Dividend Stocks

QBE Insurance: The Board Declared an Interim Dividend of A11 cps in the pcp, and Reflects a Pay-out Ratio of 57%

Investment Thesis:

  • On valuation grounds, QBE trades in-line with fair value.
  • Solid FY23 guidance.
  • New CEO announced a fresh perspective and potential rebasing of earnings. 
  • As a global insurer, QBE’s operations are much more diversified than domestic peers which means insurance risk is more spread out. 
  • Solid global reinsurance program should insulate earnings from catastrophe claims.
  • Expected prolonged period of lower interest rates (which does not benefit QBE’s investment portfolio).
  • Committed to the share buyback program.
  • Undertook a simplification process and sold non-core operations.

Key Risks:

  • Prolonged period of pricing pressures.
  • Adverse CAT claims.
  • Ongoing prolonged period low interest rates and volatility in credit spreads which affects QBE’s predominately defensive portfolio. 
  • As a global insurer, QBE’s operations are much more diversified than domestic peers which means insurance risk is more spread out. However, at the same time, as it underwrites across the globe, the business it is more difficult to forecast and analyse claims and pricing environment as well as reinsurance.
  • Undesirable investment returns below management guidance.
  • Prolonged poor performances in Asia.

Key Highlights:

  • Relative to the pcp, in US$ and on a statutory basis: gross written premium (GWP) of $11,552m was up from $10,203m, whilst net earned premium of US$6,789m was up from $6,571m. Adjusted GWP of $11,609m was driven by Group growth of +18% on a constant currency basis, or 13% excluding Crop. QBE saw ongoing growth across all divisions, with North America, International and Australia Pacific, up +24%, +19% and +6% respectively. QBE saw average renewal premium rate increases of +8.1% (North America, +10.4%, International, +7.0%, Australia Pacific, +9.1%), versus 9.7% in 1H21.
  • Combined operating ratio (ex risk-free rate) of 94.1% versus 93.3% in the pcp. On an adjusted basis, QBE’s combined operating ratio of 92.9% versus 93.3% in the pcp reflected higher rate increases and premium growth, lower net catastrophe costs and improvement in acquisition costs.
  • QBE achieved a poor total investment loss of $(840) m or (3.0) %, compared with return of $58m or 0.2% for the prior period, mainly as a result of unrealised losses associated with the significant increase in bond yields during the period.
  • According to management, “adjusting for the impact of changes in risk-free rates on fixed income securities, the total investment return was $14m or +0.1% for the half, a decrease from 0.7% in the prior period. In fixed income, the core yield from the portfolio was almost fully offset by adverse credit spread marks, and within risk assets, the returns from infrastructure and unlisted property were largely offset by unrealised losses on equities and enhanced fixed Income”.
  • NPAT of $151m was down from $441m, whilst adjusted net cash profit after tax of $169m was weaker than the $463m in the pcp.
  • Probability of adequacy of 91.7% remains robust (versus 92.3% in the pcp).
  • The Board declared an interim dividend of A9cps, down from A11cps in the pcp, and reflects a pay-out ratio of 57%.

Company Description:

QBE Insurance Group Ltd (QBE) is a global general insurer that underwrites commercial and personal policies across North America, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and emerging markets. QBE’s Equator Re segment is its captive reinsurer, providing reinsurance protection to the entire Group’s operating divisions.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

BAC’s asset quality remains strong and efficiencies in costs should help self-fund new investments in tech and marketing which should help gain market share

Investment Thesis:

  • Attractive valuation versus the price target. 
  • Leveraged to the improving economic conditions and activity in the U.S. 
  • Efficiency gains at the expense line exceeds market expectations. 
  • Significant leverage to the yield curve steepening in the U.S.
  • Cost out program to support earnings over the long-term. 
  • Revenue growth driven by consumer and business. 
  • Credit quality is very strong, with further reserve releases possible.  
  • Capital position is well above requirement level and management’s desired buffer, which opens up capital management initiatives.  

Key Risks:

  • Further decline in net interest margins from low yields and U.S. Fed interest rate cuts.
  • Intense competition to loan growth.
  • Subdued economic growth or a shallow/deep recession.
  • Funding pressures for deposits and wholesale funding. 
  • Political and regulatory changes affecting the banking legislation.
  • Credit risk with potential default of mortgages, personal and business loans and credit cards.
  • Efficiency gains disappoint relative to market expectations.

