Dividend Stocks

SL Green’s $3 billion megaproject One Vanderbilt was completed amidst the pandemic and has already achieved high occupancy rates

Business Strategy & Outlook:

SL Green Realty is a real estate investment trust engaged in the acquisition, development, repositioning, ownership, and management of commercial real estate properties, principally office properties. Most of the companies’ properties are in the Manhattan area. The company held interests in approximately 35 million SF, which includes ownership interests in 26.7 million SF in Manhattan buildings and 7.2 million SF securing debt and preferred equity investments. The strategy of the company is to maintain a high-quality portfolio of buildings in desirable locations and focus on creating value through new developments, capital recycling, and joint venture investments. As an instance, SL Green’s $3 billion megaproject One Vanderbilt was completed amidst the pandemic and has already achieved high occupancy rates. The economic uncertainty emanating from pandemic recovery and the remote work dynamic have created a challenging environment for office owners. Employees are still hesitant in returning to the office as office utilization remains around 45% of the pre-pandemic level. The vacancy rate for office spaces in Manhattan was recorded at 21% in first-quarter 2022, which is roughly 1000 basis points higher than pre-pandemic levels. On the supply side, approximately 17 million SF of office space, which amounts to around 4% of the total inventory is currently under construction in Manhattan and would be added to the market in upcoming years. It is expected this additional supply to further pressure fundamentals in the market. The Manhattan net absorption rate remains negative as of first-quarter 2022 and rental growth figures are disappointing especially given the highly inflationary environment.

Having said this, it is seen that an increasing number of companies requiring their employees to return to the office. In the long run, it is believed that remote work and hybrid remote work solutions will gain increasing acceptance, but offices will continue to be the centerpiece of workplace strategy and will play an essential role in facilitating collaboration, harnessing innovation, and maintaining the company culture

Financial Strengths:
SL Green has relatively more debt compared with other office REITs especially after considering its share of debt in unconsolidated joint ventures. The firm owns a majority of its properties through unconsolidated JVs and these properties are significantly more leveraged than the firm’s balance sheet. However, the unconsolidated JV debt is secured by the portfolio assets and have limited recourse to the parent company. The company’s share of debt which also includes its share of unconsolidated JV debt was $9.9 billion as of the end of first-quarter 2022, resulting in a debt/EBITDA ratio of 13.1 times. The current debt/EBITDA ratio is also high because of a lower base in the current challenging environment. The figure should come down slightly over the next few years as fundamentals recover and EBITDA sees healthy growth. Having said this, it is believed that SL Green’s higher leverage implies a higher financial risk for the firm. The weighted average interest rate on the company’s debt was 3.11% and the debt maturity schedule shows that the maturities are adequately spread. Approximately 77% of the total debt is fixed-rate debt with the other 23% being floating rate debt. The debt service coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA divided by interest and principal payments was 2.2 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The fixed-charge coverage ratio which is a ratio of EBITDA are divided by all fixed expenses (including interest) was 1.9 times as of the end of first-quarter 2022. The debt and fixed-charge coverage ratios are 3.8 times and 2.9 times, respectively, if considering only the consolidated figures. As a REIT, SL Green is required to pay out at least 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders. The FAD payout ratio which is a ratio of dividends to funds available for distribution was reported at 70% for the year 2021. This shows the firm is generating sufficient cash to cover its fixed expenses and payout dividend.

Bulls Say:

SL Green’s midtown focus allows it to access one of the most vibrant business districts in the world. In addition to this, the company’s high-quality office buildings with good amenities should benefit from the flight to quality trend.
The development pipeline of the company is poised to drive significant net operating income growth for SL Green
SL Green attracts the highest-quality tenants with the deepest pockets, greatly reducing risk across its portfolio.

Company Description:
SL Green is one of the largest Manhattan property owner and landlord, with interest in around 35 million square feet of wholly owned and joint venture office space. The company has additional property exposure through its limited portfolio of well-located retail space. It operates as a real estate investment trust.

