Dividend Stocks

Vinci’s Defensive Concessions Business Will Drive Robust Growth in 2022

Business Strategy & Outlook

Vinci’s strategy to extend the maturity of its concession portfolio will help the company earn durable excess returns. Vinci’s business models rests on managing and operating critical infrastructure over long concession contracts, such as motorways and airports. The company’s actions to increase the portion of its concession-driven revenue, over its short-cycle contracting business. The concessions business earns high profit margins and enjoys significant barriers to entry. In contrast, the contracting business is less attractive on a stand-alone basis but allows Vinci to draw on its knowledge of critical infrastructure to bid on large projects that require greater know-how and less competition, supporting higher margins. Its expertise is likely a factor behind winning major infrastructure works such as the Grand Paris Express and sections of the High Speed 2 line. Vinci’s highly profitable acquisition of toll roads from the French government in 2006 has formed the backbone of the firm over the past 15 years. However, subsequent public disapproval of the deal has seen the state become less generous in awarding long-term extensions to Vinci’s existing network. The shorter-term extensions to be awarded given the need to invest in the decarbonization of motorways. Mergers and acquisitions have helped Vinci become the second-largest airport operator, which enjoys similar barriers to entry as its autoroutes business. While air travel remains depressed due to travel restrictions, Vinci estimates that its airports are only 10% exposed to international long-haul traffic and thus should see a quicker recovery in traffic once travel restrictions are lifted. A return to pre pandemic passenger numbers in 2024. The acquisition of the energy contracting division of ACS will provide Vinci with exposure to the fast-growing renewable energy sector as well as eight concessions mainly in electrical transmission. The development of greenfield projects fits with its expertise and may be the start of the company committing more capital into the renewables sector with the aim of potentially also operating these long-dated assets.

Financial Strengths

Vinci has been able to withstand the worst of global travel restrictions, which have kept earnings from the group’s concessions business heavily depressed, without a significant impact on the group’s balance sheet. Vinci has enough liquidity to meet approximately EUR 3.2 billion of debt maturing in 2022, while still being able to reward investors with a healthy dividend and share buyback of up to EUR 600 million. Vinci’s healthy balance sheet has allowed the company to refinance debt at extremely attractive rates. 57% of the company’s debt is at fixed rates, protecting it against a rising interest rate environment. The Vinci will generate between EUR 4 billion-EUR 5 billion of free cash flow during the five-year forecast period, which incorporates the acquisition of the energy contracting division of ACS at an enterprise value of EUR 4.2 billion paid fully in cash. The net debt/EBITDA to drop below 2 times in 2022, due to the consolidation of ACS and recovery in earnings from the airport segment. Both Vinci’s airport and autoroutes businesses have experienced a sharp upturn in traffic as travel restrictions have eased.

Bulls Say

  • Vinci’s portfolio of diversified concession assets is a unique opportunity for investors to own irreplaceable infrastructure across multiple assets. Returns are supported by long-term concession contracts and favorable demographics. 
  • Vinci’s balance sheet and global presence position the company to boost its portfolio of high-quality assets, should governments look to privatize aging infrastructure. 
  • A healthy order book provides earnings visibility and allows the company to be more selective when bidding on construction projects without taking on additional risks.

Company Description

Vinci is one of the world’s largest investors in transport infrastructure. Significant concession assets include 4,400 kilometers of toll roads in France and 45 airports across 12 countries, making Vinci the world’s second-largest airport operator in terms of managed passenger numbers. The concession’s business contributes less than one fifth of group revenue but the majority of operating profit. Vinci’s contracting business is made up of three divisions, offering a broad variety of engineering and construction services.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Dexus has sold stakes in office, industrial and healthcare assets into funds management vehicles that it manages

Business Strategy & Outlook

Dexus is a diversified Australian REIT that generates income from charging rent; managing property for clients; funds management, which typically includes property management and investment management services; and development and trading. Rent is the biggest revenue driver with the office and industrial divisions accounting for over 90% of funds from operations, or FFO. High-quality offices in Sydney dominate, with Dexus having interests in many trophy assets including Sydney’s Australia Square, 1 Farrer Place, and 1 Bligh Street. It also owns or manages a seasoned industrial portfolio, including the massive Dexus Industrial Estate in one of Australia’s fastest-growing industrial precincts, Truganina, Victoria. It also has a small retail portfolio, mostly retail sites attached to offices, and a small healthcare portfolio. Dexus has sold stakes in office, industrial and healthcare assets into funds management vehicles that it manages.

