Business Strategy and Outlook
Largely on the basis of the strong competitive advantages of the healthcare group and to a lesser extent the crop science business, it is alleged Bayer has created a wide economic moat. Also, the past divestiture of no-moat material science group Covestro leaves the company in a stronger competitive position.
In the healthcare division, Bayer’s strong lineup of recently launched drugs and solid exposure to biologics should support steady long-term growth. Bayer’s hemophilia franchise and key ophthalmology drug Eylea are biologics. While competition is increasing in hemophilia and in eyecare, the manufacturing complexity of these drugs deters generics from entering the market. Further, strong demand for cardiovascular drug Xarelto should continue to drive growth, but the drug’s approaching patent loss in 2026 will likely create some growth headwinds.
Bayer’s healthcare segment also includes a consumer healthcare business with leading brands Aspirin and Aleve. Brand recognition is key in this segment, as evidenced by the company’s iconic Aspirin, which continues to produce strong sales even after decades of generic competition. The 2014 acquisition of Merck’s consumer products increased the scale of Bayer’s consumer group. Bayer runs a leading crop science segment, which includes crop protection products (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides) and the fast-growing plant and seed biotechnology business. Similar to the drug business, this segment is research and development intensive, and Bayer has developed a strong portfolio of products. The downside to this business is that demand is heavily dictated by weather and commodity prices, which will determine how much farmers can afford to spend on crop treatment. The acquisition of Monsanto has significantly expanded Bayer’s competitive position in this industry. On the negative side, the acquisition increased Bayer’s exposure to litigation around potential side effects from glyphosate use. While many studies have shown glyphosate use to be safe, some reports of linkage to cancer drove large class action legal cases against Bayer and led to a legal settlement of over $15 billion.
Financial Strength
The merger with Monsanto and glyphosate litigation settlements have significantly increased debt, but it is alleged the cash flows from the business will meet the increase in related interest payments. It is foreseen, a 2022 net debt position for the firm of close to EUR 38 billion, falling to close to EUR 30 billion by 2024. Bayer’s steady cash flows from healthcare and crop science products should enable the company to both reduce debt and service current debt levels. However, the high debt levels and slow near-term growth prospects likely mean relatively high debt levels over the next several years. Also, the high debt burden will likely reduce Bayer’s potential to make major acquisitions over the next few years.
Bulls Say’s
- Several drugs, including recently launched cancer drugs, hold potential for further gains and have relatively steady pricing power partly based on excellent clinical data.
- Bayer’s strong entrenchment in biologics helps protect the firm from generic competition, as generic biosimilars are more difficult to develop and market.
- Bayer has established a strong presence in emerging markets and is well positioned to benefit from these fast-growing regions.
Company Profile
Bayer is a German healthcare and agriculture conglomerate. Healthcare provides close to half of the company’s sales and includes pharmaceutical drugs as well as vitamins. The firm has a crop science business that includes seeds, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, which was expanded through the acquisition of Monsanto.
(Source: MorningStar)
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