(Source: Morning Star)

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Dividend Stocks

WBC is on track towards its target of an $8bn cost base by FY24

Investment Thesis:

  • WBC is trading on an undemanding valuation, with 1.2x Price to Book (P/B) and dividend yield of 5.1%. 
  • All else being equal, WBC is offering an attractive dividend yield on a 2-yr (5.6%) and 3-Yr (6.2%) view. 
  • Strong oligopoly position in Australia (along with three other major banks in CBA, ANZ, NAB).
  • Strong management team and Board.
  • Macro environment to be both a tailwind and headwind – We expect a rising interest rates environment to be both positive and negative in that while it will enable banks to charge more for loans, it also could result in deterioration in asset quality, slower loan growth, as well as higher inflation and wage growth to be detrimental to costs expense.
  • Strong franchise model with management pushing towards lowering the bank’s cost to income ratio.
  • Improving loan growth profile and potential to grow above system growth. 
  • Better than expected outcome on net interest margin (NIM). 
  • Excess capital presents the potential for additional capital management (buybacks). 
  • Strong provisioning coverage.
  • A well-diversified loan book.

Key Risks:

  • Intense competition for loan growth.
  • Margin pressure.
  • Ongoing remediation expenses. 
  • Housing market stress. 
  • Increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning.
  • Funding pressure for deposits and wholesale funding (increased funding costs).
  • Any legal fees, settlements, loss or penalties.

Key Highlights:

  • Statutory net profit of $3,280m, down -5%.
  • Cash earnings of $3,095m, down -12%. Cash EPS of 85.4cps, down -12%. According to management, the decline in cash earnings over the year was mostly due to competitive pressures on net interest margins and returning to an impairment charge after having benefits last year. Further, WBC noted asset quality has improved, and most credit quality metrics are back to pre-COVID levels, however increased overlays in provisions for supply chain issues, inflation, expectations of higher interest rates and recent floods.
  • Revenue down 8% to $10,230m.
  • Costs (excluding notable items) were down 10% to $5,373m, driven by a reduction in headcount of more than 4000. WBC is on track towards its target of an $8bn cost base by FY24.
  • Net interest margin down 15 basis points to 1.91%.
  • WBC’s balance sheet remains sound and allowed WBC to complete its off-market share buy-back, reset capital range and increase dividend per share.
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 61cps.
  • Cash earnings of $132m was up +13, however excluding notable items cash earnings were -41% lower. This decline was due to businesses sold, lower life insurance income and a lower impairment benefit. Costs declined -6% excluding sold businesses. 
  • Cash earnings of $1,646m was down -15% due to lower net interest margin (25bps lower due to competition and portfolio mix change), and reduced credit impairment benefits. Operating expenses were lower due to higher use of digital and a reduction in network costs.
  • The Board declared a 1”.

Company Description:

Westpac Banking Corp (WBC) is one of the major Australian Banks. The bank services individuals and businesses such as SMEs, corporations, and institutional clients. The bank’s core segments include Retail Banking, Business Banking, Institutional Banking, Consumer Banking and its wealth management business, BT Financial Group (Australia).  

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

Ongoing shift to online will allow Premier Investments Ltd to push landlords to lower rent

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading below the updated valuation and the risk reward looking more attractive post the recent share price correction.
  • Strong brands in Smiggle and Peter Alexander.
  • Expectations of significant growth of Smiggle and Peter Alexander in UK, Asia and Eurozone. 
  • PMV controls its own brands (design, sourcing and distribution) rather than distributing other brands. 
  • Strong online sales presence, which allows the company to compete with the likes of Amazon and eBay, as these online platforms cannot sell PMV brands. 
  • Significant exposure to the consumer overseas (UK, Europe & Asia), as opposed to be 100% leveraged to Australian sales. 
  • Strong management team, including Chairman Solomon Lew and incoming CEO Richard Murray (ex CEO JB Hi Fi). 
  • Strong balance sheet with net cash position provide buffer in hard time and flexibility in times of growth.

Key Risks:

  • Increase in competitive pressures (reported entry of Amazon into the Australian market). 
  • Increase in cost of doing business. 
  • Loss in brand equity for the key brands – Smiggle and Peter Alexander.
  • Store roll-out strategy stalls or new stores cannibalise existing stores. 
  • The Company unable to arrest the sales decline in its more mature brands. 
  • Adverse currency movements. 