Funds management is the smallest but fastest-growing portion of revenue, and more developments being rotated into funds management vehicles, adding capital efficiency and management fees. It accounted for about 6% of revenue in fiscal 2019, and the funds management grows by about a third by the end of the discreted 10-year forecast period. The high-quality portfolio should see Dexus perform better than most, with about 90% of its office portfolio either premium or A-grade by Property Council of Australia guidelines. Dexus’ portfolio has held up relatively well in major downturns compared with rivals with lower-quality portfolios. It’s hard to imagine a worse scenario for an office property than that experienced in 2020-21. In those years, Dexus reduced rents somewhat on the small portion of leases that expired, but occupancy remained high.

Financial Strengths

Dexus is in solid financial health, with look-through gearing of 26.9%, below the group’s targeted range of 30%-40%. The group has substantial buffers to its banking covenants. However, gearing is likely to rise as Dexus commences development projects. Gearing ratios are also likely to rise as asset prices fall, given remarkably low capitalisation rates of 4%-5% being seen on CBD office transactions in fiscal 2022, and bond markets pricing in meaningfully higher interest rates. The group has a large pipeline of developments, and could make debt-funded acquisitions during the downturn, or a buyback, which could also push up gearing. This can be offset by divestments, including rotating some assets into its fund’s management vehicles, thereby taking them off the group balance sheet. On balance though, it is still expected gearing to rise from current levels. The Dexus’ reasonably conservative management team, and the health of other financial metrics look comfortable. Interest cover is 6.0 times on a look-through basis, compared with covenant of 2 times. Interest rate sensitivity is modest, with about two thirds of debt being hedged, and debt maturities are staggered. If inflation intensifies, further rate

rises could increase the cost of rolling over maturing debt facilities and put pressure on Dexus’ earnings and distributions in the near term. However, consistently it can be assumed a long-term cost of debt of 5.8%, significantly above current levels.

Bulls Say

  • Dexus owns a high-grade office property portfolio and a solid industrial portfolio, and it will likely benefit from an ongoing demand for quality property from the likes of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and other offshore investors.
  • Population growth boosts the value of Dexus’ assets with high-quality sites achieving more rent bargaining power, and some low-quality sites potentially switching to higher-value uses.
  • Lower credit spreads and improving rental collections could offset potential interest-rate rises.

Company Description

Dexus is a major Australian property owner, developer, and manager. It owns a large, high-grade office portfolio and a smaller industrial portfolio in Australia. It also manages properties on behalf of third-party investors. Dexus was formed by the merger of Deutsche Office, Industrial and Diversified Trusts. Management is internal, as opposed to external, as it is for some peers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Downer has established strong relationships with local and state governments that outsource operational and management activities

Business Strategy & Outlook

Downer is a major domestic infrastructure, rail, engineering, and maintenance business. The company is chiefly exposed to the domestic rail, water, road, and telecommunications sectors. The future of Downer is focused on urban services, with mining and high-risk construction businesses sold down. Downer does not have a moat despite position, scale, and strong customer relationships. Contracting is a difficult industry in which to establish a moat and Downer in the past decade underperformed from an operational and financial perspective as a result of miscalculating contract risk, poor project management, and unsatisfactory project execution. Downer’s mining operation contributed an approximate 15% share of group EBIT, down from 45% at the peak of the mining boom. It was an asset-heavy business undertaking only a small number of long-term large-scale open-cut mining service contracts. The business faced increasing competition and cyclical demand, being highly dependent on the expenditure plans of major mining and energy companies.

A large-scale network of facilities affords it a dominant position in service and maintenance of locomotives and wagons. The rail business is highly leveraged to both the mining sector and state government public transport expenditure. EBIT contribution from Downer’s engineering, construction, and maintenance, or EC&M, segment has fallen from 35% of group total to approximately 10%. The utilities segment comprises 15%-20% of Downer’s EBIT. Downer bought the majority 88% of Spotless Group in 2017 under an AUD 1.3 billion takeover and the balance in December 2020. Spotless fits with Downer’s diversification drive away from mining services.