Key Highlights:

  • 2Q22 result summary.  Revenue (net of interest expense) increased +6% y/y to$22.7bn, with Net interest income (NII) up +22% y/y to $12.4bn (yield up +25bps to 1.86%), driven by higher interest rates, lower premium amortization and loan growth, and non-interest income down -9% y/y to $10.2bn, driven by lower investment banking fees, mark-to-market losses related to leveraged finance positions and lower service charges due to non-sufficient funds and overdraft policy changes, partially offset by higher sales and trading revenues.  
  • Non-interest expense increased +2% y/y (flat qoq) to $15.3bn and included $425m recognized for certain regulatory matters.
  •  Net income of $6.2bn, declined -32% y/y as pcp benefited by positive tax adjustment from revaluation of U.K. deferred tax assets of $2bn and $2.2bn in credit reserves releases, with Consumer Banking decreasing -5% y/y to $2.9bn, Global Banking decreasing -38% y/y to $1.5bn, Global Markets increasing +12% y/y to $1bn and Global Wealth & Investment Management increasing +16% y/y to $1.2bn.
  • Average loan and lease balances up +12% y/y to $1.0 trillion led by strong commercial loan growth as well as higher consumer balances and average deposits up +7% y/y to $2.0 trillion.
  • CET1 declined -100bps y/y (up +10bps qoq) to 10.5%, however, remains well above 2Q minimum requirement of 9.5% and +10bps above expected minimum required on October 1, with management expecting to build some additional buffer on top of that in 3Q.
  • Shareholder returns of $2.7bn ($1.7bn in dividends and $1bn in repurchases).
  • NII outlook. Assuming forward curve (as on July 15) materializing (asset sensitivity on a spot basis to a 100bps rate hike would be $5.8bn), modest growth in loans and deposits and deposit betas reflecting disciplined pricing, management expects net interest income in 3Q22 to increase by $900m-1bn qoq, further growing at a faster pace on a sequential basis in 4Q22, which combined with combined with expense discipline should boost the bottom line. 
  • Strong asset quality. Asset quality continued to remain strong with net charge-offs declining -4% y/y to $571m resulting in a net charge-off ratio of 23bps (down -4bps y/y), however, bank took a provision for credit losses of $523m (vs release of $1621m in pcp) amid loan growth and builds for a dampened macroeconomic outlook in the future. Though a slowdown in economy/recession brings risks of worsening credit profile, the BAC’s loan portfolio remains solid and carries less inherent risk compared to prior downturns, with lower concentration in the consumer portfolio (down -22% vs 4Q09), less exposure to unsecured consumer credit (down -48% vs 4Q09) and home equity loans (down -82% vs 4Q09), and 92% of commercial loan book either investment-grade or secured with Fed’s stress test indicating significantly lower credit losses expected in a severe downturn (5.2% vs 6.9% in 2013) and the bank holding much higher liquidity with global liquidity sources having increased 5x over 4Q09.

Company Description:

       Bank of America (BAC) is one of the largest banks in the U.S., serving consumers, small and middle-market businesses, and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management, and other financial and risk management products and services.

      (Source: Banyantree)

      DISCLAIMER for General Advice: (This document is for general advice only). This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937. The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate. Laverne and Banyan Tree and its respective officers may have an interest in the securities or derivatives of any entities referred to in this material. Laverne and Banyan Tree do and seek to do business with companies that are the subject of its research reports. The analyst(s) hereby certify that all the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the subject investment theme and/or company securities. Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the document, liability for any errors or omissions (except any statutory liability which cannot be excluded) is specifically excluded by Laverne and Banyan Tree, its associates, officers, directors, employees, and agents.  Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Laverne and Banyan Tree, its directors, employees and agents accept no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind, direct or indirect, arising out of the use of all or any part of this material.  Recipients of this document agree in advance that Laverne and Banyan Tree are not liable to recipients in any matters whatsoever otherwise; recipients should disregard, destroy or delete this document. All information is correct at the time of publication. Laverne and Banyan Tree do not guarantee reliability and accuracy of the material contained in this document and are not liable for any unintentional errors in the document. The securities of any company(ies) mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to all categories of investors. This document is provided to the recipient only and is not to be distributed to third parties without the prior consent of Laverne and Banyan Tree.