 Key Highlights:

  • Retail sales of $769.9m, up +0.6% YoY or up +5.2% over 1H20, or on a like-for-like basis, global sales were up +8.9%. This was driven by record online sales of $195.4m up +27.3% relative to the pcp or up +101.1% over 1H20, and record Peter Alexander sales of $227.4m, up +11.4% on 1H21 and up +57% on 1H20, whilst Smiggle continues to show positive sales momentum, up +5.6%.
  • Premier Retail Gross Profit of $507.2m was up +1.4% relative to the pcp or up +10.8% over 1H20. Gross Margin were up 54bps on 1H21 and up 334bps on 1H20. Total cost of doing business declined 67bps on 1H21 and by 430bps on 1H20.
  • PMV retains a strong capital position with all operating debt repaid during 1H22 and now has cash on hand of $468.6m at 1H22-end. PMV retains a 26.2% stake in Breville Group (BRG), with investment at a market value of over $1bn at 29 January 2022 (balance sheet value of $289.3m). PMV retains a 19.9% in Myer worth $69m.
  • The Board declared a record interim dividend of 46cps fully franked, up +35.3% on 1H21.
  • In Europe, Smiggle’s sales performance in 1H22 exceeded expectations, particularly around the key “back to school” periods, however, in Asia, numerous Covid related disruptions were experienced in 1H22, including school closures and lack of tourists due to international border closures.
  • The Board declared a 1”.

Company Description:

Premier Investments Ltd (PMV) wholly owns retail conglomerate the Just Group and also holds a 27.5% stake in listed electrical consumer products manufacturer Breville Group Ltd (BRG) and 10.8% stake in listed department store, Myer Holdings (MYR). The Company has the following brands in its portfolio: Smiggle, Portmans, Just Jeans, dotti, Jacqui-E, Jay Jays and Peter Alexander. The Company operates in Asia, Europe, the UK and Australia.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

CME Stands to Benefit From Rising Interest Rates as Volatility Returns to Its Markets

Business Strategy & Outlook

CME has suffered from little to no revenue growth more recently as all its futures complexes reported lower trading volume in 2021 than in 2019, with the notable exception being its equity futures platform, which remains well above prepandemic levels. The most significant headwind for the company has been the impact that low short-term interest rates has had on its interest rate complex, which is its largest source of revenue. When interest rates are expected to stay low there is less need for interest rate hedging and less incentive for speculation, creating a drag on CME’s trading volume. With interest rates now rising, though, this drag has been removed and the company’s results have improved so far in 2022. After a couple years of meager revenue growth, CME enjoying more favorable market conditions in the near term. 

CME has benefited in the past from increased retail interest in equity markets. Equity markets saw a surge in trading volume in 2020, with equity derivative products seeing a larger and more maintained increase. CME’s equity index futures business produced impressive performance as a result. The expected revenue from CME’s equity derivatives to partially normalize over time as retail interest in equity markets fades. That said, the rise of $0 commissions, changes in investor behavior, and the availability of futures on retail brokerage platforms will provide a permanent tailwind to CME’s equity business, so one cannot foresee a full retracement. Additionally, as global commodity markets remain volatile, CME’s energy and agricultural futures to see continued interest. Beyond 2022, CME should see steadier growth in revenue and earnings. CME has a dominant position in many of the contracts that trade in its exchange and is well diversified across multiple product lines. In the long term, the anticipate that the company will continue to benefit from secular growth in the need to hedge commodity, energy, and interest rate exposure. CME also has a history of generating incremental growth through the introduction of new futures contracts, like the micro-E-mini S&P 500 contract and bitcoin futures.