Financial Strengths

Downer is now in good financial health. Net debt at June 2022 was AUD 623 million, down from AUD 1.5 billion levels just two years ago, and current 22% gearing and net debt/EBITDA of 1.1 excluding operating leases are more than conservative. Including operating leases, net debt/EBITDA is 1.6 and well below Downer’s 2.0-2.5 target range. The balance sheet is to be in net cash before decade’s end, flagged potential for incremental Urban Services acquisitions notwithstanding. Downer has set up a more capital-light business model for the future, with an emphasis on urban services. It’s

interesting to note that 65% of group fiscal 2020 capital expenditure went on mining and laundries. It’s clear why these segments were sold. Success on this front has enhanced the balance sheet.

Bulls Say

  • Downer is emerging from a period of turmoil and transformation. Restructurings, write-downs, major project losses, and contract disappointments of the past appear to be over.
  • Since July 2010, maintenance/infrastructure contract wins and introduction of a new project management framework have helped to re-establish Downer’s reputation.
  • Downer’s growing revenue streams from maintenance contracts in the social infrastructure, transport, telecommunications, and government sectors are helping to increasingly insulate the company from the downturn in mining work.

Company Description

Downer operates engineering, construction, and maintenance; transport; technology and communications; utilities; and rail units. But the future of Downer is focused on urban services, and mining and high-risk construction businesses have been sold. The engineering, construction, and maintenance business had exposure to mining and energy projects through consulting services. The mining division had provided contracted mining services. The rail division services and maintains passenger rolling stock, including locomotives and wagons.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

ASX’s Elevated Cost Growth Unlikely to Be Sustained

Business Strategy & Outlook

The ASX to deliver a low-single-digit EPS compound annual growth rate over the next decade, with the wide economic moat protecting strong margins and enabling returns on invested capital to exceed the weighted average cost of capital. The capital-light business model and a lack of desire to undertake acquisitions should enable strong cash conversion, a 90% dividend payout ratio, and a debt-free balance sheet. The yield nature of the stock means the share price to be largely driven by bond market movements and central bank interest rates. One cannot expect competition to materially undermine earnings, despite the evolving regulatory and competitive landscape. One can expect long-term growth in market value to underpin EPS growth. The relatively reliable nature of earnings influences the medium fair value uncertainty rating. The ASX has long been protected by two significant barriers to competition through regulation and network effects. The federal government and regulators have sought to increase competition for nearly a decade, but the process of regulatory reform is slow and still has many obstacles to overcome. In March 2016, the government reiterated its desire for competition in cash equities clearing, which constitutes just 7% of ASX group revenue, but not in cash equities settlements, which make up a further 6% of group revenue. However, a government report found that even if competition were allowed in cash equities clearing, competitors are unlikely to emerge, as the regulatory requirement to maintain operations and regulatory capital in Australia reduce potential synergies for overseas clearinghouses. There are currently no proposals to introduce competition in derivatives clearing, ASX’s largest business (comprising around a third of group revenue), with obstacles such as cross-margining acting as a barrier to competition.

Financial Strengths

ASX is in good financial health due to its dominant Australian securities exchange, high margins, and capital-light business model. The company is debt-free and has been for many years, a situation to continue for the foreseeable future. The wide economic moat has protected consistently strong and stable EBIT margins of around 70% over the past decade, and as per forecast an average EBIT margin of around 65% over the next five years. Although revenue is vulnerable to market declines to some degree, the large margins limit leverage at an EPS level. A lack of capital requirements enables a dividend payout ratio of 90%, which one can expect to continue for the foreseeable future. ASX lacks an appetite for acquisitions, which is not a bad thing in one opinion. The company seeks to drive growth organically through product innovation and cost efficiencies. One cannot expect this strategy to change. ASX has a simple, maintainable capital structure comprising solely ordinary equity. Shares on issue have been reasonably stable for the past decade, with capital expenditures funded from cash flow. ASX also records participant balances on its balance sheet, which represents cash deposits that clearing participants are required to make to satisfy margin requirements on outstanding positions. This cash is invested in cash, as well as various money market instruments.

Bulls Say

  • Long-term earnings growth is underpinned by growth in the value of the stock market and protected by a wide economic moat. However, in the short term, earnings can be affected by market weakness, although EPS fell just 7% during the global financial crisis. 
  • ASX has a wide economic moat underpinned by network effects and regulation. This competitive advantage to protect EBIT margins of around 65% over the next decade and a low-single digit EPS CAGR. 
  • ASX is financially robust with a good balance sheet, strong cash flow, and tight cost control.

