ETFs ETFs Research Sectors

Betashares Western Asset Australian Bond Fund ETF: Diversified Portfolio


The philosophy of the team is to identify mispricing within sectors and securities, allocating active risk in areas in which it has conviction while ensuring the portfolio remains diversified to avoid singular themes being pervasive through the portfolio. The team takes account of global macro insight from the global investment strategy committee and overlays its domestic market knowledge to come up with a base-case expectation looking forward six to nine months depending upon its conviction. In addition to this, the team develops multiple upside and downside scenarios as a risk-management framework. Based on the base case, the team engages in quantitative and qualitative analysis to determine sector allocation. The quant component is where the team will look at historical and relative spread comparison within and across sectors. The outcomes of this analysis are then overlaid by qualitative insight considering technical demand, credit, and liquidity dynamics. The culmination of this analysis in conjunction with the base-case expectation guides the actual portfolio positions. The fund looks to invest across government, semi government, supranational, credit, inflation-linked bonds, securitised assets, and cash. The team is clear about allocating only active positions where it has a high degree of conviction and an expected positive reward profile. Holdings are disclosed daily. BNDS runs as a separate vehicle to the flagship unlisted fund and has some additional restrictions on the amount of residential mortgage-backed securities it can hold owing to requirements on holdings being issued by a listed entity.


The portfolio can invest across government, semi government, supranational, credit, securitised assets, inflation-linked bonds, and cash. As of November 2021, more than 40% of the portfolio was invested in investment-grade corporate bonds, around 25% in semi government issues, 20% in government, 10% in supranational, with a small amount of mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities. This allocation has been relatively consistent over time, and cash levels have been low, generally a few percentage points, even in times of stress like the early-2020 market plummet. Relative to the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index, the fund has been long underweight in government bonds, choosing instead to invest more broadly across spread assets. Given the fund’s constraints, the overall portfolio remains high-quality, with 35% of assets in AAA rated issues, no allocation below investment-grade, and a weighted average credit rating of AA-. Portfolio manager Anthony Kirkham and the Western team have historically been opportunistic within their mandate, though duration is kept within plus or minus 1.0 year relative to the benchmark. Active duration moved short relative to the benchmark around mid-2021 but came back in line with the index around yearend. Like most Australian bond managers, they entered 2021 overweight in credit, indicative of their opportunistic profile. Susquehanna Financial Group is the primary market maker, and bid-ask spreads have remained respectable over its relatively short life, moderately higher than passive Australian bond ETFs, which is to be expected. This vehicle contained about AUD 190 million in February 2022 and can be used as a core defensive allocation.


The fund is managed by a seasoned team of investors who remain dedicated to this strategy. The team is led by Anthony Kirkham, who has had more than 30 years of wider experience, including nearly two decades at Western Asset Management, and leading this strategy since 2002. Kirkham has credit analyst, dealer, and portfolio manager experience working for Commonwealth Bank, Metway Bank, RACV Investments, and Citigroup. He is supported by Damon Shinnick, who is a portfolio manager with a focus on credit portfolios. Shinnick has 22 years of experience within the industry including 11 years at the firm. Shinnick has also held an array of portfolio manager roles previously at Challenger Financial, Lehman Brothers, Pension Corporation LLP, and HSBC. Craig Jendra is also a key member of the team, joining Western in 1996 and being promoted to portfolio manager in 2000. Jendra has 25 years of industry experience with previous roles at Citigroup and JPMorgan. The three portfolio managers are supported by analyst Sean Rogan, who joined in 2002 and has 32 years’ industry experience; dedicated investment dealer Anthony Francis; and portfolio analyst Lawrence Daly, who ensures risk characteristics are maintained and adhered to. Together, the group boasts more than 25 years’ industry experience and is among the most impressive in its peer group.