Dividend Stocks

Suncorp Group Ltd: Dividend Pay-Out Ratio of 60-80% of Cash Earnings, Remains Unchanged

Investment Thesis:

  • Reasonable valuations – SUN currently trades on a 2-yr forward PE-multiple of 11.6x and a fully franked yield of 6.5%. 
  • Company reaffirmed FY23 targets and a solid FY23 outlook.
  • APRA allows advanced accreditation for SUN’s Bank resulting in capital relief.
  • Better than expected margin outcome in banking and general insurance (GI).
  • Positive industry changes from the Royal Commission recommendations. 
  • Continual strong credit quality for its Bank and Wealth segment whilst maintaining net interest margins.

Key Risks:

  • Greater than expected competition in lines of insurance affecting pricing, unit growth, and risk management.
  • Continuing elevated natural catastrophe occurrences such as the NSW bushfires, which will use up reinsurance and impact SUN’s earnings.
  • Not achieving key targets for FY21 such as the rollout of the Company’s technology and digital platforms.
  • Weaker than expected investment yields.
  • Lower net interest margins or higher provisions than expected.
  • Increased levels of claims.

Key Highlights:

  • Cash return on equity above the through-the-cycle cost of equity.
  • Dividend pay-out ratio of 60% to 80% of cash earnings, remains unchanged.
  • General Insurance. Underlying ITR of 10 – 12% by FY23.
  • Banking. Cost-to-income ratio of Banking ~50% by end of FY23. SUN’s management also provided FY23 Outlook, expecting: (i) GWP growth expected to be in the mid to high single digits; (ii) Price increases to reflect increasing reinsurance and natural hazards costs and inflationary environment; (iii) Unwind of mark-to-market investment losses to grow yield and support UITR; (iv) Prior year reserve releases expected to moderate; (v) Transitory capital impacts to unwind.
  • FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp: (1) Group net profit after tax of $681m, down 34.1% impacted by volatile investment markets and elevated natural hazard costs. (2) The Board declared a fully franked final ordinary dividend of 17cps, bringing total fully franked ordinary dividends for FY22 to 40cps, and represents a full year dividend payout of 75% of cash earnings and within SUN’s target payout ratio range of 60% to 80%.
  • Results highlighted by division. Profit after tax of $697m, was down -40.2%, whilst cash earnings of $673m was down -36.7%, due to weaker performance across all segments, especially in Insurance Australia. Relative to the pcp:
  • Insurance Australia. Profit after tax of $174m, was down -68.2% due to intense natural hazard season and volatile financial markets. Net incurred claims of $5,328m was +3.1% higher whilst insurance trading result of $464m was -28.0% down despite gross written premium (excluding Emergency Services Levies) of $9,384m, was up +9.2%.
  • SUN Banking. Profit after tax of $368m, was down -12.2%. Net interest margin fell 14bps to 1.93%. Home lending, up $4.1bn or 9.0%. Cost to income ratio of 59.0% was up 190bps, due to one-off unrealised mark-to-market losses and an increase in strategic investment. Normalising for these factors, the ratio reduces to 57.5%. SUN Bank maintained strong capital, funding and liquidity metrics (CET1 capital ratio of 9.08% remained within the target operating range of 9.00% to 9.50%).
  • SUN NZ. Profit after tax of $155m, was down -22.5%. General Insurance profit after tax was NZ$150m, down 15.3%. GWP increased 14.1% driven by strong growth across all product classes via unit growth and GWP increased 14.1% driven by strong growth across all product classes via unit growth and targeted pricing increases to offset inflationary pressures on claims. Net incurred claims rising bond yields and volatility in equity markets. Operating expenses were up 7.2% to NZ$504m, supporting growth across the business.

Company Description:

Suncorp Group Ltd (SUN) provides general insurance, banking, life insurance, and superannuation products and related services to the retail, corporate, and commercial sectors in Australia and New Zealand. The company operates through Personal Insurance, Commercial Insurance, General Insurance New Zealand, and Banking segments.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

Aurizon Holdings Ltd operates an integrated heavy haul freight railway in Australia

Investment Thesis

  • Undemanding valuation relative to the market. 
  • Higher (and stabilizing) commodity prices should translate into improving volumes. 
  • Better than expected performance on the cost out. 
  • Attractive dividend yield 
  • Mostly defensive earnings backed by contracts, providing stability in shareholder returns.
  • The Company does have long-term plans to reduce exposure to coal. 
  • Divestment of ECR at an attractive valuation. 