Company Description

ASX is the largest securities exchange in Australia with an effective monopoly in listing, trading, clearing, and settlement of Australian cash equities, debt securities, investment funds, and derivatives. Other activities include the technology services, enforcing exchange rules, and exchange-related data. The ASX demutualized and listed on its own exchange in 1998 and subsequently acquired the Sydney Futures Exchange in 2006.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Amcor is a global plastics packaging behemoth, with global sales of USD 12.5 billion in fiscal 2021

Business Strategy & Outlook

Amcor is a global plastics packaging behemoth, with global sales of USD 12.5 billion in fiscal 2021. Amcor’s operations span over 40 countries globally and include significant emerging-market exposure equating to circa 20% of sales. Amcor’s capabilities span flexible and rigid plastic packaging, which sell into defensive food, beverage, healthcare, household, and personal-care end markets. Amcor has focused its portfolio on segments within flexible and rigid thermoplastics that feature attractive returns, largely underpinned by significant merger and acquisition, or M&A, activity. To this end, Amcor has completed 25 acquisitions since 2010 and is pushing forward with its largest transaction to date, making an all-scrip offer in August 2018 for leading U.S. flexibles player Bemis Co. 

Amcor divested its Australasian fiber, glass, and aluminum beverage can packaging businesses in conjunction with its North American fiber-packaging distribution business in December 2013, in order to focus solely on plastics. The focusing the portfolio on segments requiring more complex, greater value-add manufacturers that attract higher margins is entirely appropriate. In the longer term, the Amcor’s returns and moat benefit greatest from the scale in resin procurement that the enlarged group enjoys as a scale player in each of its geographies. The plastics industry remains a significantly fragmented industry in spite of the efforts of Amcor and other large regionally and globally active players to roll up the industry. Thus, resin procurement advantages for players with regional scale are both material and long-lasting, particularly in light of the mature nature of markets that the plastics industry sells into, where demand is derived from household consumption. Therefore, Amcor’s strategy positively and the key driver of returns on invested capital, or ROICs, have averaged 10.8% over fiscal 2016-20, comparing favorably with the weighted average cost of capital, or WACC, estimated at 7.9%. In the future, this advantage is to bolster Amcor’s positive ROIC-WACC spread, with ROICs expected to average 11% over fiscal 2021-25.

Financial Strengths

Amcor maintains substantial financial leverage but the defensive nature of packaging markets provides scope for relatively high gearing. Leverage–defined as net debt/EBITDA before IFRS-16 lease liabilities–stood at 2.7 times at fiscal 2022 year-end. With a free cash flow forecast of USD 1.2 billion in fiscal 2023, one commends Amcor’s freshly announced USD 400 million share buyback. Upon completion of the buyback, the leverage to remain at 2.7 times at fiscal 2023 year-end. In considering the use of leverage, Amcor aims to retain investment-grade credit ratings with credit ratings agencies S&P and Moody’s. Amcor speaks to a long-term leverage range of 2.25 – 2.75 times as sufficient to maintain its current credit ratings. However, net debt/EBITDA stood at 2.9 times at fiscal 2021 half year-end following the completion of the Bemis acquisition in fiscal 2020. Leverage is anticipated to recede as Bemis cost synergies are realized medium-term. Nonetheless, Amcor is comfortable running its balance temporarily above 2.75 times, noting that both S&P and Moody’s could downgrade Amcor one further notch and its debt would still retain a desired investment-grade designation. Given the highly defensive nature of Amcor’s business, this threshold for downgrade by the ratings agencies is likely in the range of 3.5 times to 4.0 times net debt/EBITDA. With leverage even under the bear case scenario–where Amcor’s volumes contract by circa 0.5% over the fiscal 2021 and fiscal 2022 period–leverage peaks at 2.8 times in fiscal 2025. Therefore, with Amcor not at risk of breaching its internal leverage targets, one can be confident that a breach of debt covenants in the current environment is highly unlikely.

