Business Strategy & Outlook:
As one of the largest pharmaceutical and vaccine companies, GSK has used its vast resources to create the next generation of healthcare treatments. The company’s innovative new product lineup and expansive list of patent-protected drugs create a wide economic moat. The magnitude of GSK’s reach is evidenced by a product portfolio that spans several therapeutic classes. The diverse platform insulates the company from problems with any single product. Additionally, the company has developed next-generation drugs in respiratory and HIV areas that should help mitigate both branded and generic competition. It is expected GSK to be a major competitor in respiratory, HIV, and vaccines over the next decade. On the pipeline front, GSK has shifted from its historical strategy of targeting slight enhancements toward true innovation. Also, it is focusing more on oncology and the immune system, with genetic data to help develop the next generation of drugs. The benefits of these strategies are showing up in GSK’s early-stage drugs. It is expected this focus will improve approval rates and pricing power. In contrast to respiratory drugs, treatments for cancer indications carry much strong pricing power with payers. From a geographic standpoint, GSK is strategically branching out from developed markets into emerging markets. Its vaccine segment positions the firm well in these price-sensitive markets. While this strategy is likely to create some challenges, like the potential legal violations that arose in early 2013 in China, it is believed the fast-growing emerging markets will help support long-term growth and diversify cash flows beyond developed markets. GSK’s decision to divest its consumer business will likely unlock value over the long run. GSK divested its consumer group (called Haleon) in July 2022. Given the strong valuations of consumer healthcare companies, it is expected this unit will yield a stronger valuation than what is implied within the GSK structure before the divestment.
Risk and Uncertainty:
Like all drug companies, GSK faces risks of drug delays or non approvals from regulatory agencies, an increasingly aggressive generic industry, and competition in the pharmaceutical industry. Overall, given all the diversification the company has across its platforms offsetting the variable outcomes for drug development and competitive challenges to the firms’ leading products. GSK is not materially affected by environmental, social, and governance risks, although it is seen access to basic services (tied to drug pricing) as the biggest ESG risk that the firm needs to manage. GSK generates close to one half of total sales from U.S. prescription drug sales, so additional major pricing reforms could weigh on sales and margins. Additionally, it is assumed a more than 50% probability of GSK seeing future costs related to product governance ESG risks (such as off-label marketing or litigation related to side effects) and model base case annual legal costs at 2% of non-GAAP net income (at the midrange relative to peers based on GSK’s product portfolio having average exposure to future potential litigation). As part of these costs, litigation expenses have been factored in for the increasingly concerning Zantac litigation.
Bulls Say:
- GSK’s next-generation respiratory drugs and HIV drugs look poised for strong growth over the next five years.
- GSK faces relatively minor near-term patent losses, setting up steady long-term growth.
- The firm’s well-positioned Shingrix vaccine should support strong long-term growth based on excellent efficacy and limited competition.
Company Description:
In the pharmaceutical industry, GSK ranks as one of the largest firms by total sales. The company wields its might across several therapeutic classes, including respiratory, cancer, and antiviral, as well as vaccines. GSK uses joint ventures to gain additional scale in certain markets like HIV.
(Source: Morningstar)
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