Key Risks

  • Significant decline in commodity prices leading to mine closures or reduced volumes from customers. Any potential declines in iron ore prices.
  • Structural decline in some commodities (e.g., coal). 
  • High costs impacting margins.
  • Contract repricing resulting in longer term revenue loss.
  • Pricing pressure to increase.
  • Potential cuts to dividends given the elevated payout ratio.
  • Weather related impacts. 
  • Divestment of ECR business is not completed at a valuation in line with market expectations. 

Key Highlights

  • Revenue of $3,075m was +2% higher. 
  • Underlying EBITDA of $1,468m, -1% lower. FY22 earnings were driven by: (i) Network business achieved EBITDA of $801m, a -6% decline, due to lower volumes, lower historical or catch-up revenue from the Wiggins Island Rail Project (WIRP) and lower Goonyella to Abbot Point Expansion (GAPE) fees. (ii) Bulk business EBITDA declined -7% to $130m, on lower volumes caused by major flooding events, Covid-19 related disruptions and customer-specific reductions in production. (iii) Coal EBITDA was up +1% to $541m due to the benefits of cost management, higher CPI favorably impacting contract rates and higher revenue yield, despite above rail coal tonnes being down by 4%.
  • Underlying EBIT of $875m, down -3%. 
  • Underlying NPAT was $525m, down -2%, while Statutory NPAT declined -15% to $513m, primarily due to one-off benefits recorded in FY2021 (tax benefit from the sale of interest in Aquila) and transaction costs for the acquisition of One Rail Australia (ORA) incurred in FY2022.
  • Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) of 10.3% down by 0.4ppt. 
  • Free cash flow increased +13% to $664m.
  • The Board declared a fully franked final dividend of 10.9cps, which represents 75% payout ratio of underlying NPAT and brings total dividend for FY22 to 21.4cps, down -26%.

Company Description

Aurizon Holdings Ltd (AZJ) operates an integrated heavy haul freight railway in Australia. It transports various commodities, such as mining, agricultural, industrial and retail products; and retail goods and groceries across small and big towns and cities, as well as coal and iron ore. The Company also operates and manages the Central Queensland Coal Network that consists of approximately 2,670 kilometers of track network; and provides various specialist services in rail design, engineering, construction, management, and maintenance, as well as offers supply chain solutions. In addition, it transports bulk freight for customers in the resources, manufacturing, and primary industries sectors. The Company was formerly known as QR National Limited and changed its name to Aurizon Holdings Limited in December 2012. AZJ is headquartered in Brisbane, Australia.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

UNH delivered earnings beat at both top and bottom line with 2Q22 revenue of $80.332bn

Investment Thesis

  • Well positioned to benefit from positive healthcare trends and demographics. 
  • Optum offers a sustainable cost edge with predictive data and analytics. Management is expecting to achieve a further 20-40bps cost efficiencies through automation and machine learning.
  • Consistent top line growth with revenues growing at CAGR ~14% and operating earnings growing at CAGR ~17%. The Company has a very diversified portfolio which seemingly benefits in every market (with the insurer serving employers, individuals, Medicare, and state and local governments).
  • Excessive expansion of international business giving UNH some protection from increasing regulations in the U.S. The global business is now earning revenue of ~US$10bn.
  • Competent management team.
  • Generating very significant cash flow (growing at a CAGR ~15%) and returning a fair amount of that cash flow back to shareholders via a growing dividend (DPS grew at a CAGR 22% over FY15-18) and share repurchase program.

Key Risks

  • Slowdown in customer acquisition if health insurance tax comes back in 2021. 
  • Headwinds from potential regulatory reforms like Medicare for all. 
  • Value destructive M&A.
  • Key-man risk due to management changes.
  • Increased competition (pricing pressure & innovative products) from new entrants or existing players like Anthem and Humana.
  • Cyber-attacks or other privacy or data security incidents resulting in security breaches.
  • Legal proceedings leading to substantial penalties or damage to reputation.

Key Highlights

  • Group revenues of $317-320bn. 
  • Operating profit margin of 8.5% at the midpoint. 
  • EPS of $20.45-20.95 per share vs prior forecast of $20.2-20.7 per share and adjusted EPS of $21.4-21.9 per share (vs prior guidance of $21.1-21.6 per share), translating to growth of +13.8% y/y at the midpoint, +80bps higher than the lower end of management’s long-term target of 13-16%.
  • Cash flows from operations of ~24bn. 
  • Medicare Advantage customer growth of 800,000 with ~3/4 in individual and group Medicare Advantage and the remainder in Dual Special Needs Plans.