Bulls Say

  • Amcor’s efforts to focus its portfolio toward more complex, greater value-added categories will lead to consistently higher margins. 
  • Exposure to emerging markets, with rapidly rising per capita incomes, helps offset Amcor’s mature demand from developed markets. 
  • Completion of the Bemis deal significantly augments Amcor’s existing flexibles portfolio, while adding additional scale in resin procurement.

Company Description

Amcor is a global plastics packaging behemoth, with global sales of USD 14.5 billion in fiscal 2022 following the acquisition of Bemis in 2019. Amcor’s operations span over 40 countries globally and include significant emerging-market exposure equating to circa 20% of sales. Amcor’s capabilities span flexible and rigid plastic packaging, which sell into defensive food, beverage, healthcare, household, and personal-care end markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Carlyle Group is one of the world’s largest alternative asset managers

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Carlyle Group has built a solid position in the alternative-asset management industry, using its reputation, broad product portfolio, investment performance track record and cadre of dedicated professionals to not only raise capital but to maintain its reputation as one of the go-to firms for institutional and high-net-worth investors looking for exposure to alternative assets. Unlike the more traditional asset managers, which have had to rely on investor inaction (driven by either good fund performance or investor inertia/uncertainty) to keep annual redemption rates low, the products offered by alternative asset managers can have lockup periods attached to them, which prevent investors from redeeming part or all of their investment for a prolonged period of time. Carlyle Group is one of the world’s largest alternative asset managers, with $376.4 billion in total assets under management, including $259.6 billion in fee-earning AUM, at the end of June 2022. The company’s portfolio is broadly diversified across business segments–private equity, which includes private equity, real estate, infrastructure and natural resources funds (accounting for 41% of fee-earning AUM and 65% of base management fees during 2021), global credit (45% and 24%) and investment solutions (14% and 11%)–and primarily serves clients in the institutional channel. With customer demand for alternatives increasing and investors in alternative assets attempting to limit the number of providers they use, larger-scale players like Carlyle Group are well positioned. 

That said, investors in the firm are betting that the company’s solid investment track record and fundraising capabilities will continue. While Carlyle Group’s ability to earn excess returns over the next 10 years, it will become increasingly difficult for the company to do so longer term, as increased competition (including from more traditional asset managers like BlackRock), continued pressure on fees, and a general maturation of the segment (from a solid period of above average growth due to shifting investor demand for alternatives) weigh on results.

Financial Strength

Carlyle Group’s business model depends heavily on having fully functioning credit and equity markets that will allow its investment funds to not only arrange financing for leveraged buyouts and/or additional debt issuances for the companies it operates but cash out of them once they’ve run their course. While the company saved itself a lot of headaches during the collapse of the credit and equity markets during the 2008-09 financial crisis by having relatively little debt on its own books, debt levels have crept up over the past 10 years. Given that asset managers like Carlyle Group have a high degree of revenue cyclicality and operating leverage and are generally asset-light, they should not maintain more than low to moderate levels of financial leverage. The company entered 2022 with $2.1 billion in longer-term debt (on a principal basis), with close to 70% of that amount coming due during 2030-50. The company also has a $1 billion revolving credit facility that expires in April 2027, with no balance outstanding at the end of June 2022. Assuming the company closes out the year in line with the projections, Carlyle Group should enter 2023 with a debt/total capital ratio of 24%, debt/EBITDA at 1.9 times, and interest coverage of more than 10 times. On the distribution front, share repurchases have been rare over the past decade, with the company repurchasing far less stock than it issued. Dividend payments, meanwhile, exceeded $4.8 billion during 2012-21 but are expected to account for only around 30% of distributable earnings annually going forward.

Bulls Say’s

  • Carlyle Group, with $259.6 billion in fee-earning AUM at the end of June 2022, is one of the go-to firms for institutional and high-net-worth investors looking for exposure to alternative assets. 
  • The company’s ever-increasing scale, diversified product offerings, long track record of investment performance, and strong client relationships position it to perform well in a variety of market conditions. 
  • Customer demand for alternatives has increased, with institutional investors in the category limiting the number of providers they use–both positives for the firm’s business model.