Financial Strengths 

CME Group has a strong balance sheet that would serve as a buffer if a market disruption occurs The balance sheet also provides the company with the flexibility needed to invest more capital into organic investments or acquisitions if it chooses to do so. At the end of 2021, the company had equity of $27 billion against $3.4 billion in debt. The company’s balance sheet is managed conservatively, with a targeted EBITDA to debt ratio of 1 time and a firm goal to keep $700 million in cash on hand at any given time. CME is well above this goal, with more than 2.8 billion on hand at the end of 2021, giving it a rock-solid balance sheet. As a clearinghouse, CME is obligated to cover the losses of its clearinghouse members in the event of a default. However, CME’s share of potential losses as a clearinghouse is capped at $250 million and the company’s balance sheet has more than sufficient liquidity to cover the potential credit risk that comes from the firm’s clearinghouse activities. In recent years, CME has returned most of its operating cash flow in the form of dividend payments. The company does this through a combination of a regular quarterly dividend and a special discretionary distribution it typically makes once per year. The company to maintain its regular dividend for the foreseeable future but note that the size of the special dividend can fluctuate from year to year based on the company’s result for the year and what cash it has on hand. Should the company make another major acquisition, like the purchase of NEX, the discretionary portion of CME’s dividend to shrink or be eliminated outright.

Bulls Say

  • CME has assembled a diverse set of derivative products in interest rates, equities, commodities, metals, and foreign currency. Weakness in one product is often offset by strength in another. 
  • CME has been able drive trading volume growth by successfully introducing new futures contracts, like the micro-E-mini-S&P 500 and Bitcoin futures. 
  • CME stands to be a beneficiary of rising rates as increased volatility drives more trading volume in its interest rate futures contracts.

Company Description

Based in Chicago, CME Group operates exchanges giving investors, suppliers, and businesses the ability to trade futures and derivatives based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign currencies, energy, metals, and commodities. The CME was founded in 1898 and in 2002 completed its initial public offering. Since then, CME Group has consolidated parts of the industry by merging with crosstown rival, CBOT Holdings in 2007 before acquiring Nymex Holdings in 2008 and NEX in 2018. In addition, the company has a 27% stake in S&P/Dow Jones Indices LLC, making the Chicago Mercantile Exchange the exclusive venue to trade and clear S&P futures contracts. Through CME’s acquisition of NEX in 2018 it has also expanded into cash foreign exchange, fixed income trading, and collateral optimization.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

The Special Cash Dividend Won’t Have Material Negative Impact on JD’s Financial Position

Business Strategy & Outlook: has emerged as a leading disruptive force in China’s retail industry by offering authentic products online at competitive prices with speedy and high-quality delivery service. JD’s mobile shopping market share has increased from 21% in 2016 to 27% in 2020 on our estimate. JD adopted an asset-heavy model with self-owned inventory and self-built logistics, while Alibaba has more of an asset-light model. JD is a long-term margin expansion story driven by increasing scale from JD direct sales and marketplace, partially offset by the push into JD logistics in the medium term. JD is the largest retailer in China by revenue. Among listed Chinese peers, JD’s net product revenue in 2020 was two to three times higher than for Suning, the second-largest listed retailer. JD’s increasing scale in each category will allow it to garner bargaining power toward the suppliers and volume-based rebates. Since 2016, JD no longer fully reinvests its gains from improving scale and is committed to delivering annual margin expansion in the long run. The increase in mix from higher-margin third-party platform business and efficiency of scale will also help lift margins. 

In the medium term, company expects to see the investment into community group purchase and JD logistics, and the higher mix of lower-margin supermarket category will hold back some of the margin gains. Starting in April 2017, the logistics business became an independent business unit that opens its services to third parties. Management is squarely focused on gaining market share instead of profitability at this point, and to do so, it has invested heavily in supply chain management, integrated warehouse, and delivery services to penetrate into less developed areas. As the logistics business gains scale and reaches higher capacity utilization, the company expects to see gross profit margin improvement. Management believes it is not time to turn profitable in the supermarket category in order to be a category leader in China.

Financial Strengths:  