Company Description

UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) is a diversified health care company offering a broad spectrum of products and services through two distinct platforms: UnitedHealthcare, which provides health care coverage and benefits services and includes UnitedHealthcare Employer & Individual, UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement, UnitedHealthcare Community & State, and UnitedHealthcare Global businesses; and Optum, which provides information and technology-enabled health services through its OptumHealth, OptumInsight and OptumRx businesses.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

Smiths has a record of supplying equipment to the Transportation Security Administration and has secured previous CT orders from the agency

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Smiths Group is a collection of industry-leading niche businesses, each producing admirable margins and returns; however, growth across the group is inconsistent, with different divisions enjoying periods of strong demand but at disparate times. Research and development spending as a portion of sales has increased by 50 basis points over the past few years. However, to accelerate group-level revenue growth, several innovations winners–not a single one–are likely necessary, given the breadth of products across the businesses. The innovation cycle for each business is also likely several years, and the fruits of the recent ramp-up in spending have yet to be seen. That said, a few of these product categories, particularly in security and safety, have emerging technology potential that could lead to new market opportunities. Management sees a potential GBP 200 million-250 million in gross new revenue opportunities in the medium term. The net number will be likely lower after considering cannibalization of existing products by new product rollouts. Smiths Detection is the division with the greatest potential to propel the group, as it offers security screening equipment with a potential addressable market beyond its current focus. The division currently specializes in screening equipment for airports and ports, mainly supplying to governments. The United States is an important medium-term end market for this equipment, and it is likely to go through a multiyear upgrade program, swapping out X-ray equipment for CT scanners. Smiths has a record of supplying equipment to the Transportation Security Administration and has secured previous CT orders from the agency.

Of the other divisions, John Crane is the most important cash flow driver, with a high portion of recurring revenue and an entrenched competitive position as the number-one supplier globally of mechanical seals. It faces a challenge over the coming years of managing likely declining revenue from its oil and gas customers with new products and end-market growth. Its deep expertise in improving seal performance suggests it should be able to offer compelling value to new end markets.

Financial Strength

Smiths Group exited fiscal 2021 (ended July) with net debt/EBITDA at 1.6 times, in line with management’s target of below 2 times. This brings debt to a level that could be paid down through operating cash flow in about four years, if refinancing options are not available. The company expects to obtain net $1.85 billion in proceeds from the sale of its medical division to ICU. Management plans to use 55% of the proceeds for share buybacks. The remainder will be reinvested in the business, including acquisitions, and offer balance sheet support. Smiths is well balanced, given the reasonable leverage levels and business needs to fill in technology white spots to support top-line growth. The annual operating cash flow of around GBP 300 million per year through the 2026 explicit forecast period. This leaves enough room to cover annual capital expenditures of about 3% to sales and a dividend payout ratio of 50%-plus.

Bulls Say’s

  • More than half of group revenue comes from recurring revenue sources, enabling Smiths to maintain operating profit margins well above 10%, even during troughs in the cycle. 
  • Spending on more significant repairs of John Crane’s mechanical seals by refiners at oil majors should rebound in the next couple of years due to more favourable oil prices and ageing of the seals. 
  • As an incumbent supplier, Smiths Detection is excellently positioned to gain orders from U.S. airport operators to install updated baggage screening equipment over the medium term.

Company Profile 

With its start as a London jeweler in the 19th century, Smiths Group has for most of its history operated as a company operating disparate but economically attractive businesses. Thematically, it runs businesses that manufacture niche products in security- or safety-sensitive industries. Today, Smiths Group is split across four divisions: mechanical seals, weapons detection, electrical connectors, and specialized hoses. The end customers for these products include airports, NASA, government security or defense departments, and hospitals.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Magna Q2 Results Hit by Industry Headwinds, Tweaks 2022 Guidance; Slight FVE Increases to $82

Business Strategy & Outlook

Magna International is one of the largest, most diversified auto parts suppliers in the world. However, large and diversified is no guarantee of better returns for investors. While breadth in product and services can be advantageous with regard to cross-selling–commercial activities that bolster content per vehicle and market penetration—one can see only limited evidence that Magna’s diversified strategy has benefited investors in the form of higher margins and returns on invested capital. Many suppliers focus on a particular area of the vehicle. In sharp contrast, Magna’s capabilities are so broad that the firm could nearly design, develop, supply, and assemble vehicles all on its own. In 2021, the firm manufactured roughly 125,600 vehicles, generating $6.1 billion in revenue and $287 million in adjusted EBIT for a margin of 4.7%. While Magna’s Complete Vehicle segment has a growth opportunity with startup electric vehicle companies, the operation is highly capital intensive with limited margin, constraining return on invested capital. 

