.9% as of March 2021 from 19.5% as of March 31, 2020. When including money market funds, which are the domain of active managers, the market share of index funds stood at 18.5%, up from 16.9% as of March 31, 2020.

Fund Categories: The Leaders

A look at the top-selling long-term fund categories reveals the continued strong demand for global equities. Global large-cap blend equity funds enjoyed an outstanding EUR 11.9 billion of net inflows last month, marking its 10th consecutive month of positive inflows. Passive and active funds shared the spoils, even though the two top sellers within the category were two index funds: HSBC Developed World Sustainable Equity Index Fund and BlackRock ACS World ESG Equity Tracker Fund, with almost EUR 2.0 billion and EUR 1.7 billion, respectively (both are distributed in the United Kingdom only).

US large-cap value equity funds took in EUR 4.8 billion in March, making its best month with regard to flows on record. This arguably indicates that value investors, after a decade in the wilderness, anticipate the so-called “great rotation”: a major turn in the investment cycle from growth to value stocks. The iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor UCITS ETF was the most sought-after product of the category, with EUR 1.5 billion attracted.

The equity sector ecology category continued to benefit from the huge demand for environmental, social, and governance and climate-focused funds, garnering inflows of EUR 4.0 billion. ACS Climate Transition World Equity Fund was the fund with the highest demand, with net inflows of EUR 524 million each.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Lumen Technologies The Best Dividend Payer

“We think the market has overly punished Lumen’s stock and is overlooking the substantial free cash flow generation and margin expansion opportunities.

Lumen Technologies owns an extensive communications network of over 450,000 route miles of terrestrial and subsea fiber in over 60 countries and 900,000 route miles of copper. Three fourths of Lumen’s revenue is from business customers; the remaining fourth is from the consumer business. Both businesses have posted declining sales in recent years, and we expect that trend to continue.

Prices in the enterprise market are deflationary, as technological advances make data transport cheaper and allow software-defined solutions that cannibalize higher-revenue services. Lumen’s copper-based consumer business offers lower quality than cable alternatives, and it has been bleeding customers. We expect both trends to moderate but not cease, as the firm is upgrading its consumers to better speeds and legacy enterprise technologies will gradually make up a lower portion of sales.

“For income investors, the biggest knock on Lumen is the 54% dividend cut the company made in 2019, though Morningstar analysts believe the current dividend is secure: “We project free cash flow to remain fairly steady throughout our five-year forecast and cover the dividend by more than 2.5 times, on average…given the coverage we forecast, we don’t expect another cut in the near term.”

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Shares Technology Stocks

Technology One Ltd – Critics With Cash Flow Jump

Since the firm turned profitable in 1992, earnings growth has been impressive, as is the track record of client retention. All this testifies to the quality of the company’s products, the benefits of its consistent research and development spending, and the strength of its staff and management. Critically, the nature of enterprise software and its intricate embedding into clients’ technology infrastructure are such that switching costs are very high, something that Technology One has further enhanced through its end-to-end solutions offering and track record of quality delivery.

Key Investment Considerations

  • Technology One offers enterprise software solutions that are deeply embedded in clients’ information technology, or IT, infrastructure, resulting in high switching costs for users.
  • The company generates revenue from software development and implementation, along with subsequent upgrades and ongoing support, providing revenue resilience and an impressive client retention rate. OAlthough the company operates in a highly competitive industry, its earnings growth track record since turning profitable in 1992 has been exemplary and testifies to the quality of the company’s products and staff.
  • Technology One is a provider of Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, software in Australia and the United Kingdom. The company has an excellent track record of consistent revenue, NPAT, EPS, and franked dividend growth over the past 30 years, and the asset light nature of the company has supported strong cash generation and a consistently strong balance sheet.
  • Technology One’s business model captures value in the entire software development and implementation chain. It develops and markets the software, implements the solution for clients, and offers ongoing subsequent support.
  • The company’s software products are embedded in customers’ business operations, locking in existing clients and underpinning recurring revenue streams in post-sales support and licence fees.
  • Cross-selling opportunities remain, as products taken up per customer are low at three, compared with 12 available in Technology One’s enterprise product suite.
  • Skills shortages in the information technology sector mean the loss of key personnel can be costly, and bidding for talent may drive up labour expense.
  • Development delays with new products and failure to keep pace with technological changes could significantly affect Technology One’s ability to compete in the fast-moving enterprise software industry.
  • Failure of the international expansion strategy in the United Kingdom could dent the company’s longer-term growth profile.