JD has low balance sheet risk as it had a net cash position of CNY 172 billion as of Dec. 31, 2021. had a net cash position of CNY 135 billion at the end of 2020. It continued to generate positive free cash flow to the firm, at CNY 8.1 billion from 2017 to 2020, but became negative CNY 38 billion in 2021 primarily due to a higher-than-previous increase in short-term investments of CNY 106 billion and increase in new business investment (new business operating loss widened by CNY 6 billion year on year). JD has not paid recurring dividends and will pay a special dividend of USD 2 billion in June 2022. The company thinks the special cash dividend will not have material negative impact on JD’s financial position. has invested heavily in fulfilment infrastructure, technology, and new businesses such as community group purchasing in recent years, leading to concerns about its free cash flow profile and margin improvement story. Company thinks management will place more emphasis on growing revenue per user, expansion into lower-tier cities and the businesses’ profitability amid weak macroeconomics and repeated COVID-19 resurgence. Therefore, JD would not invest in new areas as aggressively as before, so it is expected that JD will be able to maintain positive non-GAAP net margin versus being unprofitable before. Its financial strength should improve in future. Most of the initial investments in the third-party logistics business have been carried out, and utilization of the warehouses has picked up. Its technology team is already in place, without the need to add substantial headcount. JD is stringent in evaluating the level of investment versus the return of the investment in the group-buying business and new retail, given a consistently profitable business model has not been established in the market. JD has already retreated from many regions for the community group purchase business due to unsatisfying unit economics.

Bulls Say: 

  •’s nationwide distribution network and fulfilment capacity will be extremely difficult for competitors to replicate.
  •  As its first-party business gains scale, cost advantage will lead to lower sourcing costs and higher margin. 
  • JD is now the largest supermarket in China, the high frequency FMCG categories have attracted new customers from less developed areas and can drive purchase of other categories.

Company Description: is China’s second-largest e-commerce company after Alibaba in terms of gross merchandise volume, offering a wide selection of authentic products at competitive prices, with speedy and reliable delivery. The company has built its own nationwide fulfilment infrastructure and last-mile delivery network, staffed by its own employees, which supports both its online direct sales, its online marketplace and omnichannel businesses.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

TLC is targeting payout ratio of 70-90% of NPAT excluding significant items and dividends are expected to be fully franked

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading below blended valuation.  
  • Strong market position – one of the largest retail distribution operations in Australia (over 7,000 points of distribution).
  • Exclusive and long-dated lottery licenses. 
  • Growth in digital channels to drive earnings and margin expansion – given digital enjoys economies of scale and does not pay commissions on sales.   
  • Defensive, high-quality earnings with low capital investments (high free cash flow) and resilience during economic downturns – infrastructure like qualities. 
  • Looking to acquire new licenses (e.g., Western Australia) and expansion overseas. 

Key Risks:

  • Increased competition from new operators leading to competitive bidding on new or renewals of existing licenses.
  • Covid-19 related impact should the virus and any associated lockdowns re-emerge (particularly for Keno).
  • Deterioration of the Australian economy will likely see discretionary spend impacted.
  • Loss of exclusivity (additional operators are given licenses) or key licenses.
  • Changes in the regulatory environment. 

Key Highlights:

  • The segment’s products range from instant scratch products to lifechanging prizes offered by Powerball. The Company operates under different brands in different states and offers 10 games – 7 core base games and 3 jackpotting games. 
  • The lottery industry is regulated at the individual state level and hence games are state specific.
  • TLC does operate national games – such as Powerball, Monday & Wednesday Lotto, Saturday Lotto, Oz Lotto and Set for Life – which are collectively operated under a contractual relationship between lottery operators.
  •  TLC operates Keno across most states in Australia – NSW, VIC, QLD, SA and ACT – and is provided to licensed venues such as hotels, clubs, casinos, TABs and online. Licenses in Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are held by other operators however they utilise TLC’s Keno systems.
  • Upside from digital and strong portfolio of games to deliver solid medium to long-term growth.
  • Management expects top line growth for the business to be high single digit over the medium term (has been higher as well in recent periods), with upside coming from Oz Lotto game change and looking for a higher share of consumer gambling wallet.
  • International acquisition is on the cards but there aren’t too many options which suit management criteria – they want long tenure (license terms) and control (core competency of management is developing good games to be deployed over a period)
  • TLC is targeting payout ratio of 70-90% of NPAT excluding significant items and dividends are expected to be fully franked given earnings are all generated from Australia

Company Description:

The Lottery Corp (TLC) is Australia’s leading lottery operator with a portfolio of long dated, exclusive lottery licenses.  The Lottery Business (TLC) operates two segments: (1) Lotteries – holds exclusive, long-dated licenses to operate in all states of Australia except Western Australia and has a distribution network of over 3,800 outlets. (2) Keno – provides Keno products to venues in NSW, QLD, VIC, SA and the ACT. Keno is available in over 3,400 venues. As of Feb-22, the Company had 742 employees. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