Company Profile 

Carlyle Group is one of the world’s largest alternative asset managers, with $376.4 billion in total assets under management, including $259.6 billion in fee-earning AUM, at the end of June 2022. The company has three core business segments: private equity, which includes private equity, real estate, infrastructure and natural resources funds (accounting for 41% of fee-earning AUM and 65% of base management fees during 2021), global credit (45% and 24%) and investment solutions (14% and 11%). The firm primarily serves institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals. Carlyle operates through 29 offices across five continents, serving close to 2,700 active carry fund investors from 95 countries.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

General Dynamics’ business jet segment primarily produces long-range wide-cabin business jets

Business Strategy & Outlook

About three-fourths of General Dynamics is a defense prime contractor and the other fourth a business jet manufacturer. Defense primes rely on defense spending for revenue, and companies with tangible growth profiles through a steady stream of contract wins, ideally to contracts that are fulfilled over decades. General Dynamic’s crown jewel of long-cycle contracts, the Columbia-class submarine, exemplifies this with planned procurement through 2042. Regulated margins, mature markets, customer-paid research and development, and long-term revenue visibility allow the defense primes to deliver a lot of cash to shareholders, which is positive because there’s no substantial growth in this industry. Defense primes are implicitly a play on the defense budget, which is ultimately a function of both, a nation’s wealth and a nation’s perception of danger. As the U.S. budget is looking increasingly bloated with pandemic relief, a near-term slowdown in defense spending to flat or even negative growth, but the contractors will be able to continue growing due to sizable backlogs and think that defense budget growth is likely to return. There is substantial political uncertainty in the budget, but it will be difficult to materially decrease the defense budget due to structural geopolitical changes that make great-power conflict more salient. One of the most common budgetary compromises of the previous decade has been more nondefense spending for more

defense spending. 

General Dynamics’ business jet segment primarily produces long-range wide-cabin business jets. This market is low volume, at roughly 200 global deliveries each year and many repeat customers. New, quality, product drives demand in this segment, so the company must continuously convince customers that it has built a better aircraft. Gulfstream dominates volume in this segment, with roughly 50% market share, which leads to superior margins due to progression along the learning curve. The introduction of the G700, G800, and G400 in 2022, 2023, and 2025, respectively will be major sales drivers.

Financial Strengths

General Dynamics historically has one of the best balance sheets among defense primes, and this is proper business strategy as the company is somewhat more cyclical than peers. General Dynamics issued some debt in 2020 due to pandemic-related uncertainties, and gross debt/EBITDA stood at 2.3 times at the end of 2021. General Dynamics had a sizable debt maturity in 2021, and has a much more manageable maturity schedule over the rest of the forecast period. Over the medium term, the company will bring gross debt/EBITDA to its normal historical levels below a single turn. It makes sense for General Dynamics to generally carry a lower debt burden than peers because they have a highly cyclical business jet segment in addition to the cyclical defense prime contracting business. General Dynamics produces a substantial amount of cash flow to service any debt burden and the company would be able to access the capital markets at minimal cost if necessary.

Bulls Say

  • General Dynamics’ Gulfstream franchise has top-tier volume share and margin in the large-cabin business jet market and has successfully transitioned to the G500 and G600, and G650. Business jets are in a post pandemic cyclical upswing.
  • General Dynamics’ marine segment has decades of revenue visibility, thanks to the long-cycle nature of shipbuilding.
  • Defense prime contractors operate in a cyclical business, which could offer some protection if the U.S. enters a recession.

Company Description

General Dynamics is a defense contractor and business jet manufacturer. The firm’s segments include aerospace, combat systems, marine, and technologies. The company’s aerospace segment creates Gulfstream business jets. Combat system produces land-based combat vehicles, such as the M1 Abrams tank. The marine subsegment creates nuclear-powered submarines, among other things. The technologies segment contains two main units, an IT business that primarily serves the government market and a mission systems business that focuses on products that provide command, control, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities to the military.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Samsung became the top supplier of DRAM in the mid-90s, and now has a 42% market share in 2020

Business Strategy & Outlook

Samsung Electronics has been a fantastic growth story as it established itself as the clear global leader in the smartphone space during the past decade, following its success in becoming the global top manufacturer of flat panel TV in the 2000s. However, no economic moat from its consumer electronics business, as these products are mature and difficult to differentiate, and are exposed to the tough competition from Chinese manufacturers. Unlike its competitor Apple, Samsung does not have an ecosystem that prevents users from switching to other brands. Meanwhile, Samsung’s semiconductor business will remain the profit driver in the longer term, driven by the robust growth of data traffic. Samsung led the global semiconductor industry in terms of revenue in 2017, knocking Intel from the top spot for the first time since 1992. According to Omdia, Samsung became the top supplier of DRAM in the mid-90s, and now has a 42% market share in 2020. The company is also the global top supplier of NAND with 34% market share. Demand growth for memory has been supported by the diffusion of digital devices, such as note PCs and smartphones, over the past two decades. The new telecom standards will not only enable richer content on existing devices, but will also ignite digitalization in non-IT industries, which will continue to drive the growth in data traffic. Also, the big data trend will accelerate from artificial intelligence demand.