 (Source: Morningstar)


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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Shares Small Cap

Kellogg Company Benefited From Pandemic-Related Gains

Kellogg’s dividend growth has been modest over the past five years, at an annualized rate of 2.9%. However, Morningstar analysts anticipate a higher rate going forward: “We forecast Kellogg will raise the shareholder dividend in the mid-single-digit range annually on average during the next 10 years.”

In their Best Ideas report, the analysts made the following case for the stock, which trades at an 18% discount to fair value: “Kellogg has benefited from pandemic-related gains in the retail channel (which drives 90% of its sales) as consumers continue to spend more time at home. Even before the pandemic, we thought Kellogg was taking steps to profitably reignite its top-line trajectory: abandoning direct-store distribution in favor of warehouse delivery, divest-ing noncore fare and stock-keeping units, and upping investments in its manufacturing capabilities and brands.

Although we expect more muted gains over a longer horizon, we think the company is using the current backdrop to sharpen its edge.

“We believe actions to expand its category exposure beyond cereal (with 50% of sales now from on-trend snacks versus 20% from North American cereal) will prop up its sales growth potential longer term. Further, we like the changes to its pack formats to include more on-the-go offerings, which should allow for increased penetration in alternative outlets. We also think recent acquisitions (including smaller, niche startups like RXBAR) afford the opportunity to grease the wheels of Kellogg’s innovation cycle to more nimbly respond to ever-changing consumer trends as they relate to health and wellness and taste.”

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

Telstra Corp – Show Off Infrastructure Strength

The strategic intent is taking shape: segregate the AUD 200 million EBITDA-generating InfraCo Towers for potential monetisation (akin to Optus’ current moves to do the same), maintain the optionality of keeping the AUD 1.5 billion EBITDA-generating InfraCo Fixed stand-alone (as NBN mulls its future ownership), and continue refocusing the AUD 5.7 billion EBITDA-generating ServeCo on its transformation to become a more simple, efficient, and digital-centric competitor.

Rather than having investors obsess over the ebbs and flows of Telstra’s near-term earnings still suffering from the margin-crunching impact of NBN and competition, the restructure is likely to shift investor focus to the group’s underlying asset values. We expect a flurry of favourable sum-of-parts asset valuations to hit the market over the coming months, underpinned by the current low-interest rate environment and possibly “inspired” by the lucrative investment banking and advisory fees on offer.

The cloud surrounding Telstra’s near-term earnings is also clearing. Management not only reiterated fiscal 2021 earnings guidance (second-half-weighted and driven by cost-cuts, COVID-19 recovery, mobile earnings growth), but also provided encouraging signs for beyond. Return to underlying EBITDA growth in fiscal 2022 (excluding one-off NBN receipts) and an upgrade to fiscal 2023 return on invested capital, or ROIC, to 8% (from 7%) are all broadly in line with our unchanged estimates. But they are still comforting, especially after the shock of the August update when management (too conservatively) trimmed fiscal 2023 ROIC target to 7%-plus (from 10% previously).

As an illustration of the type of sum-of-parts valuation that investors may see in the coming months, traditional infrastructure entities typically trade at low-to-mid-teen EBITDA multiples. We see no reason why Telstra’s InfraCo Towers and InfraCo Fixed won’t attract similar multiples, given their recurring, predictable and indexed earnings growth (at margins of well over 60%) and likely long-term contracts with Telstra and NBN as anchor tenants. Applying, say, a 12 times multiple to both InfraCo Towers’ fiscal 2020 pro forma AUD 200 million EBITDA and InfraCo Fixed’s AUD 1.5 billion EBITDA, and 8 times to the still-rationalising ServeCo’s AUD 5.7 billion EBITDA produces total enterprise value of AUD 66.0 billion. Subtract AUD 16.8 billion in net debt and one can come up with an asset-based valuation of around AUD 4.10 per share for Telstra. And we are likely to witness much more creative ways to boost this value from the investment community in the future. Our unchanged AUD 3.80 fair value estimate for Telstra will remain based on a discounted cash flow methodology.