PPG’s products usually on the lower end of the value chain

Business Strategy and Outlook

PPG Industries is a globally diversified producer of paints and coatings. The company is the world’s largest producer of coatings after the purchase of selected Akzo Nobel assets. PPG’s products are sold to a wide variety of end users, including the automotive, aerospace, construction, and industrial markets. The company has a footprint in many regions around the globe, with less than half of sales coming from North America in recent years. PPG is focused on growing its coatings and specialty product offerings and expanding into emerging regions, as exemplified by the Comex acquisition. 

PPG is organized into two segments, performance coatings and industrial coatings. Performance coatings (60% of sales) supplies architectural, aerospace, and protective coatings that are generally sold after the manufacturing of the underlying good. Architectural coatings make up roughly half of the segment, with PPG’s products usually on the lower end of the value chain. Recently, PPG announced it has expanded its partnership with Home Depot. This expansion should increase the firm’s exposure to the architectural market in North America. The industrial coatings segment (40% of sales) supplies coatings used in auto, packaging, metals, and industrial equipment manufacturing. The company generates more than $15 billion in sales each year, growing at GDP-like rates. 

To supplement growth, the company has been a serial acquirer of relatively small bolt-on businesses. It typically looks for coatings technologies that it doesn’t currently have, with the intent to scale the production of that new offering across its facilities worldwide. The global coatings industry is highly fragmented, which should keep this strategy viable for the foreseeable future. That said, normally acquisition-dependent strategies due to the heightened risk of shareholder value destruction are disliked.

Financial Strength

It is held PPG has a sound capital structure, and its consistent free cash flow generation should easily support its debt-service requirements and future capital-allocation decisions. Given PPG’s acquisitive strategy, liquidity is an important metric to monitor. PPG has managed its leverage well, keeping net debt/EBITDA below 2.5 over the last 10 years. While management has no explicit long-term leverage targets, it is alleged the firm will maintain an investment-grade rating on its debt. PPG has roughly $6 billion of outstanding debt with staggered maturities through 2044. PPG has ample liquidity, with over $1 billion of cash on hand and no outstanding borrowings on a $2.2 billion credit facility. PPG has a history of strong free cash flow generation, and it is held, the firm will maintain its sound capital structure.

Bulls Say’s

  • The company operates in a diverse range of end markets, leading to stable earnings even during industry-specific slowdowns. 
  • Consolidation has characterized the coating industry during the past decade, and PPG can capture additional share as consolidation continues. 
  • PPG’s expanded partnership with Home Depot increases its professional paint line at the retailer. This strategy could increase PPG’s market share in the professional paint market.

Company Profile 

PPG is a global producer of coatings. The company is the world’s largest producer of coatings after the purchase of selected Akzo Nobel assets. PPG’s products are sold to a wide variety of end users, including the automotive, aerospace, construction, and industrial markets. The company has a footprint in many regions around the globe, with less than half of sales coming from North America in recent years. PPG is focused on its coatings and specialty products and expansion into emerging regions, as exemplified by the Comex acquisition. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Closes Costco Card Book Acquisition; Expenses Creep up in Q2

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is the fifth-largest bank in Canada by assets and one of six that collectively hold almost 90% of the nation’s banking deposits. CIBC is more Canadian-focused than some of its more international peers, although this is changing after the acquisition of Private Bancorp. The bank plans to eventually have up to 25% of revenue coming from the U.S. Despite having one of the larger domestic branch networks, CIBC’s products haven’t typically had top share in Canada, though the bank had made significant strides in multiple categories for years starting in 2011, as the bank increased share in multiple categories and increased product numbers per customer. This improvement has admittedly slowed down recently, although the bank took some incremental share again in 2021. 