BNDS began in November 2018. It has closely tracked its equivalent unlisted fund strategy, Western Asset Australian Bond, over that span. The long-running unlisted fund has done well over the long term, especially compared with peers. It has delivered returns above the Bloomberg AusBond Composite Index, net of fees, over the past decade. That is ahead of its target return of 75 basis points (gross of fees) over the benchmark and market cycle. A tracking error of 100 basis points is targeted. Perhaps more impressive, though, is that these results put the strategy’s flagship A share class in the first quartile of its Morningstar Category over the trailing three, five, and 10 years to December 2021. Sector allocations and credit exposure continue to drive performance. Most of the outperformance has stemmed from the fund’s allocation to higher-spread assets in lieu of government bonds, especially credit. To put this into context, the portfolio has had around 40%-50%exposure within credit since 2002. Adding the strategy’s allocation to supranationals to the mix, this exposure goes up to almost 60%. While this increases the strategy’s exposure to wider credit spreads, it remains high quality, and the majority of it is shorter-dated to control for spread risk. Owing to the mandate restrictions, the fund can’t and doesn’t take large-duration bets. Duration was the second largest contributor to the portfolio in 2021, but has been a small negative attributor over the long term, largely a result of the fund’s short-duration bias in an environment of shrinking bond yields.

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(Source: Morningstar)


It’s critical to evaluate expenses, as they come directly out of returns. The share class on this report levies a fee that ranks in its Morningstar category’s middle quintile. That’s not great, but based on our assessment of the fund’s People, Process and Parent pillars in the context of these fees, we think this share class will still be able to deliver positive alpha relative to the category benchmark index, explaining its Morningstar Analyst Rating of Silver.


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(Source : Morningstar)

About Funds:

BetaShares Western Asset Aus Bd ETF BNDS is a compelling choice for domestic fixed-interest exposure owing to its best-in-class team and straightforward approach. BNDS provides daily holdings to the market and has grown steadily since it began in November 2018 with active external market makers. Anthony Kirkham, head of investment/portfolio manager, is the leader of this strategy, and we have high regard for his investment knowledge and skills. Kirkham is supported by an experienced investment team, consisting of Craig Jendra and Damon Shinnick, co-portfolio managers, and Sean Rogan, research analyst. The stability of this group and quality of the research are impressive. There’s appeal to the strategy’s simplistic and relatively conservative investment process, which seeks mispriced domestic fixed-interest securities within various sectors. Sector and issuer limits are applied to help damp volatility in different environments. Still, sector allocation and issuer selection has been strong over the past decade, emphasising the team’s rigourous analysis in these areas. However, this can be a hindrance if yields rise unexpectedly. That said, the portfolio’s active duration was moved around judiciously and contributed strongly in 2021, a testament to the team’s ability to interpret and capitalise on shifting economic conditions. The track record here has also been consistent and solid over multiple time frames, and the annual 0.42% fee is competitive relative to peer

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


BetaShares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETF: A disciplined approach to rebalancing the portfolio with a contrain methodology

BetaShares FTSE RAFI Australia 200 ETF QOZ offers distinctive exposure to Australian equities based on a fundamental index. QOZ aims to track the FTSE RAFI Australia 200 Index before fees and expenses. Conforming to a contrarian methodology, the index construction is driven by a four-factor method developed by US-based Research Affiliates. The five-year average of the four metrics (book value, sales, cash flow, and dividend) are used to build a portfolio with reliable but currently undervalued stocks.


QOZ aims to track the FTSE RAFI Australia 200 Index before fees and expenses. This index eliminates the traditional market-cap-weighted index approach where portfolio weight depends on share price. Instead, QOZ favours stocks with a larger “economic footprint.” The index comprises the top 200 companies listed on the ASX, as measured by four equally weighted fundamental measures: sales, cash flow, dividends, and book value. Five-year averages are used for the first three factors, with the latest available book value applied. Stocks are weighted based upon an equally weighted composite score of these four metrics. 


Market-cap-weighted Australian equity benchmarks are dominated by large sectors and companies. A handful of very large financial services and materials companies compose a significant slice of the overall pie. QOZ shares these characteristics, but instead of weighting by market cap, it uses an index based on fundamental metrics in which stocks with bigger economic footprints (earnings, sales, dividends, and book value) receive more prominence. 