 (Source: Morningstar)


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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

Merck MRK High-Margin Drugs and Vaccines

Management expects Organon, after it’s spun off in the second quarter, “to pay a meaningful dividend that will be entirely incremental to that of Merck.” It also intends to keep Merck’s payout ratio in the 47%–50% range. Based on consensus earnings for 2021 and 2022, Merck should be able to maintain solid dividend growth while remaining within that range.

“Merck’s combination of a wide lineup of high-margin drugs and vaccines along with a pipeline of new drugs should ensure strong returns on invested capital over the long term. Merck is well positioned to gain further entrenchment in immuno-oncology with Keytruda, which holds a strong first-mover advantage in the large first-line non-small-cell lung cancer market with excellent data. Also, we expect Keytruda to gain ap-provals in early-treatment settings, which should open up underappreciated sales potential.

“Merck’s vaccines look ready to drive further gains, led by human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil, which continues to generate excellent clinical data. While the firm’s late-stage pipeline lacks several new blockbusters, we expect early-stage assets focused on cancer to move through trials rapidly.

Even though Merck faces some patent losses over the next five years, including diabetes drug Januvia, we expect new drug launches and gains from currently marketed products to more than offset generic competition.

Merck & Co., Inc., d.b.a. Merck Sharp & Dohme outside the United States and Canada, is an American multinational pharmaceutical company headquartered in Kenilworth, New Jersey. It is named after the Merck family, which set up Merck Group in Germany in 1668. Merck & Co. was established as an American affiliate in 1891. 

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Dell Posts Strong First Quarter and Capitalizes on Digitalization-Induced Demand

We are encouraged by Dell’s broad-based expanding addressable markets, as the company continues to benefit from accelerated trends toward digitalization, remote working and learning environments, and cloud-based infrastructure. We believe the secular trends of organizations accelerating the adoption of digitalization, cloud-based infrastructure, and facilitating remote working and learning environments, are aligned with Dell’s core capabilities, and the company is executing well. With shares trading in the mid- to high $90 area, we continue to view shares as slightly overvalued.

First-quarter revenue grew 12% year over year to $24.5 billion, led by CSG’s 20% year-over-year revenue increase to $13.3 billion. CSG continues to heavily benefit from high demand for computers to enable remote learning and work. CSG’s consumer business contributed significantly to the group’s success, up 42% year over year, capitalizing on ecommerce and digital entertainment accelerations. ISG revenue grew 5% year over year to $7.9 billion as demand for hybrid cloud solutions continues to increase. ISG’s growth was led by server’s revenue, up 9% year over year. VMware revenue increased 9% annually to $3 billion.

Guidance for the second quarter includes sequential revenue growth that is expected to be less than the historical 6% increase and a low- to mid-single-digit sequential decline in adjusted operating income as costs return after pandemic-related savings.

Dell continues to place emphasis on deleveraging its balance sheet, committing to a target of at least $16 billion in debt reduction for the full year. Management remains confident that the completion of VMware’s spin-off in the fourth quarter will help the company achieve an investment grade rating.

Dell Technologies Company Profile

Dell Technologies, born from Dell’s 2016 acquisition of EMC, is a leading provider of servers and storage products through its ISG segment; PCs, monitors, and peripherals via its CSG division; and virtualization software through VMware. Its brands include Dell, Dell EMC, VMware (expected to be spun off toward the end of 2021), Boomi (expected to be sold by the end of 2021), Secure works, and Virtustream. The company focuses on supplementing its traditional mainstream servers and PCs with hardware and software products for hybrid-cloud environments. The Texas-based company employs around 158,000 people and sells globally.

Source: Morningstar

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Coach’s Enduring Popularity Provides Stability as Tapestry Establishes Its Acceleration Program

Due to the pandemic, all three of Tapestry’s brands suffered sales and operating profit declines in fiscal 2020, but its results are improving rapidly in fiscal 2021 as it implements its three-year Acceleration Program strategy to cut costs and improve margins.

