Investment Thesis
- Principal Investments could grow to become a meaningful contributor to group performance over the medium-to-long term.
- MFG no longer trades at a significant premium to its peer-group post the recent de-rating.
- Acquisitions could pave growth runways, helping to ease the Company’s fund capacity constraints.
- Average base management fee (bps) per annum (excluding performance fee) continues to be stable but there are risks to the downside from pressures on fees (which is an industry trend not specific to MFG alone).
- Continued strong investment performances, especially in the global and infrastructure funds.
- Growing levels of funds under management.
- New strategies could significantly increase the addressable market and help sustain earnings growth.
Key Risk
- Decline in fund performance.
- Risk of potential funds outflow – both retail and institutional (loss of a large mandate).
- Execution risk with the acquisitions.
- Significant key man risk around Hamish Douglass and key management or investment management personnel.
- New strategies fail to add meaningful earnings to the group.
1H22 results summary :Compared to pcp:
- Adjusted revenue increased +15% to $384.1m, driven by a +13% increase in total management and service fee revenue amid +12% increase in average FUM to $112.7bn and +116% increase in other revenue (includes distribution income of $8.6m, realised capital gains of $8.1m and net FX gain of $2.1m), partially offset by -8% decline in performance fees.
- Adjusted expenses increased +24% to $65.3m with Funds Management business’s cost to income ratio (excluding performance fees) increasing +60bps to 17.4% (excluding earnings contribution from SJP, increased +280bps to 19.6%) and management anticipating Funds Management segment expenses for FY22 to be $125-130m.
- Adjusted NPAT of $248.1m increased +16%, and excluding the earnings contribution for the period from the St James’s Place mandate, adjusted NPAT was $212.5m, broadly in line with pcp.
- Strong balance sheet with no debt and total investment assets of $1,016.7m (up +13%) including cash position of $291.5m.
Capital management
- Declared a 75% franked interim dividend of 110.1cps, up +13% over pcp and confirmed the dividend policy of 90-95% payout of the profit after tax of the Funds Management business.
- Announced intention to progress with a 1-for-8 bonus issue of options to shareholders and issuance of 10 million unlisted options to staff, both at exercise price of $35 per option and 5-year term (exercisable at any time until expiry).
- Taking into consideration the implementation of an on-market share buy-back (subject to various factors including market conditions).
Company Profile
Magellan Financial Group Ltd (MFG) is a specialist funds management business. MFG’s core subsidiary, Magellan Asset Management Ltd, manages ~$53.6bn of funds under management across its global equities and global listed infrastructure strategies for retail, high net worth and institutional investors.
(Source: Banyantree)
General Advice Warning
Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.