Value-titled strategies have faced difficult times over the past decade. The returns have been typically overshadowed by the conventional growth-oriented strategies. However, it should be noted that such factor skews undergo cycles and may see an upturn when the macroeconomic environment changes. As at December 2021, QOZ delivered an annualised five-year return of 8.2% against the S&P/ASX 200’s 9.8%. The year 2016 was a period of contrasting halves as valuations dipped in the first half and quickly raced back and beyond in the latter half. The fund significantly outperformed the broader index over this period, delivering returns of 18.3%. The rally continued in 2017, and the fund ended with over 11.3% returns during the year. In 2018, US-China trade wars surfaced, causing global unrest in the equity markets. As such, the fund witnessed a sharp drawdown in the year’s final quarter.

Company Profile 

Cimic is Australia’s largest contractor, providing engineering, construction, contract mining services to the infrastructure, mining, energy, and property sectors. The business structure consists of construction, contract mining, public-private partnerships, and property, along with 45%-owned Habtoor Leighton. Cimic has exited its Middle East business. ACS/Hochtief owns 76% of Cimic.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


BetaShares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF: Australian equities exposure with a tangible approach to ESG


FAIR tracks the Nasdaq Future Australian Sustainable Leaders Index, a benchmark Nasdaq co-developed with BetaShares in 2017. As per the guidelines laid out by the Responsible Investment Committee, Sustainability Leaders are defined as companies generating more than 20% revenue from select sustainable business or having a certain grade (B or better) from sanctioned ethical consumer reports or being a certified B corporation. There is a maximum 10 stocks per sector and a limit of 4% exposure at an individual stock level.  


As at 30 November 2021, FAIR has a large-cap-dominated portfolio comprising 86 stocks. Stocks must have a market cap of more than USD 100 million and three-month trading volume of over USD 750,000. The index differs largely from the category index S&P/ASX 200, as there is a significant overweight in healthcare, real estate, technology, and communication services. On the other hand, the portfolio is underweight in financial services and materials with nil exposure to energy stocks.


The three-person responsible investment committee may remove index inclusions at any time based solely on qualitative considerations of whether a company still meets ESG considerations. The committee comprises Betashares co-founder David Nathanson and Adam Verwey, a managing director of large investor Future Super.


In early 2020, the fund dropped significantly owing to the frantic sell-off triggered by the global coronavirus pandemic. Despite this, the fund managed to close on a positive return of 2.23% for the year 2020. The uptrend continued into 2021, and it ended the calendar year with 17.99% returns, closely matching the category.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

ETFs ETFs Research Sectors

BetaShares Australian Sustainability Leaders ETF: Australian equities exposure with a tangible approach to ESG


FAIR tracks the Nasdaq Future Australian Sustainable Leaders Index, a benchmark Nasdaq co-developed with BetaShares in 2017. As per the guidelines laid out by the Responsible Investment Committee, Sustainability Leaders are defined as companies generating more than 20% revenue from select sustainable business or having a certain grade (B or better) from sanctioned ethical consumer reports or being a certified B corporation. There is a maximum 10 stocks per sector and a limit of 4% exposure at an individual stock level.  


As at 30 November 2021, FAIR has a large-cap-dominated portfolio comprising 86 stocks. Stocks must have a market cap of more than USD 100 million and three-month trading volume of over USD 750,000. The index differs largely from the category index S&P/ASX 200, as there is a significant overweight in healthcare, real estate, technology, and communication services. On the other hand, the portfolio is underweight in financial services and materials with nil exposure to energy stocks.


The three-person responsible investment committee may remove index inclusions at any time based solely on qualitative considerations of whether a company still meets ESG considerations. The committee comprises Betashares co-founder David Nathanson and Adam Verwey, a managing director of large investor Future Super.


In early 2020, the fund dropped significantly owing to the frantic sell-off triggered by the global coronavirus pandemic. Despite this, the fund managed to close on a positive return of 2.23% for the year 2020. The uptrend continued into 2021, and it ended the calendar year with 17.99% returns, closely matching the category.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Goldman Sachs Activebeta U.S Large Cap ETFs: Mild Factor exposure provides an edge

The Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta U.S. Large Cap Index underpinning this fund spins a broad portfolio that pursues four factors: value, quality, momentum, and low volatility. This fund’s mixing approach–which combines four equally weighted distinct sleeves, each focused on a different factor–is simple and transparent.