Coach shares many of the qualities of other luxury brands per the Morningstar Luxury Brand Power Framework and, therefore, has the brand strength and pricing power to continue to provide a narrow moat for Tapestry. Coach struggled with excessive distribution and competition in the past, but we think Tapestry has turned it around through store closures, restrictions on discounting, and increased e-commerce, which has grown by triple-digit percentages during the pandemic. Further, we expect growth in complementary categories like footwear and fashion. We anticipate China to be a key growth region for Coach as, according to Bain & Company, Chinese consumers will compose 46% of the worldwide luxury goods spending in 2025, up from 35% in 2019. We forecast Coach’s greater China sales will increase to nearly $1.2 billion in fiscal 2030 (21% of sales) from $601 million in fiscal 2020 (17% of sales).

We do not believe the acquisitions of Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman contribute to Tapestry’s moat. Spade was a natural fit for Coach as both generate most of their sales from Asia-sourced handbags. However, Spade merchandise is priced lower than Coach and lacks its international reach. Still, we think Spade can grow in both North America and Asia through store openings and new products, such as shoes (currently licensed). Tapestry has a stated goal of $2 billion in Spade revenue, which we forecast will not be achieved until fiscal 2030. As for Stuart Weitzman, while its women’s shoes achieve luxury price points, we view it as a niche brand (less than $300 million in fiscal 2020 sales) with fashion risk. Stuart Weitzman is struggling so much that Tapestry recently wrote off all the goodwill and intangibles related to its purchase and is downsizing its store base.

Real Value and Profit Maximisers

We are raising our per share fair value estimate on Tapestry to $43.50 from $40.50, which implies a fiscal 2022 P/E of 13 and an EV/EBITDA of 8. The COVID-19 pandemic forced the temporary closure of Tapestry’s stores and continues to affect consumer spending on accessories and apparel in some regions. However, Tapestry’s third quarter of fiscal 2021 was better than expected as e-commerce and strong sales in mainland China (up more than 40% as compared with two years earlier) partially offset store disruptions. Given this momentum, we have raised our fiscal 2021 sales growth and adjusted operating margin expectations to 14.7% and 19.0%, respectively, from 9.8% and 17.8%.

We now forecast adjusted EPS of $2.94, up from $2.64 previously. For fiscal 2022, we estimate EPS of $3.23 (up from our prior estimate of $2.80) on 7% sales growth.

Tapestry has started its three-year Acceleration Program to boost sales and profits. This program, which includes store closures and cost cuts, could reduce sales of Kate Spade and Stuart Weitzman in the short term. We project sales growth rates of 20% and 4.1% for Coach and Kate Spade, respectively, in fiscal 2021, but a decline of 7% on permanent store closures for Stuart Weitzman in Europe and Asia (excluding China).

We forecast selling, general, and administrative expenses as a percentage of sales for Tapestry of around 51% in the long term. While we expect the firm will achieve some expense savings under the Acceleration Program, we also think it will invest in advertising and other selling expenses to support each of its brands. As sales shift rapidly to digital channels, we expect only moderate increases in individual brand store bases over the next decade. We anticipate little or no store growth in North America, but some expansion in China and other international territories. At the end of fiscal 2030, we forecast Tapestry will operate 959 Coach stores (958 at fiscal 2020), 561 Spade stores (420 at fiscal 2020), and 173 Weitzman stores (131 at fiscal 2020). We have raised our long-term tax rate to 19.0% from 16.5% in anticipation of a possible increase in the U.S. corporate tax rate.

Tapestry Inc’s Company Profile

Coach, Kate Spade, and Stuart Weitzman are the fashion and accessory brands that comprise Tapestry. The firm’s products are sold through about 1,500 company-operated stores, wholesale channels, and e-commerce in North America (62% of fiscal 2020 sales), Europe, Asia (32% of fiscal 2020 sales), and elsewhere. Coach (71% of fiscal 2020 sales) is best known for affordable luxury leather products. Kate Spade (23% of fiscal 2020 sales) is known for colourful patterns and graphics. Women’s handbags and accessories produced 68% of Tapestry’s sales in fiscal 2020. Stuart Weitzman, Tapestry’s smallest brand, generates nearly all (98%) of its revenue from women’s footwear.

Source: Morningstar

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

ViacomCBS Poised to Capitalize with Paramount+; International Streaming Expansion Key to Growth

The flagship service offers not only a strong on-demand library from the firm’s deep library but also access to CBS and its wealth of sports rights including the NFL and March Madness which helped to drive streaming growth over the first four months of 2021. With the recent renewal of the Sunday afternoon NFL rights, ViacomCBS now controls two of its most important sports rights into the next decade.