Diversifying into so many areas increases the risk that management resources become spread too thin, allocation of capital resources may be less than optimal, and the firm becomes less effective at developing expertise in any one area. One can be more confident in Magna’s ability to generate long-term excess returns on invested capital if its product offering was more focused but its customer base and geographical manufacturing footprint were better diversified. One would also like to see more disclosure regarding research and development, especially with certain parts of the business focused on powertrain electrification and autonomous technologies. Even though the Magna will benefit from these industry disruptive technologies, the degree of Magna’s product diversity dampens consolidated top-line growth and ROIC expansion potential from electric powertrain and vehicle autonomy. Even so, the firm’s healthy liquidity and balance sheet are able to support operations through severe industry downturns, such is the case with the coronavirus pandemic and microchip shortage.

Financial Strengths

Magna has a clean balance sheet with limited debt and ample liquidity. With average total debt/total capital at 11% for the past decade, interest expense is low, reducing risk to profits during a customer production downturn like that of the COVID-19 pandemic and the microchip shortage. Even so, the company has an inefficient capital structure, not taking advantage of the tax benefit of interest expense. With limited leverage on the balance sheet, Magna could make a relatively large acquisition if the right opportunity were to present itself. Magna’s capital needs have been primarily funded through equity and cash flow. The company has a $750 million undrawn unsecured revolving line of credit that was amended in December 2021 to mature in December 2022. Magna has a $1 billion U.S.-dollar denominated and a EUR 500 million euro denominated commercial paper program. Including 2021 year-end cash balance of $2.9 billion, total liquidity, excluding commercial paper programs, is $3.7 billion. Netting cash against debt, net debt/EBITDA at the end of 2021 was 0.3 times.

Bulls Say

  • High switching costs and significant barriers to entry enable sticky market shares. 
  • Incremental revenue from contracted new business provides revenue growth slightly above global industry production volume and should bolster operating leverage in the near term. 
  • As automakers consolidate purchases with fewer suppliers, large vendors such as Magna are in the best position to gain share because they can offer a wide range of parts, modules, and complete systems.

Company Description

Magna International prides itself on a highly entrepreneurial culture and a corporate constitution that outlines distribution of profits to various stakeholders. This automotive supplier’s product groups include exteriors, interiors, seating, roof systems, body and chassis, powertrain, vision and electronic systems, closure systems, electric vehicle systems, tooling and engineering, and contracted vehicle assembly. Roughly 46% of Magna’s revenue comes from North America while Europe accounts for approximately 43%.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Swiss’ Re’s leverage position and problems with its securitisation program led the business to complete a capital raise

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Swiss Re has a history of overly aggressive expansion and typically too much leverage. The first example of this can be seen in the acquisition of General Electric Insurance Solutions in the earlier part of the new millennium. This was financed through a combination of debt and share issuance, a historic and largest Swiss Re acquisition in that period. Furthermore, Swiss Re continued down a path of building out its reinsurance securitisation offering, structuring pools of credit, mortality and natural catastrophe risk. This did not work out well because Swiss Re increased correlation and dependence and when financial markets fell so did the value of these securities. Swiss Re’s leverage position and problems with its securitisation program led the business to complete a capital raise and take on Berkshire as a preferential terms investor. This investment built on a previously established relationship where Berkshire reinsured substantially all of Swiss Re’s yearly renewable-term United States mortality book, another area where Swiss Re had run into difficulties.

The latest round has been aggressive expansion for commercial insurance and this came back to bite the business. It is a business that is still overleveraged and one where the levels of debt do need to be addressed. However, from an operational perspective it is a company that is focusing on building a cleaner and more traditional reinsurance business, one that focuses on underwriting and shifts away from reliance on investment returns to fund unprofitable long-tailed lines of underwriting. There would be a turnaround in corporate solutions starting to come to fruition and the nascent stronger move into more specialist lines of business and find the management team to be a lot more disciplined. However, the business reigns in its buybacks and concentrates more on building out the long-term profitability of this business.