While this portfolio’s factor exposure is modest, it is well-diversified and boasts low turnover. This index constructs four separate factor sleeves that start with the Solactive U.S. Large Cap Index, a broad, market-cap-weighted portfolio of large-cap stocks. Each factor sleeve adjusts stocks’ weight based on the strength of their exposure to value, quality (gross profits/total assets), momentum (11-month risk-adjusted return), or low volatility (12-month standard deviation of returns). Stocks with pronounced traits may see their weight materially increase within each sleeve, while those with poor exposure may be eliminated. After the index establishes each sleeve, it weights each of them equally at the portfolio level.


This broad portfolio looks very similar to the S&P 500. The market’s largest stocks receive the most investment, but the fund bends toward those that score well in several of its intended factors. Many stocks carry factor traits that offset, which leaves this fund with mild overall factor exposure. Its quality tilt has been the most defined. In profitability measures like return on invested capital, this fund has outshined the S&P 500. Momentum exposure has been quiet but detectable. The fund’s value tilt has been the weakest of the factors, likely because its quality and momentum sleeves pull it toward more richly valued companies.

Top Holdings

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Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta® ETFs are managed by our Quantitative Investment Strategies team, comprised of over 95 Portfolio Management and Research professionals, with an average of over 15 years of experience. Raj Garigipati and Jamie McGregor are the named managers on this fund. Gagrigipati has managed this fund since its inception in September 2015, while McGregor joined in April 2016, replacing Steve Jeneste. Garigipati is the head of ETF portfolio management at Goldman Sachs. McGregor was a portfolio manager at Guggenheim for a year prior to joining Goldman Sachs as a portfolio manager in July 2015.


The fund has come alive recently, outpacing its category benchmark by more than 2 percentage points from May 2021 through December 2021. Its value-oriented consumer discretionary stocks picked up steam, and highly profitable firms like Visa V and Mastercard MA helped it outperform in the tech arena. Steady portfolio management has kept this fund in line with its benchmark index. Over the trailing five years through December 2021, it trailed its benchmark by 13 basis points annualized, a margin slightly wider than its 0.09% expense ratio.


(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Goldman Sachs Activebeta U.S Large Cap ETFs: Mild Factor exposure provides an edge

The Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta U.S. Large Cap Index underpinning this fund spins a broad portfolio that pursues four factors: value, quality, momentum, and low volatility. This fund’s mixing approach–which combines four equally weighted distinct sleeves, each focused on a different factor–is simple and transparent.


While this portfolio’s factor exposure is modest, it is well-diversified and boasts low turnover. This index constructs four separate factor sleeves that start with the Solactive U.S. Large Cap Index, a broad, market-cap-weighted portfolio of large-cap stocks. Each factor sleeve adjusts stocks’ weight based on the strength of their exposure to value, quality (gross profits/total assets), momentum (11-month risk-adjusted return), or low volatility (12-month standard deviation of returns). Stocks with pronounced traits may see their weight materially increase within each sleeve, while those with poor exposure may be eliminated. After the index establishes each sleeve, it weights each of them equally at the portfolio level.


This broad portfolio looks very similar to the S&P 500. The market’s largest stocks receive the most investment, but the fund bends toward those that score well in several of its intended factors. Many stocks carry factor traits that offset, which leaves this fund with mild overall factor exposure. Its quality tilt has been the most defined. In profitability measures like return on invested capital, this fund has outshined the S&P 500. Momentum exposure has been quiet but detectable. The fund’s value tilt has been the weakest of the factors, likely because its quality and momentum sleeves pull it toward more richly valued companies.

Top Holdings

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Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta® ETFs are managed by our Quantitative Investment Strategies team, comprised of over 95 Portfolio Management and Research professionals, with an average of over 15 years of experience. Raj Garigipati and Jamie McGregor are the named managers on this fund. Gagrigipati has managed this fund since its inception in September 2015, while McGregor joined in April 2016, replacing Steve Jeneste. Garigipati is the head of ETF portfolio management at Goldman Sachs. McGregor was a portfolio manager at Guggenheim for a year prior to joining Goldman Sachs as a portfolio manager in July 2015.


The fund has come alive recently, outpacing its category benchmark by more than 2 percentage points from May 2021 through December 2021. Its value-oriented consumer discretionary stocks picked up steam, and highly profitable firms like Visa V and Mastercard MA helped it outperform in the tech arena. Steady portfolio management has kept this fund in line with its benchmark index. Over the trailing five years through December 2021, it trailed its benchmark by 13 basis points annualized, a margin slightly wider than its 0.09% expense ratio.