Overall, CIBC has improved its core operating performance over the years, and while the improvement has slowed and the bank’s expense base is rising as CIBC continues to invest in technology and other aspects of the franchise, the bank making incremental improvements over the medium term. CIBC has encountered its own issues over the years, including multibillion-dollar write-downs in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The bank had hit its stride since 2011, improving consumer satisfaction ratings, reoptimizing branches, improving internal processes, and expanding wealth operations. The bank is also seeing improved growth from its U.S. operations, which now contribute over 20% to earnings. CIBC has the highest concentration in uninsured Canadian mortgages. While the Canadian housing market is the same as the U.S. was in 2007, it is estimate a downturn in Canada could affect CIBC more than other Canadian banks. Although, a housing downturn as more of a threat to future growth rather than a threat to capital.

Financial Strengths:  

CIBC is in relatively good overall financial health. While outsize losses occurring in Canadian mortgages, CIBC does have the largest exposure here. In the event of a downturn, the bank would be able to deal with the fallout, although growth would decline as the Canadian consumer goes through a period of deleveraging. CIBC’s reported common equity Tier 1 ratio of 11.7% as of April 2022 remains satisfactory. Dividend payout shall remain close to 50% of net income. CIBC’s capital generation will continue to provide growth in its capital position, leaving room for bolt-on acquisitions, increased capital return to shareholders, or both.

Bulls Say: 

  • CIBC has significantly improved multiple measures of core banking performance, such as customer perception surveys, promoter scores, and products per a customer. The bank is now operating at a higher level. 
  • CIBC is more Canadian-focused than most of its peers. Its consolidated returns on tangible equity remain some of the highest in the industry.
  • The government has kept the Canadian market attractive by placing barriers to entry, protecting high returns, and the government will continue to attempt to keep the housing market under control, limiting any future hits to profitability.

Company Description: 

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is Canada’s fifth-largest bank, operating three business segments: retail and business banking, wealth management, and capital markets. It serves approximately 11 million personal banking and business customers, primarily in Canada.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Activists Sink AGL Energy’s Demerger

Business Strategy & Outlook:
AGL is one of Australia’s largest integrated energy companies. This has a narrow economic moat, underpinned by its low-cost generation fleet, concentrated markets, and cost-advantages from vertical integration. Earnings are dominated by energy generation (wholesale markets), with energy retailing about half the size. Strategy is heavily influenced by government energy policy, such as the renewable energy target. AGL has proposed a structural separation into two businesses; a multi-product energy retailer focusing on carbon neutrality and an electricity generator that will own AGL’s large fleet of coal fired power stations among other assets. It is expected to complete in mid-2022.

AGL’s consumer market division services over 4 million electricity and gas customers in the eastern and southern Australian states, representing roughly a third of available customers. Retail electricity consumption has barely increased since 2008, reflecting the maturity of the Australian retail energy market and declining electricity consumption from the grid. Despite deregulation and increased competition, the market is still dominated by AGL Energy, Origin Energy, and Energy Australia, which collectively control three fourths of the retail market. AGL’s wholesale markets division generates, procures, and manages risk for the energy requirements of its retail business. The acquisition of Loy Yang A and Macquarie Generation means electricity production significantly outweighs consumption by its retail customers. Exposure to energy-price risks are mitigated by vertical integration, peaking generation plants and hedging. More than 85% of AGL’s electricity output is from coal-fired power stations. AGL Energy has the largest privately owned generation portfolio in the National Electricity Market, or NEM.

Financial Strengths:
AGL Energy is in reasonable financial health though banks are increasingly reluctant to lend to coal power stations. From 1.4 times in 2020, the forecasted net debt/EBITDA rises to 2.1 times in fiscal 2022. Funds from operations interest cover was comfortable at 12.8 times in fiscal 2021, comfortably above the 2.5 times covenant limit. AGL Energy aims to maintain an investment-grade credit rating. To bolster the balance sheet amid falling earnings and one-off demerger costs, the dividend reinvestment plan will be underwritten until mid-2022. Dividend payout ratio is 75% of EPS.

Bulls Say:
As AGL Energy is a provider of an essential product, earnings should prove somewhat defensive.
Its balance sheet is in relatively good shape, positioning it well to cope with industry headwinds.
Longer term, its low-cost coal-fired electricity generation fleet is likely to benefit from rising wholesale electricity prices.