Financial Strength

Swiss Re does not have a particularly strong balance sheet. It would help the business immensely if management chose to pay down more debt. Swiss Re has around $11.2 billion of debt. The majority of this is long term, and the most substantial portions don’t mature for a few years. The shape of the debt isn’t well balanced, with the vast majority issued as subordinated. This means there are some pockets of very high interest rates and this is reflected in the broader group’s interest. Swiss Re pays an annual dividend that it intends to grow annually in line with long-term earnings growth and maintain the prior year’s dividend as a minimum level. The business also shares buybacks, though given the macro uncertainty it would be prudent if the business held off over the next few years from doing this.

Bulls Say’s

  • Swiss Re looks to be on the cusp of producing consistent results in the long term under the performing commercial insurance division. 
  • The quality of Swiss Re’s investment portfolio is high. 
  • Swiss Re pays a good dividend.

Company Profile 

Swiss Re was established in 1863 in Zurich. Since then the business appears to have cycled through quite a few strategies. Namely in the early part of the millennium Swiss Re took on an investment banker who eventually led the business. Over the next 10 years CEO Jacques Aigrain built Swiss Re’s financial solutions into a powerhouse and helped the company complete its first securitisation, finalised in 2005 for credit reinsurance. This division became a leader for Swiss Re but then disaster struck during the global financial crisis. Swiss Re mothballed this unit and approved a CHF 5 billion capital raise. Now the business concentrates more fundamentally on property and casualty, life and health reinsurance. Swiss Re also has a good commercial insurance offering named corporate solutions.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Itaú Should Benefit From Rising Interest Rates, but Uncertainty in Brazil’s Economy Still a Concern

Business Strategy & Outlook

The challenge for Itaú Unibanco will be to navigate an increasingly volatile Brazilian economy and uncertain political environment, which has been hit by the dual shocks of the pandemic and rapidly rising inflation, which exceeded 12% in April 2022. In response, the Brazilian central bank has rapidly increased interest rates, taking the SELIC rate from 2% at the start of 2021 to 13.25% by June 2022. The bank benefits from rising interest rates, as Brazil’s central bank attempts to fight inflation, but there is risk that economic fallout from rapidly increasing rates could lead to lower loan growth and higher credit losses for the bank. As pandemic conditions have eased, Itaú has refocused on individual lending, driving the bank’s impressive loan growth during 2021 and so far in 2022, with credit cards and mortgages leading the way. With a slew of government guarantee programs for small and midsize enterprises and fiscal stimulus spending, the bank’s credit costs during the pandemic have been surprisingly low. However, these same programs have contributed to Brazil’s growing inflation and budgetary issues, which now must be reined in through severe interest rate increases. While one does expect credit costs to normalize over time, low charge-offs and a surge in deposits have allowed Itaú to expand its loan book significantly. 

Itaú Unibanco appears to be positioning itself as a regional money center in Latin America, with operations across Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, and Argentina. Though there are difficulties in such an approach, the bank has been able to diversify its asset growth and simultaneously reduce its exposure to the notoriously volatile Brazilian real. With nearly 30% of loans outstanding held abroad, the bank is in position to benefit from Latin American emerging-market growth. However, in the near to medium term Itaú’s results will be impacted by Brazil’s struggles as the country heads into the 2022 election cycle. Itaú faces a more hostile approach from regulators in recent years, with the central bank’s efforts to increase competition through the launch of the successful Pix payment system and support for the open banking movement.

Financial Strengths

Itaú Unibanco has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of 11.1% as of March 2022. The bank’s Tier 1 ratio is 12.5%, as it holds 1.4% of additional Tier 1 capital in hybrid debt and equity securities. While management has said at times that the bank has been overcapitalized, that Itaú has done well to avoid increasing leverage at a time when Brazil’s economic prospects were challenged. The strong capitalization entering the recent crisis permitted the bank to expand its aggregate loan book by more than 15% during 2021 after growing nearly 22% in 2020. Net charge-offs for the bank have been low, a result of government guarantees and fiscal stimulus, which to normalize as the impact of the central bank’s interest rate hikes is felt in the Brazilian economy. That said, Itaú is in a decent position to withstand higher credit costs as its balance sheet is in good shape.

Bulls Say

  • Rising interest rates in Brazil create an opportunity for Itaú to expand its net interest margin. 
  • Itaú has been able to significantly expand its foreign lending operations, diversifying the bank and reducing its exposure to the volatile Brazilian market. 
  • Credit losses in Brazil remain well below historical norms, allowing Itaú to generate good returns on its lending operations.