Like its larger peers, Netflix and Disney+, we expect that Paramount+ and Pluto will both benefit from international expansion. While the rebranded flagship service launched in 23 international markets in March including 18 in Latin America, the service has yet to launch in most of Europe, the largest non-U.S. market for Netflix, or India, the biggest international market for Disney+. Given the opportunity internationally and the relatively low guidance of 65-75 million subscribers by 2024, we think it’s likely that management raises the guidance in the next two years similar to the increase that Disney management made in December 2020.

In order to support the streaming growth, we project that ViacomCBS will continue to invest in content creation for the linear networks, theatrical slate, and the streaming platforms. Additionally, we expect that the firm will likely exceed its minimal target of $5 billion in streaming content spending as it ramps local language content to better compete with Disney+ and Netflix around the world. This spending will not help to drive subscription revenue but also ad revenue for both the lower-priced ad-supported tier and Pluto.

ViacomCBS Inc’s Company Profile

ViacomCBS is the recombination of CBS and Viacom that has created a media conglomerate operating around the world. CBS’ television assets include the CBS television network, 28 local TV stations, and 50% of CW, a joint venture between CBS and Time Warner. The company also owns Showtime and Simon & Schuster. Viacom owns several leading cable network properties, including Nickelodeon, MTV, BET, Comedy Central, VH1, CMT, and Paramount. Viacom has also built several online properties on the strength of these brands. Viacom’s Paramount Pictures produces original motion pictures and owns a library of 2,500 films, including the Mission: Impossible and Transformers series.

Source: Morningstar

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Narrow-Moat Splunk Continues to See Cloud-Transition Linked Uncertainty; Lowering FVE to $164

As a result, we are lowering our fair value estimate for Splunk to $164 from $212, but continue to view shares as undervalued at the moment. In spite of increased uncertainty, the cloud transition continues at a solid pace, with over 50% of software bookings coming from the cloud. We expect sustained cloud penetration, a growing robust product suite, and strong execution to lead to healthy long-term growth.

First-quarter revenue increased 16% year over year to $502 million. After several quarters of declines in the top line as a result of the cloud transition, accelerated adoption of Splunk’s robust product suite, as well as growing cloud traction have resulted in revenue growth once again. As cloud revenue is recognized ratably over time rather than up-front (as with term licenses), Splunk has been facing top line pressure for some time. This has been compounded by falling contract durations as a result of macroeconomic uncertainty and growing cloud demand. However, as we predicted, Splunk is now exhibiting growth in the latter part of the transition, and we expect this to persist in the future. First-quarter cloud revenue grew 73% year over year to $194 million, with cloud annual recurring revenue, or ARR, up 83% over the same period. This contributed to a 39% increase in total ARR. Even though management has withdrawn some long-term targets, healthy growth in cloud adoption has Splunk still on track to wrap up the cloud transition sooner than previously expected.

During the quarter, Splunk acquired TruSTAR, a cloud-based security threat detection and response solution. We believe this should augment Splunk’s security solutions by incorporating additional solutions into its already robust security product set and augmenting demand for the security buying center. The firm also rolled out the Splunk Observability Cloud, enabling businesses to use a unified platform to address a wide range of observability use cases. In addition, Splunk announced the appointment of Teresa Carlson in the position of President and Chief Growth Officer. In terms of guidance for the second quarter of fiscal 2022, management expects revenue between $550 million and $570 million, up approximately 14% at the midpoint. NonGAAP operating margins are expected to be negative 25%, reflective of the cloud transition and greater investments into the firm’s platform. While management did not provide full-year guidance, we expect the firm to successfully complete its shift towards the cloud and support healthy top-line growth in the future.

Splunk Inc’s Company Profile

Splunk provides software for machine log analysis. Its flagship solution, Splunk Enterprise, is employed across a multitude of use cases, including application management, IT operations, and security. The company has historically deployed its solutions on-premises, but the software-as-a-service delivery model is growing in popularity with Splunk Cloud.

The company derives revenue from software licenses, as well as cloud subscriptions, maintenance, and support.

Source: Morningstar

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.