(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

ETFs ETFs Research Sectors

iShares S&P-ASX200- an attractive cost effective exposure to the top 200 Australian companies of ASX

Investment Objective: 

The Fund aims to provide investors with the performance of an index, before fees and expenses, composed of the 200 largest Australian securities listed on the ASX.

Portfolio Objective: 

Can be used as a core Australian equities exposure. 

Low cost access (relative to fund managers managing domestic portfolios) to the 200 largest companies on the ASX in a single fund.


• Low cost exposure to broader market, without having to pick individual stocks. 

• Given the concentration in the Australian market, investors can use this ETF as a core holding whilst selecting lesser known stocks to drive portfolio alpha. 


• Deterioration in Australian economy. 

• Aggressive increase in global bonds yields, leading to equity risk repricing. 

• Parent company experiences financial stress or negative corporate governance event.

ETF Performance:

ETF Positioning:

About the Company:

BlackRock is a global asset manager listed on the New York Stock Exchange. BlackRock has a comprehensive range of products and services across asset classes, geographies and investment strategies with 135.

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

ETFs ETFs Research Sectors

iShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETF: Access to the entire foreign market with low cost

IShares Core MSCI Total International Stock ETFs seek to track the investment result of an index  composed of large,  mid and small capitalization non US equities.


This fund earns a High Process Pillar rating for capturing the entire opportunity set available to its actively managed competitors in a cost-effective way. BlackRock’s portfolio managers track the MSCI ACWI ex USA Investable Market Index. This benchmark starts with all stocks listed outside of the United States and sorts them by their free-float-adjusted market cap. The final portfolio does not hold every stock in its benchmark index. Instead, the managers buy a representative sample of stocks to match index performance. They nearly fully replicate the large-cap segment and hold a portion of the smaller companies in the index. This reduces the need to trade smaller and less liquid names, which reduces transaction costs.


This fund captures the entire foreign-stock market. Its comprehensive portfolio effectively diversifies stock specific risk, with only 10% of assets in its 10 largest holdings. Sector weightings are comparable, with financials and industrial stocks collectively representing about one third of the portfolio. Country and regional allocations aren’t far off the category average, either. The fund does not hedge its currency risk, so its exposure to currencies like the euro, yen, and pound can add to its volatility. Stocks listed on emerging-markets exchanges account for a little more than 28% of this fund, while a typical competitor has a 10% stake. 


Industry-leading technology and BlackRock’s global footprint support a strong team of portfolio managers, earning an Above Average People Pillar rating. Alan Mason is head of portfolio management for the Americas and helps manage this portfolio. Rachel Aguirre was promoted to iShares head of product engineering in early 2021 and no longer serves as a manager on this fund. This change should not disrupt the fund’s ability to track its bogy because it retains its three remaining managers and much of their workflow is automated.


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(Source: Factsheet)

Top holdings of the fund (%)

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About the fund

The fund tracks the MSCI ACWI ex USA Investable Market Index, which includes stocks of all sizes from foreign developed and emerging markets. It weighs them by market capitalization, an approach that benefits investors by capturing the market’s collective opinion of each stock’s value while keeping turnover low. Market-cap-weighting can be tough to beat because the market tends to do a good job valuing stocks over the long term. Its exceptional diversification mitigates the impact of holding the worst-performing names. It holds more than 4,300 stocks and has only 10% of assets in its 10 largest positions. The fund’s regional composition looks modestly different from the category average.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


SPDR® Dow Jones Global Real Estate Fund: Well-diversified exposure to global real estate at a relatively cheap price

SPDR Dow Jones Real Estate ETF DJRE is a sensible option for investors seeking exposure to diversified global real estate. DJRE tracks the Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities Index, a market-cap-weighted index (rebalanced quarterly) via full replication.


DJRE aims to fully replicate the Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities Index. Stocks included in the index must derive 75% of revenue from owning and operating properties, have a market cap of at least USD 200 million at the time of inclusion, and meet certain liquidity requirements. In simple terms, companies in this index generate most of their revenue from rent.