Company Description:
AGL Energy is one of Australia’s largest retailers of electricity and gas. It services 3.7 million retail electricity and gas accounts in the eastern and southern Australian states, or about one third of the market. Profit is dominated by energy generation, underpinned by its low-cost coal-fired generation fleet. Founded in 1837, it is the oldest company on the ASX. Generation capacity comprises a portfolio of peaking, intermediate, and base-load electricity generation plants, with a combined capacity of 10,500 megawatts.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Dividend Stocks

Remote Work Will Continue To Be A Challenge For Kilroy’s High Quality Portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook

Kilroy Realty is a REIT that owns, develops, acquires, and manages premier office, life science, and mixed-use real estate properties in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, and Austin. It owns over 115 properties consisting of approximately 15 million square feet. The company has positioned itself to benefit from the burgeoning life sciences sector with material exposure in its current portfolio and future development pipeline. The management’s focus on ESG as it aligns its office portfolio to meet the sustainability requirements of its clients. Kilroy’s management has been able to successfully time the boom in technological employment occurring in the largest metropolitan areas along the West Coast. The company’s strategy is to achieve long-term sustainable growth by developing and owning the highest quality real estate in technology and life science market clusters. The quality of their portfolio is evident from the fact that its average age is just 11 years compared with 30 years for peers.

The economic uncertainty emanating from pandemic recovery and the remote work dynamic have together created a challenging environment for office owners. Employees are still hesitant at returning to the office as office utilization remains around 45% of the pre-pandemic level. The vacancy rates in Los Angeles and San Francisco office markets were recorded at 20.8% and 21.9% respectively in Q1 2022. The current vacancy rate in both these cities is substantially higher than the vacancy rates during the height of the global financial crisis. The net absorption rate in West Coast markets remains negative to marginally positive as of Q1 2022 and rental growth figures are disappointing especially given the inflationary environment. Having said this, it is an increasing number of companies requiring their employees to return to the office. In the long run, that remote work and hybrid remote work solutions will gain increasing acceptance, but offices will continue to be the centerpiece of workplace strategy and will play an essential role in facilitating collaboration, harnessing innovation, and maintaining the company culture.

Financial Strengths

Kilroy Realty is in sound financial health. The company’s total debt was $4.1 billion as of the end of the first quarter in 2022, resulting in a debt/EBITDA ratio of 6.6 times. It is like to point out that the debt/EBITDA ratio should trend lower over the next few years as fundamentals recover and EBITDA sees healthy growth. The weighted average interest rate on the company’s debt was 3.70% and the weighted average maturity period was 7.0 years. The maturity schedule of the company’s debt shows that there are no major debt maturities until the end of 2024 and the maturities are adequately spread. The fact is that in an increasing interest rate environment 100% of the company’s debt is fixed-rate debt. The leverage used by the company to fund its capital structure is appropriate given the high-quality office portfolio. The fixed-charge coverage ratio, which is a ratio of EBITDA divided by all fixed expenses (including interest expenses), was 3.5 times and the interest coverage ratio was 8.4 times as of the end of the first quarter of 2022. As a real estate investment trust, Kilroy Realty is required to pay out at least 90% of its income as dividends to shareholders. The FAD payout ratio which is a ratio of dividends to funds available for distribution was reported at 67.0% for the year 2021. This shows that the company is generating sufficient cash to cover its fixed expenses and payout dividends. The company is also in a comfortable position with respect to liquidity as it has a robust liquidity position of around $1.4 billion including the cash on the balance sheet and the revolving credit facility. This gives the firm enough flexibility to fund its operations, pay dividends, pursue inorganic growth, and invest in organic development opportunities.

Bulls Say

Kilroy’s focus on technology and life science market clusters should benefit the firm in the long run as the buoyant growth in these areas. In addition to this, the company’s high-quality office buildings with good amenities should benefit from the flight to quality trend.

Kilroy’s management team has demonstrated that it is able to successfully recycle capital and pursue growth over the past business cycle.

Regulatory barriers to construction in West Coast cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco mean Kilroy will continue to benefit from muted supply.

Company Description

Kilroy Realty is a premier owner and landlord of approximately 15 million square feet of office space across Los Angeles, San Diego, the San Francisco Bay Area, and greater Seattle. The company operates as a real estate investment trust.
(Source: Morningstar)
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