Owing to technological obstacles, the costs necessary to achieve higher capacity per memory are becoming much higher than the past, which has forced smaller players to withdraw from the market. Samsung will maintain its cost advantage, which stems from a better product mix, underpinned by technical advantages and increased research and development expenses.

Financial Strengths

Samsung has a very strong financial position, with net cash (including short-term financial instruments) of KRW 103 trillion by the end of December 2020.Samsung shareholders should see an increased flow of shareholder returns over the next few years. According to its new shareholder policy announced in January 2021, the company expects to spend at least KRW 9.8 trillion on dividends from 2021 to 2023, which equates to a dividend of around KRW 1,440, implying approximately a 25% dividend payout ratio. The firm retains its commitment to return 50% of free cash flow in the form of either dividends or buybacks. If earned free cash flow over the next three months exceeds KRW 9.8 trillion, the remainder would be paid as special dividends at the end of 2023.

Bulls Say

  • Samsung’s flexible-screen advantage can be leveraged into increased smartphone market share.
  • The memory manufacturing market has consolidated to three or four main players, which could stabilize the market. Demand driven by mobile devices will allow this division to make up for any declines in mobile.
  • Samsung’s stock price is inexpensive, with shares having traded at a single-digit or low-double-digit P/ E ratio for the past few years.

Company Description

Samsung Electronics is a diversified electronics conglomerate that manufactures and sells a wide range of products, including smartphones, semiconductor chips, printers, home appliances, medical equipment, and telecom network equipment. About half of its profit is generated from semiconductor business, and a further 30%-35% is generated from its mobile handset business, although these percentages vary with the fortunes of each of these businesses. It is the largest smartphone and television manufacturer in the world, which helps provide a base demand for its component businesses, such as memory chips and displays, and is also the largest manufacturer of these globally.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Novartis reported mixed 2Q22 results, missing consensus estimates on top line with revenue of $12.78bn

Investment Thesis:

  • Relatively high barriers to entry, with a significant amount of funds deployed in R&D every year.
  • Recent and upcoming divestments will streamline the business and provide increased focus to deliver shareholder returns. 
  • Recent product launches indicate solid sales momentum, with near-term product pipeline potentially providing further upside.  
  • Selective bolt-on acquisitions to supplement organic growth. 
  • Operating efficiency focuses to further support earnings growth.
  • As the new management team improves Company culture, investors are less likely to ascribe a discount to the stock based on legacy issues.  

Key Risks:

  • Recently launched products fail to deliver sales growth as expected by the market.
  • New product pipeline fails to yield “blockbuster” products or delays in bringing key products to market.
  • R&D programs do not yield new long-term ideas.
  • Increased competition (pricing pressure & innovative products) from new entrants or existing players.  
  • Value destructive M&A.
  • Regulatory / litigation risks. 