Company Description

Itaú Unibanco is the largest privately held bank in Brazil, the result of the 2008 merger between Banco Itaú and Unibanco. In addition to Brazil, the bank has significant operations in Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Its commercial and consumer loans account for 36% of the bank’s total loans each, while foreign loans now account for 28% of the bank’s portfolio. Itaú also operates the fifth-largest insurer in Brazil and is the second-largest asset manager in the country, giving it broad reach over the Brazilian financial system.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

HSBC Q2 Results Solid; Interim Dividend Reinstated in 2023

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

HSBC’s strengths are its positions in the U.K. and Hong Kong banking systems. As China, Hong Kong, and Singapore are important pools of wealth and growing trade corridors, the bank’s pivot toward Asia, which makes up about 75% of pretax profit, makes strategic sense. The focus is on deepening relationships with customers across its existing geographies, and leverage the bank’s international network in bringing in new clients. According to the bank, its banking network addresses 90% of global trade and generates about 40% of the bank’s revenue. The broad geographic nature of its business model results in reduced pretax profit volatility versus peers, as evident during the global financial crisis, but comes with higher capital requirements.

Over the past few years, the bank restructured and exited unprofitable markets and low-returning regions. However, the restructuring was not enough and the bank struggled in global banking and markets, Europe, and the U.S. To address these issues, the bank announced another restructuring plan at the end of 2019. The restructuring is proceeding as planned with USD 104 billion of the risk-weighted assets redeployed or reduced at the end of 2021. A target of USD 120 billion by 2022 is achievable. Close to USD 3.3 billion in cost has been taken out of the business and the completion of the USD 5.5 billion program is expected by 2022. Cost savings is expected to be generated from digitalization, resulting in automation, a decline in headcount from operations and technology, and reduced office footprint. The restructuring plan allows HSBC to focus on its strengths in Asia and the U.K., the Asia region is growing in terms of importance for global trade, increased urbanization, and a growing middle class. The bank’s strengths in Hong Kong position it well to take advantage of growth in the Pearl River Delta, given it is the leading international bank in China. The latter is achieved through the bank’s long operational history and investments in China. As a result, HSBC is well positioned to capture economic growth in asset management, yuan internationalization, and consumer and corporate lending.

Financial Strengths:  

Much attention has been paid to HSBC’s dividend and its ability to return capital. HSBC to be in good financial health. Risk-weighted assets have declined as the bank improved its capital efficiency and redeployment of USD 100 billion in RWA, by 2022, is expected to lift profitability. RWA intensity has already declined to below 30s at the end of 2020 from above 40% in 2014. The common equity Tier 1 ratio was 13.6% at the end of second-quarter 2022. Management expects to maintain the common equity Tier 1 ratio at a range of 14% to 14.5% in the long term. With the coronavirus situation improving, the U.K. regulator is allowing U.K. banks to reinstate its dividends in 2021. HSBC provided an updated dividend policy of 40% to 55% of reported earnings per share applies from 2022, compared with a fixed dividend of USD 0.51 per share previously. A share buyback of USD 2 billion was announced in 2021 and completed in early 2022, and a further USD 1 billion buyback was announced at the end of 2021 to begin in April 2022. The common equity Tier 1 ratio of 13.6% at end of the second quarter is below the bank’s target of 14% to 14.5%, and this may dip below 14% in the third quarter due to the divestment of its French retail business and acquisitions. Profitability to drive a higher common equity Tier 1 ratio from 2023, and expected further capital management initiative in 2023. The bank’s liquidity position is also strong. Customer deposits make up around 60% of group funding, equity at 10%, and the balance from the wholesale debt and trading liabilities. The bank’s liquidity coverage ratio and net stable fund ratio both exceed regulatory requirements.

Bulls Say:

  • HSBC’s exposure to the fastest-growing economies ensures robust demand for its products and services, from deposits and wealth management to international trade finance.
  • The benefits of geographic diversification were highlighted during the financial crisis. Although HSBC took large losses in its North American segment, its other operations picked up the slack, and the bank escaped without reporting a loss.
  • HSBC has been operating in many banking systems for decades, building up a deep well of local knowledge and relationship that is hard to duplicate.

Company Description:

Established in 1865 in Hong Kong, London-based HSBC is one of the largest banks in the world with assets of USD 3 trillion and 40 million customers worldwide. It operates across 64 countries with around 220,000 full time staff. Key regions include Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and North America. United Kingdom and Hong Kong are the two largest markets for the bank. The bank offers retail, commercial and institutional banking, global banking and markets, wealth management, and private banking.

(Source: Morningstar)

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