Real estate investment trusts make up about 85% of the portfolio while approximately 10% of DJRE’s holdings are property developers and non-REIT property managers. The US continues to dominate the portfolio, forming more than 65% of regional exposure in October 2021. Other sizable weightings include 10.2% in Japan, 4.6% in Australia, 4.5% in the United Kingdom, and 3% in Singapore. The remainder is in Hong Kong and developed European markets such as Germany, France, and Sweden.


John Tucker has been appointed as the new chief investment officer, Effectively from September 2021, replacing Lynn Blake, who has taken retirement. Tucker is a State Street veteran who has been in multiple senior leadership roles within GEBS for the past 20 years. Australia-domiciled passive products are managed by a core team of Tucker and four portfolio managers: Alexander King, Lillian Poon, Andrew Howson, and Elda Dong.


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(Source: Factsheet)

Top holdings of the fund

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(Source: Factsheet)

About the fund

SPDR Dow Jones Real Estate ETF DJRE is a sensible option for investors seeking exposure to diversified global real estate. DJRE tracks the Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities Index, a market-cap-weighted index (rebalanced quarterly) via full replication. The fund derives strong support from the global reach and execution capabilities of its parent State Street. With around 250 total holdings and less than 30% exposure in the top 10 holdings, the target benchmark is well diversified. The index consists of globally traded real estate investment trusts and real estate operating companies–companies generating most of their revenue from rent

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Betashares Global Sustainability Leaders ETF: ESG – Oriented global equities exposure with a distinctive returns Profile


ETHI tracks the Nasdaq Future Global Sustainable Leaders Index, a benchmark co-developed with BetaShares in November 2016. ETHI comprises 200 stocks that have above-average ESG characteristics. It uses a float-adjusted market-cap-weighted approach, starting with a universe of 6,000 stocks listed in North America, Europe, or Asia (ex-Australia). By adding ESG considerations, the index differs markedly from other passive and ESG indexes. A carbon screen identifies companies that lead in terms of carbon efficiency; these tend to be in the top one third of their industry for carbon efficiency. A minimum of five Scope 4 leaders is required in the index. A market cap and developed markets screen cuts the investable list to under 500. Analysts then perform negative screens until the 200-name portfolio is left.


A change in April 2020 has led to the portfolio providing exposure to the largest 200 global ex-AUS stocks by capitalisation that are considered climate change leaders. Further they must not be materially engaged in activities deemed inconsistent with responsible investment considerations. Stocks must have a market cap of more than USD 3 billion and three month trading volume of over USD 1 million. The index differs largely from other passive and active indexes with sector skews to healthcare, consumer cyclicals, financials and technology.

Top 10 Holdings

CompanyWeighting (%)
NIVDIA Crop 6.0%
Apple Inc. 4.3%
Home Depot3.8%
Visa Inc.3.4%
Adobe Inc.2.8%
Mastercard Inc.2.8%
ASML Holding NV2.7%
PayPal Holdings 2.6%
Toyota Motor Corp.2.3%
Cisco Systems Inc.2.3%
Sector Allocation.png


Nguyen was an equity analyst at Three Pillars Portfolio Managers, where his responsibilities included systems development, risk management, and securities analysis. The committee comprises Betashares co-founder David Nathanson and Adam Verwey, a managing director of large investor Future Super. In September 2020, Simon Sheikh stood down and was replaced with Kylie Charlton, managing director of Australian Impact Investments.


However, from its Feb. 21, 2020, peak the strategy actually fell 22.74% to March 23, 2020. Since then, the strategy has made a remarkable turnaround. ETHI closed the calendar year 2020 with a n absolute return of 24.94%. The rally continued into 2021 and as of Sept. 30, 2021, the fund’s returns for the calendar year are 20.85%.The fund has remained within the 15-basis-point tracking error and the bid/offer spread was indicated to have remained below 30 basis points, averaging around 20 basis points.


About the Fund

ETHI aims to track the performance of an index (before fees and expenses) that includes a portfolio of large global stocks identified as “Climate Leaders” that have also passed screens to exclude companies with direct or significant exposure to fossil fuels or engaged in activities deemed inconsistent with responsible investment considerations.

(Source: MorningStar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.