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 outlook – Sandoz guidance upgraded. Assuming a continuing return to normal global healthcare systems, including prescription dynamics, and that no Sandostatin LAR generics enter in the U.S., management expects; Group sales to grow mid-single digits with Innovative Medicines (IM) sales growing mid-single-digits and Sandoz sales growing low-single-digit (vs prior forecast of being broadly in line with pcp), benefitting from return towards normal business dynamics with management anticipating solid base for growth starting FY23 driven by biosimilars (>15 biosimilar assets in pipeline), targeting $80bn originator sales in FY2030. 
  • Core operating income to grow mid-single digits with IM growing mid-to-high-single digits driven by good top-line momentum and continuation of productivity programs, and Sandoz being broadly in line with pcp (vs prior forecast of declining low-to-mid-single digit). 
  • Expenses to be broadly in line with pcp. 
  • Core tax rate of 17-17.5%.
  • Organizational model simplified – SG&A savings estimate increased to ~$1.5bn fully embedded by FY24. Management continued to simplify the organization model by integrating operations unit synergies, simplifying M&S structure (non-customer-facing) and streamlining G&A functions, increasing estimates of SG&A savings to $1.5bn (onetime restructuring costs to be 1-1.2x of the annual structure savings), fully embedded by FY24 (FY22 savings impact to be minimal as savings will be offsetting higher energy cost and inflationary pressures), with savings contributing to achieving mid-to-long-term low 40% IM core margin guidance and helping pipeline progression.
  • Capital management. The Company remained disciplined and shareholder focused in capital allocation, balancing investing in business through organic investments ($4.5bn in R&D + $0.5bn in capex) and value-creating bolt-ons ($0.9bn mainly for the Gyroscope acquisition), while returning capital to shareholders via growing annual dividend (paid $7.5bn in 1H22) and share buybacks of $5.6bn during the half, with $9.4bn still to be executed.

Company Description:

Novartis AG (NOVN) is an innovative healthcare company headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, with approximately 125,000 employees. In 2017, the Group reported net sales of US$49.1bn, while R&D throughout the Group amounted to approximately US$9.0bn. The Company sells its products in approximately 155 countries. The group has two segments which it reports on: (1) Innovative Medicines (Oncology / Pharmaceutical), and (2) Sandoz generics division.    

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

CBA remains in a strong capital position after returning ~$13bn to shareholders via dividends and buy-backs, absorbing a significant increase in Weighted Assets

Investment Thesis:

  • Trades at a 2.3x Price to Book, and dividend yield of 4.2%, however the stock trades at a premium to its peer group. 
  • Improving macroeconomic environment which may see favourable higher interest rate hikes.
  • Post Covid-19 expected low levels of impairment charges (especially as a low interest rate environment helps customers and arrears).
  • Potential pressure on net interest margins as competition intensifies with other major banks.
  • Sector leading return on tangible equity.
  • A well-diversified corporate book.
  • Improving CET1 ratio, which may in due course provide opportunity to undertake capital management initiatives.

Key Risks:

  • Intense competition for loans, as overall market growth rate moderates. 
  • Trades at a premium to peer group, with high competition potentially eroding its ROE.
  • Major banks, including CBA, are growing below system growth (i.e. losing market share). 
  • Increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning.
  • Funding pressure for deposits and wholesale funding (increased funding costs).
  • Regulatory and compliance risk
  • Australian housing property crash. 

Key Highlights:

  • Statutory NPAT of $9,673m, was up +9%, whilst Cash NPAT of $9,595m, was up +11%, driven by volume growth in core businesses (Home lending was up +7.4%, Household deposits was up +13.2%, Business lending was up +13.6%, and Business deposits was up +15.1%), sound credit quality and lower provisions related to uncertainties relating to Covid-19.
  • Pre-provision profit of $13,190m (excluding one-off items), was up +3%.
  • Net interest margin of 1.9%, is down 18bps, due to large increase in low yielding liquid assets and lower home loan margins.
  • Operating expenses of $11,190m was down -1.5% on lower remediation costs and productivity benefits, partly offset by increased staff costs.
  • Loan impairment expense declined $911m to a $357m benefit, due to lower Covid-19 overlays partly offset by higher forward-looking adjustments for emerging risks.
  • CBA remains in a strong capital position after returning ~$13bn to shareholders via dividends and buy-backs, absorbing a significant increase in Weighted Assets associated with Interest Rate Risk in the Banking book. Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 11.5% (Level 2, APRA) was down 160bps (or 18.6% on an internationally comparable basis).
  • The Board declared a dividend of $2.10 for 2H22, which brings the total FY22 dividend $3.85, fully franked, up +10% or $0.35cps on the prior year. The final dividend pay-out was ~68% of cash earnings or ~75% after normalising for long run loan loss rates. Management reiterated that the Bank continues to target a full year pay-out ratio of 70-80% of cash NPAT and an interim pay-out ratio of ~70% of cash NPAT.

Company Description:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is one of the major Australian Banks. Its key segments are retail, business and institutional banking, wealth management, New Zealand and Bankwest. Across these core segments, the bank provides services in retail, corporate and general banking, international financing, institutional banking, stock broking and funds management.

(Source: Banyantree)

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